Variety (March 1944)

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RAOW 9» Kewsprint Cuts Up Nfteries'«AHr Plugs; L&E Sponsors Newscasts e\\fpaper cuts in amusement ad--f ■•■ 'Ne- - eral awrreness of radio as adveitis late night and early morning ; ' toSv 'cbst^pf .:thls;iiaie:ifits-in niill advertising . budgets ' seem to be setting up tlubs as sales prospect ,,pd time is more at available for 'Cliibs. "'NiKht clubs have been On air be- va^t/ttSAjaHy: Witii daiice,band're- motes tlub getting courtesy plug ■^a>jd' m*ely: ,;paying;'^ wire;; charges, ■ethers'have 'aoug tools and some have own programs, mostly on iiKlies Local outlets of mo"-t nets don't have any night clubs ■Monsiring iselves, , but look .on/th^ht as good prospects Recently sui'tcd LLon & Eddie's newscasts four - times - a - week, and . jocai (lutlet, of another net has had jtu.jl lecent feelers One bUtcesbful venture is WQXR s '"Man About Town," ?ircd Tucsday- Fnaay at 5 46 p.m.. scripted and pro- ■ e-HadiO-Ecoductu)iiSv^ WJZ fivcrminute Elwood Hoffman Upfied To CBS Script Editor ;,, fclwood' Hoffman,: who-last riiorith, was named associate script editor, at .C,BSj^,^be.cotTLes.5eiipt • ed replacing John Turner, who joins the:.'.Blue ', :^etwork;.; .s^^^^ Mortimer Frankel, -formerly, with United Artists, takes over Hoffman's slot as associate editor. Hoffman had betn with the OWI before joinmg CBS - ■ , Fibber M'Gee Show Teeoff For Victory Garden Drive War Food Admuiistratiom has chosen the Fibber McGee and Molly program on NBC Tuesday, April 4, to inaugurate tlie "1944 'Victory Gar- den Diive ' :.: Don Quin 11. is readying a .script for .that :night. which will .tVeat; victpfy gardening 111 a humorous vein. Westingiioiise Fiks Fch* 3-Way Tele Setup in Fhilly, Boston Pittsburgh Morgan Beatty's D. G. Talk ■ Morgan. Bcalty. NBC.' Washington conitne.ntatdr and . formerly .iriilitary t McGolliam, Program Offers Choice Of Von Stroheim Or Karloff As Pet Chiller '■■...A. ha;I-hour o:ice--.v(:el\ly ci-.iller-. ■tbriHei' -progtairi in ■.sei'iai. form, \vith. eltiaer :.Bo:l'is, -.Karl6£E -or Eric 'Von Sti''pfi'eii1fi'■,:b.eiti.g dSerCii: .as the: lead, is hc-ing ofTered for sppnsorship... .v ■' Titled, "MyslPry by Car.dl.eli^.ht." piogrrm has been sciipted by Frank Coast. -writer »,dJrector. Stremberg-Carlsoft In -■f Potent television boost came yes- . Iterday (211 > with applications b.y I Westuigliouse Radio Stations, Inc., to Bid for Tele License -Philly ..'and. Piltsburgh where; - the Rochester, N.'y, March 21. j outfit already opeiates AM broad- Stiombers-Carlson Co. ownefs of casting outlets. Constiuction of new WHAJLandXiLiUnon WHFM, hasr"';'-'^-?^^-^''^^-'^J^rl — wiU tollow.granting' of-the stiidioSi: .. ... , . ., ., ,'ei"litie.s- app]ieo;:tb- Hie, FCC for a; qorarriei-cial- ^^j^g t.feleases' tjn .neces-'' /television lieehle.;;-; : Isary'-'iiiaterials. : '=^At ithe- same 'limfe . Williiim; I^y,! Philljt). s tii d..-i.«;i.:. .(KVW>,. built in 1S38, eoritain part- ly,'(cbrnp!ie.t.6^.' ■, teleyis.ion;.. .ifacilltiea,,. •i with'' s'pjwiei'.aljdt'ted 'ior. lights^-': p.anir-'.' -ejras,',: '-bcybnis,; - etc;:,.'RYVv^i-arr^rige-'. analyst for the web m Ijondon, will address the D. C chapter of the As- sociation for Education by Radio heie Thuisday night i23). ItvfOTniat program, similar to .column of an, lias "Man About Town" and Siie Read mentioning nitenes (sub- tcnbti's) ni "trip" around town lileen' Anr Series for Slffl^y Booth Shirley Booth will play the lead in the radio version of "My Si.ster Eileen," Which is being readied l>y Herb Moss, producer-director, as a once-weekly half-hour dramatic- comedy stanza. Moss has acquired the Ell iifelits to the formci Bioad- way show in which Miss Booth also played the lead. Several sponsors have made bids for the show, but Moss is seeking a deal where the program will replace a stanza currently on the air in a gpod; nighttime spot, rather than take any deal. Edith Meiser, who writes the "Sherlock Holmes" radio pro- gram, is scripting "Eileen." NEWSMAN miGO SPECK SPIEIN6 IN DALLAS Dallas, Maich 21. Hugo Speck, foreign correspond snt, has been -signed as, news' editor of Stations WFAA and KGKO, ac cording to Martin. Campbell, man- aging director of the stations. Speck sjient It years on the Continent, in London, Pans, Rome, Tuikcy, Bui ^garia. and Berlin; as a correspondent foi INS and United Prots, also as ■ rovinff •"'Variety" mugg. He is credited with- having seen mtre of the Russian front. from the ■ .'.German .side than any bther. Ameri . can. newsman. He. went to Berlin in June, 1941, to head the INS bu reau, ,'nd made several trips to the Ru.SMaii front with the German army before the U. S entered the wjr He ",'js interned by the Ger mans for five months before being lepatiiatcd m June, 1942. While In BulK.iiia with UP, Speck saw Ballon ; ststes' Avfiipped 'liitO' Axis ,:satellit?s. He witnessed the German maich through Bulgaria and visited both Greek and Jugoslav fronts with the German armies. Vancouver, B. C—Bill Herbert chief; Vancouver announcer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, has left for London, Eng., to join the GBC overseas^^ ufiit.: Karloff at pre.sent is starred , in , a once-weekly halt-hour ^sustaining mystery program heard on the Blue Tuesday nights in the 10.30-11 slot saiTife' ip.'fcivarge'. of- bi'oadcastji^ig,. ;sai4'!^ ihe company plans to build a Roch- ester .version of. RadiO' City, after;the"! war near I's radio and telephone, mcnts will allow for AM, FM and equipment maniUactunng plant The'video shows to be pioduced and ; b>. 'ciing would be designed to house broadcast at the sam« time in the;; ;Sta?fs and ^facilitjes cf both prc^^ent same quarters. .'■ .;'' y. ■':, ;;;;v; V-'.';:':'■ ■brbadcast'ihg un.i.'ts iaiid a- large- add'i»t.|'i r' ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ,■■ ':■ . ' ■'.'.'"■ . torium. as well a.s tne television sta'l Edmonton, Alta.—James McRae 1 tion Fay added that ai rdngements | has been added as chief announcer I have been made to. obtain tcievision i and. producer at'CKUA,' University I equipment as soon as possible after I of Albeita station. He was chief pio- ' the war. I ducer at CKRC, Winnipeg. The WTA6 Mobile Unit Pop B>G Events in a BIG Market 3f%i0 SPMSde^,ift^ ^otn^Mp tjinstou^neeA DIXIE B. McKEY TECHNICAL SUPEHlfiSOR OF RADIO Preparatttis aiier way fir postwar FK aat Tiievman IN both the fields of publishing and broadtjsting, the OkUhoma Publishing Coinpdnv 1ms been chardcterued bv its eagerness and courage to plan for the future, Applications for I'Al ,ind 'I'devi- sioii litenses for both U KY and KLZ are now on file with the I'CC and similar ap- plicilioiis are planned for slahoii KVOR. 1 liesc stahons expect to pioneer these developments in radio triin.sniission in Oklahoma and Coloiado as thev did itand.ird AM broadca'.ting DtlMiig into tlie inwtenes, problems, «n(l btliaMOf of these new r.idio dc\elop- nients is too big and miportant a |ob for part tune handling bv e\tii the topuotth engineering rtaffs of these stations. 1 IS w hv one of radio's most com- petent technical experts has been secured for this job For thirty \ears, Dixie B. McKe\ has been exploring the frontiers of r'dio knowledge, advancing the lioriyons of technical information.; 1 lewill conlinue cxploiing practical operation of I'-M imd Television both in the plains region of Oklahoma and mountain aiea f& Colorado. me When peace comes, these stations will be ready for whatever direction listeners demand that radio take I he decision to add this acknowledged expert to its st.iff follows precedent. Ilie Oklalioina Publishing has never sp.ifed .' money. . nor. -.effort to serve its . rc.idctS-^and : listeners :.aiid keep sil>rcasl ":6f technical ad\aneeiiient None knows better than advertisers how well this policy pa\s. MeKey is uii if tkt iiMhistry's oatsUffiSRf ticlMiG^ ixperts IIIXIE B. McKEY resigned his position ■ as general couuuunicationt engineer of the GravbarElectric Coiiip.niv with which lie was associated .since 192? to )oin the staff of the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Ifo first 10 vears of radio trainmg be- g,in in the 0. S Naw, in 1914, graduat- ing from the Naval Sound Radio School, Avi.ilJon School, and Radio School. In 1923 McKcy joinetl Grashar as a member of A. '1'. & 'l"s technical staff attached to Station WKAF. 'I'hrce jcars later he was transfcjrfed to transoceanic radio telephone de^clopniciitand vas made resident engineer of the station at I,aw- rcnccMlle, N. J. Bv 19'50 he was a mem- ber of the technical .staff of BcU 'I tlephone l..iboiatoties in charge of dcselopineiit and design of aircraft radio telephone sj stems. Ill 19^6 he was made sales manager of broiidcisting ec|tiipiiient for CJr,i\bar's Atlanta branch, and later manager. Since 1942 Dixie '-McKey has. bccH'. general Coiniiinniciitions. engineer for Gray- bar, which position, lie leaves to [Oin the staff of the Oklahoma Publishing Co. WKY • OKLAHOMA CITY KVOR.COLORADO SPRINa| ' .Opet«Ucin*r'MMMfMi«nt.of'' KLZ-DENVER ENT^O BV THE KATZ ASENCT WT AG Wo - CESTER