Variety (May 1944)

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Siiiif Moy" ttiliS^iiel^Br 15 minutes Martsifiinent ever^r day, Mtftday Throu^ Fnday-^Const ii 177 sMiom of riie Sloe Network ... ; ilND tvm MY A lOCAl HUG FOt untts nAYiHG MO itAm Piaumi Vs; 'Mywood Stor Time".the litggest doyttme ottractlon on the oir, bftOiu^ it presents, in a "'five'' show, such stars ds Cory Grant, Ginger tog05, Rosolind Russell, Fronk Sinatro,''iooo Ms, Gory Coof^er, Ethel loirytnore, Eddie Contor, Jeon Arthur, Tereso Wright, Eibher McGee ood MoUy^ end scores of others... pks orchestros, vocoltsts ond other entertoiners. itit the general theme of ' whofs going on ot Mti" the program is broadcast direct from the dining room of the RKO Studios from 12:15 to 12:30 F.M., Focific Coast Time, and one hour later in eoch of the time zones East. The last minute of the program Is devoted to plugs of locot showings of RKO Radio Pictures. COAST TO COAST over T77 Stotions of the Blue Network, 12:15 to 12:30 P.M., Pacific Coast Time; 1:15 to 1:30 P.M., Mountain Time; 2:15 to 2:30 P.M., Central fime, ond 3:15 to 3:30 P.M., Eastern Tkne'^ Every Ooy, Mondoy Tkrovgli Fridoy.