Variety (March 1944)

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S6 RADIO Wediirsday, March 29, 1911 I. Keith Taylor Prexy of Radio Education Assn. Ghieaso. March 28. Di I Keilh Taylor wd^ elected by jfadio • 'weelt';^ fhp tabulatioiV.Qf ■Hie 'TOait- vote -in the annual .elt^cti.o'h, ; ^ecsiicceeds lVjaj,qr Harold W. Keidr;Ji<iv.' on leave from hl^ oo-.t dnoLttu ot the radio council of tlie Chic.iKO Public Schools and presidehi'of -th^ foi*.' the pait two ye<^l^ Tayloi co- ordinator -ot/'vadijo' 'activities.' at : the Ohio . Statft'iTuiyeisity. \^:'V:' •' "iNey.' ' slate 6£ "oft'ifei-s besides- Taylor includes' first .vice-president,, Luke/Rbbet^s/ stolons'KOIN-IsAt.E, Pc)rtlah:dt:,; C)i-e,;:,;,sepo:nd .,y.-i>..,. Robert B. Hudson, Diiector Rocky Moun- tain Radio Council, secretary. Eliza- beth Goudy. Visual Aids lor War Training Bivusionj U,^. S. Odice of EdLicatipn: trsasiirel;' George' Jen- !riihgs'. ..acting;,, difB,ctor Radio;; Coun- ■cirvand.; FM- stsitlQiv;;;WBH:^ ; Chieagt). Publip'Schopte,;:;';:,'N', ,, ,v v^' .^i'tlHslslflatioii:; 'of officers' wilV, take place m Hay at the Institute for Education -by- Radiotmeetuig- in ..Go- liiinbus."' . ". ■■;..■■/■'' ' v MUTUAL GRABS N. Y. THEATRE FOR STUDIO Mutual, which ha» been laced wuh • sejiou<( shoitage of studio space, l^st week acquiied its flist Broadway legit house, tin Forrest on 49lh street, N. Y., through a deal with the Shubeits. w'^o opeiate the playhouse. Initial MBS sbo\>. to emanate fiom the hous.e will be "Green .Valley" Sunda.v iii . The net\\ork has been foiced to utilise the New Amsterdam Boof on 42d street as well a4 the Baibizon Plaza hotel. Former wiU be dropped but the net will continue to operate from the hotel theatie Pieviously MGS souqht to lease the 48th Stieet liom Mike Todd but the deal fell through. Small Stations Net $14,536,000 Washington. March 28. ; ffati'oiv's' sniall; lit'.oadcast. ;stafioiis are making, money;., according to a survey, . just comiileted by, the TCC on -stations of 1, tO; I Ji- k.w. There I cOmbat were /I'fiO of ,th:^« ,pperating last year,, soiWs, with ,reduced Jiower^ a^^^ an^ 11 ware non-commereial. Returns from ths 125 which tiled flnanclal reports , with the ^ commis- sion show 1948 "net time sales" of $i4;336,00d,. Same stations fe!t)orted onlv $11 897,000 m 1!)42, an increase of 22^?-.., Only If .of the^^^ makirtg; statements: showed reduced, time, »9l»s AH of the others are up. Forty-four reported sales Increases ti£ be'ween <!2t 000 and $128 631 for the veal Of the^e stations, 93 have iietwoik aftilidtions Omaha Schools, KOWH, In Juve Education Drive Vs. lost Generation' Omaha March 28, KOWII, the World-Herald station, has made tune available to the pub- lic school'* heie in a drive for better citizenship': , The -i'le.w pvogt&m is called ;.:"We; kMarch;'. With j Faiths" .Citizenship aridl character' develop- ment are t,he: basic aihiS ; of the schools^ prbgranr and. KOWIJ, :p,lans' full; Gpoperation :\vith; the. ■Grgah.iz.a- tions. .■ ■., , vldea is ' to; dp ,evei' ■ pbssibiie to preveht anailier, '-lo^t'.geiTerationl" Daly Bares RCA Direct War Beam RCA, since Febuiary. has liad S' diredt- betiiti;; fof;lj<e '■Tinite'eiVSlktes' frpin "the'' vlVtediterraiican';/^ flgltiin^ area, result ing.;in better radio trans- mission' and • :better, ;c;p\'ei:,age, of that front, John Charles Daly, CBS news- caster who returned from 14 months overseas, reported on his rctui n to thi? country late last week Addi- tional frequencies are now being set up by RCA in that area, and the I cui rent nighttime direct tran.'mission will be increased to 24-houi.' serv- ice-,shortly. . Result, Daly sfnted. will ,mean in- creased participation on all radio pi-pgi'ajns daiy'. and; iiigHt .,lii,,tha U. S., of : men who have, just completed dtity ■. direct... from-: ...their.; bivouacks. This has already been put into effect by CBS o-.i several eyehing ,stanzas;: including, a , guest- shot by Sgt, Charles , Kelii',, the one-^. man Army of Italy, on "Report 'to the Xation" over CBS March 14. :,GVs: in .Naples saw 20th-Eox's, "Spng of. Berpadette" early in Mai^h, Daly said; -and- the film was, .thor- oughly enjoyed. The newoi films aie getting through with regulaiitv and 16 riim prints of most of . the-bette.r ones are being shown tp; .soldiers on; both th^ Ahzio ^beachhead front;'and in, the Ca,s.jino aroa. , ';;,■,' ■; ,: American Expeditionary Force, ha^ a radio station in Naples that is on the air .21 hours every day, rebroad- easting topflight American eommer'i cial shows wh ich have . been recorded earlier, and beaming test tiews, and U., . S;; musical records'■ 'ta . tlije- ■men, says Daly. ; ,-• Gannett Pa]ier in Deal For WABY, Albany, Despite Anti-Radio Tint Albany, March 28. Gannett's Knickerbocker News is feported in radio circles here to be the; likely purchaser of WABY,; Mutuar affiliate, which must be dis- associated from WOKO, both man- agcd by Harold E, Smith, on or be- foie May 1, under an FCC ordet, Knickerbocker News has a financial intciest in both stations, said to be 25. When the Knickeibocker News as- sumes contiol of WABY, the studios piesumably \mU move eUewhere. They are now located in Radio Gen- tei. the home of WOKO, a Co- lumbia outlet. It i-s assumed that the bioadcasts of the Albany Eastern league baseball games (sponsored' by Myers Depaitment Store) will go with WABY. WOKO could not cleai 'time f6ri;theiH;;■■,.; •■;';■.'.. ;■' ,C u ,!: i 0 u s ;l y,, the,; Knickerbpcker Ne'Ws, despite i,ts flnaneial:tle,Up -with the local station-,, ha.s been anti-radio in editorial comment. The paper -gives hitle publieity to-eitheii-station Tele s Sponsored Post-War Designs Full 13>week sponsored seiios of tele, airers vV'tll, be presented oyer #2XWy-DtilVIpnt, f^evj Ypi-k,: by/the,: Dur'es: plastics :Co.; starting April '30.' Session, tabbed 'The Woild Tomor- row." produced bv the Television, v,tll be headed by Jessica Dragonette and will present out- standing designers and their impies- sions ot the post-war world. People like Norman Bel Geddes will pie^ent their designs foi post- war homes cai") planes, etc, .sonie- wiiat in the vein of the- lamed ' !'Futin-ama" presented bv Bel Gcddef for-fhe General Motors exhibit ,at the ' New York World's Fair in 1939-JO. WLW-WSAFs Extensive Coverage on Invasion Cincinnati. March 28. WLW and WSAI news stafis are geared for extensive coverage of the ' impending European invasion. : , „ ■ V\^hen,:the ,big push', starts,/Wfilliahi Dowdel], editorMnrchiet.- will, call in; his stafl'of 20 writers and newscast- ers, who will be serviced by AP, INS, UP and Renter's, plus NBC, and by special cables, and if wai ranted and possible, by- direct broadcasts,„from- the three WLW-WSAl war corre- gpondonts in the European theatre, along with BBC coverage. Kansas Cllv.-^James W. Coy .-for- mer ; tirograni ' director fpi",,-KGJjlO, has' rctiifned "ta lliaf; sta't'io'n- iii; th'e' same job. He left KGMO four yciirs;' XS'o'iu"beeoiiie'iie\X's^cditfff-ai"Wt^ n:. 'Y- .' ■ ■■■:■'■'■-.;;'■ Foilow-Up Comment Continued from page 34 ; Tom Hutchinson Leaves R & R Television Dept. V;T6ni Hutchinsoh, wlio:; headed iip- ex' and research teleyisipn', depaitment at RulhiaufT & Ryan, has se\eied connections with the agency. ■ ,■ Future plans, not ,"defitiitely ',-de'- cided but it's expected Hutchinson vvin continue ill video- field. ; CARL HAVELIN, BMI, TAKES MUTUAL POST , Carl Hayeliii has re'sighed;. as yed- pee of Broadcast .Music, Ire, :o be- come di;r,eclpi*' of -.'station; ,rela't,ip"ns' for Mutual. He ,ucceeds Richard F. Connor, ■ who;^.resigned .last: month. Havelm, - also -a :sCript ;write:r, - is cor .author, ,of ,; the, ' Stinciay ','afterBpon -spon.sored; MBS series, ;"Ab9 .Lin- coln's >Slory." -; Havelin .\vas identified: w,ith BMI as director of slatiPn relatipns for' the two years. Piioi to that he was commercial manager ot KFI and KECA, Los Angeles. Cfiarles Godwin has been desig- nated by: Mutual as assistant direc- tor of .station-relations; Leavenworth., for a capsule report to the nation what prison in- mates weie doing to Itirthei the v\ar effort:' Wardeii Walter A. Hunter paihted- ,up the splendid, work of the men .behind:;jirisoh vi'alls..and intro- duced a group of convicts, referred to by number only Twelve : vets evenlv divided - be- tween the Array and Navy and all Dualided home fiOm battle areas highlighted WOR'.<i (N. Y.) "War Heroes'; Day" (24) staged; in support of the Red Cio~.s wai fund Stunt was one of the most ambitious yet staged by anv N. Y. outlet in con- nection with the Red Cross appeal. "Double or Nothing," aired over Mutual Friday (24) from the war prhsonor exchange .ship Gripsholm. docked in Jer.sey; City, ;fea"tu,fed„meni- bers otthe ship's crew:as contestants. Questions weie ot a nautical nature ,and. with one exception,- Were , an-, swered with almost cbrisummafe ease. D'ARTEGA AND HIS ALL GIRL ORCHESTRA '^1 V I i: Tlll< VTKK K\sl<)\, I'l NNS-i l,\ \MA ,.' mill VI \ I K rill' \ I KV II \ltltlSlt(, ]■ \. Personal.Management : ERNEST LIEBMAN ;1440; Broadway, - New; York DIrvvMiMi: WllUam: ftlorcis Alcry.' PAGING mm himm m We've been trying to con- tact you all over town. Please call Edgar Sandford at N B.C. The number is CJ-7^8300, Extension 8061. . - , - • : M«|| .voiir 'iHfn-tii CARL OPPENHEIMER C.P,A. ni>fl hitvH lilH'.onit'fl i|irci>iire.' .>uiir.^fl tnx ri'tiirii ' DUE APRIL 15 Phona GR. 0881—HO. 5111 ' HuUe 'iiA (.iinriiiily UiilMliiic <i:(:il lliiMvtvooil.nivil. ONE T^UCH OF €ENIUS bfeatlies tli«i-e a itian who never to himself has said-^ "Who can take this story — play, cahl, idea, etc,, get to the heart of it, buihl it, develop it " Well you,cuJt stop talking to yourself. Gel in tout-li with this anTaKingly versatile gal with experience, Iraiii- ing anil aUilfly that eo^crs slio^wnanship from Al])ha right on down. I not only lia^e an eye for il. an ear tor it, hut it's also Mliere my heart heloii»4. Let's gel together for a personal iiiterwew. VfRU Ji BOX 7;J77, "VARIETY," 154 V(. 46TH ST. NEW YORK 19, N. V. WPAT presents BOB BRIGHT The Jingle King in a new featurm BOB BRIGHT'S BANDSTAND A fast moving hourj half of music ,to thrill and dancf to .. a »• 4:30 r.M. Man. ^egirwuttg April 3td) ONi MORt REASON YOUR ClIENTS WPAT . :;«fl OrawlHf Sw'fm kt pclitm Are*. FOR RADIO STATION WPAT { /ATERSON, . NEW JERSEV * MMMOUNT BLDG. MEW VORK AFTER TWO YEARS SERVIMG UNCLE SAM LIEUT.-COLONEL BILL EMCEE NEWS SPORTS NARRATOR NEWSREEL REPORTER SPEAKER WRITER TELEVISION PIONEER NOW AVAILABLE t.XCLUSlVE MANAGEMENT NATIONAL CONCERT AND ARTISTS CORPORATION 711 FIFTH AVE., N. Y. 22, N.Y PLAZA 3-0820