Variety (Jul 1944)

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Wednesday, July 5. 1944 39 Fanny Holtzman,. attorney, to the Coast .' - - • _„ Georgie Tapps signed for USO- Camp Shows domestic circuit, start- lilg July 17. •:] " Beatrice Kaufman operated on at Doctors- Hospital, Jamjiition_rej^rted satisfactory. Eddie Garr will be co-producer' of » Coast "Arsenic and Old Lace" with Henry Sharpe. Phyllis Stewart, Barney Josephson <1 iscovsry, spotted in Warners' "Hol- hwood Canteen." . Max Milder, Warner Bros, manag- ing director' in Great Britain, has returned to London. v:'-. Hugh Huber, general manager Ha! Roach studios, in N. Y from Coast on biz trip and vacation. Cy Howard, radio scripter and -actor, has authored a new musicom-' tdy which George Abbott is read- ■ iilg; - •'■'"''- : ••• '." Peggy Phillips and Frank Good-, ■man have entered their ballet-play, j '•Mark Twain" in Theatre' Guild's contest Sol A. Schwartz, general manager -lor—R KO s out - o f- t own theatres,. on: (our of circuit houses in middiewest ' for'next 10 -days. ;■'- .';': Royal Alexandra, Toronto, sum- mer stock will do the unusual, play- ing "Hamlet," week of July 17, with Tom Rutherford in title part. Mae West had specially designed costume to rehearse "Catherine Was Qreat" to be "in the atmosphere." Show opens Friday <7) in Philly. Ted Hammcrstein doubling ber tween duties as stage manager of "Oklahoma" (St James) and legit talent booker at USO-Camp Shows. Lieut. Bob Rubin. Jr., son of the Loew's., Inc.. exec, who saw service in France and England, is in Wash- ington -awaiting"another assignment,' Jean Weidman, eastern ed of Pro- ducers' Reading Co.. joins William Cagney Productions this week as as- sistant to Peggy Bleakley, story edi- tor.- ... Jack Yorfee will be company man- ager of "Oklahoma." St. James, while Max Meyers is on vacation, but will be back with "Othello," on (out'. . 1 i ' Edythe ("Stretch") Brown. Chi mimic just returned from Middle Leads will be played by Barbara Scully and Arthur Maxwell. Betty Jane Watson took over the* role of Laurey in "Oklahoma" at the Erlanger this week, making the third one to play the part since the com- pany opened here 33 weeks ago. An estimated $35,000 will go to Navy Relief from the State-Lake's showing -of~Dr, - Wassell T " under-the- deal with Paramount where Navy Relief receives a fixed percentage of the gross receipts, ■ : Will Morrissey brought into doctor up "Alaskan Stampede" at the Coli- seum. Show, which represented, in- vestment of $140,000 to Leo Seltzer and his associates, drew a general panning from all critics. : Sophie Tucker is. well on her way lo becoming one of the top "pin-up" girls of the armed forces. LaTucker having received almost 10,000 re- quests froin servicemen during her eight weeks at the Chez Paree. Danny Thomas just back from an overseas USQ-Camp tour spent his first night at the 5100 Club where he zoomed to fame. Comedian leaves for the Coast shortly for a film con- tract and to. discuss his role on the Fannie-Brjce-i^dio r show_next-la,ll.i— Diverted," which Fernando de Fuen- tes is directing and producing. Irma Gonzalez,' singer, back from U. S., headlining Aguila Cigarettes' show on XEW. Frank Morgan, now visiting, at- tended housewarming of picture directors who have organized and belong to National Cinematographic Workers Union. • , London O BIT UARIES Cast, making a platter lor OW1 re morale at home, to bt shortwaved abroad. ■!';'"'.-'■-.-. ■ .';••'.■''.' Joe Shea, eastern rep for William Cagney Productions, who recently 'underwent two operations, due back today (Wed.) from Martha's Vine- yard. Mass. 20th-Fox's pub. mgs. Jack Gold-, »kiii and ad mgr. Charlie Schaifer appropriately enough celebrated (heir mutual July birthdays at Jack St Charlie's 21. , ; Norma H. Moray, daughter of Nor- man H. Moray, shorts sales manager for Warner Bros., has started a film comment program over station WSRR, Stamford, Conn. Benny Fields to the Coast tomorrow <6> for the Paul Small vaude show, "Star Time." which opens in a couple ot weeks in San Francisco. Fields closes tonight at Loews State. ,-' John P. Med bury east on an emeipency radio scripting job; thence back to Hollywood to author (with Harvey Helm! (he new Har- riet Hilliard-Ozzie Nelson show. Raymond Spector's daughter Gloria married lo Army lieutenant on schedule Thursday (29) at dad's request; He's seriously ill with pneumonia at Nenox Hill hospital, j on films dealing with South America Alex Miller, whose works have i Col. Harvey Greenlaw in from been played by the Boston Sym- i China to confer with Hugh Harman phony Orchestra, is clef ring tunes I on Government-sponsored aviation for the musicomedy "Leaps and | cartoons. Bounds" by Peggy Phillips and j Lieut. Col. Marvin Young in from il' r X" H 2 am ?r Washington to huddle with USO- Betty Smith, who wrote the best- iCanip Shows and the Hollywood Vic- aelhng novel. "A Tree Grows in (orv Committee" ..Brooklyn." is dramatizing "And Never Yield."' a novel about Mor- mons by Elinor Pryor. Michael Todd Tom my e Adams recuperating-from surgery, .. ' '" •,V : ' ' "•'"'. "••''•'.- '■■ Mary Gordon observing her 25th year in pictures. •;■'-.■ Dore Schaiy hospitalized for 10 days with an infected arm. Frank Fay shoved off on a stage tour, opening in Cleveland.,'. Fortunio Bonanova to Mexico City for a Spanish Perry Como shopping for a perma- nent home in Beverly Hills. Jacqueline Dalya in court to drop her married name, Conselman. '.._.' Ann Miller recovered from ap- pendicitis without an operation. Dorothy Lamour celebrated her eighth anniversary as a film star. Johnny Weissmullcr lost the Lake- side Golf ,title to Bruce MeCormick. Kathryn Adams returning to pic- ture.* after a year off for mother- hood.- -. . ■•; : ■ " : - Bob Hope donated S10.000 to the youth center project in San Fernando Valley - . ';'; - ■■>■■■ .s Marvin Schenck, Metro, home office exec, iii town for studio huddles. Robert Mitchum. western actor, changed his film name to Robert Marshall. Leon Schlesinger resigned as chair- man of the Cartoon Producers As- sociation. _ * Chief Willow Bird, Indian actor, celebrated his 1.000th picture in 32 years of filming. ;. Graiitland Rice celebrating his 13th year as producer of Sportlighls for Paramount . • •;•' '■-• Skippy Homeier and Joan Carroll, screen moppets, graduated' from grammar .school. ••''• ■;. Guy Bates Post discharged from bankruptcy after; listing, debts of $15,436 and no assets. Bob Hope awarded a plaque by Jewish -War Veterans of America for entertaining servicemen. Major John Zanft. former eastern head of the A. & S Lyons agency, in town to open his own outfit Paul Price checked out of Samuel Golriwyn's flackery to rejoin the Hollywood Victory Committee. » Adolfb Felix Chust Brazilian pro- ducer, in town' to function as advisor Tessie O'Shea goes back to her vaudeville unit, "This Is the Way," in July. —New-^York—Metropolitan - Opera - season at Covent Garden being mulled. George Formby going to the Ork- ney Isles to entertain the navy for two weeks. Tom Arnold is withdrawing re- vival of "Hit the Deck" after eight weeks' run. Leon Zeitlin joins Bernard Delfont organization as booking manager for his. theatres. Capt. Richard Green released from the army after three years, oil medi- cal grounds. -■'-'.. ; Kilburn Empire, operated as vaude house by F. J. Butterworth, switched to film policy. "}' "■ '"-.;',■ Norman Loudon's Sound City Film Studios. Shepperton^ reopening after being closed since outbreak of war. - Nicblette Roeg, for several months with the Willie Shore USO-Camp Shows unit getting her first film chance in Butchers' Films, "My Own Folk." Tom Arnold and Jack Waller sig- natured Adele Dixon to play oppo- j site Bobby Howes , in "By Jupiter," ' which they send on tour prior to London showing. New London Palladium revue, which stars Tommy Trinder and Frances Day, opening week of July 16. will be titled "If Its Laughter You're After." which is Trinder's trade-mark. / -\- :"'• •' - ..' '■; First Invasion song comes from Peter Maurice Music Co. Written by Michael Carr and Tommy Connor, it's titled "All s Well. Madamoiselle." ENSA already has sent the number j to concert parties going over to ) France.' ■ ■'••'•:■ "In Memory of a famous actor and producer—Leslie Howard 1894-1943." A tablet with this inscription was unveiled May 24 over a bed in the London hospital, which had collabo- rated with him on his last picture, "Lamp Still Burns" Ralph Butler and Tolchard Evans song, "Jump Little Frog." published over here by Cavendish Music Cq., subsidiary of Boosey & Hawkes, has become the theme song of British paratroops, who often use their own words to the melody. Jack Hyltdn is setting new fashion in revivals. "The Merry Widow," which he revived in 1942, is being revived again as soon as it gets back from the Middle East where it has been entertaining the Forces for sev- eral months. Goes to Stoll's. Kings- ] way. where it replaces "The Student i Prince." •'■ '- BLANCHE PAYNE Blanche Dayne, 73. vaude and legit actress who, in private life was the widow of Will Cressy, also a performer and author of many vaude acts, died June 27 in Hackerisack, N. J. Mrs. Cressy retired after her husband's death 14 years ago. C ressy and Dayne w ere topflight "performers in vaude, both - here and" abroad, for many years. Cressy wrote their sketches and those, for many other acts. Their skits were generally of the homey folk idiom. Vaude patror.s would look forward to their new offerings with the same anticipation as a legit show pre- miere. Starting out at Keith's Union Square as the conventional sketch act they skyrocketed to headline at- tractions. When riding their pop ico City. Miss Reyes recently re- turned front a tour of U.S. West Coast cities. * 1 Ra-y Lewis, formerly a dancer in the "Ziegfeld Follies, died last week in Cleveland. He taught dancing in the Ned Wayburn School. New York, going to Cleveland in 19 24 to in- struct at Martha Lee School. Survived by his widow. 7 Albert L. Rupert, 62, former De- troit theatre owner, died June 25 in Maywood, Calif. «Hc bought the En- terprise and Theatorium theatres in Detroit but retired two years ago. Jacob Lasker, 80., president of Las- kcr Sons Theatre Circuit, died in ?Q«y Wave^i ^ June ^ ****** ^ Will Cressy was rated a sure book- ' ■.-■'. ■ Indie Pix Units Continued from page 3 Ken Murray eifted Marie Wilson with a diamond-studded watch for playing two years : in. "Blackouts" without missim? a performance. Joe E. Brown nrcsentcd Colors to the new Don E. Bxawn Post Ameri- can Lesion, named in honor of his son. killed in an airplane crash. • Mexico City slated Ho produce it in (he fall Ralph Bellamy signed by Victor lo make a series of recordings on his return Jo N Y. This will be the sec- , dud Bellamy record album, his first "Excerpts from Walt Whitman's "Blades of Grass," also for .Victor. Red Seal, being in a four-disc album. S. W. Singer, account executive of Buchanan & Co. for International C!asa Pilms. making "Amok," star Pictures, to Hollywood yesterday to! ring MSia Felix'. 7 ™'" : ; confer with William Goctz; Led Spitz i "Mi Niriito" < "My Little Nest"), Khd John LeRoy Johnston on adver- I name of newest niierie. Using campaigns on "The Woman in ' Dick Powell plans making a film the Window" and "Belle of the i heic: he speaks Spanish. ,.. ' ■• Yttkpri';'-:-. .'•'.'", (" Dolores and J'ernandez, Spanish dancers, headed for N. Y., top cur- rent bill at El Patio nitery. ,;■>'■■■'.': ■? f0 . j . Carlos Graham, announcer at XEW *' ; ' ' ' hCie, rehearsing Spanish dialogue he • Art .Goloid now publicizing Ralph"; is to do for NBC program in N. Y. Kerjies Latur Quarter. Production of "Woman Who ^ t aplain-, Louie Sebille., known .in Cheats Us" resumed, after being, : ; M)icago >ijighl club circles as Lou 1 half-finished because Lina Monies. Afvnolds. the emcee, is visiting here pix star, was ill. *fter completing . 50 missions over r.u.opc. ,•.'.'.■',•,■..•■-:' ■■'"■..'.•.'•': _ Paul Flynn has succeeded Norman cmk as local representative of the ■Melody Lane Music Company. Flynn | v *. :, s formerly in the New York office i Southern Music putting up the coin for his pictures. Walter Wanger and Charles K. Feld- inan have profit-partic-ipation deals with Universal, and Sam Wood re- cently signed one with Columbia. Aside from United Artists, which is essentially a releasing company, RKO carries the heaviest amount of major indie product tor distribution, with Samuel Goldwyn, Spitz-Goetz (Internationa!) Walt Disney .ind Sol Lesser on the list. International has rounded Up important names, such as Gary Cooper, Nunnally Johnson, David Lewis and Casey Robir.son, and may eventually set itself up as a parent organization, with a distant possibility of forming its owii distribution system. While the major..studios are con- cerned, (he older heads are not wor- rying too much about the future. As one of (hem observed.:- "History repeats itself. Back in 19)8, when Paramount lost/ .Mary "Pickford, everyone! said the ccmpany was washed up. Paramouivl went ahead to do- bigger business (ban ever be- fore."' '' ":■:,-'■■: ' ■''.. •■■. ■'■'•■' ' .'•:■:;'.■ Chicago "Wildfiower" will be the ... Mrais-ht of the operetta series at (he. j Sara Gnash; Chi ■tivie Opera House opening July 7 : . i.butting in Mrxieinj Leopold S(okowski gave Mexican macstroN Manuel E. Ponce - with whom he had that rehearsal dispute, a private supper. / '. ..' Lupe Velt-z and .Arline Judge back to Hollywood. Velcz person- allcd at world precm of Iter-"Nana" third I (Mexican-made pix) here. Chilean actress, de- oi'x in 'Kin it Is Washington Del Rio C!;ib-Capi!o! (healre bond rally netted S50;000 in sales. =- ...... Jay Carmody of Washington Star on vacation B:il Hilt rtt.v editor, substituting as film reviewer. Biil'Herson of WRC, fciu ly morn- ingchaUcrbird, will provide the stage show a Loew's Capitol, week or July 20. ■■■■■?-: Variety Gliib. in association with Wfljard Roeit Players, will hold bond rallv Julv 6. Attraction is "Murder in the Old Red Barn." ; Edward G. Robinson was a week- end v isilor. His "Mr. Winkle Goes to War" stis a prc-relcas< date at the Eiirle theatre. Friday i7 1. Griflith Stadium has been turned! back to the ball parkl - Plan 'was to have war bond rally on July 10. but lack of Hollywood and Bu'ii'lwiiy stars caused -caiiet II; 1 ton.. ' MARRIAGES Max Stein to Ida Rabinovvitz^ Foi - Groom is ing on the bj&circuits, and he was sufficiently prolific to write many. During the first World War they went to France and entertained U. S. soldiers. At St. Mihiel they played j eJ * J*]^ J^'_ L *j J , u,y . • on' a stage made up of ammunition boxes and candles for footlights. Prior to their vaude they toured the country for several seasons support- ing Denman Thompson in "The Old Homestead." : DOROTHY LOWELL Dorothy Lowell 2o. star of radio serial, "Our Gal Sunday" and who in private life was Mrs. William M. Spire, died in New York after a week's illness. July, 1. . Miss Lowell, whose mother was a member of the Washington Square Players, was a graduate of the Amer- ican Academy of Dramatic Arts. N. Y., and made her first professional appearance in small parts in motion pictures when 16. She had played leading role in the radio serial "for past 10 years. Surviving besides her parents and husband, who is with OWI. are a three-year-old son and one-week- old daughter. ' PAUL M. POWELL with 20th-Fox ad dept. in N. Y, Diana A. Skourus to Dr. George A. Foxyler, Mamaroncck, N. Y„ June 28. Bride is daughter of Spyros iand Mrs.) Skouras, prcz of 20th-Fox- ^ : Ann Savage to Cleliuid B. Hunt- ington, in Las Vegas. Ne\-.. June 27. Bride is a film'actress; groom a film editor. Alice Harrison to Lieut. Tim Holt, El Paso, Tex., June 24. Groom was a film player before joining the Army: , '■;';'■' Ruth Richardson to Capt. William Caruso, Los Angeles, July 2. Bride is associated with Margaret Eftingtr, publicist Dorothy Schoemer to Leo Shriove in Tia Juana, June 25. Bride if a Warners', contractee; groom a film cutter. .-'•••: June Rollinson to Hub Jackson, Chicago, June 29. Bride is agency radio time buyer; groom is WMAQ newscaster. .",.:•'.• Getaldine Gray to Gerd Oswald, Hollywood, June 30. Groom is an assistant director at Paramount. 1 Alice Gerber to Cpl. Jerry E^ner, Paul M. Powell. 63. former film Pittsburgh, June 30, Bride is niiery director, died at his home in Pasa- j singer; groom was band musician be- dena, July 2. Powell, who was ; fore- induction, managing editor of th<? Pasadena In- dependent at time of his death, had worked with such early stars as Douglas Fairbanks and Marv Pick- ford. Surviving are his widow, daughter and two .sisters, two brothers and two grandchildren. .'-'..; BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kirk, son. PI" ts- burgh, June 24!. .Father is an an-;. nouncer at KDKA. ' \ Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cunningham, daughter, Chicago, June 23, Father is local and spot sales traffic man- ager, for NBC Central Division: ." Mr. and Mrs. Garry DeVlieg, daughter, Evanston, June 15. Father is NBC recording engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Szurovy, son, Hollywood, June 20. Mollier is Rise Sevens, opera and screen stir: father circuit was expanding. Mqlntyre is'] is known on the stage as Walter brother of Here Mclntyre, Univer-j Molnar. ',':-:'■ Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Renaldd. son, Hollywood,. July 1. Father is a screen actor. Lieut and Mrs. Will Price, daugh- ter, Hollywood, June 30. Mother is GI.-S McINTYRE Gus Mclntyre.. 57, prominent ex- hibitor in Australia until ; a few years ago, died in Sydney, Australia. June 26. • ';■'.;; .. s'.: He sold his Broadway cinemas to Greater Union Thea'.res when that sal's managing director in Australia. THEO DeWITT Theo DeWltt hotel and nitery op- erator, died July 2 on a train while returning to Cleveland from a Ca- 1 Maureen O'Hara, film star; father, nadian fishing trip. former director is now a marine DeWitt, president of De Witt hotel chain, operated Hotel Hollenden in Cleveland, installing Vogue Room, and making it one of most profit- able niteries in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Benn Hall, daughter, recently at Berkeley, Cat Mother is Helen Morgan Hall, authoress; lather is ad-publicity director for Ducll, Sloane tt Pearce, book publishers. Mr. and Mrs, Hal Hudson, son, Hollywood, July 1. Father is CBS Coast program director. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Rudich. son, EDGAR Ci MAYO Edgar C. Mayo. 86, former silent picture director, died June 21 in De- troit. He directed films for Seizniek ] New York, June 24. Fatier ■!5„:dra- and Universal, and also was known | matic director of WNYC, N. Y. .. as a legitimate actor, director '»n"a |;'' '"and''.'Mrs, ~Sam~- : KauYma'nT'- Jcne 28. Fa'ih'i r New writer.* • • 4 ' - , ' ' " *—'•:'•/,• riaughter. New York. Jcne 28. Fa! Associated for 17. y«air S --*««ah.-.the • k -', wJtK . NBC '. press dept. in-> Bbnslelle Theatres. - , v «rlr'- mniw i< n^„ibv n»rt York; mother is DDrothy Darling, legit and radio actress. ; Eric Johnston Charles Daniel "Dan" Odiirii. 61. j veteran circus owner, died June 25 ' in Chicago. Entering circus busi- ness at 15, when he died was paMner in American Circus Corpora- tion, Peru, Ind.. operators of Cole Bros., John Robinson and ^lagen- beclc-Wallace- circuses. Survived by his widow in amicability as well as unrestricted Wife of Al Shean, 73. died in Hoi- j lrade for our films, lywood, June 2(i. Husband is of headline act Gallagher- & ■ Shean, ( which was dissolved when Ed Gal- i lagher died. She-an recently revived, it with Jack Kenny, as "Mrl Gal lagher" .■:' : j a <-.:, "-'.:■- a Couttnaeil from pat* I - —- and ,Hagen- -j ; iroRitts«out']m conditions, trealitSi i etc., in European "as- well' a? South i American markets that- would 'result Johnston, before going abi oad, conferred with both Nicholas M. I Schenck and Barney Balaban. pi exiej I of Loew's and Paramount re-pec-. J lively, and it is understood the l:.t- J ter made such an impression upon Mrs. Catherine Mcllush, 75. old- j'JoWsJon that it ^ij^ht load him; to time actress and mother of Frank * with the industry. McIIugh, stage and film player, died j The job Johnston, would have June 28 in Hollywood. • ■;'■•'-,; ; would not be similar to one held - , v-- [ presently by Charles -Francis Coe, Lucba Reyes. 36. Mexican singer : as-exec v.p„ but would be equal jit tcho helped popularize the song i authority and impbrtance to ,:t <•' ■•Guaflalaiai a," died June 2,V in Me\- ' Ufcy.v has held for 77 vesrs. '..'■';. ; -.'..