Variety (Jul 1944)

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it OBCHBCTRAS-MUS1C Bands at Hotel B.O.'s ■ Prnpiiu-d iioroiiiifh, os a weekly tabulation, is the estimated cover charge business being done by name band's in various New York hotels Dinner business (7-10 'p.m.) not rated. Figures after name of hotel give room capacity and cover charge. Larger amount designates Weekend and holiday priie. Compilation is based on period from Monday to Saturday.) '•. ,- : '-. f'*»r#T» Tfiltil \' . ; W*rfci» .i'usi Cover* Itnix*. Motel' rii«.>*«l M«rW On Uutr Tucker-Prim3 .. . Astor.-(800; $1-51.50) ........ 3 3.550 10,800 'Ljni McIiUire. . ., Lexington (300; 75c-S1.50V 127 .' 2.025 232,450 Tony Pastor".....New Yorker (400; $1-51.501: ........'. It 2.125:, 22,925 Les Brown. , Pennsylvania (500; Sl-$1 50 > ... 3 ' 2.500 7,650 Xavier Cugat..... Waldorf (550; $21 :,, -A 3.075 12,575 Dean Hudson ,., Lincoln (275; $1-$1.501.... .... ,, 7 925 7,425 * Asterisks indicate a supporting floor shoie.New Yorker lias flii ice sltoiv. Lei'iuiion, Hawaiian floor shov:. k «'' 1 ■'. : • ?,; v~ " • ' '•' .';■•.. ' '-.'•'.'••".: " ;;. „ : v '••■i'-.-'."'' ; PKkmety Wednesday, Julv 26. 191* ":'.'.•'••'•■-'.',;• : -i.-'''''NVr : '\' ; ,Chicago .j ; ;;:' George Hamilton (Empire Room. Paloier House; 700; 53-$3.30 .min.). Hamilton and Victor Borge played to great 10.200. ...'..'.'.';''; Eddie Oliver (Beach Walk and Marine Room. Edgewater Beach hotel; 4.B00 combined: $1-$1.50 admission to Beach Walk tor dancing and show; 50c 3hd 7oc 1 cover charge, $1.25 min. in Mnriiie Room i. . Warm weather upped count-to fine 10,000 Bill Snyder (Mayfair Room, Blackstone hotel; 400; $2.50 min.). Cqn- ventioriites kept place packed all week. Snyder and Irene Bordoni showed to ten-trie 2.700. ' - Charlie Spivak (Panther Room, Shermaiv hotel: 950; $1,50-$2.50 min ). Spivak has ropes up most of the time. Very big 9.000. Benny Strong (New Walnut Room. Bismarck hotel; 465: $1.50-$2.50 min ). "■ . (Continued on page 34) Tup Tunes tor Toor Books An All'Time Favorite DIGGA DIGGA DO Music by... JIMMY McHVGH Published by MILLS : r- Philly Combine Planning Ballroom String Postwar Philadelphia, July 27. . .Company, ' .will operate a string of skating rink-ballrooms has been formed here Outfit, known as the New Dream- land Corp;, .last-Week purchased a block Of ground in the northeast sec- tion of PhUly as the site.of a $350,000 rink, to be built after: the war. ' ' Victor.■.,J. Brown, president of the organization, said the Philly rinkwjli be the first of 12"'skatoriums" which will be erected in various Cities in the east, . •.•'■■'" ■am • THE MOST PLAYED SONG • IN AMERICA ON ALL NETWORKS (From July 8tli to July 16lli IweUwiye) ; llliiilliil (LIKE I DO)" MUSICRAFT RECORD No. 15018 by PHIL BRITO Going Stronger Than Erer IRVING ROMM ■OB MELLIN 10 Best Sheet Sellers (Week Ending July 22• '/■..■■• Swingin' On Star.... . .., Burke I'll Be Seeing You. . . Williamson Long Ago. Far Away. .Crawford. Time Waits For No One. Remick Amor ...... . .., .Melodylune It Had to Be. You. . .Remick I'll Get By. , ........ Berlin Goodnight Wherever... Shapiro Milkman, Bottles Quiet.. • • Feist You Always Hurt One Love..Siu: O'NEILL SPENCER DIES INN. Y. HOSPITAL O'Neill Spencer, former drummer with John Kirby's orchestra and one of the organizers o£ that band, died; Monday (24) night in . a N. Y. hos- pital of an illness that had kept him bedded for months. He was in fits early thirties. Spencer started with Kirby. and at first was a partner in the venture. He remained with the band for sev- eral years, leaving about: three year.-, ago for a short stretch with Louis Armstrong, later returning to Kirby. He also at one time was house drum- mer at Decca recording studios.. Fio-Rito Takes Respite From Band for Film Ted Fio-Rito leaves his band leaderless in the Cleveland territory for a week or so next month to jump to California to do a bit in a Re- public picture... While he's, away the drch wilt continue working. He reports on the Coast Aug. 9 arid rejoins the band the 15th. .. . NBC, CBS, Blue, Mutual Plugs Following is list of the most played popular tunes on the neticorks for the week beginning Monda.y and through Sunday, July 17-23, from 5 pjm; to 1 a.m. List represents the first approximately 25 leaders in alphabetical order (in some rases there are ties, accounting for a longer list). The compilations embrace the NBC. CSS; Blue ovd Mutual Neiworks, as repre- sented by WEAK, WABC, WJZ and WOR, N. Y . and are based on data. provided by Accurate Reporting Service, regular checking source of the music publishing industry. C, TITLE fV..'.' -" .,V.. PUBLISH KR Amor—f "B'vvay Rhythm" ......v........... :. ....... Melody lane Aii Hour Never Passes And Then You Kissed Me—f'Step Lively".......... Apple Blossoms In the Rain^*" < Daj's. Ashore". Come Out Wherever You Are—f Step Lively"....... Every Day of My Life V, ,.,.,...:., :'. .. .. ',,'-. Forget Me Nols In Your Eye.*.. ....-....;....;:.;,... G. I. Jive..,. ... ... ........ ... ,. s -,.....v..-. Goodnight Wherever You Are ,. , . ,.... . ,, How Many Hearts Have You Broken? ..., I Don't Want to Love You ....,., I Learned a Lesson I'll Never Foryet ..... .. I'll Be Seeing You . ,. ....... ... Is You Is Or Is You Ain't— "■ "Follow, the Boys"' ft Could Happen" lb You— '< "And Angels Sing".... It Had to-Be You—t Show Business''.■.„.'.»...". , It's a.Crying Shame , .... .V, ..:•,', . Kentucky 1 . ..... . .„...*, ;u .",,„..>: t . ." Long Ago and Far Away— Cover Girl" . . Milkman Keep Bottles (jiiiel—f'B'way Rhythm' 1 .... Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes . , -.. .... Someday: I'll Meet You Again—i "Passage Marseilles" Some Peaceful Evening : ..........,.....: Swingin' on a Star—f 'Going My Way". .., .*.\ ,. ....'. Time Waits For No One—f •Shine Harvest Moon",. .; .Shapiro Miller .• ,.-/:: Southern T. B. Harms .. J amount .Triangle .Capitol . Shapi io .Advanced Chelsea . Bobbins Williamson .Leec's • .Famous .Remick . Morris -.BMI .Craw ford .Feist Santly .Witmaik .Campbell Burke .Remick ' f FMmusical. ASCAP Bd. Mulls Acquiring Own Bldg. Board of directors of American Society .'of Composers. Authors and Publishers met Monday 124) after- noon in special meeting called to dis- cuss the '.'advisability of the Society, acquiring its own. building. .' For some .time, some of the Older mem- be is of the ■organisation have urged that the Society's oftices be housed ■hi a building of its own. Once be- fore it Was being considered.'; .".■'•'.;- .■' Board reserved decision on the latest motion. Herman Finkelstoin, ASCAP coun- sel, to Mexico City next week to at- tend annual convention of the Inter- national Bar A>S'n:. which starts Aug. 1. He's going because there W ill be a lengthy discussion by a group of the Society's members on miisic copy- righting from an international; view- point.- . ; '.!■•> . ■.-.'■. '. 1 Fmkelsteiu Was delegated by ASCAP to make the trip after the Society was invited to send a repre- sentative. '.',' '■ Feist, Santly Sue 52d St j Spot for Infringement | Tony. Pastor's. 5'2d .street cale, is . eliarged . with infringement of. two songs in a suit, filed last week (21).I riv N, Y. federal court, by Leo Feist. Inc., and Santly Joy, Inc.. ijiusiepub- lishers iri a combined, action. Cafe owned by the I.. B. Cafe. Inc., is alleged to have publicly per- formed for.profit without permission. "Blue Heaven," owned by . Feist.-. On.,- Juhe 16, and ''Honeysuckle Rose." a j Santly copyright, on:June 15 and Hi. Pubs seek injunction and damages of , not less than $250 for each infringe ment. ■,":' ::'".. ■ ■:•''. ;.':' • Brown's Quick Repeat Les Brown : s orchestra, current at the Cafe Rouge of the Pennsylvania hotel, N. Y-. returns to that room Dec. 11 for a minimum Of 10 weeks, an unusually quick rebooking. Brown gives way Aug. 21- to Woody Her- man, who in turn is replaced Oct. 2 by Frankie Carle, Brown follows.', ' Horace Heidt was originally booked into the Penn between Brown and Carle, but a Heidt date at the Capitol theatre, N. Y., Would con- flict; Teagarden Moves East Jack 'Teagarden's orchestra moves | east, for the - :;first time in a' couple j years this fall. He's due to play four days over the Labor Day weekend at Cedar Point. Ohio, then opens for two weeks Sept. 7 at Vogue Terrace! McKeesport; Pa. Later goes fo "the Frolics, Miami Teagarden has been in the south and west since moving out of the eastern territory two years ago. That followed his petition in bankruptcy to the tune of $38,000. TOP HIT OF YESTERDAY . . GREAT P0PUUR STANDARD TODAY DON'T BLAME Words by DOROTHY FIELDS Music by JIMMY McHUGH .} For Q'thS end new crranqe.nents Call or writs PhiL KORNHEISES Lopez's 1-Niter* Vincent Lopez orchestra will play a couple of one-nighters in the east Aug. 5 and 6. Leader is booked into Hershey Park. Hershey. Pa., first and then into; Pleasure Beach Park, Bridgeport, Band- will pull out of its Taft hotel. N. Y. joj) tor the two nights and by that time will have finished its current job at the Strand theatre, N. Y. ■'■..'" '■•■.: ■:■. YOUNG &R-UBIC AM and oth»r Adveriiting Aqan- ei»« ui» this 3x5 VISUAL record of song hits of over , 100 publishers, plus old fa- vorites. Includes lead sheets and lyrics of chorus. . Samples free. IU19 HroiMltv;t.v N^*v York 111 TUNE-DEX Frank Petty, WBZ, Boston, singer, j joined Guy Lombardo's orchestra. | Sonny James, who has been out of the band business for some time, starting a new band. Songwriter wants to invest few thousand in music pub- lishing company. ■OX 90-127 Variety, 154 W. 4»th Street New York 11. N. V.