Variety (March 1944)

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31 RAOIO Weduesday, Mareli 22, 19 U CBC Governors Against Placing All Canada Stations Under One Board . 'fif Uv(^■^a■n■adian;■B^oadeastinl^:^^ - \ ^ JricHe :■ sValibns-,'uafU-r,^^a Vsitigjli 'Ijourcl or cOmmi'ssipiY, ;hu^ to Dick Hubbell Quits Ayer; ■Fut"ure ■■■plai'iS,'^ 1*^' tKousFi;'it'ii . luid^^^^^^^ o\\\at :|a-gfeM'i£!S; ■^anxlc'iiiis ;to; si^olstor, the-ii';■.■.v.i d<>a ■t<isearqlT'.,and ' ;prpgr.a)iV-' niityi^'cle.piiHiiie'rvLs art'oil fire,. ■.. ' iftrljlx'tl letHurS.s'.oiv-tele before'.'th.e ■'irol- i.eBC h -iVii kigg^sted'tlte thdresi';.'^'ate:'- prSnia';', Scfeoi;;;-r>?e<\^^;;Haveil. V ■ '■■■.u'- 'vi^i-;; i^.fko r-Rr' ■ Apf:*U l.:tfu'd xe^0r«1y;j^cQmplet<;d ,.briU!{,ltor.teel^..lP:'thc.tBC.,Na,!(^^ ..JCijlt y :had;done;mo :harm,;tp lire,!V''-:j-:-^feievi6ipi)■ '.'I^rdsritfft: 'Pi;««jcicti.oi!i;'', va:o .-tyi'ti^dcasi^rS.; v ■ ^■* ■;■ ■';;:.i;; yiiiCetl ■ j'or{jit^snpaUoitBy -,■ '3I*)rii-t'l ifgreeii-- .wHlv ■■'sayerl'lfltei'it i Fa;ri;aiKatid;'Rtriel\ai't^:'^ ,!■'■ ;'• '..orjj(M»b''-tii^>i:i''5isl'arred'-> ■: '.;"' '. " '',:.;:• :' g:m, '-ahdvissisfent. i^ifl'i /WoiM ^i*;,; . ^pkay \ifiilv' Bybry)bpdy:conceVnMli;.:;. ; j ' In, cooperatjon with.Marcojii Corn.. | CBC' had-itarted^Rrti-waS f!'il. cxpori- Ya Never Know CliKii'?') Maicli 21. vreeU a call came in for P&tl■ .G!it)smv, wh<). . was . .oil:': {pr: ■'the dajr.-.:;Tlie 'pai1y an thii oVli,ei:. '■eiVdi'asiKcd, '{o'.v bis. lioiwo photv.e, ■ .lU'Ovh1{;h';'(j:; WSBM ,■ppt■rat()^'.. .tiJpliodi. "iVf. a!4;iins(..liio 'j^utss to. ,;.i>iVc, .nirmbei-s, ^-^vHiO: js ; .t!ti,sv!cail,iu'Kv."'''. .;.:.■■..• : ■•Wenrlcil 'VVVillkiev''^§a;fcI,;:.llle■' voicfj. pii vthe. otlitT ,U!n:ci.'' ..''.Oh, ■yeali?.'.' .ari^.WHiW; thb., ciomsd ;<)«■■ .the;- 'bflttrdi^'';: ■'.thiffjEJ^aiiqif'' ., Roospvel t,' V aitiS'^inUi'iV :w 0 I; '.va.-' Willkie. Cibsoii rbcciv-. :.:i;ii4^~l*tiit-;-,iiv'':ti^^^^ diiys jaie^i; .:trb111:; ^:'JV;i Uli i'e ^ sayiij 1^ f SQr.j3-,.'liB .'ppiildb't .■.i'eiteli;',£3;i.b;^^^ ;wbil^.fp..teiA:ii'i •■^V'-'''": .'■^■,:'■■■.,;V'.' MORSE INT'L PROMOTES SLAYBAUGH TO MGR. Chester Sla.\baiigh, foimei time buyei at Moise International, has) been upped to mandgei o£ the ladio dcpailment. G Coleman Dawson, independent piodiitoi, has been named duectoi of'program's.. \ N.';y :■ ';' .; Kevy .time, bi.iyets are Eunice 0, ibicics.Qiv- and .Waller W. Sinions. . Philly Honors WFIL Prexy gti;ilad(jlpbiii,.'')yta'rcii 2L i ii;t M i ls,.';bul ' Ihe ;.'y.:jr 'had :;heUl: - ttiijiii ^iip. e.B'<?r«yir'Keep ■ strict: 'Wjite)ii;:,.bii;;! "v.:ave-ieiiSt|i« ' arid. '■ cti:an;ncl)s?\ aflbtcg! at..'H;avati'a:w.hich exp.ii-eviK ,l&i6;.'.'*'Wi!'' :fcW'sSt ;,hW£l'fbi";.itiem;-::' Mib'rs: -nbt ' iph>g? W'1086 ^;lh4m-'^ saia ' a-gi:eed^.ihaf'jiioW'WtViiilW S'ltptftd -sXa 'buUii!.ng.s."., ■ .'^:'\ :;..,'.';,.',''' ':,. \Bt;.^UgiiSthi.iJV''SO'iv:*ieti ,S.m.'i. .'■ 'i'5;. to 'ap'tieii''';befcj'.e: th:e ..comiiiittiH' ■Wednesday (22). Riidlo '(lit t'w;.- j I ew.ti pa piir. 'pli b! iijliers^ !flthfer;'ShB,ly 'bigg:ies^;i6i:ni3d: tli^ Ciiy Buiinos.^ Ciub A Phi'.adel.phia tf>''.-;hiino»'''';Eoge;rV% pi'exi'.-iast &i;divy ;-Ui7i././'v'';j;; ''■;■■. ..;.'■; .■-'''Gii.pp .rec'eiyed '^tfe .eUi.b's;''0i''tati.O!i. fi>i:',"gopd' ''ip.".. ■ .in;.ti.i.e- past .y ear .hp:; vyiitSi 6 n e.. p,f .t he 'lea cfer .< ;'i,h' .t:Ke war li33n..dvix:es;;the:'War Ches%^ Ci'dss ■; and- ',.'Sal\-aUorl"' Ariii.y ' cam- pa Sponsors React To Spot Kudos '> Airiiife: Hi tliB- Jbes't sPpt..a;nn.ouhoe;^ jn.e}vtn""of'.the..,v'ea-r 'b'y:.',ieri:'y't'awr- ,lrikyi\/[arch'.:15'-'sesK'*>'h"h ■ft; lofe^clf^ trade :idiscus'si6iiy:'';Spoiis^^ :ar0 peeved bet^tHise 'Uie vvasii't' O ' lO ' did .gt ' t a. i i' air Jim Blade's Full-Time Sponsored Air Series Chicago, Waich 21 ■ '.Sim; Bladp, '^i>toist,' ioayini^ Buiiiiese, Room ; of' the i'Blackstrjne ■^lot.ei, Sybere be. :has :,b'e.e,n .fcaftired- £pii"the ipaiit 15.'rnQriths;.rt&;deVote Ihiii. ■timG -to' radio.,' ',.'tie.,''ta.kf.^;'\<'i'!-lT,'.hirt Bob I'llot itung babs player, and Jeanne MacKenna, vocalist, wbo have been part of bi*! iinisicdl com- hmation at the'.hotel, '. p«sinning.'..'April,.3',:th,e groiip will be; spohsored' .Mos-idayi. 3yedne.'5dai'S and Eri'days :Ghioago. Motor' Chib; Tuesdays by the Thiee Sisteis Diess Shop-> and Thuibdays by the Clucai>o Beveiage Co., all ovei WMAQ in the same 6-6-15 pm slot CAB Dps Lehman, App(Hnts Allen ■Recent .shakoup in moiiior.. .scope of conducting . proKrain. nm';4' \cva bj CAB (Ciosslej I 1,1, ■lbwed • this; .\>'fie|f by. peVsonn'el : f >; '. ■syh'i'ch . boosted ' Al /tohrtan,' i;,er:i.'vai-' managei',■ jjitoi;ttte-: presi'doiifV; i;h;(ji-,■' Hi- succcs'.or ai g.m and -ecu a \\ lU be George H Allen .^liMter-will diretif^ mfliviiS ■ijp'ertiliaitli.'. 'searc'h''aivd,^.a^ssi'S't in-carryintj'.bi'it lUff' pandcd ' scrwiee, .£tnnQi.ihccd '..:as';;i»Vif''- policy of lhO'.''0£.gatiii!atio.n .iiiinii.'S'i,'' Cio-'-l<-\ and Hoopoi, it will 'j > 1 ■iVietnber'fed; ...stage^'^a '^jSlibto fiiii.sii : lhat''|ffl»C/iiijvgetti'ngy'^tlVelK ptitiisv.f'il ■"bi»g||| :<vhd'-' i?6ttbr'V'.;stin'oyk:^^ iiclzed.-':;,''.^; ',•;'.'.''-.^^■^'■^.':;:'.:' ' ■ •■ .':;■.■'■, ■■ .Mien/ been t<: re- '; a.earcb ' ■WOR. ahd'fornlerly Ava^ 'is.'' S'is'taiit',.''lh.e .-prcisidciTt' .b'E "'tlvt;^.'X'ji-' Tiu-aU'C .Supply Co.' ':.: Lord ^ins Suit Brought By Cole, Former Employee li.^itation inrwJiiGli.^ .lie.ifri • Aui'.'.i-.o Colo KOUMht lo \r.i>\f'., Pi-.iliip.s 11. Lord, li'.c. had lii'.oc: .aii.' idea bi iiii-and'cdnyBrted ;.it inift.i-hB'' .,stfoce.?'s'fl''i'i';,.n.etw'pt:lt 'sli^^^ .ti'ict/ A'tlciviwy','-' was dscidcd,': i'riiii'iy ;(.17.) by: the Eippella'te diyis!pn.'j).(.;th,'e ft '>■. -Suiircmo Coiit't in :;|a\irf;'ot', IjOrd.'>:: .El'sc . Ijad., .to 'ti'itii 'thi'Bti 'times. .,'.■■■;':•<;:; /..■':',' :': Co\i>: "cla'ime'd.;■ a.' script: 'lie.;..su4jn'vi t'- ■ ted tilled ' Rackeleei & Co '\hili' finiri^>y<Mva)iy,a. .writer .Jjy: the .Lprnl; '^rgaWzatibrii'tontained tl'.o basic ideft'. or foniiula-of "■Mr..D. A." iilUiouish conccdins there had been no iiUiijiiir- i-;!'i 1)1 script, dialog or chaiac-or.i. :Appeariii,iv beldrfe Jiuigc rerdi'liaiijl'.' ■Pecoi'spvat'^rnost;/t^ceiit■' trial as wiU■ nassesi for Lord were Jo lib Royal, '• XRC vocpcc. and otlier uelwoi k uili- ■dials.- ■ '''.;:■ !-::v,-o^ ;■■'■■ ;-'■■'-'■ ''. '.■■.,'■;'.\" > pit- i hucY^aim; liiose \\ ' kudo are .pattiiii!: tli?.iil'se.lyes nn 'iie' V :./■.■ ■'; ^^,^ .'■';.,','.:.■■'., ■', ..' Those nienlionod arc conjratu'.at- ing .tlicmselves ai;d I'r.eir hired; .pro- ;duce.fe while 'thb/^pthers' .are'rMsiitg. 'Hpb'. Wit'hrtheir; empioyees. ,■ Network ;cjtecs,.'tak'e.;.th'e, attilude'tli'at, itysem^ a'.::litUe,; ..s'lioulfl -tie . attached "to. ■,ij; .Nit'al. airing (if 'tlio'" year's., spot': anhounce'm.eri'ls^, but'the novelty of (he idea seems Vo. have''a-ppealed the :boyf, who spend tlie 'iiibney fpr the e.t.s; ■:■ ,; Spots v.'!;iel: received niention. p.n' the stanza were. PepsicoU New ell Eir.mett:. Lever Bro.?.. R',;thra'.iir & Rvan- 'Vaiginia Dare, R «t R ; Sav- ann, R & R; Adam Hats, Guflm, Bermihgham; Castlenian it Pierce; Siipersuds. William 'Esty: Macy, Yoting, & ' Rubicath: Ihe Zanzibar, Siaicii Polo and I. J. Fo;c.''jin,g.le'5. ■'•;■',' THE riK A^COLA €OMI»AXY and '■',..■:;:;. . - :■. .■;■.'.';'' ;...;■■:'-;■; ';■; ■'■■;'■■'',■.;'.'''' ^ y\''■■'•.''■'''■'r.. ^^^..^-^'^-^ ■■.>■;:'"" ■...■'>? ' V^} : :^.:l:'-.y-'': r THE BOTTI.ETI!i» OF C01A-C0I.A MORTON DOWNEY \%\ri and THK ItM'K NETWORK MONIIAY niroiigii FItlRAY a lo 3:1,1 P.M.. EWT IT'S NOW A HABIT Second woman engineer to )om tl-e WOV. N. Y, staff is Ruth Biod- eri'ck, .who started oil: .Monday' -< 21) 1,. Gal recently completed course given.: b> the NAB Sbe replaced Pu.l Flyiin.; whp received. hii* ^conimhi-i. sion as .. .an. ensign the lSla,vy;.' ]ast. Th'..irsday 'IGi. .;■.■■.'■:■. '"'\-\y'\. ' Guidia Miranda, monitor, also leU on Monday t20) for the Ainiy. Ovcrsby Joins KFEL Denver, Match 2t, Gene O'Fallon. KFEL station imn- agpi has appointed Ed Ovei^b\ 010- ;graitt director/at;.ihe-;.biitlet:^ Latfer' iett KOB, Albuquerque, to accept new post. ■ . ■■■ ■';• ....'. . :■ iFoliow-Up Comment lIssiSB .Continued from page ■):! from Kansas City, did in the initjal . slot the Idea 'will add Interest to tlie show.. '..;.;:' '- ■■ , ■'.• .■: NBC's dramatization Sundav .(19) of ■ Wc'-tern Star," the late Stcphf n Vincent Benet's last published 'w.orfe, A as a poignant and j^ensitivcly Wrought .story .Pf the po'el's credo- fol'-. deriiocracyi with Raymond IVfassoy <(.■( ■ narrator turning . m a . magnilicent perlormanee. Program wa.s present* ed in cooperation with Council tar Democracy. ..!:'..- '' 'Kate Smith. Wound lip a four-week, stay on the Coast last Friday nislit (17) ..with', a tributG in ■son.g tii« Irish on St.: Patrick's Day.: Veronica Lake and Franchot Tone her gi'osti. did.'.a. ;tppnoteh.: job in.' a.: t'hrjiliiii! ■ espionage play. Sam .laiTc, who oft ici a ted over (lie: paradiise that was .ShatigriTLa ill the.' iilm version of "Lost Horizon." didn't have as happy a role in 'Now Hoii- 7.0ns" Wednesday (15) on CBS Hn ooilraval of Dr. Sun Yat Se 1 toii'r- er ot the Chinese republic, who oni;- inated the revolt the Mancliu dMiastv nonetheless hgd modern ap'- ■piicaiiorii: '.■.-':' ■ ■'. •' ■. . ■ Roars ot heavy artillery, the spiS of; ■', machine guns and an :af» tual amphibious landing of ti6op3 were aired to NBC listeneis Wednesday (15) in a special broad- cast giving a vivid picture of what to come when the invasion: starts. : Radio Comedy Writer, at Present Located in Hoilywood, Looking: for Anottier Writer Interested in Forming team. Write Box 1738, Varieti 154 W. 46 St., New York 19, X.