Variety (Jul 1944)

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Wednesday, July 26, 1944 PIQUET? VAUDEVILLE 33 Wolper May Hold Onto Hurricane ' : With deal Jpr his Hurricane nitery on Broadway hanging fire'for some time, Dave Wolper reveals that if negotiations are not completed by (his week, the club - would not. ex- . change hands. Wolper has for some time wished ■jo retire from the nitery biz in order to concentrate on his legit activities. His. new musical,: "Have a Good Time," goes into.-rehearsal shortly and he has several other irons m the fire His "Follow the Girls" is a hit at the 44fh St., N Y. The Hurricane, now shuttered'for the-summer, is skedded to reopen Aug.'30. No talent for the opening show has been signed as yet, Wolper preferring to wait until he knows (If'nii'r.y whether or not he will continue as.its operator. . . ;•..'■')■ Saranac Lake By Happy Benway -•• .Saranac: Lake. .N.- Y,', July 25. . ' ■Catherine Searles,. socialite .Who lost.her arm, alter it was gnawed by N. Y. Zoo bear, was a yearly visitor to L;ike Placid and this colony.. Had in the ■past; favqred many ailing performers with gifts. . ' .-■ : John Louden. now doing rest rou- tine at 53 Main St. '>;" Eugsfie ..-PlaUmann, music ar- ranger, enjoying mild exercise; his frau doing" rest routine'to good re- sults. .. ■■'-,": -'•':'■":■' ' •.. ' ... Edwin Wilkins. owner of Albright- nitery. Boston, here for an o.o. and general checkup. ... ■ Richard Moore . . now permitted . mild exercise, Carol Phelps alV hopped up over progress which won him an O. K. Irom his medico. Harry Schrager.' ex-Newsreel the- atre manager, checked in at the Rog- ers for checkup and rest. 1 '... 'Goody Holmes shot in from West Virginia to visit his fiancee. Toofie Emerson who is doing so well she wants her own home and home- cooking. Bonnie Clare Richardson suffered relapse and ordered back to bed. Write to those who are. ill. 'BUND DATE' AIRER TO PLAY N. Y. CAPITOL ."Blind Date" radio program, which started on the air as a summer re- placement last year and was spon- sored over the winter by Hinds hand lotion, has been booked into the Capitol theatre, N. Yy It goes in after the Horace Heidt show, which fol- lows- the . current ,.Gene Krupa- "Since You Went .Away" . combo. Both .Heidi's' and "Blind Dale" open- ings are indefinite. In addition to the Cap, "Date" will play other theatres now being lined up. by Music Corp. of America. It played the RKO Boston, recently. Cap date was being, negotiated, for a couple weeks; booking \vai on and off because of money difficulties with Arlene Francis, its m.e.,: then was signed last week. Ringling-B.B. Circus Reopens in Akron Aug. 4 Akron, .0., July 25? ; Akron's municipally-owned Rub- ber. Bowl, seating 37,000 persons; will be the: scene of the return to the road of- Bro's.-Barnum and Bailey circus Aug 4-6.. Show, originally was scheduled to open in Cincinnati Aug. 2,. but F. Beverly Kelley, of the radio depart- ment, announced from Sarasota that this date had been cancelled. From Akron the show will go into Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee. Contract between circus and city calls for rental of $4,500 for. the three days or. 7'.4 per-cent of thengross gate receipts after, certain deductions. Blue Angel, N. Y., to Hold Lineup for Reopening • Blue. Angel, N. Y. nitery which shutters Saturday (29) until Sept. 7, wiU'carry over most of current line- up for reopening show. Added starter* will, be Maxine Sullivan backed up by. George and Gene Bernard. Holdovers will in- clude Eddie Mayehoff and the Her- man - Chittison ■ trio, with Evelyn Knight and Rose Murphy also likely to be held over. :." Joe Lewis Back to Copa Joe E. Lewis returns to the Co- pacabana, N. Y. nitery, to head new show opening there. Sept.. 14 with Abe Lyman's band,-Johnny Johnston, singer, and others. Lewis was forced to drop out of the Gopa lineup last spring of a" throat ailment. His first en- gagement since his layoff will be the Mounds Club, Cleveland,' where he opens Aug. 3. ..'.-: Talent Agents Haven't Benefited Much by Tax Decrease to 20% De Wolfe in 1st Date Since Naval Release Billy de. Wolfe, currently .at the Embassy Room; Statler. hotel, Wash- ington, is filling his first engagement since his medical discharge last May from the Navy. He's .'slated, to shift Aug. 11 to the Chase hotel'. St. Louis, for -two- weeks., then reports', for 'a Paramount film, - '.''...-■ De Wolfe is. receiving $1,500 per foV his hotel engagements. Fiske, Brisson Slated For -N-.- Y. Versailles ' Dwighl Fiske goes hrtd the,Ver- sailles. N. V. -.nitery, for- 15' weelss starting Sept. 15, He's reponed. in at $1,500 per,; " ,','/;■' , Carl Brisson return*; to the \Y-v- sailles in December. followiiig.Fiske. Brisson is set tor eight weeks, . . Calloway-Donegan-Bates On New Zanzibar Show . Lineup at the Zanztcar. Broadway nitery, for new show, .opening Aug. to; includes Do. o thy - Donegan, boogie-woogie pianist; Peg Leg'Bates, Sister and Cab Calloway d' Calloway booking marks, first; name band set for'the spot: Likely that, lineup will be rounded out with one more additional act. Bill Bailey, tapster, may hold over. Forms New Duo Act ,. Vesta Wallace, partnered .with Al Trahan for .a number of years, has formed a new vaude alliance with Stan Stanley, comedian who also headed his oWn act. .■'■■•;. New duo will break in comedy,- singing and dancing.turn with a few indie vaude dates prior to' touring with USO-Camp Shows. .'La''■'Martinique' Exits Line \ . La Martinique, N. Y. nitery which shuttered last month for. the hot spell, will operate without its reg- ular line of girls when club reopens Sept. 15. Initial show will be built around Jackie Miles and Grade, Barrie. FREDERICKS PACKAGE IN 6 WKS. OF VAUDE Package, show comprising Ada Leonard band, June Preiser •-• Ella Mae Morse and Jackie Kelk, the Homer 6( the radio "AVdi-ich Family"', show, is :bfing set i by.- Frederick Bros.. . N. V-.,- for.' six-week , vaude .tour. ■ Unit Aug. l.-at the Pal- ace; Columbus'.'.' '■' .' ' ; 'Double or Nothing' Cafe Booking'Chills . Deal sending -Double or Nothing,*' Mutual' Friday night audience-par- ticipation stanza, into the Cotillion Room of the Pierre hotel, N. Y.. ap- pears pretty well chilled after weeks of negotiations.. :■-.,■■ Initial obstacle was a booking'situ- ation involving Giovanni, the sleight-of-hander, who goes into the Pierre for 'six weeks starting Sept. 14. After' arrangements had been virtually completed to juggle'Gio- vanni's date in order to accommo- date the half-hour airpr, the show's sponsor (Feenamint) apparently suf- fered a change of heart and iced the transaction. .' '-'-.'' '.'•..': For next couple of months, extra-, curicula activities of "Double or Nothing" will be confined to dales at war plants in Providence, Washing- ton, Cincinnati and Hartford. ■..:•• Talent agencies- In.vWt, benefited to litiy great extent, from nitery tan reduction Irom. 30' • to 20',, accord-' ins l.o a •survey made this week, Li.t-gi'i agrncits-.. to iyftum-. the ritii-: • if•■mill, nifes ies'- me? oly pro\ icier) ad- oUional - crumbs of. revenue claim most of the class- spots bonked through them nave held to name, t, lent and bands throughout the tax . controversy' and . there s. been little change »!neo 1 Smaller salaried' acts have been placed in other outlets, mainly '.the • resort., circuit, which 'is paying better prices- tor talent tins jear.. ; •"' .-.'-'' -'.'.'• • Small agenpies and individual. , gents who had "been -handling Class; B and C.spots ;ire probably hardest-■' .lilt through lack of spots for place- . incut of- entertainer:, Then 1 small spots', luwVpriee tariff by the. OPA still do not see then way clear to instaij-. acts or bands because of the t.ts. Those, the! have not folded tor. summer are going- along.' with small combos, tnat entertain, inslru-. mentally and vocally saps dancing, v Inch meets with . noivtax rogula- tions,. ..-.,•■: ;■..: ';;>-:; . ;■ :, ;.;■ '..V Noighborhooci spots around. New York, Brooklyn, Long Island and elsewhere have cither shuttered fur- isummer or . are operating without live entertainment, Some have pjped- irt' music, but no dancing; others .'are just going along.with jukeboxes.' ' ' -. Few if any of tin: 500 cocktail bars around Chicago and Detroit:have re- stored entertainers.' These operators' are of opinion that the ■?maf'- ! ji' '"et. show in the cocktaileries was okay for a 5V tax nick but witlv the hoist to 20'; they've got to give them real entertainment and name attractions, arid .from...where... they sit it's not Worth, the gamble. .. ' " .-: ' GAC Replacement Frances Kent has replaced Johnny King in the club department of Gen- eral Anuis. Corp., N. Y. King left the agency last week- Femme was formerly secretary to Harry Kilby, who heads GAC nitery outlet. . ■ . ■ .:' LIONEL KAYE "THE DAFFY AUCTIONEER" - Assisted by KATHLEEN IRELAND ★ *A LAUGH RIOT" ★ Week July 6th, LOEWS STATE, N.Y.C. July 21-22-23, STATE, HARTFORD, CONN, leek July 27th, NOW, LOEWS CAPITOL, WASHINGTON, D.C. BILLY ROSE. DIAMOND HORSESHOE LOU WALTERS. LATIN QUARTER EARL CARROLL, HOLLYWOOD RESTAURANT THANKS FOR THE OFFERS RETURNING IN NOVEMBER 2 WEEKS LOEW S CAPITOL WASHINGTON. D. C. 4 WEEKS LOEWS CAPITOL NEW YORK CITY ... ••;•..-. \.i v i- tl l. iJ'/f - Attorney Exclusive Management To Jesse Kaye and Entire Personnel. Loew s State, N. Y. C. Thanks a MUltttn. z LAWRENCE GIBBS MtlES INGALLS 1450 B'woy, N. Y. C. Astociate, Joe Flaum