Variety (Jul 1944)

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34 ORCHESTRAS—MUSIC Wednesday, July 5, 1944 De Pue Named Sales Mgr. Of World Broadcasting World Broadcasting System, sub- sidiary of/Decca Records, appointed C-eorge DePue. formerly with the %eadley-Reed Company, WSAN.'Al- -lentown/.Pa., and NBC* as sales man- ager of the commercial department. Also newly ^ sales posi-; tions in the commercial department are Edward Rogers, recently released from the; Army and former contact man for Les Browne orchestra, and Dwane Stewart, Who comes from the International Division of NBC. Sample's Philly Post James Sample has been appointed cqfCQilductor of the Philadelphia Opera Co. for the 1944-45 season. Sample, who was assistant conductor of opera at the New York Ciykf Cen-' ter this'season, will share, his new post with Ezra Raehlin, former asso- ciate conductor of the. Philly organi- zation,; ' • • Dr, Hans Wolinul, who served" as stage director with the. Philadel- phiahs. for several seasons, also re- turns : next year, having spent. the past season in a similar ; capacity at the New York Center. A British Best Sheet Sellers (Week Ending June 8, '44> .London, June 8, Liili Marlene. ...... .Maurice . .Mairzy Doats,... . .... .F. D, & H. Don't Ask Me Why. . . .Connelly Don't Know Where Going. . .Gay Sending. My Blessings.:;.. .Gay Paper Doll .. . . . . Maurice It Can't Be Wrong.. . . .Chappell My Heart Tells Me..:...... .Wood . Sweet Rosie O'Grady, .Feldman Journey to Star., . ..Wood . Kiss Me. .Southern ' Thinking About Wabash..Chap'll 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines (Records below are grabbing most nickels this week in jukeboxes throughout the country as reported by operators to "Variety." Names of more than one band or vocalist after the title indicates, in order of popu- larity, u*ose recordings are being played. Figures and names in paren. Diesis indicate the number o/ uieek» each song -has been in the listings and respective publishers.) 1. I'll Be Seeing You (8) (Williamson) . 2. Long Ago. Far- Away (3)!_tCrawford). 3. I'll Get By (?) (Berlin) BOB STRONG and His Orchestra Currently GLEN ISLAND CASINO, N. Y. Record No. 7098 CAPRICE by the Writer of Intermezzo YOU BELONG TO MY HEART LOUIS PRIMA and His Orchestra STRAND THEATRE, New York, Now H&n Record No. 7083 ♦ ROBIN HOOB I'LL WALK ALONE THE THREE SUNS PICADILLY HOTEL, New York, Now RCA Reissuing 118 Band Oldies RCA-Victor wiir reissue almost mmediately 118 old Victor and Bluebird recordings of Benny Good- man, Lionel Hampton, Ray Noble, Louis Armstrong, Larry Clinton, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington. Artie Shaw, Jimmie Lunceford, Tommy Dorscy and other, notables: ; ./.;./■ Most recordings have been off the market from five to 10 years and .are Considered collectors' items, ranging n price from $3 to $15. Quotas will be assigned to distributors, since.the issues will be limited. Plans are be- ing made to reissue an additional 100 records of this type in September. 4. San. Fernando Valley (5) (Morris)., ( Bing Crosby ........, .Decca ( Tommy Dorsey ...'.. .Victor ( Ilaymes-Forrest Decca 7 Guy Lombardo-. „, .-r-jT-Deoea I Harry James .....Columbia ( Kittg'Sisters.. . . ... . . ..Victor J Bing Crosby ......... Decca ( King Sisters ........ .Victor n Amn ... m (Molodvlanp) J Enric Madriguera.... \.. .. .Hit o. Amot (l) (Mtlodytane).........,,..... ^ Andy Russen _, _ . Capitol 6. I Love You (8) (Chappel) Record No. 7092 * HOW MANY HEARTS HAVE YOU BROKEN T WILIGHT TIME ART KASSEL and His Kassels In The Air Orch Currently ARAG0N BALLROOM, Chicago Record No. 7091 + PRETTY KITTY BLUE EYES FORGET-ME-NOTS IN YOUR EYES EVERY HIT IS ON © RECORDS 7- GI Jive (1) (Capitol) ....... ~8.-Milkman Keep Bottles Quiet (4): (Feist). .9. Goodnight Wherever Are (3) (Shapiro) . 10. Straighten Up. Fly Right (1) \ Bing Crosby , . Decca ( Perry Como . i,i'.. ; .'V...'.Victor y Johnny Mercer.... .. .Capitol (Louis Jordan...........Decca \ Woody Herman....... Decca (Ella Mae Morse... . .Capitol , .Russ Morgan ........ .Decca { Andrews Sisters.. . ....Decca (King Cole Trio..... .Capitol Band Review Friedgut Quits Post At N. Y. City Center; Claims 'Political' Interference Harry Friedgut. managing director of New York's City Center of Music and Drama, Tias resigned as of last week (28). No' successor has been appointed, although board of direc- tors will meet today (5) or tomor- row to discuss the matter. Differences in temperament be- tween manager and various board members is believed to be the reason ■ftn^heT^signaHonr-rnana^i^said-to^-tomers be resentful of "politicians" inter- fering with his management, board resenting manager's—high-m inded" methods.. , . y CHRIS CROSS ORCH (14) With Allan Kaye Edison Hotel, N. Y. No newcomer to Broadway, hav^ ing played at Jack Dempsey's res- taurant for a year, Chris Cross' orchestra has graduated to the big time in its second hotel date. He played two weeks at Maria Kramer's Roosevelt hostelry in Washington prior to this engagement and should win a raft of new. followers, in addi- tion to attracting old adherents. Enlarged to 14 men from the nine who formerly composed the group, the orch is made up of four sax, three trombones, three trumpets, piano, drums and bass, with Cross on i alto sax and clarinet, and sells a| smooth, iistenable brand of music | that should find favor with the cus- Cleve. Orch. Commissions Works by Gould, Still Cleveland, July 4. Morton Gould and William Grant Still, American composers, have been commissioned to compose new works for the Cleveland Orchestra's 28th season which opens in Severance Hall on Oct. 12 and. 14:;. Another composer, Randall Thomp- son, has also received a commission to produce a work for the orchestral Detroit Civic Opera Renames Fitzpatrick y.' v . Detroit, July, 4. Leo J. Fitzpatrick, vice-president and general manager of WJR, has been reelected president of the De- troit Civic Light. Opera Co. The honor follows a successful first sea- son in which Detroiters flocked for 10 weeks to the fight operas and left the new civic organization with more than $60,000 in the black. y Because of the first year's success, in which imported stars were used in conjunction with local choruses, the company plans an extended sea- son of 14 weeks this year. It's a well-knit group that sticks wisely to ballads and original rhythm tunes, with sock arrange- ments by Cross helping to lift it musically above the level of most newly-organized outfits. A short- coming however, is that there were too many vocals and oldies, a fact that didn't aid in distinguishing the orch. More pop tunes and more solos by Cross would help, although when caught, he did a deft job in tying the aggregation together, Cross has a pleasant personality that transmits itself to the audience but he should display a bit more poise and reserve as more in keeping with his new surroundings. He has Allan Kaye, sax man, who does well on ballads and rhythm tunes, but is not outstanding, and could use a fenime to break up the monotony,, Kenny Payton, pianist, gave up day time off ice job to turn pro again for Sammy Watkins' band at Hotel Hollenden's Vogue Room, Cleveland. Top Tunes for Your Books An All-Time Favorite CUBAN LOVE SONG Music by . .. JIMMY McHUGH Published by . , BOBBINS PHIL-REGAN (Currently at Hie N. If. Strand) mill many other nationally fa- mous professionals use this VISI'Al. index record of over 1111) IMPORTANT music, pub- lisher* — complete info lead sheet and lyric of chorus of old favorites and advance r asos. SAMI'IJiS FKEK. TUNED EX 1019 liroudwn'y New Kork it Make this a "must hear"—dont miss it! Sunday, July 9, 1:30 P. M., EWT, the BLUE SAMMY KAYE introduces JANIE -^^r^ By LEE DAVID (From the Warner Brothers Picture, "Janie") on the SAMMY KAYE TANGEE SERENADE REMICK MUSIC CORP. RCA Building, Rockefeller Center, New- York JOHNNY WHITE, Professional Manager