Variety (Jul 1944)

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Wednesday, July S, 1944 P^S SffifY ■ H There will be no further engagements of the picture between this; date and' FEBRUARY, 1945. In FEBRUARY, 1945, Paramount will release "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" for showing at regular admis- sion prices. This is in conformity with Paramount's pledge to the ihdus- try that shown anywhere in this country at popular pfices until 1945, To all theatre men who joined with us in showing f< FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS^ on its Roadshow basis, Paramount acknowledges with thanks job sup^ latively done. \ . ' . , _ To the many thousands more exhibitors who will play f * FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" at popular prices from Feb- ruary, 1945, on* we say that the public response to the Road- [shoiving of this great Technicolor production is proof that picture will establish new box-office records at popular prices. it "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS' v From th« Celebrated Novel by Ernest Hemingway Starring Gary Cooper • Ingrid Bergman 'r«duc«l cm4 oiricM Vy Saip Wood * B. G. OeSYLVA, e«««M.,**<«« IN TECHNICOLOR «,«, AKIM TAMIROFf • ARTURO d« COROOVA / JOSEPH CALLEIA • KATINA PAXINOU ■ ■ Screen Play by Dudley Nichols Never stop 'till your oyer the top J .fighting-Fifth WW Lout!