Variety (Jul 1944)

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26 V&RtETY Wednesday. July J>, 1941 TELEVISION and NBC 'AC all the post -war dcvelopun'nt's .U; promised 'by progress in the art and science of radio, Tia t v ish»> pre- aent's''the greatest challenge and the ; greatest opportunity. It is a challenge which can be*met only by the co-operation of Covcrn- inent, broadcasters, and the radio manufacturing industry . , ; ':' War interrupted development of television as a conuiiertial service. Of necessity, men and'materials were diverted to the w at effort and must continue to he so diverted until vic- tory has beeti achieved, Belter Sewice to Public .The p olicy of the National Broad- casting Company always has been, and will continue to be, to foster and en- courage any developments in.the broad- casting field w hich promise better sen - ivit t& tlie public. In respect to television, it is the policy of NBC to contribute to tlie utmost tow ard* the mrl'u-stpossible de- velopnwiit of television as a national »erv ice and industry. A deep and Gem foundation'for the ultimate television achievement al- ready has been laid. For the past 13 years the Rational Broadcasting Com- pany has actively pioneered in the de- velopment of television service. Television Since 1931 : \; NBC was'granted-the first commer- cial television Ik*ens9_issued by the FCC,' and began commercial opera- tions on t he d ay the .license'was gran ted, using # the New York Empire Slate Building ^transmitter'which NBC had been operating experimentally since Currently weare mainlahung'a litu* ited schedule of weekly television broadcasting, including films, outside pick-ups of sportseyeiitSj anil telecasts from our recently reconditioned live tideti t television studio in Radio.Cfty, New York. Our program schedule w ill he cKpandcd as rapidly as war eondi-r tions permit.;-- , '•'•',-■.';;:>>; NBC Sound Broadcasting to be Oontifiiied ' ■ Because of its extensive coverage and accepted type of highly de vel<»pe'<I program serv ice, tliere isito foreseeable period when sound broadcasting w ill , become unnecessary. NBC -will '.con- tinue to maintain its sound broadcast- ing services at tlie highest peak of technical entcrtainrnent and educa- tional excellence. Radio now is' virtually .an around- the-clock service. 1:1 ven when.television becomes universally available, there will be times when the radio audience w ill be predominantly listeners rather - titan viewer:-.. ' New Dimension for Radio Television is the capstone of the radio structure. It adds a new' dimenS siou to radio. So you can logically cv- pect NBC, as Americ a's Number One Network, to bring you the finest tele- vision programs just as you look to NBC today for the finest in sound radio. NBC is committed to a policy of close co-operation with the 'Govern- jneii t and other members of t he indiist ry in the efforts Insecure the best practical staiidardsof operation for a commercial television broadcasting system. ■■In developing a basis for an eventual tele vision net work, the N a 1 ioual Broadcas t ing Com pan y W i 11 co-opera le in every way with the owners and oper- ators of the stations affiliated with its ' networks '; ■■:;',• K ;?i-'.y NSC Prepares for Expansion . In preparation for the expected en- p a us'ion of tele vision serv ices m tine post-War period, N BC w ill continue to tap new 'sources of program material and talent, develop new, program tech - itiques, transmit outside pick-ups of sports and other spot news events, tele- cast more live talent programs and continue research and development iu. all phases of television. When . materials' become available, N BC w ill construct a telev ision sta tion in Washington, D.C. To"establish the anchor points of a television 3ystem» NBC has also filed application wilh the FCC for construction permits for tele- vision stations in Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, w here N B(already Hiain- tains a programming organization and studio facilities. A nationw ide network will not: spring., up overnight, but must proceed as a logical development. Such a develops incut, as. we see .it; will develop first, bv the establishment of regional net- works which w ill gradually stretch but over wider areas, and finally"'.become linked together. . Moderate-priced Teleyision Sets Despite the problems and risks which confront the radio industry, NBC be- lieves that telev ision service should he brought us soon :,as possible into every home, and that this is and should re- main the task of private enterprise. AS' hile NBC is leading the way in de velopinen t of net work tele vision, the radio manufacturing industry will lie busy building the finest television broadcast equipment and television receivers at moderate prices. " Through this unit v of effort, you can count on NBC. to meet the challenge and the opportunity which television, presents; / :; > ;\" " : : v "; ; /..->; atioifal Broadcasting Company America's No. 1 Network A Service of Radio Corporation of America