Variety (Jul 1944)

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26 RADIO Wednesday. July 12, 1944 Heat Wave Grills Gag Concocters; Agencies Make Plenty Concessions Time was when only .-stars on the-* airers were iti'a position to demand a summer layoff but shortage of comedy scripters has brought about situation where top writers can dic- tate their own terms and these of late have included guarantees of va- cations. Agencies are bowing to scripters' demands in order to be sure their favorite penmen will be on tap come September. Situation has resulted in agencies hiring second and third choices to writ.: summer comedy replacement shows and is definitely reflected in quality ot the shows themselves. Few of the hot weather comedy' airers have rung the bell as yet and agency men blame this on inability to get the scripters they want coupled with the fact that if they manage to get the man they want lie's not quite up to his usual stand- ards because he really didn't want to work during the hot weather any- way. Agency execs are looking for some way to needle the boys into putting out in spite.-.of the heat. Only solution yet suggested is that the end of the war and subsequent release of writing talent from the armed forces will, stir lip the script- ers and the honeymoon will be over. Then the agencies will have "their day" and the boys who write the shows will have to roll up their sleeves and work at top speed re- gardless of the weather or any other extraneous factors. Also! pointed out that replacement comics are more in need'of boff ma- terial than the Hopes, Aliens, Marxes. etc., who often can salvage only so-so gags by their own in- herent showmanship and ability. Lesser lights, as new-born season at- tests, don't pack enough wallop to rescue .material being handed them. Nagel Going Off for Pic Conrad Nagel will take four Sun- day night? off from his Radio Read- er's Digest airer in August'to go to Hollywood to do a picture for. Mono- gram. :"' . Actor is now playing the Leven- thal subway circuit-around N. Y. in the anti-Nazi drama, "Tomorrow.the World," appearing in Flatbush last, week and the Bronx currently, Rob- ert: Stewart has been subbing for Nagel'Sunday af ternoon and evening in the legiter because, of latter's radio stint, < "Pancake" Pancake Latest spat production by Kent-Johnson. Inc., for PiUsbury pancake flower enlists the serv- ices of a full band under Jeff Alexander's baton, a vocal soloist and calliope, no less! Featured is an original tune, "Pancake Scr- enadc." ■ . ■ "Pancake'' pancake is being released through McCann, Erick- son. : ' ' Burnett Billings Top From the Production Centres f/V NEW YORK CITY ... Claire..Barry, of the singing Barry Sisters' duo, featured on WHN's "Gloom Dodgers,' to marry Al Weinberg. . . Louise Kadison has rcUirned' to her former post of publicity director, of WBYN. Brooklyn.. . Harry Trcuner leaves Mutual sales dept. on July 24 to join Weintraub agency ,. .. With Richard Stark going into the Marines,-William Lazar takes over' announcing chores on the Squibb show and Dwight Weist will handle the *fAbie's Irish Rose" stanza.; .Sammy Walsh, whose forthcoming USO -overseas' trip will give him five up for a new record, guests on the "Fitch Bandwagon" show July 16... .Red Barber pacted for scries of Pathe Sportscasts. .-.Despite the fact that one of the King Sisters (Dot) is being treated .for; serious throat ailment, gals continue to do their five weekly CBS broadcasts. - : -•'••;•.'.•. " " ' - ' : . ■ ■ . -•" '"■"',' Joan Banks, title player in CBS's "Valiant Lady" series, moving her fam-. ily in from Connecticut to take over Irene, Bordoni's former manse,.:. Peggy Blake takes over the writing assignment on NBC's '-Just Plain .Bill"' Bennett Kilpaek, who plays the title role of "Mr. Keen. Tracer of FCC Sets Aug. 15 Hearing Date on UAW Charge Of WHKC's Free Speech Curb '-.-■:■ Columbus, July 11. The FCC will hold a hearing Aug. 15 on a petition by the United Auto- mobile Workers, (CIO) Columbus, protesting renewal of the license of WHKC. .operated by the United Broadcasting Co.. on the charge ttia the station is throttling free speech An application for renewal of the license was granted by the FCC without hearing on May 16. . The FCC also ordered United Broadcasting to file a statement by Aug 5 concerning -the operation of the station, with particular.reference to the union's allegations. The union has complained sharply of the sta- tion, which it charged had censored a portion of a speech made by UAW v.p, Richard T. Frankensteen. Union officials said that though they had paid the full rates charged, they were forbidden to discuss any con- troversial issue, race, religion, or politics, Or to seek new members over the air, :■. -' - ''.. ••• - '., ENGLISH MAG ARTICLE CUE TO COMM'LBBC? London, June 26. '-Transatlantic." a London-printed monthly now hearing the end of its first year of publication, has for a ecent feature a lengthy description of commercial broadcasting as de- veloped in. the. U.. S, Although the* mag's ostensible purpose is to pro : mote good relations between the two countries, this glorification of spon- sored programs in contrast to the relative quality of BBC offerings is taken in some quarters to be the opening sljot in a campaign to com- pel Broadcasting House to. scrap the present policy in favor of the Amer- ican system. -' ; ■ -'•.•; ''.;-v-.s ■". '-".;'': By implication, the stressing of the dollals-and-cents importance of popuiaV' features to networks de- pending on their ability to convince advertisers of listener interest is taken here to mean BBC would starve to death if, being similarly dependent, it had to rely on its present product As it is, of course, the ever growing chorus of con- demnation by newspaper critics of current BBC features—^like the let- ters of protest from troops serving overseas—-doesn't cause so much as a ripple of apprehension among BBC officials While, as "Variety" has pointed out. there is no possibility of a change of policy until the expira- tion in 1946 of the BBC's present charter, it should be borne in mind nothing ever happens quickly in this country If. in fact, the "Transat- lantic" article is the start of a sys- tematic campaign aimed at bringing the BBC into line with the American system, it is by no means prema- ture To convince the British people any change is desirable—and, in a country where everything new is suspect, nothing could be more difficult—24 mouths of propaganda are none too many Chicago, July 11. . ,Ad-.agencies' that have adopted the attitude that with all good network time sold there is little chance of in- teresting their clients in radio might L°st Persons," authored script for the CBS thriller last week, thereby well take a page from the book of realizing a longstanding ambition. .While director Martha Atwell vaea tipiis.l'or the next three weeks. Arthur Haiina and Gen the Leo Burnett agency here which has rah its annual network billing from $600,000 to better than $3.- 000,000"in little more than a year. Agency currently has five show.s on: the networks with a sixth sched- uled to start in the fall. Shows in- | elude: "Life.of Riley," aired over the Blue sponsored by the Meat Institute of America; Upton Close, heard over Mutual, sponsored by Lumberman's Mutual .Casualty Co.; H. V. Kalten- born. aired over NBC. for Pure Oil; Smilln'. Ed .McConneH over NBC for Brown Shoe Co.; K. C. Jamboree, Heard over NBC, sponsored by the Jacques Manufacturing Co.; and "Santa Fe Playhouse," half-hour dramatic show sponsored by the Sante Fe Railroad, scheduled to hit the air in September. . Top drawer selling job is attrib- uted to Frank Ferrin v.p. in charge of radio who joined the agency little more than a year ago, coming from the H. W. Kastor agency where he was a P & G a'ceount exec. BRITISH PUNDITS ON CHI ROUND TABLE Chicago, July 11. .University of Chicago Round Table program will deviate from its usual procedure for the July 16 broadcast when moss of the half hour! will be heard from London, where members of the "Freedom Forum" the round, table's English counterpart, will discuss the British viewpoint tin "post-war . economics. For several weeks panel members ot the University of Chicago Round Table have been discussing obstacles to economic stumbling blocks with England in the post-war era. Lon- don pickup on July 16 will mark the culmination of the 'scries with the British angle given by Sir Frederick Whyte, Prof. Harold Laskt, Henry Brooke and Geoffrey Crowther. Ar- rangements for the London broad- cast were made through William NewtoK local manager for BBC. Sinclair Oil's New Type Quizzer Debuts in Chi . Chicago, July 11. New type of audience participa- tiori*"show will hit the air Saturday (15) >when the Sinclair" Quiz Club makes its debut over WBBM at. 9:45-10:15 p.m. (CWT.). Contract for 52 weeks was signed here last week when L. B, Dorn, represent- ing the HixoUr McDonald Agency, N Y„ and Gordon Owen, of Spot Sales, N. Y, came on to close the deal. Sinclair Refining Co. is the sponsor.; . ■'- J-Weekly- shows will, be held in WBBM's main studio with 'partici- pants selected by numbered admis- sion tickets. Guy Wallace will be quizmaster, backed by an orchestra led by Jimmy Hill'tard. ShoW will be written by George Marks,-, Craven to Manage WOL For Cowles; Swap Deal For WMT Goes to FCC Washington, July 11. Dear for a swap of WMT, Cedar I'Rapids, with WOL, Washington, is closed and ah application for the - transfer filed with the FCC. Gardner Cowles, Jr., Des Moines publisher and president of the Iowa Broadcasting Corp., which owns WMT, will make T. A. M. Craven,, former FCC commissioner Who re- cently joined the Cowles organiza- tion, general manager of WOL, if the radio commission okays the deal,; .. Under any condition. Craven will make his headquarters in Washing- ton, to handle Cowles radio interests and keep an eye on two stations re- cently acquired by the. Cowles fam- ily in Boston and Jersey City. With WOL, the Cowles family, whose in- terests have heretofore been in the west, would have a three station chain along the Atlantic seaboard, indicating the beginning of a new Cowles empire in this part of the Country. Whether they propose to go into Philadelphia later on is not yet di.-closed. Euhahks will take o.\*er; for her on NBC's "Young Widder Brown" and CBS's "Second- Hus--' BaH*";.: Ann Leaf s new baby boy has been 'c'lristened Peter Leaf Kleincft. . ;'■■'.'■' ':': •''.;?•. v •:■:' ■■'':-..'.: '■ -.'. '',.-•,' --' : "', ; ,;.. • ;- '/-..'''''. \ Leon Barzin. conductor of the WQXR orchestra, back from- months va- ;'• cation in Ma.ine. : . . Jo Ranson, who heads up WNEW's Hackery, eulturizing the trade, press boys with a flock of whodunit reprints as a, tieinWith the station's Crime .Quiz show. , , .Marty Goodman, of the ..William Morris office, has been looking around for a bodyguard ever since he was gifted with: that gold wrist watch by Milton Berle in appreciation for his work in hypoing the Berle-Eversharp stanza.. '.'•-•'.'.; v _^ /;-\;- ; ..'-.; "-• Marge Kerr, production head of Tom Fizdale publicity office for past seven'years, resigned Monday (10) to devote more time to scripting of radio shows... . Young Si Rubicam tossing a get-acquainted press parly tonight (12) at Toots Shor's for Alan Young, the summer replacement on the Eddie Cantor "Time to Smile" NBC show....Day Tuitle. who's been doing the production chore on the "Molle Mystery Theatre." is shifting to the same job on the Lever Bros,' "Bright Horizons" airer, replacing Ralph Butler, who'll only produce the "Joyce Jordan" show' henceforth; Frank Telford takes over the "Mystery Theatre" spot. Joe Hill replaces him On the "We, the People" program.. ..Edward B. Lyman joins the . Foote,.Cone, and Belding agency in an executive capacity this week. .. .Marcolla Cisncy. formerly exec director of the .Jacksonville, Fla., Little Theatre, joined the; production staff at WMCA this week Patsy Garrett. "Broadway Mat- inee'' vocalist, announced her engagement to Marine. Sgt. Frank, Hower last week. He, was pianist and arranger with Fred Wariiig's orch.._. Frank Smith, P&G account exec at Benton & Bowles, was elected.a veepce at that agency this week,. . .Eugene Katz this week resumed his post as secretary of the Katz agency after two years wiTn the OW1. Herman Steinbruck. of "Variety" radio sales dept., laid up at Good Samaritan hosp, Suffern, with four broken ribs, suffered in a fall from a ladder.;' '•'.'-. :: : 7: ;";.■''-'•.; .■;''■' : -' •'-"•■■'.'•■'.•'. Il\ CHICAGO . . . WGN celebrates its 20th , artniycrsar jMoti- the air during the mohth-of- Jtdy.. Buddy Clark and Bob^ Eberle were featured stars on the Army Bill Miller's Commuting Show Akron,. July 11. William Miller has been signed for a 13-week series of broadcasts over both WADC and WAKR, Akron, from 10:30 to 10:45 p. m. Series teed off July 3. Miller, native of Akron, will commute between Chicago and Mtron for the perio'' "H* t.nching 'nislc. in Chicago. Jessel's Guestar Series For 20th's'Wilson' Buildup George Jessel, due in N. Y. Friday (14) from the Coast, will be spotted as guest star - on seven radio shows within span, of two weeks in connec- tion- with buildup on 20th-Fox's "Wilson,■" opening August 1 at the. Roxy. Airers, lined .tip for Jessel. now a 20th producer, include shots on the Milton Berle show 118) and with Guy Lombardo (22). Johnny Morgan (24). Hildegnrde :<25), Barry Wood (291. Basin Street (30), and Louis Sobol..(31 Im- possible also ' that Jessel will be teamed, with Dunninger and- also appear on the Stage Door Canteen show. . .. '•:»;:'' NELSON EDDY SHOW FOR UTILITY COMBINE Service Forces Show "21 Stars" July 8. They're now Privates Buddy Clark and Bob Eberle.,. .Beginning last week admission tickets were required ior daily broadcasts of Blue Breakfast Club. Decision to inaugurate new policy was made by Ed Borroff, Blue v.p. of Central Division after a full Week of turning' away hundreds of people who wanted to see show. WBBM's news booth in front of Wrigley building has blossomed put with full color reproductions of Army, Navy. Marine and Coast Guard campaign insignia. Idea is to educate the'public on what the various army forces campaign bars stand for... .Five ministers who were awarded schol- arships by^NBC are attending the NBC Northwestern Uni. Summer Insti- tute; Included is Frank Elliott of the Chicago Theological Seminary, who :s also a winner of a $1,000 seminary fellowship, which will enable'hira to spend a year's, research in radio*..Alex Dicier, veteran news re- porter, began a new WGN newscast July 8. Program is broadcast every Saturday morning, 10:15 to 10:30. Program is sponsored by John Morrell & Co., replacing Bob Becker's Pet Parade, . . Included among new personnel, added by Blue Network Central Division last Week, are Clifford Peterson, production department: Charles Halteman, announcing, and James Downs, engineering. Halteman. prior to joining die Blue service, was program director of WTOL. Toledo. Peterson was for- merly a member of the "Escorts & Betty" singing group... Gene Baker, NBC "Road of Life" announcer, vacationing.,. .Elmo Tanner, former soloist with Ted Weems' orchestra, will be guest star "Starring Curt Masscy" July is, ■■'::■';;'..■ - v ' '.; : ,/:. Henry Stanton, v.p. charge of the Chicago office, % Walter Thompson, left for Coast last Friday for Danny Danker funeral.. . ."Voice of the Dairy Farmer." aired over NBC, celebrates first anniversary July 18,... David Whitehouse, who plays the part of "Rush" .in "Vic & Sade," will start on "Author's Playhouse" July 14. . . .Will C. Grant, head of Grant agency, off for tour of South and Central America. IN. HOLLYWOOD . , . A pall of gloom fell over the town when word got around of Danny banker's • sudden- passing. Those who chatted with him' at the Brown Derby nine or 10 hours before the pump quit ori him last Wednesday night were amazed at how well he looked, bronzed from his six-week outdoor rest and stripped of excess weight. His death came as a stunning blow \ Hollywood, July 11. Contracts are being inked by Elec- trical Industries to sponsor half-hour musical airer starring Nelson Eddy with Robert Armbruster conducting and lus loss to the Thompson agency will be keenly fc.i a large orch and chorus rounding put session's lineup. Sponsor has .been backing "Report to the Nation though orch will be. limited in the beginning, expanding to 50 pieces after the first of the year. Stanza is heard, in the Wednesday night, 10:30- 11 p. m, spot. Show will be heard over 132 _stations with N. W. Aycv the agency.- Drake Quits Cowles Chain For WLS Promotion Job ! Des Moines, July 11. -John Drake, KRNT and KSO sales promotion manager, has resigned from the Des Moines Cowles stations, effective July 15, to join the promo- tion staff of WLS, Chicago. . . ■ ' 'No successor has been named for the' Des Moines post. V Dick Gibson checks in this week at-New York office, of Ruthrauff & Ryan to join new biz department; He had been talent buyer in the Holly- wood office;.J. Walter Thompson's, press thief. "Wick" Crider, grabbed which continues on the air as CBS I a fast reservation and hustled back home after looking oyer the setup sustainer after utility combine drops I here.. He okayed an expansion Of the staff here and Grace Wilcox, lor-- if, .-':, mer fan mag editor, moved in as feature writer to supplant Franc Dillon, Eddy will be; backed by chorus of 'Switched, to industrial accounts... .F. Bourne Ruthrauff, executive assistant 30 . voices ; from initial broadcast director of public info for the Red Cross, iri town to set up the new air series jointly aegised by Army, Navy and Red Cross.:Young & Rubicam ordered a record cut of Walter White's "Nobody's Children." which had a four-year run on the Mutual time. White recently joined CBS production staff... .Carlton Alsop up. and around after pneumonia siege and off to New York with the frau, Martha Scott... .Kriox Co; (Cystex.) bought Dud Williamson's "Wnat's the Name of That 1 Song?'' tor the-full Mutual net- work after eight-week breakin on Don Lee. Musical quizzer- is now being carried "on the house" after a spell of commercialism... ,P & G's "Glamor Manor" without a local outlet until July 24 when KECA obligingly moves one of its department store accounts.. . .Clyde Scott. KFI-KECA commcr- cial manager, reported set as KECA manager when the FCC approves Bllife network buy of the' station. . . .Lockheed moves its Herbert Marshall starrer. "Man Named Xj" to the Blue after eight-week summer stand in the Lux slot on CBS...-. .Harry Mitchell moved in at KFAC as program director . . . .Editors of downtown sheets, who scorn radio as a blight, ganged up on "Citizens" Forum at KNX to have their say-so about freedom of the press..', .Standard Brands' strip from the east on KNX, "This Chang- ing World,'' runs smack dab into a news analysis program of the same , title on KHJ. Question now is, "who got there fust?", and a determina-- lidn of priority may be invoked to ease the conflict. -"■ ;. . : , ;■'•'