Variety (March 1944)

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Wcancsday, March 23, 1944 ORGHESTRA&-'i|USIC Capitol, N. Y., Signs Sammy Kaye, Completing Roundup of Best Bands CrpKol tliestie, N. Y, has about4 fomp'elcci Its roundup of top bands, t..kiiig iliem away from the opposi- Ifon Pai amount and Stiand Last «cek *he hfaw signed Sammy Kaye, ,,ic 01 iiie Stiands standbjs e\er tincc he became impoilant enough foi BioPdwav He is down foi four ^^eekx '•ome time this summer at (12 500 pel. Kaye is X-A, howevei, end niav be collared by the aimy With its acquisition of Kaye, the Capitol now has Tommy Doisey, Jimmy Dor^ey, Xavier Cugdt, ■■jforai'e'' Heicit';" 'PWl -.Spitalny^ ' 'iiisit i;bi.ut the cream of the more .Expensive, .combOsV' Against tliis ar-' il ( Pa amount fias Benny GoocJ- in.i>i foi one date definitely Uhough ■he has disbanded his orchestia), a <]iepul(d contiact with Tommy Dor- i,c% cind ;n option on Hariy James ^^■vtiiicK NvHl i»f. be-fulfiii^^ .■■goes, into service. Strand's ■Iiii6up, ■ includes' Ted 'Lewis, wh6 follows the ctii'i-ent: Russ Morian; Glen' Gray' Ciihft J^^in t i'^crcw. aiidvCliailie Bal 'tig : as. - ' standouts;.' Kaye,: iiicidentally, will not play Warneis' Stanley, Pitfsbuigh and Earlo, Philadelphia, on his Joitlicoming theatie run due to .Hrgii'ments. over salary,, i. :, '..■■Batfe arabttg the Paramount,' \:Sti;and and ■ Capitol, 'ior; tppflight; -..niae.stros "has 'not. .been . hiainly . One fo.f nio.ncy:; iri .so' fp''fthe 'latter;,.is; concerned In the cas^s of Tommy Dorsey and Cugat theie was defi- nitely a hookup With lilm contiacts tIio«? Icadeis have with Metio, . '■ Which; is afl'iliated- with that tlleati'e , .ihrough Loew's.. Jimmy Dorsey's ; dap ' agieenie-jit.; has ..such . connpta" , :tions,'- {(io^ but it's, denied., his move' jii. that direction, is based 'on a dhn' agiecmtnt Doitey played the Roxy Ills Irst two times on Bioad-way, dl $12 500 weekly, same as he's diaw- ing at the Cap "v.: RoSy; Which started out oii, an o.c- ' caSipnal, na'me-band. poliey': a /year ■"fliid ■ » lia.lf. ago 'by. taking /Jimmy Dbrsey trom >the :Straud ,iit: $12,500 hasnt lued up to the band policy thi,eat it was expected to create for the other houges. Dorsey's booking then w as figured to be the beginning --ol; a Broadway price war tor top: band names. The Capitpl has since come through with a combination Pt .film tieups and. high prices which ■the Strand, for one,' has relu.sed to . meet. As far as the Paramount is concerned, it found itscU in the middle between Metro and its bands, le, Tommy Doisey and Cugat. That com isn't the stjmie at the Par IS indicated by a claimed ofTer to Cugat of $12 500 lor a futuie date Perry Asking $3.60 Per For T. Dorsey One-Niter And> Peiiy, one-night pipmoler in Alleutown, Pa, has set up en in- credible price fci' a nam« band, even for one to poweiful as the combina- tion of Tommv Doisej-Gene Kiupa- Bob Allen, dated Apul J2 Periy IS pla\ ing Doi sey at the 4 500-.5 000 capacity Armory ar.d will «.sk $2.40 aavance and $3.60 at the door per person, h? sais. There ha\e been much higher puces quoted foi one-night college dates, but foi a dance promotion Periy's lales aie i nu^ual He claims he -will haN'e no trouble getting it,, either; AUentown is' surrounded by a liatidfui of;colleges such..asiLafa^'i yetle',' iMuhlenb'erg'and' Lehig'n. .■■ ..;■'■ Tiny Wolfe May Be 3d Leader of Barron Band Blue Barron's orchestra probably will get itg thud leader soon. Tom- my .'Ryan, :w^ho took ^over. the band When Barron ' hinis^if joined . the. Ar.iiiy,: has been accepted for service, ■When he goes Tiny Wolfe, bass, may assume leadeiship. Hjan had been conducting the combo since befoie the recent hoh- dajs, at the Edison hotel, N. 'Y Only a few weeks ago the band moved gut foi theatie and othei dates under his diiection. Herman Looks to G.L, Doing Plenty Discing Woody Herman's orchestia will lay in a slock of recordings for Decca fbeginhihg tomorrbwf ;.tThi.irsday) pieparatoiv to tne leadei s possible .induction. Herman will mak(j 20 pop *ides and aiound 20 tunes foi tian- seriptioni m thret days, leturnmg to the itudios next Monday and Tues- da\ (27-2S) to finish ofT. .Pop /discs the leader v.-ill make will comprise mostly: .turi6s: frdni , ft!ms.';tha't ,\v6n't,'' be.'rrelcas'fed .until !at<!r ii!i.« year. ;' : ,■. '.■': ■'■ ■ Evaluates Bands pb.s.ei'ljly 'di'ittirbed''.b^ ■■t^iB^num'fiei-' pf, its top bandleaciers ^already ..■•in sier.vice aiid: others Avho. are'jm:mineat caiididates; .■ the' meeting ■.■ 01 jJiisic Corp. of America executives in N. Y; last week dched deeply into the potentialities of lower-iated barids on ■ thfe^agency> roster;tt's/said^^the' list of combos under MCA manage- ment was gone o\er c'osely and a .schedule of outfit.' Was/made up to '.wlvioh tile ■.efl'orts.;'of all .branches of thebrgan ization Will': .lie ■ deydied. to., boost .: thein.. into.. the/ iihpbrtant ;iho'hey iclass./-' ,■ ■ : ■■■'/'.■.■' /.■;/< r.-^. : - iMCA is the lilrgc.'t band agency in the busineg.s. But since the begin-. lUng; Of .:the 'w-ar 'it lia's 'lost'a, h.WhM of :tQ'.the. .§e'rv-. ice ,and \5t;:; may ' spOM i tope Harry Jan^es.;' and pcssibly' .SammyKaye/ In additjoni Be.iiiiy.; Goodiiian'ii .diitfit. is;''brealci'ng up. , Lps.5, of .such b.Q. pP:wer/iS' sprio in- view, pf. the fact that mo^t band buyeis, with plenty of cash to spend ha\e been seeking the best names possible, ac- cepting onh le^sei-Knowns when .they. c'ouldn:'t sePuve the top ones, and' .often' refusing anything if the latter. :wercn'i' .ntailivble/. Tliis .has: helped • sladken for ttie hea\y list of "B".' class outfits MCA has under contract. MCA e\ecs in toi the confab which lasted {lom Monday (13) to the'-ciid of ;fhe weekv were president. J'ules Stein; Mfiurie.Lip.sie, Ru'ss Fac- ebine, ' Jim ..Breyley, Chicago; /Taft Sch.eibci Laiij Bainett, HoUy- wpod; D Arve Barton, Cleveland, and Noimari Steppe Dallas, who was ill and 1 etui ned home bctore the incet- ing was completed. AFM.Petitions To Answer WLB; Petrillo Scored \//'./^;^'WSshfegtpri, ilarGh;2JV/■ ' Petiiion rc(iUC.«!inM ti;<> AFM'.'be; clianc'e:. to. state' .its position. Hutchcnrider's Suit Vs. Gray Again Adjourned - Determination . pf : Clarence . Hiif- t'leiii uei s status in the Glen Giay oichestia—whether or not he is a stockholdei—was adjourned for the second time jesterdav tTueada>) Attoinc\'; fpi- both sides requested •'iiolnci thiee-week delay. It's bc- m\qA set ement talks aie going on Hutchenudei began action against the band a couple months ago seek- ing an accounting of the band's piof- He had lejected an oflci of jJ.OOO foi his shaies in the coopcia- w^e outfit, a deal which Gia^ and *• C I'Coik') O'Keelc, manager, .msmied was .-iccepted. and,' thpretore: Hutcnenuder couldn't possibly begin such action. ^ Decision .originally : due 'yfestcrday ttas to settle the question of whethei tne musician (sax) was still a shaic- nolder, ODT ASKS AFM TO CANCEL CONVENTION on ice pf Defense Transportation .isscUed)} rittcmpltd icccntly to get the Ameiican Fedeiation o£ Mu- .siciahs - to' eiiiicel its : .a'' cohveri- tiih • a^aiii -tiiik; ij'eiir.:;. - C will take place./howeVer, at the Steyeps hottl Cnicago beginning eaily in .June- ■ ' ■. .-. ::. ■'.,'■■ ;L'ast; yea'r/s ■ coiivciVtioh ...ivas... eanr :c'e.lied by :a recfiicst f rprn'-the .(Sp'i?. / ' B:^'ar„LaPor;.Board pnor .ip 's . acting on the ■ recom- mendation of its panel in the lecoid- ing contioxeisy, was filed heie yesteiday i20> Joseph Padway, APM counsel, made the lequest. AFM mu«l aigue long and hard, sitlce/;'t}^e^ ■Lab.'OT .Boa invariably- accepts, p a n e l.: .:,re(ioiniTiei'idations, 'which; ■' in-.. tliis: case,, ".,is. stroii'gly agaiiist. the - uiiiph: arid very;;ii^uch favpr of the lecoidmg companies (Columbia. RCA-'Vietoi). Joseph E Madtlj piexy of the National Music Camp at Interlochen, appealed bcfoie a Senate Interstate Commerce su'p-committee, the same da.i'' 'urging. :.Coirg'rc,ssioWal acti(5n .to: prevent.;: PetrilJO/'.froiTi / interfering .with/student and amateur ■ liJus'lciali.' broack.asfP. .' Petrillo■ .lias .cut.,' groups.: off. the . air /dtiring. -lh^ ;: last. }eJi '■ . Ma.dtty, who,.: has' 'carrifed-' aii,: AFM': cdid for the la&t 35 jears, was in fighting foim. "I have recciveu many letters from imemoeKs ot Congiess all of which imply/there is; riothing s*hat^ caii; be done' about restricting, ilip'' powers a-'JSiimed bj' Mr..Petrillo. In .one of these letters, it was.sugge.sted that if; I would communicate wfth Mr. PetiiUo, fcome soit of airangement might be worXed out which would be leasonably sat'stactoiy. ;"I have not communicated with Ml Petrillo I am not interested in a 1 casonably sati.sfactoi v ai langement' Cliambeilain and Hi-lei woiked out a leaspnably satistattoiy arrange- ment at Munich—with final results, as we all know too well. I would pielei never to broadcast educational piogi.,ms than to ao so only with the pel mission of Petrillo or any other dictator, . ;• ••:". :: .;': "It is incitdiole that the Congresis would e.\c: as law deny education the use of ladio for non-eommerCial puiposes, jet that is exactly what a ' un i oil dict^itor; has done; by .'flat.. It: seems outrageous that one imipnibpss has biEen;per.nTitled tp do/that .which ■CoiVgress. sa.Uld pot and. wouljl -npt do ' Parodies Ruled to Be Infringement In N. Y. Decision Awarded MPPA After Long Fight for Clarification Carle's $6,500 at Cap, N. Y., 2 Mos. After Bow : ■■■prankie : Carle's.; .oychestra,; w;1iic;h debuted Feb. Vi. ha.s been fc'..-': to: the. ■Gdpitol^tef^'je., N/i*,. "for. fpur'w :at. $6.(500. pciS .iffh- ex-U'aprdiiiary pri^ .'f6iva:/xVew!;.'baricl,/..Carle openS'.at-^ house. either April J3 or .20. '.■ / . Ca;'-t''s booking a', the Hotel Penn- syiv^aaifti;: ji\$o ;Was ; un,usual, Siiice/' ii ';W''as' concluded before' ilie! band' w;?;8 0Eg.aili?.cd.' He. built .a tera,-,' p.orai-y .c'oiilbo;..on-.:l!ie. '.around; his.;pi.aiio,<;;tb';niake; audition, 'record.--. in'gs,-;dh/t'liie'. slr.en'gth' Of /viiicii '.tlie' Penh .bought hiili/ Later li,e..ean'ie;tp; .\..Y. and organized. . Z;'/!^/;/ . ; '..'; :.: .(jar'le; is;a.ddlri'g/a-,;si(;cpi')9.':pl to, his. niiffit/,.tp 'glyf?; . . Kiril' H;littlc ni"p:ro'. ,1 -Lottgiinie;; iratte;t'fttirts;.■of ;^V:a}tir'' G DougU', piez ot: Music Publisbeii 'Prdfeclly.e:' Assbda'tioPi, tp -;ob.lai,i(j '"-ii/ cou'rl^ determiiiatipn IIm a ■•parody.'ii-f,, ft. ;c'opju:ighted .spng . ;i¥'..v'ati. ;inXi:i.n'ge*; ■ ■Fii.ettt;,'-"' w ere .rewin'icl'f.d : by the. 4eei-. ■ 'si'oii/ bf'.:judgc' Alfrc-d C. Cy-^e '^>i/' J\',- .'V/: .federal ■ court' last /w'eek;/■': ' '.:; ':/Prioi-:...tti/^'ii:LKige. . Coxe's "-d-ociJsipn.; ■'theie: was' .■iip./pn.'^.e ■ pf;. i;eco:rd;' tftai/.^ .deteriiianed:'tbSt.:t]lp^ puijlic^ Pivrody ':pf: '.a ■song' :v\'ys' .lii'i. i'p'l'.rii'ige-;... jneiit..-'''rhei;fe: wPt^c scx^ei"aT:'cifKes;that; Ijeld thiif a s:r..£!cv ■oau&'parpdy 'of-a ;soiig; beccu',ise/;suc.ii:'; .did, iipt .' ,a.fte'ct.r;thc:! ■commercial ■ .vsi.lue *»| .Uie. >on^^, to the .ciipyi'i/iljit'-p Up .1,0 t,he ..t,in;ie; of Juds.ti, GOxe's c!C'<;i.sioi.i;. Vlie.:- liltisi'cal', .(ex/-.bp'Ofc/-writeri?';'had'':• 'Poiriied o^ut tiiii/ ■ >/ii.ilp ■ it . Y>!i<-ii'i^ft'''ft'. ■tihie;tb;fr<M-it/ibe^biirtdi;: Barnet Making Pic • Cih^i^^^^ ^'''''"' tcriiporari'fy; 'broke ,up his^ band, recently .;tp .take a r^^t. is ii^aldPi^ a fiJni,in Hollywood for BKO with an outfit composed of .studio men. B.unet ontcied a N Y fipsiiital iiTim^diatoly afteif'-dlsbapd-: ing sc\cial weeks ago and latei Wfnt ■tv'est tO.,;reliix.: While , lie was sold tor the iilm. /.-' ':-;■// :Leadcr .will :liriish:; the. chorie^beforc the .end'oith.e m.biith;and: inteiKb i'C- drganizingiin .??; Y. arbund . A:pril 10;. Howevei, it's icpoited, but uncon- himed,, thai he it again in 1-A Leadci ahead} has been ic)0Lted twice. Johnny L«u|ff has settled on seven fwt. thi^e trumpets, four tiombonos, ■nree ihythm instrumentation Cor n« band after experimenting on a uecea record date with nine saxes, sevtn biass, three rhythm. U. S. Army Musicians Plug Holes in Panama Symph in Spare Time \Vasmj^f,ton March 21 U. S banosinen now in unifoim. ;^^aria. '^loiiig. «' «tt6d-;hflighboif; StiTit iti. ypai-iiiiiiai: .whffre; :k' .numJj.ei: of. them |j)r<sZplaying.;ih/tfie;^Pana N?iUbnal i.Symiiihptfy -'brelicslra/'-111 .'tticir:/o(I- - hours.: ■; ; ■ ;.:/'. ■ ■ ■■. I ' Wlien.' fiiP .prche.stra ; f0und ..itsq.lf ■ ■■ijnabid'tw. till' holes iriut^i'■■<irganiz^f tion, conducioi Hoibeit de Castro ■I \vetit; to /U. S., Army .and; Navy , Gffi^; i-''c,iai's:a'ii.d,asked tb./bori'6w'sOrao,spr.Vr Kcmen who had plajed with orchcs- ;.lras ■itt;:tW?. :cc|i:hti-j-v:./;fteqi.t<iSt"Avas /graiited/ ';:;■;;.'/;-s '- -'■ ./"'^ ;'=':: ' / "' Constance Hope to RCA RCA-Vicfol has npppintcd Con- /stance' ilppp" former -press a};eht,;.as: /direetoi;: Pr' jirfisfs. rctiitiotis:-for ''its- Red Si.l s(i 'Dinting Chdiles ;. 6^e«mWl!//\v'5fl/'<:f^ 'hCCTflfl}^;':^ /^Pes-:to^vbrk.:'Aprn■:J■.■^/■,■•^./ ■:■:/-> /■ At one time Mi.s.s Hope lepic- --enfed m.iPj of the bettei-known cla-Mcal t.i)ont in hei field She was opte with Co'upibia Rccoids as pa. '■■:'<)f/ttie :,i{w«i«nvb0(!^,-de^ Okay Piped Music Fees For CPRS Ottawa M.uch 21 ; Gartadiari Pe'rfOrniirn:g,...Ri'ghts . Spr ■ eielj^ h3S ;becii;giVpit pemiis.sibn by.'- iSeeretary-pi ^Sktfe'to.rfibllcpt/'H fees'; frp-iiV;'indu.strial plants' iisihg music; piped, fp. em'ployee.s.. ' If tunes; are., carried :-intP : the, ' plant s .lutid- sp,ealsers.from; a t.elephone eeiili;ai or. studio, CPRS gets a fee equal to 10'c of the amount thaiged lor the serv- ice If the music oijgi nates in the plant the CPRS take is $25 tor sjx iTiphlhs, '}i the averai^e rimntjej:/ hi,' employees in; thiat 'tiiiie;' tlocsh't ox- ■eeed/500. and ap. additip'n,al %^ half-: yearly for, tath additicihal , lop.;em- plpyccs. ;■ ..-.:.■ ■ CPRS also fects tlie light lo collect license fees, for performances ot its works on 16 mm film at a late of $2 fol-^ not' ,fn'C!re',:thah four print.s ,;from: Shj^i'iegatiy.e.'made-111 ,C 01 impoited. and an %2 for each additional foui or fewer punts made or unpolled CPRS can collect $1.38,310 40 toi all ladio broadcasting in Canada-in 1944, and BMI Canada, Ltd., is allowed to collect SV 288.80 lor air shows. CBL Toionto Canadian Broadcasting Coip ke\ station pajs highest fee (S12- 556 07 to CPRS and $1,596 58 to BMI). with CBF Montieal CBC outlet, a close second. BANDSHOWS MAYBE FOR DOWNTOWN, DEL Due to diflicultjr in obtaining product, Ho\vard Hughes is con- sideiing a .stagehand policy toi the Downtown, Dttroit, which he took o\cr from RKO on a l5-jeai lease se\eial months ago. Geoige McCall, his personal lepresentative, is in Ki ■Y.^.tO that .possibility .as ^veU as to;huddle,. .'ctihtributoi:s' on picf.ire .siijiply. Thoi^ght is to open the hou-e May 1 or theie- abouts ; .fHuJihos';'ftipf!;' b\-ei-,;the .'.Downtown.;, a .3 200-st,ilci ,ii H time when he pl&iincd playing ,''Oiltla-a'/ a.s w:ell, aS .iw/otHor ktiys ■aiiti:' was; :thcir ijiter-' "est^^'iii/r^;.';'■;,.'.v;..;.;: . . y--.'^::-: hut has since gucii up that idea All lepoits he would build up a cii- .piti:t''for..)iimsieirai-e:;iH^^ the: moment Bobby Mellon Quits HPeer *Bobb-v Mellon piotes- j:sibhal Hianagtir Of ■ SoutttpWi, <: Peer ' iind:Melodvlane .music, firms,.-tia.s/ic- .;. signed, eftcctne iii loui weeks he i a^.g Kiaiik lours p(cnnie di- lt"'i^as' ruitibred/^^^ that Mtllon w.'s headed for a spot Airenca, sutcttfing Jacques .Samo.s.^ With BMI, but that's denied.' solid who res>gii(fl Jukes for Overseas U S occupational forces will have titt; bbrciirfpni :pf: poliding. rjilieVed^ by, /Arfierican ;}i1^;f■bpx(^s:' as .si'ipii .as .war., i,p:r6du'etiqn::.slacken.s enough; tp; allow' j fbr .'iiew-nib-ciel .. tonstrucllpin; ■ -As-so-: !: cifiiibn/.pf ^^-Cci/n .,!Macii;in IS now planning to ship ,is many cuuciU boxts as it can lo oveiseas forces as soon as iif w ones aie a\dil- .ible. Theie has been no pioduction of ; :coin/mabliii«M> ^Mnce 'soon'after, T'earl; i;Harbai;/' -,Operators: , have' ;beeh,', :in; inan\ c.ises, haul p'lt to k<(p those in existence in f.ui sfiapc Thou- sands ha\e been taken out of cii'r eolation. ■parody .xvag; ;;()r.c' o{ lh:e'.sy:prfit.' type.s ■ ■' pf':cbpyil'ig. ■wil'h.'.eyasioii/V ^tiiei'ft' WSS'' / 'rtb'Iaw to. st()|i''it/.;: . ;:/ .//:'..' ' ';■'.- '. y:- The .:questi*(^iV,.j;OcfiMly/:'a:rpi?e.;.;bp^ cause ol ap a\al.inche of paiodies ol popular songs. One of the pimcipal offendm vas the Song Lyiic Maga- zine-, 'in/-w:hibli ■:pnr'(klK*s/ .'w-cre ■.:pi;i'n:'ted:' ■utilii^iing.; the arigjiial-';' ':song.tltle/ b'ut'BQt; ti-ie;origi-bal lyricsv / 10 a\oid pajmcnt of lees lo the (opy- I'lght proprietor. Likewise, theie had grown an extensive use ot song parodies for Jdvoilising puiposes. were pi' m magazines and newpapcis and in advertising , iitera't.t!re;,;';'iind .w-cre'/;.iS;li'e'w'ii5e:'i3iei'r :,;■ formed-;bver tht -air;.; ; ■-;;■ ■ :.,;-;■■;■ ../' ' Douglas, had 'tieeii 'atlyij-'fid^ b^y .sey-i., ' eral'attorneys, :that;- iiv viewt Pl'. tiie; state of the'jaw,- It, sc,'ehi,s' ;jmpoSs\ible to stop such paiody uses The mat- ter became so impoitant to the in- . du'stiy that Douglas called a meeting of the boaid of MPT^a which aiith-oriied.- ..reta'iiiiiig :c.dp.yr.iglit.^ :af t.; .■ toinej Jul an T Abelcs to instjlute a ■ test case on behalf ol the Associa- ; 'tlbri,.'-/'.'..;;/':';'-;/; >;;'.- .';':■; ;V/'/'^.. ■../, ■ Test Case ■. ; . ■A'beles.:': instituted' - the/.l^si /case^ -'an -.'; the naiiie . of Ho'obins and : Feist against Song Paiod'es, Inc, pub- Usher of a sci cs ot song paiody magazines and Red Star New s Co., : the d 1 stributor-of .such magazines. A ';' financial report. di.seloSed that the . latter is .cpntrbiled. by .arid flpfes ^alLs' the distribution work 'Jor F.;Av Mun- scy Publishing Co. It was, of Louise, . important to procure a comt deter- mination that the distiibutor was '. liable with the publl^hel•, because jf judgment was only obtained against the publisher, the publisher could-go ^out of busmes.s. a new publishing corporation could be organized, and '.'the- rhagazine ;:.'cofttiiuie to be di^s- ,: tributed: through tne same,distribu- ■ tOi The le.ot action in\ol\ed 17 uses of outstanding songs in tne catalogu*? , of Bobbins and Feist including ; ' Chattanooga C'loo Choo,' 'If He Can Fight Like He Can Love," ,; 'Ovei Theie ' IIov About You," and "'£1^,01*8 Tunc.',' The, def endanti; , Song P.iiodies, w,is icpicsciited by - 5 Robert Zimmoiman, .tnd the Bed , Stai News o> Muipny, Block, Sulli- I \an &. S.iwjoi '1 )( on was de- [ .fended upon the tlicory vthfit .defend-,'' j ,ani:S : w'erc , "lega_l'>J'. ■.. entitled ...;to,/ Use-/ ; .parbdie.s of -.a'; sang,;.,, the •.de.fehdarits^/ j-.citing:' the; old;-.'ca'se'!?: ,fh8^t:.,a.^' .singer/ .could ;a . parody/ ;Wttljo:irt.,b.erng ■; '! sg li i I'ty.' . of:,: 3 ri.' - i .11' f r i ns"e m p'n t.'.. A be le's '■' <iigutd that a s.iigcr's use ot a par* j .pdy;idi'd/not-!iiiyph-e competition .ill -, .1; trade, ,'; it did, ij.of .'fihtinGially-:'-' i;'affect ■/; the :.obpyright /pfeopri^tor.:i !/H.bwe-V.?r;,-':'t.'n'6'-' :piib!)ca.tiQn ,pr' ' Other .'; use 'of a, song parody ,for advertising.: ,purpo.':es Was for financial gaiij', ,end ■ if a publi.shcr, had the 1 ight to license .such ..uses.,-it I'epresented ' actual compe'ition in trade Abele^ likewise p'oved that under Sect on ; 6 of the Copjlight Law onlj the : copMight piopi Ptor js autnpri/ed ■ to; piiblisH:' pi' t:ise ■ any, difl't-rent xer-r- ' :.'!ion;,bI a:,c<'ipyrj.t,"htcd spng/.and that .^ ■in ,, fa,ct' publi,.sl'it'rs; did .;havc new : ;1yrics:,/w'ritt,cii,, .frpiri ■-'time,, ■to': 'fim'e;' ' uncler- the origirn/; titx- of the .song. ■ ■ --Same. Metre^- ,,; In this ,conijc<rL,iOn.-.testimony:, w^a*,, to the effect that a parody was m th«. same metre as the original bucs, so (Continued on page 40) Hamp Joins GAC Johnny Hamp, fountr matstro, : has loined the General Amu-S. Corp*/ agency in N. 'if. V He.will handle location **llmg.