Variety (March 1944)

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28 PICTURES Wedaeaday, Marc6 2% 1944 Blumenfelds Add I More Houses; Theatre and Exchange Briefs ■■■ ■ Lbs Angeles. Miircl! 28. •♦• Theatre holdings lated al SSOO.OOO In Napa. Cal were sold by Lav.- l-ence Borg to Joseph .and Aue BUi- iiienieldi Sale. includes., the Jos.. «l l.300-,cater, and the Uptown, ioai- Ing iaSO;;:-, .' ■ 7^': .^■■■.■■c''' \ ■ Blu'meiifelds Qp,erate'''30; tHeatje,s. in CaliJornia. . Borg hEK recently sold: a number of liis houses, but will con- . tiniie, to operate extensive holdings. Fax-W. C.'s Addition Hollywood. March 28 Palo Alto Theatre Co., Fox-West •Coa-st subsidiary, has purchased the Sequoia, Redwood City, for approxi- mately $200,000. Operation of the first-run house has been handled under lease for some time by the circuit, which owns and operates the Redwood theatre in the same town. Willingham Metro. St.-L<«>ui$ nter. . St Louis, March 28. . ,T. F. Wiilingham. former manager . o.f Mb tro'S. Jlemphis.' braneh. in.; as. manager oJE exchange here this week, succeeding John"X. QuiDn;-TBsigned .because of health. ; . ' . . - . B. T. Ely, tor years with Coinmer- . cial-News, tj^nville, HI., ft?w mati,^ agei Palace, Danville, succeeding Henry Hachat, recently jnducted M. F. Green new manager Lyric, Greenville, 111,, under, recent reorg of company. Still Alibing ■ •7v..'. -. .;Phiiaiielphia,; S/Iarch 2?. , ' A few weeks ago a w k local ethib came to the office ot the ■ projectionists , union. ;, here . and pleaded with Secretary Lew Kroiise to. give, him , a better : break on salary and hours with ■ .the . projectionist.'.at his i liottse, pleading bad busmess. Krouse told the guy to come back in a couple of weeks Meanwhile Krouse went to Florida an a short vacation. First guy he rah into in the hotel lobby was Mr. Exhib whose busmess was "so terrible." The lattei \^asn■t fazed a bit. ••Hor.ei:t. Lou." he satd, "i£ I'd ha\e stayed up north another day with things going.'sO lousy, ■.' I'd l-.ave gcr.e crazy." ■ 15% Pay Hike in Seattle Houses : Seattle, March 28. Wai Labor Board has okayed le- . .fluest of' thektre ..iiied' and...union, for pav increases for ushers^. doormen .iaad . cashiers. -New. 15??; hike gives $20 to ushers and $25-$30 for cash- iers and doormen on average. ' '■. .Pljyills : ;A;nii' ■.Meyers,' .exrsploist: at Tuanon ballroom, named assistant ad manager tor Sterling circuit Vic Gauntlett. ad manager ot Ham- tiek-Evergreeo cix-cuit, and Carl Mahae. assistant to" Circuit Manager Al Roienberg, are back from a lO- day trek. over .chain. As a . resulti certain- snrialler to.ivns will, put more of budget into radio and less m newspapers. Radio results have been flattering, especially pictures that .need exploit- .ation, reported' G-itintlett. ■ iNewspa- pers; are :..sti.ll., likedt. by. the theatre chain. ■ with. radio for • main selling .job oh films needing .esttr.i .bally;.'(■;. ■ locw's Conn. Changes ... Fbllowing, Kianagerial changed . in Loew's theatres m Connecticut an- nounced by Joe Vogel: Morris Rosenthal, Poli theatre, ;New Haven,, succeeds, Robert Russell, resigned; Harry Rose. Lyric theatre, Bridge- port, to Majestic; 'William Brown, manager Loew's. Canton, to manage Poll Bijou, New Haven, succeeding IS!ew . York Theatres 20TH CENTURY-EOX Presents "SONG OF BERNAOETTE" Gontinuous Performance Doors Ojjen 9:30 A.M. RIVOLI B'way&'49thSt Humphrey Bagart . In M imior Hro». IIH! "Passage to Marseie" ,wit.h , ■ Clniidi' KUNS • Mirlu'le .'HORGAN ■ riiiilp ■ Syilaey^-' 1IUKN •!».N.>«'i.'WKKT Ili-ltillil DAXTINK • .Vetm ,£WltKli i.vorgr TOBITH HOLLYWOOD Continuous - Opflns IlT: A.M. • B'way & 51st St. DARRYL ZANUCK'S "THE PURPLE HEART" .. a SOMr t'eiitiir.v-Fox Picture,sT\(.K siroH :|'liis ; n ^ \/ w 'tl' Ave. tug stage K O X Y * .siioiv, '* ' colli St; ' ' Ann t>ifniilH Jnck SHKKIUVN - SIOR*. \\ - T \KSON Ireuo SI VVM>C. :'Til :'tt"arns^, Bros/^Hit! 'Shine On Har?est Moor' ■ . In Pt'VSOlT. ■ RUSS MORG-AK and.Otch I'XTR V imRlRVH MIM-iVITrH'S ORIGl'NVL HVKMOMIV K.\!$C.\I,S Plus ]tV»B.\K.V BIj.UNK B'way & 47th St. STRAND CONTINUOUS MORS OPEN 10 A.M. rOrULAR PRICESI i?.Vi"' MUSIC HALL "UP IN ARMS" Spectacular Stage Productions III'ILU 0\ I K ,SI<(UMr WBEK PALACE Mm in II 3 ^AAY i 4:rh St. '-Viirluiit - ItKV "AU BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES" "LADY IN THE DARK" (111 lerliiiicnlor) In Person'.- XAVIER CUG>,%T And His Oi'i'ltpMni FARAMOUITT i'<»»* squiirc— mw- nCY MORK WAR ItOMtS RADIO CITV MUSIC HALL VICTORIA THEATRE . Itrrta(Hv«.v nt Street '. ■.' . fuUi^d'-Artistf* 3;jt*eJ*e!its "VOICE IN THE WIND" A' Hijrii'.r-Slrtfitev: ri'i.dii'i'tion Sliirriii^f .1<niiiri>* l.rdct'iT Sidney Kleper, to armed forces; ■Walter Kessler, ox-iiianager of Loew's Canton, lotums to former post after medical discharge from Army. ' New Interstate Fcmme Manar^r Fort Worth. Maich 28 Hazel Hayes, recently added to In- tel state Theatres start here, made manager of two Interstate houses at Arlington, near here. She's first woman elected director National Auditorium Managers Assn. Another Femme Mgr. Cedar Rapids March 28. ■Will S. Collier, manager of Palace. Waterloo, Ia„ resigned and returned to Cedar Rapids, la. Succeeded by Bea Reisner, formerly his assistant. George A; Smith's Swinx George A. Smith, Paramount's western division sales manager,, on a two-week tour of exchanges, includ- ing Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis. Jules Fields, 20th-Fox special ex- ploiteer; who returned last weekfrom assignment m Denvei, lett Sunday (26) for Chicago on another special assignment. He's son-in-law of Al Seligi Universal exploitation mana- ger m Washington. '. Alan F, Gummings, iti, cKax'^e Of Metro exchange operations, is on in- definite-leave following-recent 'ill- ness; '--i ■ ; The Gaiety and Centre St. thea- tres,; Trehtbn, vN., J.,; hav'e .faeien taReiv over by Maurice J Ellis of Phila- delphia, who bought the Gaiety; and is leasing the latter house from the Hunt interests of Wildwood; N. J. Deal was. handled by Berk & Krumgold. N Y theatre realtors, whoirecently sold the Rockland thea- tre,. ■Phllade'lplua, and the Crescent. CoUingswood (N J ) completing the Hunt plan for confining its ,opera- tions entirely to the south Jersey area. Ross Doyle. Metro publicity de- partment city editor in N. Y, is slated to leave this week to join the Office of War Information. Paul Stewart,'^-^Vifarriel's^,' is :;,sohecluled .succeed him at M-G. : , , Frances Fentoh. who handles na- tiohai.'.iiiags for Metro , in IJ., Y;, is scheduled to .join iho OWI next month. Paul Kamay. Metro , exploueerf joined the OWI last week. At Selig's U Stunt Publicist Al Selig edited a "'Va^ nety" gag throwaway (tour-sheet simulation) in connection with the ■'Follow the Boys" special midni((ht preem at the iPalace, N. Y., ot this show biz picture. . Joe Laurie, Jr., rqund-robined a galaxy of yesteryear 'vaude 'starii to re-create the former bigtime atraos phere as part-of the intra-show biz .bally. y',' Theatres Cracking Down on Juve Admissioi^ in Curb on Hoodlumism Studio Contracts Hollywood, March 28. Bill Carter inked player pact at 20th-Fox Daniel. B.. Clark, signed for two years as head of ZOtl^-Fox camera department.... Juanita Quigley's minor contract with Metro approved by court. Jerry Scott drew player' ticket at Metro. '■ ■ ; Sondra Rogers handed player pact by Metro. Mary Beth inked two-picture deal with PRC. Felix Bressart, player, optioned by Metro. Lucien Andriot, renewed as direc- tor. 20th-Fox, Allan Lane signed for eight west- erns at Republic. Marc Cramer handed actor pact by REG. Martha Tilton. radio player, inked for two pictures by PRC. PAR 11PK THRfXMK orrs Hollywood, March i&. Editing rooms at Paramount are crottrdefd: to. capacity with 11 ,featufes,' including; three, ih Technicolor, ,go- ing ithrough : the ■ cutting process., ■, , Tinters are, ■'Frenchman's Grfeek,'' "Rainbow Island" and' "Incendiary, Blonde " Black and white films are '•The Road to Utopia." "The Hitler Gang." '"Hail the Conquering Hero." "Till We Meet Again," "I Love a Sol- dier," '-And Now Tomorrow," "One Body Too Many" and "Gambler's ;'eboice.'' ■; ■ ■ ■:„■ / ::" ■■!■■•,'■;■".'., ■^:" Hitckock's New Searer : /: . ,,■ Httll^fwOOdi^March 28.J Alfred Hitchcock checked in at 'Vanguard for his first picture .since directing a wartime film in London. Picture is a mystery, "The House of Dr. Edwards,'' with a British background. CLIIIR'S 0&3 CHORES Hollywood. March 28 Edward P. Cline draws a direc- .torial double-header at Universal; w i1h the next Olson & Johnson pic- ture. ■•See My Lawyer," . slated ,:to start April, 10. ' ■ : Currently Clme. is. piloting O. & J. on the same lot in "The Ghost Catchers."' '..; '^'," "'■ ,V ^^z;'■;■,'■ '■ ■ ■ ■;■• ', Fix Tele Edict ^ doutinuetf from ipage B'Way t. SItt St. fc Williuiii I'wniril 111 M-R^JIN ■ /The HEAVENLY BODVr .Willi 'J«iii<« .C(iilli OPEN I0> A.M. In Person Jimmy DiUR-ANTE Bonil*. Grnnvlltf , Mnry Rayn & Nnidi J J Sonny Ounliam ■ltd Orcli. charge of television of NBC, put in with, "R's so big and important that everyone will want to; get on the bandwagon." The doubting news- men weren't so sure and pushed lor' more details. . Scouting ■■ the implication that Hollywood would be competing against itself in, providing; its stars and tacilitieis lor free television: in the homes; Tramrnell: beiieyed t^ ail ,fornis of ' ehtertaihment, 'includ- ing pictures, would want to get iri. on television to help develop the; technique. Radio, he said, has nO desire to control television and everyone... will be mvUed to come ■in.. He bjalieved :that;'deals could be itiade; .- With agents and ir.dc- pendent, producers for tHe making of exclusive tele product. Failing: there, he indicated that NBC and; Other radio networks would de-. velop :; their own talent and. go ahead icgaidles..'. Royal, the newsmen were told.; has been empowered to organize Stock ■ Com'pa'hies ' osteiisibly for live talent shows but lafereniially for pictures; in the' eveiit : that . Holly- wpod doesn't; want to go along:, ,The' ^Vbrriei's In,,; the , pictui'e business fotind, cause for; coiVslderable . per-, tui-;braent.;';,.,i!i, what Trarri'i^iell ;.>a!i.d Royal had to say but the industry, by and laigo, I too disturbed, talcing Trnramell at his- word that it will be'five or six yeai's before tele ^,oes into enough homes to make pktuie making profitable. After a few daj's" rest at Palm Springs, Trammell returns to New, York. Others on the War Clime jtinJiet. are payihg; ca)b;,at\Friscb,. Salt Ltike and San Diego before heading home. WB Publicity Additions G E BlackCord, for the past eight years dramatic and film editor lor the N. Y. Journal-Amei'ican, and Ned .Arrnstrongj veteran publicist,, iti pictures, legit and other fields, joined the publicitj^ department of Warner Bros, at the homeoflice Monday (28) Bbtfi' will fuhctiph: directly .Uhder Larry Golob. eastern, publicity man- ager. *■ Apprehensive that the mounting wave of juvenile delinquency may result in a close cheek on motion picture ■ . theatres, alert ■operators;; throughout the country are reported; tightening pdmis.sion and sur\el-;i lance of minors, Figure that loss o{ some coin is worthwhile in order to; prevent picture houses from being.- singled out for attack by social weU fare and! other groups h New York's Mayor LaGuardia, at - a special meeting called under the auspices of the. Deputy Police Coin-; missioner, last Friday (24) told a ; gathering of some 1,200 people nt N Y. that he will not countenance any contribution to delinquency on the part of any place where "kidsi; congregate. "I will close them up or; close ' them out," said LaGuardia,': " whether they - are places of ultra-; refinement or the lowest dives." LaGuardia, who has already: cracked down on admission of mmOr*! ; to dancehalls in the N. Y. area, said that the-mufticipality:- could not po-4 lice everything and that he had called '; the meeting of responsible ' citizens;'- from every, part of N.,, Y. to con-'--, tribute by notifying the police of places contributing to juve delin- ■ quency. -J LaGuardia said, also, that the major juve problem was for the most part;;; due not to. children from N. Y., but';- that the city was a magnet which-r drew youngiiters from New Jersey,: Deliiwdio, Pennsylvania, and Co'i-' necticut. ■,,:■,■;:', :, All places of amui^ement. including. 6p,w,ling.- alley's,- slWtiri^,' ,rinks, ;elc., are now under surveillance of eitner . police oflicials or various cnic' groups LaGuardia said, however,, that ■ the problem could: be solved; sooner by community cftoperation; rather than-i through service agcncic'.--. f' !/'<''■'':'■''■ {.'-.'^ f:': ; Under an old N. Y. State reg-.i'.a- , tion, section 484 o£ the Penal Code;-;' admission is prohibited to unaccom-' panied children under 16 to places ; ot entertainment including "dance, halK public pool or bilhard rooms,.' bowling alleys, corner saloons, the-■■ atre museumvS, skatilig rinks, kiheto-;; scope or .rho-iiing picture perfO.rni-.; ances." Various: municipalities, how-; ever, have less rigid regulations ap-: plying to picture theatres due to the caretul .supervision exercised by the management in the majority ol the- atres:- : On,, Broadway, meantime, hood-' liJSii^iirlJasrreacliea: a, point wheref theatres,, such as, the Capitol, employ; detectives' on;- Saturday to .watch, for- o-uthrealcs. Last;vSaturda,v ; night (25.) Jim Kolbcck assistant. Capitol manager, had a 19-year-olct: arrcited for slugging an usher Sen* tencc ot 21) da.-vs in the workhou.-5e; for the offender followed court ap- : pear.ance. BeK Alsop 'Dissolve Pact ■: ; ';' ■ Hollywood, March 28. ; Carleton ALsop called oft his as- sociate producer contract with Re- publi c by. mutual agf eement,; ' ' : Former radio producer, Alsop was signed last August by Herbert Yates, Republic chief. ' ^^here*& a peculiar gleam in your eyes when you roil tfiem to the right. Miss Wilson."' Whether myopic- or presbyopic^ astigmatic or plain cock-eyed, the orbs of true VMicaties addicts react, alike. Tliey glow fanatically on sight- ing The Cereal. An~d ivliv not? These crisp, whole wlieat flalces offer gastip- nomlc bliss. Il's that famous Whealies second-helping flaior.