Variety (March 1944)

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WctlnrMtar, IVTareli 1, Wi f^RMETf HOUSE REVIEWS 23 customers amused- with his juggling. rope->>.ktpping tap routine and jitter- bug imitation$> Useb a come-on from the audtei^ce in his pUte juggling bit. Biz over average opertiog day Corb. Stale, N. ¥. Benna Car'er Orch U5> tcith Savannnah Chiirehjlt, Ecefvn Ware; Ted & Flo Valfett. Care Bros. (2>. Leon Sfdfffrra, "Gwy .9f(tni«d Joe* State has used bands onstage lather con:>i&tently lately, tht:, week AaiaWK. ^C'Wai'lE bringing in Benny Carter, who i* Kewark Feh ■>* ^}'''V''K^h^^i-^T^''k^^'''iJA 'f'fP'' fiaiinrds' • Tr«fh or Conk- is u^ed ai^an act hoxv-e^er sinM^ ^^^^^^ ,1^, pj,,, Mfcfiete. Fraaees Colwell, llT!*'n^S'^^ tL'\^,?1f^'^„Z^ >^^^ Ha^?m«H cud Ltnda Moody othei turns on the bill precede the .^jj^j Monteneu" IPRC). band ■ presentation. , ■ ■ ,[■ .• * ■. ■ ^.■ Ted and Flo Vallett Open with a „i, , u i i, u • _ L>,ir>d soeedi. act that set-, a nice '"P"'- ^hich has been placing n ?e E of rt all .s bl on l^vi^^^^^^ ^'"^ «^"'»*>'e succebb, on frt^^-^X to hiie'^r^u^dti 3« 'tvf?frj*^? - ~.. . . . • . week. The gamble is p9ving ott at Stawley, Pitt. Ptttsburgh, Feb 25 tion, and caicfullv planted stoQg,es kev the shnefci and i\jit»s o\ec en- ■ tire'htiucie when liglrts are- cut.' .It's Johnny Lohq Orc'ft tH>. wEfn good tun tor Orpheum patron Pattc Otigan. Ce»e IVzIliami;. Dace Lambert; Hat LeRo'j. WhtSson Bros ■t2>,';: '-Lstst'Angel" \M-G>:. ■. \ Pittsburgh .has; a part.;iftteEest'in Johnny Long'sn climo, which atwajs makes him a welcort'e vtsttoi around heie With the topi music he's iiovi disoeniing. the lelt-handed fiddlers welcome goes double. It was here at WiUiam Pean Hotel in the old Chatterbox just a few years ago, that Ixons acutallv trot came to attention His ri'-.e '.tarted then, and it\ been steadj u not SHbitn.'Starts-.his: act ■ |»ri»gtn,g :;0,ii: .eight vp^pte/fsisrn/.au'dto eIJ .oI wh(>m.: ■p.t'o'a^b.iy.': picksci..:'Bp btt. oi, loose cha;»ge iot cooperating so he^rtilj as an octef o± frightened lad-- ..*pd laNj.'e3 Act features a l'Ui«»g«. Chi Chicago, Feh. 26. Woop'i; Ho-'imi Orch UT> teith fncnces, Vicune. OiMbbj/ Jtkckson; Silami(m. :l>esmeh. hemiyf: Goli^;-''Wlitst-'''.. ■ft%'sM-BW)o5:fff,j'';. »i!f^C;>:.'.'V'-, ;.■ •' ■' Ptayuig their hrst stage date after malting the Ar'drew Store film. .niewber made, ftp as. .a■fta^kenstein . '■.'»f... t***' ■ WockIj- 'Hef-: monster while .snotnei performs as' i^*"^ aggreg.ition is not ani> p.leas- his v,ere-wxtrt -pj>!, patrolling the >ng the heot-rt^ but the olojes as aistes as corpses ai'<!e from stage .gfaveSy '- EEect. ts.-e&rie\"es thk^ :jCiroWd>;its.' n-ioney's; worth of fun:, -'A, fev sleight-oi-h2nd tracks prolog spooluness.' well, with mtEMC that Is neither too teijd;.nor;'l,oo'-S<>fi!.' 'la -facl most-.of it.- '.iS.sgtt.^^'.slifeCf E,!Tathas.ev6ti-,.th;e,''; .ai.Jf.'s ■■foe-taE>f).itig., unrier-.'th'eir ■■seats;:' Fer>-"on <'s i.-xtfjl. makes a good Show opens « th-fhe Great Man- a!i.oe.irapco n fiont of the toand nee crioDted wl>o does his en- "nSiteu.^J". sUcEc solos, vocals and a science. They spin sticks in uni son, in challenge routines and keep 'em going through various acrobatic tpcks such as the femme's full ftip \s>th two uands going Cjri Brothers woik a lot ot com- edy into a hand-to-band balancini; act and draw a flock of laughs. Per- lorm niany standard tricks,, some original, and dangerous ones, and get off with warm reaction I^on Naval ra flavors his un- usuall> last piano-playing with tired gags, but has little trouble making the custon>eis go for his l^cyboatd ability He pound;^ out classicals and pops and has a tuck ot. changing key without intemipl" ing a tim«>. Hp hj s tie en ar ound a the boxotTice NBC's 7any, Ralph' Edwaids' sciewy quiz piograra, "Tiuth or Consequences" the piece de resistance and a ton id click. Audience at openci was targe and responsive stubholders made it plain that this prepo'-bcssin" smooth Woikmg. slightly acid-tongued uackeroo has the lottnula lor build- ing |ip k>eltylaughs He has no trouble snaitng volunteers and he puti "em thiough capeis which bring houls from the onlookers and no appatent lesentment trom the vic- tims Edwards occupies the second halt ot the bill and to com a phrase, there's never a dull moment It's Edwards." shott, but it would bc-ttfttait^ to -sett-the- Dean—Hudson *^*^«r'^h,,T..*.Tt ,^r,.=>,«. an ,n ^^110^ knTevtVrhis" hands"'^d | ^'^^ ^^^^^^^^ Band opens with Long himsett lemams an ~j„,,ucKide-to n throughout Swing Shiit .-nd thei into a med- grahating. sel*-effacmg maesUi> \vho'. ■ " - has developed a style that's highly,'**i^"f"\7„'";''^,'I^«^^^^^^ con^mercial and roncentrates o^i L^^de Luvsrt has a st^"«aj^d reper- mass appeal. Nothmg stnkmglv , ^O'je of nfy^atc to please and baffle oii-mal atout the "et-^ Tust «<»d ' Ciaumtin doss okay on a ^lld 4leahlP mf«K ' mus'cM Stairatore. which is operated Sho^^thls week coutdy stand an-:S>' ^^^-^^.^/Tf^.n'^Jtr'tw other act smce it urns to^ sho t, and ^"f" °" '^^-^k^h.^^w J^.^^Z a bit of padding bv t.>.e txind itselt 9"^^'"?}^^^, V*"'""? would have beSi the t tl:ct T»iat f ^rd straight tapping to get ' Next-to-ClosiRg;. ''is'';. Rex..^ ;'Webe.r''s was probably taken care ot aiu?i the getaway orch short: long <ime and hasn't changed the "'crrtal combination makes a neat, J«'',^'"S .^"'^ ff.^lllf.'Et' enough impression It's not a very f;™-- ^^p- outstandins band musically, its ar-{ fj*'^, ^"f ''..^h^.f'u.? langement? are overwritten and ^i&lZT^^t^V l^J'"^ ' ^^^L JSL pacmg could be better for stage'""' ^»'^-'' ^""^^ purposes, but all in all the Cus- tomeivs like It and that's ali that's required. Carter emcees m an unus- ually polished w<iy ioi a leader of his type and goes a long way toward helping his cause with excellent altOrsax soloing and occas;ional work on trumpet. Band's composed of seven brass, foui sax, three rhythn> in addition to himself. Carter has two girl singers with liim. both of whom do fine work. First on is Evelyn : Ware^ who gets over well with "Shoo-Shoo Baby" Near the.finale he brings on pho- togenic'Savannah Churchill, blues sniger, who sets herself sohdly with. "That Ain't Right," "Hurry Hurry* apd ' Hello Bab\ " Btz good Wood. JIfontreat, Feb. 25 Morey j'lTn.'.'terdon!. Afabe! Todd. Wtlioti Tno Bob Cofl^ee, Ford. Beii- nie : & BaiiC}/; Fields & Georgie. Fiancnie. Ritth Crai'eii. Leii Hoti?ord I Heocats asjiee the'outfit\s"a^ smooth Oich ttt), Ai Gilbert's Gat,etit Line ever de-ntte 39 itars m the serv- . <18'^ I ice flag Dorsev displays on the back- i droD. Paul Regan and the Edwards pleased. Outfit has plenty of zip Phil Miehele's crooning appeals to the bobbysoxers and brings a healthy quota of sqeals. Saucy, blonde Frances Colw ell's zesty chirps sell in neat fashion Nice comedy juggling by Lou Hoffman, and taps by l,mda Moody bring friendly le- spons6. Bins Circle, ladpis, Indianapolis, Feb. 26. Tomoiu Doi-set> Orch, with Gene Knipa, SeuttmeHtalists t4>,. Bettj; :Breit;en Jtmmtt Ciiok, jlifilton Roskni: Edirords- Slitters t2), P»til Regan; "Stng a Jiugle" ^Vi. . ■■ The bobby-sox brigade is turning out in full force to give Tommv Dorsey the biggest week ever had here^ Chances are that he'll ap- proach house record held bv Kay Kyser. The kids wnistle and cheer at every hot break m the shdhr. Doi-sey's jtve and Gene Krupa's thumping ihvthms really send them Only two outride turns are Hal LeBoy and VVhitson Bros LeRov. just back from a .seven-month overseas camp tour, is still i inop-ui> with his eccentiic legmanin, even if his routines have hardlv been al tered since he first started coming around a decade a50. Wit->fii uo. as usual, doing those taps w'ntle stttins; on a chair to "Tea for Two." Tt-e mob like him. Audiences apparent- ly don't mind sameness as long as it isn't tossed at them too otten. and LeRoy wisely spaces his engage- ments Whitson Bro<: are a couole of crack acrobats with a* nice comcd,v flourish and demonstrate showily that the ways and means of risking one's neck haven't as yet been ex- hausted. Boys have some original stuiT and they sell it smartlv Band, made up of five saxes* three trumpets;. ; two trombones, : basss Ion -e-^tabLs^ed tuni. which is still a bis> seller Comeoy liantoning is m too torm and dea^pati vocalsi of old nuTObeis cl»clts solidly. Encores w ■th ■ Brother. Can You Sipare a D'me" a-^ a plug for war staipps -sates Bfoq-—1--^'""^ dance to r e giyter heav y. Other Tjand ni!'n'',->r5 arc "Do ^fotfe^ng,''~^ RKO. ■•slaa ;'.;■■' Bosiom. Feb. 24. Chnriie Sptcal. Orch (17) with Irerte Datte. Jimmy Sawiders: Morcy McGtiire, Bea Dova, Vfessoi Bros (2>; "Phontosn Loda" W>. Nabbtig the jne trade on opening davs becuU:!>e oc school vacash, the Spivak . outfit, as, king pin. in the holiday- week show,, cotnes ithrough with some groovy stuR in a coir- mcicial vein to draw commensurate kBdos. piano, drums and violin (Long),' Fronted bv the trumpet playm gets away nicely with a Long stand- by; the George Gershwin medley, and then orch's new femme sm^er. Patti Dugan, a nice package, tikea over briefly to reveal fair set of pipes. Another newcomer lo the Long outfit. David La-tibert. the crew's arranger^ does - a -jump vocal of '^Mairzy Doats" to ■ excellent ■ re- turns. maestro, the band does four num- bers, in a sweet James style. Main reason biand doesan't wow is the same lack of an individual person- ality, everything it does sounds like most ot the o£er bt^ bands. Ar- rangements are fairly stock with exception of ''Besame Mucho;" a tune which gets "symphonic'? treat- I ment with wide changes of pace. and sonorities, and dressed lip with fancy lighting effects. Gets 'em though. . Another boff week looms for thi^ Si2,!er=i add niltv specialties to this ' f^'* dict'On and his scales Oft-key house: ■ Sparked by Morey Amster dam, emcee Who warms up the stub- holders trom the opening bell, cus- tomers clamor tor encores from most ot the acts Amsterdam pouis out a non-stop stream of : stones and-gags, most of them new -here; apd is socko tiom the walk-on Easilv the most solid hit ot the evening. . The Wilson Trio, teen-age yoiing- slers. one a femme looker, opens the .show and go over big with hand bal- ancing; backClipsi and pinwheel nov- elties to exit for a big hand and manv calls Bob Goflee in the deuce cleans up on the harmonica. Lad looks like a good bet ioi theatre and cafe date-- Get.s plenty response for his efforts. Mabel Todd has a dizzy dumb rou- tine foiling to Amsterdam and reaps good applause dividends fast and entertaining bill. The band comes, out^winging with "Well Get If to stait things oft Doi-sey aids them with his trombonei blowing sweet and hot in "Song ot India" and Four Sentimentalists reg- istei smaitly with vocals ojl "On Sunny Side of the Street" and"Shoo. Shoo Bjb\ " Attei Milton Raskin siiab-. cheeia with his siyrlins piano boop,ie Ktupa gives with "Not So Quiet Please" and produces a teriilie nse from the crowd. Band keep.; them bouncing with "Hallaliijah " " Betty Brewer classilly puts over "Put Your Arms Around Me." '"Can't Give You Anything But Love." and "No Love No Nothing," and Jimmy Cook excites the'mob vuth his waibling of "Mj Heart Tells Me" "Oh, Wh,>t a Beautiful Morn- ms' and "People Will S-nv" in a It's unusual for a band singer to get the next-to-closino spot but Gene Williams ju.itirtes th.^t place accoi-ding to enthu u-^ o: rash- Irene Dave and Jimmy S undeis customers. Bobbv-soek bugade ha.idle the vocals, each contubutmg aiv-es the good-looking voung' tei the i>opi that get a battd. Saunders cn- Sinatra treatment all the wav I core? with "Where or When," vary- through. He has lots of possibilifie^ ' mg the tune as he goes along Tins but he's getting caiele-.s with bothi is^one tune, however, which can't be touched, for its charm is its utter :siiitplieit^, artd'.il -;haS:..-te> bers'inig.vas'. »t's'..v^ritt&h, -or-'not af-'^t ■' Marcy ■'■ iSilcGuire ■'rri'akes-.her. 'initial adpearsince at. the .RKO ■ On this 'bill. 'She'.-di'^ws; ah.-. Jokay -.'rece^tioa ''.fdl-: iowjttgher : jitteirbug hiUbiUy^' stuii, bu't'-,-,her',.style-.-.-'is.,.'a '..little; tcsa-'siren'-; uoiisly'.'.'prpcoe'iotis'-to pttt her' ove;' lot ot the time and half of the kid's words were unmtalligible He's got too much on the ball jvist to let welt enough alore Cohen. A|wllo. >i. Y. Coiitit Bn.fie Orch (17> irKfi Jitti- my Rushing. Theloia Carpe-nter Earl Wurret' Pea Leg Bates. Shorts Dfii'ts, "Smcn Guy" (Mo>ro> lev oi "Frcae»'," "Mj- Mamma Done Told >ie. and ' Amen" all sung by Herman Motion Daniels is" brought on for excellent aer«> control tricks, back cartwheels and head kicks done witrt sifKtb woikmansbip and sup- ple erss tO' a h'4 hand Baia also outs ovei a nitty ar- rangei-'Oit ot 'Basic's Basement" and then Franco Wavne. Herman's vocalist does mcU witn "T^e Music Stooced" antt "Speak L'.w " Heiman vocals "Who Dat Dov^n Dare."; Chu'-ibv Jackson does. "Holiday fo* Strings" on the bass fiddle and extU widi a short eceen- thp Mc. h^iKlciaoDing song and "Woodchopper's Ball." Cliff Lee- mans gets teature spots u>th drum solos;.'-. - ->... . Lenny Gale hit- with e-«ceVlent, ikwessfon- ot sc.oep, nscio ard political oer utilities. He also fjokes fun at t>>e Mr. Anthony pvo- «>«am apct the soap ooerrs for 'au.ghsiand doe:i: a wow finis^i witit an imtiression of fhe In^ Spots. Mora. ^ Kansas City, Feb. 25. Bob ftiMajL-iiie Gate-t, Loa Strteter, Belmoni Bros (2). Dn*-fc (r Cioiidy, Doaald ifrRobem. Toi'-er Orch (9) Ktth Jack Po»';.s * Alortlan Bal— httoer; "Snoiot'ine Jo^ntCi" tU) Olid "Cf>aMce ot a Lifetitae" tOoI). Fields and Geoi^ie. in gob gaib [ uleasant, romantic stjle Cook also thiott a fan line ot chattel and taps ' loms the Sentimentalists foi some el- to exit with a hetty mitt. ■ I tertive harmonv on "Stardust" and Ruth Ciav en. dynamic redhead i.'Theie Ave Such Things;" with rich contralto, ignites batch ot i f.:dwards Sisters share m the vocal .sweet, swing and Irish songs tor i applause lor their dynamic, sure-fire hetty palm-whacking, while Ford, taps Paul Regan piovides the coinedv Bennie and Bailey, sepia trio, scorce ; punch with entei taming imitations with tast intricate tap routines for a i and a fir.'tt .rate mimicry, flock of calls Francine, stiipteusc i Biz hot at show caught. Corb. closes the show I Al Gilberts house line delivers .solidlv with neat routines and ima- ginative, colorful costuming Len Howard orch flashes plenty merit on lis own. Lane Krilh^s, ladpls. Indianttpolis. Feb. 26. • Dick ■ ClemoHs Lions, 3 Cretoiios, Chiik Yale. Brmnts (2) Vfhiteu Roberts, Jane Meredith, "Drums of Fu Manchu" (Rep). Tapilol. Wash. WojslwiiQton. Ipeb 24 KathMm Grayjox. Diamond Bros (.11, Steic Fioiis Jacqitehiie Hurley. Sam JarK Kaiitman's House Orch. Song of Russia" (MG). Kathiyn Giavson has been pack- ing them in here. Diminutive colora- tura from iVI-G studio IS a real at- traction with hei classical repertoiie This week she's giving "Serripie Libeia" fiotn 'La Tiaviata tol The ciicus idea, which already has lowed bv the melodious 'Tales from given Keith's a couple of. lis biggest : the Vienna . Woods.'' Singer was weeks this winter, is again effective i otdeied by. throat specialist to coif- in the current stanza. Bill is a pleas- »ei ve. her ■ voice, so no encores.- ing combo with aerialists. tight-rotie Makes a nice: appearance ui rust peitoimers clowns and animals The colored tiavelms; suit \ tamily trade is giving it a heavj i .lacqiieline Hurlev a Dresden play. i I blonde, opens the shov^ with acio Dick demons and his four lions dancine then mounts an illuminated piovide the highliiihts in the clostng i pedcotal loi due contoition work spot The leos plaj dead loU o\ei | Walks oft on hei hands to lusty ap- jump through hoops and perioim t plause other tricks Head in the lion's j Steve Evans with his impressions inouth IS used foi a finale i of vaiious degiees ot laughter in Top panto by the Biiants gets mov le Vioiisp, followed bv his satuf plenty ot laughs ana Chick Yale on Mus-solini also qpt^ off to he.iw ■with his tunny way of sitting down,! response Diamond Bios (.li VvOik also pleases the audience with his like beavers, living to knock each tdble-top routine I other out in .songs dances. cros.sfi!e Jane Meiedith hits the maik with .icus ii\ci loi-jh and tun->'ole acio- Intncate stunts on.-flying bar and i batics tniit click: rings. Topper IS a head spin per-! Sam .lao^k Kaiitman's band in blaz- foimed on a loop. Thiee Crctonis , ins; led toat^ aie on the stage in a click with expert, .work on a high I sfatelv; setting provided by Gene Wire. I Fold The whole business goes over Whitey Bobeits, emcee, keeps the ' exeeedingl.i welt. Arke. real big. .She does .Texas,-".. '"Mairzy- .D'oats^" (!y.itabl5f"> .-;.an: IrtshVtiiedfeje. Soecialties get off to a great :start Count Bastes atipearance at this v ith Ben Dova's asro-mebilations. Harlem' vaudei brings an uni^Liall. and the Wesson Brothers kill them heavv flow of business Righlluilv with imitiations, •^o since the oich has all the ele- B'z. sellout, house going clean be- ments needed tor hot bo and top foie the first show at noon. Thurs- (tve dispensing Basic's kevboaici' day t2i) Etie. antics, together with meaty arrange- ments done by a solid outht pro- vide excellent audience (are. ... BaSie gets his solo fling with a well done " Basie Boog e." but band - "Swing Shitt. —j\ndys Blues' and the closing jump tune get as good s'tubholder response.: Foremost among his soloists is Jimmv Rushing the built-like-a- barrel Jive singer who o&ts over I Nevei Knew." a blufs numbei and 'Goin' to Chicago" Big reac- tion while the distaff warblei. good- look in8_ and tastetulb govtned Thelina Caroenter cfTro. "Do Noth- irg" and "More Than You Know toi nice returns Othc tonsil aitist IS Earl Wduen from tl o sax section who nuts , over "Coulda t Sleep a Wink " Sui rounding shr ' is hni'-ed to Peg Leg Bates and Shorts Davis. Bates w^th his u-u.'( lii-if Oi gag. and ability to hoof as well as manv Earlr. Phillv Phi'uds.pfiKi. Feb 25 "f.atiii Q>!(ii ter Ret lie" iritd H«>- j-is. Ctatre find Sfiai!>>0«, Billy Weils & 4 f fias .AmiiiE Broi , FOHlaiiis (3>. Bobby May, Dacf .4()olion (4*, Ltiie (1B>, Loit Sc'nrad<;i\ Hausf Orch <18l, "Roofiies TB Burma" iRKO). Four standard acts, an. air contest; winner and the house orch .have been blended into a breezy 4D-)(niti<^. ute stage show whicti has a nicft balance' to: the contrasting themes ot the accomDanymg screen I«e: Proceedings ope'» as the iXowef orch segues from .its. snhature ihtfli "Besame Mucho." with Marilyn Ballinger warbling the choniiS: tO' fipd favor w>th the StubhoWetK... . ■ Belmont Bros: open vwith ■sarta^py iiooo-jiiggling a'ld dia'-o'o twirling. They make the- hoops do everything- biit talk. Their sDcctaeu|s;r: fi.fiishj with liabted diavotos on »: blaekede out stage IS one ot the staind'StHS of .the: bill; ■ ' .';■ ■' In tne deuce. Donald M!;i{:'t>.'3;erfs:.:a. 14-jcar-old conte-st>er. rSyealS: an unusualtv sood voirs* ih, a moruai of "Beautiful Mot run'!" Lou Sti peter, doubtirg as m c, Tourh of I opens wit'i a tirPd let*er-reading and t m- j monoloai,e rontasnn-ig old gags, but ^artt.■^lly redeems himself with okay hofjfmg-. .■ ■■ ...J Next-tT-closirig hps Dark and' Cloudv black-tace comics:: «4th .sttl. oid-t'tT>^ m'nst.-«»l routine, . Oriel piirs toi'd nooi?"--' 'v ttl> a chOPtts of Loi'("so'"ic Roid hilc tlse; Other <>oe', -«u.-out w!>h ' Dov"n in . Ar kansas." .. ■ . .«■.'.-.:," ■' Bob & Maxme G-.t'-'S close with a sm r!h-!XJ.ccd cf.""C! turn. inGtU'';'-!^ T So' ''i >m^-icir» p>i>n^j«i-,: a i fast jttteibuo'itng f'^-'le Enrl. As a general rule Earle audiencesr don't take to lao revues To then no .stasif show is complete iVLthoiit I a name band heading the bill. Bu». I the linrui) of excellent standard acts m the "Latin Quarter Revtie" 15 netting plenty ot plaudits from the pa.vees To the oldsteis the type of talent makes the.n nostalgic for the at Keith's. Dave Apollon and his three Fili pmos are still highly .entertaining; of "h"ir"tvvo""legged" contemooiariesi Ho 'till gives out with the same old bring down the"house Davis (Nen | hnke m Russky dialect to get plenty Acts> effectivelv disnlavs a srpooth ot laughs Musical high spot is line ot taps ' f Hawaiian War Chant ■ done with Comedv bit this we°k b\ Spidei Ka/atskv overtones Bruce. John Vigal and Yak Taylor. [ Bobby Maj's dexterity with In IS below par. Standees four caught. deep at show Jos«. dian clubs, billiard baits, etc. plus nonch.-ilance while oerformm;. Jenn Glen rfs Con of I (121 Uin^n. Rallo BnHhnore. Feb Zi. CuToU Biir-ioH & Janet,' tS^ Seizor Carlo'. DeOiiue rdtce 'i 1(1 t' iojch. Tender Conirefde* tRKO>. Abbreviated setup is ne'cessarv be- cu ise o t len gtnv Pin' 'Tpndei Com- lade' tRKO> Jean Car'-ol'. a single this tine has the emcee r.^i'inment b addi'on to her own s'ot. Does a very creditab'c lob ard shows con- siderable oos biiitic* but sti?l re- mams on" 01 a nutvbcr of similar turPs that never quite realizes full notentialities. • . -:. Fast ooenmg is by the G.enns. two males ard a ffmrne, m hand-to-'iard balanai'3 and adeouatcH- rout "id aero stuff Make soot foi Bin ton and Janet, who run the ",am' < ot impres-'on'? of screen 'oi?t.ies ri-„rg- tna m->' ci'n and c^stll're~ to com- plete the twist Fmiship" bit. a OiOucho Marx aP'-* Mae West rou- Lornplicated lui'llmg tricks, has th? ''"e, is a strong chnchet, _ ciovlcl 111 the palm oi his hand , Deanm- Carioll <confusm" addi- L T> . _i-4i „ i.-j' t'nn to bill with Jejn CariolU is a .^'l^:^^J.'"'"r„i*''^i legit ^oca^ist with some hometown Bi grac .'.- Orpht>i3m.^..I.. ■'■A. . ■. Los .A' oe't's. Feb 21 Great Watirite, Ade Diiral. Sniii Crfijiniai* (4). Rev VVebei Dr Si l.Kii's Ai!i!«r« oj Ho)-ior.s. f/o'is-e Orc>i (8>. "Dritins oj fli flfflKthii" CRep). ■ :.:■■... . . ■.- ■- _ , c , , 1. I A line oi lookers, tostumeit tust' - Orpheum is featuiing hoiiui on, j,,,,^ j,,, p,o-Juctioii luimbe.s screen apd stage this week, bi.t has ^^^^^^^j ^^^^ some topnoteh vaiiet\ acts to bal-, , . , ., , , ance Pic is an old R.-publK seiiall bE-dimg iv abU P">vicleci cut down to hsr^l"' Bi. was th.- L.iile pit bai-d. which has lit- strong oa openint; m it as Uisc^ tans He chance 'o show its wares be- turned out to be sta-cd b> Di c .u^» ot the hither'o unbiokcn suc- Silkmi's menacin!« A,.lum o[ <-<-'' "'^ ot name-ba-U on s..-iie Horrois act. Tuin plots its coruj v.eU-fillcd when caught hokc well to stimulate the imagina-l (Fr-da.v atiernoonv Slin . the r ever comic tumbling ot, , g^e gives out a'-capt- ; II. Wells and Foui favo. I ,, • .^j. „ .. , acoful djncin- ot >he b-i'lroorr ! f-'^'f -^tf*,^; 11 lo. Hams. Clane and Shannon, and i l.^f, JZlllJt^ Zl'^^^ ^ in an excellent hand-batancms tiun bv "-«■''';' ''^^7f"^ ^ the Fontams add up to a neat pack-' 1° . ^^^n CanoH s nr-aior , ^• ' 1 I a»sinp",r'-x w ^loh ctrsisti oi sorre okav .".:i;'« .V'sll:.tirnBd- tor laughs, . vocaii'iP'i st'd an motes ran ot Hmv .Irin^-'s alt adturij i.>o to a stiut:; li 'hli'^l t DC an otherwise piirrh'e's jaj oi t Don Csild-?. on guitai with two naif hiimf^nira players does a pot" Di>ut>-j o> Latin-\m::. ICS" oHis a \ Pi s 01 ot ' P, nei Bo'l" as an em OK- c'o-E •. the show. i Bi7 on the tcriific side. Bum.