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WcdncstTay, 3Iarch 22, 1944 AGVA Starts Action on 30 Shows Edict; T. Dorsey Must Pay for 11 Extra Shows Ameucaii Giulcl of Vauety Artists-f- iia's started enforcement of its recent (d'ct iorbiddJng moie than 30 shows veeldy in out of town houses. AGVA IS starlinR actions against seveial bandleaders for pio-iata paMiient of-all shows Over that AmCing the first bandleadei's to be hit, is Tommy Doi.sey, who did 41 ■sijOVS : dut^ng :'his; jrecent ■ \\<eelt. at, the Oiieiital theatie, Chicago. AGVA IS seeking pay for 11 per- ■ fornaaiices? fbr. paul Regan,, who was : oivtHeMl with:Doi«,e,yv case 1.S considered the employer, as en- tire layout was sold as a unit with Doiscy paying off tlie peitormeis .':, There are other indications ' that; AGVA is really serious on the 30- *hpvj'' Week. , VaughnMonroe and pfiil.'Spitalriy . recently ; had '''t6 , settle, rljuns biought by pcifoimeis for eoing moi'e than 30 shows AGVA taKes the stand that the gtaiidard:.' -x^sucle ';;\v' feek ;../toy ; :,.per '.■.femeV ' s is 30 .slloA vS; despite the, fay ' that :tb:e 'iisual' ■,boplM»g'"''0^^ tiact calls lor pel foimers to work gccoiding to the policy of the house AGVAV .stand is taken to mean that tlie 30 i-how ueek allowed in New York theatics will be lowered to 30 when curjcnt contract ex- pires. Loew's State, N. Y., Two Week Bill With 'Escape' Loew's State, N Y, deviates from its standard one-weelc \.i(ide-policy- wilh show startiiig April 6, which will headline Canada Lee,... Allan Jones and Itappy Felton, all ot whom are booked for two weeks. Accompanying■ ■: will; befir.st run picture of Colun5i)ia"s "Xone 'Shall Escape." Understood State had tO' pact pic for;t.wo .weeks' rtirii ■' Last; ;tinie::iWeVStWe^played a: Show' fQ'r;.; fNVp;; .weeks:,,*'fts',, abo.Ut ■': eight months ago, atti action being the N y Daily News' IIdr\ebt Moon Dance) s, an amateur aggregation. VAUDEVILLE 41 Arena Managers Mull Aquatic, Thrill Show H—FWitextiSeasoirTDur Hutchinson's Pic Pact Splits De Marco Act . Jody ;Hutchin.son,' dancing vpfii-tner and husband of Renee De Marco, has been signed to a term .contract by 'Warner Bios, and lca\cs lor the Coa§t May 1. In the meantime. Miss De Marco, who has been pacted for Lou Wal- ters'^ : "Slap-Hapjjy," ■.' i.y.'■.-■shogpThB a'rpund for a new dance'.pa.i'tni'v,.' ■ 4A s Protests to Internal Revenue Dep't on Withholding Tax Setup AGVA, Agents, Ask Clarification Of Cabaret Status A M « Sl\(il\« ferVR JEAfT TIGHE Dir.:—KENNETH LATER Overseas for USO Since Jan. '43—Now Touring British Isles FRED LIGHTNER Dir.! PHIL COSCIA Pittssburgh, March 21. Two-day meetmg of Aiena Man- agers; .Assso'^iptjon'here,lasti^ .suited!;' in, ,tuli" S'che'dulcs; 'being ar- r«inged Inr bo.lh "Ice Follies" .and Ic.ecapade.C! ;cliir'ihg 1944;-4^ also;. ..developed prospects . for. . two new,;shbws.' ;tp; tOur.; the; Sr'ehas' iieict year. One wouid be . an aquatic ballet and the other a tin-ill .show. Committees were- appomted to draw up plans for the' two projects and they're expected to be ready for nn- veiling.in.September. . • • Diflerences between "Follieb" man- agement and arena owners, which threatened to develop into an open break this jear, weie all .stiaight- ened o.n. Ai'eria heads, who. own 'Icecapades,' discovered that not only ■\voul.d' the .';Follies" be . playing their sports :spot.s: ht't that ; tli'ey would be playing one owned by Shipatad and Johnson, who iccently acquired the arena ift. Portland, Ore., and own "Folhe.s." Following meeting. George Tyson, secretary of Arena, manager.s, took off for. Florida and a twp-week vaT cation. . He 11 go from there to Holr Jywood for "Icecapades ' opening on the Coast late next month. The 30''r> cdbaict ta.\ eflcctne Api il I Is; ,Ktt]ll'getting';, serjoiis .':at- tentioh ;iroftV:the'JAiTieriea^ ;yairiety Ai-tistis' alQfii«;;.'\yith7the'":Aj-t':; isis; R'ept".ese1itati;ve.s.;A j.-c:p-'. re.senli.ng the-major:.age)icie.s and, iht- A..sspcialed Ageiits ;o4i'Ailiei'i#i shiSll' indie group. *' ••''■':■■'.'./■' '-'v'^V , These but'fltti.. pl'a>i':,tQ ' 'puiivKj.:gfe''.4jii' W.a.shihgt6h.;;Mptiday ^(2Jl•.■^^^^^ Kvith': :Bu.irea'u'.','.o't' 'iirter'niil'^'^ 'l-execs. ,;. !f'Ib.w-eve'r;'',.lhoy. h.ope; that-.the; question' of New ■ York, can be:scftied Up'.this;'city, ; fls'.,.the' bui:ea;U;^hiiK.:rulod [ that! .ihterpretat'ipn ;pf: ■ thei; cabctret; 1 dGflnitipii;. wijlfi-lje ;le^ in ^cha;rg;e; .Of >'ea'c^|.vijartJciiiar l distl'ict: 'If a ;Sati^factOry; liitfer|3i:et<itiori "catv be obtained ''-frprn ' .the district, .Jiere ihcy foci that .'the''.Washirigton trip Avill -not; be. ii'etessa'ry. ■■,. .; ; /■. '. .Meanwhiie prpfipect.'of" 'the ' 3:0% ''ni«!k..;.i^^.':cau;sing. ■no.-r.setback . in ' the' .booking plans of . ma :or spots,; All are . ■Wfaiting devclopinents based on ■the. outcome .ol the. first 60 . days' op-, eration. Tlioy i'e'el, thi^; .will; eo'nsti- tute a fairly reasonable Aest-rurt; .land fliture boo.king.s w'ilt.dciientt on husir nes,s...d.tiring .'Ih'at; period,.' .■ ; ; ■'.■ '. ■ ..;The; Americah.;pederatio|a,.o.f'^M^^ Clans are trying to jfel an interpre- tation that wheie a band vocalist is an established pf\rt of a musical group,, the -vocal eflorts. are not to be construed as.entqrtainment in ot^der to be esempted -from application.-of the nick Associated itclois and .'VH'-ips of Aitiei;i.ea: \Viti .;nVGe£ with ^ttie .Bu'reiii). of ..Iniern'a'i p'ev'cntie' in ,fln:'eiip'rt;;lo ^repipye ;.vai'i^ty- ■iperfertheifsr l^iifh; :^lafi^.s;,.o^^hde'peA4e^^Tt^e 'Tepr.esentiitiPn. of ■.Four', A''execs 'in-. ■ cludh3g: ;'Pau;l Turner, Foin- .A's al- .t'(5;riii'ey.;..;.Re.becca;' .ferow'nste.in'. Eq.ui:i'y 'cdiJiisel^,,.Altr,e.d.^'Hsrding',.^ :o ..vvi'li, c6.ttver.^e, p.-ni';Ws.shiny;jpiy in 'pro'-' te.S,!; aga-iiisl'the' lempprai-y" i'uling;: .-. .>•■'.'Piiut!'■■ A's'. phllct;■'pji';'gVpiiiid ihat :Matiis'" of ,.iiidepeiide'ii,t''/.co'iifriict'o'r.s ;\vo.'u'Id.. ;depri've. ■ perlormer.v Pf'- bcnc- tits ot ilia .^o.ciar .security and', '(tti'cm- pioyment compcnsatioh, ■They '• will .al'.s'o-.vsoek to gtove' th'at; in,.ma(iy; .i.n-' stane^.s.: the... ■go.yeriiraeiit • \vOj:i:ld;; .'be ;de!pr;iv;ed'D.t.•taxes'.. ..Unlei^ ''wrthK&4..'-;'V '•■ ''''• ^ :-^l"^''■ .'^'- ' ■'' V tJ'ii#etS'.6er.ro.s "o't'i.h.e.'pr.o-^tpiiii 'r.tillii;^; 'va!ri'e.'iy'.;.''R'erfm'ra^^ l.a re'-'niainly' 'tif-' *cted;.-biit Tire. Ftv.ir "S's fiJu .-■ :Fe New All-Chinese^ Revue For the Glass Hat, N.Y. Glass Hat; Belmont. Plaza Hotel, New Yprk, is ■; pvepping'. .an alt Chinese show to bow March 30. While . -. layout. wiU. consist-, of Orientals, costuming will be Amer- icanized.'' ' ' .■ '■ ■ . General Amuseiticnt Corp. ; i,S casting. ANNJUDSONJR. FEATURED VOCALIST Eddie Olimr^s Orchestra NOW EDCEWATER BEACH HOTEL ''■:'CHICAG6'"'{'';,-';r,,:'■;;;;;■: Personal Manaflemerit—JOHN SHANAHAN Hartford's Soft Drink Nitery Seen As Curb To Juve Delinquency Hartford. March 21 A 'teefi age night club, resplen- dent with electiic signs and a floor .show;.. opened in; the downtown ■yWCA buiIding ...here' last Friday night: (17). Called ;The .Patio, it^in*; eludes twp; rooms., a smaller; salon with soft drink bar near the .en- trance,; and a large space formerly occupied by the YWGA Auditorium across the foyer Latin-Amcncan motif-prevails. Both roomswere packed for the. Opehing, with. niuSiC... sup^jlied . for danciflg ; ^byi ..juke' bp^i^s dh each; 'Cards, pin^ ' pong and other garnes. are ^supplied', as w'e,ll ' as . light ;'re- freshOTent ahd, ;epkes.-:' Club will- be. open nightly from 7 to' 11 p.m. :Although as many as 300 can be accommodated the setup does not by 'any. iiieaiis sBlvfe ;the. juve.n.ile ;<lelin- quen'cy;,problem' fn thi.s boom town, ibut authorities:are .convinceci that-' it may help. A (.■omn:ittee of young folks.. helped plan The■, Pa'.io, , and presurriahly..wi)l;..,.hayie ypic'e: jri;, its. future.actjvj1i.es. . :- . - . ■ . viev^ 'that. ::per'formeivs in piKci-;. h.cicl niay'. e,vorifualI-y;,.';cp'me'; .unfler ■ ,th,at .edict,,-'"■; : ■ V: '.',:;,;'.',;' .'..:.■.;-';., '. .'■ 'The- 'trade is;.'still; wa'jt'iiig;,ftii-;'.;tlie' Uiiited','lS'ta;te'.s''S,uprei-)ae .!.Eourt..deci'r- sibj-i;: on --the Hearst ca.se,; ■ ivhi-ciiv. .a'c- ■coifdingV'to' ta!^'pft1biflls.,;,w.ilr'.,-hay.e;..a ■gi;eat''.bea.rin'g:on the^lierfprmei'..'^^ ation. It is .said that the parallel, in ,b"Pth;;.e.ases;:iie's:;iri ;miiltipie:'.*rt)ploy-; ment. ' -■•'rn^ead- ;ei., tH'e ;.ih'(|e|ierid^ coiy-. .tractor 'status,. Fpiir' A's'.-will:;-setk * ruling . aJi.ow'ihg;^ ' perXdrrhers to' deduct ,5,dff)' of the saiij^y Ipr .ex- .penses,;. \yit.h the rest being ;.w.i,thheld by;the;;?'!iiployer.; -y}"L'/', ' ■■- j .ful at the ac'tien- of the iVaf'iQ'rta-i; offif«' iof.';the;unien;-''io: 'trying, to. ji!et.;.:-tfi«! I Treasury ;i)epartiTieht to ' rejc'i.t3d thf- trWihgj.^On ;,perf(5rmers; whibh" .pufk ; ihejn in "independent JojitVivGipjc!!: ca1^g-pry:-~'^-^C^'"^^ ;,;;;.'"' .; ; lA-.cnl AGVA-ites claim lli,at:;nHT' tional :ofificers should poll the mem-i ber$h1|( before: rtakihg-V any' sctitin.':' The members s'ay they aic 'pei (pclly.; ^.■Ii^fied to be "independent contiac-' ;t<):rs;' find npt' haye'the'20f;i';w'i^jiti6iy'-'' i hg. ta.\ takeii front their - .sftla ri^^.- '/^ To the national oiTiee's argur.-.ent ';i.hRt;ih4ependent.-.i:la.ssifici»tioii'w'Ou^^^ rphhem of /'sPcial scciirityV g iia I'ah- : tee's, the: actors'say that mpst^pf'theiri ' ,fio iritaljiisiijesis -for theihselve<:'iifter'' j'etiring-.' as . enterlai.ner,s,. aiiyw'»y.-.; They al.so point out that tl-.oy have been classified as independents by ' ■the-.'«t*(te'j] 'a;hy'\\'3y.,''..;i?v .case's ■InV-.piv.ij.'ig . w-u!-kihens compensation. ' . i:'";.\ ;'\ - ■; In a't ;lea'si,;fp,tjr Su'c'h ea.se;.< whei.'e TF?rrloimcis were injuicd in niteiit"-, the ;tliespsv claims 'wei-e:thrd-\vh-.but '■ ;by'. Workmen .Cp'iinpensationV'referees.' I oii the firuunds tiiat; they wei-e not bona fide einployee'B'of the.'; .spot; :h«t-' w ere independent, contractors. -■ ' ':■'■;.';;.*■:' Philly Local Pavors Indie Status; Philadelphia, Match 21. . Philly ;tViernbers; of■ the A.merican Guild of 'Variety Artists aie lestnt- N OW KNTEIIT \IN f\(l TIIK nOVH IN SCOTLAND WILLIE SHORE Feraonal Mmmmiiiieiit! AL BOROE II it isn't too late, that "Gav Nine- ties Revue" the veteran Joe E. How- ard put on last Tuesday nigfbt in Constitution Hall scored as over- whelming a hit as anythins that has .oqnte along: in vears. With an avid audienee. of approximately 3.000 on hand, e,very number in the compact ehtet'tainmcnt was cnai'mously ap- plauded. Joe Howaid pioVed himself one of 'the wanders of the ■ age by uncorking a robust tendr voice that >s just as good tod^y Us it Was 30 J;cais ago-^mavbe better—and the lioiadoia Giils, three iichlv gifted JounR \oc,ilists, the Gav Nineties QuiU tct, With every voice of solo; (.ilibti, Shaw and Lee. comediiins who !uc leallv funn>, and all the lest Ka\e out with cteivlhing tlicv h.id, "hith was plenty and picntv good. If Jftc adheres;io his determination to bring his levuc back for a icturn afternoon and night pcrtormiince, that should be sufficiently all light to pack the place to capacity at both sessions. "WASHINGTON PO.ST'. "AS OVERWHELMING A HIT AS ANYTHING THA.T HAS COME ALONG IN YEARS." — Bell, ^'Washington Poet' JOE HOWARD GAY NINETIES CBS Revue Coiitiniiiii|i; successsful tour ol" jx'i sonal appearam-es Music Hall, Cleveland, March 22-23-24-25 Direction, C0NS0UD4TED RADIO ARTISTS, 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, JSEW YORK Joe Howard "Gay Niiielie.'," for Model Tohacco, Mondays, 8:30 VM, EWT, CBS Network Management, FRANK McMAHON