Variety (Jul 1944)

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Wednesday, July 12, 1944 PKriety PICTURE GROSSES 15 Chi FuU of H.0.s: 'Way Big 63G in 5th Pius Nelson, 'Jam-Duncan Sis Hot 29G Chicago, July 11. 4 ^ ''Going My Way," held for a fifth weefs at the Chicago, with a new stage shotv headed by Ozzie Nelson, is the first film to play the Balabah & Katz flagship over lour weeks. Re- ceipts nave~"been—phenomenai—and;- $63,000 is looked for in fifth stanza. ' Dead End," reissue from Fitrh Clas- sics, .with "Dixie Jamboree," will bring the'Grand up to lusty $9,500. <;,j_m Session" and Duncan Sisters heading vaude should garner stout $29,000. Many holdovers in town, all doing well. Estimates lor This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 55-95)— • White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk). Was headed for fine $11,000 until theatre had fire late last night (10) and had to close. Last week, sturdy $15,000. Chicago (B&K) (3,900 ; 55-95)— "Going My Way" (Par) (5th wk) plus Ozzie Nelson orch .on stage (1st wk). Great $63,000. Last week, with Harrv Richmanand Dave Apollon heading vaude (4th wk), terrif $65,- 500. . - Garrick (B&K) (900; 55-95)— "Roger Touhy" (20th) and "Ladies Washington" (20th). Fine $11,000. Last week. "Mabel's Room" (UA), 4 days (2d wk) and "Touhy" (20th) and "Ladies Washington" (20th), 3 days, rugged $15,000. ./ Grand (RKO) (1,150; 55-95)— "Dead- End" (FC) (reissue) and "Dixie Jamboree" (PRC). Lusty $9,- 500. Last week. "Invisible Man's Re- venge': iU> and "Return Ape Man" (Mono). 6 days (2d wk) and "Dead End" and "Jamboree," 1 day, pleas- ant $8,000. " Oriental (Iroquois) (3,200; 55-95)— ".lam Session" (Col) plus Duncan Sisters heading vaude. Hefty $29.- 000. Last week. "Yellow Rose" (Rep) and Rochester and Bobby Sherwood orch on stage, smash $37,000. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 55-95)—"Co- bra Woman" <U) and "South Dixie" (Ui (2d wk). Nice $18,000. Last week, neat $20,000. • Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500; 55-95)— "Home in Indiana" (20th) (2d wk) —Danetv—$-1^00 0. Last $23,000. Stut.--I.akc (B&K) (2;700; 55-95)— "Dr. Wassell" (Par) (3d wk). Trim $29,000. Last week, firni $33,000. United Artists (B&K) (1.700: 55- 951—"White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk K -Rousing $25,000. Last week, sock $30,000. Woods (Essaness) (1.200; 55-95)— "Up in Arms" (UA) (Uth wk). Big $17,000. Last week, exceptional $19,- ■ 500. .': Tin-Up Girl' Lush $11,000 in Mild Omaha Omaha, July 11. "Pin-Up Girl." at the Paramount, -is-the talk-of—townr being way out ahead for straight filmers. Estimates for This Week : , Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 20-70) —"Meet People" (M-GJ and Chuck Foster arch on stage; Average $14,- 000. Last week. "3 Men in White" (M-G) and' Iha Ray Hutton orch, fine $16:300 for holiday session, -over hopes. Paramount (Tristates) (3,000; 16- 60)—"Pin-Up Girl" (20th). Strong $11,000. Last week. "Dr. Wassell" tPar), smash $12,500 on big pickup alter weekend Brandeis (RKO-Singer) (1,500: lff- 60)—"Dimitrios" (WB) and "Jam Session" (Col). Good $9,000 in 9 days, including July 4. Last week. "Address Unknown" (Col) and "Make Own Bed" (Col), $5,800 in six days. '■ ■ :. ' ..■ . ';■••'. :-.'.■# . V Omaha (Tristates) (2,000: 16-60)— "Dr. Wassell'.' (Par). Moveover Great $9,500. Last week. "Touhy. Gangster" (20th) and "Hi. Good Lookin'," (U). only fair $7,500. .". • BED-TARS' mmih?Ls. Krupa Ups'Adventure' To Smash $30,000, Hub; 'Cliffs' 521G, 2 Spots Boston, July 11. Per usual, sizzling weather is slow- ing pace in most spots. Standout is "Night of Adventure," which is being boosted to smash returns by Gene Krupa's new band at the RKO Bos- ton. "White Cliffs" also looks great at Orpheum and State. Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO) (3.200: 55-$1.10)— ".Night'Adventure" (RKO) and Gene Kru pa orch on stage. Smash $30,000. for time of year. Fine reception for band on first engagement. Last week. "Happened Tomorrow" (Par) and George White's "Scandals," fair $22,000. Fenway (M&P) (1,373: 40-74)— "Harvest Moon" (WB) and "Candle- light Algeria" (WB).. Fair. $7,000 for second week downtown. "Four Jills" <20lhl opens today (11). Last week. "Going My Way" (Par), good $6,500 *0'' sixth week,... Majestic (E. M. Loew) (1.350: $I.10W'Bernadette" (20th) UOth wk). Heat hit biz. only $6,300 after around $6,500 last week. Memorial (RKO) (2.900; 40-95)— "Home in Indiana" (20th) and "Gil- dersjeeve's Ghost" (2d wk). Good $19,500. Last week, okay $22,000. . Metropolitan (M&P) (4,367: 40-74) —"Dr. Wassell" (Par) (2d wk). Fine $24,000 for second stanza. Last week, grand $29,400, over hopes. Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 35-74)— 'White Cliffs" (M-G). Great $29,500. ; Last week. "Two Girls'Sailor" IM-G» '2d wk i.. okay $17,000. Paramount (M&P) (1.700; 40-74) — Harvest Moon" (WB) and "Candle- l.ivht Algeria" (WB). Sturdy $9,500 fair second week downtown. . Last . week.. "Going My Way." (Par),' socko $11,000, .;'; Stale (Loew) (3,200: 35-74)— White Cliffs" (M-G). Drawing big jabe trade, wow $23,000. Last week. Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) (2d wk), slow $8,000. .< D T'' ans, " x (Translux) (900: 30-74)— Black Room" (U) and "Return Ape Man (Mono). Robust $6,000. Last, week. "Sell Mv Life" (Indie) and Missing Girls" (Indie), lair Minneapolis, July 11. Orpheum. with "Make Your Own Bed" and "Tars and Spars" revue on stage is pacing the city. "Home in Indiana" is leading straight filmer at Radio City. Otherwise, holdovers dominate, and some are not so stout. . Estimates for This Week . Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 25-35)— "False Colors" (UA) and "Kitty O'Day" (Mono). In four days looks satisfactory $1,800. "Girls on Proba- tion" (WB) and "Jam Session" (Col) open Wednesday. (12). Last week. "Slightly Terrific" (U) and "Monster lfr—eheiee-pMaker" - (P-RG-).—split— wi th "Tr oea— dero" (Rep) and "Silent Partner" (Rep), fair $2,500 in eight days'. Century (P-S) (1.600: 44-60)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par). After big first week at Radio City, good $7,000. Last week, "Christmas Holiday" (,U), $6,000 on mo. from Radio City. Gopher (P-S> (1.000; 40)—"Ladies Courageous" (U). Mild $3,000. Last week. "Aldrich Plays Cupid" (Par), $2,900 in six days. Lyric (P-S) (1.100: 44-60)— "White Cliffs" (M-G) (3d wk). After boff fortnight at State, staunch $7.- 500. Last week. "Cobra Woman" (U) (2d wk). light $4,000. Orpheum <P-S) (2.300; 44-70)— "Make Own Bed" (WB) and "Tars and Spars" revue on stage. Stage show pushing this to sock $20,000. Last week. "7 Days Ashore" (RKO > and Ozzie Nelson oreh. Harriet Hil- liard. on stage, big $19,000. . Radio City (P-S I (4.000: 44-60)— "Home in Indiana" (20th). Brisk $14,000 or over. Last week, "Dr. Was- sell" (Par), big $16:000. State (P-S) (2.300; 44-60)—"Ma- bels Room" (UA)/ Fine $12,000. Last week. "White Cliffs" (M-G) (2d wk ). $11,000. Uptown (Par) (1.100: 40-50)—"Pin. Up Girl" (20th). First nabe show- ing. Mild $2,500. Last week, "Buffalo Bill" (20th). $2,900: World (Par-Slefies) (350 : 44-80)— "Address Unknown" (Col I. Mildish $2,000. Last week. "Catherine the Great" (UA > (reissue), $1,800. "Scat" Davis. Stout $27,000, Last week, "Meet the People" (MrG), with stage show, good $24,000. State (F-WC) (2,010; 55-85)—"Gas- light" (M-G) and "Trocadero" (Rep) (3d wk). Smash $17,000. Last week, terrif $21,500-for this lower Market St. spot. ". :••/•' v Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 55-90) "Days of Glory" (RKO), with stage show headed by Jane Withers and Hollywood Canteen's Kid Band. Fairly satisfactory $24,000. Last week, "Show Business" (RKO) plus Jan Garber orch (3d wk), big $24,500. . Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2,440; 60- 85)—"Christmas Holiday" (U) and "Minstrel Man" (PRC) ' (23" wk). Sturdy $15,000. Last week, great $21,000. ' United Artists (Blumenfeld) (1,100; 60-85)—"Hairv Ape" (UA) and "Stars oh Parade" (RKO). Excellent $12,- 000. Last week. 10-day split week, "Song Open Road" (UA) and "Moon Over Las Vegas" (Rep), passable $9,800. . '-.: . ■ . '::'• ;':,::.'•;'..; '2 Girls Wham 19G, Cincy Ace Cincinnati. July 11. . "Two Girls _and a Sailor," one of a pair of newcomers this week, is on a high b.o. spree at the Palace. The other firstrun, "Eve of St. Mark." is tame for- the Albee. Four addi- tional major stands are racking up winners with holdovers.. Estimates for This. Week : Albee (RKO) (3,100: 44-70)—"St. Mark" (20th). Tame $11,000. Last week. "Angels Sing" (Par), lofty $18,500. ..; Capitol (RKO) (2 000: 44-70) — "White Cliffs" (M-G) (3d wk). Swell $8,500 on heels of sock $12,000 for second week. Holds again. Family (RKO) (1,000: 30-40)—"Gil- dersleeve's Ghost" (RKO) and "Guns of Law" (PRC) split with "Men of Sea" (PRC) and "Laramie Trail" (Rep). Steady $2,200. Same last week on "Slightly Terrific" (U) and "Range Law" (Mono) divided with "Kitty O'Day" (Mono*) and "Wyo- ming Hurricane" (Col). Grand (RKO) (1,430: 44-70) — Home in Indiana" (20th). Third m.o. stanza: Hot $7,000 following terrif $10,000 last sesh, best third- week figure for a film outside road show. Keith • (Urfited) (1,400: 44-70)— "Angels Sing" (Par). Moveover. Great $7,000. Last week, "Once Upon Time" (Coll (2d run), all right $5,500. : Lyric (RKO) (1.400: 44-70)—"Ma rine Raiders" (RKOI. Moveover Pleasing $5,000. Last week. "Before Dawn" (Par) and "Aldrich Plays Cupid" (Par), niftv $6,500. Palace (RKO I (2.600: 44-70 _-"Two Girls Sailor" (M-G). Wham $19,000. Last week. "Marine Raiders" (RKO), so-so $11,000. Heat Bops B way But 'Sensations,' Barrie-Rubin-Donegan Sturdy 31G; Durbin Hot 35G, Time Big 110G 9 2d Oppressive heat ever since the amazing $129,000. Remains a third Fourth of July has left its mark oh Broadway, but where the attractions have more than usual draught the takes range from good to excellent. Total is further affected by fact .that of 15 downtown runs, all are on hold- over with exception of the State. Currently the State is first-run with Sensations of 1945." supported., by a stagebill including Grade Rarrie. Benny Rubin and Dorothy Dohegan. Meeting the weather challenge, house looks to do a stout $31,000 or over.'. Also unaffected by the heat is Mu- sic Hall's "Once Upon a Time," week, .with "Dragon Seed" (M-G) set to open July 20. Rialto (Mayer) (594: 40-85)— "Mummy's Ghost" (U) (2d-fmal wk). Off a bit at $6,500 but oke. while first week was stout $10,200. "Jun- gle Woman" (U) opens Fridav (14). Bivoli (UA-Par) (2.092; 60-S1.20)— "Dr! Wassell" (Par) (6th wk). Dropping somewhat but still good at $30,000 for fifth semester finished last night (Tuesday); fourth over the holiday was $39,000. Roxy..(20th) (5,886: 60-$1.20 V >- Take It or Leave It" (20th). Duke which is continuing at a breakneck Ellington orch, Ella Logan and pace, and this week, its second, will Jerry -Lester open todav (Wednes- hit $110,000, Or near, terrific. Like- | day). Concluding (3d)' frame for Indiana' Neat $28,000 Tops Frisco; '2 Worlds' 25G, 'Holiday' 15G, HO. San Francisco. July 11. "Home in Indiana." at Fox and "Between Two Worlds." at Para- mount, look top straight filmers. "Dr. Wassell" is sensational at small St. Francis . , Estimates for This Week Fox 1F-WC1 (5.000; 55-851—"Home in Indiana" (20th) and "Secrets Scot- land Yard" (Repi/ Nice $28,000. Last week, "Dr. Wassell' (Pari and "Leave it to Irish" (Mono), terrific $38,000 to lead field. .'•..-•■ : - ;•'• Paramount (F-WC) (2.470: 55-85) —"Two Worlds" ( WB) .and "Three of a Kind" (Mono i Brisk $25,000. Last week. "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G) and "Candlelight Algeria" (RKO) (2d wk). socko $20,000 despite:one night out for bond show. ,- , St, Francis (F-WC) (1.475: 55-8»). —"Dr. Wassell" (.Par) and "Leave,It to Irish" (Mono i. Sensational $20.- 000 for this small house. Last week, third of extended run lor "And An- gels Sing" .(Pari, with "Gamblers Choice" (Pari, trim $11,500. : . . Warffeld (F-WCi (2.6d0: 5o-8r>) 'INDEMNITY' BOFFO $15,500 IN OK BALTO Baltimore. July 11. Held down by almost solid lineup of h.o. product plus excessive heat, biz tends to fairish side currently. "Double Indemnity," given good re- ception by local crix, is drawing well at Keith's. . Estimates for This Week C.'eatnr.' (Loew's-UA) (3.000; 20- 60)—"White Cliffs ' (M-G I (3d wk). Steady $13,000 after fine second sesh at $16,300. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2.240; 20-74)—"Once Upon Time" (C61) (2d wk I plus new stage layout. Holding fairly well at $14,000 alter nice $18,- 200 opener. Keith's (Schanberger) (2:460; 20- 601—"Double Indemnity" (Par) (2d wk I. Started second round last: night (Mon.) after fine initial round to $15,500. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 25-55)— "Army" (WB). Started Sat. (81 and faring well. Last week, nine days of "LadyKet's.Dance" (Mono), average $4,900. . New (Mechanic) (1.680; 20-60)— "Home in Indiana" (20th I (2d wkl. Okay $6,500 after strong $10,600 last week. Stanley (WB) (.3:280: 25-66)—"Dr. Wassell" (Par). (2d wkl.' Still strong at $17,000 after robust first round of $18,800. , Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1,840; 20- 60)—"U Boat Prisoner" 'UAi. Av- erage $4!000. Last week. "Somewhere Find You" (M-G I (r .Issue").. $4,300. ' wise socko among pictures that have balked the torridity has been the Paramount show of "Going My Way" and Charlie Spivak's band. It ended a 10-week date last night (Tucs.) at $66,000, which even today would be a good initial week for this house. On the run the gross stands at $8OC,00O, as compared with $790,000 for the same length of run on "Lady in Dark" and Xavier Cugat's orchestra, only other bill to go that far at the Par. : ■."'■ ■ The Deanna Durbin starrer, "Christmas Holiday," continues big at the Criterion, where it ended the second round last night at $35,000. Oti the first it finished in the stretch with a great burst of speed to estab- lish a new high of $45,300. Previous record was held by ."Cling Ho" at $44,000. Other holdovers range from only fair to good. In addition to Par's "And Angels Sing." plus' Perry Como and Jerry Wald band, opening today (Wed.), is "Take It or Leave It," at the Roxy, with Duke Ellington band, Ella Lo- gan and Jerry Lester in person. Estimates for This Week Astor (Loews) (1,140; 60-$1.20) — "Bathing Beauty" (M-G) (3d wk). Scheduling weeks from. Monday through Sunday, second, ended on latter day, was $21,900 while initial six days went to $21,500, in both cases good. Capitol (Loew's) (4.820 ; 60-$l.20) ^^wo--G^ls^^M--e-)7-__iTrrrhMKaye- band. Three Ross Sisters and Paul Wirichell (4th wk). Dropping some- what but still good at $59,000 or near, while last week (3d) was very strong at $78,500. Goes another week with "Since You Went Away 1 ' (Selznick- UA) opening July 20. Scales will not be raised for its run, as had been planned. Criterion (Loew's) (1.700: 60-$1.25) —"Christmas Holiday" (U) (3d wk). Papers didn't think so much of this one but it's doing a big business just the same and on the initial week, ended the night of July 4, picked up amazing speed to finish at $45,300, new high for house: second con- cluded last night (Tues.) hit a rous- ing $35,000. Globe (Brandt) (1.416: 60-$1.10)— "Hairy Ape" (UA) (2d wk). Holding up well at indicated $15,000, while initial seven days was $19,000; re- mains on. (■:;.• Gotham (Brandt) (900: 60-98)— "Dead End" (FC) (reissue) (2d wk). Should hit $10,000 or over, good, fol- lowing first week's nice $12,500, bet- ter than had been expected. Hollvwotd (WB) (1.499 : 80-$l.20) —"Skeffington" (WB) (7th wk). Fair at: about $18,000, while last week (6th) over Fourth of July was $21,- 000. under hopes. No closing date as yet scheduled but next one in will | probably be "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) sometime in August. Palace (RKO) (1.700 ; 60-$1.10)— "Marine Raiders" (RKOI (2d wk). On mild side at $14,000 but will be held over anvway; first week was $19,000, fair. . . Paramount (Par) (3,664 : 60-$1.20) —"And Angels Sing" (Par". Perry Como and Jerry Wald orch open to- day (Wed.) following record-break- ing 10-week stay of "Going My Way" (Par) and Charlie Spivak orch. final stanza being strong $66,000, prior week $73,000. Radio Citv Music Hall (Rocke- fellers I (5.945: 60-$1.10) — "Once Upon Time" (Col) and stageshow (2d wk). A mighty business-getter, initial holdover session looking smash $110,000 or near. First^week over the Fourth of July hit an Home In Indiana" (20th). Enric Madriguera orch, Hazel Scojt, Joe Besser arid Carmen Amaya slid sharply to a disappointing $47,000 from prior week's $71,000. stout. State (Loew's '> (3,450; 43-85)— "Sensations 1945" (UA) and, in per- soiij Gracie Barrie, Benny Rubin, Dorothy Dohegan, Clicking very smartly for probably $31,000 or over. Last week, "Private Hargrove" (M- G) (2d run) and Benny Fields. Wil- lie Howard, others, on stage, fancy $36,000. Strand (WB) (2,756: 60-$l.20)~ "Mask Dimitrios"' tWBi. Louis Prima orch and Phil Regan (3d- final wk). In the low groove at $30,000 or near, while last week (2d) was short of expectations at mod- erately good $39,300. "Adventures Mark Twain" (WB) <2d run) and Vincent Lopez orch come in Friday (14). ' 'J .:'.'' ' Victoria (Maurer) (720; 60-S1.10) —"Kid From Spain" (FC) (reissue) (2d-final wk). Goes out on a light week's gross of $7,500 after first s dis- appointing $9,000. To be replaced Saturday (15) by "Minstrel Man" (PRO. v ".r -r-..-' ■■=-"-'- HAIDERS'FANCY $16^«A5H- Washington. July 11. ■'. "Marine Raiders." at Keith's, is' surprise entry of week with smash session in sight at this small house. Many holdovers elsewhere. "St. Mark," with vaude, is best other new entry. ','.'. " EaUmatea far Thi* Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434: 34-72)— "St. Mark" (20th) with vaude. Trim $23,000. Last week. 'Two Civls Sailor" (M-G) (2d wk), fine $22,000 and $50,000 on run. Columbia (Loew) (1.234; 34-72)— "Knickerbocker Holiday" (UA). Away above average $8,500. Last week. "Pin-Up GUI" (20th), disap- pointing $6,200. Earle (WB) (2.240; $0-90)—"Once Upon a Time" (Coll with vaude (2d wk l. Fine $18,500 after grand $28,000 opener. . ..... Keith's (RKO) (1.800; 34-66)-"Ma- line Raiders" (RKO). Surprise clicker at grand $16,000. Last week, "Follow the Boys" (U), better than average $11,000. Metropolitan (WB) (1.800: 35-55) —"Two Worlds" (WB) (2d wk I. Neat $8,500 after rousing $11,000 initialer. Palace. (Loew) (2.778: 34-661— "White, Cliffs" (M-G) (3d wk). Ro- bust $17,000 after strong $22,000 on second. 'Dimitrios' Potent At $15,000 in OK Buffalo Bunalo. July 11. Plenty of holdoveis will slow the pace this week. Top newcomer is "Mask of Dimitrios" av Buffalo. "Dr., Wassell" is beating its total on hold- over session at Great Lake?, Estimates for This Week - : Buffalo (Sheai (3.500: 40-70)— "Mask Dimitrios" (WBi and " Case" (Col i. Potent $15,000. Last week; "Two,. Girls Sailor'.' (M-G), M"ke"OwV*Bcd" '.( WbT "a.n"d stage dandy $18,000. show, 'Ankles Away," with Johnny : Great Lakes, (Shea) (3,000; 40-70) —"Dr. Wassell" (Par) (2d Wk,>. Great $18,000 after initial week's terrific $21,000. ■'■• ,• • Hipp (Shea'i .'2.100: 40-701— "Two Girls Sailor" (M-G). Moveover from Buffalo. Heftv $10,000 or over. Laxt week. "Gaslight." (M-G »• also ;rn ; p.', about same. Lafayette (Basil) (3 ; 300: 40-701— "Secret Command" (Coll and "Swing Out 'Blues" .: (Col). Sturdy ,S!),000. Last week. "Cobra Woman" (U) and "Pardon Rhythm'*. (Ui. rousing $12,000. •■'■'. ,• ■ .•",'■':.'" ■> ■ ■ , 20th Ccnlurv (Ind) '3.000: 40-70) — "Marine Raiders" (RKO) and "Gil- dersleeve's Ghost" < RKO > I2d' wk i. Profitable $8,300 after first week's strong $12,000. '■• 'Boys' Port Leader, 13C ' Portland. Ore:. July II. With a strong opening day. "Follow the Boys" promises to pace city in- current" week-at the Broadway. Estimates far ThU Week Broadway (J. J. Parker) (1.900; 40- 80)— "Follow Boys" (U) and "Silent Partner" (Rep). Strong $13,000. Last week, "Man from Frisco" (Rep) and "Trocadero" (Rep), weak $7,500. .. Mavfair (Hamrick-Evergreen-Par- ker) (1,500: 40-80(—"White Cargo" (M-G) and "Suspicion" (RKO) (re- issues): Light $4,000. Last week. "2 Girls Sailor" (M-Gi and "Scarlet Claw" (tO- 5 days, sturdy $6,500. . Linited Artists (Parker) 1900; 40- 80)—"White Cliffs" (M-G i (4th. wkl.. Hefty $10,000. Last week, near same. Orpheum (H-Ki (1.800:. 40-80)— "Show Business" (RKOi and "Water- front" (PRC). Solid $10,500. Last, week. "Frisco Kid" (WBi (reissuet and "7 Days Ashore" '(RKO*. $8,000.-. Paramount (H-Ki (3.000: 40-801— "And Angels Sing" (Par) and "Gil- dnrsleeve's Ghosl" .(RKO)' ftth' wk); Good $7,000 in 5 days. Last week, healthy $12,700. . .". Oriental (H-F.i (2.040: 40-301 — "And Angels Sing" (Pari and "Gil- derslecve's Ghost" (RKOi (2d Wk). Ordinary $2,800 in 5 days. Last week, > good $4,200. '' . . ■ '- - '