Variety (Jul 1944)

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...and meet an interested timebuyer ■ arry walker has absolutely nothing up his L sleeve but a very infectious personality and a County Cork baritone. He stepped into the 5:35-5:45 P.M. slot a short while ago, and ran WBT's share of the listeners right on up to 63.0%*— practically two-thirds of the audience throughout 107 flourishing Pied- mont counties. Larry recently signed up with a new sponsor and— within 7 days—completely emptied a Char- lotte warehouse of merchandise. His technique is uncomplicated: Larry just has a born knack of making listeners smile. He doesn't try to be funny. But he can turn up the corners of a lot of mouths with a song, a little piano play- ing and a touch of the Walker blarney . You can almost see the tide of good nature spreading Over the Carolinas and into Georgia and Virginia. When you've heard Larry Walker you'll under- stand exactly what we mean. Like the veteran showman he is (19 years in radio), he knows how- to feel out his audience even through a mike'i.. knows how to give them just what they want, just the way they like it. His smiling chunk of WBT's 446,472-family market is, we think, something worth talking about. If you're the interested timebuyer we mentioned, Radio Sales can get you a knockdown to Larry Walker's selling m a jiffy. Rrprrscntal hi/ Ratlin Salr*, lhe,SPOT Broadcasting Division of CBS