Variety (March 1944)

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MPPDA Pledges Films' 50th Anoi Celebratkm; Ailopts Hays' Report BSsicles sfrcpsing the film inilus-4| try'-. \ Jst conti ibution to the war efloit .it )iomc> and armed forces e\ei)«heie, Will Hays' 22nd annual 100(111 ,1= head oi Motion Picture PiocUccia & Di->lributors Assn., last Wonclrw (27) hiRhlighted alertness oJ£ the pictme business to advances in hiKhl> technical iiclds, especially tule\ ision piogicb"! made in advanc- the iiidLislry'i> co-operation with educiitbrs ..aftd the.'irit^rria^orlal' sit;-: nation loydidii U. S. films in the .'■ ^ppst-\vcii',;erav. Xii addition', to'. skelching the, ,work of Easlmaii Kodak, .ERPI division ot ; \Veslt'i'i\ Eiqcti-ic ..and; RGA,' Hays' .rfe^ . .poilv tOttches. ..oi^ , teteyisioh,.' Statiilg that "All. film; companies have . .a ■'■potaijtlal' inievtsC'iiV ^n-, deed, bo ot such liitine concern" ■ Hl.g 'xx'pQ#.6«;the .istaliis.ol .ind :try's /&)i&iiti6n{il eflorf. T'eyeals tl?e AnioiiCtui Council of Education and dim business confaljs recommended that a Commtssipn on Motion Pic- —^tme.-.—ill - Education—be establishcd- .■ .and- .■th■at>.■^■ut^ds.-.■wfe«.^^»B^o^^^ -by, .the: industry /to .^ao«! ■ 4' 'S-^yeav. .:, ^):^■oi;rsraC•^• ;-y.'' .v' .■' ■ ■ ■ .Educatiional Films : 'Six national .Educators, niake up] ■: thii .conVftiissioh, with: oilices estab' ,.:lishecl at Yale' and. JilarlE; A. ..May./of'. Y al.e ■ .Uni.Vcrai ty, ''aetihg.jis;<l«^ianiz-i!»|!: ; ■;4ivb.ct.oi\.;.of.:pi\p|i;'<!^J^ con'nMiMons work will be ?nade a\riilJblc to all interested in pro- ducttop dibtubution and use of edu- y; catl'onal''ftIhiS^;.':i;' . ■' 'Frozen .Cain ■ • Hays' report outlines hdw the fro- V 7gn money . sitliatibh was cleared up ■; : in all 'foreign .'countries "excepting ■.. North' Africa aiicV. China, where^^ x^^ :, :s.tvictiQn,s temporarily .Cohtinile,' cloaimg up a big industry headache Unfavoiabie factors such as mounting taxes quota restrictions and forms o£ censorship continue in the foreign mailcet but that those were being ' largely' ofi'set by: fEivorable develop ineiiis/. LaCter jnclvide the/universal . /reeognition. pf; motiori: pictures Sis aft essential service in the war eftort and continued popularity of XJ; S. films in all foreign markets whei-e al ■ lovvecl ki ifiow." -'■.•',; 'i' Hajs gave a complete resume of the iptlustiy's participation in the war eftort. . ■ Endorsement of the plan,.to fiftiiig- ; ly. celebrate the- 50th anniversary of .' th.e. Motion; Picture Industry was "r^uhahimous, Members'.and directorsi; present inade a generous appropria- . / ti.c>ii.;,t6 ■ carry the anniversary of ..the first inotjon picture exhibition, into eflect;. Adolph Zukor gave sugges- troiis from his personal experience conceining the, significance of the 50th anniversary: - . . Session, only made brief discus^ ,. 'eian ■ pi the ihternatiOnal sittiation and \hv industry's educational pr.o- grahi,..carrying forward,bpth topics to "(he. ad.iourned session... slated, for next Apiil 14 Diiectois reelectbd .Haj's'Vas presici6nt; .CarL E, M.illikeh, ■. iW'retary; George B.6rthwick, • treas-' urijr. and F. ' \V. .DuVnIl, assistant ireasur^ir..:. .v,'irhpSQ attenfUng;t,he.Monday meet- Ing. were Nate Blumberg, Borthwick. Jaok.Cohn. Earle W. Hammons, Ha^% N Peter Ralhvoni Nicholas Schenck. Ilai-ry D. Btickley, Austin .Keough. ■ Wi] 1 iiini C. MicheU'Milliken. Sidney Schreiber, T. Kennedy Stevenson . ' a,nd\Zukqi'..,.v.."*** • Hays' annual: report'cbverlng. Pro-, ductioii /Code.' Admiiiistrati • ted ■ warUme''ia-e.IaJiatibn '■-of certain i<V.iila.t:ur.s ■;'jiu:<:ubfediy referring to ';. .s\« sonVe.;^ but tiiat despite many cidicuU and involved ...stories,-. ..PGA.. maintained i;s iistia 'hjSlTvrriPi'al''standards- for tlie screen Hr.yi ■ office directorate heard ;thre(5 Picture Grosses I — Continued from pace 16 J l PROVIDENCE S7,000 L.i«t week, 'Lady Death House' (PJ?C) and \aude headed by Sleepy Hollow Gang, steady $S.800. House switching to straight films on April 6 Majestic (Fay) (2 200, 30-50)— "Sullivans' (20th) (2d wk). Strong $14,000 Last week, snappy $17,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3.200; 36- .59)—'Roiie Riveter" (Rep^ and Woody Heiman orch heading stage show foi thiee-day weekend run Wham $UO0O Last week, - Million Dollar Kid" tMono) and Sonny Dun- ham Oich oh stage, nice $8,500. 1. :State ■:- (I.i5e\y')y-5(3St>0;.'; -30-50)— ^'knifikerboeker . Holiday:". 0A) and •■Two Man Submarine" iCo!). SteadV btit not sensational at Si2.- 000. 'Last week, ."tiafioning". (M-G), nice 51,0 000 - Sliand-(-&il\^rman)-(2,0g0i 30-.%)r —'Co\ci Girl" (.Col). Second week slaited Monday. First sesh, terrific ■ . ■■■ they have slums ot their own. Put they are hoiufied by the behavior of our teen ageis " Canty also emphasized the gieater drawing attiactions o£ iilms ai com- pared with ladio, 'Few South Anftericana." be said, 'like a Fied Allen or a Bob Wope on the air, but they all fio cra/.y ovei Mickey Rooney." Bolh Dp WoMe and Canty indicated that HoUvuood pioducts aimed for cxpoil aCtei tlie nai wiH have to beai in mmd the dilleience m cuitoms and standaids of the many coirntries and be universal in appeal. .■. ■ Ringling Circus Continued from i>;i;e 1 Pix On Show Continued from #ace t Storm Slooglis Omaha; »vaiis' Only $8,500 of the foundin.g. lathciV cu and still, has something lor the bovs The girls fill out their costumes well: and. they're costumes that' wpiildn't;. be out ot place in a Broad'way musical. .. .Circus'tboW a flier ' in iiiodernism.: and streanilining' a. iow seasons ago. when, a yo'img^ivbraneli.ot.t'bf ^Si'i ling clan was m tonliol Thcic was' ! a ,.'. Stravinsky .' sboi'e. . Kovman B.61 .Goddes decor and .Tohn Murray ■<3er.s.on'. staging,^..; By. .coino^ or. jiot_that-was-a .season ot headaclic- Labor strife and fires beset the man- agemcnl. Now the organization, is m , the hanas of Robert Rmglmg, Aubiey Haley and Mrs Charles Ringling,! The pendulum Swung back last year; but It has gone even furthci this' spring Even the trained seals are back. And tliat ain't bad, according to audience reaction. '. . . ■ . • The present producer.s. however. past few months, studios have been jostling one another in their eager- ness to celluloidize the outstanding figures and names in eveiy phase of the show world in Ameiica. In many of the forthcoming bio- graphical dramas, those still active will enact themselves as a genera- tion of theatregoers has known them —Cantor, Jolson; Ted Lewis; George Jessel George White, .Teiome Kern, Cole Porter-r—while in the case of per.sonalttie.s who are now but a re- membered name in the gallery of immoilals, the impersoaiations will be by top player? of today. Eddie Cantor's "Show Business" for RKO, to be released in May, is one of the most colorful and inti- mately- expressive in the forthcom- ing gallery of sclf-portiaits It en- compasses some 30 j'ca rs ol Cantor's career, with Cantor producing the picture. .ap.. well aJ? .starrins',.': and carrying' along numerous fictional pictures completed or preparing about st)0W world personalities Recent surge in films of this na- ture started at Warners with the James Cagncy starrer. '"Vankoe Doodle Dandy," the authenticated narrative-of George Cohan's lite ' . In pre-production stage.' also is the life of D. W Griffith from a biogiaphical ougmal by Lillian '(Jiijh;.';,;..'..:... '■,.'':■. ■,■:■■, :'- '■ :'" ■..;•;' Complementing the array of por- foimcis in the Rallery being lilmed IS the career and personally and in- fluential imprint.upon show bus'ines-j of Variety's" Siiue, now in prepaia- tion for the screen at Warners un- der the title, "Mister Bioadwa\ " In the film account of the founder ol "Vdiiety" many other notables of the entertainment world win be ' .shown and named by name along the elder and the newer Broadwav. A'oel Green, editor of '"Varieiy," authored "Mister Broadway." [■■.; .. So. in increasing, numbers ..and chaiactei's to poitray the atinospheic | with all the arts ol the showmanship Omaha, Maich 28 Heavy : snowstorm and blizzard last Sunday bopped biz all around. I have been smart enough to letain Even Eail CarioU'i '•Vanities" with "Top Man" at Orpheum was hard. hit. "The .'SuUivans'.' at' the Para- mount also suffered particularly. Kstimatcs far This Week Oipheum (Tnstates) (3,000; 20-65) —"Top Man" (U) and Eail Carroll's '•Vanities'' . on stage. Nice $16,000^ and plenty good, considering, storm. Last weulv "Lodger' (20th) and •Sing Jingle" (U), big $12,800, re- markable lor straight film policy at I.")-o5c scale. ■ Paramount (Trjstates) <3.000j 15- .53)—"Su til vans" (20th)i Also bopped by. blizzard: good $8.500.. Last week "Rationing" ;(M-Gl . li.uht S8.000. Btandcis (Moit Sumei) (1500, l.'i- 55)—"Xone Shall .Escape" (Cdl) anci "Hey Rookie" (Gol). Okav $6,000 Or near. Last week ' Around World" (RKO)- and "Women Bondage": (Mono), good $6,800. Omaha (Tnstates) (2,000, 15-55)— "Crazy House" (U). Fairish $8,000, not bad', but not big. Last week: "Standing .Room Only" (Par), moved from Paramount ..nd with one day out tor roadshow, good .$8,800. Free World CoiiUnued from 'page 1 Telecommunications Division have been extended to include the inter national asnects, of commercial mo. =tion pictures) ' 'lie WbJfe., therefore'; points' but .tliat if the philosophy o£ freedom to see is adopted, with teler vision, in mind;.' it; 'is'. Ibgical th'at. it shall, be ■...extended tp ihciude motion pictures,': within the '.limits; of .the' mbrais codes ■■pftiiei'iiidividlj'al.^^^^^ tries, of'.cbuftse.;-. .', '{• .;y'.. '".:;-;'-:i . ■ ■''■S'ettiiig. -' 'Up "aiitiflcial; '.. r .bar'rieri destroys freedom," he ■ added, ^"We are..';'stri'yiiig' ioX '.freedom;' of ;thp:ijght., and freedom to read, as weli as ■■the other two. Tnere is no comparison ■b.etwc.en .■; pbtontial;'.. audieno'CS. reached..'..'b.y ■;; motion ■p'ietureS ,';and : th6sS. who/listen'to..sllqrt■^^'ave radio." ' ■'.'■In ■ additipn;, :it .must^ 'i?e/TeHiencr-'l fi*"!?:*i»EUS, bered'ljthat .';t;lie, roecjium^.;;^^ .pibtureij ' ■■.which';' be;st' repf esents.bu'r way of lite, co-^ts the Government .nothing^ '-'iri ■ iafct; ■brings :/;iri...'l-dvenue; trasted ...with'. 'oncy. sp.eii t, pn ,De ■VV^offe,. .with. the .':aB£!ista'nce: o'f. some ot the . prosressi\ e idea staging introduced by their inimcd;- ate predecessors. Costuming is bi '- liant, lighting is slick, and (heie is enough pageantry to show tliat th" circus IS not relying entirely on warmed over material. Glorifving: a Clown ; Top billing goe.s to "Panto'^ Paia- dise,'- a 15-minute spectacle: that takes the place of the old grand march. It is the only production number ever to be built around and glorify :a clown^Einmett Kelly, the .sad-faced comic who has entertaihed. millions. . . ■ '.?: " '.■■.•. Predominating m the spectacle: is the.thought. that the;clbwns.rul^;'su- preme and, as the climax.;liolly .hi'rti- seif „ fides iH: .a float of . rpseroblbred clouds, -whcie he sits on the throne m paradise. :. First stellar attraction" is Alfred Court's wild animals Assisted by. May Kovar in one ring: and Harry; Kovar in another, the master puts hiS: beasts through the paees as of yore. He handles, the. big boys I'limselfj in.: the middle arena and the others'take care of mixed cats m the other pens. The Wallendas. with their top-of- thfe^tent: tight .- wire :act, have added nothing this'" yfear,;' but.' they'' didn't ; have to. ;The"a(:t ■stili.;r:ates':as excit- ..;ilig...° '."■:/',: ,;'.'''/ ;"'■■ ..'■■'.'■.'.'V''^;''".' Precision horsemanslnp is dii>- played by the Ostermaires, Los ',Aiey:,sX3iZ: .and...;..the;' :^''.Ag vivid . costuming vadds interest. ■: Capt. Roland Tiebor's liained seals all but stole the show The act neatly combine;; skill and com- edy and pulls its m.a.ior lauiiiis with the' 'aniniaLs". tobtihg ,.oH; snatch'es.'.bf. .:''Araerisa^'":on !inusica(;;ho;rrts..'■';;. '•'■;> Lelage, the blonde aerialist, is back with her marathon cf\'eihand roulino at Ihe top .bf:''t.he'';,nt.>;: She ;whipped off the bpeni ng show^ .as a.■warmer-tipper.. Also, at his bid ;at'a^d;i.s ■Harry;;Rittley,. mfe ot the t0ppii'iii''':fabJ4: .who - ha.s. .bscn .turti-, bUng:. ever. since.-graM depisibb:;feppbalpd ;from, .PCA, sa is':makiMg"'.extensive b^iftg approved :latop:, when puts had .. g^.'^j,^ piaiis to'-see that our prpft- Report ci'.os .that one ' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ been-, made :leaturB was rincilly';.i'ojected, but does . Ji'fct. ii.''V'-;A.lso'- that"' seven'-cbm-. p;ie_tcd. featu;res, ::nriginall,y \ re.i'^cted, «e:'(> .su-cpeS.s.Cuily,.. revised and ; 'ap'-: f roved, .16 .serip'ts,:.prigjnally reject- (Ki/>vere:.-revj^6d..and approved. ; PC.A. r.pprpved. only .417 feature.^ «ompaicd with 546 m 1942 and 568 :ta...f94l'^. in.r md ':;»Uti5fawaing,:'gbing.'fe io. bnlV .87 in the past.,yea'r..tereatesf. Increase vvas in coracdie.s, 'nttmbei/' increasing: Irom 65'm 109 m the past year. Of this total, biggest hike was m muaioal comedies, rising from 30 in the preceding year to 67 in 19'13 Cnme stones dipptd from" 17 to 7 and westelhs fiom 112 to 83, lattei beiag 1943 figuies Farce comedies rtta lost heavily, dipping from 27 1* Mi > to 9 last year. The Royal' Repenski5i-...tti^f m?mBbrsi i-e;j3'^^ are able:to muster 'a' troupe of 11' for t.heiK:-Spt-to Ayith ;.b£ire^^ he' ."lafge'. ''stiih pf ] Af'i''.iana'.& .Charley,.; ta-mberliiip act, radio-:'short Wave--^! [ ?^'a'''.?.. '"^e'. .stage ;■wilii ..the ". be.■ Ocas and: Lopez. ■ . Victoria. ' Rietta and: Torreh.ce,. have add'ed' a . thrUlei': .tO- their: swing' a.o' J.he' tent's.■.top..'.'.. :';: Something;: .)ie\y .^had.,; been ■ added to ■ the ■ ■■hprse' ; a'ets,'; alsp. ":. Eight pcrch'erDns- are used^ the middle, ring,., wi.tU ;.Art;ur,o. .Kiipyot . as" ;the. ringmastei'.;; :.; Ted,': .EUnuIndt;. "■aiid Gordon ;Norton put ponies .thfbugh their paces, m the o.ther ring^; , The. -Brannoclt ■ ttbupe '. taetuaily the Walleridas' :oH.'itei'ta ;..lirffl&>; iii a I novelty ladder '^act; ;the .Macks, uct ';in.. mp.fion'. picture's gets■. ;iritb; ■E'ui'ope. ■:^vith.'' the..,; ieasi possible amount 'of 'restrie'l'Jftnsi . A.'t,; present,, ot'' .bourse',.;: the; a'Eti'v}iies'.-,.are':'.''cpri-' corned!' '•'' ;:.wil'h' i; Latin Ampriea'; ajid; 'With ' the f'e-(v;. tieoti'al European bbuntri'es. ; Canty, who re-, cenliy. returnpcl'!frbnT the .Argentine, poinfbd'^ put ■that';.despite -'the: un'- "pi-edifitable ceiisbl'ship,;ihere, rabtion ;picl:i'(res ehjby a .pppillarity. equal'tp: ■tlia't.';in.''.thi's:'CPUntry. ;';■'..■ "■Opper .class. 'A.rSfintines,'^iBe; sai,d, .'.'nnrmally,' to! the 'i-notionv'-.pifcttlseK thice timpt, a week. They are very irttbrnationai iii th^ir. point of wieW aiid ; enjpy' almp.St' anything. Hip.w- ever; wahy Hollywood; products are coniplete'.^' alien to them. They understand,: tor example, slum secnes-as depicted in films, :because girl skaters; the Nattio troupe of Chinese ■\\.iie-ualkeis theh Donegan troupe of skaters and !'ne Karrel troupe, , tumblers, share the five stages for an eye-fiUing 10-muiutes Each scores, and strongly. Victoria and Torrence are starred in'a. number called ' The Couple m the Comet," a new eye-flUmg spec- tacle, and: the three-hour show closes with "Changing of tl\e Guard," iUimber introduced last season. and the general national backgiound bf::the''tim6'.'''^ '.:;,'.;'" :■ ;;.;■;;: ■ ' ••: .■':■;; ' 'Tea'tTcwis'^s E\erySbd> HappS'""' in which he is him.'self already is m by Columbia. • '•The Life of Will Rogeis" is awaiting: the go;:':<ignal: at Warners, on; .producer assignment to Mark Hellinger, a.s soon as impersonatpr ot Rogers can be decided upon.: Senpt. by Sam. Hellman,.lias bee'h cpmpleteti; for some: time. Casting problem in; this instance IS difiicult.: Lite of the cowboyiauthor-actorTwit au- thentically presented from young manhood: to tragic: death in. Arctic ; plane accident. Gershwin Saea George Gershwin's outstanding ca- reer, is incorporated in "Rhapsody ,in Blue,'':named for- one of his mem- orable pieces, ajsii a Warners re- lease of a Jesse L. Laskv production. Robert Alda portrays Gershwin. Al Jolson's entertainment life will be mirrored m his own enactment in the Columbia: picture under produc- tion supervision of Sidney Skolsky Cole Porter's songwriting impact on the' theatre world will be seen and heard in the .story of his life and;: music, titled ''Night: and -Day It. w;ili: be .a. Hal B. Walii's'prpduction; rpr Waineis Pprter helped ariange the: material . and . worked oh the script. :Th.e.;' .rbman'tic-drariiatic . narrative of Marilyn Miller is to be pioiected in a picture called ''Silver Lining," on the production schedule of Jerry Wald at Warners Among those men- tioned to enact ' e role aie Mary Mai tin, Ginger Rogers, .\lexis Smith, Joan Leslie. ;: Nora Bayes* life story is narrated in .'Shme On Harvest Moon." a title tmstalgie Of :fh€'singer and her hey- dey. Picture has been completed with;, .Ann ;Slicridah, as. star, .Dave Butler directing, and WiUiam Jacobs as pioducer, Diamatic phase pf Helen Moigap's caiecr is contemplated m "Melan- choly Baby" at Waineis, but pro- duction plans depend . upon ; clear- ance of rights not yet achieved Biog ol George White of th^ "Scandals" has been written for screen by Ralph Spence, and B G; De Sylva, executive producer at Parai-nountis;;:i:incl6rst0bcl' to be in-. ;:terestcd; ,-:'Peribd: ;coverea is^ Irbm White's;.(ir$t :veii.iures. in.:shbvi?. biz Up through the heydey of his "Scan- dals.''''^ ■;,>;,■.::'.".'.'■:;;:'■;,;;;:::■:;;•:■■,,::.::.':'V'^\ : Cclcb P.^ckae;c In 'A Night at Tony Pastoi's," now titled "StrPiling Down the-Ave- nue," Warners cPntemplates recre- ating various well-known early. 'Knpiican show figuies Apn Shell-: dan also stars in'.Ulis :pne', iVith Jack Chbrtpk handiing prbdiictipn. , ■ David O. Selznick has in mmd the Saga of Sara Bernhardt, with Ingrid B'er^Si'ah .'in .-.thb" name ■'role; ":.■:: , The '.pplly ' .are .sc.heduled ii haVe thpir; • career.; 'portrait'ta-lsen.': at 20th-l;ox George Jessel is mulling possible, productibn-of life bf Rachel, French .trag'e.dibnne, . once done ' in siieius by PoUi Negri. . ';..;: Medo has on its schedule the rights, to. I|oney:. B.Qy. Evans,.minstrel man, who was to have been imper- sbhated: .by Mickey: Rooney before latfer's ; inductibn into;;; se'rViCfe, but role now ;will be recast. '■:: Edward- Small has .shp'wn renewed inleiest in doing "The Life oi Rudolph -Valentino," with George Raft having recently been con- sidered as the foremost probabilitif for the rcle. ■■■.:.; ^ Warners, which with 20th-Fo-^ has shared the most prolific output oiE biographical dramas, are picsently; out m fiont with greatest number of Vhey helped ( develop.: the great and:; glittering names ot: the amusement realm—the" men and" womeiT'who" helped condition their countr.v as well as reflecting it.s styles of entei- tainrni^nt and relaxation on stage, on screen, on band stand, at the mike, m nitenes—will be paraded . across the .screen ot 1944-1945 as it!i most.engrossing: figures. Pix Fiction Continued fro'in page 3; lishcd or otherwise showing prom- ise, for, similar arrangements. 20th-Fox financed the authors of "Dragonw,vck" (Anya Seton) : and ''Centennial Summer' (Albert Idell) last year; and is planning more deals of this type as: a result of the two winners which woie obtained by the studio. Paramount recently, signed ■ several writeis for the scripting mills, while Warners and RKO ha\e also added to tlie writing staffs: Thus, major studios will be look- ing to originals written specifically for the screen or for-eventual booic . publicaljon. foi a laigei propoition of screen material. . . Indicative of the restricted output, of new fiction, Houghton, Mifllin is lepoited devoting neaily 70<,<i of the company's entire paper stock allo- cated for fiction to meet the demands :fbr a Single book—Llpyd .DougVas'; 'The Robe' (Fiank Ross-RKO). Same publishing house is also pul- fing out 'Dragonwyck" (20th-Fo\) which IS reported hitting around 150,000 copies m a relatively short peuod Macmillan, it is understood, put olT publication Ot .spine" 'IQ to '25 books from spring until jie.^t ■ ■fall.■..■■■;::.,;'':, ^''■■■■",':;.':'..';-: •;. ■■■. :;.':;:■■;: ■■'■/...':' ■ iAVith; hoh-fiction .'ctirrenUy: exceed- ' ing ali.pi-evib'iis 's,aie^; r.beor^s b.r ex^;: ,pc:c.ta,t)bnsi;; publishers ^are.. iiot; ■in.!"', clined to divert paper stocks fioiti 'this type ;'pf . pul)Iic'a.tjbn''fbr fibtiOn.;,; .Non-ficiipn'.is '. loss speculati\'e,.: :ahd. ..with, sales .virtually ,:insurcd, ,'th^re':' iS: I'ittie ihclina'tion.,to increase fictioh''^ output. :'.■ .■ ■::.■ :'.;:'':■, ■ : ■ ; ; Film execs believe that so:r.o of. the: non-flction :books::are.-Wcel^ tp : prove suitable foiv'the Screen';:. Performer Squawks ;s : Continued from page 1 ss are ' deposited.. .'At. .th'eir' 'hphies 'br...; hotels after;;the.sho'i.vS,: waS..")vpt.; isoJated',ihstance:"::^ '; '. ■; /. i; .'■■ ';. : ".They: make sure we .get h.ore bn tjine,'.'' Haley^ declared/.^''bu-l:':'th;lS.;.i$': .what ,happ,ens^ .many :times■;after.:;..,\vb'.: do our stints They drop us like a hot, potato. Why, I do not know; B.ii;t^<i*clo; know ,:\Vh6-:is at ;fa'iilt—the . ofTiceis in special service who ai- range fpr these Ivips." ■■■.: , ■ ; •■ "...:~'.:■;' : '■ ■Seve'ral;fii.mvstars on the ,Cbast,re-..; ■fuse, to "b.nfertaln at; certain cacnps,; but: there, because pf thb' trc'atm.cnt ■ accbrded .them' vi'heii they are.;tii"ed;: 'Out 'after % ,shtsW' by.. biticers at .thesfe ■■ 'bases. :' They do not seek .special ;privilege$,>:bi,jfc! fcbl; they are.' entitled to th^ Same, cohs.ideratipn ai.[ter tlicir ■ performances,' .as' .before^., accbrflihg'^ to..Haley; . ■■... Rep's Rolling Record ' .V:, Hollywood, March :28.. ';. June will bo the biggest month the history of production on the Republic lot,: .With ■:. two ■ high-bwd-gct:. :miiisicai:s,.A ''Bra?ir' ".and,';. .'sAQ'a;i}tib.-. City," and a iiumber of wostein-- and senals filling 'the ^biind-sla'gfeS;':; Studio ;writing, mill is now at an..;- all-time high, with 31 scribes woik- ing on 16 screcrtplays.