Variety (March 1944)

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^ <VAR1RTTV UtNDOII AnnOB t m. ■brtbi'a riHa, IlnfWciir Sqaan Bay Josephs' Expose Random Ilou'.e now permitted to reveal jdoiitit.v of the author of '•Aigentine Diao The Inside Story of tlie Coming of Fjscism," due this spring. He's Ray Josephs, Buenos Aires con esoondent for PM, Chicago Sun, and .'■ VarietyJosephs has lived jn Argentina for the past 10 years and knows the political, eco- iromitv and social aspects of the Counli> thoiouhgly. ■ Due to his refusal; to buckle under to the fa&ci-its who now govern Ar- gentina, lie 1- at present a resident of—a nCiKh boring ILatin-American country; from which, he can cable his storici aboLit the Buenos Aires re- gime \MthouL fedr of censorship. >'v Y; Times Kudos the Schnoi . On the occ.i-ion of the first anni- versary ot llic Jimmy Durante-Gary :-6I.o6VO-.r;ii:lio show, John K;.H;^itch.ehs accorcloci. the Sehi:(i/.>:".o an unquali- fied aecolado. ih Stmday's (26) H. •Y. -...©nies,' urtclci' .; the ,hea(3ing; ''Jimmy tbe:G!'e:ii.'" Iladio cdiipr's first para-. gi:aph ended with;_"An old^Durante addict niTshl as well come out this moining and admit frankly that he hopes, it (weekly -broadcast) runs forever." Commenting on Durante's come- back Hutchens wrote "It couldn't hA\e happened to a nicer guy and it IS agreeable to think, that radio has played a pait in the return of a tiuly great perfolmci . he is one of these players for whom you feel a great good will as Joe Cook was" . Predicted that Durante will be even better when tcle\ ision gets into real stride. biktair Side, 100%*' Ma.xine JKcith, Mutual network writer and commentator on event; of ■ goneial interest to womenj chosen Out oL 117 w.k, women journalists under consideration for editorship of the Scarsdale ■ (N.Y.V Inquirer, only newspaper comptetely owned aiid opeiated by women. Mis£ Keith i» holding the offer in abeyance, while deciding it she can continue hei radio commentary In additibi) tO' taking the job of cditoi Hcllhigcr Set To Go Maik Hcllmgci has all the cre- dentials nccessaiy from Admual Nimit/.'s stdfl as a Ileaist war coiie- spondent, and he's set to go to the South Pacific This me,'ns a hiatus for his War- noi Bios film producing conti_act When IlcUinsei returns he may : make other .studio deals, according to one lepoit Spivak Vioo Lyons Lav renco Spivak, publisher of Amciican Meicuiy, may tackle edit- uig h« own monthly mag, when Eugene Lyons depaits in June. Lat- tei IS slated ioi a new HiUman ■;lpub|icatio!i.,: , .; ■ . ■; : 'V- Mass' Waitins List Waiting list tor subscriptions to ceitam of the slick magazines has coi-e to pas', because ot the paper slioiias-o AllempLs to enter new subs get tlie courteous reply, ''We ■w'lll put you on the waiting list." Boston's "Slraiijtc riuit" Ban Boston, Maich 28. Lillian Smiths "Stiange Fruit" •Reynal & Hitchcock) was banned in .Bpsfoii tftis week btrt'.by the book- ■■SdUecs, .not the poUcev,'''. V'.; ^: : ■ ■ ?This :ne\v; tyviat, to' im old talfe'earned about vyheli^ PoSiae: Commissioner ■ .-t.flomas P.' SulJjvab; haviijg .beet! ap^ ~lIfi^^chGd pnVilTe siiBject by ah irate .■..ina,n who iou,n.a .li.Ls daughter reading, walfcecl irttb tifte Old'Corner Book4oie and asked a salesman if he thought that the language on a ceitain page of the book fit reading. Richaid Fuller, owner of the store and head ot the Board of Trade of Boston Book Mei chants, immediately called a moelins ot the group and the,. booksellers of'. th* city ivoluni tauly iciw)w-d the books from their shelves About '2 500 had already been sold "SUaiige Fuiit" is thus not banned in Boston jou lust can't buy it from the ;r<!Ku,Uvr 1>6ofe .ijtores. :,.The bd6k, howeyir; ' £:tiH -'vory much-avail- able:-: ■ \\alkers Defense Rc Vaifja Girl Without .speoihcaUy mentioning the famous Esquue-Vaiga Girl, Postmaster Geneiat Fiank Walker has tioatod hinisclt to a defense of .his pos;-;ion on ihq second class mail- ing privileso in hU annual, report just .sent . to' President l?oosevelt.' .■.■'"Fh.ere are diUci'onceS' ot:' opinion among good po,op,o." he stated, "as tp ;yi];Mh:er ,c|i'tafiT ^Jubl^^^ td 4hJ)S6'^ho^ seefe. imi^^ tiial pleasure.s ar.d .Vhore t.'ioy en- deavor .' to dUlerentiate . between 'mirth anri i:-.decer;cy'. and 'wit and .iTCen;tl5ti.s)Tesr."'-^7K maga^iiles as a uile go as lai as they (Contmued'on page 46) German Musical Film Is Flop in Mexico City Mexico City, March 28. Docsh I pay in Mexico to try the exhibition o; a Gorman film, even one tha: !acl:s pTOpaganda .and :'is nearly aH :niusic. Thi.s. was, demon- stiated b> a.iii.ui^ attei one-day showing 01 ' Gi"ai, O .eictla" at Cine liindavista:.-.' suburban . fivist-run cine- ma CensOis okayed the pic, holding it haimless and of musical value. But the public Wouldn't' buy'it. :;. ' Was d;.<lribu;o:i by EMA. Films, headed bv Geiv, Juan F: A?oarate, .exrchief .'o'f. Mexican army air force and M?..^ic6'S tix'sV minister, in Berlin;. INTERNATIONAL 2S Aussie Govt's Nix On ReBtal Hike Nips Sydney. March 28. Professor Copland.: price commis- sioner, has prohibited an admission price increase for any Australia cin- ema showing a special film. Ruling places a complete taboo on uppcd admissions for "For Whom the Bell ToUs" as planned by Paramount. ■ Par had sought approval for a boost on rental for "Bell." with some cxhibitois protesting the-hike.--Pai~ amount planned to show the pictiue day-date m Greater Union's State and Dan Caiiolfs Pimce Edwaid, both big houses here. Terms outlined On the deal.called lor 70-30, with tlie admission tilt repoitedly figuring in this ariangement Likely terms will be. revamped unless .Par":decldes to hold .up release of "Bell" until alter- the war and present restrictions laid dow n by Aussie government Mexican Producers Call Stoppage Pending Setdement of Internal Row Bank Gets 20 Mex Houses Washington, March 28 National Bank of Mexico has taken over control of a chain ot 20 picture houses in Mexico City.' Circuit includes three fiist-iun, four second-run, four third-iun and nine "pop price" houses. United Amus. (Can.) Has SI87,136 Net Profit Montreal. Ma:ch 28. Annual report Of .United Aiiiuse- meiit '.Corp,, Ltd., for yeai- to .Dec. Sr' .1943 sliows net;, earnings: oi $18.7.-, 130 equal to $2 31 per share on each of the 80,829 no pai value shaies out- standing; ,,'rius:'cO!tipi»res* with net.of $125 124 01 $1 ^2 per shaie in pievi- ous year. Gross income wa.s $1,257,- TtOrT^ijmpaTe?^ wOT^ ?l,lll;898:v:'I)Tvi-'' deiids or 80c per share were paid during -lOiS, .sam,e : as in preceding year. Earned suiplus now stands at. $516,387 against $393,914 iij,}942. Balance sheet as of Dec. 31, 1943, shows till lent liabilities ot $115 409, indicatins; net, workinR capital, of $434 1,50 as a^iin^t $,512 071 pievious yfar, .Taxes, licenses, income and ex.- ,cess' profit incom,p tax. .totalled ,$748,-, 584 as compaied %Mth 'S683,654 in 1942 ■ Report states that the morlrjaKc payable on 'Strand ^'Ijeati-g' as ib,£ ,iDecl 31, ,:i942 aniriunting to :$,10(),Qbi3 was entirety, liquidated during 1943, 'and $13 000 paid oft fust moitgage of the Theatre Fiancais in that yeai while $5 000 wa*! paid oil (he balance on Febuia'v 1 1941 The Corporation Operates ,15 neighborhood; houses in, and ,around- .Montreal in'addition, td above" two. ■: .■ UA Opening Up in Near East . U.iiited' Artisl.s :js!.plfl;nnirif! -ip ppcri: offices.'" !iiinicdi:atc;]jr\;j.iL. thL\;,;i^^^ east. ■•■ ' ,,,.A1 lipwe,' manager in, So,ii'tli :Afriea foi\''UA..'is.. g<),irii?.',,to -Eg^^^ to '^an'snge, ,dis,t'r,ibwtioi) '..H6iu'p'',ij^ in Tel-Aviv, Palestine Offices in B'eyi'pUtli^;Sy''r,i.a,,.m^^^^^ shortly. •: | . EDITOR WA->TED .:^^:ll,ij,i.\:.'tJHV'UC''!ir'.>y>.wf i^ifitiU'', p'S!aJ)iiKlVi.'tli da-il.v ; .■■:'S^arii;,'h'ew!Si»ap0iv;,. '^Iii|'l;:'jbei,;ati.icli( . r ■ wttli 'xwitfll ,;si!ipjp: '(fptliine.' .'liiterestrU ";in:;pi''ii,i3t-;, ■!^\5'aiiiah^^^ 4.-p.:nifd.e ^ftce'ijii'ti'ijjle.; , in ..fiifl gt.V/i.iig''Twrft's'^^^^ <>'Jl>eiieiK'e Send photo if a\fiitalitf> 'Hh^c Gh't, "\'ariet\ 1"l ^V 4(5Lh St, Xcw Yoik 19, X Y. Shortage of Raw Stoct51ows.Up Argentine Prod, ■ Montevideo. Marclv28. ■ With one studio alieady closed and otheis about to shut down, Argentine produders again aie appealing to their own government and to U. S.; for raw film stock. Amount of stock available m Buenos Aires is reported barely enough to keep cameras grinding, without making anything like the number of pijnLs needed on commercial distribution or maintain- ing local .production skeds; already cut from last year. Pie.sent state of relations between Washington and B A hasn t cleared the export hurdles loi additional raw stock. Producers leali/.ing their shipments of stock are held up for politico reasons; don't know where to look for sympathy. Argentine gov- ernment has intervened on distribu- tion of any film stock tliat has come in. Understood 'that the;, as-' sig.ned. to,: U.: S,: distriba in .Ai'Sjepttne. hasn't'been touchedi but tfie .govcritr ment has strict •cbntrol .pve^^^ cilled m for Argeittine. No obiec- tion to this but trade observers claim officialdom has nabbed the .greatest share of film stock for local'news- reels, and tliat it has. conveirted this into official propa.iinnda,: —y^'- Tliese local new si eel, aie doled a, Aveek's . supplyV'bf :Stdck,;oa:Gh ; t:im to assure bouquet tossing foi any- thing the regime wants lauded. Much of this piaise has been strictly local but the anti-U S anfile is nbt over- looked Alao ne\\ laws lequiring that ArgeritinC ■ hc Vsreels :be ,''sh:own..'ap^ prderiiig..kick-back.:5 of :ta.\e,s^/t artes concentiating on native pioduct actually amounts to discrimination against U S icels and fcatuics , Hence, it s : wondered whv U S should ship in vital film stock: when ' used not onl-v. to furnisn.competition for;Americai;i::disitribs-:but;.,fid opeiiiy . discriminate-agaihs and.' propagandize agaittst'Ujiited. N Producers' AsSpciatiofi of. Al'gentinas:.| has requested ah .expianation aiid I iJJimied^ate^d^Stril3Uti6!l■:Ot i-aw stoel^ on hand Claimed that uoik i„i~ ;ha'lteij''on th,r^,e'piidductipiis'!^ :6,ral hundrda; persons arc' now out of work: Current London Shows liOndpp,: J^arch:.28. ' "Acacia A^ cnue," Vaudeville. "Aic De Triompiic" Phoenix "Ar.scnic & Old Lace/' Strand. • All Stai \aiiet\, Palladuin, "Alice in Wondei Lmcl," Scala : ''Blithe Spirit," DiicfiP.^s • "(ladlc Song" Apo'Vj -i '■ "Druid s Rest." Si. Martvij's^.•',;' ■»'Dane;i%';:Year's>" Acietphi,':- ;■; ''Gfiiite''.Isa'diesi,f',.'\^,hWe'!!all,S: ■■■,:"'' "Ideal Husband." Westmuv tt i; "It's Time to Dantp" 1^31 it . ".Fiiiiior .Miss," Savillc: "Lisbon Slon." Hippodron f "Love Ioi Lo\e." Hajmai! :\''LOVe..'llackei."',Vic''"f;idacb:;-^ "Mr. Bolfi \," Playhoi -e "IVIV Sistci rileen," Sj\0' "Old Chelsea," Wintei On t "Panama Haltic " J'ucadlU .: ."/^ink ;St('i*ig:,';':IJuk:c; (it YoKki''; "shall No Night." .v' \rli "Soldier Xmas." W\. t d'^ "Something In Aii," Palacf . * "Strike a New Xote," Wait "S'weeter .libwe*/' .^niba^^-adi',:-' v,' "10 Little Niffsers," Cbiid' : :^ While Sun Shines," Olobe. > George Black's Latest Palladimn Reviie Set London. March 2. George Black's 'new Palladium revuci which , has been- held up due to Tommy Trinder's pictuie and ENS A VI, 01k, is now definitely set for .. .hiiftdle'- '.'.May) ■ ;.,iS'ltli..'', ■PatladH(m 'keojjihg:vaudo . policy^ till then. Gera,ldo'«! band is latest''aii(iitti.o:n^^ cast witlv''tnijder. ■: ,;:'■'■;: '■■:'' ; .■.. ■'::'': .:,>_B]aek'5^othe^^ Note," at Prince of Wales, is now skcdded to fold eaily April, com- pleting over : year s run. Probably two units of cast, one headed by Sid Field, will: do SIX weeks for ENSA, to comply with Theatres War: Serv- ice Councils cominitraent: . ; Meanwhile, Black is going to test his .straight play yen. This one, a murder play, will star Anne Todd. Hoyts (Aussie) Pacts for Gaumont Film . March 28. Renewal pact between Hoyts cir- cuit and Gaumont-Bi Dominions rust signatured, covering product from Gaumonty Gainsborough and Two Cities producers, gives British screen fare an assured Australian outlet for the next two years: via Hoyts' best theatres: J. Arthur. Rank la interested m most of this product: Pact is viewed as timely m view of recent pressure from London that jAmorican film , in.terests do not .:rhoi nopo^izo Aussia .screens. • :.:■;,' \' : Ernest TiirnbuU :signed. 'contract .jftv,Hoyts. [:'' '' ^-' Me\ c 0 City, Mai ch 28. Most drastic action ever taken here by film producers to enforce a work-peace i."! now under way with the stoppage of all film piortuction until a dispute artong film em- ployees IS settled. Fiiction aiQsc when playeis alian- doned the National Cinematographic Industi-y.Worlsors Union to.form "their own union Pouciful Mexican labor circles called V the ijjroduetton stop'-' ,pagei",uridemocratio,''. but thii order: by.the Pi^odifters' Assii.:obtai'Bs until-' the workers get to.!;olhor. ,"' Suspension:, of seveial plajeis art seen. John Baxter Leaves British National To Launch Own Company ■ ."London, iViarch '2. " John Baxter, one, of top producer- directois lu Ei uland, has resinned from British . National Films with whom ho has beer, associated since company formed, lie is laiinch- ihg own c'dinpahy, to. ,bc IvriOwn as; John Baxtei Pioducions to b« headed bv Su Haiiy Btittain Bax- ter will be managing director. Sev- . eial more English names will be added to the company later. . ■■ ■ Understood his first pictuie will be "Drea-ning ' slapstick comedv, written by himself and Bud Flana'- gan;; ,with ,Flana.yan: and' .Allen .star- ling Pic skedded to stait early in May, with Butish stais now on holi- day since "Hi-Do-I-li" closed. ■ : Company's nest production will ^e story based on exnloits of famous ,olst Highland D1 vision, providing war does not rieilore with close contact (o this dnision Releayng setup still undecided but understood that: Columbia Picture.? is likely to' be its American distub. Robert Wolff's Farewell Feed Given Light Touch Moie than 800 turned out for tlie I ^^^e owned and opeialed by West^ Hons (20TH) TAKES OVER 26 AUSSIE NABES Sydney, March 28. Hoyts circuit; ha.s completed take* ovoi of 26 key suburban picture the- atres in New South Wales. Theatres testimonial: farewell . dinner. ;tb': Rob ert S. Wolff, RKO's newly appointed managing director for Great :Britain, at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, New Yoik, last Tuesday (21). Sam Rinzler. toastmaster, : com- rrientirig 'On s.Syeral,; sp'eeclies, said it 'was^the . finest testimoiiial .dinner to; Ned. pepinet; he, had aflehdei Phil Reisman. read a', tetegrani, from himself, . ewlbgizlriH, .Wolff and con-'^ gratulatmg himself for having given Wolff his executive post years ago.. Louis Nizer. who spoke on the siil> ject of what, to do with Germany, described Rinzler as the only speaker who: accompanies hunsell witii a running, commentary . on- .his own sp6cc]i:' '^'■'';.;,''!', ■. : ' Wolir .was- p.reseiite'd-with .a silver tra,y, troin the th,oat'rfi. bwnb'rs of the New York.:.exchafii!e . ,ai.ea, , a ■.gold- ■cigaret. case, and, 'lighter' from the iSkp ,,Family' Club,: aiid a , .J.evvl'sh prayer-book from tiie. Fabian 'oirciiit.- He also receiygd soirie Tiincs Square sand,:ih. a^'bottle:';,:.:; v ':::,'"' eriv .Suburbs , CineinaSj" . Ltd,, ,;_inde;- ' pendent ur,it. '. . ■' '; ■- ■:■!'■■' ^ :"; Hoyts now has 140 deluxe key city . theatres and neighborhood opera* tionsv,. "';' ■■■"■'■:■■,.,■' .:'':; ■i.i, :,;.'^'-:.: '.'''^ :; ■. National ThOaties which is now uhoily-ownod by 20th..Fox, holds a substantial stake m Hoyts. Nips' Theatres Shut ■'■; V Wa»Hihat(?iv, 'lifarcli 'ZS.V' .' Nips' h^ve . ,shut down 9,800, th'e ,a,lrcs, ,Ctea:' -ih()uSe«'/Geisha'. ■h'Ousesti i ':n.'itC'.i'i,6.S:. . letLV,: 'for.;, the' tfuratjph. ^In':' are the bi.r;; Xokio Kabukiza.v ■ and-'Iiripcriai- theatrte-'.;, Mahj; ''e.,j; piat'e.,sr':.'Rai'tioulSrlyin,.;'Tokyo, .a-rC;! MnnU' cbTivertoa'!,i,hm. li'.vte for th<!' war^crovvde.d ,:populatiphi .': ■ 'i'w-fj:.' large/'- theatre'., chainsi-^the ■■'Sho,eh-iku-.,,Cci^.. -.with .592 .fiinv and'-legit '1ioiiHe.':S., anci the.Toho chain with al' i'i!(>.;-t;a.s iiiaity-*.Jare F;a-id'.:to. .hiive lieeti ~(iuu&zcd:-h(iav-il-y. :'l . ;;-^'J ■ :,.:.Ditto the. ■ ;. , R-ep(jrts,''her'e -fr«ffi-_'neutral' 'Etir(j». ;'p(.;irif saUree:-; ;are. tiia the. New ihi}- ■nli's-.iva-ci - b,ur)re,d:.-di3w.n,:-ahd,the:,-.'Wil-- ..lie'.m' theatti'; "badly diifn-aged: during- .tlVt" -recent;',raids -:on,,-Stuttga,r,t. ■ It is el a i mGd that. Ha in b.ui'g, ha,s restored- a ■faii' niimber'-Qf pictures, l)dti.sfis tind leiiit .theatfte's^iQr daily . ;,.Beiii,n-, ;',u,ha<3r., aliiiu.';'t-'.-c(i"hst.arit .'fiiv. laids, IS tivmg hard to Iceop I's thc- atr'4'l ,6pbn; to. heljj'^p'c^p^^^^ troubles. Korda Looks Ahead On Writers (or British Prod. &i! Alexander Koida, though Um-' ited to ' three , ■prbdlictibns: f or Rteito', in■ Erigl;i tid. during the- ticxt year, noV..: ■hits,. some -25 of - Brit,aih'.s ./top wi-'iter* luVcJer -pptioft.. ^ ■ '■. ','• -■:>■; :';■'.-: -.:. :, ljhd-.e:i'>'t,'5;cid'. -..thai ■; uh<J4*, /this ... ar».-, raiigement aulhois are given letaui- eis ih i'ctuin foi which Koida gets the fiI'st look at'.an,y't:hiijg'-;-t}iey; ma'y \s'ritc; '"'■:; , .;•",; -.: ■,;; ,■' ,/:,' , ,v -: .' ■■!;' :lJi).di>r K:oi;d'a''ft, eia'bfjr-ate:post-war ■ plans' for:,Mett'b ,pi",pdiiction in Brit- - aa n.. wH ty^iia. ■ scho jltite pic'uics ,1'iiiually is considered pos- sible, of ■(hcse'-'wrf^^ .' fheif bb.,giv^n-.-i'*Sitliit'stw assign- ■'.': .inuiits/-/;■ ■:' ..- '/■,' ;:,. ■':■■' ■.'.' '■'■/■ .;:;' -..'" Psycholoifical Study Play Has Even London Chance London, Marcn 28 :':"ThiS:.:.'\¥a-i- '.a.' yfohin?! ': .i'e^ttcr ;w.hi,ch'ff,e,, in! b:/the'^ Is; y:::giy(!n;:,^;p(j^((j'(ihitt:ee bf. catchy: ;irig on..- 'It.ji^.livpsysKolo/jfeal^-stM^ ;Play :-iVa.s' '».4rinly,''i'(2!Di?ived' ' preein. : :; ■';,:::' V'.;' .:■■'.,.-. U Gets Added Aussie Deal : : AdetaWe,-'Feb. 16. .,' , ■ Fiiliol'.'i',, and Unlvex's.iU' ,have,' .coriiei' to terms -cfH-eriBg"y product /bt ,Mi-'.' .je.qOc.- 'AcU'Iaidb,, :;with '■-Ph.a'rilom ot Op'ei'a'',.,probably ;first, to .pluy :liouS^- ''imder', new':'selun, ■' , - - Greater U.nitin has ]rad .:fii-st ,cal! oh., Uniybr^sjil :fatK^ln-the^.pa^(,::bUt C. U. is allowing Untversal to take ad- \antage ot additional^ release outlet.