Variety (May 1944)

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Wednesday, M»y 3, 1944 Adventures of Mark Twain « iiiiifr Bioi lelenie of Jctse L I I'.Io niiiiiui'tfoiiV ' SMra IWenrW Mftwh,.. 'Alexis; Siiiiita ■feKtui-i's- Doimia Crls'i);. Alttn Hale; ^:\ubrpy ^ i^t^i^tti, \J()hn' CaiT?i'lli?«. Bill ■■IlVrtryi''Kti'*Pi't Walter liampUetii -SoVe^' B<'y>'"''l* : Wtt^c'ert liy IrVinB. Kuji- ii«r ■ ScrMiit'liiy,' Alan LoMay;. ■ oaiuilutloii, ■]><\r'tv' '^fu-oltl/'iKI, :,Shei'man!. uatlition.'U (li iliW ■ Hflrv" Clttiiiilleo (based- oil. wbrUs (■"Ml riilleil liy Mailt' T*ain';Uo., >n'cl the Mlay ^ ipv Sheraian); score. Max 'SteJn?i"! camijni, silVl j.'»Hin.' Ijaiivcivcfi Bu£l&i';: Eon'IW- lilnilci). ■ .X»(in: HJi-isr; KJaa. ^ MWe.^ . littivscVn dtalos fllfpclw,; ■ Hersphel:,- Dimsli- ■ j,,.(y;' ■ arronKcnients. MSernara, Kaui).; .iravisht ■■■(IJfpi'iaiv Itfs P- .ForbsWin;. PrevlCfWetl ,'in. ■ AjiPll !;(•'■ ■'I'f'v.■. XUnii iSV ■Sim'iiifi c'ifrtipns-.;, i)liVta I.ahifif"i,i.,r' -IJ. ■vJ'iinil,*'. )!,*, ■.tixi'o'rit C'liuiK'i'.lluu Itioi HarU'v,', ; ■■<.-li'iii-K's l-an(;(lo,n. ■ Hiinir.B'.I'i,"; ■jSi-s IjUajfcloii. ■■{'lava 'Clf»i«a**.~.i,. ■Jiff' X5watlftUa:i /•'•■-* ■' ■ ■liuln r'-,;-'-" ■Jlpa:' l-jaaffilon. ...Frt^dplc i'Iar.o,h :;, i Alexis ■■KMltH , „■,,.. '(©i^Jialil. • «isi> ......r.Alitn Hiili' :C,-. Aiibrfy. SiiijtTi, .... John- -tlim'!! tl int' u,v;Wiiiini<s' Hi'rii'y ';■.■;: .,B6bei't^:.J,iaiM'at, ■.I'W'^ltev^'Hamijtten' ■■.■.'.■joj'r^ Keynolilj^' ,';..Whif«mV Isiiiw ; /.■■.■I'M'cy -K-nin'iaf ,.■.■, .Xnria BryaHI ' Slim ■eipivien.s (15 yearsV,... .-..Dlfkk; Joivea' ■■•.Uiiio'.Cleriii'ns,■ .■•.,.,■.■.. .^Kay ■ Ji>hn,S(ni ; sfaiiv -(>li'iui'n«: il2A.Vea,i's)^; ; .■:;..: ■.,iiK-!cle::liva\v,,ii ■ Jluc'lt'. fliVn; . .-.riV.,::-,.,15UKe:n!? •Holianii: Tiirh ■fiawv.or'.-v... . ...Mlcliael, Jlillnv '■I'riiirtiitt'r.■'.■'■:■■ i';... ;'.,..T:QBenb ■Cfehait ■infiwwwtiii'... .,. rAv;<'HB; >fa,unv ■•■■Asiaratani KtlUor.■ ^-^^■■<■«..• t-vJ-.MiwT 'Vle'i' 'K'iUa.V« .. V-■ ■ t - .■.•■■.;v'. •,''*liioUllHt X't^nv'r XViiHaiiV .B<>an. ^(isvdliiV.'^., .'EiixiKias ■>VLSiij,a, : 'CJWi-Ke; '■ • .■■:.:. ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ . v vV.:^. .V.^ WlHIe .-npiit ;*iliYiM'. W. imlnii's:; .■. ,.. >... ■ISuri'. nrulh • ■.Tdliiv C(.:' \M\iulcr,.. . v. -Havry, Hil liird ■ Kalph V\"r' Kim-rson V. ■. . .Udiaflor ' 31 'JK'iirv W. J-onKWIlinv Song of the Open Itoad (SO\Gt>) ■.I,al*e(V,A.fliBl«^mI«iw- <if' ('liai-U.» It.' HiiK- (liin;lie JIcCarHly, .flijiiiia-.GnniWUe^f ^V, (.'; 1' leUlj. K«mMX\,;.;lvaye/:tavlVf>^jyi. jijiie f^ciw- cl.l.' piict'ii.i! hy. iX;'»!ylvrt» ■,s.|iiio;R.S>Svri'eiir i>la\- l)y,,Alljt'pi .^HiainlU'imeiv' lju.SpU^'aii stiii'v l).v li'vinB, PliitUps ' anii ■■l'i<1\yanl' S'eniiefi f itniot'fiv ;Iulirrv\V.\ ■Irlu.vln!'-'- ediuin:""Trnn>sm K. \^'|^»lI;^^lnll:U('',lflm>.ln!in!l^;r■r. Viil: Paiil; iitoisl'ani., lii iiroiltief:!-.- wnUinii .7. ' T'crfilcri MuBgsi.. .■VVjillWi.'VKiinv. ".Ivilii' f..'iim.m; ' l'l'f;> .wtnvefl !^.t•^Kk■.y^llial^..A■tl^^l ■l';,' 'H. •llunriihs- ■ViJi*;;;!IK-MINN,^^;/, . , ■' ,, ■ ■.'■,,^: rhaHjff 'AlJiC'iVnlij-;■;•'<■;';> ;''.CIvh(iii>' irof'Jii'iliy .laii&:;Pti\vwi.■('.■';■■.■■. . .".■'..'. .■., ,:Uihe ■I'vwf.'W' vv,, Kteiiiji;'.■. .,,,■;...;. ; ,■■.■;.. ,.\\:., c, .■ii'i;..j(is' ■Hoaiite... '■ i'V. .■.■.iiiauiii ; (li'amMllf ,iie){Ky:,'.,.,,>i .;v.v-l' ^:v,,i'i>)?ky ^(yiK*;!!! ,.T;U'K'-. '.''.i . .■■.,,>,'..■...-. '.-,..■;■•.■■■. ,./Jur>l:1e. ■ ^'lapait ■Hil! :■;.:,: . a ;.;;.;:. .;.;.;.■:;;;.Hin : ciirisiy Direcljri . (.'ui.'l ia: .,;. ■,..".iteSin;i'kl Dt'iiny Cimil'fM'.^,'. ),.;.■...,■. ,,.■.■,.. .■.■.■.■.■i!»«l'< Tiiomey- M-rs,;' I'uwi'.li; .;.,^;;..u;u,.;,;I^i)se■ Hobart' wpFiln; .' ;.■:,,,.;... ,. .Sii; \Ai'n»- .MI'Ms (^asiHM'.r,;,. ,■ : ,■.,■,.'.".. ,1 rerii" ■ Teill'ow ■J,'al .SKirlijitf: , , .'Pat .SiarlttiK' Kpsa Dfcit Haml,. .yuiki!V.'..-.'.viV..'.:'.';. i<','UUain*s,■■Mate:^:.. ■Hehvy H.JJtsigcrs. ■■ JCale ■■■Li>a/'y.. '. tiUSiO ■ (c'mUl'I.V'i '■■•^ ■■elara-icliilil). (eliilrli.,; .V.-. jMiii';'..:'.,,. :\] : tv:xiavnm-i\ ; ■■nudyal"!' KtlillliKAi . IlayLsoiT eiOfR . .■■Mcthte r.lav .■■.■,■'.;';V..;..t".iul- Ni'wtaii. , -i.,. El'tinst; ■ Wb i t HI u a . .■■,V/Kinmei'l smifli :o.;^.^.*;'^i, iPnt'O'MiiUey ...,■ ■.€lll^Ht^■ l"''('iirili,l iii ...■. .vV.'. .Goavf^t^ V'.t'^wt'y ; . v.'Dorotliy ; \'!IUM;iia,'n ■\.01iVia/'Ann ■■ Ci'a\vl'(-'r(l ■■'.'.■ >.■■;. .-.liy;mp -.Jiat;i?C'V[ '..-.■(•arti! .lo.v't\e , t'uoililiw; ■.CUa'rlo.neJ-'KaJCM'nu' ,.;...;. Joyi;;^* ■ Tuf'lkPI: . ; ;■. .(.■ha'.rta* ■'Walilrqii , v^'i^ Fay l-'iii>t'ai"ttoa^^^ One of the gieat American sagas js Ihe life ot Samuel Langhorne Clemens, and Jesse L. Laaky. who iritei'fii'eted ■■so! \V'ell the ■T;inOmatiC; ^blpgrapb^'of .a- more-' cotjtemporane- ■; ouS Aniericaii, Sgt. Alvin Yp.rk ;(t,he Gcoige Geishwin film biog is as yel unieleased) has done a capital lob with The Adventures ot Maik Tuain Its as Atrciican as apple pic and dtseues tht bo pationage it will get Despite its length, it gups all the wav So rich and full was the life of Mark Twain, born ■Sam '.Gleipens,: . that it requires . the two hours-pius to tell the lull tale It is a filn th it ■ ha& its .tiieasure.fof ■ symbfllisrh, lirik-" ing the hutftolists lifetime of 75 years to appearances of Halley s Cor.;et. The astrbnornical display ■ was'visible when. Sam .Clemens was born ill Hanfiibal, Mo.; on the banks, of the Mississippi, .and:: 75 years later,, vrhen-tbe Chancellor 01 Oxlord ex- tols the great American writer, at a time when the famed university is also paying honor to Rudyard Kip- hng with an honorary electorate ot literature, it again makes its astral appearance In^ between Clemens has adven- tured as a river boatman, lourney- man reporter, and western ■ gold- lusher, only to find sudden fame with his. saga of the jumping trossj Soon follow renown and fortune as Tom Sawyer Huck I inn and the icst of- his "funny, books", eaptiire. 'the hearts and the minds of all America, only to be dissipated m. abortive at- tempts with an. automatic printing press, extravagant publishing venr tuies and the like Against this panorama is projected a beautiful Idve story, with. Fredric. . March capital as Twain and. Alex.i.5 Smith clicking as his beloved Livvy Donald Cusp as his publishei Alan c Hale as'.his fellow-adventurer into the California gold rush. John Car- ; radi.he as; Bret Harte are proitiiri.erit, .itt'the early .and late adventures Of the midwestern writer who finds himself compelled ■ to keep writing 'those funny books'' in order to pay oil tor an ideal; And when all else fails he goes on a globe-girdhng lec» ture tour to pay off for that ideal, nan^elv publishing General Grants menious with all the profits to the soldier-President but bankruptcy,' tor 3VIark Twain s Pub Co Wainers and producei Je^se I Lasky bring. to the screen an ed uca - tional yet highly entertaining biog raphy of the immortal American In a business which has done so hand- Som,e!^ by and for-the.glorification: .of, say,: British historical events and other tprejgn personalities, vis.. Pas- teur Rothschild Zola Disraeli Queen Victoria et al, the discrimi- nating -filni :, audience will recognize IB. "Thg Adventures of, Mark ■iw.ain" spmijthing that „is more than: a little sentimentally close to their hearts The stars notably peiform then assignments with extraordinary com- ,,passtion and understanding, particur larly March in the title role Alexis Smith assumes new histrionic stat- ure as his spouse Duectoi Irving Koppei has accomplished an inttlli gent Job in the general direction; tiie ■ stage teohniciue serves^ in good stead: heic The scupting is likewise top" diauei Alan LeMay having fash- ioned an cxpLit screenplav from an orlg nal bj himself and Harold M oheiman They eir only in ovoi i geneiosily and there i^ oppoitunitv' enough for judicious editinf; to get under that 130 minutes Not the Jeast of the aftumative attiibutes is a sti'img diamatic score composed b} Max StemcSr, WUhal, a credit all Song ot the Open Road is wo\en arbuhcl, activities '.bj '.high .'.sehool. gioups in assisting in harvesting of qiopsv iiitrOdutiiig a .newpbnier. Vi4 vtai old Jane Powell 11 tjpical pooi little iicU gnl tale Name and un- known talerlt on display will provide sLifticient maiqiiee voltage to pilot .pictu're througli ; regulat-. runs- for okay'biz;'/' ■ • ; ■'l' M,ss i'lr.vei; !'.a!^ a fine voice, for .the' .rGoprding'/ channels,- .4ii3,,'.gflo.(j. bainera presence, in" her sorteeri; a 'Prbdiieer; Qha.rtes.: Rbgers. surrounds' ■her; .with ,'\ GCiml)iiiaUp.n "p.f veteran. ■perfPcmers: antl soiTie ybuthful iiew' comers that emerge, as rhajor league talent. Hoilywppd Ciwteen Kids is a' slick -group of j^o,i,inK■.ilTusi-bia'tis who cat(3li at{entMn::.iwith .■'two 'niijhbers,, \\hile Liphani Toiii composed of four young acrobats ' (ib.he ■ .Is ■'a' girl, pf around five, ^yeai'sy: executes sev^ ,eral unusua-i' stunts for ^ awdi- encc reaction Waltei Kent and Kim Gannon siipplj' ;fbur: lie'w ' sbngs.: with ""Tpb Much ,ih, toyc;' 'due ipr ,strong radio and disc" pUigging. In^ addition ;to handling thiee of the new tines to :,gOO(l advantagef .Miss.; Pbwell; .sings the classical ' Carmena—all with good display of hei high sopiano voice Gill is a film stai tiied of constant supeuision at the studio and home >vhb, walks Q.Lif' ).ri disSuise to .join, the' erbp-piekers' and ,a .fling at,.freedom. fleri, ,..enthti.siasm' generates;. antagT bbisrh ■ from 4he boys: and girls ;in the urjtit, untiishe dis.elo.scs hertr.tie iden- ti.ty; ■; I'h.qn;, Jack Moran. lieatj; * the; groupi discovers the orange crop on his biothers ranch is in leopaidy due to help shortage, and Jane re- turns to Hollywood to enlist services of Bergen Fields and the Samm> Kaye band for attraction of onlook- ers tor the orange picking chores; jane is then satisfied to return to her film work. Looks like producer Rogers has a btiong'* potential m Miss Powell but futuie material needs to be carefully selected Bergen appears twice for specialties with Chailie McCarthy, Sartimv Kaye and band handle, two numbeis and Fields does a mOnolog at the oiange grove COndos Bros' dances are dlspld^ed to good advan- tasie with routine on -the studio. set. Cast ot scholastic youngsters dis play plenty;;of .spontaneity to decid- edly lift th.e unimaginative: Jickic Moian and Bonita Granville ttain foi lomantic interest while Ptggy ONeill and Bill Christy con- trast with comedy affair: ; Rose, H6- .bartr Regis , Tbomey and Reginald: Denny are prbrhi.rient in support, • Picture ,ge,ts: good ;,prO,dUcltiOr! mounting, ■ o' ,bTi sfudip stage arid quickly moving to Hie putdbors. Marvestiiig by the youths-iij travel- ing groups will gi\P metiopobtan audiences an idea ot^tarm problems, Finale, with crowds pitching in for oiangc haivest is stiaif,ht filmusical comedv presentation. Camera work by John Boyle is uniform, while dir rectoi S Sylvan Simon provides general lightness to the picture ■■■■■;■ ■:.. ,, . Walt. ■ FILM REVIEWS 23 Miniature Reviews !'Adyeiiturcs ot Mark Tuain" <WB). Fredric 'MHrch-Aloxis Smith staired m topflight scieen biog 'Song ot the Open Roid (Songs) (UA) Modeiatelj en- tef tulning'tale',schQtetic ■ ci-op- pickors. Okay P.O. ' This Is thr I ife (Songi) (Ul Donald O^Coiippr, Su.-'aniia Fos^i, . ter and ■ Ryan starred ir. lively juvenile adventures; ;■■'. ■ "The WliMIer" (Colj Richaid Dix -in. f.rjui supporting gang- ster mellcr for dualers. ;:.■.■':.■■,•, ■;:■ "Da^s of Gloi\" (RKOi With out names; limited b.o.; for .tlie'. duals "liKona Tiail' (V) Abo\e average wcsto n rhiee Men ni White" (M G) Aiiothci Di Gillespie adventuie modestly, budgeted for the dualk . "Raiders ot Red Gap (PRC) .'Standard western faro for duals. "Allergic to Loic (Songs J ' ( V). ;,;■-Okay farce for dual 'sup- port "PardoQ Rii>thni' (Soig 1 .•"<]K);:.:y£ighl.wei|ii'f' p r:b g i-;a m ■ filmusical loi the ju\t tiauc a ij nabe houses. "lam Session' (Musical) . (Cii'. 1. M.:^: cii'pona on its bar.d ■■ names; a diialer. ' .v';'.■^ the story is reached, there is con- siderable deviation with a \\ild autb race a silly adventuic m a Hop .■fao.uS'^ 'Mo'. ' ■ P.ilin .gets its title; fraixi a; m.vsterioi'.s character, The "Wbistlel',, whose odd whistle saves D.x from death several times., Ho; acts more'.Qi* less' as;;,a'.baokgroiind''voico, with',the w'lii.stl'e iiOt'tied in vvith this ,shadowy character until the last. '■ .';- ; ' Richard ,I)i>i - does' well; erioiigh ' a§ the,,,wealthy iriereha.nt who ,;;e,mpl,o,yS: ,a gangstei"; tO, .have; hiiTis;elf ■ b.wtnped on J Caiiol Naish agiin a tough mobster, .'makes a ,re'aiistlc:,'lillier. .Alan Dineliart" is ; siihmerged iii ;'.a vir'tui;!!', bU. roie., as .thp. '.w'ealt'hy,;ga'n;g- ster, bu.t :vgreat;, . Glbrja'Stuart; is s'li- perb .'as the .loyal ::5ecr.e.tary to;, Dix, utile suppoit IS headed by Joan I WoodbL(ry' ,.and" Otto Fbi^rest; '"The. iwhistier;^::,■■'■■:■■■■■:;;,',;'^ ■,,;,;;■';',■•':;"-,.;,; ;, -WilHiani Caistle's; dire'Gtio'n' 'is- ;,a bW- I iiiie.v'eii,'tho,i,igli okay;'in-tbe;:{iiiai'su:ST' pe.n'se'iiil "■.: episodes.;,', ■; JerbiTi.b ■Thp'ifls, has dbtie ,a;Mick ,editing; jb;ij;; J S..^ Brovtii's; baineraing is satisfactbry; Weai lescent infatuation of 18-jear old ;Miss;, :F*tbr::; 'ibr;°, foi-fyislT~-;-Patrir ,ICnbwles- :i;ectli3eratihg -.irom cam- paign in 'the South Pacific,;;0'Con- ;nbr is in lOve :with the girl,,'ahd ,ais-' turbed by her sudden; growing-up: antics especiillj when she follows him to New Yoik from the small town with excuse she iS to take voice lessons KtiOwles is disturbed by her; puppy-love but finally con'^ sents to engagement with idea girl will co.ol in short order. ^ O'Connor makes trip to the big town sizes up the situation and bumps into Louise; AUbntton. former-wife of Knowles. who is still in love with him and her photographic career. From there on it s obvious conclusion that O Connor will maneuver the couple together so ■ he can .:regam the affections of Su,r sanna, , :■ - ; .',' ■■' Script ideveJops at a lively pace, tossing out a good supply .of laugh lines along the < route. ; Episode of O Connor in nightspot tiying to snag cherry from lemonade glass, is one of the best laugh routines devised in some time—and O Connor milks it to. the hilt. Miss Foster capably handles.' several songs.- including "Ciribiribm/;, ' L'Amour: Totirjours. L Amour. ' With a Song in Mv. Heart. • and Open Thv Heart. -: Peggy socks over pair ot comedy song^and«dance numbers with O'Con- nor, and .effectively handles novelty •'Gremlin Walk;' alone. Ray Eberle vocalizes one tune with his orch, ac- companrmenf; while Bobby Brooks quartet IS also on for one nmnber. ■ O Connor contmues, to demonstrate his versatility as a screen enter- tainer; m the singing, dancing and actinf lines Miss Foster does well as the'lovesick ingenue, while Peggy Ryan clicks as the young come- dienne Knowles and Miss AUbntton do well ' in . prominent supporting spots. Direction by FeUx. Feist is top- grade Walt Days of <*lory . ■;KK(.t; >'i',lwi,i',v. nf .;tS'l«*?,.V^.liab.lp.**/)!!. l»l'U'.llU>, tiwiv. ' ■,KiHi'f4 '■'i'ahia'ni,' 'roiibiaJ,iiiya'; :'tii'<^ff<ii'.y ■P'ork;:;.' IVa.tu,r.,'i,,,.; Re>i'i:i;;. Mai'Ja ;,),»a,liiK'V,; ;;Lri\vrii..c;, ■■l.>iri^(-lt^ii;,.by J'YH'qbatt ;r(au'- rifin-: ;■ Sf,f;('pnjiia.v. .;iVi>liliiH'ih; "froni ;caflK'bia.t iiy , ji;Ji;('tiiiii'-', firti'ffyBii ' ,(iiiuor,; .iD.'Ji'iib; ■xii, rici<;i:: [i','i,L'.:ii;. ,1 t!ihif';i;>;. Anlitli'r'.'tlrbr:, Jl'ui.^U' flil't'cCu)-. ■ t;., ■^!il'l^;:!,!('',i,llll^a^T,; ,c'at,n(>rii; ■ ,;TiH,i.v :(,iaui,I,i.i ':- Vi,,.vi(!ivM.r liV -N: Yf. Aiu-it -is, ■■•il l,- ;ituiiii:irig :n-na.; siLAiisiS.; ;■ ; ; "-,■,-;''';- .V4hit.-;-,',......,,;.'.; -..;. ;T!,t,i|^ai-a ,T(;iuiiiaiii-'\ a ;yia;iini,ir, ■;. ;..; ;;:„ v..iti-1'iwiry ,, i'fck ;*Btii:i;. ;;:..;;,.;.,■,;.;;.■,.;;.;.,,.. -Alaa :jifjhL ,t>ifin;;;'.,;-. .■-;,;■.,■,.,,-, .,,:;^utM>,i;;raim(f.t< ,H-eai;;-;jiv, ■.■..,;...;;, ,;,;,i.,^'wn;r;;(iiBmii'p; 'Fi'.llir.,,.:;,.,V.^;,;, ,;>.■,,; j;V.;ilii(;o,']l,aits ,,-.-...;-.-.-.,-. y--;-,; ni'-nvi:-petili Mib-ii ;'•.-,„;;..-,:,.,,.-;.;.;., ;'.'j-,'. .',,(;,lcnh- A-(-i-oo-n' ;t)iiilii'i,;itv^'^ -i;.:;:;'.'. .-. i;. ,',-,;. -^,-ti;ti,i>-,-t)(,!tai,i'ulii are prepared, Love interest, top, is, a .Uttle'silly-,; In' this- day -and age it's ' difticult to believe that a good lo >k- ipg bov will dodge a better lool ii £J gal for eight leels, hesitant e\eii over a first kiss.. In this film Barrymoie hnalh de- cides on the moraeatous question of who between 'Van Johnson and Kete Luke IS to be his assistant Botli -boys .are, giveri .cases;,to solv'e,, Luka -. cum g a child of a sugai allti.4v, Johnson easing a woman out of an 'incuiable aithritis Both men aie coiujncing as medicos Johnson less plausible as a lo\ei Barry more ot course, is his usual ;crolphety,f;'rnti'g'*,' gint, scU as the great diagnostician Waulyn Maxwell pursuing Johii»-on boldly throughout the film makes a toothsome blonde menace and A\a Gaidner is attiactive as a gnl w tl a pioblem Alma Kruger and Wil'ei Kingstord are back in familiar roles as head nurse and hospital head but ftags Ragland has replaced Nat Pendleton as the thick skulled am- bulance assistant Raiders of Ued <«a|> ; -t^l^t' -h*lease, -:Sl!¥'in'tinil N<>uCel<l, ;pi''-m1.u("*' tlya;, StfiiTii-Bub -X.,lvinB;3tbn-iihij, A\ .''l^uy/isff ■'. ,^;t..-. -J(ihn. '01 vet'ted by- riam '(S'evv'tk':bi;'; .^'Mfb: ,- ami sc,»;s?<*Jiiil>jiy;. . Jo^^' 0*I>«-)i:neri: . eftntera*.;, Itbla^n' .Cliiie,;'■^kiU'o'if; HolUrook-' ,\'.„n',)>l(i.-,: Now .■I'orlc.-th^vitre.'.V, ,T.--. -^vpeli ot,.\,tVvli; 1 i«,-.-'44;' (luaf;-;- .tt'iviialn*? .tla(e.- -.RT-^.-^,l.lNH;; '■;, lt(n-k>-. 'C'aitlero'rv,...... ;- ;;-.. ,Brtb. 'Ij^:bm.'^t--nn-'. l-'u-zxy .laiifs-i. I ;;a1 (Fua«,';--i-'i*r. .Tahn ..lane. V.; ■•■ ■■ v;.,;'.,.;;;.,.,.; ,■-..;, ;xiy;fiw i >fti- I jioiK-LiN;-.-. ;-,.'.',;■.„■..;.,;. „;;.,,....;iia- v»H'-Uiy: JltaaeEt. ;.■. ., ;-;■,■;.;', .,'.:,Charl'^s' inline H.K.«tUey.;,.;; ;;.;.;. ; ,Ke'-|'intt' Maynatii RuUh Jliiat Jtd 1 tirl 1 ills.; Hberrft'; .;..■,.. i,.;.;;;.,;■; ■■ -■;.,; -..'.(J,e6i'i2te ChOi^ebt'd-■; .Ml Tlii« In the Life (SONGS) -;; ; ,;; ;':; HbllywoOd, Apr, ,26. ■l^vh-erf^M f";!*'!*,--'? af Haraiu-H 's\--. ■ Human l)i-i';iiiK-t iuM. ,,Hlii-'i-,.s DiaaUtl 0'('aTHifii-,. Sut';i ti'iiii l''';)Kl,;-''r;,-l'i'K'iy;, Ityjilvi- 'ti'at'iires ;i.(>,> ';All-, bl-l'ttMri, Kiiv -t'lliW-lB-anil-ori'bt'stni. ;l'i,l;re('(iM:l by Ir'iiUx Ji'i'ist; fic-l'cen^lrt'.V-by Wiiaibi 'I'll'- riuiali,; b.isi-il, ;iilr, ,Wa;t,'i' , |,ila.v ;by- Ia<\vW,,a,iiiJ, l/'a.v 'vv:ri-iy:; i-a'biarii. ,,Hiii;: iMobp-; .(■'lUwV ■Ku>V.Knyi1»i'.;. assi.' illi,-eci(i,i'; fb-iivliir -Cltmlfl:','s)ii»f.Mf'il jihiaatrt-aiih.v;. ..Iniiii l';.uUaii; -i>}'eA'.'ic\veii,-in; i'^;i>t, ;\\'nsHii-,i', Ani-n a,'. ,;**i, | ,lUianiiif^ tinle,, ;)*'r»';All:.Nf''', , .I'lm'aiy ■;;.'.;..;. ■.; ;.■.,;,,- .iPoiVrild O'Ca-nimr ■A iiftrl's ;'. ', ;.; '■ .'...; .;-, Sosa-nna )''(>Klei' Sillh- ' .\k''Hii,U-'e''...-..;.,; ■'■■ • ■ ■.,. l'^;^t^-'^•; Kyair llarHel. .;■:.,■■:.i;';i;f,'iii»p', AUbrittoti 11 iMli'.v'':-;jai-vt't,';',..-.;-,;-,.'.,.;-.-..Vatij('-,K'!iiiivic><' Abnl 'B.(:'l.^y;.; ,'.;;.;,,■■>'UaViltby-.J^tMPPiion; ,1 laci til-; 1'III in;,; ,-,,'fcy.-,-i;-'i ;;';V;-J'bn'}i-lhim ■■^■lal*',- (lus;;:;..;..;. ;,;';'■;;,.».■','■•;;';■•,; -,'-B'iiri'i^''Ciuf(i»n 'K<i(lip;':-^ .;;. ;'...,.■;;.;■.'.;.■.. .,.-,l''i''a'blc' ,.l;(iiiks iiustic' t('ii(-jit'f;;.;;<.';;,■,.;,- ■'/■ ■ki-i'i-t'ii*',i'iiRii«, I (•on M lurlf** MaI'ji Mrs.' Ti'urKel* ■ ■ •' \'b'^lnl«, if,i'lssuc, ' Raw Kb'ei'l(!.'^a,r»il.ftl«^i;H^rb;(,'«l.r,*»-; . ' :■■- ■ ■.•'■ - ./Bii;bby''.-)'!ra<*M .'Ciuartel'- .;:■ ; Tile Whistler , rf)lbmbia,i'eleas(* Of Rudolph Klothow pro-, cluction, , HtfJi-H ;,Kix'h!)hl, rnk: featarf-s .7, (lai-fol ■Xa'ish;- J''Iui-ia Slaarl,;' Alan-uinca.-lft. .rnan ' Wixjdhur.v. , IJ'ircclcd , b,y .William ('!p. -StTPen'plnj,.. I'^j^jo 'i'av'ior. I'roni alta-y by J. DonalUWil.son. nuESeatAl - by f B.S l-adla prograijj, ."Tbe Wbistler"; t'riinora, Jathe.s S. B,i"bvvn;, feilltor; J<*riiaif : Th^lm^'. AtPlilto N Y wepk *PllI -C II Itan nintf tiin<*. S9,,MI,N&. ■ l**arl (-onratV. ...,.'.. ..... .Ricbai'd: Di-f Ihe Killei J ( uuil \ iish Alae W ilkti Gloiia sniut Gorman . ; . .,. . ;w^.:. .^]^^^^ DlnclaH't lieft,,v \ i^rran. i.. - ., . -. .,- D.'m (•/jmicIIii ,T0nl:L% iKran;.;.; ..,.■..■:.... .-i^Joan U-ao<(l)arv Bartender,.;.....'.';. ..;.; ;-;.... . .Cv ,K''nd'i(l, The' Tlilef. ;;; ;;■;;-,.:,.. ... ..,.:Tr(',v-i;i- ,Ilardi'H,r.: ('fiarli''H',M(-.V('a'r..;;, .. ..Ui.lif'i-i li;, 'K,''-!iiic ■Bi-iKtiH;...;.;;,-;•...;;..;..;.finrifv,' t;oiii.c'; ,Kiii ,Toini('.i--.-. ;..;...-.:..-;;.. xirnvm- i.,]<i'.i Flopllnuse 'Cli'rk';. ;,,,.,;;:.; ;flyi:(.n; li'miteiM- .Tenainfi'f''.- ;.■,■.,;,;;;;,-; .f-iv/t,c"'iii-',iti-.'in n,iiclt' W'alahmaru;,;;'.-:: .!.„',:, .,Uill,(. 1 louiaiia. ;iiaian.n ;'la:Ub.;..-:;-.' ■0a-er,ei-i:!<o;;;;;,;-'.::.'. Wi'blliliiiy,,. .;-.■;,;-...;;■;:-". pll.^l!^^||>^^ki^;v^,^.•.^ ',»-li^T'inaji Ijlt'ii-leiiarvi,-; -Vei'a,.-;,^ ;;•;:;-,;;;;.,;;;: Aiitan..::,; ;;■;. ^;'i a; .:jriM;j>;a.:.;,;;;.';;',-:., Vt-fii ;-itaf.i.d;bui;.; -i';;.-:- , ,,,r;i-m„ri'l)!.by: viiiiiiiii .Hialiee . .-Ju-ia-iifi'-S'Jt'ale; .. ;i'*i'{o,i:U ''Claire .lyali. Trie.satil't' .itiii'iii (iibikoy ;.'. . i'Mi^llf ' [■.jrlVlV .-.(li-ei 1' Duiunit .IViei- lleliiita-s 'Days of GlOij is a nthci ex pepsive, way for, RKO to, showcase ■its, he'w' .screen;'talent.^ but .it'has', its ■Cona'pensatibhs^ Namely in.' a pair, of; ■hewc,0'rtiers -W.iiom the cbinp.aTiy'^;.has starreijl' in tliis Btory.;of .RUssiaff-guer- rilla wartaie against the Nazi in- vaders But o\ eiall it & foi the duals The afoiomentionod newcomers Pie Tarn iia Toumanova and Gregory Peck Tliev head i cast of \/hoin all aie new to dims The formei is 'the ballerina star, and; she .pe.^s.esses jl dark,, arrestinig type of beauty that screens well Her thespic abilities however will requiie considerably moie schooling although she has pos'-ibilities After all this is her hist pictuie Peck shews his season- ing being tiom the Bioadwaj stage while the .rest of the cast contnbute okay cbaractermations m what is es- sentially a slow talkv drarr* with too little action Kahn Arizona Trail I'hlvei-.s:!! iM'od'lJctlon ;,'tn.d ■. reieai'e.^ : Stars le.\ itiiter. l uxz.v: Knj^'bi: fenturew. Janet t^latw. t)t>nn*s AltHirfr. -Johnav lion(lf*^\alle^v fbKi, Itiiettetl b> \eingn Ks&is bcveen- play. - W.UVIa iir;.'J-ivHjSf;:'- I'lVm^rti; '.WniMam- Sibk'ner: (idH-oi-i.^Ab-la' -TliiU!-; '.3tt -Kew York tlioatrf^, u-eek . (i-f';,A:iii'Il.- l!(i.'. 'J*. ' ItumiinK time. n7 ,;MlNS.;„,"-.: .-,•';,.-,;,•;■,,■;- .'.; Jbhivnie.,. .;i: .-;: ;.;...;,.;.;;,:,;;.;:...vTex. Hiiin' ICitri.'ia.''.. ..,..,; , , ..;.. ;. I-'ux^^y- - Knlj,'lU ' A\"ayri'e' Trplu ,;.; .'v.-; ..;.■.■.; ...i -.,. .-l).enaitj'. .M.o-Ol'e.' Martha, Jirooks.'.;.,';. ,. . ,■; .■'.Ijtnel 'jf^lialv .A(re: .Ylrie^'nf;^;. .;.;.■,'■,,";,■■..,.. ;..,7;t('k'-^ Jriiiraiii: Dan Tr^'rit'.,■.;.'..';■>. .;;,'.;■..,-,,;i^rvnbv.Ald^i'pon; Voc Walla*-*'';'. , ,',;;, ;;■;■.;;,. ;-;H(Vi,f'|i;b (iireene ,M:(l,t ;Bake.K,,. ?,.- . ,.. .(lli'im. Straime tiie'rHt. ,.,;„..„. .-V;;;,-..,;,,.;,:„,,.-;:,T)iiiv,'l\'Iilii' ,i;"uriey'i \. ,-; t.'..;,,:.,...;, .;, a t-i. K|->w-ii'r .J(>hnay.,Biiiiil - a'.i'i - Ilfa,:'l!ivt- ,.I}i,yi'.t,, Val.lpy '-■'-:■■,-' ■ , '-; ■ '''iio,v.s'- ■ - -;;,■,--", -;,, ;;;- -,; Another in, the Lone Rider series, I R.iders ot Red Gap is conventional western faie that should fit nicely on the lower lung of dual bills in the '-sub.sequeri.t-runs,' ■ ' -.-. --''■,;'; :';■:,,' With plentj of haid ridmg to sal- . isty the sagebrush ciowd yarn cOn- ceins effoitS of a cattle company to gain fiontrol of all grazing latids in Arizona m Order to break the c i-.t- ern meatpackers Assigned by state officials to aid the harassed ranch- eis Bob Livingston and Al St John , are m istaken for gunmen whom • the ■■ cattle firm, has- imported. Distrusted-, by the ranchers and discovered as imposters by the cattle outfit they aie opposed by both factiors but finally corral the gang aftei the usual complications. Bob Livingston and rest of cast do adequately, while comedy character ; portrayed by Al Fuzzy St. John is a definite asspt.. Camera and direc*. tion hold up Ailergie to lAve (SONGS) Hollywood. April 29. , I'niversni relefuje of AVarren .Wil.-^on jii^n- ' O.m'tioii. Stars Mai'.tha.;'.6''0riHcoll and'-;s'«a.h Iltei Ji L i itutes Dnvld Bru<e £^ in) lin ■ Pinf,i,oin ru/z\ Knitfht tnd iMatie llf ih-.- llotni Oiiecled b^ UI^^aJvl Llllei ^tiecn-' niav. W arren .W Jlson:' onirtnal ■ by W liaon. ■'; J Kit To\Mlle> and John L^irkin en ei i ; f„ieori?e :.,Roblnson:, edilor. ,^FhHlir ,Gahn. , Pre- „vjewerf:ln ,Hollywood. Ai>rll 28. ■M. Itua- aint. time Ot UlNS I at M inn L o 1 I I I IvtP';.,.. „■..;,,.. ,.■...,.,.:,. Noah lleer\ . .7r. ;ftoger;.-,,...;-;-;,■.,■.,,;.;;■■;•.,;,.;.-;,,;David, iJruf'o,■ Ives Pi inkliii PiTi„lj in ,rhari;ie..■. V..;;. . ,',;.-,'.. .;>,;;. .VwAny KniKlit ;' .Mux.,.. ;,;. .,.,.. ;.',\la.'ile Koaenbiborti Louie;.:;.,...; ;■,..;,,.,,'.;,;;;ll<'an' Armetta- ; ,I.>r. Kardos.Marek \\:iivdrieiiiii A((-; Bradley;,..;.„;,..;.:';^,,paur'Ht,iiorori; Mrs I idliv OIhe Rial em \ t nth Kit Crradv soiton., ,,Mr. HendtM-son.. .VVllliam Davjdwn - Di ^^t 1 lUKtilin lohn Himilun;- .loe,.............-, GeOfKe ,Cband-fer,,' s 1 I W < kei Olln ll( aim . .\li .i. BeiUTliMh..,,;.;,..., ; - ,-Lotlf -.'■Sleln, -■ .Mia,'': ,J'ealia-dy.,:.. ,li;dna lloiriiail , AVhiley....;;;,. ;, ... Uudley DickevHori.' Antoato Iriaria: and Muntt'H. Chiattu , Ouadalajara -Irio -,-,-,.■■■■■■.' This is bcltci than average west- ern tare, both in the action and pro- duction departments With plenty oE quick trigger work 'and hell-for- leather ridmg film is prime for. duals Story concerns estranged son of a wealthy landowner who return; home to his ailing father to help combat the greedy machinations of a land grabber, attempting to wrest the coveted properly Cast IS competent especially Den- f rii.s, Moore. \Vho seefns a likely prbs- peet';tp develop as, a . leading .non'- ^inciiU cowboy stai Red Rivqi Val- If > Boss sing several songs to satis-; {% the music-in westerns crowd . Adv.ehtiire.s' of rotivantlq■ybutb ,{br,iri:: basis ; for; this.: ctivortihg -/.corrteaj;.-; ■drama bmbeilishecl^with' the .mu.sjqal talents' of: Stisarifia Foster, the; all- arbarid abilities M - ybtmg. ' Donald O'Connor.':awd' the vslaphapp^v antics ot ' Peggy'■'iiyah.'.'; Various;;'eJeibti'ri.tS' blericl with silttfcloiit 'story, ebh'tent and ;iio'nsistertt vp.ace tg. prp\'idp good, general, ,enteTlainnien,t iti' all'; book-, ihg.i, w-ith,y.buthfiii;'stari,',ing trio'pro^ viding^miirquee strength, ;; ;■' "Si-bvv,. is .based, oa,;stage; pi&y. ;"Ah- gela lb 22 and doscubesi the ado "The Whistler is a new type ot gangster-killer,- ;, melpdrama; ,' -Patr terned after the GBiS radio show: of the^ same, nam.e, it -could:- have been, made into a powerful thriller. As is. this. production never makes any pretense ot being anything;but a -B supporting.;nielier;. As.,siich it„,will provide stiong support Biggest difficultv encountered bv scripters and the director on thiJ> picture was in concentrating on the main , thesis-ran attempt to kill„ a man by fear. There are too-many offshoots of this cential theme with .interest suffering as ;a''-r.e.Sititt;.',. Va;'rn. has Richaid Dix suffcnn,^ mental tortuie over the drowning of his wife and pavin.!?- $5.00G to have; him- self bumped off When he lecc \c wordvthat hi$..''y/ife is alive; .Di.x';; to^ have; th.b; .''kiUer^' order, repall'ey.' ;but'vflfids^ thai tiisgbrb'et'ween':;,'W'.ith' the professional gun nan himself ha boon killed. ; ; ' ■ ; -' ;From ■then; bri - it'.heeoi'nes.-.ari' ,,0'xcit-; bout ot wits to see whethei Dix will cyaek 'under'tbe-'sti;aJn;Q£;bbih5 ,<ihadoi(>ed' by"'this ,pro-kiIi,er' br;; be ablfi.'t-b b?'i:rig'ttib-;main; to. fertrs,' Be-; 'Utie' this, ob'vlbusly strongest part';;ot Tiiree Men in WItite - ;[')- iaT»'..-uctiim, timl 'releaHe.'. -l!'; Tjl';M!''i; ■l-iarrynuMe; , A'aa- ': .lobii-scn;'' Kf',,\-f' i.ii'ti',. ,l(nxivell and , A-va ■ Oardner, l.lii,-,wi(>-i'i-: liy -- ■\Viil|-a- i-loldiie-rt-,; ;-- 'OriKihal s('C(-'p,-n,|)lay .by' .\ki.«lri. jlerlteley, iind lliin-y kuMkin.', :l,a'Hf>d <,!( char'acierK (,--i,'('nte(l \}v .\l:i't -I'lriirld ; raineni:.' ,-I:ta;r Julie; "■ editor; ,i,!eOrKf''Iliv<'hf;' ,'ri-!iiii-sh|-i-\vii in '■X.:r. AHfll; ,irs; ;;),4,,,, nuii,riiii(f:-ttiiie.- »s; »iyii*. .pr.; ,l,"o-a;tr<l,.(iille'si>f,e; ;',;;t,Jr^nej.-.Barryinoi'e lie;-'.lla'nitiill.' ;,Ada:iii;H-.; .-i ;■;--■.■.,.•:. V'ttri J<-lit(Roti' '.l,sutti-;l';<;(iey;.|., .,.■. .!■;.;;,;,.<-;;4()r'ill,V'n -;Maxwell ;i..M'; ".I:;^^e- \^■drIi?■:■l.^(ltv-;....■;;.'. ;,;;';;■; ..Ke'ye ■Jibke .-;i'*W n. 'Hrrlt^ n,'. i;;.; ,;-',•'.-';;■-;.-..; ..■. ;.....;\va ■ (■Jai'dn-cr: :.M,rd'ly.;,P.} rd.,■..■,..■■■, ■.a IrrA ■ Ki'uner Mubnt ( erret . Ki.<!i Uikliiil \U1~. r (ikei •< 11 Ci 1 >. -T»r;,',■M'Hlt;f*r;.t'?*reW;;;,:i;-;.'.;'^^■^iHer ilinf^.^fortr. t ranei < r t^,e H F e 1 Ihis IS cinothei in the Dr Gilles- pie series with Lionel Bairymorc continuing. ks;,the';;'cha,i'rfi-idderi :'sur- getbh '\vhb; solves ,all probleni.s,; m'bcli-r cal 01 'in> A weaker story thai ts predeecbsois film should cany on ] the stienglh of the seiies buildup j'.fbr :a. ■iwodeist, iivibbess as a dtlater. , ;;.; j „ 'The' film'/ haf>' thq; tis'ual - my-stetioiis |,iirt,eaicai , case.s' ,and iiievitabio -rb- ,! -iijan'ee.-,-'B'ii;t;.,,!he, ;.!iiedlcal .prpble^ms; aJ4d;,snl'iftloi?K';'ai'e.''r -'tifiive;;',sug I gcsr.irig,■.'ttta t '. a, '.'doctbr. 0.11 :?ht'. -ib-';. be, I, called ;;iri as e'pn.sultjiht'.'\s'hen'.''Sdl'iplS . This is a mildly amusing farce of program status that will provide standard support in dual houses It s a tartly new twist to the separatcd- newlyweds formula; this time when bride breaks out with hayfevei when hubby IS around Script embarks couple on a South Amenca-bound ship for honeynoon, with young doctor friend along to at- tempt diagnosis of the ailment. Medic gives decision that sepaiation and divorce is necessaiy but the girl takes things into her own hands to force a solution of the trouble to make everything okay Miss ODriscoll and Noah Beery, Ji are okay in the leads with David Bruce ;as the doctor and FrankUn - Pangborn as a jittery stock broker Chinita Sings two songs in nightclub sequence, Antomo Triana and Mon- ies offer a Spanish dance and the Guadalajara Trio strums one tune Direction by Edward Lillev has good tempo. Walt. Pardon My Siiytlim (SONGS) Hollywood Apiil 27 - l-:njyei-,Hiil; i!plea«e :of Bernard W ,,,Hurujn, i)ro(ha-t ion; ,ittars,'-GloHa- Jean; feadire!!'■ tvcKn \nk<iH Patrii KnowkS W lur C'atlett; ■.Murjorle ■ W eaver. Bol> Croshy fir-:„ thestpa Oiit till felix heiil '-ciein- Ola^ h\ V *I [uittr li iiKerie Conn) l iwed on Htorv -In- IMirU Barrett;, eatnera.,, Paul , I\ in (111 I I dv^ ir<) eultliw PiMivf! \ir -0 -11 itunnlni- tinw <>l ■^JI^'• I u\ r ^e ( lorl 1 I( n Tmiu V'>^*'- - ..;.;:... Pa trie , Kiloiv;ea jSlla .\la,'tlsbri ;i; .;,.'.■,,;■.,;... Kvely.n . A.nliera DiSive- .Moorf^;-;'; v,;. Marjorie ;w>:iyer; .Mtrliael Ci,"fSannoh.'.;..;.',;.; Waller.Ca.tleit - ,mf>kv ■ (>,'lia,rirmn.;....... ... ;•.. .Mel ;Tbr.t.a<r , lj;oiidlPi< Weayi-F;,;;..-.-. ;■.;..; Pal.iiv . f.i'ttntirior^^ M't-n; IVban;-.-;;.. 1;' ,,,,.;,,.,.Rttiel, Oi'if(U*B ■ \Miioiin 1 r Jjek '-I itlei i -■■ ■■■Hob, ■Crosby ;,iiMit;- Hi« -Or!^.he!!Jriv;-;.-.;: 'Pardon M\ Rhythm" is a liqht- we ght i-,sL,i in the Universal ^loup bt, rnbSest^bud^jet filrnus!GalJ',;,<le,t.ail-., (Continued On page 26)