Variety (March 1944)

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WeMesAay, March 22, 19U RADIO 33 Pronto Payotfs For Air Performers Urged on AFRA in Jessel Appeal George Jessel. currently i pro-+ ^„cer on the 20th-I'ox lot, has ap. Lied to the American Federation t Radio Artists lor prompt payment „f salaues to radio performers, "there's no reason." Jessel wrote .VRA execs in N. Y., "why actois fd actiesscs have to wa-t 10 days ' ter the.r work is clone and somo- tmics two weeks before they are ttaid.'' ''a' . ■■■ ' "Eauity SeeS 'ta it that vils nlem-; hers get their salary before thoy go the stage ,fcr: their .flricfl, perfffrm- : .jiri'^eV'-the' muslpia ymon.-sees to, it, 'ffitft'ttte -tlieatft manager, pays them, a day ahfead..' For, the, theatre ^man- 'Aer tfti^ -'i^ often : a Miardship. In ■ mnr cases he rfeed&: that ;Saturday.^ iiiaht performance to , make both ends meet, while the radio sponsor not only has the money up lor the week, but n<vdoubt has a budget ap- piopr'ialion for the entire season. So there is no reason why the radio /^jierfdriTier Shpiild. not, be paid; imme- ■'diately' upo n c .omplc ^^ '■■■.u .The .';,lar who■.gcn.s .$9,000 or ■ $ip,PPQ a week doesn't rijeed ,,it, pec- haps, but what about tlie little guy'' rknow actors and actresses who no longer find acting a primro.<>c path Many of them were stars in happier dajs and on Christmas time forsiet the; dignity'of the.past and play Sbirie" small ladio bit to get a few dollar.s ;■ for the holiday .diniier.- But not a .; they can't get paid cf red tape." Jessel's proposal has been lefeired to AFRA's Wages and ■Working Con- .ditions CJommittee for possible sub- mission to the membership. a.s a whole. Pointed out by George Heller, AFBA's associate secretary and treasurer, that existing contracts with the major nets and agencies do not expire until Nov. 1, witli current provisions that payments be made not later than 10 days alter date of broadcast. Priestley Play to Be Televised on WRGB Schenectady, March 21. The Feagin School of Dramatic Art will do J. B. Priestley's three- ,act 'playi .."iime- and ,th6 Coriway,s''' on WRGB, the General Electric tele- vision station in Schehe.ot,£ic|y,' ThUrs^ :clay nigiit i23)i ; , Students., of :Professor :„Gcorge- ^,illiarii .'.Smithes class.- in',.speech, and dran^'a.tics.'i .a); 'K^^^ Sa'ge Wainen's College', ,..;i4'oy;!;..!rece'ij.tly . pres&nted "Alice .■ in' ■ ■Woriflei'lana"' o.ver .,-same station. One World Radio Chicago, March 21. If there's a station here that can rightly lay claim to title of International Radio, it's WGES. Pjerssa.i ..ol; slati'Qn's ;S'eefcly--.-prp'-' } gram , shows, wiife diversity of languages used tliroughout broadcast V hours, rangiiig ' froiii' Aztec to XJkrainian. . ', On tro:r. 7 a. m. until midnight, station , airs programs in Aztec,'. Polisli, Lithuanian, Swedish. Ital- .. ian, 'V'^ieiinese, German, Slavic, JewiMi, Jugo-Slav, "Croatian, Serbian, lush and Ukrainian. Survey Shows Sfim likings on Tyro Shows; Only 8 Out of 5,446 Chck in Chi Vince Callahan Joins Ryan Agcy. in Wash. Vincent F. Callahan, recently... dir; rector,, of radio and press for the Treasury's War finanre riiv i.sifin, has joined the Lewis E. Ryan in'Wasiifiigtp'hi .'Caijahan- \\dll:handl^^ Gbverrtrtient,ltai.spri,,r radio pubircity, and .public relatioi : Former Treasury aide will split time between .Washington and N., Y. 3 Minnesota Stations Form 'Dairyland Network' Minneapoi:.':. M;;rch 21. : ,.,^e'., 3VI,i.n'nesbta. ' radip;'.' stations have formed the "da.i\land net- woik" They will get B'ue network ^hows fed through WTCN, Minne- apolis; , Puipose is to "."Jell'' Minnesota as a :d:airy.l^nd. country, .tb.i ihe. i-est of the nation. Involved are E. C. Hayek. KATE; Max H White, KWNO, and publisher of Winona Herald; and Hairy Linder; KWLM, Willrtar. ; Toledo.—Pfc. Bernard ; E.V' Ybung, fbi'nier., anhouncCi:,' for Tbjedb ' sta- tions, has: ,beeh;.c,om^ ond lieutenant 111 the marines, at Quaptico.'. , ■". James Jewell Resigns I CBS Production Staff ■■v:';';;:'::.■'.;, Cliii^:.^''k^',;.:-:':.'f;:!'i;.'\ .■.. JaiB'es;''Jewell^' w'.io t'e;ci?ntly.^. "tbbk .■ .oyer ■ .the"y"ii;e.eti oii.' of tK¥/':'!t ac IfTA r m.- T .sft'ohg'''|p'i i;as tendered .lti;s . r;Csig-. irdtibii/ io 43u!t MiU. ;Teniaift':9ri. i .the prpduGti6n:st3ft'';unUl- 4ie^"^^ ■replaced;';''' . '■ ■..'" ;'; '':. 'J'v':.■■■'.■■..''': ■ 'j ,' .. O. J. Netiwarlh, who .resigned as | ..flssistcint, prog.ra'ip.di:rector,.''bf.;W&Bi^^ ' a couple of weeks. as<p ■ to'; act ■ as'prdr .^diice'i- of' tile ''Rbni.'inee;.. W Helen 'TTrerili'l has ■ rctui^nfedt td/ the;Wi;igl*y building ■ statipij;.,as ■ a'.. ^tafC' ptbdacpr, but will continue hit, outside woik. Gleason Returning To 'Keep Ahead' Show Jackie Gleason returns-April 7 to the Edelbrew "Keep Ahead " Fi iday night' haif-hour. show,.;hoard at .7:30 over WOR. -'■ Comedian dropped ■,out..ot the aircr.l oh',Febru'ary 2;)(.in'.'b'i;de.i'. td 'Joirt' the cast of "Follow the GuK," Da\c| ,Wolper. .musfCal',; .fd'it'i.its. ovitvof town I tryout. f ■ '.'i; ;'::Cl3,icag'0,,';Miir^ , i Receiit survey o,f, -Jwb J.pfisil' ..iShVa*. teur .hour :prograrnS;.. witlV:.: a.'iCora* ■ bined total of 17^ years on air'pi-oi'efsy pretty ;.eon,ciusively;, say, y'adio incii : ..hero,;-that .'.program.s .:of th'iS:type;.db., .J,ittle' 'in the' develbj?ing. bt capable ii)erfo'riTie;i's/f.l.Pul' of ; 5^446; ..ihbpefiiis .whovjiave'.' apiieare .pti .'the.. MbrriS B;. 'SaClTS' .a.))5ateiH'. sho.xv;' b^^er-'. ,a peiiod .of i'b .y'ea.r,s^^ i-cached. ..any. ■• semblance- of impor- "t^aneev :. .'.>!.'::■;;','.;;'"■ ■■'''■;•{? \:y '■■,}y':-' ^''-i Giaduates of the Sachs piogiam include.. Pamela.' Britton, i-eo'iped.i'enne;: with' the ■ ''OklahiDhia,''.rcompaiiy; at , thc'-Erianger, theatre., iivee.ciitly^ by Mctio, Mel Toime, currently ap- pearing in the Frank Sinatra picture "Higher and Higher:" Maureen Can- non, Skip Fairrll. active in local radio work: Blo.s.som Lee. vocalist W'itlj '.Lp.U; Breese;.'Frfi ilk Payne, Dot-' 'lie Masek,...'ai)d the 'Mcrntyre. Sister,?,. .:, Of: the .S.C'l.O am at e urs appear i hg, 6n- ■tlte 'ftubih.'s. Amateur : Houl",,, diii'lng ,' 4- h' c .:.prbgranl ' g ,scv : eii yeurs- ' oii ' the laiiVi, ■only. .;ttve,' have ■.H'itj; t.h'e.;"'-Jipieli'ghf;.. .■fhey . inqlude' ■ MorgSn' -SistiBrs • .tripj-': hoaid on the Camel Caravan; Don is Mernck now with . Metro:. Gloriir H.'rrt,'ybcalist with Art Ka.'i.sers bix'h;'- D-F S AGENCY SETS UP EMPLOYEES PENSION Dancer-Fitzgerald'Sample adver- tising agency last week announced a pension plan for its employees. Plan is first such instituted in the ad agency field, : : Action sets, up liberal retirement : and. cash benefits for employees with the entire cost being assumed by the agency. It covers all employees in the Chicago, New York and Holly- wood offices. Vic-Sade Go Dramatic On'Author's Playhouse' V Art Van Harvey and- Bernardine Flynn, 'Vic and Sade of the NBC :serial, draw dramatic, spots on "Au- thor's Playhouse," 11:30 p.m. tonight (22) on the same web in the ether version of Stephen Vincent Benet's ■•'O'Halloran Luck," Others in cast include : McKay Morris, Marilou Neumayer and Charles Egelston. Director is Homer Heck. N. C. Station Files Charlotte, March 21 Certificate of incorporation of the Duiham Broadcasting Co, Durham, has been filed with Secretary of State Thad Eure of Raleigh. Com- pany has been given license to /broadcast and receive and transmit and retransmit all types of radio programs. Total authorized .capital stock of Ihe firm is $100,000, with four thares of stock each being lubscribed by the following: S. C. Brawley, Jr., and C. Brawley, Sr., of Durham, and A. J. Fletcher of Haleigh. D'ARTEGA AND HIS ALL GIRL ORCHESTRA THIS WBBK KMPIBB CRJEATRK r.VLh raVER, MASS. and the >'KW PARK THE\TRE WOOSSOCKET, MAHS. : > Personal Management ERNEST LIEBMAN 1440 Broadway, New York nirectlon: William Morris A(t<y. No singl« station, no omount of power, can deliver the loyalty, the Intense "irstening interest," of this, AAoryland's "all home" Network. You only have to know local geography and local customs to kttow why the Eastern Shore is as different from Western Maryland as day is from night. And neither have too much in common with Baltimore. WFBR IS Baltimore, WBOG is the voice of th« Eastern Shore, and WJEJ is the magnet of the Hagers- town market of Western Maryland. When the big political candidates are out for votes, they don't try to do it with a Baltimore station alone< They use the Maryland "all home" Network because they know the full meaning of/oca//n feres*^. MARYLAND '^1 CnrATER INTtREST - LOWER COST Actually, Maryland's "all home" Network can cost less than a single large station. With quantity dis- counts it's often considerably less! Yet look at what you get: Baltimore'! favorite sta- tion plus the two really vital non-Baltimore stations with their intense local interest and loyalty! A com- bined "all home" market of over 2,000,000 people. "The Maryland "all home" Network is truly one of the gteat buys still left open in radio! NETWORK FOR INFORMATION • RADIO STATION WFBR, BALTIMORE