Variety (March 1944)

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SI RADIO REVIEWS Wcilne«aa}r, Mai-fh 29, 1911 •LLT YOmSLLF GO" "SFOl' OK OO" With Milton Beile, Ken Kobfrl-. Witli Toe 1 Biown M.ili\ Mjlncck Jiicqurs Renauls oich, Z4Su I'itts ouh ffiie^ls auilicncc imi titipiiilb (jjue^t) |Wiitcis I 111 I La/iUiis, \ it AIcLcoil, Piodiicci-Diieaoi HjI .lames ' Ben I'cuson Wiitcii Ia\ tianklm Jones, DaMd I'lOducci BillKraudi Victni, I'eiiS^ fieil -NoinMU, !l) "Mins , 'Ihiiis, 10 ".0 p m Hit CiilliDS J« -Mins 'lues , 7 7 ".ft p ni W.IZ-BI«e. New YoiU Mtlir.ShON KOBIilNS \\.FZ-lJltie New loiK trtio? &y' Evcu-riHarp .■anct .X'ItII; Balipr. _ tiia'Koi'V '■-ol'.' ^G■^il<^x■■',■(.dei^tit■^^eoI '-a'ncl ■drsapnomtins affair ' ■.oil / the, tOGplr ; rti>vcl<)inng vipto, a' 'Icjt .fioV in :£Lrt{U!iiis;:-^t'i^]^»J^ ■iiiidclr/his .(jQlt;-;; \. : / : ,; :tl16i^■supOT&scd■■cloMVe^^:■:Wrt;■ul1^^irt^^^^ Siudio :autl!en.ce wire,.wiUi, Bnvvii ■.ined:amfaftfenSi;"aisvpi'(^jectca-^^^ the OHoning ;SUK and it t! sale :■fil•st^ (2V)-braadGast ■pi:w(;tic;al!J;;w assurjie . saiijo .is trap; ;0i: :the ;:ui)- . bined the' most biiiain'o ii'catuvcs .ot'.rf'qhc.iTHUigrisv^fMcIw .;.&; R.; Of her ciuizzers ■ ' 'i Brown's'.uus^fclflsh •'la'bPrs-.;-oii:.; tacliau.: ■^It•^^^s;noVfauli6t'BCvte■^.^ ■ deeded: ^iii ■ .,:salvaj; latfa)\s / ^vltl;, ^i^^.p"'? ?'^SS.oi;s^;.Nyh>Gh,; lake irom : thi< m&iii^pod^h : It's.-just; o*hot;^..^PD<» -Unit^^^ ha cm': u4t]r the^curveijt- loriTiat :.I'}oi'"?- ' .■tt-hich; mat be t' ^visiiai'H-Pii^ Sf to 3,80,,^dcpe!Td:uw upoiy-sii^ 'enterlainmoht^ -but only, s ticceodcd in - CQ^^- WVh.vwhic h ..contesta nts handle: "TeaTina '^the^ bcwlUifived'; listciiev-in • cpitsecutiVf .ciLicneii. " ' \vondeviri.s: \yhy . Evci\sharp' .\\<a v:GvV-:;-C6r*(;et;.va4swer's. .r.n ■fields chosen ■poriedly williriS to pluiilt dPwn A+.OQO j tiy ,quizzees ■ taKe.' them pn iiSythical. ■ 'a ^vifeK 'to tlie:-Blue.:Notwprk' ta^ ' ;<Rirne.ys ■ ..with , each ' dcstinatfpn- .^ 'thei.sliPt 'PpeVi -while the ..pvoductiph j i'cached doubling., the ..prize. .mOhe^S' Soys ■ftiial1y :evblv.«d'a suitable foi> j Incpi'recl .aii>swQrs ■.slice , money, 'al'. .'mit;. . What;ihc.y fiv w&p. iii'. ljairvso. , that nobody ' is certaifily i-fiat, tli'e .a!i>:wcr,,tp: thi^.i .lcives';.t1ic;' stitdl'Q ■dinpfy bailded.unT typePI .,')M-oi>'rai?V;:;.best .■■.Rutted. :'tir):..,.les.s Xh6v, n,ti:iiR,:thp/:nVst :t|uekion. ,. Bel'loV cpiiiadic tftlohtsX or ealculated-.], Sponsoi' : is piafcing;: nobody tP lipid an aud.iehoc,, ' ..^hat there was.; fprgcts itsv. oart -in, .the show- with . a spl'inHiiTS ; C)f give-.Tiopeiiiria'. (light's' ritythical ■tftiirS -be-, av, iv^—ludncs dLlciromc \K\ tMi'jm.,'! in" louted thi.-ou£;h Budsepoil of belK lust how Micces'Jttilly the (homo ot IVIcK & R) twice foi plug 'InliiiMted''.: ■ parliqjparits -' let-: thein'?. selves- so—didn't ^salve. the listeners'' ■■fe<;liiiss'any..: ;.- ..■ ': &Su Pitts. SMestipg on: the bow.-in., copped one ot the top $100 awaids b\ satistyuig a yen to knock a topper o'l a SUV s head with a bnowbal) but \ihile it iiiav ha\e had a modicum ol laughs.'Ipr the studio Siiidienee. it was ; singitlarly iinCuiihy .tP the dial-twist- ' er. backgrouiided.'by: Hie Jaeque=i Renaid oichestid. which ^\a=! l-elpsat^rf to, an uninipprtantirple pit :^he' lnjtialqf. : '}■■■■ '■ .. CpmnVercials follow ■theVsaffle .pats- em ;as the Sunday:night .sho\v, A\'ith' ■Berle. like. Phil Baker,'tossing in the occasianal '■■wljat-did-youTSet^when- you-wme-up" spiql, withuKen Rob- erts otherwise treating the. copy e£- tectjvely Rose purposes in.. addition-, to Gustoraary bpiiiiTiereials: to oocn. close, and ,at ■ halfway 'liiaJk, 'It -hMBht have been ■Well to Identify. Browii .just as: oltqii: lor' the ■.tjdncfit Kit late^ turiei-s '\yho. didn't catch opening, anriounecirient; Guest: for: ;pi'eeiri. was:. DPi-pthy EaiTiouf who; jSafSSeiJ: with ;:Biowji be- fpre giving. .'Qlif.'With .so-so v'iersl6ri. pf "MpPd fPr.:X/Pve.J" Matty'Maliieck's' band tudd ip, nicely- ph Vhusic qiies- fipHs.; and;: oth:er\Vif;e . bplatered. ■ the show-; , .'.'Stop or .'Go" should- be a fixture for the next few months AVith.Jrhnrov^nierit's'ttre' after; :6i>6wh. sets -rolljiig;.. ■' ; :v~;.Pb,jiit;..::--.:- ■: ;pyioiES; ■ jomS^^^ AacYi ■ " C. A. Snyder, manager of the N. lY, oJfiC'S lof R.ussel M. ;:Seeds ad agency t.«v TvrrrA -iTHT-nn-ni/r has resigned eflective April l to join S>AX IMIO UJNUUKM Biou as an e\ec in the laclio dcpart- Goorge Sax. assi.ftant ..announcing, n-.ent. ... .-■ «uoervisor at -the Blue, goes into the iSnyder was formerly radio du-ec- At-my Apnl 1 toi ot <J. Sluling Getchell and aKo Bill Elwell being brought m fiom assistant ad diiector of Standai'd Oil; the U 5 O to J!uceced-him _ I ot JST J — "TIIL I.ONrSO"Mi: TRAIN" (('filiiml)ia IMcsents Coiwin) With Kavmoiul Mussey, lJuli IV?S, I II1 Rotunsoii Jeff AIc\antlei Choii, Rirhaul Ulle^, llestei Soii- dei,aaiil. Ion (laiit. Ben Osipaw, I.aiTV Koljinsiiii. Laviiiia White, laiiri niinoan, William Vese^, thules Vlfud Prolluoei-ilnecliii-: Noiman Cor win Miisicf liaii KobiiiHOn . : Libicltist tpl Mill lid lainpcll \iinuuncLi llaiiv "\iaililc •SO Mins, lues, Miiih 11, 10-10 !0 . : p.m. . Suslaining' ,. W \BC-C1JS, NeH Yoik : ' IiVtipirPd direction aiid"pi'Pd<;iCtipp.' ticiupl'ed y Wiit'iT .;a':;briiUa(-it>'iTiusieai pi-chesti-fttipn..;. vihtroduced thrp'ugh rad'it).;liwi' week' the 'lipvv..-Eart,RoM^ 'sbj-i<;pk . -Isliiiai'dtomikil \- pantiita, ■:t1-i-p ,ij-6nqspn-ic''Ii'aifl',.''. uncle.r.., the i-posf ."favorabJe iauBpicPs,: The com- bined eiforls ot these ■creative artists made i'bi-':an. o\Tent.;.NyhiclV-'viiarked r.c.w milestone i;ii- radio. Hero, agaiil. ;\vas: aiipther interpretation of Lincoln. - Textiuiily,, it plVorcd iioth- ins new: Its'/appeal was directed to. the-emotipns.: But . in #a lislatiOgji!i ioi-nis'"oFa^ caiitata llie" saga ..(Sf-. the .great, btit siniplb-.pian. Earl Robin- son. W'h.p como-iseti ihe score, .,.1'* ioned. a. -powerful work . ot - great waimth and deep feeling Add to this a brilliant nroduction by .\'ov- !i,ia,n: Corwin. flawless phpral '.arid .solo work (if a beaiitiful;y directed cn.-^t. Raymond Massey's Whcohi and Robinson's.narration, plus Lynn jVIuiid\ s exacting conducting ot the. oichestij and choius and it's un- dei-tandab'e wh^ this CBS event packed suclv a stirrrng artd' einPtiipnal. Willlopi ',; '.;.;./. 'Lonesome Tiain" was the funeial coiteee tdkinii Lincoln home 'Voii- ous facets of Lincoln s life 'K\ete in- troduced .ih...Gpli>rf ill flashes "depifit- ina the riiO'erei-.t roactiPn.s. to his de_th Both bv simole nauative. ai d bv s nsin? the Nosip pieaehpii; thr^ Cell 3etb<U'_oi the soldiei thostj who mciurnod and those who cheered expressed their,, with al- ways the recurrent . theme" of .•'.•the lonesome tiaip on the lopcsome tiack" emphasi/ing the sad end of the .man nl the opople. . : - ': : - .Rpbinspii's earlier . '"Bailad for Americans ':. was buiit uo tP a tremendous crescendo liv its single Pooi'dinatcd thought.'. Ti'.at's where the new can lata: falls shori: its ef- fective Hashes, while painting vivid poitiaits of the "man don't quitf succeed in woiking uo to the stature of the'Closing cry .for frcedoni.. The .'fact remains; howcvei". 'that "'Lone. :spme .Train:,", as . presented jp tj^g thud pt the 26 week Corw ni seups for Columbia stands as a distinct -eontnhution to radio Ro "NOW IS THE TIME" ^!th June Allison, 1 Uine Kent, Ethel Owen, Mitzi Goujd) Floieuve Ilalop, Jean jJIcCo^, C'tlileen CbrdcH, Vi- vien Smolen, .lohn Svlvestei, l)i<k Keith, Stephen thase, Ann Klill- mer and orclii . ^ Narrator: I'.rnesta Barlow . . riodncei Naiiev OSfTood VVi itei I'l ist ilU Kent ■;0 "Mills , Sat , 9 JO a m. .Sustaining' .. ni \1 -NBC, New Yoik If this .iMdg.iia'm7i«'.'"ali,\r: then flie nctWpi:ks'. have'ibeen hS'issnig' a good bet in not giyi'ng tlioir ^wPnieri 'prodiieprs,. w-riterlj'. , musicians., and teelTfvieiah-s' more w-'ork 'tp do.,'; ".Kpw Is the Time" senes ot loui hall-hour piogiams sahitmy wotnen in tlie armed forces, toed -off a'u.spleiou'.sl.v! ;.Sat urday: :.(25).: Pn th e ,.1 a rgest N- V,C web:of. ,statipns^i(.).5-T-^fpr.:.'io eoriy ..^h houi—9,J0a ni Pioductioii maikcd a'.r.miiestone. in I'adio-i-^the.' 'ri.rst..-n Work shp\v:-put ;.on. .by''a.n''all-w.pnip.n,, clew '■-..FrPri-i. the-initial .liolo pf niusi:c, by'; Ann.',Ku11mer.,an.d her; ail-gii'1 orches- tra, tp: the-iClPsiiig • words o.'t a light-, attdnliaiir hpldin'ff; script '.by .Sriscilla Kpnf. ■ thS . 'Stai-i'/.a. .,dra'.iTiaiically „:en.-. ctoavpr'od. tin 'show (lie..brond.P)iecl: hpr^. i7.on.-5 pf w'pmen. ft'oni' Pvery' walk pt :li£e, : 'It succeedcii -bOcaUsG of .'somp: line actins a topHisht stoiy conippl- ling sound effecls and a musical backeround. ill-keeping _wiUi.the en-; tire^sctiip. .■:. ';...'■: ■,l^ ;^ ,■ ' ■ Story, clealt .With .a' girl, hot ; satis- npd with her part .iiv.thfi v,-ar effort, who joins the WACs behoMns m that wav she is helping hei l)p%, triend, who is a radio operator on an; Aim\ bombei Listeners are then :car;r.iedthl'p,ugh,\VAC'basic 'fraitt,in:g^^^ then ■;.ov6i\seas, .where; the. .girl..; sta-, tionpd. in the cohtrpl to\yer at an air-; field,! .fijiall y i a ids. i ri''; relay i ng a liVpij'- sage from the bombet which had. Rone down in the Enslish Channel; to rescuers. .Tane Tifl'ahy .Wagnei-, NB<2 director of. vvav activities .ft)i. women, can.take a woU-earned bow for the .series. She eooidmated the woik of Miss Kent. Nanc\ Osgood pioducei the oithcs- tra 'and the techpical; end of the pro- gram. The castwas out of the top diawer and the lines weie all lead in convincing style Slen Followup Comment Geitiude Lanience'a bow fiat o" the Revlon Sunday night Blue ni\. Uork half-hour (26) tvoifnd iiu soit of piogiam which, u uit nuei eailici in the senes misin n ue pa'd oft in highei audience li„i u iVIisb Lawrence, ably suppoited h George Baft, Eveiett 3loane, \l. . eiva Pious and others ul p(nul .taleh'ts," clicked in "Nothing Sacrecl.'-' ANNOiraCES--, THE OPENING OF A \:s.{/:■:'-r'; ] ■ ■..:';.':;■■.... .■..:X-'-;' '■':'''';^;\;.,''-. .v-''!;';.>;'';''-'.'''.:-.^!;. at ONE EAST 54th STREET PHOITE: PLAZA 3-6690 in charge of • Mr. ALEX SHERWOOD EFFECTIVE Apnl Isl. 1944, our New York oliice will usums . tha camplota sanricin9 oi.Standard Radio's eastern cliantala .Standard Ra.dio Program Library subscribersm the east, heretofore . .contacted from our Chicago o.ffice,;will now bo handled directly irpm New York by Mi. Sherwood.;The.New York office will also lako over the full slock of all Standard Radio Super Sound: Effect records, replacing our former eastern Sound Effects Tepresei;itativ# -' »: has a being "MOXEY-GO-ROl'Nn" With Tied Llall, Beiiay Veniita, Lannv and Ging-er Gray, Ed Gurd- ner, guest . Producer: Howard Cai'r^rt'av Writei .\llen Flint 30 Alius., Satuiday, 7 p.m. Svstainins W.lZ-Blue. \ew Yoik .... Latest of the quiz; entries hpyel twist witii. cash, awa'rd determined by conleslants' choice ol ppLtion of lunnins; iingle sung bv the Lanny and Ginger duo. ■ Benay 'Venu'ta qileries; the male contestants while Ered IJtall perform.'! same chore for .;the. distatVers. . Session registers as good commercial pos- sibility at a lelatively low budget On stanza caught 125). Ed Gardner ■'iTiade a ;brief aRpearaiice .in a^.short telephone: coiiversation and; a bit; of .chit-chat,;with :oh<i of • th^ c'ontestant.s- \yhieh; was: .;spme-w.'hat ■.tepid, 'and didn't rpgi.stpr ,as particulaVly apius- -ing repartee. .; iVIiss .'Venuta and Utall are both personable emcees- while the former also serves ■ as an entertaining change-of-pacer as solo Turo. Ccdl Blown continued his sipes ai ladios •Happiness, Bo\s on his AIES newscast Mondav (27) b\ w i et eniphasizingjpur laek: pf success''iiv - ;lt:aly..j V; Gommeiilatpr; drew-: ' sh:ai:.j.' paraiJel '..between. cohiinucd Russiaiv. successes and faiUiie oi the Casmo campaign, although pointin., out ilial E.Qnccr.n .as to size ot..casualtv;;u,st5 was m large measuie lesponsiblo Mis, Bernard Gimbcl stid slit d onlubute $1,000 tp Red Cip..s ; SDutrningPr. ["Wpuldi' sing; apd so liip'--,. on -his .Wcdue'sday -('22i .b.rnau';: cast.;;;let..;go. with'.''IViairzy.; Doa';ts.:";, tip , foiirid 1 the ; going: ' prpify , tbugli,. Einally .called': pn. the ' .^audioiiee ' -toi pitch in on the cholus Ili!;hlight -of - ttWe - the Pe )i'f.i'- Television Review "INTERESTING PEOPLE" With Guy Kibbec, Anne Bracken, Madelyn. Balaban, Marie Haward> Dick Bradley; ■Producer»writer: Erwin; Shavn* Wednesday 9:4.5-10 p.m., BE.V PULITZER NECKWEAR \\ jXWV-DuMont, New Yoik (Teleuii'ion Worfcsliop) . - :. This sight and 'sound layorit pro ;What's; always bepn a shp-w biz. ad- age—a good peitoimer is good via any medium. The tned trouper in this case was Guy Kibbee, who after a' .short :session answeriiig 'spme obvi-; pus. qltestioh.Si delivered- a sock, /fnoriolog tailored from- hig.lrputine' presented in 32.5 performances before some 800.000 seiVicemen. Remainder of .the stapza featiireil .aribther.sol;ne- ;:wh§t,'. younger .i'-npnolpgisl, Anne BraekeiV, teenstPr; wlip;: apjjpare.d the .Broadway presentation of ''Lady in the Dark." and iWadtlyn Balaban, sorigster-daugh.ter Pf. -A; J. Balaban. managing diroctpr of the Roxy, N. Y. The youngster's makeup was bad. while the Balaban gal suffered from being shot at the wiong angle. - From production- viewpoint;; this pr'pseritatiph; had;, rnost -the faults of its piedecessois. T!ie action was al- lowed,'-1$. drift put tp the lateral figures Which results in elongation ot ■the; image;;;-tlie /.lightirigV wa.s '• .b'att. .rieGes.sitatii)g.>;wide-oppti . iengSs. and cuttinjg.. dpwri ■ the depth of , fbdus. Produeers will .bB.;'to point out that, alrhost-.:all-'televs.lipws; are,: iriv .ad.eqwat<Sly rehearsed, ': ;The ratip pf. rehearsal .time on this ;show . was.: :abpuf thrfee tp one .•wihire .th.e. barest .'minimuni is: supposedlyyeiglU-.tO one;-' vyith the iTia.lpr. nets ;w'orkiiig, on.-'a 16. ijr 20ii bajsis;^ This stilt :4ibosiri't{.ex- .i2use;;.'ti;elati6a;-.of ..simple: basic lirin-: CipleS;.-.- ;'■ / ,:;, :.v -v"',:' , '. ;:: Commercial copy possibdities of the medium still haven't been suf- iDfoadcast Sunday (2'6;)' waK-itllp: ci-mti-^"- neling into the Fed penitential v at (Continued on page ,JC) ficiently exploited In this case, the sponsoi's product, nockweai, vas only pointed up by hhoit bluibs m h'ont. pf a-: rack' of ties a'tict'closeiijis - of one 01 two of the tips The pn--- sibility ot showing a man knottms a tio and ifs subsequent appeal,nice undci actual use was completely oVei looked Tjii'o M^flVE SALT LAKE MARKET S. S. FOX, President W. E. WAGSTAFF, Com. Mgn JOHN BUIR & CO. . National. Representativ* Sisters :aii(f Sail.l)r':..?9rrijileltd l'rl(l«j C\MFi. ruofjnt-u to ii.m.. i;«T