Variety (Jul 1944)

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14 PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, July 12, 1911 H.0.s Best in L. A.; 'Sensations' 55G In 4 Spots, 'Glory' Fair 34^G in 2, 'Ghost'Big 9G,'Mask'33G, 3 Spots, 2d "••})\ Los Angeles, July 11. * ':' Biz continues strong despite num- ber of holdovers. "Sensations of 1945" looks good $55,000W total for four "theatres, but not up to recent takings in these spots. "Days of Glory," another new entry, is only so-so' $34,500 in two theatres. "Ghost Catchers" is nifty $9,000 in one house. Second frame of "Mask of Dimitrios" looks solid $33,000. in three spots. "Dr. Wassell" is excel- lent $26,000 in two locations on lifth- final week. ■ '••'■ ••Christmas Holida,/." after landing terrif $75,800 in four houses last week, shapes hefty $20,000 on move- over in three spots. Deanna Durbin starrer racked up best biz of-any Universal picture here on' its initial session. ; .*'.■' ■ ■ >; ;. V ;'::'■' ! .:".:\' Estimates for This Week Cailliay Circle (F-WC) (1.516; 50- %)) —"Sensations of 1945" (UA) and "Attack" (RKO). Good $7,000. Last week, "Christmas,Holiday" (U) arid "Allergic to Love" *U>, great $10,500, over hopes. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2.034; 50- $11—."Sensations of 1945" (UA) and -Attack" (RKO). Average $13,000. Last week, "Christmas 1 Holiday" .(U) and "Allergic Love," smash $18,900, considerably over expectancy. '',■■'■'. Downtown (WB) i2,034;. 50-$U— "Mask Dimitrios" (WB) (2d wk).' Nice $14,000. Last week, nitty $19,- 200. . . :=.'•:• •;••> Egyptian (F-WC) (1.535: 5(J-$1)— "White ClifTs" (M-Gi (3d: wk). Solid. $12,000. Last week,' way over esti- mates at sock $14,200. Four Star-(UA-WC).(900;. 50-8!>)— '•Christmas Holiday" (U):arid "Aller- gic to Love" (U). Stout $4,500. Last week, "Two Girls Sailor" i M-G) and "Bermuda Mystery" (20th); power- ful S6.300. - .•■>:.•• ■■ V ;.-■ Hawaii (G&S) 0,100; 50-$D— "Ghost Catchers" <U) and "South of Dixie" (Ui. Big $9,000. Last week. "Voice in Wind" (UA'' and "Natzy —r^5aTTte 1 M^A^teyi-r\vl<-f--^day^ okay $2,200. Hollywood (WB) (2,756: 50-$l)— "Dimitrios" (WB) (2d wk). Fine $10,000. Last week, hefty $17,700: Los Angeles (D'town-WC> (2,200; 50-$l)—"White Cliffs' (M-G) '3d wk). Great $26,500. Last week, socko $29,700. ■• '. "• :' :- Orpheum (D'town) (2:200: 65-99)— "Sailor's Holiday" (Col), with Hcnny Youngman and vaude unit on stage. Light $17,000 or near. : Last week, "Follow Leader" (Mono), with Hol- lywood Canteen Kids orch on stage, good 1 $18,200, one .'night out for bond preem. ' Pantages I Pan') (2,812; 50-$l)— ''Days of Glory" (RKO) and "Seven " Day's Ashore" (RKO). Okay $16,500. Last week, "Snow White" - ; . (RKO) i reissue) and "Gildersleeve'.s Ghost" (RKO) (2d wk-9 days), nice $11,200. Paramount (F&M) (3,389; 50-$D— "Dr. Wassell" (Pari (5th wk). Prof- itable $16,500. Last week, handsome $20,400. Paramount Hollywood (F&M) (1.- 451: 50-$D— "Dr. Wassell": (Ear) (Sth wk).. Fancy $9,500. Last week, great $11,600, topping third sesh. RKO Hillstreet iRKO) (2.890: 50- 80)—"Days Glory" (RKO) and "Seven Days Ashore" (RKO). Only average $18,000. Last week.- "Snow White" (RKO) (reissue) and "Gilder- sleeves Ghost" (RKO) (2d wk-9 davs), nifty $19,200. RitK! (F-WC) (1.372; 50-$U—"White Cliffs" (M-G) (3d 1 wk). Solid $10,- 500. Last week, big $11,600. State (Loew's-WC) (2.204; 50-$l)— "Sensations 1945" (UA) and "Attack" (RKO). Trim $27,500. Last week, "Christmas Holiday" (U> and "Al- lergic to Love" (U); boff $35,400. • United Artists (UA-WC) (2.100; 50-$l>—"Christmas Holiday" (U) arid "Allergic Love" (U). Hefty $10,000. Last week, "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Bermuda Mystery" (20111), ter- rif $12,000. Uptown (F-WC) (2,296; 50-$l)— "Sensations 1945" (UA) and "Attack" (RKO). Average $7,500. Last week; "Christmas Holiday" (U) and "Al- lergic Love" (U). solid $li;000: Wilshire (F-WC) (2.296; 50'-$!)— "Christmas Holiday" (U) and 1 "Al- lergic Love" (U). Good $5,500. Last week, "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Bermuda Mystery" (20th), hand- some $9,800. despite a bond preem. . ••: Wiltern (WB) (2,500; 50-$lV— "Dh mitrios" (WB) (2d wk). Nice $9,000. ' Last week, hefty $13,400. ' ' Broadway Grosses Estimated Tola! Gros» This Week. , , $511,200 (Based on 13 mcvues) Total Gross Same tVeeK Last Year.. $490,000 i based on 13theatres 'Holiday'Great 196, St Louis •''-- . '■'■ -- ' '". St. Louis, July 11. Standout currently, despite heat, is "Christinas Holiday," great at Am- bassador. "Make Your Own Bed" strong at the huge Fox,, . »."*"• Estimates for This Week . Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 35-55) — fWbjte Cj.)fts" (M-G) (3d .wk). Will add another fine $15,500 to swell $19,- 500 of second stanza. Orpheum (Loew) (2,000: 35-55) — "Two Girls SailOr" (M-G) and "Black Panther" (Col) (3d wk). Okay $6,800 after surprisingly neat $7,200 in second week;: Ambassador (F&M) (3.000; 50-60) —"Christmas Holiday" (U) and "Yel- low Canary" (RKO). Great $19,000. Last week. "Home in Indiana" (20th> and "Candlelight Algeria" (20th); sock $20,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000: 50-60)—"Make Own Bed" (WB) and "Jungle Wom- an" iU). Big $20,000. Last week. "Mask of Dimitrious" (WB) and "Smith Dixie" (U). $16,400; fine. Missouri (F&M) (3.500; 50-60)— "Touhy. Gangster" (20th"i and "Yel- low Rose" (Rep). Good $9,500. Last week, "Pin-Up Girl" (20th > and -^Sbaa'—Bu'sihes s" (RKO). (2d wk); •big $8,400. ":. .-.-v ..■•'. : ■ St. . Louis (F&M) (4,000; 40-60)— "Fleet's In" (Par) and "Favorite Blonde" (Par) (reissues), $5,500, above average. Last week; "Up in I Arms" (RKO) and "Passage Mar-j seille" (WB), nice $6,800. 'SHOW BIZ' ROBUST 15G, PITT. STANDOUT ... Pittsburgh, July- 11. Only two new films this week— "Story ot Dr. Wassell" at Pcnn and "Show Business" at Stanley—both doing okay. ■'■':'- Estimates for This Week Fulton . (Shea) (1.700; 40-65) — "Home in Indiana" (20th) (3d wk). Dropping .harply after-two sensa- tional weeks, but not losing dough at $4,500. Last week. 5 at $9,400, film-did even better, with the Fourth holiday •helping, than in first session. Harris (Harris) (2.200;: 40-65)— "Pin-Up Girl" (20th) (2d wk). Looks solid $9,500 on wind-up. Moves to Senator Last week, great $15,000. Penn (Loews-UA) (3.300; 40-65)— "Dr. Wassell" (Par). Got off to big- gest start in years here, but won't maintain pace. Trim $22,000, or near, and euou'fih for holdover.. Last week, "While. ClifTs" (M-G) (2d- wk),. big $19,000 in 6 days. Rite i WB) 1800; 40-65)—"Mask Di- mitrios" (WB) (2<1 wk). Moved from Stanley. Sad S1.8Q0. Last week. "Made Mc a Criminal" (WB) and '-•Brother Rat" iWB) (reissues), fair $2,300. ■ ■. '■•••'.:".'■■: Senator ' i Harris) 11,750:, 40-65)— "Girls Under. 21" (Coll and "Girls of Road"'-' iWB) (reissues). ' Fairly, good S2.800. Last week. "Stagecoach" (UA) (rer-sue ), fine $3,600. ■• ,: .-' Stanlev iWB) (3.800; 40-65) — "Show . Business" (RKO); Eddie Cantor picture well liked..looks $15,- 000. mlieh belter than average lor straight picture- here. Last week, "Mask Diinitrios" (WB), a dud, .' V- '••■,■••-••'•■-.■-':.' • : Warner (WB) (2.000; 40-65) — "White Cliffs'' (M-G) (3d wk). Here from Peim. and still going strong. Hefty ¥9.000': Last week, "Two Girls Sailor'- (M-GV (3d wl<) : and "Attack" ( RKO) 12d wk good: $6,000. ■; 'My Way Giant $25,000 in Better Det.; 'Goodnight'-Sher wood-Rochester 33G Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week ... . ,.»3,261>.!>00 (Based on 23 cilies, 183 i)ie«- tres, chiefly first runs. .tnefiidiiiB N Y.) ;."•>'"■'■: '.V.:-' : " Total Gross Sam* Week Last Year ...;....-.. S2.»;;,2u0 (Baited on 26 cities, 187 theulres) 'Ape' Ru?^ $15,000 In K. C;'Raiders'Big UG^Wasseir 13G,2d '.:''' Kansas City. July 11. Bk at theatre.? is spotty this week, with holdovers at two. Leading new- comer is "Hairy Ape." linked with "She's a Soldier" at the Midland. "M.-irhie Raiders" is comparati vely. 'Show Biz' Forte $22,500 Phillyji - ,-■-.' -. ■; ■ - - : i f Philadelphia. July 1L Torrid wave, now in its second un- broken week, not denting biz of top- drawer product featured this sesh. Lightweight, films are being hit hard. "Going My Way," now in second semester at Mastbauin. is leading the gate derby by several laps. Runners- up are openings of "Show Business" and "Once Upon a Time." Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1.303; 40-85)—"Snow White" (RKO) (reissue). (2d' wk). Satisfactory $11,000 alter smash ,$15,- 500 initialer. : ■ '•'.'.-■■'•.'-•■ Arcadia (Sablnsk.v) (.600;- 40-85) ', Detroit.-July n -- . I New bills, hitting'big grosses, have put Detroit back in top-flight -class despite heat waves and ;vacafioik "Going My Way,"- coupled 'Vitii "Henry Alcjrich's Secre!," is oft for what looks like a new•' record and long run at the United Artists. "Gas- light" and "3,Men in White." at (lie Michigan, and "Touhy,: GaiigMer" and "This Is Life," at the Fox both look strong. Downtown is bark in tall coin with "Goodnight. Sweet- heart." and Bobby Sherwood baiid and Rochester heading the : .-1aj>c Berke's Pacts Unjammed - '. ■ Hollywood,, July. II. Wiiliain inaiieuvered .him- self out of a three-contract traffic jam with three separate studios.-. ; .' - .After straightening things out, the : lineup is like this: first director job is "Betrayal From the East'' for RKO, second is "Dangerous Passage" for Pine-Thomas, and third oir the !'si Is an untitled picture at Colum- bia. - ■ ■'■ --. '•' - ■ Tarents'-'Algeria* Fast 11G, Denver; 'Raiders' 14%'Indiana'20G in 2 .Denver, July 11. . Biz picked up soon after the Fourth; With some totals currently best in several weeks. "Home in In- diana" is outstanding day-dating Denver and Esquire; "Are These Our Parents" and "Candlelight in Al- geria" are giv ing Paramount its best week since January. "Marine Raid- ers" also is One at Orpheum, and way ahead of week; Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1.400; 35-74)— "Follow Boys'*. iU) and "She's Sol- dier, Too" (Col), after week at Den- ver. Esquire. Good $6,000. ., Last week. "St Mark" (20th) and "Ladies Washington" (20th), in.o.. sad $4,000. Broadwavx (Fox) (1,040; 35-74) — "Private Hargrove" (M-G) and "Curse Cat People'* (RKO), alter two weeks at Orpheum. Fine $4,500. Last week. "Snow White" (RKO) (reissue) and "Passport Destiny" (RKO) (2d wk), inoveover, thin $3,000. '* Denham (Cockrill) (1.750; 35-74)- "Dr. Wassell"' (Par) (2d ; wk). Nice $11,000. Last week, smash'$16.000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 35-74)— "Home in Indiana" (20th) and "Se- crets Scotland Yard" (U) day-date with Esquire. Big $16,000. Last week, "Follow Boys" (U) and "She's Soldier, Too" (Col), also Esquire, N. G. $9,000. Esquire (Fox) (742; 35-74)—"Home in Indiana" (20th) and "Secrets Scot- land Yard" (U). also at Denver. Strong .84.000. Last week. "Follow Boys" (U) and "She's Soldier, Too" (Col), also Esquire, sad $2,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2.600; 35-74)— "Marine -Raiders".' (RKO) and "Gil- derslecve's Ghost" (RKO). Fine S14.500. Last week. "Private. Har- grove" iM-G) and "Curse Cat Peo- ple" iRKO). fair $11,500. Paramount (Fox) <2.200; 35-74)— "Are These Parents" ', (Mono), and "Candlelight Algeria" (20th). Hc*fty $11,000. . best since early this year. Last week. "Lady. Let's Dance" (Mono)and "Call South Seas" (Rep), poor $6,000. Rialto i Fox) (878: - 35-74)—"St. Mark". .i20th)'.-and "Ladies Washing: ton''. 120th). alter week at Denver. Esouire. Aladdin. Trim $3,500. : Last week. "Mabel's Room" (UA) and "Sciu'lct Claw".(U), moveovcr, poor S2.000. .- ' - as.'."strong at -smaller. Orpheum. "Home in Indiana" stays, day-and- date at Esquire, Uptown and Fair- way after sock initial round. "Dr. i Wassell" is steady at Newman-after terrific initial, stanza.'..' . '' Estimates for This Week \:'.\-\ Esquire. I'plown and Fairway (Fox-Midwest) (820: 2.043. and 700; 45-651—"Home-', in Indiana" (20tfli) (2d Lush $11,000 after spec- tacular $19,500 opening, over expec- tations. ":.'."'' Midland iLdew's) (3.500; 40-60)— "Hairy Ape" iUA) and "She's Sol- dier" i Col). Stout $15,000. Last w.eek, "While Clifls" (M-G) (2d wk), fancy $13,500. Newman . i Paramount) (1.900; 45- 65)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par) (2d, wk). Strong $13.0011. First week hit $19,- 500, better than hopes, ' '.?; ••'.- -Orpheum (RKO) (1.500: 46-65)— "Marliie Raiders" (RKO.) and "Lou- isiana Hsvride" (Coll. Potent $11,- 000. Last week. "Snow White" i RKO i i reissue) and "Yellow Ca- nary" (RKOl (2d .wk I. brisk $11,000. Tower i.Fo.v-Joftce) (2,100:39-60)— "Jam Session" (Col) and "Slightly Terrific" (U) with vaude. Lusty $11.- 000. Last week. "Lady, Let's Dance" (Mono) and "Yroeaderb" (Rep) plus stage revue, about-same, :.'.-• show. ;-.;' Estimates for This Week ; '■■ A(dams (Balaban) (1,700; (ifl-85 Home in Indiana" <20th> (2d wk) and •"Pardon ;Rhythm". (U). Former moved over from Fox, brisk $11 (ioo -,ast week, "St. Mark" i20tli) and- ["Louisiana Hayride" (Col) (2d wk) good $10,000 on similar m.o:' - ' Broadway-Capitol (United Detroit) (2,800; 60-85)—"Dr. Wassell" iPju i i and "Lady, Let's Dance" ( Mono i t'4th ■wk). Okay $9,000 after, last weeks I bright $13,000. -V Downtown (Howard Hughe*) (2 . I 800: 60-95)—"Goodnight. S\veetlieart" I (Rep) and Bobby Sherwood inch j Rochester, on stage. Great $33 000' j Last week,- "Lady Monster" '(Rep) and Ada Leonard orch on stage, nice $21,000.. . :;• ': -.'■ '.;' :',' , 'Vox. (Fox-Michigan) f5.600: 60-85) —"Touhy, Gangster'' 1201 h i • and : I "This Is Life" (U). \:Gan«sU''i' Mulf , looks big $38,000. Last sveek.: "l'lnnie '.'Impostor" (U) (2d rim I, Sad $3,009: : in Indiana" j.(20th) and "Allergic Last week: "Make Own Bed" (WB). | LoVe" (U), great $37,000. ' ' fairish $4,000 second run.- ':'■: "■ ■'■■'[ Madison (United Detroit) 11*800: Bov.d (WB) (2.500: 40-85)—."Oiice 60-85)—"Madame Curie." i M-G) and Upon Time" (Col).. Mild $20,000 plus | "Saludos Amigos" (RKO). Back' in fair $2,50.0 for one-day stand, at Earle. j loop at strong . $5,300, . Last 'iveek,' Sunday (9). Last, week: "Gaslijihl " j "Uninvited" (Par) -and i "Fighting (M-GI. fine $17.500-for third canto, j Soabee.s" (Rep), bright $5.000.. Earle (WB) (2.760; 50-951—"Scar-j Michigan (United Detroit'! (4-000' let Claw" .1U ). with Eaiie Hine.s orch I 60-85.)—"Gasliaht" (M-G) and : ' "3 and Louise Beavers in person; Sal-. I Men in White" (M-G). Stronj; $27- isfactory $23,500. Last week. "Ghost I 000. Last week. "Meet People" i'M- Catchers." iU) and Abe Lyman band. G) and Jerry Wald oi ch on' stage, okay $20,000. '■'."-'..'•"-'. nice $31,000. Fox I WB) (2.245: 40-85)—"Show ,i Palms-State' (United Detroit V i.'i.- Business" (RKO). Panned by.erix, 000: 60-85)—"2 Girls Sailor" iM-Gl but-looks , nice $22,500. .Last : week. and "Night Adventure" (RKOf i2d ' Home—ui—I-nd-ra-H-a-^—tiSM+H,—g-ootl— xv -k4;—Pi rre-*l-f}r000- trH^r-l-rttst-wTx-iri;,- $18,900 ■ Karlton (Goldman) —"Angels Sing".(Par) $7,000 (Part stout $19,000. (1,000: 40-85) United Artists (United Detroit) (2d'run). Nice (2.000; 60-85)—"Going Mv Wav" Last week. "Lady in Dark .ip ar ) and "Aldrich's Secret". i Par), hefty $9.000-for second run. > Terrific $25,000 and may hit new i'ec- Keith's (Goldman) (2.220: 40-85)— "St. Mark" (20th) (2d run). Pallid $4,000. Last' week. "Davs of Glory" (RKO). S4.800 second run, Mastbauin (WB) (4,692; 40-85)— "Going My Way" (Par) i2d .wk). Terrific $45,000 [or this round on heels of suoer $55,000 for opener plus torrid .S4.500 Eai'le';show- ing onSabbath. -■ Stanlev (WB) (2.915: - 40-85')— "White Cliffs" iM-G.) (3d wk). Fancy $18,500. Second week, great' $26,300. Stanton (WB) f l.475: 40-85 •--"Co- bra-..Woman" <U). Bullish $12 500; Last week. "Hitler Gang" (Par), fair $8,500 second sesh. ord. Last week, "Hargrove" iM-G) and "Gambler's Chance" (Par) <3d wk); slipped to $10,000 on wind-up; 'Bill' Torrid 13G, Monti Montreal, July 11. ' • Brace of good pictures will be hurt by torrid heat wave, but. "Buf- falo Bill" is 'certainof smash session. Estimates for This Week Talace (C'T) (2.700; 30-62)-^.-.'5hfW Business" (RKO). Lush $11,000. Last week. "Private Hargrove" (.M- G). $10,500.' - "--'-. Capitol iCT) (2.700m 30-62)—"Meet People" (M-G) and "Night Adven- ture"' (RKO). Succulent $8,500. Last week, "Two Worlds" (WB) aiid "Men on Mind" i PRC ). $8,000. Loew's iCT) (2,800: 35-67)—"Buf- falo Bill" (20th), Even heat won't bring this much below smash $13,- 000, Last week. "Gaslight" tM-G) (3d wk), neat S7.500. Princess (CT) (2.300: 30-52)— "Snow White" (RKO) (reissue) (2d wk). Sighting smart $6,000 after clicko $6,500 ihilialer. : . Si rand (United Amusements) (715; 35-45)—"Something Sing : About'' (PRC) and "Beau Hunks'* (PRC). Average $2,700. ' Last .week, "Man Frisco" (Rep) and "Call South Seas" t Rep irsnappv-. $2,800, ' Orpheum 'CT) 11.100; 35-45)— "Blanche Neige at lcs.Nains" ("Snow White") i RKO) (reissue) (2d wk). Fat $5,000 after capacity. $5,500 opener. ' " ' ' : "'. . St. Oeuis"iFrance-Film) (2,500: 30- 140)—"Ces. Messieurs de la Sante" and "La Bete mix Manteaux." Fair $4,000. Last, week, "La Tragedie Im- periale." and .'Tout Va Bien, Mme La"Marquise." $3,500. ' ' '. " 'Time' 19iG,'Raiders' 16iG, Both Tall, Prov. ■ " Providence. July .11. "Going My Way" is still solid in its filth week at the Strand. Also hit- ting the peak among the, new ones are "Once Upon a Time." at Loew's State, "Marine Raiders" at RKO AJ- bee and "Mask of Diinitrios" at Ma- jestic. : ; Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,100: 44-55-601 — "Marine Raiders" (RKO) and "Twi- light Oil Prairie" (RKO).. Starting second week .today, First stanza, wow $16,500. '"■KSixAion" (Fay-Loev/I 11:400; '44-".5>' —"Home in Indiana" (20th)' and VCa- sanova Burlesque" (20th > (3d down- town wk). From Majestic; nice.$5.- 000. Last week, "Somewhere Find You" (M-G) and "Shake Hands Mur- der" (20th) (2d run), good $4,000. Fay's (Fay) (2.000: 44-55)—"Man- power" (WB) (reissue). Average $6,000. Last week. "Cowboy Senori- ta" (Rep) and "Make Own Bed" (WB). nice $7,500. .' Majestic (Fay) (2.200: .44-55)—"Di- mitrios" (WB) and "Aliergic Love" (U). Off to nice start for likely $15;- 000. Last week. "Home in' Indiana" (20th) and "Casanova Burlesque" (20th): (2d wk), nifty $12,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3.100: 55- 60)—"Good Night, Sweetheart" (Rep) and Glen Gray orch.on stage. Three-day weekend run, disappoint- ing $4,000. House has been {lark for several weeks and wits opened for this run. ''•'.' .. *'. • State (Locw) (3.200: 44-55)—"Once Upon- Time" (M-G> and. "Stars On Parade" (M-G).. Solid $19:500. Last week. "White 'ClifTs"* (M-G) (2d wk),' nice $14,600. ', : .'.-', Strand (Silverman) (2.000: 44-55)— "Going My Way". (Par) iRth wkL Still jamming them in tor surprising biz.' Great .$12,000. . Fourth week, 'snappy $15.000.,' '.. •:.' ; /• 'Cliffs' Lofty $15000, Pacemaker in L'ville; 'Show Biz'Bright 12G Louisville, July 11. Tprind .weather currently is- mak- ing a slight dent in downtown biz., j OPT's newspaper admaniti.ons. aiient ! using unneeessary gas'and crowded ■ t'ains are keeping patrons- in tow.n over -weekends. "Wivite Cliffs 'of Dover.'', is catching top: trade at Loew's State, and looks sturdy ! enough for hio. "Show Business" at: i the Rialto is shaping very good.' and i "Hitler Gang" at the Strand is- pulU I ing nicely. ■ ;: Estimates for This Week; Brown (Loew's-Foiirth Avenue) M.400; 40-60)—"Dr. Wassell' (Pai). Fine $4,000 on moveover. Last week. ! ')lome in Indiana" -" • 20i.h ), third downtown week, solid $5,500. . Kentucky (Switow) (1.200: 30-40) —"Hargrove" (M-G) a nil "Ladies Courageous" (U). Okay as seeorid- run at $1,600. Last week. "Passage •Marseille" (WB) and "Swing Fever' (M-'G). $1,700. Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300: 40- 60)—"White Cliff " (M-G). Class of the town, solid $15,000: probabe hold- over. Last week, "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Undergromid Guerrillas" (Col) (2d wk), nice S10:000. Mary Anderson (People's) : ( l.Oflfll 40-60)—"Brother Raf" <WB) (reis- sue). Medium $3,500, Last week. "Mask Dimitrios" (WB). -$4,000'. ■'.■' - National (Standard) 12.400; 35,-75)' —"Whispering Footslnes" ->Rep) and G. I. Revue from Fort Knox. Kv-. split with "Bernadotte" < 20th f ' at: $1.10 top. Soldier show did. fairish biz, and nice b.o. looms lor road show film. Possible j'ood S8.000. oke for summer. Last week, '•Dr'imi'-- Fu. Manchu" (Mono) and Rcnfro Valley Barn Dance Revue with ,"Ar,nv". (WB) at regular prices, good .$7,000- Rialto (Fourth Avenue I m 3:400: 40- 60)—"Show Business" (RKO) ti'« "Night Adventure" (UV. Solid $12- ■ 000, despite heat. Last week. "Di. Wassell" (Par), robust. $13,000 and moveover. * ■ ■ , '• '•:-'■ ■■■ -. Strand (Fourth Avrn-ue) ■( 1:400: 40- 60)—"Hitler Gano" (Par) and "Gnm- hler's Choice" (Par). Sn.!endi( | S'6.- 500. and possible b.O. Last- week. "Touhy, Gangster" 1201 h) aii.d. "J.a- dies Washington" (20th), oke .$4 000 :