Variety (Jul 1944)

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16 PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, July 5, 1944 LA. Still Big; 'Holiday Smash 7SG in 4 Houses; 'Mask' Sturdy 516 in 3, CMs High S3liC 3 Spots in 2d Wk. Los Angeles, July 4. Combination of July 4 and stout product is pushing up grosses this week despite holdovers in eight first- runs and three spots with move- overs. Solid is "Christmas Holiday, which is soaring to a great $75,000 in four theatres, and top new entry. "White Cliffs" still is big at $53,500 in three spots for second week. Other newcomer, "Mask of Dimi- trios," looks nice with $51,000 ia three houses. "Snow White is hold, ing well at the Downtown and Hill- street but slipping off at Panteges, in Hollywood, appearing only $28,500 for three spots in nine days of sec- end session. Moveover of "Two Girls and Sailor" in three houses looks very husky at $25,000. Fourthframe of "Dr. Wassell" is nice $26,500. two spots, and holds further. Estimates far This Week Cartkay Orel* (F-WC) (1.516; 80- $1)—"Christmas Holiday" tU) and "Allergic to Love" (U>. great $10,- 0CO Last week, "J Girls Sailor" (M- G) and "Bermuda Mystery" (20th), hefty $8,800. despite '"^shew. (biwu (Graumart-WC) 12,034; 5*-$l ^"Christmas Holiday" <U> and "AHergie Love" (tt>. Socko $17.- 000. Last week, "2 Girls Sailor" (M- G> and "Bermuda Mystery" (20th) great $15,100. ^ Omntowi (WB) (2,934; 50-$l>— •'Mask ESmitrios" (WB). Nitty $21.- 000. Last week, "Make Own Bed' (WB) (2d wk), okay$12,500:. , E*y»ttaa (F-WC) (L535: 5tt-$l)— Broadway Grosses Estiatateii Total Grose This Week. $609,000 i Basra on 15 t7teu:>cj) Total Grass Same free* ' / . "Last Year.... .. $397,50» (Based on 13 tncetre*» - CUFFS'LOFTY 1%, SEATTLE 4 "White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk>. Solid $13,500. Last week, record $17,380. row Star (UA-WC) (9»; 50-85)— "2 Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Ber- muda MysteryJ* (20th). Powerful $6,- COO on moveover. Last week. "Home Indiana 1 ' e20th> and . "3 Men in White" (M-G>.. "strong $4,500. Hawaii (GftS) (1.100; 50-$D— "Voice in Wind" : (UA) and "Natzy Nuisance" (ISA). (5th wk-4 days). Oke $2£9fl in four days. Last week. HaUywaa* (WB) (2,756; 50-$!)- "Dknitrios". (WB). Profitable $16,- tOOi ■ Last week, "Make Own Bed' (WB) (2d wk). Rood $9,500. ~ _ • Las Aaceles tD*town-WC) '2.200: MMtt)—"White Offls" 'M-G) ( wk). Stilt -great at $29,000. Last -week, smash $35,500. . Orphean (mown) (2,200: 65-980- "Follow Leader" (Mono) with Holly- wood Canteen Kids orth on stage. Good $18,000. Last week, "Curse Cat People'* (BKO) with Louis Jordan Five, nifty $21,400. . " ; .'•:-..•• . Paaaagcs (Pan) (2,812: 5fl-$D- "Snow White" (BKO) (reissue) and "Gil<iersleeve"s Ghost" (RKO) (2d •wk). .Dinning to $10,500 in final days.' Last week, not up to hopes but solid $16v30O. r»»*ut (F&M) (3.389; 50-$l ')— "Br Wassell" (Par) (4th wk). Okay $18,000. Last week, good $21,000. raraBwaat Bettyweea) iF&M) U,- •451; 50-$D—"Dr. Wassett" (Par') (4th wk). Nice $8,500- Last week, nice $10v20uV one night out tor bond show. BKO Hilbtreet (RKO) (2.890: 50- 80)—"Snow White" (RKO) ireissue) and "Gildersleeve'S Ghost" (RKO) (2d wk). Good S18J00 in 9 days. Last week, solid $23,900. ■Ha (F-WC) (1,372: 50-$l)—"White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk). Big $11,000. Last week, sock $13,200. State (Loew'S.-WC) (2.204: 50-$l)— "Christmas Holiday" HJ) and "Al- lergic Love" (U). Smash $35,500. Last week. "2 Girls Sailor" (M-G) andi "Bermuda Mystery" (20th), handsome $29,400. Varied Artists (UA-WC) (2.108!: 50-$l)~"2 Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Bermuda Mystery"' (20thK Great $10,506. Last week. "Home Indiana" t20*h:) and "3 Men in White" <M-G). hefty $8,800. '..''■ .• Vafcmrai tF-WO' ' 2596; 50-$l )— "Christmas Holiday" (U) and "Aller- gic Love" (U). Boffo $12500. Last week. "2 Girls Sailor" ' M-G) and . "Bermuda Mystery" i20th). big $9,- 100. ■"• •,-■' ■ ;■- ""■ :. ; "" ." .,.'•••'. WUshire (F-WC) (2.296: 50-$D— "2. Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Ber- muda' Mystery." i20tto.)'. Handsome $8.500.. Last week. "Home Indiana" (■20th) and. "3 Men in White" (M-G), neat $5,900. :-.-.WH*«*«- iWB) 12.500.: 50-$D— "Dimitrios" IWB). Hefty $14,000. Last week. "Make Own Bed" (WB) (2d wk >, okay S7.200.v.';.:' " " v Seattle, July 4. Holiday week finds many hold- overs here, but pace continues stout. Leader is "White Cliffs," smash at Fifth Ave. _ _ • • _ ,' " Estimate* far This Week". Blac Mease' (Hamrick-Everkreefi) (800; 45-»>—"Up in Arms" (RKO) and "Tamtan's Desert: . Mystery i RKO) (6th wk).. Good $4,500 in six days. Last week, nifty $5,400. Swell. Fifth Aveaae (H-E) (2,349: 45-80) —"White. Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk). Smash $13,000 or over. Last week, great $16,500. Liberty (J-vH) (1,650; 45-80)— Mabel's Room" <UA) (3d wk). Solid $7,000 or near. Last week, $7,900, Mesie Box (H-E) (850; 45-80)— Pin-Up Girl" (20th) (4th wk). Big 55.500. Last week, about same. Mesie Hall i H-E I (2,200; 45-80)— Roger Touhy" (20th) and "Ladies Washington" (20th). Stow $5*500. Last week "White Cliffs" (M-G) ' $8,000. Orakeam (H-E) . (2,600: 45-80)— "Man From Frisco" (Rep) and "Chinese Cat" (Mono). Mild at $8.- 500. Last week "Between 2 Worlds" (WB) and '.'Kitty: OUay" (Mono), big: $9,600. PaUmar (Sterling) (1.350: 30-$D— "Lady Let's Dance" (Mono) with Rosita Royce topping vaude. Brisk $iOvO80. Helped by $1 holiday mati- nee scale. Last week. "Johnny Doesn't Live Here" (Mono) plus stage. $8,000.. ■'. ■ Paramount (H-E) (3.039; 45-80)— "Angel's Sing" (Par) and "Aldrich Plays Cupid" (Par) (2d wkj. Five days to hit holiday change. Okay $7,000. Last week, great $12,000. Roosevelt (Sterling) (850: 45-80)— "Two Worlds" (WB) (2d wk). From Orpheum, Tall $5\500 or near. Last week '.'Show Business" 'RKO). (2d wk). $6,u0ft. Winter Gardea (Sterling) (800": 25- 50)—"Standing Room Only" (Par) and "Action Arabia" (RKO) (3d run). Good $5^000. Last week "Jane Eyre" (20th) and "Sons Russia (M-G) (3d run), dandy $5,400. CLEVL MILD ALBEIT /WASSELL'FAST 22i€ Cleveland, July 4. "Story ai Dr. Wassell" looks big- gest currently, soaring to smash to- tal at State. Others are not doing so hot. . . Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,000; 44-65)—"Snow White" (RKO). (reissue) (2d wk). Bright $12,000. Last week, "Home in Indiana" (20th) (2d wk), about same. Hipp (Warners) (3.700; 44-65)— "Sullivans" (20th). Good $16,000. Last week, "Snow White" (RKO) (reissue), husky $20,000. Lake (Warners) (800; 44-65 V— "Home in Indiana" (20th) (3d wk). Fast $5,000 on moveover. Last week, "Uncertain Glory" (WB) (2d wk), ^Obi^^Loew's) (L206: 44-65>- '•Happcned Tomorrow" (UA). Fancy $8,000. Last week, "Three Men in White" (M-G), oke $6,500. ^ State (Loew's) (3,450; 44-65)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par). Great $22,500. Last week, "White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk), socko $18,500. . „, < „\ Stillman (Loew's) (2,700: 44-65)— "White Cliffs" (M-G) (3d wk). Smash $12,000 on m.o: Last week, "Meet People" (M-G), nice $7,800. '* 'lndmna' Great 37G, Del; 'People,' Wald 31G, lady'-Leonard 21G, Fancy Key City Grosses Estiaiated Total Gran This Week ...K,$32^0» tBased on 23 ciwef, 181 thea- tres, chiefly Jtrsi rwn'i, maua'mg N. YJ) Total Gross Saaia Week - Last year........... -.$&3lMM (Based on 2* cities, 189 theatres) 'INDIANA' FINE 226 IN HUB 'Angels' Fancy $18,500 Port. Standout, 2 Spots Pix Troupes Given Key To New Mexico by Gov. 1 tastrw'eTkr "W-u^g . Gallup.-N; M.t July "4. Hollywood film. makers. weire • in- vited to send their troupes to New Mexico and were promised full co- operation and all the \ facilities.', of the state by Governor Dempsey. at a War Bond dinner where Paul Raw- lins, producer, and. John Rawlins, ■ director, of tiniversai, were guests of honor. .'".•';'•■ :/.".'.; i Universal is filming "Queen Of the Nile" on location, here, with New Mexico impersonating Egypt. . .. Portland. Ore.. July 4. "White Cliffs of Dover" still is packing them in at the small United Artis theatre even though in third week. "And Angels Sing." day-date at Paramouint and Oriental, is stand- out with big biz insight. v .' , Estfeautes far This Week Broadway (J. J. Parker) it.OOflt 40-80,)—"Man from rViscb," (Rep) and "Trocadero" (Rep). MOd $7.000.. Last week. "Two. Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Scarlet Claw" iU). strong $13,000. ■■ Mayfair I Parker-Hamxkk-Ever- green) (1.500; 40-80)—"Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Scarlet Ctaw" TO). Okay $&08Q. in ftve days.: Last week. "Happened Tomorrow" . <UA ) and "3 Russian Girls" (UA), $5,000 in six days. * Uaited Artists (Parker) i900: 40-. 80)—"White Cliffs'" («-Gn3<l wit): Solid $9..000. Last week, health v $11,000, . Orpkeum ,(H-E.) (1.800: 40-80. )— "Frisco. Kid" (Wfij i reisstie) a nd "T Days Ashore" (RKO). Light $&50». Last week. "Pin-Un Girl." (20thi and "Kitty O'Day" (Mono) 12d wk). in six days,, fair $8,200: *;•*;' • rttvh«»se (H-E) : H.200: 40-80) — "Frisco 1 Kid" (WB) (reissue), and v 7 Days Ashore" (RKG'l. . Thin" $2,360: ri," : 'i2Sth> and, 'Kitty O'Day'* (Mono) (2d wk): stow $1,800 in six days, ■ raranowttt (H-E) (3,000: 40-80')— "And 1 Anifels Sing 5 '' (Par) and "Gildersleeve's Ghost" (RKO)". Strong $13,000. Last week. "Four Jills" (20th) and "Gambler s Choice" (Par), average $12;000: •..':'• Oriental iH-E> i2,040: 40-80)— "And Angels Sing" (Par) and "Gildersleeve's G ho.'s t" : (RKO). Husky $5,500, Last week. "Once Upon Time" (Col) and "Can't Ration Love" (Par) (2d wk)> ordinary $3,500. lyWay'Recunl $56,080 in Phmy Philadelphia, July 4. i "Going My Way" is heading for a new house record this week at the Mastbaum. but generally biz was spotty with July 4 holiday weekend not helping downtown deluxers. Most folks headed for nearby beaches or left town, and few came in: ■ Estiaaaies for This Week AMiac (WB) (1J03; 40-85 )— "Snow White" (RKO> (reissue). Bangup $16,000. Last week, "Mabel's Room" (UA) (2d wk), mild $8,500. Arcadia (Sablosky) (600; 40-85)— "Make Own Bed" (WB). Fair $4,- . - , 500 on second-run. Last week, D1 §jh"Bardy's Blonde Trouble" (M-G) (2d r run), fine $5i,2fl0. . Bovd <WB) (2,56«; 40-85)—"Gas- light" (M-G) (3d wk). Good $17,- 000 or close. Last week, sturdy $22,500.- Earle (WB) (2,760; 5K-96)—"Ghost Catchers" (U) plus Abe Lyman orch oti stage. Modest $18^Dfl. Last week, "3 Men in White" (M-G) plus Ink Spots, Ella Fitxgerald and Cootie Williams, on stage, broke all existing records here on band policy, going to terrific $46,600. , . Fox (WB) (2,245; 48-85)—"Home in Indiana" (20th). Fairly mild at $16,000. Last week. "Mask Dimitrios" (WB). modest $16,500. Karlton (Goldman) (1,000; 40-85) —"Lady in Dark" (Par). Fine $9,090 second run. Last week, "Pin-Up Girl" 126th) (2d run), fairish $6,500. Keith's (Goldman) (2,220; 40-85)— "Days of Glory" (RKO) (2d run). Fair $5,000. Last week, "Ladies Courageous" (U) (2d run), mild $3,000 in five days. V Mastbaum (WB). (4,692; 40-85) — ■"Going My Way" (Par). Terrific $52,000. plus $4,000 extra for Sunday show at Earle. Last week, "Up in Arms" (RKO) (3d wk), fine $18,500. Stanley IW3) (2,915; 40-85)— 'White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk). Po- tent $26,000 or close. Last week, torrid $33,500 plus added $4,200 at Earle on Sunday show. .Stanton (WB) " (1,475; 40-85)— "Hitler Gang" (Par), (2d wk). Fair $8,500. after fine $12,200. initiate. ' : .'' • Boston, 'July ,4. With nothing sensational offered, and scorching weather as a damper on all biz, totals are tame this week. Metropolitan is doing all right, how- ever, with "Story of Dr. Wassell." "Going My Way" in its sixth week downtown continues to show strength as one of most remarkable grossers seen in the Hub. : : Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO) a^OO; 55-$1.10)— "Happened Tomorrow" (Par) and George White's "Scandals" unit on stage. Modest $20,0flfc Last week» "Seven Days Ashore" (RKO) and "Blind Date," radio show on stage, did $32,000, wham for this time of year. '■• '.: : ■ - Fenway (M&P) (1.373; 40-74)rr- "Going My Way" (Par). Emds third week (sixth downtown) at fine $6,- 000. Last week, good $8,000. Majestic (E. M. Loew) (1.350; $1.10)—"Bernadette" (20th). Stilf do- ing fair in ninth week at $6,000, Last week, okay $10^00. Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-95>— "Home Indiana" (20th) and "Gilder- sleeve's Ghost" (RKO). Opened good, but slid off to nice $22,000. Last week, "Show Business" (RKO) and "Yellow Canary" (RKO), good $16,- 000 for third sesh. Metropolitan (M-P) (4.367; 40-74) —"Dr. Wassell" (Par). Great $28,- 000 in view of weather. Last week. "Pin-Up Girl" (20th) and "3 Men in White" (M-G), sock $25,000 in sec- ond week. :'..! Orpheum (Loew> (2:900; 35-74)— "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G). Okay $17,500 for second week. Opener $28,000. Paramount (M-P) (1,700; 40-74)— "Going My Way" (Par). Hit by heat, but still good at $10,000. Opens uptown Esquire for summer run. Second week (fourth downtown), hot $18,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 35-74)—"TW6 Girls Sailor" (M-GX Slow at $8,000 after big opener of $I3i20O. . Translux (Translux) (900; 30-74)— "Sell My Life" (Indie) and "City Missing Girls" (Indie) (reissues). Strong at $«.0e0. Last week, "Two- Man Sub" (Col) and "1 Was a Spy" (Indie), fine $6,500. Detroit, July 4. While the holiday will help some here, the Fourth weekend is seeing a big trek out of the city. Biz is not top-flight compared to big totals of winter but the Fox is solid with "Home in Indiana** and "Allergic to Love." ..::->. ■ . ; . '.•' . Estimates far This Week V ~"' Aaaau (Balaban) (1,700; 60-85) — "St. Mark" (20th) and "Louisiana Hayride" (Col) (2d wk). Moved from Fox for good $10,000. Last week, "Once Upon Time" (Col) (2d wk) and "Chan's Secret Service" (Mono), fair $9,600. Broadway-Capitol (United Detroit). (2.880; 60-85)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par) and "Lady Let's Dance" (Mono) (3d wk). Moved from Michigan, bright $14,000. Last week, "Show Business" j (RKO) and "Action Arabia" (RKO) i (2d wk). nice $10,000. Doaainra (Howard Hughes) (2.800: 60-96)—"Lady Monster" (Rep) and Ada Leonard orch on stage. Nice $21,000'. Last week, "^Minstrel Man" (PRC ) and: Ted Lewis orch on stage, great $29,000. Fax (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 60-85) —"Home in Indiana" (20th): and "Allergic to Love" (U). Great $37.- 000. Last, week, "St. Mark" (20th) and "Louisiana Hayride" : (Col), dull $22.000.. - Madison (United': Detroit) (1,800; 60-85) — "Unirivifel" (Par) and" "Fighting Sesibees" (Rep). Back in. loop for nice $5,000. . Last week, "Destination Tokyo" (WB). and "Heavenly Body'* (M-G), ditto. Mfchigan (United Detroit) (4.000; 60-95)—"Meet the People" (M-G) with Jerry Wald orch on stage. Nice $31,000. Last week, ''Dr. Wassell" (Par) and "Lady Let's Dance" (Mono) (2d wk), brisk $22,000, Palms-State (United Detroit) (3.000: 60-85)—"2 Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Night Adventure" (RKO). Likely $181000. Last week. "Un- certain Glory" (WB) and "Gilder- sleeve's Ghost" (RKO), disappointed at $16,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (2.000; 60-85) — "Hargrove" (M-G) and "Gambler's Chance" (Par) (3d w»k), slipping to only $10,000 after last week's nice $14,000. Pitt. Perks Up; Pin-Up' Bright 15G, 'Mask' 13iG 3 K. C. Spots; 'WasselF Ditte, 'CMs' 14G, 2d . Kansas City. July 4. Turnstiles continue to click; at a fast pace here despite torrid weather. "Home in tndiana," day-date at Es- quire, Uptown and Fairway, is the leader;. "Dr. Wassell" is getting the same coin with sock week at the Newman.' ; . *,. >■■■ "While Cliffs, of Dover." at the Midland, and "Snow White" with •"Yellow Canary." at the Orpheum,. are steady on holdover after boff j opening roumds. , . Estimates for This Week Es<|aive, Uptawa and Fairway i iFox-Mtctwest). (820.'2.043. and 700.; i 45>-65i)i—"Home in. Indiana" (20th). I Wham. S18..OO0.. Last week, "St.. : Mark" i20th). rugged. $12,700. : ■« i . MiaktMl (Loew's) (3s50O: 40r69)— , "White Cliffs." (M-G) (2d wk). Hefty ; $14,000 alter great $20^.000 initialeri I Xewmaa (Paramount) 11,900; 45- 155)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par). Socko $18,.- ' 000'.:' Last' week. "Two. Worlds" . < WB). nice $11,000;. ■„ - • '..."-:.- > Oraaeaa* (RKO) (1,500; 46-65.)— I "Snow White" (RKO) (reissue) and: "Yellow Canary" (RKO) (2d wk). . Brisk $11,000. Opening week, great $16:000. away over hopes. Tawer (Fox-Joffee) (2.100; .40-60). —"Lady, Let's Dance" (Mono) and "Trocadero" (Rep) with stage show headed! by Nick Lucas. Sparkling $11,000. Last week. "Bermuda Mys- tery" (20th) and ."Scarle'c Claw" (U) with vaude, okay $18 , > 3G8. DpraTime' Plus Vaade Paces Strong D.C26G; ToDow Boys'Nice 14G • Washington. July'4. Cooler weather sent grosses soar- ing this week being helped by July 4 holiday scale. "Between Two Worlds" and "Once 'Upon a Time" look strong. . ;, ■ ' •■' ■ - "./-'■ Estimates far This Week ■ . Capitol (Loew) (3.434; 34-72)— "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G> plus vaude (2d wk>. BofTo $22,000 after opener at big $28,000. Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 34-72)— "Pin^Up Girl" (20th). Looks'' 'neat $7,000. Last week. "3 Men in "White" (M-G). grand $9,060. Earle (WB) (2J40; SO-SOO^Once Upon Time" (Col) with vaude. Sturdy $26,00®. Last week, "Mask Dimitrios" (WB), excellent $22,000.' Keith's (RKO) (1.880; 34-66)— . "Follow Boys" rUX Forte at $14,000. Pittsburgh, July 4. 'Last week, "Days of Glory" (RKO), Long holiday weekend : should season's low at t0.1t>.' . boom things generally on. top of j Metropolitaa tWB) (t.800- 35-55)— satisfactory openings all along 1 he ! "Two Worlds" (WB). Brisk : $l).000. line. Harris got strongly with i Last week, "Uncertain Glory" iWB), "Pin-Up Girl" and "White Cliffs of I average $6;000, Dover" is holding up well in second Palace (Loew) (2,778- 34-72)— week at Pean... ] "White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk). Hold- Estimates far This Week ing. up, strongly at $22,000 alter first Falton (She.a) (1.700: 40-65)— week's sizzling $24,9001 "Home in Indiajia" <20th) (2d wk). House, has been fighting the heat since it's the only'Hrstnm downtown ,' without air conditioning. Consider- ing that, this is doing .mighty well at $5,500. Last week,went to $9,000; sturdy.. : .■,"■' ; v ' .:'.'•. . : : . '■ '"-.-■ Harris (Harris) (2.200: 40-65)— "Pin-Up Girl" y>0th). Got away like a .house afire and should hit swell $15,000: East, week, second of "Once' Upon Time" (Col), down .t0'$S,50O, Peaa (Loew's-UA) (3.300; 40-63)^ : "White Cliffs" (M-G). 12d >k )>. Tear- .terker holding 1 up. nicely: okay $I&- 000;. . Last week, strong $28.000.. Rita (WB) 0800.; 40-65.)—"Made Me Criminal" (WB) 1 and: "Brother Rat" . (WB). Two reissues are .j;ust ge-ltting | by at $2,5001, Last week. "Navy Way" (Par )> and "G'ambter's Choice" (WB K bSfa $2,000. • ."'•':. ',■ Senator (Harris) (1.750:.. 40-65)—-' "Stagecoach" (UA). Reissue is do- ing very .'well. Looks .-.robust $3..O00 j or better.. Last week. "Stars On'i Paorade" (Col) and "Attack" (RKOK I n.g. $1,800. . ■.'". .': . ■■ , j Sia'aley (WB) .(3.800c .40-65)—I "Mask of Dimitrios" (WB). .House! has dropped stage shows for a'while! and this opens its: straight picture i policy. • First-rate , if not smash, at $13,500, or near; Last week. Henry Busse's band and "Meet People" (M-G), 'di-ab at $16,000. ■: ■. Warner (WB). (2.00O; 40-65.)—"Two Girls Sailor" (-M-G) »M wk) and "Attack" (RKO) (2(1 wk). Bill held over here. "Sailor" having previously played Perm: Nice $6,080. Last : week, bangup $8,090. ■'>. • FOURTH OPS INDPLS ; ' /':'••';. Indianapolis. July 4. Bia here shows irrapjrovenient this stanza on strengjih oif tluree-day holi- day over the FourtBi. "Story of 'Dr. : W3sseH"-'at the. Indiaima is' the front ruintier. wttlr: "Two. Girls and a Sailor" holding: up welt in a second, week at Loew's. ' Estinates far This Week Circle (Katz-Dolte) (.2,800: 32-55) —"Two Worlds" ( WB) arid "Slightly Terrific'" (RKOX Oke $10,000'. Last week. "Days of Glory" (RKO) and "7 Dajrs Ashore" (RKO). sad $7,000. IwKaaa '(Katz-Dolle) (3.300': 32-55) —"Dr. WasseH" (Par).. Sizzling $14,- • 500. Last week, "FoUo.w Boys'' (U-Jv. SIO-.80O; • ... : ± '[ :>"":••'" 'L*W»- (Ixew's)" (2.450: 32-55)—' "Two. Girls Sailor'" iM-'G): Dandy $.1Ol0O0i after big $14,500"first sti)nza., ; : .Lyrie (Katz-Dolle> .i.I.680 ! : 32-55)— "Home in Indiana" (2flth) and "Par- don Rhythm" (U). Better than.aver- age $4,800' in secontV week of move- over. Last week, fat $T,8O0i- . MATTHEWS-HALE DIVORCE - LoffiKtbrr. July 4, Jessie Matthews, British legit and picture actress,, has ' t r < y eit' awarded an ir.terrocutory decree from Sonnie Hale, actor and producer.' Action was not defended.