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PSriety Variety Bills \\v ; WKIK Of .11)1.1' 6 ■ ... NinM^nnin' In .M>H«M(l<Mi wlffC W«» Mdw" ln«li«»(a otwninij dm?, of »li»w, .wfliHIu-ir fun nr *..>lii »«fk .<*; rtM»ft;'»i ::(»(»"' . n.tm »< t '.•'» •'.,-'-' . 1\ : 1" -It • if ■ Stns.% (IH. RKO (SKO l<i> M' h • S' ,> •ila. r«la»-.n (111 -M l»lf «»>',...: 1VJ i .-<-:-:• 11 - ■ ll'i.lwo. 'ftvv.V l>':71 v" ;-(,:!-.!. • s • \viivt - l«:«~(v t'n.- •i'ii<i..ne •rtiiisi'4'v' iVt-ei'Hon * .i-i---.- H1hi. i v i»i,,;.. >,.■■ : ; c'....l"', .si.;i-M in <J. <•"«•'•.■• !< I'/uii ■' Has au'a Qiaftetui |*W- ■ Mix >l .... .. • v... ....ij 3 ('.if* SiH-iivlJ . ;..'U.'l»t4»W.n) Sri, lUnirivl; U:i - iV.lvli.. v :<'«r« Sin l,il» i-i. ' ; i Hull ft Paramount HWSVtt YllKJii UTV i".t1-,»M.,.H.'H U}l: i-|i:.» Wliival-..'■(■>•.v a I": MiiiaiKti.. nil • w. MIAMI .■•■if! .mil; at !,•» Hp .r«y. tlyiil Jul . Miii. t'tiifiy Win m-*- \i- sitKW M"»M >(*'. . t J - ' T,l. ••.».* f*,..n:... <»»l«n ■ ftruhwrt"* ( r *t linww'ii'iidt<?t;<»fe '., T4N.li.IMl ii<** v :<':i>"iio ( Ml-H'.C.!' M*;\W\ 11HJK «-»T* *irmiil (ft . iVm.ilVimi-'f.M: ■ lion ■ )'.(•■« . ■ ' " > iMiH t: ..; .•>. ■ (*o> •. (iW), ■. Via 'I..VI.IJ1.. Oc coi.ci Siielcl-'u. . ))>l|i,i\|( • w wan «<>•♦*>«(•• !•!••" rill-lmii>:i- ■<Jin.f'.i it :-c-;. .■:,.f, i-<. v.'.-".. ' IVmuiii KiiHrte Ntri.i '.Tai»-*«a: liiVif. Miil •• inn':n ' s\,-•• t.V -. iV. K Vuul a* 11 ic - i,« i '> f;a..;.>; Ytiitl -' V ■: l.,-i ^:t'-Gtr; . fc.t Oaf (I" 1 ?" tfiO'. . I".'.l((ta stf-oiB CI i t. . I V' • i <■■>■• ta fin ■/ *j Mi currii.n rtl!l*.(rf)ttf. ■' \>m ?.■»,<.; f • wrfM.-»- r.i.ut;/ ■ ■ Silit.: VV'v.l.i,V , " ■ • M : i>••.••. KiH-f-.- ri'trdnu AilttICW3 O t''r.iKU if . . Ore '•.;..*',y clu>> 51 rrn.tlt'Iti ltj'or? fal. ilaningtoo V.m Ore iTT Ail I'jct* Hew 'I'. »«>." ' ' -, (l.i.l.. 'i n«h»c : tVft"(s,(; O'.Melti'. Mni.;« nipcofi :•, A'Hi,!» (:i)ii,i,i(cr '■I...-,, l.h.i-..-. Vt . il.. tllilt. I- tlogt»r Ktcnrha .-. ..<'.*•)!•»<'« «c,':r;;wu«#iiv>'-'. i',1,1' IV.I.Rl.-.i,. .I.M>.' i II. r. i •il,.'.,>'.:.-i..1.,i^.r,>r jtfl.'". &A ■ F>l.'.lr • Wi.!so« . Orc.h 14 Uizr.:,..-. K.lhPi,;',!. i»i inM.ii.t niii-M*>*3ioi» H.,1) 11 . 1-1 Pi.-.--"-"- • I •-J".'- lt.M.1 ■ ■ V- .11 i.'n-lflo «- Co n i >r.<ni.—an 4 faii»,;..;W 1 i. B r,t iii.» iiaiin'riv Auiold Sill. Ii llolui fB/mvlTiiilai l.,«< «...(>. A . \r.. ii MMw».li.*.l..,»Ut'i. SUiikiy i')uW*.'6r« ■ Hi.rai Tto'ta- friilva'ii.Hv r.-v>. K.ii.-. ■ ■ •: -;. Ui.ii .rinir.i 0:c, . H»l«l. K»*i<n**!t .Ti.W„i.v-.rWi.'0."r lllllsl l'l:tr.i» N'^rilM i:-.i.'.«. ....... ; "VMit'tt. .«>•*(.• rtc.Ms Miite.- Ore * '" ; ii It'ii '.h.mI«.. ll,.l.i mtt Vlr.i'P'.f l.nf.c ii..ifi». w«w rf-A ' ..f.|i.*.- .•<!«■«}■ Kelly'i (Jienrt.i iJ'Aia: >. .!(;:»i.'i'.i t .j i.'.ii v • .10 Ann <:oti:« • M.-»ii .(ilftwit ltolici lo; ft A : ...tii . Johii RopUwu'iia Huiiiv-n Mil i ski M a: ».r VjVBtnla- K.-.M ■. .... ' .• Cnriw & Kos-i J da -CiipeTl.0 0;.:a. '.KB . C:\Ma < ui "h : MnvllPB.l.lfTii.S'il". ■ fj.wfi.cilf * H'.li.l*. . MSc'dfd Rlmu Bd f.«1 iii 1>tiftvt*'r l>l»«'a.- ('dHlellt) - CViiaii ,4. Cmi.il ItHj-e"A NnUli l.,;if)>f(i|i 1.f» :M«/«<t'n(» *..\.>'i.>tt (•':«)<.! rct»i« Beau ;wdn. KoHn \iiiici l.ulia Mt.lii.:i ftava •««/«»" ■ ■ tin nil cl P->w .•••'» «o>.1!ii 1 ii.v .* Ksllli«'« W.«,.,|v' BiMl'dii ' PMiiia nu.'irt , Shnrr/ JJtjlloR. Cr.UltiVfl '/Villi. • .. ha ■ yi^i 1 t Mool'*' ifjia-n Hiiiirunv- :■.«!.» BOOKING THE NATIONS LEADING INDEPENDENT VAUDEVELIE THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY NEW YORK PARAMOUNT BUILOI BEVERLY HILLS. GAL CALIFORNIA , 'J AN.! SLOG. WtMliirsilay, July S, 1944 Carmen Jones' Continued from pat;* i' ■■ ■ * flr,! iiorikins hf '•Gr.seri Pastures" in (*«. 'At Unit time the colored '.'he >vs- ii.hiiimw urged that fepres^tat-fees'iii then tace bp entitled to cross tha NsnonalV ..portals;".; Lowell McUi'tt. Ih*« editor ot tte-.WashitJStO.n Dii.ly Nn-.. espou.ved ttieu- wu.se-. Tft» de- \>wod became io. insistent that the ■i.lf^aW',,final.ly sche.dtfieJ: i Siia-Jav tiia' iiioe for the colore t. Thi-i did ivn stop ttie aiiitatioti, becaUiS t.htf N<nco pt*W.. urijed a boycott o.t. tin*. p.«- ■ ohii-iace jjs a cOifiDr.miisj on {tie quostioii:oi .segregation It was reyived a^i- • when Bill' Roliinson .au ived with . "TUe. Hot. Mikado.* T!i«re \< en; plum Vf picket the thi^itre but the stat mada » pet : - iOniii .lppeal and ch^citad this, dem - onstration. - Ho toid his follow/cu's Itiat he made $2,500 a. week si) the mm - uai. that he was paid tins sal-ny dt'-e o his appeal, to .white .patronage. Tlviy called the piclretirt^ oit. .. Ai>i>tit a year aso the Tteatcs Guild reconm/.fid this disfificiion ju pa t l ona no and pa nee I led, the book ii i« of Paul Robeson in.'-OtlieUo," Latei, AiV^'O ptokeus ihretv 'X ttujg..around Keith's ' theatre 'wtui'i . tlicy . were bari.'d from the pi\>miete a'ho.*'iri? ot "Abe Lincoln ill IljtuOis"" ;.' From the. leyal sundpoiht ,th*. fhe- atr* is. witliiii. iU rights in the matter of seijiei'ation. There are numeruus court decisioc.s which Stva the Imk- oiTice the riRht to refuse ndtnis^idu to iiiyou-e it teels undestral>le. Because, it is an. eiectiou year and feelings about iace : disoviminuttoii aia lunnmi* hiRh, the .)0.okin»4 ot ' CarniHU ." Jones" would probably create an. incident. It would he iiiag- iiiHed info, national importance and oerhaps taken up bf': baHih parties, who 'ara struggling to ajet the Ne<ro vote. The booking ottice in Wew Yorli will decide the issua. It can sacrntce a great amount of good, wilt among regular 'patrons by bookirig In a .ho- which would cau^c trouble, Ther-i is only oh? boxbffice at the National theatre and only pus en- trance . for the arch'estra and- baV conies, dti /Baltimore', at Ford's 'Negroes- are adiuittid to. the bal.- Conies: but they , use a s^paiWraBrrr tiauce and do not. cofttacl the or- chestra customers.;; tt .is.' understood that the Theatre Guild will not book ••Othello" here ne.Kt .season due to this conflict.. .On the preliminary an- iiouucelnent of. nest seaspii's attrac- tions the Paul Robeson show is tntss- Itio MtHjiiitt-'V : in... tloi! - ' ' '-•-." mm *wki rm\ ' 1'iirlt- (!| !(la . I. .Hl.ics,'tiVf • ■ ToinWft fiieva ' •K'ftnylMlfri* 1 li,<i>■•!••' , ul.i',' • fSKIl Roxyntlc'li . i.>cilcn•■<«.. L'lvc Tim fitt- < *le(ii IMlffli M,*!W VOKU »'»'t'.!i ,Muni<' *lnll (0> ..luiif l'ii(..t<s f.us^c.11 X- U'.-i.e r U.Mlil,,. 11...V.V »-.S«i_l>,l_AJiJw; Jiii (.'it? m>Mi («■», *■ (aiH.il .loan Avci.ter; :fi"!y ICcli.v II,.aij &; .•.«i«l(. ; (»-m>. ■ *»', ,..d..'r'.il. Allot' 'ii...'. a- r. <: \i«l|»il A . ' .Isitycra i'HM !•' |ni*nk» A .fa.. It. ilHninli'M Sain...). . .Muds $ l*:*U- Sis Sl.il -s * It,;, I.T.V.. ... lilii :.. i . . I il-..: s.-i| . . ntdi. ruMBiiiK, j!.'."?^ /■ >l'<'.i''ir,i, -•; ATI iM'll; env ' HrtiiiMl'a Vh*r (lit ' « W I'.iji- ., isi-amla... RWIc HuiBii.'. I'-v ■ '. Slii.-I ,1-ii-r («-!•> ! . f'"p«iiltli-. i'Ji<;ij- •(>,',' !■! < . IKl . 1 . . IJll/. KliKliall tfclililM.iitlf i;...,.? -»»!• C'.-' , s ; .<'.. r...\1iiy '.-'.. 1 •« -(■':' S . Tjri V'»'.WT C .YHlll'ivr. ' -.- It'll MS'JilM . J.W:.iTiiini.-..l' i:\5.ri vloKf. .Hflinnilrliifiii-Ui.. *•« ft«ttl».& Jl' .•'. I iiiali,! His • llilti. Hll.s . (it>l,|. Uajloa • lvi.-i..:MuHi';A'.Ktfil» ■. HCitjii! !«■ K !ln-:vi-.ii„. I'.il . T:<li«l,-ri.lll . * 3 Tfiiimy':Blis>! ; . , ; TH,.i> w.. ■IMIa ■ I i'l I lel'ii Val S V:i'i-i>' .hit .'hajkmwmi Alie • f.vmiMi o-c (.!<•. -. .si. •••ii.,.. i!,.i. IMipi,.,, l'»U<,AJi* il il-ilili ^ v.lv :? . .i^,»>^ .;, ■'l iviyahi-a ■ *'■■ V.ii n'.yii.B ; 'run ■ Miitywi,.;. - .-. (Mil- Cmjy' '. (.•ii,-y' i'.i.> •. ..lull,. Kclij. Mv.siii'i.- . V»l ii-vin'8 -■ ', ., T"« t'litsau a .MHtrmMtliiin (')>.») C)«i, Cl/ay Oi,t ■»iik(i M t-.ii 1 ijil 1,'yoi.. stt-jwufeW^'o V, ),lf (,,, '[. Jl'.K.,, . M.ii|.i ■ .0 .-m-i ,i - - Allen » H.I..-S. .ludi. Ti>u..i; . !•• !•.■!.••„• II.-! Mai ■■ il,'.:,iy t.ycina . . iSiii.c 'NIu \ V .'i. ' 'KVlf-. ln Ma if a Il. : .r« (.'./■I !.-.. i (li... I I »!>..., IS.IV I.::' !•-. nifMiac. iCl.r it-ij Mf Ili.i.h .•. .•; V'ivi, evd \ --, OT «'»M| Vi()l.J5« Inn Uya/v T.v.ji.a • r,-,i. k„. •! Tt»a 1I«i-Viiii1« tieiii • Mard.r ■ 1 •liiii.t., .JViKiK.iOtt ■ ■ K'islia, * W:. i» .— R<t"<v.i » o ■!•;< T,.,,i,„v Tlli-lici- Oil i i BrliaiMil riniui (tilnad . .Mat) r,i,.. Mx.. i.u.'id (i.iii.'i.'i & ilp..n,.it Win in., • Iti.tiotta . •.lohpny iii6't..r>S(n'i-' L.0U Mai-tict G,f?— ; Dick ClaHpaiia Oro YAOWB-mixitr' —: . ■ Ihllpt, rtniGeri B<S Sum Or,„ Old it, a.:n.«!, la a Ftallih Ifii-lili), il in Vina Niva" Mm iay Wli.ta .Sa.ilta Biir.ua Joe' tafcUtrio .Ore :<lilrta.n M:%rj. ' Maya Grecia Cuataimi Sr tlarrw. Ciiy Mar-tin 'Giifl ! Pat Clay tort , J] i'I tit; Conn Ore Coiar Rotuiiila Bi! Riifjcra Cnrnir ffan'y. WtoiM O'rc CtoffKn HaBi/tian-j Rohiii.i tltttojll (Irtiea Cabaret Bills NEW YOEK: CITY AiiMiurium. K«sr . r.,.;.i-tl!i - Wl)l,liliia lll'-ily Uai- . . JJ('yfti» J'Tatififni Sanity SaiKirfci rirc John Klt-by 0;\- BiM'a «J».« ratiioi aiijiei t : JOWi"tlelHy '. '.. C'liarlea tfodnff 1?0'i nl» .Oi ada-. t(:.K.:i» WiliHKl CLARK BROS. HELD OVER 5TM WEEK Lal3n Quarler, PIiHatleljiMa PSi-. Mgt:' FSANK 3EL-MCST £001 E SMITH Mgt.: Dir.: Radio's Role Otltlliued from page 1 'I ii- U .. :i»- •. I),i...ti.y ■ Ht.a-v , <ii.-i.„,|.„ <;i-,.i ". :. ■ t»»., a»»..:.:» d-.i. Kim 01 t«nimiiHor» .:■.—in-.-i Hotsi pule Mai). ■<]•* .i.i.t. ii-. (...T C-l .a CiiVas Oi lliill km llmisn 1*1 I illl Ml <-! ! (Il, - iHlitiil 3.f-)*iltgt-r»-rt i,a..i iili-li!.liia Oic, Mum. .in;- .- i ' *li.I« : ,|,.|r,.l ■ .- Al Mi liuna Hatol.i Ali.-.ia '. -' ITvOI I lucftln Deai. 1|oil«v.<. "' - MolBl Mi.Moin (linflya Tell ••.'.- Ki-i.e.-.t- nali.ci,.-.'- Iitrii-:; (.'oMCtt Ore , (liitf.) New ViirUer Tl>i,y T'aai,).. Cue., I ii Or, M:i-, .1-1 .] ij tin i i-y Itwi Navflai-k-ii SiK Mcliati: .. ■ Si»».y'.» Ruol Sjatvy ;. ; Wattof Usvnei fiW K9Mti»B , ' Stork Uak Oai'loa OkIi ItuaS .Si.itil,- O/rh . Ti»v«r«»-)i-a--|;i- WOT j| It Ha.-iasn i_.il- Vii-ovy 3a.--, . •Lyaa. . ■'• ■,' ; • V-»rstiiiI(#-i. Hnltftvl .li'icMi, i-n. mi. * ( • • ',■>*: .Mm J■ Mittty. .iftnp -H, xii .lini flull.-i.-a,, Pif.lit I •-..::<• . • rtay aiiiaii.-i ' Or. - •'■ ftUuriKnr. Miii va. T.'uii-i ■ .: •Hiory ■ J-tn.a .'-" v Tina. DlKfii, . -. ■■' '. Hill .tti»l)(.,v •-■ ,- ... . I) •• (iiiiroli '' - ■. ".' v3oniPoowe» .jUn Harry Santl-fy, for the past, year :in Van - cafe department % GeiieVal *W'%: Corp., resiHued Jasr. Friday UQt and plans to op*n Jiis oa-iv vaude and. cafe t;d.e/tt (woW.Vg agencv- preseuta'tioii by CBS as. a series of fiaif-hout; or • houi-loiitt progi which will-enlist some of. the na- tioti's top authors,, historians aiid persons who were close to the scene Of the Veisiiilles Conteitmce, L-v Ciir- ther evidence of the manner in which the four major' network.;—and radio in goneral-^will project themsetves as ,a ..vital force in blueprinting a .postwar pattern for. maintenance of the peace, social readjustments and ecoiiom.ie. stabliity. thus' radio,, it's felt, must incvitablv take it's place, its the nation's No. 1 mediunv in utilis- ing education, based on a.knowledge of the facts, to prepare the'people enable them to guide their, destinies for a fuller lite. .The' CBS •: progrstn.' tentatively knoiyu as the Versailles Series/ yFiit acquaint the nation's millions with a vfi»hv(*iaJr%. dar unifinyi,ioji;„ of.,, ]M*. it points of the Versailles Treaty, gi iug -the necessary [wliticai back : ground, including ['redact:; Wilson's trio abroad, and. will probe-'into the reasons that led to.the.complete, col- lapse of the Wilsonian ideal. LTnder- lyiug the entire series, A'htch ts ten- tatively set for an -eight-week pro- gramming . period, .is 'the motive -of exposing ;he .reasons for ouV .failures in the past so that the new. geheta-i lion can learn by the mistakes of the old. Thus (he keynote wilt be. >'VVe can"t lei this happen again." Although still in its formative siege, the plan includes extensive.-re- sea nil by the net work m order to fully and truthfully present .alt the facts. To authenticate these facts, it's planned to bring" ilt high digni- taries and authors Well versed in. the political lore of the time, ■ Similarly. ,the Blue networks an- nouncement. of its postwar rehabili- tation project, plus the, designation of :LUey Monroe as Director of Chic Affairs as' a liaison between, radio and civic groups, to foster a . closer, reluiioiiship in- .striving for sdhitioii o,f after-iiie-v/ar probieins, is also keyed to the new role of radio..':;.. Night Club Reviews I.Willi f|u»i*i«*r, IV. Y. • CHiss Sc Oiuiii, Mary Raye Si Nuldi, Dioso Caxtfllo. Curul Kiny, Ma:w«e' & Abbmi■ Daiiters,: Lathrop & Lee, Folh- Miller. - Win! • VVohdi, Doug Suhmn ' Sextette, Don McG rune's Orcli,; Justs Peret Orch;/Sovys, Bem>a Dui"s and Ted' 'Murray; ••'.Mi;.!./ t>i( Wnlly, Watifier; eoslumeu hi) Kuihryn Kitlui. Billy LivimisUme, Ben Wallace and Mine. Benhn; $3 una tJ.iil) iiuiumum. Lou, VVaIters' pew, show at the re- decurjleii ..Latin Quarter- is a fast- moving nipney's worth lavishly cos- Juu'ied and with' variety for every taste. Group ot tested headlines is " cleverly, paced, by ensemble nun;!,< t's and turns hy accomplished .lessiei: lights,. Top honors in. the lornu-i -class are rather .evenly shaivd bv Cross & Dunn.Mary Raye, ■i- Naidi, and Diosa Costello, The Cross & Dunn and Ra.vc & Naldi acts are holdovers from Walters' ill-fated. "Take a Bow" Which closed , at Ihe SrVJadiiurst on June 24. ., Cros:. -i Dunii tied the audience up with their original. lyrics deliv- ered m then inimitable clicko style. Tljetf potpourri' Of upeiatie tunes ivith iuti'y words is ott of the most eileelivv : kiddings , of serious, chiru- ing yV-'t tossed at the longhair song fanciers, while "Pepsi-Cola." their de- serip.l.'Ve analysis of that, gaseous aid to iiea' tolerance: provided good hoi v.entl.er listening, Mary. Raye .& Maldi, amply demonstrate that they have i d peers in. l',allroomologv (Mis i; one. .team where the male part of the diio ably holds up his end and. contributes solidly to. pair's success. Their turn .v.;:;! doubled by audie'ice's demands for encores. Dins:. Costello, the South Ameri can Bombshell, a billing which/she adequately lives UP to; sings and cavoi is in her • usual energetic PashihtiV Iter. "My jiatiii Is Gone Coni|.!elely Manha.ftan*'; nuniber .is a combination' .of siugmg aiid setting tit> eKerCises Of a nature inadvisable cor oat with high blood pressure or a weal- heart. It includes a takeoif oil. Betty Hiitton's '-Mulder" .ciiutor- tioi-is.—but with embellishments, dic- tated by a Latin American, seal. Her Scotch accent in the show's closing number '. is slrictlyi from Habalia which neither adas nor detracts from effectiveness of the scene.' y Rf >tinder of . the ■■ acts on ■ the roster provide the additional dashes of this. and. that to sale, the tastes of ■i-h-e—t-vio*t—ds-mand-i-ii jS—^t£j-y_jiLLa_. tomer. Lovers of the roughhouse .Apache dance, are provided, with; sufficient;' furniture and. torso man- gling by the Mazzone-Abbott. troupe to satisfy them for , some time. A contrapuntal dancing turn .is con- contributed by Carol King.with her classic ballet turn. - She's fine fod- der for the balletomanes but some- IWng with less. of. the classical and nipre of ttie modern ballet'■ technique would probably have clicked better with the Latin Quai let- audiences. Latlupp ,% Lee take care of the tap terpinc division in workmunlike iashio-i while aero (iaucihg. gets a ouce-nver from Folie Miller, - . Enstinible numbers are lavishly costumed and register from a visual angle rather than from novelty of and ability displayed in the line's routines.- - The "You Bring the Scotch" routine wh.ch closes the shov particularly ptay-i on the eye's color perception. Whole adds up to an lioiu-aud-a-halt of warming en- lertainuient-. House c.ioacitv at din- ner' show Friday (ill)i night when caught. --' Titw. I lull Itovilli-. IIH. Detroit. June 17. Don R^i.goiv Orcfr (9l. Happy F'c!- fov. iie.iie Hilda. Cliadwicksi, Doro- thy Oorben Duncer^i (Hi, Billetta GM^-rii-~Frnhtg~S-fH:itrdwri'^u» liny and. hxftid*v cover $1 witl\ reyn lar ; $2 in i in'i»-i in. ;• Club Royale has emerged from its recent fire With a Mayan motif face- lifting job by Arthur Yeager with its' ^^mM^^m'^--,-: tfewr' sub- dued hgtiting is llaCTeruig to femrnes and changes include a new swankv cocktail- lounge in -a. wing which tucks -in upward of 400 customers. Checks don't come low here, but the club is nicely located near De- troit s, gold coast and war .workers have the gas. Current, show may ,not be up to par. but it: has its bright soots. Ragon's; band, brought up from Louisville, play.s a sound daiice beat and an acceptable show, tvhich gets oh to a good start with the gdod- tookiug Dorben Dancers liiie. and they're plenty okay from all angles. They open to Gershwin's 'Porgy and Bass' cnusic with stroblite striking ■off a black-and-white quality.- Happy Feltoh serves as master of ceremonies with.plentv of slow gags and several clicko songs.. . The Bil- letta Girls, a trio of tumblers, work nicely, comeliness and lach of muscle bulges making their-acrobatics-more surprising. ■ Irene Hilda,, with a Paris 'back- ground, .works in the chanteuse tradition, but her .materia! and . method need adapting to riittihes Good-voiced and with titie techliiqae she seems to work .more to the mike than the crowd and didn't catch them at the putset. . tier repfrjoive con- sists ov. 'The iToiiit Is Jumping Down at Carnegie Hail." a Fcen.-u. >„„ ( v. with English chorus,. "I'll Be Sfeiha .You" and "Great Day." Chadwicks ara sock with ecaeetfd ballroom numbers full of lifts ani* difficult spin's and even the iivtrit,-' start' of Felton for a' comedy bit -„ ; t' last number didn't dull the ;..,,.„ of their work. .; . Poof.. .IiM'k LvnrltN, IMilllv Philadelphia, lime *17 : Olir.e White. Foley Miller, Lori-V? Rhoda. 3 Sophisticated. Ludie:; :v vie Hovler.Dancers ib'iy, WMiJ Roiid - Eddie betucca OH'li (.«),; ■Viiiceiii Riizo Orcli (4i ;. wt> coner oV'-miii' duwers, »> mi tip.. - . ■ V. With .suinm..'r slock and !tfi% }i- kicking dejifs; ■iniiiteyv;'- hi< (.,.,(." Jack .Lynch has tightened ua on his' show budget. But despite iyrk (l f marquee names., the current tdio'.v Is nice entertainment; . Bill is almosi 100-, femnie (>>r- cept for magacian W-ally Rand, Mis- tress ,of Ceremonies Olive While statuesque red-head, doubles on the - clarinet and violin and handles pilot chores like a veteran • ; . - Foley Miller, taps aitist, is easv to. .look at as welt;as > finished ' terper. graceful, in her acrobatics. Lorene Rhoda, .a siotit gal,, grad- uated from Lyuch's eoektajl. (ouugf. to handle: the vocal eud 'of the.bill Miss Rhoda has a .rich voice'.a iid" hus - learned , the art of . song-sellutp When caught she registered nicelv with "Melancholy Baby," "I'll Be Seein' You" and "Long Ago." She seems to be a natural for radio. - The ;l Sophisticated Ladies realli; knock themselves out hi a rough- house-routine, \vliicli .make the Kit' Brothers look . like, panty ivaiots. : Gals slug each other aiou'nd like stevedores on i pav night. But it's all in good—if not clean—fun. Wally Rand's magi . act is novct.'' highlighted by the amazing, things the guy does with balloons: Rove- lei- dances ara nicely routined and costumed. , Music is provided in usual .caoabie. manner by Eddie QeLuca's aggregaa.... tion for danciicOutd r^h.lw accom- paniment, with RizTO's". tr'oupij com- .- ing up as; reinforcement in the lulls. Biz only fair when -caughf <Frf- . day supper). Shut I N, Y. Mitery Followup | ♦ H U tt t < H A*>« «m^t» f ..' Xavier Cugat's svel'a Latin tempos : are the current welcome-back to the Waldorf's- Starlight Roof for -only.Li - month, and-he's packih ,'em in. it's ' an amazing commentary, now- that • Cugat has never'deviated front his".' aim to project the rhythms. And w hile thu straight dansapa.tors were . the big boft' b.o. names foi- inauv a ; . .season, and Cugie remained the '-'.a.l- ternating" band, he's--certainly right; up there-today-and-has-been the past' few seasons: In fact.. Cugat's • iuHu- ence pa\ed the way for an independ- ent cycle of Latiii baud stylists. None, however, approaches him,' judging by his present aggregation,'," which alternates between .picture house dates, the smart hotels and an annual excursion to' the Metro studios. Also billed are the Her- manns Williams, trio, the two brotl'ers, aided by .the femme, hav- ing one of the. top novelties .with .: their Argentine pampas getups for . their unusual acrobatics. The Gar- • eias, heralded as "the' youngest rhumba team" (being in their teelwii, do -ok Cuban terps. ' Manna is . a '; versatile songstress, opening witti . ' "Russia I.+ Her Name," thence. "Stilt of the Night.',' a "Carmen" excerpt and a "Merry Widow" potpourri. Abel .iftr"'ftlrristeiriiem-'s- strtnt—a-t--t+ie^ Hotel Astor Roof of "a double-feature band draw (following Harry James I is smart showmanship, hi Tommy • Tuckei and Louis Prinia he h.a.s a good combo. Tuckeo. vvit.h his H men., femme vocal trio and male sqloisi. is, .siiioo.t.heixand.;Lo,u.is;p.rii'na. wiiti his torrid brass, equaiK'-'divTded Tn'liis." 18-man combination (plus femine. vocalist) makes the. joint. jump. Prima-Is on a bicycle between dou - bling at. the Strand where; incident- ally, Tucker is next slated follow- ing the five-vveek .stay-at the Astor Roof. Two-for-o.ne Iiand idoa is ■» departure, ; making'for a singier. i(iir pact than the couveutional alter'iaf- mg Latin or string, fombinations. , ','' ,--.'-.- : : : .Abel ■ Hannah Wittiums lex-Mrs,' .).»';'•; Dempseyt, continuing her comeback at the .Harlequin restaurant, an cant side spot, still retains much of the rhythmic quality that •distinguished her singing iu'iiuisical. comedy in the "JOs. But she had better : learn-one thing—forget about those provrtca-, live nuances at the mike. fhdt. too, went out with the... '30 s. Miss Wil- liams would do best if " she assayed ; the. conservative tvpe of warbtiiig. its manifested when she sings "Long Ago," instead of the hotehs sturT'that- she too frequeully atle'mpfs'bennv an audience that, at this spot., is in- clined to- go niore tor subduct 1 rhythms. Only other act on the hit' is Fisher and White, two-man satiri- cal singing team, They work hard, but their, material needs a -going: cuvfeiv • KitUM.