Variety (March 1944)

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S2 RADIO REVIEWS Wetliivsday, lVl»t< li 22, 1011 •Wt WHO 1>RI VM" \MU» tune Nicsen Wrltei Milton Of isei Dm (toi l)t c I iinflli << h 1) Mills 1 I idin 7 1 > |i »i \M)IK MVIIKI CO W UK-CBS Ne« loik ■ This 'Oiie :''S(!i!Si»i■: t(v'.:ii;i\-ti 'inisserl/ siaiftii 'ft'us' ■ .cunebiiYt'cl: ■ vXtfruflliyy' It' ^n'Oiii'scuts . Pwitchiiili'. ■il'U' V '(l;iy;t:!me Or.' ine'.ti'efli-t /tifclf' nf' ■t,l«.;yi6w: is ■ seiM|)VrvMUUm-^ 0,vit;i;FV ■Q-xpiJviiiit?!!'! ■ / ii'^Jiv. :Biit /ilnCrtratnatvlj?. '/flu; ■ {aifr-'i ■Ua.<y;di«i)fa}'ecl:.6iv'tJiu.i'i»il<'4.-.c>i''>P-tW' ■'w-as 'htiridJ jf CiilciilaUyr fQ/cUn-atc./'Lhe ?'s:i:vfi'd;ifi;:;' of' HKlitf/'JC;oij;«ivIi«s^;dorit' ' liei u»r iJt'ffti'Cs rliv ..tiielV ■tlVt'- sakii' o.f' ■-a, 6i:ii,i>X\Kbixart.' HtHts^P,'aivd 'tfii.'. 'chil'ti.' "'.ciuo'slioiV'oE' jutt-^hpXvj.eH'ewivoh-; ^ v^»;-ii;wy;bu(-pF()j;i,<c{i?(l'y;i) the: air. / ■: ■ Thii' one■ 'ija,(j';th(i:'Aaroif ■■chf^t'i'ip^'!. wjaKoiisV baeit :\vliitKv turn,; ' !ijs0 ' i) p i n U.!Cl ' ill p '■■ t'hi?- ci'i (Ticu 11 y,'. 6 E ■ c i'a o s) a; -■ : i.iv'^ , i'arvtu4y.,.)vtt;r:,tjie. Xtii.i!e \ni«cU:uiTi.: ■^■'SSui*,' ha;, ajipoai;¥.^^Sh»is.\?W)W^tlw ■; ci'tattC'l'?' ;.a,'v\vicle'rruM-H?w;> JOas'-Enyeh • ■bai:l> ,'obvi(Hi,~ry : tried .to;Stt^ s'ovne ' soiiiljiflhoe p£'= KiiT(;fenl'y':,.aii(:i; CPnvie- -4i- h i a ,- direc i in i rJ ' nil MM lOU I SH' PARIS' Willi \itlun I essri diul Hfiin \\ I Men Pmilim I Talk diosJii l') Willis Sil "Mil) III suslainiiiK WMW New loik ■ ■Arthl^r £i';->:er;,i>;a Tlifmpr Irreneh (ifl'lfiaf 'afid ■iriU'i'.y, upcratiir .wiio^ 'es- caiied'-frpin till' .Gi.-ilii.po in I!)4f \vi.lh a-lirict' (in. hi.-: Iicad .and npW; pp-. .ijratjni; lii ■.■Vjo:., ParisiiMiivc. N. y,.- bPiie.;' .;It0. .ki)p.\vs Fraiu'e. its jjepple. i ppiitie;;,' its-' dpublu-dpaleis. a'jd' c\()iV\-i'yS ;:tlT(s jlviiPwlorfjitf ith ran' ■ aiV ;of-;aUthcii'iiy,-(ftat, :is' imppossive.^. ' ■ ■ liast, Sfiturday ■ riishr i is?;; licsSc^r; isratn* i:Vn WNK\\^ HtlO(l."Sext;Timo I: :parisV''delvins'witp/.tlip- ifisftlc; ()!' what.:.l)appc,hPcl. riij.) .'to thi' liiniv S'rVnve ■\'.?P^lf 'iiivi.'t'rr- the ; Nazi. Heel;, ■■and.; hiiS'in.ii -been; a nie.nibci;' .of tlii', ■Krernili;. "uPriei-ahnind /■.;.rm'.:::,'seV(Tah 'miWifii'S'. :T»l'fevj«\td ■;-'clea1l;.; vvilK'. 'per- SphalilieK. 'i^hO .!pn;Vai^^^^ fralVicltiViH'' .\yil.lT,thoy:'F»sc:isi?>.:: ; -., .■; ., j:. . :lie.^tfet".s'. inifial icripit .iiojiCorialM I Pi;.eiix>'PuC0wi;t;.t6tinw-,V \ ter, p;{ .the'Jn'tovlOT-; .Av.h.O' ■v\;as..;i>x.ottif5Cl I>,-«-Bek'.. t!20'i lii.i',Al.Ei'io'rs'; by a ue. ;^G;(fii!:i- v ifrins; ^giiad..' ■"flB/^poihtad i Put ■ Itiat I'n^eir; of■Publlctr'S... blai«;4e .(iuraijers, Svlll;' erawylv iPtp': tjH'Ued.;.^^iljon.-s:.caipp;.ivith'l'he Hif.n df ^I'in; ;vve.iri;' -tp'.lhsi.\<'ay; P.Cjclieu', " ^va^; :..dcaU\ wllh:^lh6ii; ..deatlTMs .'the. pnl.N-' {iiis\\'er,' beeaiise Ihey ' were Vf;-.' ipon',s.ibte I'pj- thc' doall i i.'orpnipy in-' '< riY SIORV" With Jjtk Raiiisa\ J Muirai) D*vi» 4iid Dick BiddleA Piodutei. led C-Att n Alius Siindi(\, 4 43 p ni Sust lining WNFW Nrw Yoik • VV:>JB;W "last SlilKlay :( ral. ;inall!^H:- ratC'd. a.' \veol5ly' la-iiiiiiute pr.pgriihi SilyiPH lijiteat/rs the;;:ufclcle pi" eN:t>i,vt;J |. That. are. takliV.t!:place.MNv'r C'ity Hail;.-'' -''^'-r. . : . Wi'itten and iiarrated-ljy iwP,pf the.i' eif.v's' 'irtPst :ex.!)erioiieetl' . politioul j wr-iters—J. .Murrai-.','Davis,' :pf ■ tlie- W'tn'ldrt<Mf.',s',viftii. iuiil ..lack- Riiih.'ia.v.'l oC '-tho fiiHidklyil ■ lEiigle^the, staiTZA'j .tMilj-' '. iuUV: tbc ppliiicaV ,cvORt!5...:'tlViitT|: bypp(.'ned'''clprij\i.;.:' thC" 'jiW-st weoli ■ af<,i '.fefetinf' No\v.. Yorkers.' but''siVPS: tlie j 1 Wtle-kiTOwp.:' Vcasi'ins ' fpi'. -ma.n.s' , o'l' Viiese.^ deals.'. beiH>*;v itiade..'.' 'Tfe, iXm. :. Ih.roiisjh tlieii-" aeqimim'apeiv'antt :.Jn-.l ftimney'w'ifh iin')w't (if. ih'e,.,meti'(>i:)p!is';- t.pci3itlc(is: :.-aiap predict! ai)pfiin.tmeiits} tp. newpnsUions 'tjTivj 'avi; '\-ai;aBl, ^friEl i what ;\vi1.l' lkM;)iK'^r.lo billfi;ri(nv ...ip''t'ii^^^ '' ^Iwippci'. w'.<>J5(tic;clecl;' ti>^]je!' lalvn. in*,} .•liyVi'iu> Ciiriiiii.ciW.vC6vuten,'.'.: .;'.-:. .1 '. ■■' TWis^type pioM'iim ta'iv casily' bnittl. \ 'iilseH ^ iiitO:'(ine ;pT' th<>.;.t'(1p ' shdwS'pn: •ifti. iuciepeht!leu.t.,ii'lation, Ic,;i^ aiiftifir,: .'Hfltire':-.aiv'i'wf(;i'es.tins;'to the. avVriv'-!.!' 'person'kh■d.'lttfd■^tK■■lltt^■■e ot vvr)at.:,s;oe's' .o.f\' aiii'ciB$' i'fVQ..ctly .iatliers;- ....Sieii.-,, ■ PMildiiatory chalter reserved for be- tween loiinds and m otliei spots u lien action lagged ;,. T<:le technique for .sports a,r)noiihc- eis tis exeinplllied in this piesmta tl(n\ seems ceitain to re\oliitioni/e the Stein Iliisins tonsil teuinh .School and'ielimijiate .i.TiAie of t,he.; eiinfprfbn hfcreiotore ericodntcred by^ binvilderect iaiis; Never a.gflirt,-after ie.le\'jifioii arrive.s, ■will.hoftttt Usleriev,^; vvbi'k themselvea, into/a freni^^^^ a. lisht broadcast; 'pnly, Id: leariv i.iV llie a;tii,: paper.'* that;tho "battle'," va.:* a ■siiiikerop;,;ihat'. ring.s'iclerS, .yiavt'id iTatMfii.if;....otit .eaVly as, the.:,foui't)i round, 'and .'evep :.Qnc.-.of.. tl.k'i.Jiidgij.s*' lSsi5SSiL:prt'-diirfnfj./vv^ an': FolFowup Comment ifotthe'eF. flB.scrrb"5oEaS. ;:at^'|'Oii,iyie\'lj:£'. bulldog.s. locked. (11 a tiirilUnK :toe-tpi ■'f (V e : exch.a hp!c'-^right'- l'e.C.t.-.ri'Hht^ie11-: riKi.i.t-ieft^lie:almost, went .doVvft: no- iie.'.s- .:it(i.-wliat-ri'-ii,t;lit, .', boy.rPli-boy-.' ,w'hatr4i:;ite:ht!'' .:.;■ ^.'-.'-.i-:^' ; ; 'Frph5«:th;U ■an.^do- aloife I'cle.' cap't eome soon enouaii. . ■: DatpiJ-'\-l Television Reviews WOR iiiiMSioN vxKirnrv Uilli Mil till Dr 111 Itiiici I lliot "Vlis 1 inina \ in Coiilicn W iltei Slinti llKlini S«I»p1 lii W4I- Ikl Diik I ttlnuLi lliriesu Rillo Rfd RiM-i nut ' Sonii Slolm WOR Cuius (1) Mcl Ufitnei full Killijii I'.ill r.iiisc ItiikA I lelds Ueviuird Tunis, IMiil Sciiiiii and Bull I mri ^ rmduici l)jip<l(H Bob riiien fiO, i\Iins.. J ucsdav, 8:li>. |>;in. -SrH+tfeHiHiH-^ W"\W\ nuMont New \(iik ■:^This'!.:pvoi;raiW :'3s';'i(n ::':luipest en-: d4■■;^lvpl^'^o■epr,ral talent'^lor .t'eie'yis :\t(un.i' thi,.?,, pi:eclift)i5 reajly ■s:tarts rptl,-' iiK::4a 'th.t>' po' ■As.'-.sue.h.. it - is. eoVntiiK'hdivb'ifSi-b'vit .'a.s'enlefjainmcMit. frp.m ■w•ltki.l^■a^'i:ff!e.;tive .entire .settip •ih'Lis'J.. lHi.:.ju'dfied,.df.!s:aiiia:te'uiiS:h 'iinabs&vbii!K\':: ■■:■'■ ,.; l,t;is.,haf dly. vpiidc'r.stiiiklaW h()."';! 9. ,p(:pdiia>i; ■■oiv'directoiVipi: 'a; tcl(5vlsiPn" ;'Slmw;:ean,,. porpiit;' tiiiV niuddHhK .and (nit'-(!f-f(ic''ii.s,:pcrl''iii-niaiil'c ^vh'ieh'.cf'tni- pr.Lseci ,''WO,pTi.'leviSion yarieti'es^\ the miiih. l^dssibly Bob 'Einery./VVii.d pilots :fh,e:;.p.r,oK::ra.i3fi: a'.iid-a,l,M):'in,e..Si did; Pot"'have ■enough tiine': •i()''.;16ad.:,his' raelors oil :a,' r.uiiHhrpt'ilih,' before'the Vtiinxa /■!iv(':ht 'pBr/i^tit jwhattiver the r.(:>a,s«ji;; tije. y.-ifei-toriiier^;' • iiicjpclin.i; tOinor'y 'hi.iiiS.Cif. at, time.s hkjy'ciid ont 'i).S: i'anfc.fll:i:bd^centcr;Of ::thei.',vicibo camera.., r'(;.sultins in .'Blongated: :.fig-,' pros (lasliihi^ on fh<?:;seroe^i ioa'ojteii 't<jf: (;dpifo:rt:.'-.^..' ,'V ' :-;:;.T>pssttify.: DiiMopt ■' and tile, "other : .tetc'visiplt iTiiigpls :sh.(ni]d: rc'vanvp^ . techiiiciiistait setiip.s and briiig ip,men ■trcii-n ■ Hoi ■.'.•wood : taniiiiar with, the tcchpi(;al'iiicj'e pi^fiiijp-in^^ .iii;lny,pb.'scrver.s\bpiiiidni.'afe,,thc,lads' ^■\v:iip..,wii:i. have ■tb!.ta:ld':'<)yei','the, pro.- diiciion end of, televisipii; ■. A^'pictm-'e : .c,lil^ectp.l■,^>i; ,ijr0& ■\niif .such',, s|i'psh.o'f(..',p,.rpg:raipS'A^^■: So.:(>n., Ill any event, not Ijelove.;making a ■ ti \ n hiMii., some quali(\ to the 'iiiiished prodliot.:::- '•■;'.■ \ ":"',:.. / .".'.'^ ., .IV'lpst ol' tho.?e,\vh,o'appbarf!d before,: the,. cam'(>ra .d,ii,r!ii,g this stanza (14 ) ivvei^e.sp'.'ielf-coiiscloiipi ,th.o>'0,witiYeii.s- : ins'., the'am ■ sqiiiirmed'; iiv Iheir ■sea'.tsj' frem . :Brnbai:rassnient;' ■; Th:elri •chcir(;.s. ''Siirtere(i'',as a ,result:■,:'Marl.iia Deape,.-: vetierah Mutual radi.D.iConi- iiie.ntator,■■:and' announcer; jarpce..iEl- iipf.- •\vho: liah.dles her ccjmhiei'cial spiels, bpth had; tp^. be,;'s'hbwrt.: by: Emory: w,h(irs;to io:fak:in order., fo.'Conife into focus.^ correctly. ,lt;V^\ypuld: tajce iittletime :{or tlVem.:ahd. the blher.s;^ well to leain at whit angle the Mcieti caniera.s could . oatch them lor best '■rosijlts; ■■;:'■;■''■■:; ..;/;■;. , • ■:'■: Eoimat of the -proEirain ianc>ed 'Ifpj'n musk'^hy ■singers and musieiaiis. to .an iirtcre.stiiig dijimonstrat soundman. Walter ShaN'oi- pi how :he: .prpckices, ' souhcj: OlTects. :^ with' .such everyday items as. a nail ..(Ue, a bu-i reau drawer and a;basketball blad-; del with pcbble.s in,sidO, Slen. Dennis Dav, who checks ofl 1h» Tatk Benny pio„iam nc\t month foe a ;na\\y::eonip'iis#i6.,n. will .leave'a ivii;^! ga)) ■in the. Grape. Ni.iis .sh.ow.vii wis^ .re,affirin.e{i. Sitriday -^HS) . .■ wlwn ■.the'. sinBei-cornedjan copped c\(.n a laisti pait ol the pio„iani li u, usual..: :Hls.. ■;fti''e'»m. .'.sequeiiee.. ' v. ii'H,' Barbiira. Sti'i.hwyck' wias aiiekp; ■li.iUrpi; iii'g; ,mp,stXp't htjii'd ;Hv;n,v',s: ja,(iyli.s.:,, .;. ' -IMfil-SfpttalnW"OtTiu al ~ Fli i nic ;!:;HOu.i' :;0'f Chaf-'Oi'.; vpr()!irainm(HI''.,4i!e; Jiiit' of'tii ■ string'^'o;! ■;S(jhii^i\ija:UMt;ip .0,I'".s^cP('iiJtn'Xvid(?'Ch:',((i'r',"ai:f ai'na'. - ■■te.ur:.''.';'V().iee-.-,'Pi .-''A;p,i,fjric';r '.'■Sirficla-V. . iipii'. .rfVthe ,:>i;uac(ie<}lii'fi:. yoimsisieri; ;do.-a;i sjpod a ;jot) its Boriiwe Maletipii/; .r^ ;'''^ V('C«ikiiua;ci,pH::pase:3't'J.\.>' M^iy. SALT LAKE ' \v.itiiopt:'',',i;au'itv' .and' Giati'e.'■■..>.'.iesisiv ratos':.a^-bow^fP:r;'a s,iVi(JOth; per|:om-^,j ■afice..,,': ;:• ■ ,■,':■ '^'■\r'l ': '■S'p,on'sp.r.s,.'"1iiatl.e-.'a 'bad' .;mistak,e';-i6I. tivyins.,.l(i'injeei-';a, hiiixiinm.n of: eoixir.; ^■:iaei^iat;.ic;oi)'y. -,01,1 '.;thB.' ppenta.ii ..prb-^ ■",.,Fridsy, '; (.i.7L ,-i,ri :.',ia.ct', ■go'i:p<5' 'sQ' '.■far'; a;s;''to:, desti^py' .■li.'hatevet'MiUi^ioi.i; ' .I'.t :w.'as .'inieiic'!ed' IP :ereaie', by 'tpissip,!!!';' ';'in.; a:; j™tiresa. Kpiei m.iclv\'.a,y;.,through' ^ the stafiza... It not only ..spoiled:.t%e. .; prflgtVliiv ■.to.uf ■;iiWliii6tl:'any:.?jft^cti;ve^ Vii.fiS,s ,tHe: ,qbpy iiiiigh,f have.rheJdi/Coiii. ' SicCeriiig the: -sliow is: .of,;^l'a^!rfii.n,ute ■.;leii^fh,,a spiel.'at the beginning: and ;;e'jid''.\vQtild .seeiii (}iitir(!.ly' Stift'icient.>.: Hose i-iocen'ts.i.K s.a pr(agi:an,v .ihat'.':d«,seivves"' :a.;wide: a.!.k'iett(;eC. ;■'.;;; ■:..;..'.■,.;■ Sieip ■ Oh—What A Beautiful Morningl «»«< - ^•<>™"'f, fr''"!'"!:! »pi">'>"> ',7.1 „l. .Lit ««n«u.u^«<e»t» I Hartford 4. «'">■> 1 W1>K( . N»tl J«'l>. '■•"'I 11 RRilllM C» .:■.;,, ■ -■■ . ..'■■■■'■.^ Us* WDRC To Connect in Connecticut!; 'ON Till B\RNV\KD GAlt" W itli R\ ni Hci 1 \ 1 > Mins ') n 1 111 Sundd^ n \BSON BROlIll RS WllCt Itlati ■■;'': ' . iFoycii-ty PJie.' ;..;■ ■. ..ebmpahy ; m'ari'u£a{;tprin;t. iri.ilkiiK muc'lViiies.-.'mlllr..:coaTer:s' ani:!' .olfiGtVic leiibes,' liiade it.s'. .dive .into the radih pohd at'.'WHeU, Cornetl^U^^^^^ :\:crsil;v .statipn.' several ■'manlhs .a.go., tlyni.Berry; ■•New ;Yprk;far.l■^ie,l^;.v^:ho.■ fdrhie'r'iy liracitic'ed: la\vV.. .served:.,.as' graduate nianagor of athletics at Cor- I'.e'l for man'S; years., arid .contributes' to the New Yorker. American .-K.ari- cpll-.iris: et at. So. sati.sned.:,wa.sVthc farm equipment concern with lii-; ii'.ilial air pl..:r.go that it has. added severai'Sta'tiohs; ..These- ii-iekid:e;'WGY-..': Schenectadv and WSYR S-siacuse; Present piogr:ah-i: coincide.s:.'with :re- tiini of ]3abson, iBi'O.s. to larae-scale Tiian,.ilfacturing., \vhk'h'.,...ctH^^ by the war. ,■' ' . ■.■..',",;' '-■ ■■ ;;.: ' Berry., on tl-.e ether waves, is a farmfer philoisppher...: He ; v. ith fellpV. a-grlcullurisfs : about various:, .Subiects,:placing particiilar ;ei-ppKasis.' on eveiy-day chores and. the good- abundant, life of tillers of t!ie soil. He makes himself opt as a fellow / who IS leamtng the ropes ■(farming, eight years) Ho is down to-eaith homey. huro6,ro'iis: the phllosiophleal; tarmer .'Olten .sketched pri 'radib anii! in print. His; voice is ■ deep and tH.roaty: delivery is'rcilling.; Broari- is aimed to reach farmers before they set out foi chuuh Jaco Akron.—Bob In.gham. anhoiaioer at WAKR. Akron, has. becbnie sport.^ new-scastev at WJ.ID. ChieaMO. GOiniN CI QMS BOXlNCr lium Madisiin Sqiiaie Giidcn N Y Wi-lnesdu (1>) 8 11 p ni Mist iiniii„ WNBT N(v \(Mk If Wklc:: Miica ,jaciobs.\roigniks.czai;, amoiia livtic' pvoPlbte^^ video. voj-Si'dn 'Pf .t.'ie :.,ii'ma:te'tu;..^ boiit.s., staged iii. iVtadi.-JOn ;, Sqi.-Kir(i.. G,;(rdi,Mi w-cl^{ ''.ti,').'i':Uie 'iitust'-: ha-*e.-ni;ida, a ■n-ieivt:<l;.,not(:>"'Eb ikidaiC^.'^lpitit'..:;Cjgi{;k'.; :jvith::.);ehn'Rrtyal.,'A:ncfi iDiiStpntiiPi; ■aoypne ;. cise.;-: tt:ii'p ■ eo'u'.c' set htm ■straight oiriiOvv' to.^Kel:, i,ii:pn-tho new-; .fa^^gted•■'■nbw^i;oels'^ ;flhd:;prpte(;t; his, 'business inveslinepts. j;.-.' ■ 'Scl'les ;pt ■yi'iiiPii :pur?::,.finals ;;caiiie, thri;p-;h' escilliihtty ,pit', both .sgreep' a!;(; .-pcakcr. wltK-./ oitly-nPticeaWe .(la\v::.beiiig oceiisipnal loss of ck;r;:y \\;-heii boSiers and, referee operated; on far sice ol ajjd '.bus were back-i grotirtdeci ■ by.': rpW's-, of,,, inrigsirtijr.s. Dark clofliir..u of iatt.:r. naturally., ■swaltevvc'd the -pvinoipals. :tempcirari-. ly.'-'bu.t -never .'so- completely .;th'a't' the action could not be .s'eori;' :■ ' :i:iiiage,.dicl-n.o.t.-aUow,^ .facial■■ bh'ar'act«^l?■t^i?s.■.;o^■! ■i^oj'ite.stants. to 'p'looni in.tu!! flower; but conti-a:-!- iiig styie^ pf boxer.-!, plus occa.sionr' .'idcnti fyip'i;:'remarks'by ■sp'bt.ter.S'.Clem, McCarthy and Bob Siancon. made i; easy;to; i'ojlow; tide of battler, .Satis-: I'ying to th.e I'i.ghf fan was. the fact that power :behinri.and' damage^ dene lay pbh''ches/w\6v6 d#Bt^^^ video:, ■.■■■■. ■ .■■■ .■■. -:■■' -■.■■: ' ■.:ei-B:wa i^t0isfefS' came in well: giving fireside'-'spScta'tor iiiO.-it.^ot l!-.e iV-ivor of. actual .attendance, with bell. :'bui5z'ei^,:.'v6ice' of .:(Sardeiv. ariijbtihecf: 'ancl..:;riK,!!Si!;k> rooting; addhlg..up to ■authentic ;:'.areria. . afmpsphere. -Tele announeer.s, u.sed' fine judgin.ent ';in letting the scree:i toll the., story, v.ilh MARKET Our Thanks * . Varietyl YOUR 1943 "SIIOWMANAGEMENT AWARD TO THIS STATION IS APPRECIATED IN acknowledging receipt of this meritorious' trophy for "Fostering Racial Good-will and Understanding" -we pay tribute: to pur operating staff and artists who; have< throug' i their untiring efforts, further -exemplified the dual purpose which has made CKLW known throughout America's Third Market as "The Good Neighbor Station." J, H. McGiUvra, Inc., Rep. J. E. C4MPI': W • jMaiiagiiig DinvUir IN thj: DKinoiT Ai;i;\ 5,000 \S.alls Day and \\«\x\ 31iiliial Sv..H'ni • 800 ke. CKLW S. S. FOX, President W. E. WAGSTAFF, Com. Mgr. lOHN BLAIR A GO. National Representativ* ., Judged by these basic factors — people, ability to produce, and purchas- ing power — no other major market in America h oi d s greaters postwar : promise than does Detroit. WWJ is the most listened- to radio station in the great Detroit marlcet. UIUIJ OwftMl.«mf OfMirMvil by rh« '0*t/ofi' H«>l*na( lt*|ir*1*nHit1vM GIORdI f. HOLUNGiERY COMPANY