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14 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, March 8, \^\\ 4p4»iii|l< 3ly Way (SONGS) • Lop AiiRCles, Fob. 26. .■sii;v. ji.s. liii-cuioM iLv .vuM'su'. y., .-^.fri'wniliisy (•'niiik i:iii!hi;im-'t ■('i-irnlv :UaYi'W: -wiimTflf .'..■..Irimt'S': Itrovvu . ;i'.ili'in' '■I;'K:kliivvi: ■.■.'.V'Ji'iirt' H'""il>'')' •;;-i*'n>(vk-3i<'i(iikh. ,«• /,, .•rKilji' :Mii.ly<>n. ;^■.■s^,llul«^^■■■■l•^'•.illf'ri■s ,.-..,./:.An'ilil lliHila* tiiiK'i'Ui M<N^.- ., ■: .If t'ilij lilmlcM,. . ..-. . ■ l-ViUlri- l"11V.sil'.l!"ll v,i ■.I'l'.j iliiini'.'i, ,H-.;...f:- ■I'v.l fbiiiii:;-.- Hr l>'iillli'r i>'J>u«d:-, .\l i'f. 'V',.pmw.ij .... ..■ •I'.uiv .sniiHiiu.;; ■ ■I'rtui.iMV Unz/.iiiri. ,i:j,;i:iujni ., :...r-;■■• void- in,.••Going: Viy, Wa>-/'. with mai0!■ aasistaivc©. ti-«m ■ Bcr.vy., * it- sei-altl and .iRiso :s,le\ichs',,clicks spl- iTOiit-foT vviclcVaudicnco afippal;, Pi.c-. tui-e. \\'\\\. Iiif Hcfly biz;on; all ;bpx)k- iirgs.■ ' ' ■'■ ■ . ''.'^' • The ovei-loiig': 1,26 .utinutes :.c.Qnta)n rniiViV, ' episotles ^^whlctt,' seiflA '^c 'de- ieted £or 'rnXu-o conipa,ct:ne.''s; - ■Rcspnc Hhi's drjiwback, HoweVciv-;picUu;c: ,iS,^a. avarmi intman dvama stuHded liberal'- Iv with brishl:: episodes and excellent chaiWtiDrizations accentuated by ,fine, dlreaion ^ o& heo: McCatpy..,, Itttinjate. scenes 1?etwcen Crosby and litz- ^ gprald', dQWii,nate:'' thf^^^^ ; Wil-h ■ ■ boUy : prpvidiiig' ,si,ic¥: ..chai'aMcyuar, , i,ions. ■ ■ ■ ■: ■ ' ■'■ . ,■; ■ , ,-■ ■ Crosby/piavs 'a young'■■prie.'^t, in- -tere'sted in atliletic.sVahd jSiusic : wlto'S :'^asSjgned;:as ,assistant; to 'cwstj*; Fitz^-: gefalfl in ,an eastside ■chiili'ch saddled with - )i)Ucdensome ^ ttSortgage ,VtH,at; nVlght ■ be : 'Itii'eclosBd, , by , gras'pin.E!; Geiio Lo'ckhart.,^ ', trogressi^ and; 'istaid,' oMstei"' cfeshl'contirtUally, but -Gi'osbV ; gradually' ;b,erids' Fite'.: forald 'to ,Ii:is ^vaj';^, Crosby, Bets ,tne; "ougb ki#,. 0^ ■ the:' n6igKborliopd to organize a choir through smattering of atliletics. ballgam*s and shows, . d6e.^' the:'HSi;'iai :,round of kindly deeds , iIt blitbesome manner and ,eve,ntu- , ally sells a ::song, to .pay the; chuj'ch niortea.go. • ;";' V;,,''v':;r, ;'„:;;;; Major thread of gaiety:' ■runs • through lite proceedings;;. and .Mc- ■: Carey has Hljerally .sprinkled spav- ' kUrig individual:' episodes alphg- the way for,, -cinfih, audiencereaction. - Rise Stpveiis, comes, ofi; for the sec- orid half, introduced as a Metropoli- tan iOpci'a/star,'and old frifend pf . Crosby:;. when : both ,were,: interested: lit ■ iTiiisic.: :She 'sticks around to sing aria' from. "Carmen" : and title sbh'g of "Going My Way." and to assist in providing ',; funds '' to , :S3v,e ■ ', the , chUre.li,,f!;Qni.,foreclosure.-; ■ In' addi- tion to scoring with her song pres- Natations,; -Miss Steyei^s dbes; well, in, : ,,her acting; aslsig'pment : , Crosby's, 'Spng ■ iiuinbers include .fhreo new,: tunes 'by,,,Johnny Burke and Janies Van Heusenr-"Going My Way." "Would You Like to Swing , Or. a Star" and "Day After For- ■ ■ ever," Trio are topgrade and due .:, ,for: wid?; pbp,- appeal <3u,e to, einpii; re-, cording and airings fiy the Bing. He al.'o delivers "Ave Maria." "Adcite : Kidelis!' aiid "Sileht' Night" in addi- tion to a'; .lively ;' Irish foikspng V -VToorMoora-lopra"; wuth boys':^ ^c^^ - ■ acedmpaniraent, ■,,' Supporting: ea.st is :ne:,atly; set ,iip, , for'ieri'eriillv fiiie perlSl'rifianoes,.,', ',:*"■,'.;-■',,' , ::,vMt si-snentlv-paccd direction by Charle.s Vidor, and taking tallest advantage of the toclinical contributions. Plot i,s neatly cPneoctedtovget over idt'avb'f, Budden -irisc to thfeatrical faitle, ot Miss Haywortli as result of win- ■ nii,lg a Cover Girl contest. Kelly,: operatint; tlic modest Brooklyn nisht- spotwhere he 'stageis thc. floprshows, :i.s in; love with Mis.s; Haywortb,- a daiioer.;;:-tatter- wi'ns the;, contest ,to givfe: tlie, rdnnt iiw,Modlate:;fame with tlio Vipp,crKc,iHtst;'cu,st;oipers' IromMm luittiui. otto Kru.yer, responsible for,, licr prominonce, had youthful' vo- ,manee,, with her ,.i<ra)ldmotheiv;whi;n; „iatter .wa-S aii., eia'tertaincr ■'::10 ■ ■y(;ai:s; 'pn>vvi6iii«l.N,:';at, f ony; .pai^^ ,lp:wly■ iiiKhtnp:c),t (o a Broadway show, ,'Result M brQ,ali between: the ,girl ;atVd j;,K(,'lly; ^\■l^iin kifter sli.iblj.OrnlY,;blows' nti": sffam; ', Mis.s ; Hayivorth" ,i6irt,s' Pi'oaclway;' rev-ue' ,p,i'odiicpd ' by,'Loe, Bti\\:'«ia,nv':la tte'r :'evo,i,itu,iil iy:: pi-Qpo.siiK' marriage.;,' ■ Bi'it,- hp's: deserted at, the: ,!il,tar ',a,s; ,<<hf: r'Pluiins': ;,;to''Ketly ;;;:u,i'd- iiplp?- :l:Viili' -rpSUiWC :opPratrion , of.'.tltp iiighi ;c'lt'ib';,;'wliiclt ii'sdr,t>een-;:cfosed' iVh'cn:-.'!'l,ic, IPtt tlie, i^lipw." ■ ': ■,,. ■■■■;: ','■"■.■: ' :■ ■..:^^ah,(n^^■■sPl■lMelVoc.s■' spotlighting.■'tl'tC' terpi 11 g ■:,abi'( i 1 i'e,.s; -ol: fbotli ' Miss /.Hay- \\\or:tlvaiid',KoJl.v'-:ai;o :expe'rtl.y:sta ,K'cll,y: -'d'»;i.':'Pd': his!'(nv:!!;'ro he.-.piPl'uiT. ai-id' onP^'a isynchroiiif'.ed 'tliiiice-Willi iii.'i jiii'ief,:'gons,ciciico'' vii a' :dpfid-e)icl '^'sfrPPtr^'is:: One,'-' (if,' ,tlip;"'ti>p' ;P'ol-tprnj-,a':n,pP.t ['of:^i't.'s .fi'pe ■'evpr.:to bo' ■;p;enpd-:. ,,■■- :', , /,',.:;''■-'■ StlOre ;,by:,„Jprpine, :Kerh ;aHd:'ir|a ;G,C:rsh\\'i'n,i .D'oriiprisi'iig: sfc\'Oit ■tunes.:is hf .-IVifll-'pntiht'P ,'. ;-';iyrnkp'. Way, 'fnr Toiftorrow'''' ,ii.as a'':'iood,',:Cliah.ce:'f6r pop 'atfentio;ii.',-, Cliarjcs i'Viddr' iiits:' n,Ta.i6'r, league' statu.s ',ior,:,his 'pappful. direction: of a' staiidbut,, -and ;enf,er:tai'n;iiient T-^filled filintisical;: Virginia, ,, Van ; "Upp; rateg: attention'ior the; compact and neatly^ bleilded /screenplay. Marion- Parson'- riet .and Paul Gan:gc!lih did a good ,job oil, tWe.,.adaptation Of Br win.; Gelsey's ,pngaPa:i'^. and '' uncredited /exectitive prbdueer; Sidney ■BuMiftiaril'deserve's kudbs; for :assembl,ango ,of ;it'ie,'talent atid ■gertcr'al'setvig.';,- :■",■,; ; WaTt, ■■ Hour 1l«>for<> Uio Ilaun ','':','':■■ ' :';,; ;Los .•\n,seies. Feb. 2."). ■!:-^'n:;t;nio,tijH i'(-l(,':,i.«(' (,|,';: NV-ilii'ain liii'/ici-' pri>- luiiHiin, '.«iitm'Jf/HmV>h■roiio:f[i)il pironli'!!.- i:-;i!\:'^: ■'t'-'uliir(.'< -:.lohti :• irurtun ■ iitul ■ rlimvie. Hiti-lips: ■ nf,r(5c,l<'<1 In; JFtmk 'ruUlc.- Si-ri-'ciV-,, lay.:: ;Xti(;ii/i;-vi,r(<if!ii,ii;; .tf<i<ti>Oitiim,,:--i>Mvir tlitlll:: t'.-iflU'Tit;; ,'.lnliu ' f^cUii': ■'odit'cif,' ,.s'iunt-f (?irn,ijii,i-C'. ■'rl;a(l'('Ml^o<vM „!,n 'Iv,,:., Ai ',i'W)^:.'^'y.- ''M:r I'ai-Miiin^' l,ii)lO;,;7-l*M'l,NS.' .(im Hi'Hioj-lnil IJOf.a; UHU''<im:Kui .:v.;. Itiiy 1)i>(,lt)'-rliiii; .V;,,; l!(ii!;c5r,,if(:|,ii(fi'iii|i;:...' ,t5 i m'ip I'ii 1; VI:i;;I,I'lC'Vtnn;.;.; >ii'„T;cKlH;': i!u(,;lian!\n t'lOpl., ■■A,M:(>rIi'y .'■;.;,.■.„ Kurt:"l!rui'hina,niy;;;. Tdiiiinr i:b'iiuaVoh;V l'"re(l<ly ,Jtr:i-i'ti,t. .■'.;.': .;'.-'.1''ran(;hHt,T<'in;-: ; :. .,\;(,T(nili:a-.Ku'l«' .■.:;■.■ .11 innlo :ilji fviio.-^■ ■,;.■.';,:. ■;.i:uhn;;iSuttoh ll(Hlj-y:: Wtopliensoji: ,.';■; l')i,llilj;:SI,frlV!Vlc) ..l/psli:*; ppnilit^'in '.':. . .■■NiI.'<,,-,,A^thRr /O.aykia-.clanll .;,;:.l^ilnia'tlil ,:I,>rlol1 ..H«'.,. .PpnaUi.Siuai-t Maiil,.,.'; .:,■■.J .■,. .;. . . ., ; Viola'Monve ■.Mi',s,,;-l\u;l!,niT!-. ..■.:;..,;.■.■. ';;\i,»lint!i:- DvUp- Saul./;. ::. , . .■...,.;.';„ .■,,;;HHrry: iSi>i'ilin& Miniature Reviews "Goinf My Wfty" (Par) (Songs.*. Bing Crosby' starrer due for hefty prodt and. hold?;, ' overs in regular runs. ;:' "Cover Girl"' cMusical; Color); fCoO. Bita llayworth and Gene Kelly in .socko filmusical. "The Hour Before the Dawn" (Pari. Familiar tale ot Nazi spies in nEgland. "The Falcon Out West" (RKOi. Standard wliodunit in Falcon scries: s'.rong:support for : p-nsgr'ahi ■■holi'ses. ':';',; :': ,, f .' • • ■ ••im--C4iccIt -lIon*v" •■ t-U> <'Mu- ; aiPal:); '■ ;iiigbtwpisht ,btit qkay.'f<,^r - '.dual svipppri:: ■' - ■■;;,,:: ';', '■: •'Career Girl" tPRCl. Francos Lijnsford in; weak story with theatrical pretensions; for tlie ,lo:\vpivd:uiali>.' ,' ,;'' ;;,';',, ^ ' ■ "Vooiloo Man" (Monol, Pro- .'grampior.; ;i:n:;;a'pproyed, ,;thNi}er: 'stylo;,' starring;Bela,XugOsi.;;,,;;, ,' "Trliil of Terror" tPRC). ';|Ie;vded;,for ;go;pd re'sp<^iisp.:a^^^^ western devotees. tor' ■ pro'tcotioiii; ■'Yarn'; spends" inuctf foptage;.explaining; the' groov'iiig ; of his, family,; into ^ the; w,ar';:elT,0:rt.- i,£ \v6'a,ves ;wearisomc.; episodes'/of ;,M;i'ss' Liilje'; worlsing ■ for.' the:-eheniy^ tempts ;to ;^ct',Tpne' io frpnf, ,,for the: '{rgci*ts-ih-pefttJtr^t'aM-p^^ SPC.S: iihm'askiirg of tlip wife! after a Gornian, air blitz of tiie countryside iri', 'attempt to kiTock' .'oiit■ a\ secret, airjjpld. ;Tone: thCn;;j3rpce,ed:s;,-tp''','kin his' wife: and ;joi,nS the air-fijj'ce for tedeout;'■:,■■:■':■■, ;■ ;;;-, ■•::;,;■■;:;•■■-*':;:■'■:-■; ;, Djrcctidn,,:,,,by ■ Prank' ,'T,uttle: -adds; ;no,fKi;ng,.:'' .Tone: arid. Miss, ■ take :',a'Fe lustreless. r^Hpnry , Stephehiori', ,ris(|S slightly above the poor material, as 1:?e;it;of the stipportlrig cast., '.W'ti,!'*;'';.; So,iher;set,.,:Maugh,am'S ' tai;e of, Nazi- spying, and i,'ntt;igue,,ih;;E'ngla'h'd early ;in, the wrar is tediou.-; and generally uneventful. "The Hour Before :he tJawiV' is, a weak b.6V:critry for tho' duals. , ■ ,■; :;'Sfory ' .develops: 'acodrdirig to .'for- mula,,,,-Ftaiveh;ot; "Tone in ,;his yoiith ,;acqtur,es,'aVersiort to killing, so' when the war ;brea',lts: out. he's ;;a' conscien- tious ob.ieotor' and' deferred for farm work.', Veronica,t&ke is governess ;ih bis faiTail.y muusidh. and she^aS Nazi spy marries him at Avar's outbreak Tli<> Falcon €»■■< Wt^st ,■,.■;;■.;.' ■;,Hollywood. March ,3. ''';',itTC0''.i-i''lo;fh!'tV.uf .A^av^l;i(:o,':^i^,M^^K■tv^y',vO^ :i;lo'n.-:'fr;tflrX''J''mi,i':'<,?(iivvi(:y,. ■:;,|)ii-'er'^^ C;[(fip»'l)*t'',.Q'rlKnlhl, jir'i-tvpfiiilay liy :j-l,tt]y .:rany.;* '.itlVtl ■'H'i)i;('fiil.; i3r;in't; :lia'MOi:l ;,i)iv' i!lViu;ai'- I[■!'■,: •vn'a'ff'il,;,')iy ,, .\ncUii('i:,:'iVrli;ll; :;,■ (■a'l'mM-i't,- ,i:i;'n-'ry:,: W'ilir., -wllWr.v r.one -illli'iiv*!; 'ilHiliii," iBfwslrtKv l)i>'ii,alil; l'iil,Ia,rt;iiy'i si's'sf; 'ilij-0(:ioi'. Jimh'K,'i'a.'<i'y; • ''I'fiiilo.-.tiow'u '.1b"-T». -A.;,'Sliil'c'li •J;,'','-l-i,.'.,l^lll>llil);ff'^ill{^^'(il;:AI';l,S,!S..':, :■,, , l''al<;iiit. ;:• :,;■; ;.,. ,,:,;;;■; .'. .,.'. ;;>;,.«i'om- fiinway ■,'\'ilni->'.s;(!a. . ;,':'.;■;. ::,-. ;.-.',i .■'.''. .(jlara'lo.tiaUa'K'i'Uni Sfai!l(ni;',.v .;:-.:.,!,;^ . .;; , >;;,.,.': teiii):iv'!i; :'l,la)K -Ah-i-^., I'lnv,]!]-: i .■.■.■.■,■.■;;,','.■.,,;.,.'. .■..Vua'ii'lla!''(:-Jay J'lnn.lVah.';^.'.;,';'. :.; ».■../.,..'. /; .'A'Hirt'TnrK Ba;(,i-:a.'vv ;.v.;; ;',;::... i-;;... rsd '0»'(iKnii, Cothy.,;;. ^...'. .~.v.. . . .. .i'iUnnr- Wiilkuii' 'l-Iayile'n ..-.■..,.';, ..i-. .■..: .. -Vm 'DoliKlas' "ircx.:. ;.,.:.,;;„.,., .';,^ ,,.,■.'. , ...liyli>',^!'ajli«( ;i„Misty;', .,,;..;.'.-, .;',■. i-;;..,.';„■:.,;;I,,t;e;-Ti'('Mvt, RoiT,,': .'..;..'/.:'.,.:.,;'.■ .,;'i'i'i»,rc' 'LauinU'-iM, ■Shcrtrt', ..',..:.,':'.",.;,;..:.''.i .Wht'iiUi'n'-t'liaiVilior.s 'ICatf'lii' l.''i'ai,lvKr,:.'. .'..,.\c"lviV'r' Tliumlcrblvd weaves through the problem in regu- lation fashion as a gentleman sleuth, coming up with solution at the flnlsli. Tliere's little extraneous footage m (he picture with consistently-paced direction by William Clemens getting, the most from compact script by Billy Jones and Morton Grant. Con- way capably handles the sleuthing assignment, with adequate cast com- prising Carole Gallagher, Barbara Hale. Joan Barclay, Cliff Clark, Ed Gargan and Minor Watson, Walt. llai rii<i<'k llon«\v (MUSICAL) Hollywood, Mach ». ; ; t"ii,h;!>r:.'<.ii:l' fjleirap iif :, WiU ;('u\viiii iiL'<ji)\jo-y iilii'.*-; 'Miiu'rliin r.po ii,(Ml,fiUim('y ■|ii>v,ifi-:,»tuvx,,, :a\ '.Mai'ili'i; ini'iiteVii,' .■sillton' 'Ki'ii.>i'ivec,;':i'iliU)'i'. Saiil <UnHilii;n(l; tlialo*? ili;i':i'(,',u>r, ,lMiii::Tli;o\vil; .'■iu'cial iH'iu'i'Hs- },ilH>i,»Mj'a:iiliy. .TolijV ,'!'., -Ful- inii,;, smig.H, ;Mlllotv 'KiiM'n -an* .WvcwK Chw: ttvr.; ,, Vrf«\'io\\'r;,(i, ,iti' 'siluiitv:-prn;io(i:ilon'' I'Hidiii,: .Mnrrfi: •-"; -' (;l-.; l!'ui)llinK,„;'t;hi\i-',-' <l'«,: .>('I'N'S,.,:;. ;Sui'aii li,n*i:U',■:.:■;,.'.. ;■'.;;;'., . .■.^'.Gra'i;*'- .>K^t>ohMil ha,n,'Hi,tK);s. ,.tr:.:.,,:„,..'.'.';.;.';'. .'Bli'')i»i-il.,n>iv1»'', .'llaiilf.y- I'la'ii' Ithffip.'!.:.; ,.,,.;.'.■'■.,;■.'. .l.r'un 'i,a'r(;i>l; ;riii'i;.M';irivi, i;,.'.,.'..,,',.,.'.; '...'WtvU^r iValltM'i: '.JMhi,' AjHlli'ity,.;... ,\ .;i,, .,,',:■; ;Ita:ni.say 'Aiivcs, ,'l)n'vlil-<'iiiH'llitiH;...'...', .'■.,., M illmi'iV'Stan* \\:\n ■T'Vaiipi,'.,.,'. ;.:,:i .,';,.;.:,.v.Ticc' Di-hni'lt' Mi\ Worlhiimliui'.-i,;. .■..,„;.-...'. :nuas«li:,'IIti'Ua: I'liifovilii'it: Uttii'i>r'.''.'.'.,.'.. .'.:.; .IJhOKli'i' ;t'Hil (» .ii,Mit(h'.,..'.!.,';'.'.;.,. ,,'.",,,;■.'.V;:i,,'. M.'ii''y; Gii'rdoii ;I-',\nvi'; .■.,,'.. . ','.','.,.. .■.-.. .';IOinhVplt:,,V'ii,K:a'i^ J.?. «.>.-;;v,v',.';.. ..:. frtincit mt-.i ■ V ',■,,: ;''V<l'p'd,rtll\;!<'liVrls ,:,ariiV-Ills-(V|-r>iliiRl i;a ' ,-. tfar'ry t)wp,ii.4. M-iiil" [n.';„;Uii,va'l HiUviiIi'iirifj,' ■::„,;':, ,: Tl'i'l; \A'0,0;niir,!Ulil, (lliS''l>V<;'lip!<f'l'it:' '' .' "■ -; „ ;, :■;■;,;:: jl'niiity;, t^^ti^lj':' ,',^.; :^,: ■ , ',,:„; ;The Falcon contihues'his avpcatidri, of; amateur, ;siPtithiisg in this,','■ latest' entry Of the;\vhodunit series which' <eems to be a successful entry on the RKO program. Picture will provide good support in the prograhf houses for customers who go for thefortiairia murder mysteries ahd spotting,,of the culprit out, of 'a maze of suspects. -, Story wastes little tiriie ,,'in bump- ing, off the first victim for the Falcoh (Tom Conway) to stop in and figure out a,,solution,,; JVturder is,bomTnitted via lattlesnake venom on a playboy westerner; which calls for quick shift to the open spaces to pick up the clues and other suspects. Conway (Ml.SICAL: COLOR) ,;Hpllywood,.March; 2.;:, CMliiliilna 'l''f-](^aKc ul' 'Arllnn':Hr,ti,ya'vt^. 'fa'it- iTHi-tiiin"; 'Klur.H '■reiLa;iliLy,\v6vt,Ii,:.(-;i;n(>.' lv(>,iry:; mitiircM l.f^o T,5owm;ft'Ti.,, .J'hi'i, ■ Silvers/'-',Tin.x :l''n)l!,('nli\ii'K, 'l,.^.«tifr:'';itr!joks;, ,'''lS've'',;'iVri1<'ii,,: ;»11,t'o' ICniKOI'., .I'p.'w- HiirUrt'', Aoltii: ColViy.; .f'lirt :iiuis itnrt '^CiivPV OHis. Oi:v:s'f4''ii 'i)y lliiiiic.^;Vt<lM;:. ABslstiin't t,o t.lvo; nuuturoi'., XiiniuiVi'-l'lfTOiiiK. ; 'tJia-i'iiinflny US': ViVKilViii Van trinv; aOanla'faiii. Marion:, Pai'Ronnft aniV IJiiUt,; t-)a,,n,ii;i-liti;; '.^Inry, J-lrwliI Onls.py;' :Konffji':i>y'''.l'',riiiiuj ;is(-vn and „lra (Vcrshwln; (''t(«in-a'',''l'(ii'li j'lJ'U smi« aH'il'.Mlon M:;lJav<'y;, editor,' ' Vit,t'lj'i' ,l,,a\vi:('n','(''( ';,,aJ^^^l,.: :,dl,l'r'f;lfii',,' osfar l-siifiili-lKM'. '.li-'.i, iii'i; f;iont^r llniiks !i'n,f I'Mi-y, (idcli;;, dani-ns, ;V:at 'Ra'p<'l„,,S«y- iniiiu- I'^clTx: iiillsi.-ai'.dlct-fi.u'.- «.--Wv-. »(* Idi'r. i'ri-V'"'W'',-d ai ,VnntaK«s,; Miirt-li''], -Jt, : :nliiujl.mi'.,liino, -J(>,.■«, SHXN. ,;- ■ ,',, '' -' Illi^H I'aikiT ... .Hilif Itfiywoi I li ,I)!i'nMy - >l■^<^l^lVA. .■';,.:■.■. .'; ;*'....;f'(i™:<s,:lv<'lty British and American Govts. Release Must-See Tunisian Victory Films ■K.;: i,'wiii;a,|MN; ' ;i, ' ..-.;..: (!'<'nju«;.-.. - „■".'.".';...'-'.',.:, .;.,IM'iir' .silv'oi'.s .Tin.v, , ;,. ,''. ;,. ..'.,.':',',,■.'.■.,.■,Jjnx' F'ollioii-ll'li'l;!,' ■IMinii-ini'',''rliiv.,:.','. .';;..; j .-,;. .fcpsllp': Hvniiku, (•'n'l't'inlla- .*.,'<■l(|.oi,i,;-,',.,v ,'.,i,,.'V.,;. ►■.;. v;.'10\''o ':A,i:<:ion :i'iJi!daiF.;l,i'.,;,';,^, .'.\:. .iMio ,,KruRci' J'nlli'u Cniidai'i' '(yiKtl'MlT'.I'UIM'i*, ,..'!'o^s l'3ai'IvC;i' Anihi.';. ,:'.:.,.,;,;,. .1 ii ;'.;', , .'.. iAfii)!i (iiiiUy: r'llMin .'; .,. . . :,,.■,'..:.,';..'. ,'..:.. .'.".('ut'l'lSoiK .I'm-. ..;.,;.,;;.,'....»:..v.;.:; .. .fa, t!i;i)i)1iy 'J'liiiS': liirtfir.-", .'; .,::'■.::■. .; .■. i ; ..tliurMlan' J lall Colunlbia stfe'ps,:'put :vvith; one of: the best packages of gaysome filmusical entertainment in "Cover Girl." Over- : flowing' 'with all: eleijienlS' foir. iWidest ; Pop; audience reaction;' picttire is;'a ,' -standout entr.y', for heavy grosses and, holdovers in all runs. , There is strong and effervescent audience appeal in every sector. Rita Hayworth's Standout 'peWorm- ancc i.s hiatched by that :;of . Gene Kellj'', ,\yif'h;- bis',acting,'''singjng;; ahd 'dancing :disi5lay,.:'i;.The :spttgs hx,!I©r rome ICern and Ira Gershwin are fine: ditto the compact story of com- edy, drama , an'd;.'romance.'■:,d:azzlin,g gowns to catch the feminine fans,; and, Solo and duo dances' by Mi.ss Hayworfh'and Kelly that are show- stoppers. ' ;.:';' ''-;,," -'^',, Arthur Schwartz, in.his initial lllm producer spot after ;y,ears, of expori- ' cnce with', stajjo ,itjUKicals,' dc(tly.: ih■*, ;,'3eCt's,^.^urcfl^^e■''showi^^anshi,P the picture,;' neatly blending ' the;, talfeiiti?, ■ ol' thG:playor»:with:ah i,nspii'ed;Script by Virginia Van tJpp, fine and con- '•.-'ihe;, .iqint British-Americart ,;,ipili' tary: dperatioin that; emerged, as;,the ■Allied Nbrth-', Atrican viclpry has, re- sulted,, (itially, ih the inS'pending:; re- lease', of the,; canipai,gn's actual bat-;, tie: picttii-cs 'uhder,;,,ioinf, auspices of; the' ;British 'ahd''tjrtited . State? :gov-^ er'hmcnts. :; "Tunisian ■ ;,Victciry" :-is really:,a; ,mugt--see; Sbmewhat an'titClimatic, perhaps; ; when :,, tone; considers thp,' headlines that have'long ,since'been made oh ,the -war 'fi'tonts; "Tunisian, ;'Victory," 'uGVbrtheipss,' is :a, cohipelling: doeuT. monlary who.?,e sweep and .scope .should flhd it sin,advantageous book- ings ,fo)s:'most;exhibitbrs;; 'Tt'll'-be: a que's'tion.;perhaps,''.bf 'flrst ;getting the Ciistbi-neivs, into the I'heal'res, in view, of,,, the ,;:film'.s;' ,datednes.s;,, but, once ;in§ide,, ;,the;' patrbn,s will; be; amply in- trigdcd by,', the ;pictttre,s ' thernB.elves. Sp'ecificaijly,- this is: a filfh produced by , the British Antiy ;,F,ili,ti', Unit an,d, the ,tr,. S.; Arm3^,:;'Signal'Corps,, and edited in Hollywood by Ll. Col. Hugh ',Stowart; 'Of ,the Br'i'ti.sh Army, and :,t,t. ::'CDl; ■Frank; ;Capra, of ,':the: :Unitod;„ Shite;?, Arihyi,,;It is a pooling of ;: fpolago ;,,.shbt' ■■inde'Rendeiitly ; by, botli Bi'itish : and Amcribaiv, Afmy Cafterahten: ' D'ubhed-in: ':V'oiGes; b,f Bernard Miles 'of "In This We Serve") and ' tt.:: Biii^gc® :.Meredith', both of,;; w'nom represent, respec- tively, a Briti.^h ;tommy and, an American doughboy,.give the pic a Pon.si'd.erable-;'cai;thihess. ■;'"Ahd;.;;'with, Capt.' AnfhQ,ny;:,y'eiller',' forrrier H,Ol-: I.ywobd ',sefipter.', handlin'g ' the writ.- iiig:: o'£,''tho, Yank:- coirimerttary,' ahd J.; ,L',' Mbdsonv B''Mi.4h author, and 'war !cbrrpsportdent, ;:doing likewi.sc, "with the Bi'itisii narration, '.iie fini.shod product is something ot inlcnise in- terest throttgh pra'oticaliy all: Pf :'its: 73 minutes. , ; Most of the plc contains battle scenes whose proxin-.ity to the camera certainly bear? out tlie in- formation tiiat four cameramen were killed and several others wo-.i-ide;! during the , tensing::, Approxinmtoly 50 ;phOtographers, all; of: who,ih were armed : equ al ly ' with '. bath-^ph-oto^ ■';H:at.Giieck Honey'' i.s: another iii. the ,,: Uniyer.Sal .'iprie.s,: bt pi-ograth; filmUsiCaf ,' dramas ;afid ;loli oWS ' tbg- tamitiar ,,story,:: torniitia and presch- tation. With brief 'riiftning time: and', despite ,;stb'ry fiiagUityi! it ;has,',"stift'i-■ cient musical interludes and broad comedy strokes to get by as dualor. • Picture, programs Ihree bands, but only Freddie Slack's group gets prominence for several tunqs. Harry Owens' Ro\al Ilawaiians are shown in a few fiasiu'S and some sound- track _ fool age.:: while Ted Wecms" orch is confined to one number com- ing out of a coin film machine. Ray F-berle steps into soundtrack as dou- ble for Richaid Davis in three Mil- ton Rosen-Everett Carter songs along the line. , ■;■'••,. ,.', '; , ■;,;,, ,-"■■ ::'; ',■ Leon Errol plays a camv comic teamed with son. Davis. Former tosses the boy out for .shot at the bigger time, and youth lands as Singer- .with Slack s band through ef- forts of newly-acquired,: sweetheaH:,-: hatchocker Grace McDonald. Davis clicks and is, picked up with band - for picture engagement in Hollywood by film star, Ramsay Ames. Then: there's ;the usual oom'plication.s. when Davis clicks, Miss McDonald and Errol arrive, a', the .studio, and gen- eral mixup until boy gets girl, with a,<;sistancc of dad. Lightweight ftdtyis held,'together, through, broad direction by Edward ,CJirie, who lakes advantage of the comedies o f: Errol and' Walter Catlett at every turn. Miss McDonald is okay as the girl, while Davis needs experience to handle lead spots. Sup- port includes Miss Ames. Milburn Stone Russell Hicks, Marv Gordon and Jack , Rice. Songs and itiu.qic'al numbers are liberally spotted along the way, but none of the tunes .shapes up for attention. , ,' Walt. ':;'...•'■-"^ 'V, ,N'(S()NG^);''■';■,'';';, '!, ;■','' •- ■:: '■ T'.iac rHoiiS'o of .I.iiPk' .Sejiwai'z :t)Todiu'U(Ui;' .i.siaiM(> inudui'Ci-, Miii'iy U. ISiUvoiilH. sjaf)»,,l''r.a,i*'Pa,'-T,jinKf«r(r; -fcrtlures' 'W :Niii'ria.. I ris ,Variiv.n,'-ri€iB:w^*iods.,-, b(t%rt'f!d „l)y, ^Valla,i'i>, l-:-x. S.-vccniday, Sam Ni'u- iniin; ftftnl OflKinal liy toav,o'Sih-eeslplri'iyifl HUin,l(',y '■UnHti; - mngii;: Moi-ey AiuistPrddin;; lotiy HdiuaHu, .Sain .Wun-.a-.. ;Mii'lia<>l Bi'Bf ii ; ,tidit"i'.;- KolH-j't ■,(:raivdiili; ' ramftra;- (;..U!--liiyc,: Pclivtsirn.,, ■ ai HrociUIyn.':'.SIninil.- ; if"iv.&£'*: '^''"''■A 'V'iV.'^nuii'iiHiir'. time, .Tnah..; at <".•(':. :, t.ilPhdrv, inp.**.,: 'I'lifdm'a )Vii..:.'. Mill',;,,.; A-niii; ^■ IViliy,',, .'lanic.^' ■p'lix' Blai',i- Voodoo Ulan SlanoKrniu relcuae ot Sam Kiitzm.iii-,T<ii>ic ■' DIolK iii'Uiliietlon. Htars Bcln I-iU^uhl, .Tuhn earraiHn* aiH 9""'8' **ot"i'P» ijtclmel Amtt, V/tinSa McKay mm Kiiin null. IMioi'led by Wlllliim BHuidiiK. .Si'icenplay. nmbwfe Olmrlesi ertltov, c.iil Vk'iwin; camera, Marcrt ricRi'a. At New Vii'k llidiitre, *r. Y., woelt ot iranli ]. '•14, dual. Running time, «« SUNS. Dr. Ihirlono TIelH Luklm .tub.... . . Jolin Cavi'iuliiiB Nli-rokini. IA (.iporgp '/.::. ,;,> Kiilllh^, . . .i.viii■;■'>■ I.1,. .Mli'llHel A'uH'ii llouy AVanilli .Mi wi'k: Miirip,\v«i .:.■,,<..,..i'^'., w, V' ''■it''" tiiiii ; Hiil)y.,i i <,,;,■■',', i i.;;.,. .. .Iviiilisi)- I'lm-io, Sllrllir Ili>iir.\ Halt '))e|itily,i,;,i'., ..'■ ».,,.:.. .,., ■■, . . ,'<,. , ; Dii'n Wlilto Uri-k-i, l>,il Jl, Kvo (;ili'!-.;.. .''i'vtf....,'. .,..>.;'. <.'..,, ,'j\'i'i'y;,Wal'lici'": ' ,: ' ,:;f,Et,Il(>lV,(!dti,,I;li.,lI'i.im'';' /.ouililes.',, ■{ Claire .Ininca Dol'uUiy Hajloc ■ "Voodoo Man" is negligible as a chiller. Story finds Bela Lugosi, with John Carradino and George Zucco as his a.ssistants, kidnaping young girls and reducing them to zombie state m an ' pllort to restore his spelinound wife , to normalcy. But they are caught when they kidnap 'on6 girl too many. Lugosi, as th6 mad physician; Zucco, dressed up in I'obe and feath- ers, and Carradine, stalking around idioltcally, ■• b'ertdihg 'at his; master's'; will, tl-y their best with the material at hand.' Rest of the cast gives so-.^o porformaiices. ;;, Direction by, William Beaudihe is in the approved,thriUer-cbillcr vein.:; -:; „■:::■:.;■:;■■■'■'r: ,^', ':"'■■ ' :''': ,'/.■' :'StCll.^:''', (BRITISH-MADE) (With Songs) London, Feb. 16 ; .■Miiito'-.\ni;('vit'a:n;, ,Fii:ni -Oiii'ii, ,,:i'('ioa.siv of" " t!i;ii'i,.'-;'h,' .Vai'icmiit' , iii'i,'diifUi'm.' "'Ktai'K'.-WiU'. ■K.v.ff.o." ,),.c'ii) I'.yniv, I'jivoi'li.'it'Miy ■;llai>i(''i'iiv,',."; noi:i'i,M'.«*.': ;,'<i:;,i'Ot')i|dRy;by ' -,\ n.^tin Melfi)'rd:;t;i'iuu „ 'sl,iu;y: l-y: A; Hillai'luK. ;.r; iviii'idtH'; .iiiviNic iiy ,'■ Ivt'niif'*i.v ,ltiiH;«('ll: tyri'cs h.y,,).)t'(^i:\i()nd tvCon- ' ■nnl'-i' oaini::i;a', .IIInil's■,\A'ii.<a)n';' ;Av',tiitU'':,('J'i'aiil:.',;' At ;, riiiuliriOKy t,ticatr,o.. Uoi'idcill,, Kei'i, lt>.' :, ;itun,ni'hk', t'iiiio,, 10,*i .MISS. ; ;.lii'|Hi 'StHtlw.'.;,.;.-.'.:,:i;.;;..'.';.'..' ; .:.,1.>'iil,' t.yitn :nV")kiit:;,;':',,;, ■. i-/; ;:; AV'ill " I'tlte; ,K(dH'rt;-. .'^Pd ley,.".. .','',•.■..;;,: . . Ia>flllO I:>l?i;i'lll8', -Jtiisfllp',;',. ,... . .;i:.-,.,4. ,'i',,v.^ ;i\l<iK'dJi.. -tviul::': •Hi.i«.i.W:.>H'l«Mjjr';;-:. ,,',.f«-«;.;-v-,ft'l<-C ii;lPi('yHl,?i . l')arl,dTi,,\^:'.I^T'V(H\,.'.',".'\->v,v;'vi'lJ)U;hara ">yarthg., X.h'y; "l'i'{',\;i)i'i',..... . ■.,,'..'.',;:',. . Iijirlfitrii' t''«rtnioi* ':'', .Tiiiin; (,'iir<i,r,vv....,.,.,,,;,,■..'.;';;.,;.;Au'siU) ",T,i'tn-oit'.: .Mi-s; I la l',i-lHn't .; .:. , ',.';,;. ,,',''L^)Ol :|'3d,'t^iir ■■ISi'-uOo ': ; , Will Fyffe admirers won't believe ... their eyes if and when they see this ; opus. Fyfl'e is on the screen 'most of the , picture, .yet, his- role,' that of a ■,' colorless farmhand, could have been . safely left to'-a bit player. Pic' for ' lower half of duiils, and for British' : audiences only. ,' '';;:■■'- Co-starred with Fyffe is Leni Lynn, ,a.: :, *;:uibby-faced youngster who - ' vaguely calls to mind Clara Bow in one of her rare sedate moments.' Story, is. built around: her singing. There 'are the usual operatic arias for her benefit, and for the most part she gets away with them well enough to make reasonable her singing teacher's raves. Hit number is "Heaven Is Round the Corner," , which she sings to , welcome the ' dawn on a Paris roof top when her sweetheart, for no reason at all, a.sks her to warble to him; Production is at lefist worthy of the trite script. Especially well ■ handled and mounted are sequences of the British Embas.sy in Paris, climaxing with an effective ballroon) scene on the eve of Britain's dec- ' laration of war. :, The featured players, including Austin 'Wevor, Magda Kun, Peter Glenville, Barbara Waring. Leslie Perrins and Barbara Couper are con- sistently good. All have greater op- : portunities to score than Fyffe. .araphic and llrearin .equipment ■oarttcipated ,,in, ,gettinW-.;,th'e'''d'r;i 300.000 feet of film. - '> '; ;„ : ■; ••Tunisian Victory" tells' the ■ pho- tographic story of '.he entire Xortli African campaign, from the ; Initial landings at Casablanca,. Oran and Algiers; by the British and Amori- eans,,:ta Tunis and Bizerte capitul'a- tibn. It is replete with m:;ps and .sptlb voce explanations of the Brit- i.sh-Ainerican plan of operation—a plan described simply by its coded tit'.e of "acrobat.•' ' It's,' military strategics,,reduced to terms of lay- man acceptance.- , ,' ■' ;,- '.'■here .are clo.se-to-the-front scenes of figures ;; 'iii'omine.ftfly " identified with the eompaig'ii . ; . Ei.sonhowor. Montgomery.,: Clark. Spaatz ahd Tedder, among - others, along with ;R0Hi,mPl aild Kes.5Ph:ii^'g',','the,:,:latter being among the captured German films. ;■■; „,';■,■ ■'■ "■ : ■ ,■,■:;'■," ,;-';■ Some of t'':c footage clo-se'y re sembles pix ;un,g --incc shown in the ,'heWK'reeiS. but these , are;' few - and fail to: di.s.sip&tc; the value o£ thi reniaitider. >'■': "^';'';, / ■ Official govornme|it.:;:g;roups re* lcaiiiiig,''"Tunisian,' 'Vietbry" are the ;British ,Mii:ii,Stry ;of Information,;,for the Empire, and the Odice of War Information. I'r.r the U. S. .Metro s|5'dpific,a'lty. .,i;s ■ haiidUijg ;ti'ic, Amer- ican distribution. ':i ■,::'',,;^' Kuliii, ■' . '...Ki'ani'C.i :r,.l(i,Kf(ti'd, ,... .■.■„,...:, .,Udwai'(|;,Noyj.-l.s ' •, ,.; -■;,; .,li'is :A;drif,m .;. ,;„,.;..■. i .,t'i',aiff VVoiiils ^. . v..■;,;;. ; .Tilnfla Ki-.,>|-t. •:■ ':■■'•> •; ■',•, ■ •. Alpfi' (.■ralB ... .■. .,„ .:,.,'. , ,,. Ai'.ici - 'F:i:pa'ni,' . i-:. . . lii^tT'alnfi , Ki'in;'f;'oi' ., .' .:..... ;.'^t'*t^n(^p,,W^lit(■ . ,.,■;.'..■,;(,i'l.*l.v;s.:Kli;i1ii' . - . .■('hai'IoH l.nivis ,l'l;i>ri.ai.,.::.'.■ . , .:;.<:'lrai;1;i's: vVillianiB A Weak and obvious distillation of George S.' Kaufman^s' -and Edna -Ferbcr'S ' •rsiage Door," "CarecF Girl": must ,l§aa; heavily on Frances Langfprd^'s':radib: rep',,fo'f'':b:.o.''action.-: It'-« a mild dualor. ;, ■ ' ,S,tor,y.-T:dea,ls,'' with a Kansas . City hp'pef\)l-,'<,Mis,s La'iigfbl-d) who ■wihd'.i '■iP in New York ;and tho inevitable thea'trical boarding.; house. : After meeting ' with the usual Broadway reverses, she manages' :tO, .wind 'up as .singi ng star , of' a nfe'w ,re,Vue that; presumably, is goMig to be a wow. Audience never iuiows because film comes to : ap:,abrupt ehd wViile .show is .still in rclica'r.sal. „ ■■ - ; - :;-,, ,, . Picture is replete with anachron- isms and 'trite',:.; phrases ("there's a broken hear: for every light on Broadway"), and camera work emerges as heavy-handed as the shoptiiig :'Ci'ipt.i; , Miss Langford, Who's oul-nunibered .all the way. /never -rises- .story's: obstacles, which ffleltido four: sbngs of no particular distinction, Supporting cast is poor • ■ ' ' ' J07ia. HOPPER FETED, TO COAST Harold Hopper, who resigned.as head of t!;e film sdction of the War Prod.ictio'i Board, wa.s feted by in- dustry leaders at a' luncheon' 'Fhurs- day 12) at tj-,c Waldorf-Astoria, N. Y. Ifrtppcr Jcft i'.or thq. Coast; ovdr 'the weekend. Trail of Torror (SONGS) ; Fniditcf'va-. 'iiPlfrH^lni?,, CiiVp. vf1*vn',ie fit .\irrrd., 't^tM-ii^Avfchur :Al('xandpi' iti-n<Un-i itin, " ,<tai'ft,pa,w; CTfix>:o!Bi'l,t'n and .T:iiii '.NmvlU: ,fc'titui'ps:Guy; Wlil;pr.sim. r.'iir;.-la Km.s a'.i.l; -'■'■■li ,rnKi'a,ni., Direi-lod, liy <'i;vf,;^ nralip; , Si;i'Ontil>lai' Vy liir.tic. Sim.i,'». Ti'x O'lti-'am ■a'ii.it ,'lim Xpwili; niU.ilii rtirpotor; T.pr■S!rif>I,«(l: ■ <:''l,ilnr. (.'hsiflps IJonliiil. ,ti',,;, ,('(uiT('i'n: I'ra:' .X'.-.risan. .M Nl-W•■VVii'k'lthrtlIM, N. y... ■iwwlt » ■■ "■•i'.-M- ]■ ' I t;,'H:ujmini;,;iii»(>,. <l!t- .MINX, , Mm su^iiii'i;^:i:,.,,-::■;.;,,; ;,;■; ..rii'si,: ,\pwill t'ltiiliandJc; I'i'l-Kln.s.'.:. ■.■,■..'..'.Hiiv, ^\',iH(are<iri, ; .l iDll l' l if iiino..-, ;■. ;,,,;.,■; ,;,; ,',; 'l.'atrii-i'a " Krfnx^ .Viiyafia'-Siiiii'ivdnH,.'.,..;';,;..'..,. ,■ ..Ta'clc Tn'«'i;a'hi Hiuil) .;.;...-■,,..,......;,,,.'.. ,.1, {5ta'n|:.ml ;iulloy ■ ■Al'iuUft,, ; ; .■.'.,.';., i'.. .'v.,.,;;.;;. .;. , Bud 'nilBtpr ': i^iiiii.:. ,,;■,;.;.',, ....:.,»....;,;.; i\on tjtuvoa'Ji .I.iri,.-; ■;'.;;.:.;.,;,'.,'.;.;,.; . \:.'. . . ,,l<'ra^n|{ ' IfllllS" ■ ':C!i,|ili :i'lii;lis. ;-.:.,.;^.',, :,..;,,,.:,;.',;,'l^^^^ l(l;l This western. In a .slightly higher plaiie'tliaii'the average'cutrand-dried ''. h'oss bpera,: shbuld;, recpiyc' a,,bdttcr-: ■ than-average leccption from audi- ences who go for this type of dual film. :-;::;',-,vV ; ;,;:;,.;;;■,■;■:';:':'"„'; ;;';■,.,'';, ;; ' Curly Wyatt's early death gi:\':i3.s' hiS , Texas Ranger twin brother. TeJt, an opportunity to join the gang ot which the errant Curly was a member. Tex is doing alright ■\vi,fh the outlaws, even with;Curly"s: girl friend,, until I'.is pals, Jiin and Panhandle, arouse tho,:;gahg's ;Siispicions:that Sonvethihg-', is WTongy; :,-Fbllows the showdown; ■ with the ,Rangor.5 nabbing the nut- laws and getting baek 'the' money Which the latter had been stealing frbm,::sfagec:baches^ ■':' ■;',,;: ^,'; , ■;,;■, ■■'■ Cave (Tex) O'Brien, singing .Tim NGwt.ll; and Guy Wilkerson. as the ,Texas Rangers, give forn-iright char-, aetorizations. Patricia .Kndx,^ .lack Ingrain. I. Stanliard J'^Uey. apd .fiud-. Buster are among the-notable AUP'»» porting, piayers. -■, ;;. -'; '•■■ : -v- ;,;,-; ;'■'■ Three .songs written by Newill and O'Brien are fiiirly good, Olivef Drrhe, who wrote and directed, kept I lie ur tion moving, cutting corneW neatly. . ' Stett.