Variety (March 1944)

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WcHlnesda^, Marcli 1, 1944 VAUDEVILLE 49 Sunbrod; Charged with MisIeadiDg Ads on Rodeo Show in Chicago CfaJcaso, Ff b 29. 4 ■ Larry Sunbrock, who seems lo thrive on trouble, has run into plenty of it liere in connection whli hi"} rodeo and Hiriil circus at the Coliseum. Not only h@ve » couple ot court orders been issued against liim but 3;e has been named in a domase suit due to misuse ol several Use of the naraes "Superman," "The Lxjne.. Ranger," "Roy Rogers, The King Covvboy" and Terrell Jacobs in ne\^'S!»pe^ ads has resulted in a lew lesaJ entanglements. First he received a telegraphic pi-ojest from Republic Pictures asainst the rodeo's Roy Rogers being ad\'eTlised as "The King Cowboy" because, it said, Roy Rogers, its film itar, has long been advertised as "King ol the Cowboys.^' Wlien Sunbrock let the wprning go unheeded. Rep, sent T. R. Black, ol lis JfewT YorK legal de- pafts»enV-here-4*-institute proceed:^ ings. Meantime, Federal Judge Wil- liam Campbell, in'behalf ot the Lone Rnnger, Inc., issued an order re- /'strainirig'Suiibrock^^ from ■u^MJg^m^s- >:"■ •"•1 ekaSng adsin ■ the : pajsers ;;ajldi Jrom ■ ii'sing ■ >radio ■ ■announcemtoiits ' ■Syhich' contMsed the public, m coxmection with the mention of "The Lone Hanger." Jurist later issued an in- junction pi-»*ibiting the use of the name in «ny i»*y. "TsM Lone Ranger" producers also eiuered « suii- ffor.. damages . arid; sot ' an V^irdei-'' ■ ,wJiich',,:tK)liJs 'the .teoxoSfifee. receipts in escrow until the suit u ■ determined, allowing the Coliseum 'jnanagement, as custodian of the funds, only enough cash from the receipts Sor the operation «jf tlje building, leaving Sunbiwcfc to worry aboat the paywU. On Friday <25> Chicago news- paj»ss w«re nottSed by an attorney for the "Superman" interests tiiat aU such mention of that name should be dropped from all ads and that, if they Twere not, le£«l steps would be taken. Even before file waraing the Chicaso Tribune refused to allow any names ot acts to be jnemfioncd in ads that appeared in-that paper. Ten-ell Jacobs' name was used though he had no contract with Sun- brock. and it is 'net known Whethtt. or not he will join the legal band- wagon which promises to gne Sun- brook a ride. N.Y.FANCH0N4IARC0 REORGASSHAYONEmS Fanchon & Mairco's local office will be reorganiaied when Sam Shayon, ' head «I tihe ISejw York F&M branch, leaves that outfit to go with the Wil- liam Morris agency March L Most o£ Shayion's escecuttve duties will go to Charles Toffler, ciirrenitly acowJnl- ant ^ due Sm. F&M at SIhe same time -will move * from Badio City to the Paramount building. Circus Op^ At Garden, N;Y^ Lou Walters' 'Slap Happy' Revue to Preem in May start of Lou Walters' vaude type legit revue, '"Slap Happy," has been postponed to early May. Cast has been nearly completed, with J. C. i Flippen, Chico Marx, Renee De Man», Gene Sheldon having already; been signed. Show Will also carry a chorus line. Selection of a theatre wUl be made upon Walters' return from Florida. In the meantime, Marx will start for Walters prior to the show, going Into the Latin Quarter, Miami, March 2 a<> a replacement for ilie De Marcos. PeMu«;o$' $5,000 The DeMarcos wiU get $5,000- a-week when they open at the Ro.vy. N. Y, with Harry Rich- mar «nd Garry MoAre March 29. This is perhaps a world's record high lor a ballroom team, and reflects tlie general seller's market standards for worth- while available talent. Rmgling, Barnum & Bailey circus w ill play its longest engagement ever arranged Jtor one stand, Btang booked into Madison Sqtiare Garden, N, Y., for 45 days. Caning performance in New York is dated for April 5. Garden showings will total 91 per- formances, premiere being' at night. Understood dates in other large cen- ters will be similarly extended, Fmal showing at the Garden will be May 20. Reported, too, that Robert Rmg- ling plans a one-ring circus at tl^e Garden throng summer^ as last year. The equipment is on hand and if would cost little to open, while the performance ■ will be strengthened over last season's show. It was proposed to troupe the one- ringer but there was a last rainute cancellation. Run-through of the big top will be held at winter quarters, Sarasota, F3a., .Marc%. as under canvas. Sev-^ end circus acts are starting Hus week to join the KBB outfit TJ)eS Record 55G To Oriental For Name Bands Chicago, Feb. 29. Tommy Dorsey's record-breaking week at the Oriental here last week, ss deemed by local theatre men to be an occurrence that will open up the house to other top bands. Dor- sey was the first top band to play the Oriental and he got a deal call- ij>g for a guarantee of $12,300 against -from the-first doUar,—an-ar- rangement Hew other outfits are Jikei.y to be given with the exception of the very best Up until Dorsey played the hoiise it has had few major names. Dorsey piled np a b.o. Ixital of approximately $1^.600, just about double what the houEe normally grosses. He took for his end some $27,800, which he told friends here wa-? the highest' salary he had ever dnswn from a theatre week. He and his men earned it, for they did 45 /Shows'iiii''the'^seii?ra\'ds^ Oriental raised its prices for Dor- sey, from 35c and 73c to 40c and 80c and the upped will continue. PinNfffe Ttsscrs Rock GnaiDeiljCafe,Ckff. Cleveland, Feb. 29. Two stick.? of'dyn«i«ii'te:jp%??*d ,.m' doorwiiy of Green Derby Cafe after hours in * mystery weekend bomb- ing blasted all the windows in the buiiAiTig and shattered the front but did ii«f^ ,dtfm«ig^'-to lihe ^irteior.,, A Explosion was so foroerul that many resislentS' jn'fflpea hutted Otitoi.^^6d.^.'0^h«rs iesrimg an- inland invasion ducked tor their ba-semeiitT^heitfers.' IvTieilie; Gajd'uk;,' , ovviMt/'of ibe :fcaiCe ibuil^^^^^ escaped anjary «s her bed was showered wrth glass. Neither 'Cai I AmalO. who manages, the Green Berby, nor Sol Gummirigs, ;/bandmastei {jjlay^ ;, ;iny reason ■f6t ith*;d5*namitiiig. Slot^ icing ■tJjai'tK«:,?bi9mb'',u'aiS.' caretessly: plaoe4.--to;;'pi*fea|e;^^^^^ /than ; damiige;- ■pbli*e:'' vfttolTiblaHy/ ' ti'elierve ■.It WsVan -iiititn^ IhiGiit.' ,SpQt seven of liciuor. Hit Springs Wide Opn At Track Preca; Cafes, GasiMS,HttebJaned Hot Springs Ark., Feb 29, Night spots, restaurants and hotels' are doing bonanza biz as the 30-day . racing season fiot wider w«mr jws- terday <2S). Hotel rooms are a "near, impassibility and miteries were .iammed mth patrons follo^ng opening day races. De^ite recent raids by slate po-; lice, gambling houses are operating wide open and the coin is gushing m si*adily. Workers frton nearby cit- ies, flushed with -wartime prosperity, and wealGiy visitors from the east .ai« drcqjping the greenbadcs freely. Liquor, almost impossiible to secure taam legal sources, is selling at in- Utated iprices, but there are few Jdcki On day before the races got under way, Sunday <27), hotel lob-, ■bies '■ aihd ■. niferies' .■ Wwre.,''-.ia[m!*ra^ Many visatois atrivingTiTOiajout liav-- ing made advance SMservalaorag found tiie problem of fiiu^ng sileep- ing space « tou^ one. Tiourist couil's were al so lf uH.~ —" —^ ;,.C.lMb :3Elielved)eiiei' ■o]*e.','^o|.:.-lhe,''\»ce nite ^ts here, and casinos, ne- egjened two weeks *go, are jammed : ^i&;'i&«e:: s^ndiii^ pa", runs .'iiighiHy- I'^e' Southern Grill, r.iid- town . «ating.. aiid;. daiicaiig' spot,is running Jour dining rooms and casino. ■ t*i<E'. '■■ :gte!^.'W'6iPA'' ufficc at' Little Rock, 60 m0cs distant, has warned that agents will check autos parked near race track daily and lhat per- sons found violating, gasoline reeu- lations will be. caUed for explana- tion. ■ . ;,!':.'■:' ;•'■■'';! 'V;'" V:, lOB^ ALL SET FDR AL ROSEN SHOOHG Ed Sullivan, N, Y. Daily News columnist and Jay C FUppen will co-«ancee the dinner being tendocd Friday to Al Bnsein, manager of Loew's Stat«« who leaives thiat |MSt this montfa to htaA a San Fraciascn war plant Dinner, to be heW at TVwts Shor's, IS bemg chairmanned by Eddie Smith, with committee members in- cluding Al Dow. Lairy Puck, Johnny Dugan, Zeb E^jstun. Jesse Harry Roimn and Wttt- man. . ■ . A number of Loew jnanageis wtw have worked with Rosen will also; atjtend: the afljaic PHL Niteiy Rdeues Boree (or Kui Date PittsiMWgh, Feb, 29. '■■■piiila'^^^ :iet''/Eimi!le Boiveo-.oiiA of ;.hfe.--.oaay: fealf-fiSled 'Ocaitiract -Itst :we*"a<?' -'th«i , ((SMnedian. coufild lake a job .at'tihe 'HMinr^icijaiein Miami at coTOsideiabiy: .nwiie money. BoWSj had come in for a fortnight and left '.alter ''icnaij^.'a' 'SCTSEaE,'' '^e.'.so;«isBte- ful to BtjBi CiovatOi oae of the own- ers of iihe Villa, tSia* he even ofSered him a stiwf ot cadi for the siettteroent 'sCJo^'atto;'.laowevier* '-turoed^ it diswh., asOsing only:.that';.aiM«.:..;'O0me^ ba-ci again afier the Florida engagement 'at- 'thc. ■saine- salary^'i -.'tSiis latter agreed to do Hurricane deal paid him over $300 a we£k anor^ tSarTBorecrwasrBeWiBg at Tilla SaadMd^.■^' Rearrangement of Conmdi Key To AGVA S^ing of Ptf center Groups Sinatra Upped to $4^ For N. Y. Par. in June ■■ Frank ;'Sihat|i^'>gb!es;:|mto',;fhe-^ ^Y,. Paramount again around the first week in Jur/o. '.He' follows Charlie Spivak's orchestra and show, snd no decision has yet been made on the band.- that.,^ will accompany him;,,';, .■;' Between .. the time Siiia;ra ■ .last., played the house and the agrcemem on his latest booking. Paramount is said to have revised the op", ion it held 'on'' himi';' io'.'.cata- for . $450© weekly. branded Shew PaklOffmP Mly ♦ A ivarranifeniient of the commis- I sion situation when correspondent I agents woiic on a deal wiU enable ^e American Guild of Variety Artists to sigi> pacts wilii percenter' organizations in Buffalo, Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Chicago. Returning to N, Y. from a tiio to ' those cities^ Matt Shelve}-, AGVA:; national administrator, and Mor-; timet S. Rosenthal, AGVA attorney, declared that the major obstacles in • t.he -way of agreements with those; ''oi-gaihizatiiijns' ,a^^E,^bee£s .oh' :.ffie\-c6rh-,'; mission distribution on deals where , agent and booker are invo)\ed. :. Percenters m those towns feel that,'; the 10% that goes to agents and ; to authorized bookers, under Artists Kepresentatives A s.s n., .1, jSiivuid be revcr-sed, with the bopicer . jgeljji^,' the-,ma3ar..slice...of ■ f ■;■ ';■ Jt ik toi^ved ■ that' AGVA will set- ■ lie the ^uestimi by permitting any ' slice'.;ag5reeabie-'to .all'agents so. long... 'sa^.no.jBoiie Ihsm.IS'Ji is taken' from.- the'jperfor mer- Phsladelphia, Feb;- '29;: Shehey and Bt^enthal, during Alter.'-..sleeping-' ;on" ^'te hard, i'^^^ ' ' ■ ''iiW.'»j,»i#^:'-ta^«P^«*-'^*-:*gent^ wooden seats of the Lincoln theatre for three days, « members' of the all-Negro cast of "Bom to Swing" were -.paid off' and' Weitt badk'.ito' Kew' York. :'.Vl?i*S''>galS,.'. who said tbey 'were, stranded, .bjf; produ^aers of .'I'he'show,,, were owed approximately $700 P^yoiH .waS:ffiii«lly; .made by ^tS^ . ^BroiUiersj '■. owners' ..of . the ^theatre;'',./,. :: ' Show'' -cloBed'; alter 'jmjc. .'.^sfiSefc, They declared «li of them evidenced a willingness to cooperate and foimu- late agreements embodying all the points of ihe Rule B pact recently inked with ARA. with the exception of a revxtaon on the com!nissi<>n clause. Once that issue is ^ttled there will lie little tnouhle in ef- fecting agreements, the AGVA execs dccJai««i...-.;,;;\ ..■■■'''-^'-'"'.■,.■''.'.■■,'"'■',■.'',: :Rosentibial''esjs^cts' ,tp'■ le despite reported take ol $4,690 Jti^ JT'v ~1 , whi«ai. jt should .haye .■^owrt * jjiiofit. '^^^^ - ■ - •«^"*»""«' ■ .i^^.vwio wiui However, producer Irving C. Miller, ■decided "te "fold,' Most of'the, cast' was paid oK at insistence of AGVA. But cholines wlio were non-mem- bers , wert ^ieft'JIat , whe«s MSller and. others left town. While waitiEg. the gia;lS; .we*«' fed., by Ricliard C. Ma,vo, executive iSecretaiT: of. AGVA and :.jnembe*s - ol. his staff,.'.'. Wax Brothers maintained. at|^.;'first,; -that they ..Weiwi.'. not '.liablle'' for the chorines" salaries, innasinucb as tliey had only leased the iMNisc to Crown Amusement Co., owners of *Sona to Swans." But alter three days 4hcy finally decided to gt^. Ifteiy AGFA Waris Hdb tt Lift 90-90 BuMiAds ". ■■Ax^&StsA':GviMA of.'Vatiety .Airtislis, '5s. '.ifiHing with Mickey Bedsfche,. op- erate of tlie lathi. Quarter'and 'CM ■i.'layEair.,. 'Bcistoh,.; On' clauses in Sted- stone^s . contracts .' .forbidding'' acts playing his spc/is io play ;^ot$.with'iii.. a SO-xmle radius of BostMi within 90 days of perfoTrning in his bioites. ' AGVA iooncedeS' 'tihat-.'aily ;'''<class"A. .■sp0t, : paying' p^' ' prio^"' Wt- 'taiteaiit, merits some kind ol consideration in that reflect, but deems thie 90 and 'SI) clause to be cxcesst!i'e.'''f>nd.;|s' iii!;g tb.^ant a 21 imile^Si -liity. 'period' ol graoe. l/os Angeles agents, if he can get the nepessfi^r; |iiicie' 'icbEtensifMir -licoai'''^his.' draft ward. He has passed his audits and expects lo be inducted by the «nsy in ApriL ^:'':''Art'..#VM!i'sir:: cut ahari tov.-. of Loi!!.>--iaTia .to ''bo'we.' back '.'jt.ijiwe''.-'l;Ei'St.': : \vee}c''':'at. .the. ii'viiatiois: •..of jiis ''draft boiird,' MoiJt hi^' carai; - ailing ''u-ith.-' fiffff End . Fawar.-wWaS; ;Sh:ent; ;sten<linS'':'bX:. P'^lir'iijfr''^^& .•kiS. 'iMgi;ij)liysifial. .-■ ..■>''>'<»!':«ij:;; " '■;:/ . ;''■; Philiy AFM Local Getting Tough on Muskai Ads ■ ;':■;"..... ' ■' '; Philadelphia.' Feb. 29. ■' AFM Loc.-il ,77 '^ere '^i^:: #anipi:n§; don n '-dn acxs which ixx musical in- ^trum'ents".. without hoidi:rg- AFM .cayds.-' ■■■:li?reafter,'j''77',.;^ 'de'ki;a;nd':'lhit./'all';'-perf6^^ ' wb;rR;, is; "e,%i' ■ pM^tialjy^'mu.sibls he. unionized. /,"■'■; s:.' '.'".''',;'./■ •''V^'-'".'.-'' ..Three acts in the ■;pa.4t^ couple 'of woefts wore orrierod' to.'c'iil .o.ut.ihe^ 'musi'oii'l' portion? .■'.bf' ibcii.; .ST.iijt,*, ,C!n 'the 'threat »f;;ljeing'^;*6cl^i'^''ajfi^ I 'Fi;.e -acl.s complied.. ';■ Balto Niteiy Op Clainis ' BinUiy Lester's Stallii^ Budd.v Uefftier, natery oomic. may 'oe .'■■ued for breach JC)r,.ipootract-*^' Cy Bloom operator ol the Clut? Charles. Brillimot*-. who asserts .that Lester had conu-acifd to open Feb; ,2?,''i^iti'',j«S*wd, is contmuihg ,at the ',Latin :..'<jiw?*0ri.' ''C!h.i«^ he has been for more than 30 weeks. AJ5cordiaig to Bloom, Lester gave -as .'.-is excuse tor -not playing the ,j iBa'liiTOdr:e'''''«3:ate..the' fact that he iLes- '■'terl.'' '''.'i3e3(%g''. i'ndij^^ '' into the '.a-rmy. ' W'ithin. .tho.' pffisi' f-cw weeks. .,iBiaoitr''.cofitends 'that (Le^^^ 'jprodwcted ' verfficatiori..: -tO- .this'^-ejflj^et 1 frc«ti,.1ni«''l'<jBaJ': draft board; :.''.:... ;',.;.' ' . ^I^Jandant .comie -iii' thei'ferotber.of' ijeJTy.^I«aer,.'.al's'o.^^^^ ciro&ijlwft'.;.'., •'.'' ''.'■•'. ."..'.''llNKfis.'-? TaiB*«r. .;'st..; M "■ Irving :0eriijt 'aflMcfeii 'i.'ri'.N;''T^^^^ -ihal;' firm:. JaSt'.'.iweek. 10 join Waifnefs'' ■ ptibi.isl'i.'ing .'.Coml'iiBe ;..'in K. Y. She tpli.o'Bc'nriy BlOnm,'^Ho'',recently : r.i(i\ f 11' 'fi'fjTO Berliij; to Advanced, a ■ fjTB ' Miain.'l;.;'' :'sis -pfnfesftifeTial'" .;.m'an-i asev. :;'..; " ■;;■.,..:;■'■;:''.:' . ^--''-.y '..V;';'^liiay!^' WMnis hSMtiiag Fracas ' : WmwapoVs, FtHt. 29. .''iB^ppy''.'H«ii«j'':"il»''.«f.:.^ . inC' niiiit ciUliis.''.is.'''deieni^^ in a disibrict'. .'.''coi^ '.'.;|^S#OB' daemiefc. suit . . brwiJit by ';S|it;.':iaEjBnoM. .'^aifholorr','-; 3pew,''.army; .obd3c ..os^tiuied -M'^''|'t<'''.~ Sn<dline..ii>dilClt«Bti'ceh^ '.'.;.'' ' '' .BartlbdlMMew''«as' '^^ 22 5«,*i!e '. in ..^^iflne .^(t^^ll»'s -lamfs . lounge. .,' ^rSak'. .boBet'.'.'was. .^JtoeA"'..*!^-,; iai!i*ithfe*.' ■ pateim,.',.ia^s(ay.''' 'SaiglBt '^Bestsi'-: alias ..liaitiy. 'Ili^an, Wiio'.laitiw '.ww'^a^ppre--.-' 'INoiicfed..' "iinVh'''two''^comipacnoii^ ';' It. developed <etaA tSw' trio were bandits... .' Goo4>ensati«>n'.. .is .. a^teed- on, ■: the . gnounds ::Sfibe..€^b' failed to :iDeep' up: ' ©r ' 'pcfsopiK' wder , and:''.''allowed:'. .Bev«r ipd .oifljeis ■iti6.''.bwsoffl»' reck-..:.'. .|B^... '^mtiaihnBi»,-)0)l»)^^ s(a^,i{.dis«.;.:. «**(aily.' '.,:iaje ^wiPW visaa*'" affllegeS'-" ^ai^''..''«iBta<ay»iiitmi!it'''' 'WoliiBliBd. regula- MtS: W:t)^aSaig mmm *» Bever, .'etcv.... wlieta.thes'.'.'were 'lilrea^y. li^fejiScated,:. '■' .'. vJ5aifte,,.#ie'^iiai^te le|!it:' ^WracBterti^n ■'wlhw ' :i*:. iiperis:'" with 'a-alj«|oa!..;^dfeiisr ,at.' the lafayctte thKBta*i..0^wili.;ISajxih. .'!#..:':.... '.'.;'"'lJ6eimwhi*e' . '4S''iOisB)KBiiJffl*-.:. with ')$begtii^:.v»ai4e , «*:«* .Ori«J*al,'Chicaeo. and ' woitad^-hijn-in-the defunct Clt*, Jng wiOi.SSt^jA.i^'i^vpf: and For t Wayne, ted., befwe hitting the Motor cay.",.':' .■^'■',:':/'.: , :-^i':,'"^"' '''''^'^ Beaiy Dafb Asb Cit h OaiBs Vs. Friics OA Benny Davis has asked Aimencan' Guild tS. Varjeilsr Artists to reduce his indebedness to performeis who iProlics. Bavis wants to psiy act's for time actually worked instead of en Ssce value .lof contracts.:■:...''. Dmder that setup debt would dwisjdle from «],063 to *605 But actually perl'ormers would get 40% of latter amount since spot is paying '0!ll #0 cents on the dollai. AGVA IS mulling the problem and lhay grant Davis' request to tacili- tal«: settlement alThouiih it. is prob- able that it will hold Bavi«; person- all}; resRonsifele. Iw'the. full annount of the contxart. ' ftolioe axreStod two more men last •w<>fck in .ooBjpfetifflg a .-^undup .Of' .iaokers who 'iStoa!e'..a'.PBt«BB.'.'4t.uG.k-'..' load of brandy, part of;.lopt,: '. police .ssa^'.TwS'S'.'t&iHiiiia .in SmpaU^ie, Ihn,,.;.»radjSly-^j3wn;..,B^^ ■. iPbi&f : i nil/eryv::: .'.,.-.'■: '■ ''^^:./ " ■■■ ' ': Ijow 3!omasco,wePa'tQr'..ot.,|iste: 'eli^^ i; hfcjd In $2.5(10 bail charged, with ' buying SO cases 'i.0f the st-uft v/hiic I kn.owfe,g.'it''Was.':'''b^^^ ';:.piaj-rn.g' i'is atinMal .'engagGmerit .at'j: ca^iJ'y''d'ii5c.ia'a*fieta. fc&m'/Aite : Army, .■ the,.:.Si.: K^til 'AuaH0riumrAf5;- ';it»^;,:i ^ ::. ;','','"^ „:..'■.':::-•:- "Ice-Capades of 1944," scaled <at $2.75 | police also naiabed a truckdriver, a lop '■ M::■'•'!il|(i'-',.S;W8-:i*!a*,;vgi3*y grossed;;.':,^'''':.'tert',ifiq,''. f 5'8;0.M'':, j'qr'. 'loeCapades' Boff S58,000 in Mpls. Week [:[ ' Jdiniieiinoiis. Ff-b, 29. nights ..afi'd'twO;;niftti.ri(;e'es.:: yThis; j<;;i5' i'.raqre' .than: same .:aitr''aation..''p:uTtetl ill' iTifJay''ruil;'at-sarn*. spiif'/'liist .seistion. NSfir-capacity prcva'.:od M • ail ^pfTr.: .formanccs .tW's 'y.c'.jjr; ; :■.,' .' ' ..:.; '.;'.: ■ ''V'lee 'FdUies"' TOItos intD JWinnaiip- SiB':ApeTia'\March ?.l for ftii>oe-»-c«:K;: Yi:n. :.^' '■'■ >;"'' V': ':':.:"";.: ;'■' '::: ■.;-'; '.' I'te^d'.to' feave been part of the:''S..yli-. ;^'C)';ciSe,';sS'hfch'' bo'ught:rl*ie:.:hijac>re'^/,' onindy. i' ':'aiean>«'JriJe'''';^poiice^ Sta'ie liquor; ' Mgfcntfi' and' ■F:edera.l,BrjeB odniintred''a: i .prow.l.'.'.bf .' .•Cither. •niteries 'in'-iaB :'e'flor-ili.'' i lb ': laeatp the rest of the Stolen I binndy. .:. . ':,!::;.' '' ..:.,;■ ■. ;;..'';'■''■ ^'