Variety (Apr 1944)

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u FILM REVIEWS ■^\|>rll 3, IJneertain Glory , SVaj-iii'v ISros. relVass o{ Riilieft Uucferier ,pi'iiiVin-ttoii... .Wars ' Kitol Flyiiit • ana, Paul liUHils; t'cutui'i's Jeiin Sullivan' aHd Luclie- WAvnin/ l>lref>ti'a by Kiioul.Walali. Screen;: pluv. r,a?./.li! Vniinui; ahiJ M,ox,Bfanil,,,(i'om: liliii'y liy .Jo" ''i^iy, iiiul taSiita VaclJii ^Tit, Kin M'k^K^^x;. etiIloi". Gofivge ,Ain: j\.t!i-'!uli ■ Ufiu'ificli;^ ■.muHic divectol' M*;: Uiiiiii-inK' tim,e, W% M-lJiS.;- .■. ■ ■ .,, .1i"in I'ic-iiril i . i •.KiTO.l Flynn Jliiri-Pl liwliol.i viPaul- lUlfaH; ilfti-iimrii'• ,'.',v.V.i;..vJi?aii SuIUvnji T uulsP' ;V.. ■..'. 1.....• .Faye, Emerson inimain 'MoMl* .OuarB.'. .■.. JsmjJS Fla-vln piilii'O oriinimis.^l6herv/..:f.D6«Kla.^ Pnrntiriiie. ■fetli'^ii f.c.clere. .IJennis Hoey ■Hpiiii Uuval.. ...■... ... . ...SKolllon IiPona™ Mtop," i-inil(?,t.i'.:y..i. \j')ik.(/ft.;l^;Fi*'st'.V >■• ■> liaifAiiu. i l^ainui.... fiaBfilcui"....'. ..i,> . ' •■• ■ ■viivac'.-.'.;. ■^Vai'ilfM) .-.-..V'■• . V* 'V : ■JnTfI<o,( f?eV-.'.,..: .V-., .v.; ■ j^mVer^s W'Mt!. ..^i. ■Refitdii'knt'KsPlwr'. V • Km^-<' iiUinner .,.'. ■■■rierrf.' JUinet.'.. ^ .. ■I1njvfi:..,v,.,i,. CjBVmiirt OfflP.''V.....' ; VeiO'Dian-'- • .i:.---, Oaette Myrtil ':vl?ra'ii«'ia' J'iftrlCit ,V. . rWaltia Pliii:!!; ■. Victor KiUan ■;. Vl'van' 'I'ritvsUlJlt. ;,, . Van vVntivrtp, ;ti'mlth ■i'.'.Ciiv'l ■UavlwUKli, . .^. .Xtilf.v ■fi'Tvoss- Pfdi'u 'le ,i;'Hi»li,ilia '. .:,Koii!)y .S\''allwi'£ .Ursklnc Snnti'ii'il '. ; .FMis "'fl . ;■. .JiyeT i'^-iiHliiJ-ii ; FranGC under .the: Nazis,: is again, ■beings pOrtrkyed;,.this timeftn;.Wr-v ners; '••tjncertain Glpry/':, a', ■psyeho' -logicalv ' melodramatic, study ^ that is lengthy and frequently tedious. How- ever, with Errol Flynn and Paul Lu- kas for the marquee it will do UK- . "Glory" IS more a yarn ol two ; people' .than any group of people, xt; ^-te^^Bcattei^ed „Jn. Its;. deYeioBme?!* botlV. narfatiyeiahd:,'characteK; ,it, is slow-paced and possessive of little action Lack of action, perhaps, might be excusable in melodrama—-provid- ing ■ that • there: .-is the,,, .Ommsciein ' thought of ifnpehding , action.;; war^' jiers brought home.that thought very ■ forceably -in its ,recent ;.''Destmati^ Tokvo"" Story is involved, dealing with a surete inspector and the ob- ject of his,iongtime; .chase, (Flynn.), , The film's opening ,flnds-Flynn; Jje- " ing led to:the guillotine, for, murder. A Bi itish flymg squadron bonibs the puson, upsetting,the execution and leading to Plynn's escape. Then fol- lo\\s once again the chase by Lukas, the capture and the subsequent plan by Flvnn, at first for escape reasons, to give himself up as a saboteur so that 100 French hostages could go Iree The itlea is that thus he would be doing the only redeeming thing in hi.s life. ;'';:' ■ ' ™ ' Lukab' performance is as com- ,■ m'ehdable as,',the story , pernios ,whue,. Flynn is the victim of an unlikely, poorly developed characterization. Jean Sullivan, newcomer, is an in- teresting face as the romance oppo- site Flynn, though she still needs schooling in the straight dramatics. Lucile Watson has little to do as the town matriarch. Film seems to be diflEicult to-cut, though that's what it needs badly. "Say That We're Sweethearts Again," which is delivered in her inimitable style. Other production numbers, including the finale, fail to measure up to standard, and arc not too well spotted, ,■ ■ Story is routine. Lucille Ball is stage glamour girl who makes per- sonal appearance at Maryland, ship- yard, and finds her!>elf romantically attracted to welder Powell. Latter sells her ijlay, which is in turn sold to producer Morris Anlirum. But Powell is dissatisfied with rehearsals and stops the proceedings.; Actress gets lOb in the shipyard to regain rights to the play, but—after usual romantic complications and misun- derstand mgs-^is' frozen to her job and sticlts around long enough to: put show on at, ship launching with yard talent.' ,, ■ ■ Powell ably carries the lead spot, despite ■ handicaps of the script, and sings two numbers, "In Times Like These" and "Meet the People," Miss Ball IS decorative; while Lahr gar- ners a few laughs in his infrequent ■iDpearances Ducction by Charles Rei.sner is bumpy. Wolf. Anily Hardy's Blon«l« Trouble (ONE SONG) , ■M^[ro-(3(>l'd\v/n-ik!,a:yerV,proclMclion ,ahil'»rf>- ,ieaf'e; ' ' K(iat;ures. i'SIirlfpy, , Rbi^hey,,' I^fwis Ston^^, Fay, 'vHoltieri.\.,Sara • ^Tlailt'ii,, ,Il(h'l)rM't, MarFhaii;, Bohiia '■ ■tlninvillei: Koye Ltikc', Ivee-,Willie'■,anii;,'i;y;rt'; \\1iais'V-l)irf'Ctotl ,b,j' ■Greoi'ke'- ,B.^'Soi-t-Z7----..iia«wl',-;^^^ Created' Ijy ', .Vui'anin , ,lii'iuvoi*al: ■ .^,i,iH'y', anil a'd'aptatio,n, H.a,i';ry,,T{ijKkln-,, - U'i'iliji'nii'J;U',l'\tl,{?, and, ''Agnes ChVistine John.slu'li; :■-'ctiifulV' GKtrfee W.hl,te;' '('aiiiPra. ,I^(^^fcr; ^AVhi'li^'.' l'rp~; vieweil, m Y., ,Mitvvll;' 30, ^ti. ' :.Kl'iriTni!'g time. 107 .MINS. JutJge'.-liarOy, I'.',;,;; i,'-.-, .■,','.■,.,.,;'.■:.-.,T>(3\v-is',Htotie' ■Andy Ilarfly....,.. .^.;.:..'. .MiO.key Koofiov yifs, HnhlyW.,'.'.'^ .'■..^■..■.■,Pay ;Biifil«iv Aunt, Milly..'.. .\ .. . .Saril; ,iratlen Di:.'■>r.' ,1, .SiaijtJisll;•.lli'Hiert ' .VtU'rslSa),^^ Kay 'AY'ilsp'n..;.'..,.,,.; Bo.riita' Jji'ativil*e^ Katy ■T.^ntier.Hon.:... ';■,,;.■;'.■,,■.;,. jf?arf,"l'*6rii?v X}y:'V,. .';:,■'..:'.'',',; , ;■',■,.,'. ,„, ; „,,'; Keys Liike Lee Walker..;'. .. l.oe' AVifile ',l.yn, Walkei;;.^,;,.',,;,.;'; (.>.;.'. .rW:.^-^.;^^^? I(Ir'8,:: 'Xpwnse'^(j;,. ';''.,•. . . .'.^favta: 'Xiih'tlen Miniature Reviews '•Uncertain Glory" (WB). Errol Flynn and Paul Lukas melodnama will get business. "Meet the Feople" (Musical) (M-G), Lightweight- entertain- ment will; have to depend on names for nominal biz. "Andy Hardy's Blonde Trou» ble" (M-G) . Fourteenth in the;- senes; OK entertainment. "Her Primitive Man" (U). Louise AUbritton, Robert Paige, Robert Benchley: in lively farce; strong dual supporter. , . "Lumberjack" (UA). Another Hopalong Cassidy to please Wil- liam'Boyd fans, , "Weird Woman" (U). Meller okay duajer ' irti' piiogram h,pu.s^^^^ ".Arizona Whirlwind'.' iMono). Conventional western. "Rosie the Riveter" (Rep), Lively dualer with warplant background. . ''Lady in, the Death. ;House": (PRC). Minor meller, can pass as siib-dualer. •VCowboy and the , Senorita" (Rep) Roy Rogers western gets fine support from Mary Lee. Okay dua.ler. >Ieet the People (MUSICAL) Hollywood, April 4. Mefrtt- release of E. T. HarUiug produc- «idn. Stars Lucille''Ball, Pick Powell; tea- tuies VliBinla O'Brien, Bert Lalir, RaRS Eiiftlnnd. June AllyBon, .Vaughn Monroe or' chi^ii 1 ■'Hike Jones City SHokera. Directed Viv Oii^Mios Helsner.' ,Scr*enpla,y by S. M. Her/.iK :ind Fred Saldy,; suggested .lay story l>y .^(il and Ben Barzman and fcouis,Iiantz t.imira, Robert Surtees; editor, Alexandev Trtfffcv, Tradeshown In I* A.; Anril .3,- **. nunning lime 09 MIJJS, „ -r. 11 Julie Hampton Lucille Bal AMii -Hwanee" SwansOn Dick Powell ••Woodpecker" Peg Viiginia O Brien The Commander >. Beit Lahr Ml .Smith "Rags' Ragland Annie ' ' ' ..-^'.'^"5'^''" ■ uncle'Mlx.....,:.:.v.f'..,..*-.i.ftav« ^eray "Buck"' ■ ..Paul Regjin 'Mr; Peetwlck^ ^.V.. A.V.llo'wai^^^ filVffi ..............Betty, Jaynes 3,dhn Swaiisbn...,... i........'• .John .'^r*^'™ JIoiilP Holland ',•.'??"''' ^,,,1.,,,, Miilam LaVellc y''' e ZWg'S l^alent OiirnMl DanccLs Mata and Har This series goes on like Tenny- son's brook,' Which,'is almost ;true of, "Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble." It's way overboard at 107 minutes. The 14th in the Hardy series, all of which have featured Lewis Stone, and Mieltey Rpbhey, it will probably do all, right, though it's under par,. Editor George White could have found many spots where; the; scissors could have done valuable service. ' This time Rooney goes to college, the same one from which Stone, playing his father, had graduated. It's now co-ed, however, , i and Rooney, doing a likeable but partly impish *ole, gets himself into plenty of hot water, especially with twins and another girl. His.:difficulties ultimately reach, the point. Where, he's going to leave college . but through a chance visit of his father, as he's about to push oft, things are cleared up to the satisfaction of the dean. Herbert Marshall plays the latter in a very polished and in- gratiating manner. Both Rooney and Stone perform smoothly although handicapped by the slowness of the script as well as some inconsequential scenes. Gut- standine and very cute- are the young Wilde twins (Lee and Lynl, while Bonita Granville acquits her- self creditably. Lee Wilde sings a brief portion of « song,; "You'd Be So Easy to Love," topped by a shqrl dance bit with the other Wilde girl. Cast members not in much :footage include Fay Holden, Sara Haden, Keye Luke, Jean Porter and Marta Linden, All do satisfactorily; Chon .siGfi while: rtiasqueraiJing as a savages With- siich; a' setup, further .cditiplica-,. t.iqns develop because; Paige'is ptir- sued by: ;,a ,,man'-!;i;,a'!5^ '";heiress .:i6 whom he's indelitfed fcir :$I0,O,0O; farc- ical, ppssibilities',Are, aided b.-y , crisp' diaiog,,''y'' ■■„', , i'-V^.,', Louise Alibri'.ton,, who made thi.s before her overseas trclc, is superb as anthropology society prexy who tosts the primitive man's reactions. Rob- fert Paige' ma!c?s ,aA''Mrflif p he shifts from sa'vage,; garb to,, that, of author to maintain'the deception: Robert Benchley has''a ■typica;! role,, though . secondary, ,as,',are ' Hortoii ; aiid- Helen Bt-oderick, as;a:stufty socialite, .Oscar O'Shea,' though hot feaiured, steals many Scenes as the father -who \yants his daughter: (;Miss AUbritton) happily married, and not to a stuffed shirfc ,'Walteir. Catlett: Vand Ernest Truex have virtual bits, Stephanie Bachelor is brilliant as the "other woman,", the rich yoilhg'gal pursuing. Paige. Support is topped by Sylvia Field, Ian Wolfo and Nydia West- man. ", ' ,.,' Scripting by Michael Fessier and Ernest Pagano (credited also as pro- ducers) makes this jell Camerawork of Charles Van Enger is bright. Wear. . When "Meet the People' was staged as a mu^cal revue m Holly- wood, mainly with new talent, pacK about five years, Metro bought the film rights. Resemblance between the two ends with the title. Story is both innocuous and unimportant, diagging m many spots, and only serves to mount number of produc- tion numbers and specialties. Laugh moments are spaced too far apart, and picture will do only fair biz in the regular runs without much chance: of holdovers in the keys,; There's a flock of talent on dis- play.. Some is spotlighted to fine advantage, while other personali- ties are lost in the shuffle. Spike Jones and his City Slickers, novelty and clowning, musical; group, catch attention with production number built around song, "Schicklegruber," by Sammy Fain and E. Y. Harburg, which IS one of' the .best caricatures of Hitler and Mussolini filmed: to date. Oriental dance team of Mata and Han cleverly and' showmanly stop the show. '. '■/' ■ '-' ' ' Vaughn Monroe and his orchestra oijen with a fast; musical routine, with Zig^gie Talent clicking with gesticulating presentation of . the/ : vocal, to get picture off to good start. Monroe and band, are on later for Monroe to: sing "In Times Like These" and to assist with song, "I liike to Recognize the Tune," which June Allyson delivers in solid style : with' Monroe, Talent, Virginia O'Brien and harmony girls aiding, ;: Bert, Lahr's particular brand of comed.y is restricted, with , comedian getting one specialty, a dropped-in. number for him to deliver "Heave Ho" with male chorus. Hags Ragland also gets one rather unfunny black- out, , but Virginia O'Brien breaks through with a nifty comedy tune, Her Primitive Man Universal rfelease, ot Michael; Fessler- Ernest,,Pagano , pi'oduclI6n. Stars LouLsfe AUbritton, .Robert' Paige; i:eatures Robert Benchley, JB; Horton. Helen :i'ii'oderiok, Walter Catlett, Binest Tnip.v Diieited b Chiilcs Lament, .Siieonpl.iy by Mulnel * essler, Pagano from''story, by; Dick Irving Hyla nd; camera, Charles' Van BnKcr; editor,:Hay .Snyder., At, State, 'X. Y.. week -\I.uth 30, '44 Running lime, 80 MIA-?. Sheila, ■n'inlhrop..... .v.Ixiuise 'Ailbrltton Pete' Matthews.., „,,.',,,,,.;.' Rdijert Pii if?e: ^^artl^ Osborne!; ..,.... .Robert Bf-nchlpy' Orrin Tracy..,..,.,. .Jfldwiiril Rvwnt Horttm Mis, Wmthiop Hden UmiluiUt Maroia, Stafford hierih.inio H.u hflur Uncle Hubert Binest liupx Hotel Clerk , ,w,iUei ^^ltlett Gerald Van Hoin r.(iuts ,Te,in He^dt Aunt Penelope .....Vsdia ^^psl^nan Jon.ithan . OK-at O '^he.i Aunt,Martha,;.,-;„..Sv,iv'ia Field Caleb , f,,n WoUe Mr, Smith Imng Bacon Co'Starrinj combo of Lauise AU- britton and Robert Paige again clicks nicely in this second feature in which they're starred. Making no pretense of being more than a whacky farce- comedy, "Her Primitive Man" is a solid dualer. Fable Is a screwball one about book-publisher Robert Benchley who loses plenty when anthropolgy so- ciety prexy, Louise AUbritton, brands his work on head-hunters a frauds Robert Paige, who's been authoring this book from a Havana casino, aided and abetted by Edward Everett Horton,; bartender, who frames the yarn from his old jungle experieneeis, is stranded financially and decides to get revenge on very social Miss AU- britton. Frames her to go on an ex- pedition after a savage and manages to disguise himself as a head-hunter. Per usual in such a screwy yarn, he's brought back to N. Y. by Miss AU- britton so she can study his reactions to civilization, and incorporate them in a, novel. AX the same time, Paige cuts him- self in for $10,000 by promising an expose of her socialite, uppish man- mysterious imagination and super- stition. It's a standard dual supporter and okay for the secondary and nabe houses. . Picture hits slow pace in early reels to: establish characters and foundation for the series of mysteri- ous events, after which it gains mo- mentum and fairly fast clip through directorial effoits of Reginald Le Borg, Reared by natives of a South Sea' island, Anne Gwynne marries pro- fessor Lon Chaney who brings her to the college town, along with charms and rituak to di.spell evil spirits, Evelyn Ankers jealously starts .whis- pering campaign against Chaney. and his bride, resulting in a suicide and murder, in addition to intense men- tal confusion of the couple, betoie t)rof figures solution throughs trap- ping ot Miss Ankers to admit her machinations, ', .,Cha'hey; Miss,, ,CJwyhne. arid, JVli'.'3,s, Ankers combine adequately for the three leads. Support is okay. Walt. Lumberjaek tJiilted Artists release of Harrv, A. Sbor- man production. Stars William Bovdj,fea- tures.Ahdy Clyde, jiminy Uogers, Herbert RiuvlmRon and Ellen Hall. Directed by Le.sley Selander, Screenplay;.Norman Hous- ton, from characters created by'.,Clarncee K. Mulford: camera, Russell^Hai-lan,,Reviewed m, iirolcctlon room, N. T., March 31,' '44. Running, time, «5 JIISJS. Hopalong Gasaldy..,. .William Boyd CaUfornia Oorlson,.,.;..,.,... Andy Ulyde .Ilnimy Rogen, Jimmy Bogcis Ruck .....i Heibeit RnwUnaon ■lulie Kiien Hall Abbev Kthel Wale.i Keeper,. .i,.....4..,..,,Douglas Dumbrllle Fenwitk , Fiancis McDonald •'01 dan John Whitney 'rngg,iit , Hal T,ill.itcrro ,Slade,.-,,..., , . .Henry -Wills B IK Joe:..,.....;.,......,.,, Oha ties Morton Miis. 'WUIlams,.,:,..,......k.F'raneef! Morris f'henff Jack Rockwell Justice , Bob Bums Like . its 52 predecessors in the Hopalong Cassidy series, this film is geared for profitable business'in the subsequents on the lower rung of dual bills. Action-filled with some; fancy horse-riding by: WiUiam Boyd, as Hoppy,: and his cohorts, and with some fairlv realistic knock-down- draK-out fisticuffs, picture was filmed in the woodlands of the High Sierras and has caught the beauty of that •locale,,' .■;;■', . ':. Yarn finds Ellen HaU, whose hus- band has been killed by an unknown assailant, inclined; to make a deal with two conniving land agents for her virgin4imber property, despite the, advice: of Boyd not to, sign the papers,: Because of the loafing by the 'lurtiber.iacks who are in cahoots with 'the,,,busii4essmen,' Mis's Hall ,,is,' un-; able to meet delivery date on the lumberj but, fortunately, Boyd con- ' vinces: the homesteaders, ' ■W'hd ■ fw-, merly worked the land but,Iiad been' evicted,; to :eome' back to' work. He also" succeeds in tracking dovyn the killer. Interspersed is the comedic char- acter acted by Andy Clyde, who, as usual, does neatly, Sten. Weird Woman , Hollywood, March 31. ' Unlvefsal releaije; of Oliver Drake produr- ,tion, ",Stars ..Lon: Chaney;: Anno ■ CSwvune, Bvelyn Ankers, Directed by 'Reginald ,1^0 BarK, ,Screenplay bV' Brenda weiKberR: adapted. by-' ,W,' Scott' Dfti'ling.. ba.wd' on ,Inner Sanctum Mystery by' Fritz Eelbe)-,' Jr.; camera.-, i^flrgil' Milleri; edjtnr, Mlltbn tTarruthi ■ Previewed, March'30, 1944: Run- ning time. «8 MINS. ', Norman Reed. , i. .Lon Chanev Paula Reed.,........Anne Gwynne Ilona Carr... Hvelvn Ankers Prof., Mill.'ird .Sawtelle... . ,V, ,R.tlph Morgan Grace GunnMn Bllaaltcth Rtednn Maigaiet j..., ^.,.Lois Collier .Kvelyn Sawtelle...........Elilzabeth Russell Pi-of Septimus Carr.., Harry Haydeh Da\ Id Jenning* ,,...Phil Brown Student Kay HardlnR This is second of Inner Sanctum mysteries which; are based on the meptal, rather than physical—stress which results in murders and usual Ajrixona Wiiirlwiiid • ^' ,^Tu'noif,r^Hi- 'Te'leas'e' of ■ liobf-rtv .'raTiHpy',prb- du,ctionr''-;KiBi'a', '•Ki)l!i,'',ili(y"iird, Hoot' -;Hib',: .soil .and J1o;b ■•Steelfv-■'■.tiircctc.U by . li.ohfrt 'I'lln.spyi' ;','S^cr.echpi{i,\\,':Frair,('<^.<i': l^ayariau(;,h camwa,' ''T!ld:w«'r'd,,'':K,ull: ', *>,d,UOr;.. ■iliilj'is,. '.t;. Jf'Uilt'r,': At Kew' Y'ork' tifcatre,, 'N.' V-. w.pelc oi'iMsin'H ' 2S,' ^'H,:, rfua,l,' ■liiiuiilns: time, ,litj<n■;'M:iis,ll,l"rd.. ."^,..,Vi.:'.v. ...K,i'n" Mltjiniird Hiiot' ,Clib»o,«:. ,i.'.,;;.,, ,,'^;,',...... lf",iVt Hil,i.'ion l,ii)li 1' Steele'.'.,.,;, .'.,,',,.'..,, .'. .'Hgli Stri.lo -'PO'l-i'niT--rrT . i ^ .'■ .'■ ' ..,.'.. ' . .,^ ^-.'T';'T7'.'.''i"!"'"n" 'KtilllT' ■it tit tj vHaili P't 0 n Ijon ny , i)aVl«. V > Guli'e .RolUns.,'.. Sfcvo, Lynch.-,'.., .vtfi;;'. - ,l.or,kwood,i • ',rea-,Hoife('S.. 'LeCtyV'.. ■ .,..' .t'i , ..Ji'ri'ilii' 'Ui'lJ l,>iii',v 'S,t(^w;u:t, ,l(.'.-i K-illK- ivarl,:l,l;i,c'k'clt'' i't'o., .i'iutH'cin'O ;, n:'in'::'.l c .\lurf!i>^, - .1;''. Vl'Kink', Jjilis ■:-'„.*rhird,' -in'- Stagecoach- sei-ies,"'Built; around Ken Mayiiard,. Hoot Gib.'-on and Bob Steele, "Arizona Whirl- Wind'' is standard'.'tyestern' fare ;\Y'ith,' broad doses of, co'rnedy, ,: Prime'for the . diials,- ivitli:, pleiity : ..of-: name values for hoss opera cpteiie, '-':'■:'Yarn' hai'' 'pricitagp'nists . meeting band,'; of ' ;(liamo.rid-l.doters -'liileht on, d,isposi,rig of -gems :,v,ia >'ilse.',^,H are ,tl,Twar-t6d,, -tot-: not ;!iiitt'jl' 'Jimmy | 'Vaterifine' situafibn,, is -, inti'dduiced ,and „ b6ys ar,e,'.',f6rced''y .shocit it but :on;'several irotits.'■ ,■;,■'■ ■:. Stari-ing trio .gives good; account ':of .itself - despite „ .stpi'y tloiiciencies; Camera "and direction hold up. Wednesday, April 5, 1944 Douglas Fowley- Atwilf plays crim- inologist who rounds up the real sulprit, and Fowley furnishes heait interest opposite Miss Parker, Acting and production fairish, both being hamstrung by stilted yarn. Cowlloy nnd ilieSeuoriia (SONGS) ,Repul')llc produtition and. teicasfe,, -;Stais ' ,Rby ; £t6Kerfi:' 'features Mary -Lee and Piile,' Kvans. ,'-pirectt^d by , Joseph Katie;' acV(Jen- play, ,Gordon , i<ahh, :fi'oin story by '''' fo.-d Roppf?; nuisic; dirf^,ctor.' "VVftlti^r ■S(;haiii> camera, JlcKfrie V.atinliig: editori Toriy'^ Mar-i' ,tlneil^: : songfS,, >;,cd W;a.sbin,ffton, 'Ph'U- .Ohv - mart, dance diioctton, I.arr>, Ceballos, He- - \lowed In piojocltop loom, Maich 24, '44 Running time, 71 MIKS. Rov Rov Itogejs • Chip WiiliUins. . ,:.-, ,, ,-;--,. .'.,, . ,MfVry:,:L,P6' 'i'Hobel 'Ainrttncz',,,,:,.,.>,,'.-,".,,:D,al'&''Kv'Hiis- ,<':raiK .Allfn,; .V,,;,'.,,. i. ..lolm " ifuhbai'ii, '^eddy Wear, ;^',G^|lhp,^''I^,ig 'iifiy'! Wliliain,-! - )'U'/V ]''u//v KniBht ■lAiluUelle.-i . i.',....,,,.".v.. Dorothy - t^ltrtsiy - ■.futlKb lijoTOlS...'.-.';';,.Jjucleri rvllt'lefl-^ili;, l'':eri?uson.,r.-„-.,'..-; ;-,.'.';.';, .'.. .■<[!>1 "I'aliHfe-r'ro'- uiioi-iff..,.:.. ,.■'.,..'.;..'.,.':..■..a:ttck'' kwh: Specialty l),aiic;ors4; ,:0ap[>clla ' a-nij. -P«trVi'lii',^, ilane Bcelie ,.'ind B^n Ro,ohen^,"- -'^Hlo- ,^'nd -t'b'l'l n lie 'Vitidci';.' ,.;';. ' ''.:' :-' ■'''',:■'" ,'''-'-,'„ ' '!l'hi>iTjHe|ye.s r,Bob 'X<!»i8n a-iVd- tTte;-.Soils .of ,.tb'e-..- 'iM-oneerS,'^. ";..--'' ,,',,,-,--,'-- , .-'■,--^ -'''-' ".''-'- ■, :''-' There's enough routine cowboy ' stuff in this combo musical-western i to', satisfy ' the average, cinema: tfiiull;' seeker, but chief appeal,'rest's 'in'-the- 'musical ,and dance sequences. ;. ,'•; '■:';. Weak, story revolve?'3ro.u,fld..^^t^ ure buried in goldmine bequeathed to Mary Lee and efforts' of John Htibbard^-.tb^4al<e:i-P-0ssfis.siQn,.'. Rogers performs as usual with ■ guitar, and with pipes putting over title, tune i«-' good, form. ;: Singing honors,' however/ rest with; :p'ersori- ;abJ.e,-,Mi,ss Lee. Cor whom role a.s the ' l,B-.ycar-ald: SparkpUig ;.was:;ma<ie.- to:. order. Dale Evan«, Bob Nolan with Sons "of : the Pioneers, and. - the . dantie teamis,. iCappella; - and',:Palrioia,- JSne - Beelje, and ',Beni' Bpcholle, Tito, and : Corinne Valdez,' are: well spotted, Guinn Wilhams, Fu7?y Knight, Dor- othy Christy and Lucien Littlefield ' do okay by. xiOmedy. : . DQtin: Ro$iie tiie Riveter (SONGS) Republic releaHC-cf Arinand Scii.acfor pvb-' ductibh, :, IStarH Jane, Fi'aKce, ;ii,iui Fi-anlt., Albert'son ; feature^ Ycra,, yatiVK',- -- :l?^*:tnk ,TenK.** -and Lloyd .Crirrifian. Dircctfed by .Tpseph, Santley. , Sca;epnpia.s'. .lavk '1,'ownlev a'nd Aleeii, l',.c."lle, '.fi'ont slory b,v Doi-olby f^Urnow' Handley; inuslo; director, Morton, ,Seott; ciinierii,: ;ncfe^«, -jjaniiin^; .'editor. Ralph -Dixon.- Keviewed in projection room,-N; Y,, Mar(-<rilO, '44, RunntnK time, Rosle -WariTrt,,, i.:. .,;., ,:., .Jane- ,Frazee Charlie - Doran.,...... .-.-i.,,, .-Fi-ank-Albert son Vera Watson.,,-.;-... Vera VaKue Kelly Kennedy.. . i.. .......,.Frank Jenks (,'lem Prouty .......Lloyd Cornimn -Wayne Calhoun.-;...,.,;. .. ...,, Krunk h'cnton Grandma QuilL.: ,-,.Maude Eburne' Buzz oail ".MC.ilt.i" Swit/ei Mabel..', ......;."..., ,IjoutKe Krickson Stella Prouty. ,,,; ,Kllen Lowe :R(Tt. Mulvaiicy.,... ; .Arthur Loft Piano, Mover; ,'rom Kennedy This is a light, fairly amusing film that should find little trouble garner- ing bookings on the duals. ; Based on the Satevepost; story, "Room for Two," by Dorothy Cur- now Handley, "Rosie the> Riveter" is a modernized, lower-budgeted ver- sion of "You Can't Take It With You," with that boardinghouse aura plus a; warplant background. Jane Srazee and Frank Albertson, in the leading rolesj supported by an able cast headed by Vera Vague and Frank Jenks, give added value, to the pic. Yarn deals with four warplant workers who: are forced to live in one room because of a housing short- age, the men using the room at cer^ tain hours and the two women lodg' mg there the remainder of the time; With something always going on in the boarding house due to the ex- uberance of the landlady's large fam- ily, and the constant tiffing of the four ,'who share'; the one room. sev» eral ; aitiusing sequences are regis-, tered; : Conol,usi6n ' finds ,Miss Frazee and Albertson paired, off, and Miss Vague and Jenks a cooing duo. Miss Prazee sings two songs, un- billed and not too memorable, in neat fashion. A nroduction number wind- ing up the 75 minutes presents a:line ;of dancing■girls,„a:.-chorus, of- singers and Miss Frazee giving out with the title tune. Stcn. Lady in tlie Deaiii House ,., PRC release■«t'':jaclt .'jcWivab" production. Stars: .lean pjii-ker and" -Lionel AHvUl! ff'a- turen DouRlas l'"o\ilev M.iida -Mae Jones and: Bobert M'iddlemitss. -'■ D1i'pclftd'-'by/-Kte,V6 Sekley. Sci'cenplay, i Cltirry '0: WbJ't. 'Trom original: by Fi-edovick .C; '.Davis; caitiera,,' Gus Peter.son; editor; -Robert o; Ciandall. At NeW. York thtiitre. N.Y.. vvccu o( Miirch, 2,8, '44, dUal,''., RU.miiiVB tinie,- »« MI,NS.' , , Mary,...,,;:V/';. ^-.^ w';..,, : Jean Eiirkei; ,p-(nch...;,.;,,...,,, ..,,,-:„,,,.:, ,'LfoneV: Atwin Brad ToHlev .Suzy M,iii la Mac Jones State's .Attorney,...... .Robert Mlddtemaas Detective , Cy Kendall ■''nell , ,.,,Tohn Maxwell GceBory..,..........v.-...... ....(lenrKelrvinn Waiden Foirest T.i>lor "Lady in the Death House" is an overcharged meller that's short on credibility and dated in its dramatic motif. Can fill as dualer. Hoary theme deals with an inno- cent gal (Jean Parkef) who is saved from the hot seal through the last- minute efforts of Lionel Atwill and Navy Relief Will Benefit $300,-400,000 As Share Of Par's 'Dr. Wassell' Washington, April 4. In addition to presentation -of a check for $23,000 to the Navy League of the U S Saturday night (1) as proceeds , for ' l.tie'; showing in Coi'i. , - stitution -Hall. here of "Story of Dr. . Wassell," sponsored by the League, estimated by Cecil B. -DeMiUe,. pro- ducer of the picture, that somewhere between $30O,QO0 and $400,000 will be turned over to the Navy, This is in accordance -with arrangements made for the filming of the story under ■which a percentage of the profits will be donated for the benefit of Navy Relief, The $23,000 realized on the Satur- day preview, attended by cabinet : members. Government officials; Army-Navy and others, went to the Navy Dept.'s Red Cross 1944 War Fund Campaign, Saturday night's (1) performance in the huge Constitution HaU was the first ex- cepting for Par officials and a prir vate screening for: President Roose- velt ■with whom DeMiUe visited Thursday (30), accompanied by Dr. Corydon M. Wassell, Cost of picture, including prints, , Will run $3,100,000, DeMille's expensive production to date. Sched-.. uled for tradeshowing April 21j it ■ will probably go into the Rivoli, N. ¥., for a run early: in May at ad- vanced admissions. DeMiUe declared that this picture, like others he has made in the past for Par, wiU be sold separately. When DeMiUe gets back to the Coast, leaving here tomorrow (Wed.),, ■ he will-complete shooting a: special , prolog for "Sign of the Gross," which IS; being reissued. He; is shooting around 1,000 feet at a cost of around $150,000. Following that stmt, with a print of the: prolog expected to i be^ shipped to N. Y. May 1, DeMille wiU prepare for his next feature, "Rur rales," story of Mexico. He had started working on the picture when one night If; heard President Roose- velt's broadcast on Dr. Wassell, .im- mediately getting :a priority on the . title and filming of the story. In less than 24 hours, four other producers had Sought to register the title. Ellison's Dune-Hanger HoUywood, April 4. James EUison draws top spot in new serial, "The Desert Hawk," slated to start April 24-at Columbia. Rudy Flothow production will'b?, directed by B. Reeves Eason. Chi's First Femme F.A. Chicago, AprU 4. Virginia Seguin is the first woman film exploiteer in this area., Jay Frank, in charge of the 20th Cen- tury-Fox office here, named her t", succeed Mike Weiss, who Tvas , trans-- terred to Philadelphia. Miss Seguin formerly was Frank's secretary.