Variety (May 1944)

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10 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, AFay 10, l<)lt li]isli|<li< .■il'i'jni' wUMiHH . Ariiiiii- lli.uihli.w; ■.Ir;., i-ifi- • rtuc'lit'ii., SliuH .f.'I'mi l?'!'. Hiiy'M ;.: Ijc|!i :i}-Hi-1.!!» HWan',. Jusi.jili ;C''iiUi i>;.: |.^;Ul^u;^■.■' l.liiriiiij'it ' il'^owj,: ■ Ui'iiH' VVltiilj; '.-IHiviUiii .i.j' iico'iBtf ■■./i,:uli"iv • "n.-rif i«i<w>i .v>..(i ■ :)iiyir ii/ \Viirii-.<-lii;,:»rii;".|iilMi -U ;H,..l!t'.is:i(ii, /.•I'iiKl'ir'iilJ' li'.ii.V. IX\r/l^ir.r'..ili; I((tJ'nih..;i.,i:ijlMi >i.!,' ;-.tu-.-iih' ■ k.iHM-i.ilit-Vi,-: - .liiii^*:.' ■ KVii'ii i r VMmv. ' ,1!, I,.IV "K; v - mwi .\t' ■t'aj.iC.l. .S-. V , Jll MIV- :..)V'';,>)!■ ■■•:ij;,ii!.ii">rfr:';ii:;; %\l:./,Mi'.,;-r,ri,,i.U ■ arr.-^,tii:nij;.:., ... ■ K;"llii)iuv.v..', liiilii.y.;,. 1 I I ■■I K - .l.liinj.i<jK^:ti!ii .\1,.>,.WI . . Iv iVuiii.l ll ;. .•.•iv.iii. fiftvij p#clactio Kfiiri>Hi;S,;;CjK;;irj&s ■;'0ptt4rfr ItpanHVjiiiks'iat the boxo.lico. ■ screen' :'vPi\'5ib,tv. ■ hsis'; reiHiivecr ■■"ted''play's •orjainiil ■title.'';:Ga.sIi's'iit.''', • nm\ '.it ;i& :a,-iaitWul''ailaptat!On:. coiT-^ '■■spiduOiisl.Vi natalJle. -for . tiiie \ perlorni- ' •5i)tt<5s.:bi tilt! 'stars 'and. tlie screenplay. ..toy: '5dhn. A'aiv Df uIch, 'W.altei-;, ReistlV ..-'anclJ jdhn. 'L'..- 'B'aidciistori: ' TKert .are; ...time.'i'-. wheri ■ 'the:,, sere en ,' trcati'iieiil '.':verg6s (5n..9 !{yp'e,cif.'fira'm.a that lifusl;- .■.:be' nnket'l' lo' -the' ()ei'locl'''jjpoii whioH. ■,:tlie:.titlfeiS'M9.<ed;'but:thlfi 'surves;- to. hypo;. tlie ' lit"id'i'a-iTlfitte'sp,0iSe:wlu're'no^^^ 'Eonstrtiei-'fts ' ■covhy , IhCiHrics; -It^' ..:>;nhy>i-. 'KeVeen'plaV - and the ine'ii'or'mT, parfictilai'Iy- tjiat.pi".Mb.s B.ejjg-' !tian,:-ho\yover;-'.do. njiicK. ,t«.' .cU,s-siipiS,te:: : ■Hvliat'ever. lacte'ol VivUteMhat eleme'l-iit,: ^:iYiigl]t'havev^wstajiiecf/'-';■ .' ■' :'Ga.sii ght"-.. W'ili, ,bc •■r.&callpd ■ a-s' be-:: irig fhe::story .b£ a''mLir.derei':'W^^^ escaped: detection ' for ■. many . yeai:s. ■ Ha had killed #.fdiliQtL';,opei^^:siii'ge.r;, tiit her'.'jeivels.. but \V'as ne\:er able .to' 'tiMCOyer'"the - baubles. YearJ;'.lateri.h.e' . matu'ies. ttip.sitiger's ,Bieo.6 so-that .!ie: . cart ;:c6,ntintielhis sea rcb,'far .-tItS'. 'g'eifts ;,3it the latei.singe'r'S 'hpfiV ,;;be6n: Inherited.'by '.her', n aixft 'iii /'tvh'ich- ':th'e .'neAyly\\;'eds.'' make.- .' their; BoWe. ■ .How..a-yaunfi,:S,i;H,).tland'. V .'■'detpCti'V'e. .• tjlicb vers J. the ...I'M Vof tlte.^htisbah'tV and KiHej'-, ..after'the ,; tetter'has..i^lQltcd lo,';hWve...hi.i>^ .'wlte cbiTimittoci'tp, aii. asylum: sa that 'Kg:, can:'■have' .' a," ireer.'.':k'.iri\.ih :,hj."; ...'seaich.. df.,'e.. H'OCtse,' forpjS ah' e.\^ _citing climax ' . 'Director :George^ CuRpr. has ..kept ■: the' film;;;at: aii .even pace arid ha.'i : :been. responsible..fttf tlie jVlni:lackin'g th#': tisfert\yeti.t-tbi'rt, ;.e(e'merit Ihjtt Itas; been a factoi in the '.tage pla^ It is an apparently' .expensive; ^ji'bdtlctiqn .in the usual Metro traditioh. aiid , .Boyer, .a.s,€.' .hoixiicidal hu.'Sbancl.,.- Miss Bergman as the wilt and Cot- ten the dotecti\c ha\e fcntn cnrc- fiiUv studied lestiainod peiloin- ■:andes 'that;:have .captured the full tent of the sciipt Tne\ aic pi i\ int tire respective roles originally created on Bioaciway by Vincent I lire Judith E\clyn and Leo G Canoll Kuhii and the gioup which ha<J been killed in the bomb laid Bnlliant dialo^, and excellent performances, as «■<■<! as' thbuahtful, i.nuigjnative ' direction, by 'Edward ' A. Bliitt,,:.fveatly ;.sn;iitaiiv the iiiteirest abbarct .ship o'ii,;the. king;!; \o^aue There is no plcae in the' ^tou foi Lomedj icUef ,.', .On i-eachjlig'", Hi fib;': O'lym liiis' iiijtl!' jtfdgnieht' ci:ax,;'Sydiiey ;'C!.rcc'nsii'c<>f;.; .enters,,the"sceitfJ as the PMnnintt:.™ takii'ig his 'hey.';ar,rivitls one by :(:i.iiy: \ Iids,p.drfdrn''ia.oc,e: JK eXe!3ption:a:lly,:b'iit- [ ,sl,^^tlcl,i^'g^.^ai,^d'.'th(; s(;tii)c,nae,;' ' qiiiiie ',fc>n,glhy,,,reprc.5t!.i3ts. fjnH'lti'i'.^.:';^ .tiaiia 1.; dh'ectiofta 1 :a:iid .aef ing f riumiih.' F<)r.„:'th't'', 'the,' ac'libn, retyri.js' .lb;.,' .E'nglanci'.. ,V.\vhere ■.Hcnr'eid-.,'an;ci. iViissij 'P.hrker h'S'^'e'.ftsp^JVonced' their 'wcii'd .i; ■'qh'qjtim'.' urtdbi*,,,; tjl'e ' ..i n (1 ticiioe'. of;' ga.^;' i :fr'tn«' v.'hi'ij'b they •,arc:'.vaV<>d.' bj':;ii'i;oi'-<' l.tiittwi?. Ijbmbirtg yhich ..shatlt'redi.the; A'.iiiidciws'^Of, :theii" ap;ai^ti'n;eiit:,';;;: ■ : ,'.';■• In ;th,e;'first'P:rodudti0ii:'at:''€>uf\v:ji'ii BiHi.n.rt''';''-th(2. ' latti:''L't\sl'fe':',;,.H,o\\';(,r'd j, 'played tlui ro,le',here.:.assi:ghp,ef,,,to;thc> ■ c.'i.pable npnroid;,,; ,,A's'.:thc pi'oiUsa'lr,:;! cu.'NiUiksiOnod.;i.epo:i'.t.el''i ',J<>hn; Ciarlicld ' sfanc'ta- oiif.sbiariily, \<-hile' as liis- .gii-l' ■ fric/H4.-. -U} .v'ttctres's,," .-.Fiiye ^ Enicrsbii'':! clot^s, \-ri\\u'.kell.;:,'. George,/,Tobi'a'.slendii^ color; to, the,i'ble of ,a;.inerch;tii,t"',scar; ;!T'u]n,'\\ii'6s■;going, ^'hbm'e'':'to':iiji ,and. babi''. G;eorg.6., .Cb;u.lbiin5..';rnake.s. .His -.'part ■ of, a .'schfeiiriin^-.''in'du.sli'i.a 1 ist .an 'tm'pGhan.t ,ohev.!atid'D.enm '■rates' hagTily:'as-'a.-..!iti.riistcr. Others ■iHeJ'' .Sa;r.a. AllgbocI,; .\vh.o'.o.o ,pEt- ';{orn3"aiTCC. is' ari'eSting;: arid- .^,d'ra:vin'd. Gvvenn, Isobei: .Elsoin . and'/'Gilbert' .Ei-wery/al^good; ... ; ■;:,:■ ■ '. ' : "■'..'::.::■;' ,■■ In"' .'a', .ti;;eKbi:cal. ''way.. • ho'tably' 'tii'e pHotogriiphy; "Betw'C'ei^.l^vp ..'Worlds'': ireftr«!.se'nts: 'a '; siipeiribr'" ■aoHiey.eibfinti ■':..:;■■■,.,■:< ■,■ ;■.'■': ■;■: ■ ^.:.,! .. •,'. :.Ofdj^..",. ■:■"'■■■ :.v.V ;;,-, ,.•■.:■ -, : :■,, ;;,, ; :■'■■ ^F«»i'-¥h«so-in-P<»ril—i Miniature Reviews "GA<ilij;hl' IMG) Ohailes BoMi -J !,iid B< igmaii - Joseph Co tin s iitd ni bo mcllci : iadiiptalion fif '"Angel: Strb,et." •.', B«l«r(ii 1«<« A\01 Ids' (WB) ;..'.;Qttt\viii-d Bolind" renialte:should' ' liic' i n 101 lej- -setter,', t hbugh;'d if ft;. :^tni)t':lp >*^'i; in .srrtaUGr. Ibwnsi V: 1 01 rllo^«• III I'eiil" tEj^lin.?) fi'titislV. '. d"<.'ni»''''btary;: 'worthy, 'sum:ssbr , tb,; "Desert Victoi%^ ':,p;ivi:iv.;: :'. ■;:',■/' .■;,.■' '■.; ■:.■■.-,■.!' OuiliH liol' (:\IonoV So- • ■S.i;:Wi's;terii':- da'alcr.:;;,' .'';;,::■.'■■ Intiiu.ulo r.ii.i Sertoiitas^ ')iSGiVl:;v.Bbivi:(Ung§chbbl"'j VfeS-'^' ■;i6.i^,:i:,:, lHea'^iag,,nVusica'l.' ','. ^', ' S<i| 0\»i KLtia' iSoiigs) :i^ivi.dkh't.': :■' :■: .'X ni u s l;n'g '.'; film:'• ., .Kr ':j.i:'i ed: ,l(.s,r ', Svt;,a , avidi <)ii< I indo OS S I M( \ can) Tito Gui/at ''^;sr!■f in r i'aVct;'! wrth'';.'fcngl(sh;''; ; iiil't*, /cfc^Urf. fiii^ jvtUrnis,' ::.';:■■: Ont Indi I Mini \ictor\" iln- ■.■'fi;/-')'... F( aturfi' ' .ieiigth; :drf6).)'m,en- ': .,.'(ar'.y.', '.w'iih. ::intci;e'sting :,,cli'pfe,i,,b'f ■■ : 'Xriii, si;cio'cifi :Batlie:'bf .Rijssiii..,.-" HiKil d< \cnno' iMiiscd) ■ ■;i'Asti:o'i:* ';;v.Kit'^jcb'B;;''first.^:ti'y'! 'at;' .s'lijler^iilbiitCifJjfi:bisisiy. ; ..'/■■ :■.:;/• I I I'enon de las Aitimas" : .:iXitkica'n;)'.J.'';,t;aWi-i;'^^ ' jRofniecri aiici: :J uUet'-:Vfithv:S^te^rat /' oiitsfandib&'|!ei'{(ji?iHfei?k '''':^ ',';; (BRITII^H-MADE) London iviaich 30 , K,;i,:'i,lii.' fj'f'uiU'qs l'OlW;sp',oX'''>I'ii')tfii'l llnli.nii l!M.ii.Hi'l'iu,rl...'|;lf;ituli's: ■Drivld,'Fin^BVF; l£iilii.ri: .jifWiii..!. Kiij),.rt':,\Vs«tiakam,.:;. joinf siiiVi.i.; .J:..«!:n'- Bi.Hi.n, J:)ii'rt.ted;i»'y C'.iifn'-l"a'ei1.'li'li'iii;'.. 'S'Tf' ijn'ii-y l.y j hirrv WjiU', .1.' O. (tfrt.ii', iT.;. H. .fe;ciaiTlcc from '.sU'irv! I.v ■.iii'i.lui.r'a-. iiiiliwy, ..At. stii'iio Ojip.;.x.otHit)h; ;iju«.-ii li'iniiilijS- linif;. m ,MINS:' ■ ■ ';; '■.■ '.. iHd'riisitlw I'aira K Oiils Bojidiiig School") iMUblCAL) (■Mfc\It\N-MADfc) ;,stii of' .Jl'.-aTi-iclii .r);<;ii':iii-: ;< at. li'i ll..i'rU, :i!t.iiii ■': \ 5 .'I HH VI<>«>■■ >\«»rl«is ■\V;'ti'n'(.v' lit'oR. .'i'eiei,«(' of. .Vtaru: ;ntllii'fe<.i-' .TOrtuctioii,; ■ : fiiiirs, ;,i.iliir.. (iiirt'u.lil.,; . Vitwi SMmXn, . .Sytjl'ic-y; 0. n'i:w\ i oi'l, :,irij,i Kli.i^iit.r l^itrker;; .rrJIMircH ,IC(lumiiiJ: Mi\.(.'nit, ;;l.;¥.oi K,e .'Fflt>i.a's, ■^:tcorWft (;'iiiiIovii'iw, .t.*ji'.vt' ■ Kin^.'i'i^Hii, i}aX'\ AllKood; Dohliis lilii'u. lat.ln.i:j.-,l's(iiii M-iul atllwM .iaMit-i.:\: iiirei.,i.,.ii l'r.('' i';ii'wm''ii .A. Hi:ii,ti:..,niiH|.il :(i|>oiv iilii.v,","iiiii\\'iii'.i n.inna." ■l)y.,Hutt(>'(l, VltlVi.; ililll'l'liiliiui. Flliilrp; >!(litoi:,. iUidi. l.'(.hi;; i.ii iiVHfci: , I'iii l, (UHlirif. l'vevie\CP(l'in ;.V.,^ j:.,.,3.Iiiy KiimiiiiK (HP ill IIINK Toili :rrior,',. .'.',■,■...'.;. ;■:.■.;■.■ ;,■: . .iioliii <;;n.|i«.M' llnaW. .■.;,;;'...'. ,.; r; .;;;i';uil :'1U.nrciil 'ThoiiliKsmi';;...., S \ (tit(.\- r;r,.:f-ii,si;i.*.t-t Aiife.,...'.'.:.......;..;...■,.i.!i(.iiu(ii' ri. \\m SjerHhby,,,....i..., ..'■t:;.,. .:i.;iiiii,,ii .r.wi.iio -l*to ;.\iusli.)f... . ... i;,..,.: .itviicjit'. ""l'<'t>«'iK I.'i«Sti>S'.... .'...'. ..•.,.....;'.. .■■.Hi'.fi.i.ji*' riiulVi:iii.l..i. . ,;, .■,„;..,.;. ; ■,■...,..;,.:. ..'. |.'hv«^ ;i..;i(u.).wVh' Ati^fi'.' atiilCTl ..:'.:.■;.;... , . ;'i;«i.r;i;.MIt;iihit i\<'V. AVHJi.-liii ;i)ul;ci. .■.:..;... :;:: II,.niii..s; K:i'ilK Mr'n: ..r.:iivp(li.u-l)ii'iil<f.,.' ; ,.. i ki, €li'veilpn-Bu]il!H.... .•...,■...,■. .■.(,li,liir,i I li(iit.j''v, Br.>i|i..i,toii(!i',:'.";'. ,-.,:.,...,'.';.;.■,..I,<..«'!(i).. ■■:\i;i'i'ni,;w'>) ; :'A'rib,the,r, ;;^voi:thy 'Compisnlo'n; piece tb;: tb'e:,,:gvo.wi'ng; '.}ist.,.bf ,,''.fa'ctuals;.' ^\hILh began with 'Deseit 'VH.toiN ,i,s: ,t:hiRIfibntribtitlbn Eitlihg S|u- ciios F\cept for being too shoit to idti top billing 'Foi Those in Ptiil i's- as'. gripping : apd autheritic a.>4; a prc.septation.- of; the Air Sea ;pcsbue;: ;\vbj'k ;as: :''Saft'. Demietrib" was 'an ac;-' tual stoiy of v\artimc oil tinkcis ;: Bbth producer Michael rBalobn and director Charles: Crichtoii ;ha\'e:, bad the advantage of ah intelligent sci'ipf;. :\V itb .th 15; exception' of'. a -momeptar.v gliiiipse .0f: 'a;,.pretfy''b.ariTisidV.tlw not a lemme m the big qast and no lo\e inteiest Balcon has chosen to toUow the Hollywood boxoflice .formula at the cost of dcsfroying the reality' of . this he-men saga. ; Two o'litstandirig perfbrmances are turned in b> Da\id Fartar and Ralph Michael among many in pictuic Storv presents the Air Sea Rescue; service; as; a dumping ,, ground for would-be fliers;who, .fail to come up. to^ A F physical lequiremcnls The disgiuntied disappointed lad.- who. find themselves at :sea in speed boats; Instead; of in, learn' that the ir job of ;,,saving! lives of' pilots: from the ■'drink" is ,, just as, important and, thrilling as the air. service. Althoi,i"h theie is not a single:: Ameiican accent in this film it i<: a mattei ot official recoid this An Se,i ■Peseiie; oittfjt' has saved '- scores' ,of Yank fliers from, water,y graves!: ;Caiiicra work, especially montage t^upci imposed on actual English: Channel seascapes measuies up td; the gcneially high standnid of pio-' duetion and direction.. ;-For Those 111 Peril -- IS tops among English doc- umentaries.''.'■'^.■':':::■':■:'' :■*"' '.. V/: ."■: iiiin.»;.';rrii.l('iK.ia tiLii'Mi.; ■.Miirhi 'l.-HiKfl ll,.|i;.|. .'Cli.0l..h.;:lJi)l'uiHl;u'r/., --Vt bi'y '.".,' .'ItunnliiK.tlnje. , .; An :artisfi'c,;l0n 'Of "Ocit- waid Bound tht Bioanw n cta^c hit of 192'j this film w^s once bctoic bioufeht to the '•cicen b\ Wainei Bios undei that titU and leki^ctl ill 1910 Pictuie ui'l be a .,ood :: Monfiy-malcer jh -Jspiie ; of i fts; sbm«»; what moibid theme The mcicnan- tlising will count hca\ ilv c-pcciallj .>i'f■mass :at{e'n.tion;'is:' caf):tu':i-,ed;'. '• ■The new .\'crsion. bbaiitifiillv prb- '■■ iflwced by Mark Hellinger, arid": .«3<i]l- fully acted by a fine tast has been ■,' 'gi;vi§tl-,'tli:i; :very^,,fittJ)'Tgf.,(fittl,e^ fef '''';;&e,-- twecn Ttto Woild^ It s clas<! entci- :': .feiiiment' on, ,th.e .al],og6ricar''.siae.:; ,:■.'. ' A modem 1944 optiiiiig hai, been piovided, the locale being an uni- ■; ;aaitiflea'T^ojit. iii.;'En glaiid^.^ a ■sfwatl assort'ed 'grdcilJ; of.ip'crsoris': is :jpir'epa:rin'g. t:b 'sail „::for. Amerifca. ■! Uri'; aolc to leave because his papcr'- aient in oidoi is Paul Hfnitrd joi jtiei pianisl Who loctntJv had fou!,ht Avitli, the. Free ,Frcri'ch. '::As:,i;e.s'u.lf;'he' '::'.a,rid his ;wire, :,pla.\'ed 'With linicli feoi.-,' ing by Eleanoi Paikci take to the gaspipe, both wanting to die (o- .gether, Mteaniiine. :in', ;anvaiiv,r.a;i«.'fhe ! ■■bljs: ;(jiiTyi:rit.'''o'f.h'e.'t'\s:' to.!.'th.ov.ip.vat:'b'a:f tjon ship aie killeo ,'.:.; ■:S'r(im..''jicrei th^' aet!6'il':.!:hift,s', .to.' a' -■'niystery. ship' avlii'ch,: it fyilaHy 'be- comes evident, is bound it i u Git.'i Beyond, with Hemtio Mi s P.Jiku {'hnSpnU-ikhi no Evglish tiOei) . .|.A' ,lrsht. ,frothy/; musical" about: -a^ girls' ■■ boarding, ,'school . in'.:Mexico,, wbitili ..sebre.s, as; pleasanf;:ei5tertaiiiv .meri.t ',;t'\-cn '. wflhoti.t ..:'.Englisfi .titles. Pijny :shoui<J;:'pl?a,so^ .r (i):mgoei'Sv,~ ,';;■,.'.'■'■■;'. ••'.}-:iJ ■ •';;::; : . plot, has. schoblgiel Jieei'et'ly iii lbve with'' professor; ilnaware,bf her, affieetion.;:. ,GrLi,<!h:. is' unearthed and .gi rl is^: a bou t,; to 'be expelled by the usually sl.wn director vsfhen pr^i- ,oc(;i:i'pied iiecjagpgtid; dqclaveg.'hfs .dc^ A'btipn ;i:pr hi's. .votithiul admiro'r,,:' ■ :Mapy Cortes :niakes a pretty.'.''A^j-^-a- Gloas -scboolgirl and sings and dan,ce:s tt'Ith' eftiifil, ;f!icilit5\ ' Dci lect as the shocked and dismayed I If (ssoi while Fernando Cortes con tributes'some upVbai'iotiis'^ scenes as ii:notlier,,prbfe5Sdr.:.•.,.;;.,,:,•,,':';:■ .';■ Dance sequences aie well staged and costumfs aie eje filling Sol 0\oi* Klara (-Sun 0\ei Klaia") (!»HLDISII-IVTADE) (Songs) '^.^'.iH . v(.lc tis<.,: 'v.i: - Kiifopti: ''nroOliniiuili; s,■:,r.t;, yA\;j) .!■ i'<.v>.sf,h;; ;;i:oiitlm'..8,.': 'Bsfij'i;!!: r |•|,.<,l.|\-i^^: n,M,.i-i;i;l,i<.i.Klunil 'sfn'il,Stlna .Stii'li(i>; liii..:^i...l i:,.y l.;ri:trl ..v.: J,ljit;lvi'lro,' .Muxlc. Al'- \,iyv Kiiifv ititil; .^vt'li Uu'no: ('iiniera.. ■Hfir- i...f<l -'HtiKtoijil, ,;,«,t .IMl) St. ihPati'c .N. .t., mTns'''*'''^'*''^ '44,, ;'JtuiininK tii\i'«,. lOU Aavsi: ■■«■;:.; ;V:..';■;:;. ?.. :ijjiv!ir(T' i*o\Mmn S>lyiil,:j-.;v,;V .■■.'.. ..;>"; ,;1iurl)i>n' i?'lwl(H?l«i .N'l.|<'':..\V!llrt--.'>i:'iliM. ...... ;,„Ujui-Tl. ifcrsiuhia .\l.i;s.-,s,iili.rii.(.hfi;;.,■: . ■, j....,■■,■.;,;'ifla;siahlc .r!i-i(i|i ri.;.;:...;;;,.:..;■.;■,.,,.:;I)Miir. 'nuiilf,' 'i'ii,iiT.n*.,. .■..;■. ;'i.'ftttiji'i'(,;;,H(>fiwan :Tfw:'i,'.,..(I,i.ii'n::('iiii.i,H'i^'i..,. .::,-., n-hs i.jt(..<tijin .TtM'.';^*tj;«..v><iiui'! if;'VJiK','i .■..■.:', .M;t.v;ihi Ktv-i-m- iVtiMrtt'pr.,;.:.;:: .:.',.;- ;,....,; ; ...■. .'roiar liPiTllu'irlv .'I1i«.'".\'li.'iji..!i,iii-.;. .'..,,...■;'.:.,..,. .'.. Ai.fie 'J-.irnftiUKl Onllaw Trail :'^Iuinu'.;riim, VfloiLHe •fyt / 'ft(>J)('i:t, 'i'irawy; l)i <.Viiii:i'i.m. ■■ Muits :iT(tnt;; Ctiwo'ii. :■ : l.i.iih Ki<..;|(.- iiiul '(ihlot •;Tliuiiij>)'i:Iona: :t'(>iihi'|.<'!j .iriiiiifi.c lli.U'; (,',v Ki>m1:ill and Krt('(iy;.('nuV i-oji:..; by . .TiaiScy. '.; .,s'i.n-i.h|>ltiy,; ■FKnif't'S. I'Ciiy;iiliijJK'h,.: frmii ..(trij^^iiiiil', liy.;'.Air vtif '-'Xi'lvic;. f!imoi-o,:.tOdwiu'd' Isull;; cdiror, .,i«irn':,(.'.^^ I'.;.ii'l/t.r'.'.. At X.". ';5",, •thoniv.i-, :>r;':y;.,; ;v..<-c.i!: ivi.ii j:;i, .•;'tt,. ■■ijtu'mi'iKjt ■tiror., Tiil .X(l.N.s. 'Il.iril .: ..'.';-.■■.■.■;,■.,■;,.■■.■■:■,■.■. •■■,.....lli'ihl ■ .flil'iji'i.ij: l{.iii.': „■:;.....'v': .';.■;>,. ...CV., ...'j. ,)!ol)- hiVti.Io 'niiiji'ii<.i.v.tiiu(i:',;'.'. .:*''liri''f ■Tiiiiii'ii«i;<'i>.>u'd AiiMi.'Titoiiutfii).;.,'. .V,. ■■■.Mimtu>t.:A\i}ni :,'j,ftnu's;.t-. .W.l,in'^' Ti.',Jfv'e'ra;.'.'.^'..:-..,,..'C>:■.kf'lu.luil .^.I'lf-.i-ilf. :i{('t(.'lr.v. ■r';fh'irofi;'i..;... |..lii'i.l(.;y ^.'finir.Mil'' I'iU' l-' Hcldii'ii:.-.;..: .' ;. . „,• •.'. .■'.:.(lr',l'H:(;(i ,l.;idri'dsc i:i)ui.ii' .w'siU'f'vS.;;,;;■,..,..;,.;,.,':.(■i.iin'ii.s' .ii]uii' 'II. i!..-:i-rns<.l-.;.v; .'....ii,V.v:;...;t.^. ,iti^\' l'ri.;.t' ■i'jii ■ i< uiM lew:■...',... ,..■;....",■,,;..-'.■..:. :'.tt'fii:n' tt'i.i.(if;''rs UK)i-l{.r<>...,'. ;".■;'.'.','•..:.";,.....■■,■;..,..'. :i'iint.'n,«i...'|.-n',,. sjniit-; ;■;,.. .'..,i<;'.;.. ;i .:V^.'..;:. ;,.J'i;ra;.'T.ii..'i'n(.'' GornVatiV.-^Wehrniacht , \vas i'uitiiing ■i'btiglislVod , ov,er its eneinieS. ■ :It\s sU'ieily.:'for .hbuses : show ing Soviet pi\ The. clips itre notable in.that they 'pi'.eseiit ■tlitv^Bal;t!.e;of'Riissia, fr'oin the, lS'a/.i'Hl,t)<!:,'IivteH.>vinf2d'ih,:the 68 miri-:,, 'u'tes;bf :iiim , ai'.e shot.'' bf. :thc .mera:.^; orable occasiotS; in. ,1933: w'hen; f'rijs'i* dent: Ro()';,..aiinounced.;.fho re-' •bpening. bl ti-ade witH Rus.slar scenes; :of;)1rsdricb's flitvcral in ';Pragt,re and the-'last rites' (ot ^the ■ Hangman," .in; Bevli'n■^itttettcted ■ by:': ;Ki',ti:i'r;; scenGs pf tJ:Ss, .Sci'rielary ■bt.Sltfitc./Hiiirs; flying Irij.j to Miiscow-Jo ■t'l'ear- ';the: w'ay, for tlic ;Tclun:an 'coiiftu'eiieOv- anri-' fiiial'Iy .s'cc.m"s Of. that ; histbr.i.t;'i .evobt :\\:fth .F,&R.;.lU'iinb.a!li:iiis,t;er.'Chtit'cb.fl.i:^ ■Pi't'tWci' ■■Still iiV::a.iiil.' itheii' entoi,a'n;ge.s. ^pKfS'oirt.'',.' :,...!.: '';'.'' ,l:\i.'- ':■■■■ '■''. 2^■{bn,;■.\vi•^£le^l..and^spbkpn' by:: IQiioiy iiV R.eyi^o^dii;:.s<n^■.ci!:'aS,•ah'■■f^ht.i^ :flotc Avl-io'ii. the sHpp;6sedly' pVo-Nazi. fbotfi'aejsWlasbiiig: acrt)sS''tb<?'>ci;een,. •It .ai?SOr:ibiPs::ho\V ".: the.. 'Na?:i:.'l*i'6:rdes,' ccjn{iimjng:ii. tiiai:eb.:thro' Pbland, Gz(5i;l'i:dsto\:aki;v;:.■;Nijr\va^:i ;B«?^^ iijd l;Sari.c.e:i'''.ptan.i%d. ;'t'(V ;'J?us.sia(. ,is a ;six-\v:t;e'k;" tlii'.ee'-prtn-iged aissault',: con^'orging.''■■ttii,. Lcriii'iHrad'. in the nortli, M,o.sp6w..,,.iiV'tlie''(''enter .of ;Rtis. .s:ia: ;and .Sta-Hjigrad 'tu. the. .s,buth. Thfe. .\Kbd^,/Ai:my-^ iWithStbbrf^HheF^^ assaiil't'.s'',(j '.'town?; ;4f:^'.K,harko<^' Seva'stopol ', ivild , ■Vor,bnfe?b,'' Ibsing Cfierii e-t^cn'taaliy butotibt bt'fpre' ,c ities \vere','.completel.y' .;dev:astat.e:d and bf^iib^ use tb'.'tlVc; eiienfy..,: Noel • l\;toitdow. ,;\vtTo. :opcrale,s, the ^Sitatilcy: tlK>atre,".'iM;.:.¥.',. and Maurice Lt;v'''did' :aiT'-(ixcelU;iit' j ob : o f.editiwg' tbe''ibb1'ag(''.' Royliblds^ dettn'iai'ra'tion, aid's ii%.ho]di:Bg''tlie.^!,pictti'V?' to,,th*;r. •";. " ':'■. : ^ i' '.:■;.:';■' ;■ : :• ■'."■.■ .:Sl<^il.'. situations wheie Tito Gui/ai h,. a follow ing " Pujnaiay this is the singei tu l,i ist's project fiom beginnmg lo did" AM.,.' M itibw'. .than. '.,Wds hi.< own' singing, playing and acting h s \\By Ihrough :a rather .lengthy:but, nevpiC theless iilterestiiifi'fiirtte in whi'ch, he ■ poitiays d bQoush loue who l uises a iicb, beautiful bcioinc o f. U-_ but haid .Gloria Mai'in- pl^jts, a:"aj'frii:iilt. roV excellently,'with .sitrOiig strpport 'fraiji ' .rest 6t, tiie. dasf,, 'but,':pbbiV'd,ireH Camera ;;and .oilier te'chriibiil'' aspects of the piclliro 'will hurt its; \'riliie"' ■: ^m.: -llwlTl-llO Vtn*SlltO (*!sUMMIK HOTEL") (In Spanish) (MliblC \L) UtMco tit>, Ma\ •) ,.,:..\:,«'(r'o, 't.'-itrn,s in..'fi»|.|.iia-uifl fiiHl,.lli..<'.l.rtlii)li"hv l."i'!r('i,irt.a; Jtitiiidii, A'iMi»'|iK«il-. ''f'f"tii J,ii,ai(.,i: .i.iiiiiiri. ,.t;iiflii'[Hi ■. t,|;ju.'i'i.;r;v... Cuu^iitdo ;tii)p.T, i rt,'fit.r di" Jriu'ui, ltijfMi\M'(ui.'-Am'i!r.o., :tur*Jti, ;iti'i;w;'. .iSfKiM : rtnitiiivis.' /nii'f(i:i;d-'.' tc'ifrdu, Mj'tl\'iMtH- .'0i'iH-n7jv^;,fVi.;fi^ ;X)r.vii.'- n'nit'liii'liion■ .SL- (ti'liHill'. .tii«'|...l:(.d.,.l,i'y 'IWrui (■iLrdcilili:, lialliiin- rii-.'n'ctii,. .ijiilive ;din.i.tor.. .;^Al:^'i'iiu'' f,'«Ia<:id.,. .vi,..,\ico. (:;it.\. ' iS.iniiiiii.K'.'Vi,i:ii(.i..!i,'i .M,t>:s."- ^Honored Hundred ...'Thi,S,.:,'i-S;lWrxi6b's'Iirst super musi-, cal/ 'a'.nd.''.:infiaslires 'i,ip , -fiu A.^ir;o,' F'ilins is: reputed to 'have'-sufik; $.'?0'0,00.0 , (I\Iexr):, ii'i;: p'.iGtur'e.,, Jtifeh. for; Mcjxico,.:" iReit'e •(IJiirabila','';'filin' ',: turns megger :foiv\hi's,:::,abd',is" okay.' Production has a special, iiitercs,!;: ,ior' Americans as if..inarlcs the :fiebt'i't:. in. i\fc3cioa.n..'(iIms of '■.ra'niee Logan,;lule;; of ;ilbilywbbd,. :\vho: has ..ioined Sally- ;Kaho.;aiTd' .iune ' MarloWe as. Amcri,-' caiXrMexicair'screen , players} ■; ,:;.; ■'■ Stor.v i.s' ■good.' ■.'Eniiique 'iHerrerav: i'iCh. ::widow6i', ■.i.s .?ct.;'td. niiirry ;':MiSs: Lo.g'avi,- dabjfhtcr .Of, an Am:erican :he befriended; in ■ his :la8t illacss,;. pact being .that .wlTbn the .:time .conies his daughter .is, tb;'rnarry',;hJrii. .lb':'se;:ttle.' ;this ,d(:bt.. 'There is a iradio: siii'gcr. and XuSual .triai'islo .started, aitd cu'sr; ;lomary''rows before the happy splii- 't-ibii:is'reacKed, ". ' :.;. ::'.,Ra''maivil'e.achi 'cbntrib'vit{'s muBlv tb. :'tK'e;,:'-ve;hicle with ,l:he, dance; numbers. 'He also, does a ballrpprn: li limber with, :Remta (Mrs. .Roachi) that goes over .welK : M;'.:.,„0'f,'■; ptbd'u'ctibn '.'vvsis made at Acapulco, Pacific rpbrt.;i'e"' soit '' Kc:-.: ■ Maynard~d¥e$.s ,o,ut.; .ot':>the' Tiail Bln/eis scries ot westerns in thi-. one but Hoot Gibson nnd Bob; SteeliEf ;a,re,; jbibed by: Cniet• Thiipder- elp'ud, in; .tracking dowil, the doers oi: ,e,vil, . i-csiiiting: ,ih a fair :.bpcfa; ge'aH'd f'or■'the. duals ■,,.":;'• ;,'■■•. :. It all r,(2volves about .^Gj'. '-KiindaTl's poitia\al of the supposed cimc Icad- w:. Honest .John, who owns the town lock, stock , and barrel, collecting tribute; from all," and' issuing- mbney, of'.'h.i.s 'bwn,, .piHhted; by -ii'is ,benchiTitiii,' 101 the oppiessed lancheis Come' the Tiail Blazeis and the shenmi aie biought to an end Some run-of-tho-mill dialo.i,' a:u! a few. ', unbelievable ;: sit'aations ' '■will piooabh be overlooked by devotees of thi.s t.vpd film. Add. up the credits and the. doblts—credits incltidin'g ;m,Oi:<i ;lhan :tHe, tistial';ambuti"t of giin-' play and. hard ■ riding—and "Ou tlaw Ti'ail*^" 'SS' good enough all ai'oubd. ■ ■'. ■■.,■■-'■:■.:,■^■.. ..:;"..:'...,•, ':.::..';^■;.■;;■;;. Stie%- '' Gcpicd foi okay boxoftice m U S houses th< I plav Swedish pioduct '(■Wi? 'IfTm',! a bout the Bohemian artislis': .Cfuarters ',of Stockholm :duririg wai-- tih'io, has, a:: Spa,rS'e use' of 'English' .slibtitlcs,;which, would leave npn^: Swedish Speaking; audiebces in a (iiiaiulary as to what' much ot the humor is all about. ' , . :'"^ ' '- ; ■Edx'ard, Pci'Sson. portrays' the prln, cipal' role,'.;a piiinlcr, - I-fe; performs in.a /Itisu'itc.l.v irianrigi-aftd .-(vith coii- ".y,dcrable;''''iifiKb'iial|(y.-, ;,The':;s'ey(!:ra.I.: .s'bngs he doc'.s','witli,:-ROs,sibly two ox- cop; ions, ;ai.'e'^ simg,. effectively;;,and the title 'tune is' a catchy, Siting; gitr \OttL ■y.iin finns Pcisson as peacemakei between-: tVvO; ; impecuiiious: 'artist'. l;Kici.ycl.s, both I'ivais.for the love, ol a pretty mode!.. He, too.- is pursued by ■sV..\v.Ci!ilthy.-:.\wd«w;; aiVd,; "in: the . course ol^. n'iyving;Viip'' his.; nVind,. sitviati'bns^ ariso, firilon.g', them an ai!t contest;" a' wcddi.:hg feast' and bt' extrar.eous sctjuCriecS:^that ■,t.eeniiiigly;;Icnd,;tbem-: :se'l\:f'S.lp;in'ttch' inmior but nurse the lo'offlgC;''along to an;;i;m.whrrahted: ■100- miPtucs.'.::■. ■"::, :■ :■' 'y ■ Sten. fcl Poiioii «i4> l»«> %iiiiiia«» ( Ihr Roik of Souls ) (MI \ICA\ MMU ) ■ f'lttsrt ;, Slil.H.;is :■ |!:-(li1u.\l i.iit,,, '■■ rCHnK tiiUTH .,l.ii...iit. .\'..i;rf.(..;. ,Miu.i,j .Fci1.\-;.;t:r-iHin.«' ■|;t.c.;|io'.rin'.lin.iii.:c-iii:,iii,s. Mu.'.lein'iiir; .MiKUcI; A, •'l''i rrn, ■ V;ti^Kiiir!i., Aliin',:..)! ' I lirp.'l lim' sind iil..iT' (.y: Mifflj'i:;|:'iftii.;in;i(i; Ml 1111^)11 . .V^ ■.Hi vv rr;i"ir.;..l!iu..s)i;,' .M.^iliitPI ■[■Niii aiii:'is!.;. .Kni.«-. Ic>.x'ivi-i.ra"i-.'; ,M Hi.iifi.nH,. x.'-;.y'.-, ..\nril ■f.'.s.: ill tin WIS'' ^ rniiiiiiiii'il fiotn i>asc S - —^ in all exciiari.gc tcrritoriei^, fweve, called last Sa'.:r(iay Mii, or a.^^.nCap that date as pos,s:ble. by; Ned' K. De- pinet, natior,al chairmaii ol' ihi,. (iis. lribtitibirdiyisifoi^'.'At;'t:h(^s'fe ■ m the! distribution. cl'iati'TOE'B.:::'wid '-.tjjei.i cornmittces of, exohahge. n-.a;-.h|'crs. will subdiv-ide and allocate the terri- tories ..lor individual Oiana.iiers. aiid .salesmc.u'.s .re..-'ponsibility. • :'■;'■■;■; ■;''.:'■.". Depinct i.s'-.'p3,annin.:g;'wi' 'u.^-'g o{ a -plan by John, .f, Fricril.. who has ■stffigesledji;. :a.t^rMofi'ai:..:-br<;f&i# which; Kas .;V.'orkcd we.n i'n. tl-.o north- •west. Under ;Friodrs 'plia'n,;^ ..iffvMi; to;ries'' are divided in'.o.'.zoneSi ,;;w'ith' a', designated bra.nch. ,liraji(ig6r and sal.dismari responsible: fi.n.': cjich .zone.. ■., Every ,'c'xh'i,bi'tbr; in'' 1 h'e : ti;,',''S:■':Aviil be contacted by;' braiicb nianagers' arid^'.en;.fb'r-active parllclpati^ jH,;tbe E^iitft.:''Wajj%aEmi:-'pcpii^^ week called bii ;all manaccr.s salesmen to personally idutntc many exhi'oitors and ,'i;ca-,'f nia'n- ageis as possible to attci d the ic-v global meelings ,uv; order ..;'to julp ODonnclI ttU hib stoM to is Luge a ciowd of showmen .is possible Fust logional meeting is being held at thc- Statler: hotel..■■Wa.shmgi-.'- ton, .lod,a'y. .(:W.6'd, )i aha .-tbe';seo(5n:a: is;', scheduled :. in ' Boston tbn-.iirrow iThurs.). , In all, O'DonncIl lias set a t,en,tat,lv,e ,scI.iodt)le :t>f, 1!5; atl-ii.ickisjry ,tfe^iona,l, iii''e'(3t,ii^ils:nvith'; i-i^af i'pp'iil .coin-.'., mitloe Icadcr.s," attcndin.i; the tee-cfl raffie^'.'ln'^each area.-'; Thc;::N;'V;;.meir', rbp:cil'itah ■ area ,meeiifig.,,''is, Seh'ecK May J5. S'.tilt; chairmen will provide at .thC/rncctibgs.; '' ;■ :.:;: Depinet;,:;6,yer:,;',:ttac P";ist •.vcrkend .Siig^estec(:.-tO'..the'':'lTead's of alt. msibr, distributors that ,lbe,v rociuest their ..explbitatioii. men in .■;t.Ke'■ liekl to otf«r tlifeto;:scr^fliebij ..-tQi'thc local/.exhibifbir; campaign - chairman. ■; EiTprls ot cx- i.pl0i'teeKs,w'Ul;supplen-ient^ of all; faranch managers iind. sal.c.smen ^in recruiting cxbibitoi's for t'nt- cam- paign. '■.. Depinct suggested that ex- ploitation .inon could help, n-.ost vtiili: special events. ' ' ''■'; ! : Meantime C C MoskovMtz-^ L.oew's v,p, i:: chaa'^C' of' the,circuit's N. Y. theatres, has accepted gi r.eral chairmanship of the Fifth War Loan ioi the N Y (\LhaiiM aita -■ Al Steflcs. mdepondcnt ■eXhibitoj'. leader in, the Northwest,' has': come, out of letiitinent to head the Fifth War tiOan campaign in Minnesota ' <hi«> InHi Fpom Vi4>iory (DOCUMEN'TABY) '■ .'.S''^o^..|).;''i;*.i'<j'rfi'.'i1»n'i.*5. i'('Ii.fiSe''6f; Jloiiei-i.'; Vf- !.('';»'i ■ .l..iili;ijrJ i.ii',.' |.'.iljinl(.|.it!l> y .v"riUt.n-.iuld i.:;>'i',:.iiT.; hi,.i„iiifniiii.i,ii..v:m)}>js,'..N(iptsr(,iiidiivv' ivi:' i')i'.--i'(;<>;-. ift .■|ii:.'ii'liii.ii'«n'|.--,sii'ii(»rvlfii'd ' liy. ,Mi,'r.M l>i,.:t-.«^\'.- 'Mt:\ n \u-rl' ill P!;o-.lei'll.fiii^ vn(H,lv,.^ ;\:^ v.. .Ai.i'|. 2-ti ■•11, Ji,ili;(iinK Ulilc. 68 MINS ■y; <1n Spanish; xvilh Enolhfi Titles) '.' ■ Thjn:'.h'eayy:.'d^b.a'i?tib''peci>Vi.eVciii^^ lijc ,gria,.l'strido< which Mexicail pro-'; ,duetibh -has' made w-utb'in the past few. years, makini; it.s, tilin ; rndustrv a ;,leadi'iig:; cpntcni'cr for' the ' Latin- American iriarkcf.; ;Pittui:c'*hoUld, do :vcrs- ^.wcH-.: :,in ; Spanish ; language .houses. ;. ,' ",: ■'■,:,: :';■;.: ■;:-';•';,■■: ■::■'. -'. : :'■ A Latin verskm of Rbmeb aiid: Ju^ lict'; : contairifn,i,'. al'l: t-iie pathb.s .'and iragccly ot ilY('«. woi-If fi:om,' wfiich 'it ;was a^iaptod;..:the' nifn 'cmetgcs .as a- KCpMiivc, ■pbl,,'irtant :t.iilc of...Ibve. .'^•ely- , S'eance: .and death*, unfolded to tlie :aceom:pani'mefit of fine'mu.sicrtl back- ground.,: ;;,: ',:;';-. . Maria Felix..a new, star, wiio com- bines beauty: 'a'ii!d;t,alen('; ,gives;.ah-ex? ccptidnaKy ...good perrorn;ancc; and ,sli,ou'ld'becbiitc a-.fiivorite'sv'ith; S'olilli Amc:.'ican a;;di(>ncc';. • " ' ,'The,':cli'.a^ract(;ii^atioris, pf ■jorge'-Ne'- greto aiid ■RG)ie,;Cardoha as 'ipposing ,s\vai;nS.- arc -eciUAlly .vas' effective, \vbi Ic the i rest, of; the.: cast, con,fi;ibut,es-. capahily.:;;,:' '■ i';, :■:';..' .'.;■;.■'.■.: '. .•;":;;-'■ ■'■■ ' ..':Tbi.v..,)s. a .docunientary: ass'einbled. fr'tinj c'a^ptu'rcd Gei'ihail ;films shovvb; :n Nazi. riewsree,ls',iii;B'ej'liw,' occupiod i> mc and South Aineiica foi piop . tuKid puiposcb, at a time when the Undo «'«« >li«-li»a('an ) Br.i.iilitiil 'Micho.icdn ) (SONGS) (MKXICAN-MADE) ;...» ■ .'Slli.I,tii!i..rptl.liS;i,^lir "isli'finM ;iliydl'.ip-.l)'<jj!' |ivi;it!urft.,i'hf ..'■.)}i,.i.i'.li;il; .|.i.v .l.MUlVcJ.-.l'jildi, .Kl a.f,K; 'll'IfD,,,(t,H tel !;;,.■ .|'i.|Ullri'..H.-: 1-1 lijf-iu '■■ .-Vfirrin, :.i\iiKcl'i.riiiii^f., v;i..t,i)i.';.\,.|injir(.'f M»,<iid..i'z;.' i.;yiia ■AJhhoz.; Hui.irfV '('VoKiVilln,!!!!;! ,l;:'i(mii,:' Dlii ^i• K , ;l^i.iry. :'Kl;n.-|.1 I'MrlifJi.iv;: iwil!-!../, Fj:;,,n. -,.-l.M.-|) ,)H!iilillt;ilf.z;; ...nn'i.-rli, :.l()..^<'".| Ivtii! „Hu- ■Hua., ■ ;i(i'\ii.«.r.d'iifl.,- II'..Iiin.iil, .■^.■■..y..- ,.\iii'a ';'.l,;;-''.r.|;. -KifuninK- riim..' 1,(1.1:.MI.N.s,„. ;,. ■.■■;, -:;■■ A ,"Pi;ctolj'i:;l().u,s" prociiiiitioii by the largest': film sfiidib'' ii'V 'Mex'ico";Citi'i niade iii.lhc f:i''opioal;pro.vlnc,e .«f; Mi- ciioacan, ,tb,is picture . sliouljj garner fan fej osses ill ai t hbijse.4, and other D. C Kudos to I \lulis :■;■::' ■ ' .:;',■:'':'\''Waiih.iUglon;' May.iS.';-.-;. The IlonoiPd Hundied ' got kudos and cash awards today for their,' bond scllin.g work during the Fourth.. Wai Loan i d p opaied to st,u on tomorrow; to take .'pfili in tiiC- first regional Fifth \Viir Loan;ineetiiig:.''for. ' which they wii! servo as an ■'t'SpcU:. tive.advisory comm 1 tice. ■:■; ■■ l ,' Today, however., was . excUi.sively their own. A', the Siatlcr. ihcy h*.-.rd from Ted R. Gan^ble. iiiituiual rii- rector of the Vi-.iv Finar.ce Comir.i!- tee;' Ctharies! ,P; ■ Skouras, :!ati<.iial chairmaii pf the Fourth War Lean drive; Bob O'BonucIl and Richard M,.. Kivnncfiy. co-chairman', of the' Fifth Wtir L'.-b:1; Francis Hari-on. Si Pablam:;!ntP,-a':,,!:)bst','»f blH;er;:bi|!KieSfV ■'.,:; At lunch t'i<-y were ,'addre.ssc.,(l- by Lt.: General A. iV. ';V:anaci:gril;tj .fiim-' mandant of •.' o >....-.;':i e Co: ps, ar.d the ,aftcrn;oc'n v;;ere ::( cc:ved at tbe,' Capitol ■: by■'Pen. ; Wa.lier F. Georgs, ■ chairman 'of ^the'- Senate Fiiiaace Committee,, and Rojr, Robert I* Dough'.on,:'cli:airmiin':bt^:-'lhe' House;-; Ways :and':'M"earis^Com:iniilce.' r.s well ; as many pthei: ;:FeriCriiI legislators,-,', ■ijew.^'rcb'l .shots, w.'cl''e' niadc - .ai'jri. tll^,; "100" taken on . a ju:-.k(-t ■ot' Wasli-..-; ington The day e nph si/id f.ngeh the importance of the .smallindie theatre' bperaf or I since 80.;pqreep t: .of; tit^W-Jn-, ners were in that category, ,.;'.".-.'-;: WAC Drive Tees Off . Motion ■ picture, '':i;n.dusli'.y"s ,.'^WAC. recruitlng,dri\'e tcjbs;Otl'todsiy^i Wt^d^J: .in TiHjes'-Scitiat'e' wM of induction of .100: women ■into :tl')* soivice .;' C. C, Mo.»1rt\vitz,:. N;-, Y;.;-ni*tr>^i3}*'' tan area chairman''^for . -th.e :.W'AC , campaign,-:. ::'.;i oduced ,E, ■■ LV;, AlpM- ,son, general chairmaii ■of■:'lhe ,fii'it e» who will piesont the WAC offictia piesent.