Variety (Jul 1944)

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\\Y.liH's.lay. July 12, 1914 PfiftlETY ORCHESTRAS—MUSIC S3 Top Tunes of 1943-44 Season I F row copyrighted Audlinre Coi^erage Index reports by the Office oj fteseurch-Raiiio Division mid reproduced by permission of the director, ■Dr. John G. Peatman The: top 25 sono hits, us'-determined. hy audience coverage over national radio networks for the'period July 1, 1943-Jnlu 1, 1944; are listed'' bc/ou\T - .•■'/ '■"/,.:',-. /•'.'■• ': •' -''••." .- .' "-'/.■.''' - '.'/.'. '.''//' --'A //'i':^/'. POPULAR 'J'.;,';//; .% ^ ^ ""V.: V People. Will Say We're In tovfi ("Oldahbiria"')'..'."•/ My- Hon rt Tel Is Me (•'Sweet Rosie O'G rady "). .';';/ ' Shoo Shoo Baby r'lFpllow the Boys");.'. v /;//;., ; Besarne Mucho . .,'......, I Love Yoii ("Mexican Hayrjde" )'■■. P. per Doll <2> . .-. . ... , Oh. What a'Beaiititul Mornin' i3) i"Oklahoma''i ■ Long Ago and Far. Away ("Cover Girl',' i ,; . : . • ;•.'..'". No Love, No Nolhin' (''The Gang's All Here'i ' It's. Love, Loye, Love '... Crawford Bregman . ... Leeds'.. ;.,'/Southern , ,.'.': Chappeli • .•..Mark? : .v.. Crawford ,.. ..Crawford ... . Triangle , ...Sar.tly .. Put Your. Arms .Around Me, Honey ("Coney Island'). Broadway Sunday. Monday or Always. (4 ) ("Dix'ie").., : ;'-..-'... V;;' San Fernando Valley . ., ..',,. '=-.„•,»» "i ll Get By ("A Guy Named Joe"). .. i .. How-Sweet You Aj'e r'Tliank Your Li.cky Stars"). ..My. Ideal . .../.';.;'.;.-.:;. .'.%; /'//;.;; *.'.'....y.. I'uinciana , , . Either Too Young or. Old't"Lucky Stars";).. , , . For the First Tune .' . ■ , .: . When They A-k About You. ,/. . ....,,, Holiday Tor St) nigs . , ,,, ,... Speak Low i"One Touch o[ Venus' I . ...... .",-< Pistol Paekin' Mama . . . ..i..V..',,,/... : ' Mair/.y Doats ... /Vy . ". '. ; .- r.'. Don I Sweetheart Me ... , . Mi \ tftfr . May fair .Berlin . Remick '. Famous .... Mark-. -. Wit mark . .Shapiro; Berlin . Bregman . . Chappell .Mori is ; Mil It I . Advanced ; ' ;, TOP STANDARDS OF 1943-44 ''v.'. The lavomte 15 standards ol .1943-44: as determined-by Audieirce Cover- cue index over ttiitilfnal radio it'eticor),-.<. ';/."■ '.'.'-...-■ '''•■•>'"■;' : -' : ";' Edwin M'Arthur Returns From SW Pacific Tour Edwin McArthnr returned 10 >J.Y. . Saturday i£t) from his .second, six- month tour of the. Southwest Pacific. Conductor had landed in California a nionth .ago, w here he 'stayed to con- duct, live concerts' with the Standard Of' Co of California svmphony or- chestra over , the Don Lee West "coast network. ' -..": ...'■.- '/ McArthur had gone overseas at special, request of Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, in latter s personal suite, to ari'ange musical actn Hy progiinns among troops. Rodg ers, Hammerstein To Join in Pbilly Salute To American Composers .Philadtlph;a,.July ll Richard Rodgers and' Oscar Ham- mtrstein. II, are the latest to join, the parade of ,tune-eletters : wlib -will ap- pe.-it at. the Robin Hood Dtll s S Urtc to" Compose>'s of American Songs^'fon Aug 3-under-the- direction, of Sig- lii'liiid Romoerg : ■■ : Hammerstein will act as masver of Bands Now Seen Raiding Syraph Orchs; Wald Snares Six From Cleve. ♦ Jei;r,v ; Wald has augmented bis orvh w illj six-piece string >coU«rt- for. his,boW'in at Pai-iimounl. N, Y.. to- day <12i. recruiting them from, .the CI( \ eland Svmphnuv Orchestra. With bandsmen seemingly having . mil) ou.t on raiding each othei's ortl- fil.s, the. raid ng iof. the s>;mphs is. Viefted as possibly the beginning of a trend tor bancisnieii who h;,\e I'K ti sU'mied. i'n trviivg to'Mi up th'tii;' own comljos !hrnugh. : inability. James Buys In Dorsey Bros., Daillard Dancery ;' .'.'■'•' , . Los Angeles. July 1!. . OWiiershjp of the. Casino. Gaiden.- BaHrooitt lease.:originally-.bought jj'y and .Jimmy Dorsey,'is'jiow a four-way' cpmblnaUdn.' ■'. ) ^Wayne Daillard;' Sail Diego, '.dan- cery operator.was recently admittedi ,r ' »a«t crack liujsikeis joi-'tiieif'bi'dt Jo .partnership and now 'Hurry i ; , Symph J.imt v . band leader with each owning 25 has bought in. PONS-KOSTY MAKE GI'S GO LONGHAIR IN PERSIA Editor, ' Variety": •Peistan Gulf Command. Lily Pons and KosieluueU both turned be theinost succ'essl'u! musicians.-are sh.iwvng. a" prtleriiice for She band jobs rtV-t only beci.uM 1 <il gr.catei rraram i . lit ion but filso, because it., its moi e M(:i(!\ work. With ,s,\ mnhs working. iv)"'"y' 2ii- \si eks; a yiur oir nui.' i, tin stage ;rind-.danc(i y chores.. wi'h. higlii i \r.t\ -are -eeJi w inning !iie. I"',.ir bo\ s ovi i. ceremonies for. the 'show .which 'has : \ show u e ever hail. Both deserv e a. been arranged with the coopetatio**;;lo.t of credit, for the wondertul job of the' Songwriters Protective Assn.' |'tl»c.V did: . Wlien; they . tirst: arrived of which Romberg i^ pic/. : ylie otganixed an orchestra of'GIs Among the other songwriters who and they started to reheaise some of will take part are Harry Armstrong Blue Skies .........; Begfn'the Beguihe..... ;,.,' Kmbr»ccable.,Y<Vu .:. Star Dust Night and Day. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. Somebody Loves Me , . AM the Things You Are, .. . .Inst Oiie of Those fhing.s.. Where or When . . . Oh, Lady. Be Good , Tea For Two ... Halleluiah '. My Heart Stood Still .. .. . Make Believe . '■ Army Air Corps A'H'hoi's Aweigh Marines' Hyinn . Over .There Simper Paratus PATRIOTIC . Berlin • .. Harms ..New World ..Mills . . Harms . .T. B. Harms ..Harms .. Chappell ... Harms. =. Harm* . Harms. Harms Harms . . Harms . ..T. B. Harms ..Fischer .'Robbing .U. S. . ''"cist Fox Inside Stuff-Orchestras-Music ;., 'Difficulty encountered by agencies, in overcoming the reluctance of band leaders to: play one-nighter.s"and out-of-town engagements because of pepr tiaiisportatioii. bad housing conditions, food shortages, etc,, in.spite of the .•ttraL'tjv.e. eoiVi, is. exemplified, by Kerbie Fields' experience. :,'..' .' Fields, aiid his orchestf a,,who opened at the Paloniai: ir. Norfolk Wednes- day 128) for three weeks, found it almost impossible to get rooms. Halt of the banilboys. had to sleep in used cafs which were hired for the night. Added to their troubles was the fact that 12 bottles of liquor were stolen from the band baggage—tough because the town is under Navy and Alcohol Bevei'iwe Control, with bootleg stuff selling for $10 a bottle.. ' ' Entertainment in town consists of two burleys. both, doing socko busi- iiessi and ..a few picture houses, with the big . feature for thousands of lervicemen aiid war workers being the ballrooms and dance spots, which are Idled no-matter Who's playing. . ' Harry Tiei.ney, Peter DeRose, Lucky Roberts; Dorothy Fields. Milton Drake, Al Hoffman, ..J.erry Livingston. Abel Baer, :Ray '.Henderson.- Nat Simon, Herman Hupfeld. Charles Tobias, Joaii Whitney, Alex Kramer. his . more popular numbets such sis Begin the Beguine".and : favorites of Ted Fetter Asks $87,500, Claims 'Conspiracy' On 'Taking Chance' Rights Ted Fetter, one of the . con-pose: « of ^Taking A Chance: On• Love," Jast week i7) charged Loew's. Miller Mn, •V : ic; or .'Herbert. •. "-Within a couple of. 1 sic,. :Leo Feist and John Latouche, days: after he organized the band: he j co-author.: With r<, destroy had the GIs playing Willi Kostelaiu tz perfecfioii. The • kids idolized him. N Y. HURRICANE IN SWITCH TO ICE SHOW When the Hurricane, N. Y. niier.y, reopens next month, flporsbow pol- icy will be switched to the ice motif W illi production of "Beauty On Ice," which will include lineup of around 20 skaters. Show will be produced by MeGowan and Mack. long fea- tured in 'Tce-Capades." with mixed team also/being spotlighted in. spe- cialty bits, ; Tentative opening date is Aug. 15, although tee off will depend oil how soon renovating job on Hurricane's interior can be completed., Show is; set for six weeks with options. Mickey A-iperl's'- band; current at the Hurricane when club temporal'- j it ily'shuttered sev eral weeks aso. will be retained for the jee pi eduction. They played their hearts out for him. When he motioned, for more violins, they gave him. lone aiid color the likes of which you.never, heard. He: was fremendously, impressed by their playing; .•: . , ;:: ' '.':.'-'; ' :.;',--', . After the orchestra was ready, the concert went on tour. They: played every engagement their schedule called for. Miss Pons, who has never suiig more than twice a week in hei; life, was singing Uvb-shows a day and .offering three and four selections at each performance. They played at camps down on the Persian Gull and at camps in the very heart of the' Traiiian desert.»: Their' concerts started on . tiirie in spite of dust i sforrhs and' terrific heat. It was.; tough on Kostelanetz .but it w;.s a- ■•ood deal tougher-on the'liltlc song-' "bird. Yoii don't have ileal as high as | 15:1 de.'.'iees and: dust.storms at the ; Mel,. But she pi-oved that she could j and the men loved her for . his interest in. the tilm l ights of: I he song,- in a suit filed in. JJ; Y. Federal. Ci.vui't, Action seeks a total ijf-.$87,500 dainages. Delendants i re alleged to hi v'e. converted his interest'., in. .the ■ song..which was used in two Loews 'Metro) , films, "Cabin In The Sky," and "I Dood- It." for theiri.selves. . Fetter asks for $30,000 against all defendants for alleged conspiracy, $25,000 from Loew's for value of film rights of. the song used in the t wo films and failure to give him screen credit. $25,000 and $7,500 from Miller and Feist, music publishers, respec- tively, for violation of trust, as hold-. er of the copyright. * T. Dorsey Gets 17,000 At Dancery. Over 4th .'. „ ' - Los Angeles, July ,11. :Dor*oy brothers, "Tommy and Jimmy, opened their newly pur- chased " Casino; : Gardens - Ballroom with 17.000 admissions over the i weekend and .national holiday. Tommy's band played, the first date. .Lined up thus far .'for future dates are Charlie Barnet. Harry James and Jimmy Dorsey in that order. During the Philco summer replacement show. Paul Whiteman, is-bring- ing back some or his aiumhi for a-"then-and now"'cycle.. This/is ail part of a "Whiteman vestibule of fame'' script, which is the. lighter touch .to the regular '"Radio Hall of Fame" series. Curiously . enough, the many dis- tinguished' alumni of Whileman's riiusieal.:aggregatioii.s through the years' some time ago literally presented the Deail .of Jazz with an Ornate walnut "door of opportunity" beai iiig their iiameplales. aniong them Bing Crosby, both Dorseys. Dinah Shore. Morton Downey, Mildred Bailey, ei al. '*r Aussies Also Take To Ballet in Big Way ■ ,'vielbotu'ne. July 10. For the first time in its".history. -Civilian Advi.No.y Committee for the U, S. A'my. Hit Kit, which. selects the monthly soldier, songs, by ballot, .now. eompiisrs Dr, Raymond Kendall, ■ USO; Hki't-y. Fox. MPPA: E. C Mills: maestr.os Maik Warnow. Ray Btocb Paul Whiteman. Fred Waring, Guy Lombard'o, Kay -Kyier, Rudy- .Vallee .^H^'iy: James, Jimmy and Tommy -Dor-ev. Benny Goodman: also Lucy Monroe. Kate : Smith. Dinah .'Shore, ' Bing Crosby . '"Variety" i. .-'-' .,! "./. : ' '. . - ' '.'' '■'-.- an3 Abel • Green- Just after'he had booked Harry Jaihes' band into West View Park, Pitts- burgh, lor a one-nighter, tonight i Wednesday), at bettei than $3,000. against a perceiv.vge,: Joe Hiller, leading Pittsburgh, agen.t. happened to be tluimbing through his books and discovered.that just four years ago to..the day, he had bought Jame> I'm an amusement, pai k on the out>kirl« foip-8 •single night at $225. : '. .'.',' ' ^ ': •:.'•.; ; : .v / - ; ':y . ■■'-,•',.•.:; Leopold Stokowski. is reported planning a South American opera, w ith music by S..A. coiupo.sef, tor the N, Y. Cily'Centtr of.Music and Drama fitxt itdson,' The South Americs,n country conceited Wit) foot iVe pi-'O- •lucfion bills as a good \< ill gesture. - Stokowski, originally slated-only to conduct his newb org. tiized Civic ^'inphony. will coniltict the opera'. '-..,;-';.',- •..' ■' it! If I say. "tremendous crowds turned out to see. the concerts," yoii will think. I am .just a . little tod Broadwayish: But'lhat : is just about, ilie .only word I can . use to describe the crowd and keep .within- military censorship. Thanks to Major Gen- Connolly, commanding this mis-; sion. riren wlib arc posted at outlying stations were, given time o'f from - their duties so they could make a trip in.and enjoy the concert's. The trip'Was well worth while, they a|l ; agree.. Pons and Kostelanetz are two ; people the men of this Command wilt : ' remember for a very, long tirne. :..' . j | credit should go to Carolyn j : Gray.who.featured at the piano and' j Frank Versaci. who offered several, j selections playing'.' both' flute and. ' piccolo. ;. It was a perfectly paced Iconcert and the. men. most, of them ! iruckflriyers and fallroaders and . . AtevedoreS, sal through the two hours , Australia has.liiic i s.own ballet this , cf> , |<l(dv f: ,, ( , :1 .,,. fl by ,i le !r - ^ ? : year, not one but two companies, of <; A;..-.-ie artists now enjoying highly successliil :So'a.sonThe two groups , are the Heiene Kirsova Ballet aud i the: BOrovanski ''Ballet'... both formed I by . ii ::-.cors w ho came' here;- three 1 years ago with Col. .<{«! Basil's Baliet.;. Riisse; "and stayed in. Aiistialla. to start ballet -schools and /.Win .thei.r ■own dance-.companies - with their filipils'.. . • . /" "•-'-. . Mine. Kirsova . and her troupe of f!5 . artists,. M'fer .three weeks Of.."sellout .pei'torrnauce.s in Mel- bourtie, are how' on lour. In Aiie- laide lines formed at the .theatre- at C a.m.. ah. unheard of .procedure in these: parts. The Kii soya l eperlory,' like the personnel, is in.ainly/AUst't'a- tfi'h; Mine, Kirsova using only, a few classics ., like "Swan L'.kt" . aiid ••Sylphides," w riling .new balit's of local liackgrpiiiid. for the rest, as.with her."Ha'.lefpiin." "Haiisil and Gietel" and "Revolution of the Uiuwi el las.", SONGWRITERS WARNED ON 'SAD SACK' USAGE . Songwriters and authors have been warned that the phrase, "The Sad Sack." is copyrighted by its creator. Sgt. George Baker, and can't be used' except by permission of Baker or his a-jent. William Morris Agency. . " "The Sari Sack,".cartoon of an un- lucky GI. has been .running in Yank,' Army weekly, for two years, arid may be put' out in bopk form. Fa>t beepmine . a household wot'd. "The Slid Sack" will continue into civilian .life . after'./the.-war.' according to Baker, who' has had many o(lew to commercialize the feature already. Rosenblatt'* Concei t Series Henry Rosenblatt. bi,,-so. son of ■ "yariety." i^sut of July (t. inadverteufly 1 'included' in Ki copy for C'irit.eii V'avajlarp: that the' iiiaeslro was openiog -it; th* Pilmer ,/Hou.-e. Cl.icafto, oept. 21. i<he dale is Sept. 2ti. *' :/ '.» . . ; of conducting an orchestra as done by .Kostelanetz antl the thril'liin' voice of Miss Pons Don I let anyone evti ? tell yoii GIs do not eiljoy good music! f. If the USO would maintain ' that'- level; this country of (le.-erts hev.l and dust, slprirls wpuJdti t bt too h i d lo take, • . '" ; •:'''/:-/• • CWO JOE GANS. Associa'e Friiloi, ■■ r.'Yaivk. Di-patch. | / Persian Gdlf Krlilloii).. Famous Music to Publish ; Its 1st Legit Score, 'Rain' , Famous Music hns long published •film scores—-as -Paramount, s iritisical '-ubsid—but with Ute forthcoming j Broadway musical version of "Rain.'' | F amous will be puolistuiig its (list ' legit, score, ■ >A.'r Wavman is producing the.. (l D'letz-Vern.fH Duke stlovv. ! w ith I'lhel (Jpftliair staned in. tlie.j Sariit. Thori>|jsoiv-'riile-. cFoil'tt^l; liry-Hie | late .1-1 un« Jiagels,../ Paraitiount i.- amoiig the backM s : Name Bands Feature In Popkins (LA.) New Policy ;'f7.'~~Lo;s—Angeles. July .11. Harry Popkili. operator of the Mil- lion Dollar theatre, swhig.s over to a . name, briiii policy. liest' joohth . through a deal with Music Corp/of America, '.which- will provide tin. b; nils in as niany .weeks, .starling . Aiig. 2 v. itir Charlie Barnet. In. coniunction v. it'i the mine bauds, -Million Dollar will prpl.auly .-/low s" number'of Sami.i'.'i Gpli'yv'yn re-issues, recently tiiken ov:i r by Kihn ClassK.s, Popk.n & I'< • I . y hold dislrihution ru/il-. on the. GoW- v. vii .films in Southern C lilorni/i Calloway's Nova Scotia I-Nighters Be^in July 24 .Cab di'TIow-sn•» Noya- Srot'/i taunt of on(-r-i•.•liters.' v. i, c h °:0 ym ir vviiv lulv 24. wjil hi run- tro's first tour of tnis Canadian sector .'.Ithoug.h- Ciilliiw.fy lias: pifvioii.'ly .shown in Monlieal, Toronto add other do- minion !.'tops. CalI.')Vw,y bind is thirii major outfit v, itinn year to ph'y . XoV'a Scotia, havini' h<<n prc'.oid. by 11.' I ifclnlyi> and Jan Savilt., Cs lioway is booked 'roi 1-2 one- night stands, fifii.-hing up tour on August r> and opening the fi,1fr at the Zanziliar. .V. Y. lie 11 p.ob- . b'.v leihain ;•,! It.t1.tfi spot tor iTght ,wt'el:>.'.'••''... '.:'" > : ' ::-'v"''"-' ■'" Baiidleinlri- Hub A*l«r, who his been convi.Uscliii; i, ( ,;i) -a c-llapsed faiptd can'or Josef Kosenbl;/.t, to do i.amoiig: the backers. . : . . , . ■ luufe iil the Veterans ho>pita|. m..P;.tt»-.. : a concert:series of Jew isii. Xear' // ■ - . ' —--- -••- • ': '. ' '. .'.ou/fcii, is now'".*ule to be Up mil awl -.Orientil- mUs'cIliij fall'./ '/ -/('ciini Bask/.'aiid ,erew> open at Vhe., around s .bit,.. AUor; w ',10 ci irtracrtd tissbcei siiigiiig .(llh the j Or phAim, .I.os Angeles. Aug. 1. for | 1 ueU'iTonia while' in the /e;.\-ice tor;. PKiiao'elpnia-l.a Sciila 'Optti' Cti. in'-/'lv.b v. eek.-'.,followed\y llieatre.dates : a while, ><as ■< pr»-{!.v '.-'!t:k boy md der i.aine.of r^.ul, Denni^ , : , - -/r-.ii'fu.^an' ^rj-ticj.-lw'^iMl Oaklarid.. p .£■%'..* i'jH* h\f IJl.i n despaired */U - ; "-'.'-'' '■■ -'' ; ■ ■/ -I. :'■':'-.'.■' '- •'"/': "," ' /' '' 'V :' :" '.' ' v.'*"' .-"':■ .'. '':. " : " "'.t'" v Ai ":' : , '•" .: • , ■ ■ ■ ., :-.■' . .: ,', ■.„.',.■.// •■ • ...:".■..' ■..'■", ,■.•'■:.;.--; :■/.; , ■.,.■.■'.'.... ,