Variety (March 1944)

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22 CHATTER WciliirjMlay, Marcli 1, lO'li Broadway Eddie I Leon &) Da\ is L.iKe Plaoxl- Ing. . Psiiil Sinali . due Back'. fo'i-rm-. the Caast MarclvJO/i:.;; ^'.^i.;■ ■:\BeiineU Cexl aiKV the.' mis^iis/i va- Ciat.ioning-in EJorida.'. v,,' , Freddie ScliiUii?!' liovy alTeafl of ,''A, GoiinectfcuV VauljcclT ;'■ ■ WAUy^ ^iordafi.' [. wiH: ":, vftrati(>n :in FijOWda/iiQW. i riKi:ead;o£.:n "Fiocte oif seai^obd eatpi'ies' sjD.i-inging UP as result .oiE the. nlep ■ratip.!ling._, Ravi1ioiid.Sp.eetar's diSUSW^,i" enaased to::Li::" Henry I,i,^jsdhe3a!i:;v , Cliarles Coburii' due :rr5day. tg? frortf'Coast for three-week, vacation. • ■ '■SrsHi-n' .'pflbei- : oh . ■seteraJ rramo feJiows. - soiiielimc? .giving ;«wt ^.\vjtB^ ■jeilalect. ,■ . \ .■^ v,'',';^ .■' Jeroiiie WcidmanvWri1er.,n'0W.:WJlB ;idWl. .has unveiled.the; cast froiti his; biLsted wins.;. . ; . ■ Geraldme Sti-oock in Follow the .'feli'ls,''.'' g4yw^ '''iiiitt>fession' Kath,- arine Hepburn. .■■ petef.'.HirrisojT. iand,... A,l....Steffes.,vre* t\un today <1) Irom one month m 'the Horicla/siin. " . Lec ShuberJ wanted lo reJurn from Miami Beach ia>;t wepk but eouWnt get train acconmodalions Frsink Mcnko again ^ending out bre€iy horse talk aneni the Ken- tucky Dpi by, to be held Mav 6 Auditoiiuin weeli ct London eomiiis up, announces Nationfil Cinc- mOtoHiAphic Iiuiu'-tiV Chamber. '■.Town liow' .has .bvit . one . fi'iiimp rati it). aiinouiieci'i .■ Si:ita. ?Elon;i Baz, ilroee tit - 0r. CUiiilavo Baz: .MinisUT •••Slie s goes into March -13, . ■ ■ ■ V i., '; ' . , , Golden Gld\-es; lournanieirt. Bt Aiy. ,■ virloria .->lOi)P€i'.'' fatertatniiig. ilitoriviiii, .st:l liigh -in .SttcjHl .ancc ;antl ieoeipfs. - .; '.. . 'i'"?'ciiiU'BSiidie'i- I'ctw^ after six;|,^f.'^t(:i3]ic:i].i«aiVii:a»td:'We^^ .. Kenijy 'Breiina,;.'burlesque e<)n^iGi. ;jj,^-,,:,jj,; j,, .jhe:Middle'East- ' at stRlioii XELA. V:.'..\■ . ci.aillinfi biirley circuit to go over- . ..j^.iijpi Cdtistandurds contem.platmH ; AhcV Salazaft. lilm actor, aiul Alioia " ' a. KeciUei to •^A.cacia A^*''t>^^^ of. GcmI,. at the Vat«leviUe,.for Goi-doti Hfirl^.er. i;a-jara Cardenas, .^ ' O.f ■ .Henrv .Kendiiir.s prtiduciipit ..of [ Mexico antl now ; Minister' of : Na- Hoilywood seas ,uUi USO show etirieS'S ' night club . .feaitinng Bobby Clark pjpoeK and Jactiues & ehahTiaiiie..'t3ant>e' team, ■,' ■ •,; v:.' .. t.»Th* E)«irk l^otejilial'.' setto. succeed State thcali-c. using Ipttby'set pifcf- j "This :Tiiiie 'it's ;Lbve"' the. Go.m- for first time in <ie\erel years to plug "Jane Evre,'' qommg attraction Charlie JackMin and Herb Blass :$liJl hiiding. lead in'eighth: weck;of Warner Bi others 'Roundup" =:alcs drive. Julie Dawn mio Minne>!Ota Ter- lace AMlh DeMar & Deni>*, Selma .M'ar3o-iji!e .©anctJTS ..'asjd.''.I%j'rj- -OTartiij; orchesu-a. '..:.;..'.:..■'• ■'.■'■.■Antta. . Colby ■ 'We're;; .t«i'.'..''.beat.., tlie drums for "Cover GiiT' stnd landed soiiie'.' nice newsjiaj^f ] stories.':aiSd,. ladio time. of heavy advance tjle, .'•jiis'.^Fc.lliesV'i'iSd'clj'??*:;'*^ to""3ocal'.. thr^Serweek- run '; ',&T<£aai,- starl2ns :3^foh':.'2l''''■: ■''C'' ' .:. 'lSforth:-«'«Sfc A^ariety .. Cliito. had; Jolly.. Miller' ■n-jo fi'oiTi :■. 'Hotel' NicoUet' t<J provide dance music at SJiturday ^^j^^ht■oipeli'•3io^JS^;;■'.■.'''' .•....".'':, ... '.In ninth 'TCeek.'«t.'\'farner'.BtotJ»rs'. >'Ji944'-'":'Hou'nd''tilp,"' ..'. sales- wri'tiest,: Charlie' JAckson aiiid - Herb. .Bla^: siiJl; .leatf ■ local ■ -salesjijejiit .edy Jack. ■:Ti™cy - has- Jori^ " SieW ;.aef lioival DtJl'Cii.sO; iiian-ied... . ; ,' , '"Rnridom.Harvest''' in '.if.? ■ cightli .week at. UTe:.'.swaiTl{.v' Clne.M.efrop()li- iaii, iirid DoloiTS: del Ritii'i'.-'JVfai'ia ijvit}i..3:<>an Ed\vai.ds; iloriijer.; ehbrinp.l.c^ni^tiij,i.ia.j' .iitu\ ig^ at ..Wiilefeail 'thieatre; . A;ct;'is .siet^loj liiexico, iiv. its .J'oui;t!i -.wwk^at;. eiiic medico-brother, ^ajor M. R. Buch- man, i?) N. Y on army business Dr. Leo Jilichel has new arlist protegee, who«« oils ai-e any«;1«ry paintings. Billy Rose slipped him the dauber. . . ■ . ..; Mel Hammett criuhed fi'iger m taxi door while out of town as agent for Katherme Dunham"i "Tiopcal He^ ue" „ , Elsie Jani<;. Bob Hope and Fred Warifig. will do theif: 'stuff ■ .i'h* ■\Vhite House Correspondents this ■weekend.. Artie Auetbacii had. fun with./an-; other guy with the same monicker registered in the same hotel—he v,as « cracker from Atlanta. Ed Lowry, Coait head of USO- Camo Show; IjIC in town for a short \-isit Will confab with CSI execs on routine matter.s Ifex CpOrdon could only stand Mi- | ami Beach for a \\eck He's back after being a house gue<:t at the Ba- rueh estate in the Carolinas Joe Seidelman, U v.p. m charge of foreign distribution, back at hjs homeoffice desk after a month's Coast trip and Arizona vacation. Sol Jacobson, Bioadway pju re- cently inducted by the Armyi sent to Camp Croft, S C, for a four- month training stint as rifleman. Doc Bender joining IVally Downey In the Bobbins Artists Management, with Chucho Martinez. Luba Malina. Gloria Warren, et al, under their wing. Phil Dunning, playwright, on a Latin-America tour for backeround §0 inifo' the- 'Phyllis. D.ixey.^T^'^'aiie. ., . "The Gaj Follies," Liversidgs and .diiphanVs first' 'West' ESid.iTeptiiare.'at, Ca'tsiijiidge Iheatare, 'Mid ■ a ■folet --after. 10 days>. Show is being rewiitten knd^irwast'ler'tiWiir;.... .. V;''"',;'.;,:...'... ■ "■ .5ert''..Ert'«(. is''-stiU i.h h'o'spi:tal;.\vitJi, ij'i^keh "ankle' sHs'tiiined while. :play- ih'g' ■.WidOvv''.'r>vaiikey., in paritpmiiiie .■.'AJ4ddi'»."-..w-ith wife, Hay.'Erfo.l,' aged.,; 59. taking up role at minute s notice, Mas Milder gathered all the supcrMsbre and Lomdon are6 man- agers and house managers of Asso- ciated' iBritish. PiCtiiire..'Cor|i.:.'foi:. pep talk at Regal, Marble George Kiiig, having completed '■■Candle'lig'ijf .■iii .'Algieria,'' has jitarted: .On.' 'his' 'next,.';'.'Gaiety George.' founded on the life of George Ed- \\ardes, famous Ed-»?ardian musical .'lymedy' ..iTaprega'rlip : i. Elizabeth M'echan,. K<ivip'te'r>'.1iosp|. lalizect' w'ith pneiimoiiia.':. . ■ .,',.' \\!aH(':r iahg' .'on two-iWtinth leave. 0.1' ab.%nic.e I'ro'nt.'ZOtlVrPqifi , ■,,)atrt,c.s, Hi.ltori:.flew^. to';W.ashin,®!)!-! i'tvr launching oi' th&'.U.S.iS. .ShanMri- ;■'...Wan. Gfft'rp.ll ^honie"' ifrom.' tlie ho.'!-. ■f)U?il, to. rcGtrpteKat^ . from, .appeh.ciec-' tofi«y."'^'''''^.-:'i;-.^-~;;•■,'"■' ■':..^^.'......''"'i''" Bfiib HiDpe glaned to !VI6bile,' ^^la.,' on,the':tlii,'s.| teg\ol^A;;'(iPfc^week., camp- .touir,: ' .'...v''' ''.■..'.',.'.''..:,'..■.'.■■,.,■ ;. ,)oe , ■;.'£.., Brown vt^lurnpcl from- .iJi'\')Virvd-1he-\VQi:jd; tour of.' cafrip.. t>n-:' tc'i'taifii'iveiif.'.-.'' ■ '■■^ ■ ..'.■ ."■. • . .: .lack SkiibaU left I'vyf the Wash-=. jng.tnfl.-opo.nhig of. "Jaeubowsky and the Colonel." ', • '■. " '". ... • , Rise 'Stevens .goes .int6.' scGliiPion hfri't-S. to:'await ..'arrival.-of :c)iild..:tiarly, .: thiis'sui'orher.', y ^ -■' G<e<>i-ge: <3isph': o^ . :Eiearipr Powell's .'illness .dolayei'V C WmiJ^...ikw'';.'t%*'. fi<>«te variJ.; Ro&ro Palacio:' /''Harvest?'. is«"..i tnT foi^ifin.:picture, at -.tine'a'hd: hPI'.e. in; mail} jears 0 -h.. s.uccess iv . ^ _ . , .HirSclt' .'Alv^n' 'op<eiat*r4 'cMse'fi' .'to''. .'-. .Gfetirge'Black's i5ew/e4staj!ri.e'.^o.i^,' ■istage'..Polic«.''Offiicers''. Federatioii; .an..-; 'by . urik'iiown. 'auilior,: 'iS'''|»iay..'.S#l' '«■ nusl.::'-.'be3le6t .'',^0'W '.'at/ 'Auditoriiiim I jj.\v:' .'murders'.', and .:S6otti^:. 'l¥ack*. 'Marchv2©;''.'- ". ....': "::'" .'' .'ir^Su'nd-.'^.it will star.'.Ann,Todd..'ajid Irving Grossman and D n«th Gold- berg '.Of -'Hebrew/'ActorS'^ lJii.iOH'''.g^^^ two Twin City ,:c6nbe'rts' 'to,.:'''raise funds for- .tisioDCupaed. Europe's un- derground. Reel Fellows cluls pnt on show for Variety club's Saturday open house Gcorgie Price scheduled to follow IVL^rjorie Gai-retson at Hotel Radis- son Flame..Room. pitibaWy .g«^'.to'the'Prin'6e'.«f .:-W?^ after trvout out-of-town and foliow- mg "StVike a New Note,'" the Sid Field's str-rrcr. ,;. ^ ':''.,''V-'.; ; ;•''.,-..' at the Stevens hotel jMarch"' 24l< .'■ John ./FarroWv.:. author. a:Ki movie■ director, m town lor .a' few.;dfi.vs; Heads back to the Coa'^t: from hefie. Gail.Russell;.Ciii'born film, actress. Ajcli,;'...last- ..i;n.',:.Jown". 'to,' v'isiiC/'soh^e..: of,:, heiv, ,:o!a- frieads. Treks back to the Coast ntNt week... . .';'/: ■ Variiety ':C.3ub .'of Gh.ieago' celefe.ra'1ed. ;its''fir4t-bir<*< Sa!.. 'i26», w,it.K: a .big.' jparty'. at": the club...quarter?'. iiv the, Bteckstbne..hotel.:.; ;'- • ,'Mike',''To»Jd-in.'.low..n. lop tn'e'-open'''is ,.. .... .-„... ,. • •. ^ . ■■ of his show "Something for the Ru«sian Na\-y, honor«sd at tihe.Molly.-' Bovs" at the Cimc Opera Hmise lo- wood Canteen. wiUj Belle;Davis prte night i29) .loan Blonde]] heads ca-t. siding. L C ■ / ' ■ ,''' Shi ine circu.v opens at the Medmah CeciJ B DeMiHe ihiftcd to.. the. Cleydana Bv Glenn C. rmllen Orhn Mav. drummer lor Sammy sations of 1944;'- ■N. Peter HathTOn.. HK.O chief: flew ■in' from Mexico .City.ior.' lindtlle::wiHi.. Charles Koerner. Robert Dann named v p. and gen- eral counsel lor Vanguard Filmh by Dsvid O. Selznicfc. Charles P Skoy*^ gisest of honor at testimonial for tais woik in the Fourth Loan Drive. George Brent, Paul Henricd and Ann Sheridan victims of property .damnge caused, by isatinn. l^eutj.. Comxnsxidelr Gr Bud Krohn. 20th-Fox llead shipper,' •vpalkinv.'undergoing op presented w ith fountain pen and ] pencil set by fellow employees at dinner given tor him prior to depar-1 ture into armed forces. ' ; .. ■ so. too, is it anxious to jperfect the entertainment setup for morale pur- poses, sjnce obviously USO-Camp; Shows, despite its far-flung activity, is in no position to service itU the men in uniform on a continuous basis. Guiding soirit jH the new Gl the- atrical activity Is George S. Kauf- man, Tf!bo has volunteered to co- ordinate the productions in this country and put the final stamp of approval on the blueprint before for his new George Abbott play, being sent to the various bases rov "King Coffee," due back in about a \ ering the globe. Assisliig Kaufman, month..:.. ... ..■.' ..''.'.;..- Allan Jones had doctor backst:«e at Alvin ("Jackpot" )Ttiur.>«iay «24) because of bad throat and didn't sing. Same reason kept Kenny Baker at home. .UnafEilialed Independent Exhibitr «rs. of which Jc=se L Stern is presi- <lent. has moved headquarlcj-s to 625 Eighth avenue, which is the Arena .'theatre. . Guy writ.h :five..;kids: .wh<3 has com- peted in Dailj'..News' Golden' Glpve boxing contests lor ,1.6' years, again in finals at- Madison Square Garden ;,.Monday (28). '':.'■' :'■' ,:,■' ':'';:■■' ■' John Monks., captain in the Mat'ines. reported Seriously ill : with Irtipical fever in: th^: South Pacific, ^e»col- laborated. in the \viiting. of "Brpthcr Rat''* with .Fred.Flriklehoffe: .\rt Tatum trio doing gold-rush biz at Golden Dragon Club F Hufh Herbert, author of "Kiss and Tell," visiting Violet Heramg n-oupe here. Hartmans—Paul and Grace—start- ing new show policy for Ststler's I Terrace Room, staying through March 8 Canteen Playhouse, non-pixjfit mu- sical slock ventui-e for servicemen, which hit rocks m December, reor- ganised by Bob Chatterlon. William F. McDenmott, Plain Jtealei drama critic, who turned -war correspondent, sending back daily <»py under an .^Ig^ers dateline. _ E^dse Foyer promoted B'nai B'rilh to ^i>ia!>r' "Doushgirls" at Hanna week of MArch 6, with group's per- centage used to build recreation: room at General Ci ilc Hospital. B. Iden Pa,vne, British guest- diiectqr of Pla,v House's revived "Love For Love,* undecided as to whether :to return . to .Inland or .visit more V. S.. :un}veriity: theatre^: John McGee. movie superv'isor for Treasury Department, putting on national pieem of his musical tagged "Figure It Out" with local cast of 234. Intends stocking it in each city also on a volu>itary basis, are a Slumber of showi people from Broad- way who are wrjting origmal scripts music, aiding m production, etc. Camp Sbanlcs GI talent many of , \o promote War Bond-Stamp sales them from sho* biz, -will be used , if oxoerimental production is a Temple tor a lO-day lun Mareh 3 Show IS held each vear to raise funds fxSi' the Crippled Childrens Hospital Phil Regan, the singer who is a grandfather and m 1-.^ at 37. cele- brated his 20lh wedding siinive'sary at the Ma.>fair Room of Chicago",<- Blackstone hotel last ■week. ■■'Mark -Fi-sher. : sinSSer . and band- leader, left for New Yoik la=t week to ,10111 Danny Thomas foi an over- seas USO-Cnmp Show toui Thomas and Fiiher played the 5100 club for several years together,, Dottie Dolson, who was the fea- tured -Singer, with.. Chuck bjind at the Blackhawk. ; Walker .^ir Field Hospital at Vic- toria. Kan Her husband, Capt, James Bvrd IS stationed there. Premier performance of "Gung Ho." at the Palace theatre heie last week was a sell-out Entue pio- cecds of the ^ovv went to the Mai iiic; Corp league Grace McDonald who was featured m the picture, headcti a king list of show folk wlio ap- peared for the benefit Siiowfolks, Inc., organized seveial ye;arE ago to care for .sick And needy actors: has applied to the Secretary of State to change the name of Ihpii | organization to Showtolk of America. Memberiship has grown from an original 60 to more than; 1.000, New rhaiter will allow them to organize | chapters m other cities ' fiont ot the camera for a .special , imler pli;^ine "The Story' of .Dr- Wasscll." William Rodgers, distribution : v.p... pf Metro, arriveol lor coiil.ib-: wifli.- studio execs on sunmier shobtitig : .sc.hedu]e.. . ...' .'.■ ..'■ -'.'■:;:.'■ ': ,Jetitiif^r.:'Jp,nes and Williaiii: :Perl-, bei-g handed awards bv Fnit iun Cor-, icspondents Committee foi Song of;. Bernadette.-.".. . , Jack B.'Teiuie.yi.ftJrri'ier head; of the imiisicians' imibu .antl no-\v state' sen^r aJOi-, .announced his qahdiflacy lor ■ United States senate 'i :. l:!lor^ne Bale; western dviootor of Fos'ti'i-'-^™^"t'^'" Guild of Vaiiety Aiti<its, ri'the Scuttle to avrit a stiike Ihieat- ened at the Palomar., .. ■ exclusively in the initial production now under v^iay, and the same process of I'ecruiting talent from »-pecific camps will be follo'wed m lutuie rev ues When the folios reach the bovs overseas, they will txsntain complete instructions, to the last cue, on stag- ing the various productions Among writers already lined up by the, War Dept. : for initiaV sho-w die How Eld Harris aid Syd Zelmka, ^criptcis of the Jimmy Durante cl.cko heie. Australia I Wi lljSS^ ; Cod Withheld Tax Continued trwii pace I South Africa ■.'By. J. .'Ilansan-.. ' Stage Door Canteen ' doing capa- citv business on United Aitists-20lh circuit Otto BoUe left for Austiaiia to take up his new assignment as SClh- Fox rep Richdid Spierman, representing Warners, arrive from U,S. via Ar* jiciitma for surve.y of terntory. , "Du Barry Was « Lady" and "Ad- , \ enlures- of Tartu" are coining big money for Metro in this tiecritory Afanager of Century Cinema Roo- depoort <ne«r Johannesburg) shot in ;->is office during attempted iobb«-r>. Opening of South Africa pail la- ment in Cape Town in Januaiy brought usual influx of v isitoi-s which helped all shovi business. I%ntoniine "Dick Whittmgton" Act of 194.3, and to make returns and | ^If^ V^ja^J^^ldnSlylrfrs: payments of such taxes to the col- ~ fernng to Alhambra. Cape Town. lector of Internal Revenue. Operator' "'"'"■'^f ''^"'^it ''V"^*'" . ,'show produced bv j^^fiican Tticatits also is required to pay employers ) AIl'>ambra theatre. Cape Town, tax under the Federal Insurance I P»x»ssed £4,000 i$16.150) loi fumy Contributions Act with i-espect to.'"^"^^ £,^^p„,^ Motion. Picture Bookers Club of... . , . , ... _ N. Y. conferred honorary '.■■member- .[ .Garry Moeire:^radio show; Abe Bur* ship: on Max A:. C.tShen', .. president of j; roughs, of .'the: "Dtifl^'s ;'ra-v«^ii:'''.p^^ Cinema.; Circuit., at. a..;.spee.ial;..:QSien grani: Dave. :Sch"vrav.ti:,'.''^grt»aih-'iD'n ineetipg' ?t the H'otet.'S.stOi- 'TWdnday; t:he: phi^ Safe:'broadcast, .^an'di.iMtirt: (28). _ . . : . ■ . . I'Lewis.. Tunesnuths: include Jerry ^ C<3mies at the^Ruban Bleu^^?m3^^to^^ ^ , and'Frank'tbesscr;.'last be making,a .habit.of . goinK fr.cim the . . ^ . . , » "Peter Pan' revival at Minerva, Sjdney, is niaior click for Alec Gpp'pel. .:■'..■:.';:".'.:-.... "..'.-'■..■;■:'' . - . . i r--,-, Kusova Ballet will play in Mel- wages paid by him for the musicians I Aiiican Theatres at Mui««nbcig, ^,?i'.^T.^crn{°L^^«-'?I?n°""™* 'services and to include such wagers ! sij^rb.of Cape Town House seats successful Sydney run J' ,1,200 and is probablv last new thea- John Wavne made special broad- in his annual return under the Fed- j,, jjg jjuiJt for duration cast in- Sydney belOTe commencing J Nev\ Guinea trek for USO. - ' -■ "c. ).,as. Lord and. In My .^rmS.v I jiie:.'West.:::'the^ .iCkib's n.evv ctirai just replaced' Eddre Mayehoffl in • the ' .cast. .... .;.■■:.■. "Dane's Discovei-los" i.s a. forth- coming Collier's piece by Hehders.op :,& Shaw : :6n Danny ; . Ka^ye... : E(aii,ny. !-'feiothas and' kindred ■:npw ,faces" who ; first : t|ahie "to: prbmiheiTCie at' Dario tand. ■ ■Jim::''Verri'on's ..'Ca ' Martini:tiu.c: liilevy Understobd. that ail . shows. w;ill. b.e operated on: lo-iv-scale ■.biidgets. and . that., ;little.. or: no. : scenery..; AviU .;be. :utiiized. :. Productions' . w ill-.'he of ,: a "satirical iiature.. 'sitd^.:, .S'lH'. kidV'' C.1; health, lectures ;antV .dtheif 'p6i;lioe'ni army topics^"';;-.. : '.' :' ':'•-' :''.-' Kiihn tn^eatjt^s;: the .orde^ tijtiaUhgUt/jeast w'^stagehkn^ iscertic around $18,000 company managei would, toe required, ' one Of the-cast- a.c|i;rig..iit cap'aQi|y,. .sin6e' there ■ yjil.r tie .no. '■adrnisgipn:>aiidj'. thereIo)f«,-.ii»p'.;rete to be'..ebuaite'd,'; .'..r.'-.?:':;:.'.',:.-'::.:. Wing .will 'libt-'.deeide ■*Jiat salary '.•Sie'.ifejaS^.jBas^ ':mis'-^ ^tecdiiei btif. .'■|t' 'is.'ifijiW# .''tiifej?' ..witt.'i^: .bigtwe:eii'. 'ii'oo. 'i^iia,'iisO'.^6iciyi''^:,At^ fefe^. i)i$''^pcscCM^I». tak#''CU4b'- of board :'att<l'.-i( 4i''diie(&..;'W'ith: USO ■^iitS'',:..5»4 :.'jH4i\i|toi^ 'to' the .fighting: &oiits,':.'..lmt also applies to 'tr'aitS|iii)Ptalioa..,' '''4i)M**.!. J&S'Jaiojatta-: Fight promOliers' ate finding' glOvc talent among U. S. troops in this _ area for matching with local boys ' "Behind Rising Sun' is it smash hit j in Melbourne Exploitation was han-': died by Jack O'Callaghan atid Percy fCurtis.::- ..;".-:.;•:'-:':.' I Big cpiife.i-cnce lo set post-war I plans will be held bv Hoyts circuit I m Sv dnev under direction of Ernest Turnbull Indications are that Warners will approach Hoj'ts circuit shortly oii new. contract terms in an endeavor to end present deadlock. Some cinemai;. following official request, aie playing "God Save the King," "Star Spangled Banner" and ''Aciyance; Mistralia.F^ of each shb.W'.: lV[ ntS■ re- quest, comc.5: .t'or^ other .:Aili.eilhatibnai ,anth^.tiTs, figuring .they'd ,.haye 'to .-evit. the.first-feature to keep Within, run-t fiing''i:im'ei...i. '■'''"'■:;1;. .'..'■:':■;.:';::','*■■ ,;'.'". cral Unemployment Tax Act if he 1.- 1 Noel Coward due in Johanneshui g -.n emplo,.r of eight or more , l^r^^^^^^f tL-^lfifo^nt^^^^^^^^^^^^ eluding the mu^itians) as dclmta ] iroop centers as guest of Union Dc- the Act This lule also applies lo fcnsae Force Entertainment Unils. any entertainci 01 actor who per-1 Gwen Ffrangcon-Dav icj; and Maida forms services for an operator uuv'.pr ) Vanne heading companv composed provisions of a Form B contiact ir i mostly of South African ac1«3i-s doing other contract having substantially I*hort stands in largei towns v\ith Minneapolis ,By, Lcs Rocs^ - , . ..Gurly's :.h:iie.ry holflirig' o'ver Good & Goody.. . ■ .-;. ' . Claude: ;&;.:.AncJi;e.:,-'hcadlmii>g-. -it ::.Ari45!'S.'sai''ltt'cIu]jl' .■::''/■'''^if^i:-''-- :'■ :....;'Ba,wey.Rapi3.;i)i'irigi.ii^^ ;n'e^..'brfc^ies''' . tra. into:Hiippy'Hotir.:'-iii'te"ry'.. '. '■'.'.-.!... V.ii,civ club pieseiited Bill Elsoa, :J;.etiring ehifif. .harjier,...T«itbJ#.ifiMiy^'?p: rinsf. W n. Woiktnan, M-G bramh manager, confined to home, by ill- ness Phyllis Betz resigning from Uni- versal offlci; ntaK to becQitle,,^ n .Shrinesrs' titrndtit Mexico City James A Fitzpatrick back here for a new seucs of Mexican scenic shorts in color. Irma Zarova, can-can; dancer, fea fiired With current show at Follies Bergcres. Sara Garcia, picture character woman, heads current show at TeatrO; Ideal, legit house. Clasa Films has just produced a novelty film, "Caminito Alegre" t"Merry Little Road"), story, of an old-folks home here. Clasa Films has started 1944 with tout tiroducers, five directors and 17: exelgsive artists, largest lineup of M^canpix producer. «r0 7S pfeiure theatres' tm*' similar, provisions; "In jjeneral, variety entci-tamei-s with respect to whom opeialors have, made inoumcs eie those who ac- quire and pertoim their ovin repei- tp'ries :i,'n :a .-series, -of ..'short-terr!ri.e.n-. .gagenieiits fof/a number of different operator.?, under; contracts'which 01:-; ;dinai'iij; speciity ;'on%' tiie:;.':tirae .rft-;' miineialion, place and duration ofl .each'.&ga'ge'meitt.:.':.'...-.;, ..'..■■.:. ;.'.;' ,?..:'-':'' .'.' "The Bureau is unable, at thi<; time, to : rule l.toncltislyeti*.''pii' the ..siatus "of, vai-iety:.e'iiterta'i'iie:r.s.. ''tjiitii three plavs. "Wp'ch on the Rhine' "Flare Path'' and " Every Wo- man Knows."' Biz good. Two Cities Films Unit i.rnved in Cape Town from England en i-oiilr to wilds of Tanganyika for intensive location work on new British film "Threshold." Oveixoming all war- time diffjcultios. unit of 17 men and one: girl .has''full ok^iy of'authorities ■ on long trek to Tanganjika. By Tf* Frien< Clu'o ;. Fortune..- Jfif :;. 'Zemaiissky'.S ' .'is .onCe moi-i;'-tSOing'.a: fuUthouse-, a :G0nc.lusive rin,iiig, is,m.Ei-ae, opera-. , -v .- .„ -. , ; . ttifs: Of:theatr&,..nigh'tclubs,'':restau-'i;fe'*'''^^^,simiiar,sSbmiTh^«t.-^i^^ eonsider:su,ch..ente:,rtainers .tt3 -.bfr -jn-,! -.skaters, ■ :,ana a cailiiije'.-i-Ui'n: dependent:-coht'ractprs and .-vvil'i: hot:! kho :be^require^-td :col}ect tax fro'm.stich' th'estSr'.iTewiers;. '.■'" ■';.''.v.",".^':' entertainers;. or- report, cir payv taxfe 'THfi;.'.E).E»g.:"ifou'Sit'i..'.. ■"tflpul^r-rP.r&ed:; :vvith respect: t<i'-the-.i'emuiieration b't' ^i?.ROt'."'li'as -.IKe:- TP-hrree:.CsirtoAd' Sist^ers,. :*htertaipers,.'Utaess-'the' Bureaii.:id^ ■'*'i?>*';.''4'^"w' termihes.tiiCft '^edflc:'eas6'that'tfees' 'i'*'^*"' V'J" Ai*^^'- J^"-'^''hwf^i^V,iif :.h9ul|;:^,:c<|Ltetl.,repbrt^ gaid, .Esch opfira,tor.:should ke.ep rec^ doing 'th© top-bi:i.<!:incss,' With t-lfev.Pal-'' pfds of .entertatrtei*s': names,:.accoii.'j't 'ace' CU.ib a ninneu'iip.. ' nui«bers;antj'.'wages,.'h'b.w.evei,-', for the'. .-' ''Beniiy.::H.u'bin "smi:i.f-l'^ pufpdse of.fittabliiig tile bgerator' .to Troe.aciero . in :th:c: El '.Ccirtpz. :tnafe such.'returns or. rep-oHs as may Btisii3e'-::s.go6d....5txi.i? inits.i; Biiryle betrequired of him if the opeiator i'- subsequently determined to have beea' the Employer of the cnter- isimv," ... Ha' ,s.iii-gi'ng..b.v:Ma'i''' s',0 Pai.te. ::. Riibinv.':.!'nc,itit;it(a:iiy.;: iS; NVorl'-ihg. ;0n :a rsdio'' .s'i.ocl-i; .ftiiTipany: .'SiTO'^^- idea; .to:''b,e. :fer:'jf|uct'fl.: b^ .iWK].: Shauer, Hollywood agent,.