Variety (March 1944)

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S6 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesdajr, March 22, 1911 The Shortest Jump On Record Concluding three weeks Capitol, New York March 22 Opening Loew's State, New York March 23 WILL OSBORNE AND HIS HOLLYWOOD BAND MuticraU Records Soon to B» Released L0N9 AGO AND FAR AWAY GOOD NIGHT WHEREVER YOU ARB STAR DUST SHINI ON HARVEST MOOM f SHOULD WORRr WHO^ME? Bands at Hotel B.O.'s (Presented hartwiih, a* a wtMy tabulation, if tha estimated cover charga businen being dom by nam* . band* in varioiu New York hotels. Dinner buaineit (7-10 p.m.) not rated. Fiflurei after name of hotel give room capacity and cover charge. Larger amount designates iaeekend and hoUday price, ■ Compilation it iascd on period from Monday to Stittirday.)' ... . <l"»e" Tni.ii .■BiiiHl ■ Hotel'-' ■■,'■■ ^' ■ ■ " ■ ^' Ray Heatherton. .BiUmora (400; $l-$r,(SO). Lam Mclntu*....Lexington (300; 75c.$1.50) 110 .leuy Wald .New Yovkgr (400; Jl-SL.'iO) 2 Frankie Carle... .Pennsylvania (500; $1-$1.50) 9 -teo-Rejiinvan-r,--.-Waldort (550^(^2)— 4 Boyd Haehufn....Lincoln (275; il-Jl.SO). 3" Guy Lombardo ..Roosevelt (400; $1-$1.50)..'. 24 Vauslin Monioe Co.Timodore (400; $1-$1 50) 0 Fltiyod n'wok On Uitta 40 1,150 53,4()() 2.025 2.000 ■ 8400 2,828. 950 2i250 ,tt,27S-. 200.8nrt 4,100' 14.82,'5 '■''13;27ft. ■■2',7S0.' 45i323- :i,275:: *.Asieri'siis indicate a supporting floor shoti-. [ Neiu Yorker and BillmOre/ have, ice 's/iou'».', Waldorf has CiacU ■ Fiel'dsf:C:d)Hmpd0-e, .0 AltflVi'.s : Mbdefni{ij<es; Lexington, Uaicaiian flow n'now. . 'k.';t.3,., tia,i/s., ; ■■'^^■*'/^^'v;;;V-^':':.y-\'X,',„^ Chicago , .Neil -BondshU '(Mayfair. Kooin. Blacltstorie Hotel; 400;. $l5fl nVili,);. Dingiij;':^ Fiske-afid Boiii;lshU':flne 3,lOO:.'r> ■ v:';-; V'.^ / '/ jimmy^ .Dorsey,,, (Pantheiv.Rponi, Shermauf'hotSl;. 950; .,$l,50r$2.50 .niiji.v;; Dor.^oy continues hot with excellent 0.900. ..''^ ■ ■ ■ .' r ''"V Jimmy Joy (N'ew Walniil Room, -Blgiriai'ck hotel; 465; $1.50-$2.50 jwin. Joy and floor show played to gieal 5.100. V.AiMe Oliver (Marine Room, Edgewater Beacli hotel; 1,100, 50c and 75e ■ :cover 'charge,";plus :$i.25':TOih.),-;'^ ArQattd; iiitty '4^0^j, ^■ ■ '^r:'■.'. '„ ■ i / , : Ran .Wilde. (Empu-e Room. Palmer HQiK<e; 7.50;v$343.50 rom.y. Slow tuvg- over last'week eirt patronage tO/ll.lflO,.; „.•• ::'-,'.■ ■'. ''/•'^■' Los Angeles Fieddie Martin (Ambassadoi; 900, $1-J)1d0). Always gel'< his sh i a Repeat 4.200 tabs. Joe Reichmnn (Biltmore; 900; $141-50). Early dmeis and lale ^\ iic- .make 4,300. covers. '• '. \r. : ■ ■ .c;:^'.' ,--^: vV / y .■ Location Jobs, Not in Hotels CLos Angeles) .. Sammy Kaye (Palladumi B, Holly.vvood/si.Kt.h^^ "Oiit Suiiday ,(19 i, ■ Ha: llclr.tyre. in. Exit nwsia to 30.000. j"''.'-':,^ • . Horace Heidt (Trianon B, Soiilhgnle, IGth week). Settled and solid. Will better 8,500. rhil Harris (Slapsy Maxle's, N, Los Angeles, 20th week). Needs a sta- diifm,'' Full Ht 5,200. . . ■ , ''■-X'-''.:-'k''./'!'/:'l. ; Gay Olaridge (Chez Paree; 850; $3-$:j.50 niin;). With .floor show Iveaded by Jacl(,^8 Miles, played to around 5,000 " ' Del Courtney (Blackhawk; 500; $l-$2,'50 minO. Business ,at nicft level haie with swell 5,000. 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines ,■ .(RecoTcis beiow ,«>« gfqbbiiia nvpst .'iiicJcels this lueeK iHrjiikebOxm throughout tliercoxmir't/ ,ai: reported by operat,ors to "yaneiy.'' Names of. more tfion one bond or uocair.s-t «/(er t/i« title indicates, in order of popn~ larity,- tiihose. reqordi.jiBS ar«: bei nfii ?iZnyed. Fipui-c^ and' naii.ies 'ifi .pawti'- ■ the,9is indicate the' iiu.mbef ,o in the -iisfi'ii'gs , ai'd reapeclive pitblisJiers.) Mairzy', Boats (8) (Mil)er);-i.V.:,;;.i.ii,.:;; 2. BesBtae' Macho (11) ■. (Melodylane): . i i',. v 3. Couldn't Sleep Wltik (5) (T. B. Harms). 4 Do Nothing Till You Hear (5) (Bobbins). ■ S. Don't Sweetheart Me '2i (Advai-.ced)... 6. Wiie!i They Abor.t Yu.i (2) (Berlin):, 'r.,,.PQiciciana: :(2) XMarks).«i>...;..;.,.. U.. 8. Siioo Shoo Baby (13) (Leed.s) »: So Love, No Nothin' (10) (Tr'.ar.;;:e)... 10.: My ^Heart Tttl*:Me:(17)"(BVC:) . . . J;. ( Al Trace Capilol ^ Merry Macs Decc* f Jimmy "Dorsey .......Decca ^Abe Lyman Hit (Frank Sinatra .... .Cglumbia \ Dinah Shore , Victor J Woody Herman Decca I Stan Kenton . .... .Capitol . .Lawrence Welk Decca ( Jimmy Dorsey Decca '( Sonny Dunham ..........Hit' \ Bmg Crosby Decca f'David .Rose:. . ; ..,..:. -.Vietttr J. Atldrew.s -Sisters ...... Decca (Clla Mae Morse Capitol i Jjn Garber Hit I i;ila ;Ma9 Morse.; . ^.;.CaBi.tot.^ S Glen Gray DeccH ( Eila Mae Morse ,..;. Capiioi; Band Review BARNEY BAPP OBCH (12) With Francis Holbrooli Hdppy Hour Night ClUb, Mpls. Bariier Rapp, veteran maestro, has a first-rate ;swi;nf(: bind, that , cfiii fill the bilii.adequately in atty night spot, .or hotel.' : ..iMod.est. in siz.e, the . combo is .ivpt, designed 'ior .stage .engagem.9hts, .but; it- give's e'ut.-.witli '.plenty of vplume,. highly;:.listenabie, while the .dancing, customers tak^ its. music iilce. a duck to" \yater.. peps. .up proceed.vngs .with .'.-sn.a'pp'sf', ernceeirig. And-.v'Wiield'S: the baton', expertly. ■ . ''' : .;.Coinprising iotir- brass,;'four 'saxes' a.hci three rhythni, tlie : tiand .\vorks. with ; gusto; spurred on! ;by Ihe . dy- namic 'Happ.:'. ,It uses 'lively, swing arrangements;:of current pops,.' and (lie :...oldies also . gSt '. an .' occasional ■ihlring. ; ■'. ■■. ■ '.'' .'■;,': .At this spot. the. outflt.proves capa- ble .Of putting.oh a.'brief floor'Sho.-w;^ as we!! as carrying the ball for da'Hcingl , Gene Robih'son, from the bras.'j section, '.singa.,and'doesi it well, and three , of the... boys.' capture laughs, wiih a burlesque interpretation ol the Sally Rand fan dance, , :Ff Holbrook .is band's -vocalr ist ' .Her 'work is vigorous and. ef-. fective. ' Rees. Top Tunes for Your Books An All-Time. Favorite I MUST HAVE THAT MAN Music by , ,. JIMMY McHVOH Published by Mills Jerry BuiUcli: has joined NBC ar- ranging staff. UNIVERSAL PICTURES and .\TX other pii'liiro stiu|l<» 1148 till* ,H\S MS[;A1< i(>i<imI •>( Hniijt Ii'tta of ov<>r lull imlillili- m», old fiivorltiw; .1"-. ivliiilpfl lead Bli#et nnil lyrlcjl. ot chorus, .ilamideii frve. TUNE-DEX 1G1» Bnraawar K** 1C«rk 19