Variety (May 1944)

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Wednesday, May 24, 19-14 HOUSE REVIEWS 3S state, X. Y. Jaih. Pepper, Block & Sully, Peggy Fear!,, Vtrginig. Austin. Joe, Lou & Marilyn CaiifS "Lady vn (he Dork" KPar). :.' Geti€ii'alSy .. entertaipihgr: iveU-balr ajioea lifleup, hyre- currently, toppfc^' bv Jack Pepper afi* comedy team of- Block and Sully Former proves ■sortiewhat of a:^,sUrprise:Qli■cHi■■ ' ,<■ ■„ -F^fS'pper, who /bas; been^lrbtiAa.-for years ■ (.recently overseas with Bob Hope) delivers along; pleasing lines; anft scbres soUdly -for ,; 20 minutes He registers Wltll his opener, "Irish Eyes," eases off Slight- ' ly with "mild .gagsi.'b back strongiy with a song: medley includ- ji.g "'Paper Doll," Wonder Who's Kis^.mg Her Now" and a great read- ing of a letter from an ex-Broadway 'ijewsb'by how ori the Ifaliah front. ' . Jesse Block ,and. Eve Sully uor- ' mer dfiubles as erncee), .click-:, easily. ■ While some,,' of their, material pould ' stand reforbishingi .'this vef :;CQmedy team remains an effective ;combo, for p cture house audiences. They wind up lor big returns with a medley of pop'5 such as 'Papci Doll," ' My Id(.al, ' My Heart Tells Mc,' etc ■ Virginia ■ ■' ■'^^tf^^ :'feitirne, pvip- ■peteeri js one of the cleverest novelr ty turns around. She employs first bne, then two and hnally three pup- . .petSi Peggy feeal's; : in. the trey, irh-, pie<;ses favorably with both \ ocals and dramatic narration She ap- pears to offer even more lor cafes than .. picture ." houses.: . Cole. Porter tune, There Must Be Somebody for Me " IS hei best On the whole, Miss shears is a stvirdy addition and,a good .'for similar.dates,, ;,;$,hb, scored. ' ejifily ai-id repeatedly at show ■cajjghi; Joe, Lou and Marilyn Caits, teipers, open to okay returns Mori. Baltu Baliu lore, May 20 i -Cy rReeve's, .Edwarits Bros. , (3.),: Miirjorie: 'CainsxOorth, Jerri/.: 8t. Jane , Erandow, Ganlier's Steeplechase, Felice tula and'HaX'se-'&rch U2), . "Address Unknown" tGot). . .ijhpilentatious setup. plays briskly, enough. . Paced by Cy Reeves, who • holds down a luche of his own be- sides emceeing, acts follow in • stylized . rotation and mounting: .critnax, ,^ Jerry and' Jane; :,Bra,ildqw :',','sitpply 3 ■.potent , getaway.. with swift hoofery and some instrumental .stuff vby boy, who also contributes a very /■. punchy! dance .r.butiiie :;Oi'i ,a tiny • £ta:ir, ■■-.■ ■: ■,■■■' ,:■.■ ■ V-';.' : ; . Three' Edwards, Brothel's,, do well; :, iri deuce with tumbling and hand ;to ;. hand, iVlai-joi'ie . Gainsw . mg. with legit vocal , versions of "Poiftcianna," "My Hero^ and "I Love You".; all ntcely sold :via well tiamed pipes backed by smait ap- iiearance and sure shpwmaiishiD, . . .Reeves .follows with: his own ispot,. using standardized and familar ma- leiial beini? utilised by the current ; croo of nitery and vaude emcees. Tobbes in some funny stuff wiapped around a vocal ot ."Dark Eye-s" and registers well enough Gautier's Steeplechase is a natural on any bill and very stiong in clos- ,. ■ in'g . spot llbre.' : Melarige ' .of, pbnieSj dogs and a monkey legistcrs very well in smartly timed routine chalk- ing up considerable : appeal. .Nice- closer Biz only fair. Burm. Keith's, Indiils. , India?i<ipoiis, Majy 20., Pniisy the Horse. Tiyler, Thome & Roberts, Bobby ''Uke'' Henshawi Marjorie Lang, Healy Ai Mack, Doro* thy Howard, Ed Resener Houi,e Oich; "Passport to Suez" iCol) Keith's has assembled an average bill this stanza. Ed Reseller's .house orchestra seem set in a stage band policy-after three weeks.. - ; v.. :: . Mariorie Lane starts things with nifty dance routines in both tap -and ballet stvle Tyler, Thoine and ■ Roberts mix :Cbmedy with .strong, arm :,stufl on horizontal bars, Bobby Hen- shaw does; an oke job as emcee be- dsides clicking in his own turn- with gags, iitiitatiohs and novelty .tuhes. He reels off "Stars and Stupes For- ever" on the ukelele and yodels for ■ an encore. , Pansy, the Horse, provides a .ico^n'edy , p'iinch,. in the closing;, spot' With:, its eficeptric .antics.;:' Tyler. Thorne and Roberts are well liked m ,-;their , stylish ■, btii .zany, three^sided: tipsy dance, tumbhng in slow motions for extia laughs Doiothy Howard, 11-year-old talent contest winner, appears. to advantage, in a weil-routined aerohatic dancing turn. Bu fair when caught. Cortr Chieago, Chi '■'■■. ;. ChtCdflo, May 19. Gtl Loinb, Ray JSberle, Lath)op & Lee, Glenns (3), Bob Coffey, Lou Breese Orch (,18); "Standiiig Rooth Only" (Par) . Backed by .Loii^ Breese orch estra', , ■■,; bill,, h'eaded ■ by Gil 'Lamb, is.' entertaining although not easy to wutine. .'", ■.;'flree^g and ; the ■ orcli eslra;. teeoff ■ .Wtjhta-'fitie arrangein'ebt bi,"HoIi'aay , /fOl'.Strirtgs" :'f(eaturing'a violin :trio ■ aiKl ,:a: ::^,lee, club- effect,.': iloU'owi'ng Ahich Lathiop and Lee aie on for a cla.ssy session of hoofing. Pair open With a nitty tap; thea Miss Lee solo';, then back to team-work close to big hand. : : ■ • . Glenns, two men and a woman, click solidly with one of the smooth- est balancing acts ever seen around here.. Woman, in evening gown, ami .men .in white dinner coats, ' go through unusual balancing with ease Trio makes a classy appearance and would fit in the beit nitery and hotel Spots, With, eqiial' A hit. . Ray:;Eberle didn't' seem: in good voice when caught. Neveitheless the audience likgd' his, renditiohS. of' "t Love You,-': "Night and Day;":.'^All or Nothing at-All;" ;"Easy to' Love'V-atid '^I'm Throiigh Witlj Lbve." ■ Bob Cofley straights Lamb and does his usual harmonica version of ' Rhapsody in Blue " Lamb winds it Downtawn, Detroit Detroit, May 20. Tojiirny Doriey Orch (40) Gene Kiupa, Bob AUeii, Bonnie Low Willi^m&, SeP'tinmitallsts,, (4).., .Rttja D<irCs, Edimrds Si.steis (2), "Detect- ive Kitty O'Day" (Mono). ' ,; Downtown opened ,With a; ,,,hg-W stage .and' , film policy, .last -weels. (19) catching Tommy Doisey's band at concert size as it heads out on a toUr of concert and' dance one-nighters. ttorsey's .strings have, been ; built up. to . 17 and a -tuba"' is -fortifying the btiing bass. .Band now is one up or the service/flag that^-shows '39 mem- bers'in iervifee George McCoM. ■Hughes -personal' up wTt¥ an impression"ora jlVtrrb^^^^ has built the house in a theatre. His; panto had the housi I'''"'^'^ '^^ ^°<^°<-° '-Plendoui. m stitches and closed with a bang, ' ■ ^V" ■'■, ■}:'■■'':.''.'>■■_ ■' ■ ' ' . yiorfi Stunlcy, Pitt Pittsburgh, May 19 Bob Chester Oieh (17) Beatuee Kaye, Cair Bros (2), B,;tty Bradley Bdvid- All&ni, "Hour' -Before ' the Dawn" {Par). Best band Bob Chestoi ha-j e\ei b'r'cJught . here,:. and with' Beafrice 'Kay, the Gay QO's,, thrush,. also' on deck,' Siahley has -a. sihackihg 'fresh \vitiher. 'y^/,' ,. V, ■'. ■': '"■ Chester, is an improved showman. Sweet music his band used to sell has been eased off and it now hits the other extreme, without getting ear->vear.y,,,ho>ve,ver. ' .;Arrarigem;e!its' all have flash and .style. Betty Bradley's a nifty lookei who. han'ci,le.s the- .ybcal . chorea' esc- perflyv wpwiiig 'eifi especially: ,:With her come-hither platter of 'Do It Again," while. David' Allen has; a nice vocal quality ; Kayevgal really whams the mob with her:repertoire.- She's got every-.. :fhing,. a lusty: manner, a- rich .veiri'.of- satire and a terrific personality. Had she been around in: the, old two-a-. day, she . Would h&ve. bee'h ■,right .,iip there with the: Nora Bayses, the .Eva, Tanguays; .-whose "I- Don't'Ciare" she does up brown, and: the Irene Frank- lins;, crowd ,cpuldn',t ge.t ehbiigh. pf 'her this afterhdon V (Friday'). ,-' Th kept begging for more. Cai r Broth- ers are on early and bat; out a-homej. run with their acrobatic tricks, some of -which are, as they say m the trade: sometimes, absolutely impossible. , Coheji RKO Boston - :, Bosloii, Alny 18. Ted Lewi's Orch (13); Geraldme Dubois, Audrey Zxmm, Reed Sisters (3), Gerri Ga'e, otheis, "Tampico" (20th). visit: to the Hub ifl^:-couple- of .seasons finds Ted Lewis still among the stauncher showmen. He lifts a purely routine show, dislm- guished by nothing much to speak ofi into near-top bracket entertam- taenti" ■■ ,■■:; -:': ts, rococo spienaour, ■ no mean triijk,.:since the , seats ', were stripped out' (Jf -'the, 2, ha(isB ,durin^ ;:its: misadventure a 'few years- back as a doWnto.wri ■iiitery. It co'st ,,,i;;b .'ISO.OOO to: refurbish tile loop 'Ibeatre;':;a ijarrow':'street .i.Ust'.'cff .the ■heart''.bf the, city,. And the 80G's ii-ck good on it; -. '„'' With Doise> and Gene Krupa a-nd the all^arbUTld; merit; (if , tlie ' Dorsey ensemble for a starter tl-.o ho;ise beads into ■ surnm,er, with a- pijeup. of; ■names already signed that' can,.rhean- successfiil, operatibn-;,' if;,: Gotipled:', to; decent p;x. ■'"■';;;■ „■,',■'"■ ■: ' There's lit;tle: dc(ubt ,that .the ,i3ofSey' iband^ wow's, :tbem.,. .Ddrsey ;haS: ,,it whether it's "Hawaiian: ..VS?!ar, Chant"; 01 'Song ol India" There's show- manship and,';staging. as, exemplified by. a pin-spot, wliich throws a double-silhouette ot Krupa on a ,bacltdr,o,p as he beats but .druni arid tom-tom specialties. „ Bob A'i en draws ■ himself a - hot reception for his: work, :eapped : by Old Man River." Sentimentalists ,also - click with ''San, Fernando Valley ' Sunny Side ol the Street," etci ,'Baii;d's,,riew singer,' Bphriie Lou VSiQIliatns, "^has s.a,,, an'd a good :blues voice, and-worked easily to plenty of resp,bnse:-:with ''Can't' Give' You, Any ihing But Love" and '■'When They A.bk About You There s the Dorsey imprimateui on all that's done, he takes a few, well-timed shots at the spotlight himself and' all. the top in-, strumentalists of the band get a -chance for bows,,:, ' , , , ; Rute: Davis provides comedy with his.medley ot barnyard, plane, etc., vocal eftects and cut himself a wow with his Donald Duck doihg"Mairzy Doates " The Edwards Sisters tossed in, :Cri,sp, fast-tempo taps witli '■ a; ]itterbug: llair to lend additional \ariety to the sock houi's show. House near capacity at : 4 p.m. Saturday show caught, Pooi. gratiates himself with his singing, playing and emceeing. Band's swing throughout is a niilder varie- ty,,melody supplanting noise, Monroe's two solos, "ru Get Bv' 'and~T6rr, Far Away and Long, Long Ago," win mciited approval In Dei Parker; ieadiir, h'as a; topnbtch ,gal'vocalist. She puts •,acr.oSs twb , b'urhbers, ''No-iv I • Kiibw"-; and:'^^V Ay, Ay," in big-league fashion June Slater ofiers slick tap routines and tin-: I'shes strp'h.iily to Ihe, acoompaniiiieo of a: patriotic medley., Ciiester- Dolv phin,;: aided- by ■ aii - 'eye-fiilirig ' youiig' I Wcirnan,:,:, ■clowns'' '',e,ffectiuely . ■while 1 performing.; fe^Hy diffi.duit:,' -atid H'>- usual juggling and balancing stunts The trained aiifmal act of Gil Maison, utilizing one monkey and several ',C'anines;:,,:is one, of ■ tbe; f un- niest and best -ever .encountered by . ■this .i^eporter, ;',;■'■; ■";"■'■;:■''.' :''' ...' '.;;;;'; ., 'The' barid -.cortclades -with; ".pdn-feey Serenade," Monioe again exercising' His pipes;: to the::cust6iners' ;full.'satis- facitibn;, ;,-Lbwer -floor'-jh'eld--- ihpd;-.; eiate-sized^Juaience at fiist show:i opening day, Rees Uarie, IMiiii.v "Phitatieipliia, May 19, ; Teddv Powell Orch (15) with Peqciy Mann, Skip ..Nelson; Virginia Weidler,. Frank:Pans, Hibboird,-Bj/rd- & Lartte, "Lady, Let's Daixce'' (Mono). . ■i.,-/:■■-■'■'- -■■■■ "■-:-■-■■■ :.-■;■ National, L'vilie Louis7!i(Ie, May 19. Woody Herman Orch (17) with Lyn Shirley, Ginibby Jackson, Davey rough, Frances Wayne. Wally West; "Murder on] Waferfr0if'i (WB), ' 'Wbbdy : , Herinan ;::,ran;- into ,-hot weatlier :■ his- first tirtie ' here, ,a,ndAi.t has affected patronage. Turnout hete .Lewis set, ;ilp,; ;ttie -crowd with,- his, I been mild froni ,,6pehihg bni easy-rgoing routine consisting mostly of a recitation of music, with top hat and clarinet. Next comes Geraldme Dubois in a, strutting session- 'whicb' IS more a gam show than dance; Teddy Hale's taps next; then Audrey Zimm in. a baton-twirling -stunt which really catches on. , ' There fbliows , a ; session. with a Dixieland- jazz band featuiing Mugggy'- Spanier, ::,Qebrge ;BruHies, .lack Danford and Tony Paienti, a vocal of "San Fernando 'Valley" by the Reed Sisters; shadow- routine with; Charles ■ Whitter;; a; heat ;to,e dance by Gerri Gale, and a comedy- dance setup-by sTeddy Hale and Paul White. It remains for Lewis himself to put this layout m the groove, and he does it Biz way off at opener, however. Orpheuin, L. A. Los Angeles, May 18 Benny Carter Orch (15), Ktticy Cole Tno, Tnnmie Rogers, Samnnah Chwrr)ii», Coolc & Brown; "Million- Doliai Kid" (Mono). Repeat bocikings of King Cole Tuo and Benny Carter's orehestia means plenty entertamiifient here this week. Show IS fast-moving and on musical I side although some first rate comedy I helps balance. .-. ' King Cole Trio's pianO, guitai and bass'ls a groovey combo which clicks with a medley of 'I'm Lost" 'Li\ing Ail, for ; You ': arid' ''Straighteri UP: aiid; Fly- Rite,":.'Bass ;solo :Spot, .fol- lows!; Benny Carter joins tn with his trumpet. Caiter's band easily sells ' Back' ■Bay ■iBobgie," featuririg Carter; Oi-i 'th<! sax,, then: the ;le'ade'r's;,'trumpetin|;;,oif *'I 'Surrendeii Dear," ''poiriciahna," :a Herman has a versatile band, and m.c.'s the show himself. Opening with a biassy ' Perdido," leader gives em "Do Nothin': Till You: Hear, from Me.'; and. closes . with -his :standard "Woncicliopper's Ball.".' He leads a solid sax and brass session, and leans- heavily on two rhythm men, Davey Tough, drummer, and Chubby Jack- son, bass. Tough Ls spotted with a ;dex;trQus, drum- rbiitine, while- Jaick- son, roly-poly string bass player, has a flair for comedy. Both specialists registered, , Herman's vocalist, Frances Wayne, singing in a stiff stance, gives out with ' Music Stopped," ' Couldn't Sleep a Wink' and ' Don't Cry, Babe." plenty: lo,ud, with slight -atr: tempt ,,at Shadings. , Followed-; 'by band with "I'll Gel By," vocalled by Heiman, and "Basie'S Basement," hot Jive, and featunngi leader's ex- cellent, clarinet tooting. ■: Bill has only two acts to bolster Ihe band portion. Lyn Shirley, acio-ddncer, with difficult twists and hdnd-.stand.s. Gal is attractive, and ofTers something new in the danee*acro line. She clicked. Wally West uses by now standard impelsonations, but still different enough to bold interest. His voice work is above par,; and he scored -wjth-ifiipre.ssibns of Lum and Abner, March ol Time, Rochester, President Roosevelt, and others Brought plenty , of laughs, and a big hand. , Biz mild ai show caugnt Saturday (20). JJoid. Ofpheiiin, Mpis. Minneapolis, May 20. . -Vn uyhn Mariroe : Orch '• (17:).',: •uiith' Dei Parkui, Jane Slater. Chester Dolphin (2), Gil Maiiton, '•Hour Be- foie Duwn' iPar). ■■fyHk:ik a .go,c>d' ijhpW---.,f6r'anibbdy's; ;toiJ; arfarigement. :-:a;nd ;"L(3ve : for ,-,iTi,pn,ey-:-ab6ut, as good-a.? . they .rnake; Sale" Orch is equally potent in sup-i'em In its fust'^Minneapolis ap- porting Savannah Churchill's throaty j ppaiarice, \^aughn Monroe's orches- vocaling ot "My Baby's Baby,"|tia fuHj- lives up to the reputation 'Huuy, Huiry." and "Jelly, JeUy," a 1 w-hich Dieceded it For diveisity, blues - the - Hnger' --ltftWs;-.h9<^^^^^ -put ' novelty .and ■ ci[uaht.v,' three',':sU;jipl(?-' over, ::';■,■' ' , ; ■■:;:■';,/" nightars' ;;'aot'S:^ :iTieasure'::up: ;td' this ViTlrtimie' 'Rogers,;; Negfb; .comic, ■'iri l''theatre\s usuailj^^^^^^ ;-;; one of 'his' .first appearaivces;. a.s,';'a f,-';' ,jVl,b'rirpe'',.S'^sK;eri;-;',bra'^^ ;,fly,e -isaxies;' single, is:' adept:', at .'comedy;' ch'a'tier i'arid:.-':fbur-,;i'hy,thm,- w',ith' the,, gbod-' ai-ld;hoaflng,., Maieriai he has.gathered'pobki^ng,;'-maestro:; al.?(3^ taking, -ooca^^' for new .turri is tliiiely and first: r.iite,,.} siy",al'whirls at tlie , Cook and Brbi'w'n,Viti' ,l^,e»cg■;..-3pot,,'!-i^!;:el;^,8lri^ knock' ;theriiselyes- ,'out , -iyith ;iiv-^ -i sin'^iri^-^'o.t :a bettcr,--,ty-pe'-Hbari,';0rdi,-' -.dan'pirig;,and i'fall.'if to, rate' a-hearty. ,|'i)ariiy :„-{)rovid<:d'' .by;, popular',: stage nand. Bioy (bands of ils smt Monioe m- Philly's kids have found them- .sel-ves-.somethtifig 'hew, to ;s(jueal' at; guy IS Skip JNelson, v\ ith Teddy Pov/ell's band Kids are really go- ing ;;fd.r':his: iri;terprMation'-,'<)f,! things like "I Love You" "Oh You Beauti- ful'-Diall," etc, ;■:: ■■'■;;:.;".■.-:.':.;-^''. :, ■;;: -: Powell's' ferame : vocalist, Peggy ,Manri;,, likewise' has a , field ,■ day as She yodels ,:''I' ■Had, 'si i-Mani;': 'tLbiig Ago," "Do Nolhing Till You Heai from Me,'! pops that have been done to death ot late here. ' Band numbers include ' I Got Rhythm," "G I Jive." "Daik Eyes" and "Holiday toi Strings," latter a bit overloud. Virginia Weidlei, the onetime screen moppet in the closing .slot, manages to give an okay accountmg of- herself .shouting the: adolescent lameht, ".What :po Ymi Think I Am, JUst -a. Baby", iri a fairis.h:;VOice.'.. Her other number is a tough assignmenl, "One Girl and Two Boys," She signs off with a takeoff On Virginia O'Brien's deadpan rendition of a luUabye in ]ive time! : - Frank Pans! dancing puppets pro- vide a high spot on the bill It's one of the cleverest acts of this type ever jganriered heie Dance team of Hibbard. Byrd. and Larue round out the bill with a comic ballroom rou- tine which starts out conventionally enough but winds up rough-house: fashion: with an. "inebriated'';stooge coming :.up . from; the audience, arid' tosising the pint-sized femme around; House . was about three-tourths filled; when reviewed (Friday after- noon) . Shal. DAPHNE HELLMAN Harpist ; 8 Mins. Le Rubitn Bleu, X. Y. A harp doesn't belong in a saloon, even: when played, by a; .glamorous; long-tressed;blbrids! .tricked but in. a slinky gold lame gown. Daphne Heliman is a society belle with a host of.; friends, jtid'giri:g; frbria'"'!ier: biisy. p(;^regrinatioriS: from, table tb- table ■fbUbwjng ,her ■ Ruhan , .Bleu" preerii .Wednesday-: ('1,7);; ; .She..- plays good'' eriovigh; drawing:robni; harpj .but lier . attempts,:to:move into: the, :io-wdo\y;ri di\ i^ion with ' Shoo Shoo Baby," Jingle Jangle" and "Mairzy" are ,biily,::spr'So;., arid , have,'piariiM' Julius ' -iMonk Wbrkiril overtitiie tb; fill, iri the ,; gaps. She fares bettei, though, Biahms' "Lullaby" and a Snanish flamenco, although knuckle knocks on frame of harp and olhe'r urck stuff detiact fiom her vcision of the Ifittsry- .-;."-■ .;;,.;;•. -■;■■ ■■ '''■■;';'•;■;;::'.''■: Gal has nice smile and obvious de- sire to please, but it was tough even loi the late Ca^pai Reardon to sell a harpr'act' in, a night ;club,;and he was ■'. a master of the instruinent-. ':J?o»n.'" BONME LOU 1VILLI.4.MS .Songs 6 Mins. Do-H'ntown, Detroit ' New singer with Tommy Doisey's band has an easy, ingratiating m,in- nei and a good,lowdown blues voice. She woiks effoitlessly, projects sex, looks classy and has the quality of setting the oobby-sox trade to whis- tling^ and stomping. Her contralto is used nicely on "Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby," and "When They Ask About You," and has power enough to flat- ten.; the, tustomers back'against .the .seats.,,; Sole, criticism -would; be 'ijiat: the young singer, who came on from the" Coast,: .'still is;',adjustirig- to. the band, and could ■ use, a little more modulation in putting. over her num-, bers. With the natural improvement and adaptation to the Dorsey band, she'll be polishing up rapidly Pool New Rockaway Nitery A , syndicate, headed- by : Irving Jacobs has leased a site in Rockaway Park, L I., to house nitery and res- taurant to be known as Hai bor Rest, opening May 25 Will have oand and five acts, Jacobs recently signed basic agree- ment for Class A spots with Ameii- can Guild of Vaiiety Artists, also posting bond covering one -week's salary; -. . ..■-.■,.,: -.;., Contract calls for $75 minimum for principals and $45 for choristers. Opening show has na chorus line, but one may be added later. New York Theatres CONTINUOUS 'MIHHOnHlllik.M. BETTE DAVIS ■ In : V\ anun- Bros. Ilitl .- . m. SKEFFINGTON' ;■.■■■;;;.:;,,.-;.:;.',; '■;:. ^ISvi'ti-i'.:;:' ,..;■;■,:':'■';;■; C'laii«i«^ llalns . BROADWAY «t 5l<t »T. HOLLYWOOD ^ :-.„^:-';- ■■'"■-■■, "-■■"'.'.';- A ' P.\lt\MOi;N'l."S "GOING MY WAY" With BING CROSBY , In IVrwm . ■ ■; '' CHVKIIIS hri\ \K and Bund ^ Oil S«T<*«*n * Tliurs,.'M«y,J5 :-; First N,Y< SlWV»,i'l(« "THREE MEN IN WHITE"- LIONEL BARRYMORE VAN iOHNSON ,; in K«rson, BI4.LY ROSE'S DIAMOND HORSESHOE REVUE JACK CARSON In Warner Brot. Hit! *Make Your Own Bed' IN PEBSON CAB CALLOWAY AND HIS Jumpin' Jive Jubilee ■ROADWAY «t 47th (T, S T R A N D MUSIC HALL "Th€L White Cliffs Of Dover" Spaetacular ltag* Productions qwiTpii IN PW***" PALACE "SHOW BUSINESS" Eddie CANTOR - Georce MVRMre Joan UAAIS ■^ KettV fESS'i mUP GIRL" A Mtli C<Mitury-Fiix ricluce UlK .Stasa R O X Y