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Wednesday, July 26, 1944 PRriety 35 House Reviews Capitol, J\. V. Gene Krupa Orch. (23)., with Peg- gy Mann, Lillian Lane & G-Noters i3), Tommy Peterson; "Since You Went Away" (MG), reviewed in Va- riety, July .19. Music Hull, m Y. Music Hall Symph Orch conducted t by. Erno Rapee (Frank Nowicki and j I Jules Silver, associate conductors), j produced , by Leon Leonidoff; set-\ i lings, Bruno Maine; costumes, Willa sions which are Smart and punches v «» 'executed by H. Rogge); light- j extra hard with version of "Bells o£ I l "(l. effects, Eugene Braun; special | St. Mary." Rochelle & Beebe follow 'lines. Albert Stillman; features Ed . -ii, «_„__, : -- »,-,'-,» . Ct«^~- .\T.i..;.. UrtM nlaa Because of length of 'Since You Went Away" the Capitol didn't book any acts with Gene Krupa's new or- chestra, allowing him a flexible run- ning time of only 26 to 31 minutes to fill, which varies with different shows. It follows, therefore, that Krupa's stint has to, be fast. Yet, it seems to move faster than the clock. Krupa's hew combination is a bit frightening when it comes out of the fiit. It spreads all oyer the stage, t's composed of four trumpets, three trombones, five sax, four rhythm and .eight strings. Krupa spends most of his time conducting; he has a .second drummer in his.usual'seat. Approxi- mately three weeks old', the group is a fine band, which isn't surprising in view of the band's cost (payroll is approximately $5,800 for 30 people). It's still a bit stiff, but that's not a. great fault. It's to be expected in ( a band that young. The point is that as it works, now the outfit plays well together and uses arrangements here that are superbly tailored for stage work. . In several there are indica- tions that its dance material is equal- ly effective. In one : spot,, particular- ly, during "Deep River," it achieves a beat that's exceptional. . ' All. in all, as it works now, Krupa's combination ' has the makings Qt a crack outfit. With a couple of jobs un- der its belt, its impact will be heav- ier. From a b.o. point of. view, based on the leader's showing with Tommy Dorsey, its power unquestionably rates with the best names available. Cap is drawing heavy morning busi- ness, which indicate? the band's part in the heavy business being done this week. ; °:'■• \> Allen Zee, Cap stager, has done a good job in presenting Krupa". He's introduced at the outset'by his G- Noters from backstage, and the re- ception is unmistakable. Start is a ' typical wild item that's nicely shad- ed, however, by several solos, then comes "Amor" in various Latin tem- pi, with Krupa pounding a bongo drum. Next is the G-Noters with '•Swingin' On a Star," done too fast, and "Milkman." They're a nice quartet. Peggy Mann comes on later and proves she's one of the outstand- ing band vocalists with "It Could Happen to You" and a rhythmic "It Had to Be You." Krupa's Hash item is a thing done in tympanies down front titled, "Bo- lero" in the Jungle," It's strong with the audience, but it's not as powerful as his old 1 "Blue Rhythm Fantasy," wherein men . in the band pound small drums in unison. Another ar- rangement that stands out is the finale, "Deep River," which features an excellent trombone solo by Tom- my Peterson and a trick-lighted drum solo by Krupa. Wood. Palomai*. Seal lie ■ ' Seattle, July 20. Cnptrtiu Frank with. Ron Ton & Bingo, Bud & Hollis, Diane Bronson. Wally & Frances, Lester Cole & His Debutantes (5), Bob Hnrwey house orchestra <9); "Follow the Leader" (Mono) and "Return of the Ape Man" (Mono). with knockabout ballroomolbgy, well larded with laughs and somewhat above the usual act of this type. Femme has a knack for clowning that garners good returns. Davis' parody next is wrapped around the musical sigs of the cur- rent radio shows, and precedes the Six Willys, a standby and made to order for closer. They make with the clubs, radiumed and tossed in the dark for good flash and contribute strong' aero- stuff in various media for a solid-sending series of curtains. Biz very good. •■':■ •. Burm.:'. Stale, X. Y. Dane Apollon & Co. ''3).: Irving Caesar with. Gerald Marks; Coley Worth & Co. (2), Graysons (2)., Ami Lester; "White Cliffs -of Dover" (M-G) 2d week. irin -Stejfe," Music Hall Glee Club, George Young, Rockettes, Wally West; Patricia Bowman, Corps de Ballet; "Dragon Seed" (M-G), .re- viewed in "Variety" July 19, "44; ' " ■ .*.... '' Class for the rasses is, as usual, dominant in the Music Hall motif for the current ..show, and yet there's sufficient variety to appeal to: those .whose lilies run to less conservative •taste-. .- '■ i. - -' ;•: i Actually, though, ' Patricia Bow- j mail's ballet terps seem right, in the groove for even diehards ..of. swirig- eroo; it's that socko. Miss Bowman still maintains her standing as one of the premiere danseuses. in this or any theatre, and. this audience at her finale was sufficiently responsive to emphasize that factor. , As for the rest of the show, it's up . to. the Music Hall standard of I flash and opulence. There's a new •: ■•' ":. | Rodgers - Hammerstein tune that's Routine , vaude bill for current very catchy in a martiaWeirt ("We're week, with . nothing particularly on Our Way"), and the way the Mu- potent on the marquee: to lure em Hall Glee Club puts it over in v ..t.ru". h,.„ • ., , a >a r-waver scene makes it. partic- Variety Bills WEEK OF JULY 28 Xiiniernls In connection with bills below Indicate opening day of show, whether (nil or split week. Loew NKW YOItJi CITY t'HMiioi <•;<) Gene K i-npa 1 ire State, if.) ' <! Willys, Hi lirt Jacijt Xr name Davidson ,<fc Si'tjt.t Mam-era Rollins .Mill HhV'iIv :i WASHINGTON (Aliitni IsJ) r.e.in .\ ivhia Lionel Kave Ala i.jt- lint Paramount in excepting "White Cliffs of Dover holding over on screen..; Dave Apolloh, also holding over, emcees acts after, teeoff of The Gray- sohs. This mixed duo have phej.qf the classiest acro-balancing acts around arid clean up as usual here. Then.Ann Lester, singer with lusty ularly clicko. .Edwin Steffe is the soloist during the number, and boffo.: ' Wally West is doing-his standard takeoffs on .name personalities, and this booking is notable particularly because it's one of the few times a talking act has been booked into N.BW' YOKK CITY l'lirnimMitit i .'HI T?iu*r.v 'romo. . , '.' ' Jerry .waui'orc Hallanl Ine .* - Oxford Boys. ; Jeanne Winn,-lie CHHVVliO rhieaKo <■!*) Ink '',S|u,is '■ ■ ...*■' Sbyr'ei t'ns :■■.'•.'.. Aj'.(hiir. BiHk-e H«rr.VH MKIIKIAN mirnil CM) Ftose . I> ' lloirt'esiin MIAMI Olyiiiniii CJH) r.itile Sifi SI iln 'rn.sw'in l li hTettler' * llai i iHt HIHj \ nil Kahn; pipes for a sesh of vocalizing thati 'he Rockefeller showcase, also gets over. Opens^ with "Pack Of course, there would be no com- Up Your Troubles" medley for so-so plete Hall show without the Rockr returns.but really gets 'em with Rus- ettes. They're super, as usual, sian jitterbug stanza. Coley Wfbrth, hardworking comic hits a grand slam on the comedy side with his takeoff on Gioucho Marx and other foolery, ably aided by i comely brunet sans billing. He has been around long and his stuff is familiar to vaude audiences, yet he registered high when caught Thurs- day night (20). He's a clown that can tickle 'em tellingly anywhere. Irving Caesar, lyricist for many RK0 Tower, K. C. Kansas City, July 21. ■ Count Basie Orch- (16) with Earle Warren, James Rushing, Thelma Carpenter. Jo Jones, Patterson & Jackson, Shorts Davis; "Moon Over Las Vegas" ill). Heading a lively crew of 15 men and several other entertainers, Broadway musicals and creator of -»» tock to ^vcee cQfot,, ennoe fnr >iHrii« ivK rh he- V ounl oasie comes DacK 10 rvaycee Show, this week is mostly Lester Cole's. He emcees in the absence of Merry Ross, and. with his Debutantes, is the class of the show. He arid the girls do *a complete medley of tunes from "Oklahoma." followed by a nice rendition of "Swingin' Oh a Star," and bow off with a patriotic medley, "Sa- lute to the Allies." Girls, who are very attractively gowned, provide good vocal background. Captain Frank and' dogs open the show, and the - two large canines really do good tricks. Bud & Hollis, next, with banjos and guitar, provide well accepted musical interlude, with Bud making the banjo "talk" for, comic bit, Diane Bronson is a limber young gal who ties herself iii knots for a good hand. Wally & Frances click for laughs with songs and _foolery. They're a little oil. the burlesque side, but their comic rhumba is hilarious. -'■■:■; !■','■.;•''.." .'.'•'■. Reed. safety songs for kiddies, which be- came an integral part of safety cam- paign via radio, is spotted next to closer. With Gerald Marks at the keyboard, Caesar reprises his former hit songs, stretching from "Crazy Rhythm" to "Tea for Two," knock- ing himself out for no apparent rea- son. Delivery is okay but the jitter- bug gesticulations, which have audi- ence dizzy, could be modified. Nos- talgic value of his yesteryear num- bers register, however. For getaway for a torrid week at the Tower, which is just a few blocks from the small club at which he began his rise about a decade ago. Paced by Basie on the ivories, the band and group give but with a 60-mihute combo of boogie woogie, dancing and comedy which clicks all the way. Basie emcees in his usual casual manner. ; The seven brass, five reed and three rhythm set-up of the crew • BOSTON KKO CM) Sammy. Kave .Orb i'iuil iVfn'ttliVir : fcSetv Mert .- I'l.KVKI.AND I'aliice ItoAee Wwr Ore coi.«;mbi:s- I'nlaee (JK-HI) Tins' & Spars ° ' ' ' (!-»■)' T.eoiiaVa Ore Hoiner' I I Kelk) Klla Mn.> Morse . .lime .I'relsser KOtUKSTKB TViniile (38-:«l) A,la Leonard Ore Homer I.I Kelk) .Inne' Preisser Duke An Jr V., Warner NEW YORK CITV ~ SIVUIMI C,»H) ViiH^nt l>dptfr, Ore .'pile I'jt rlimm . Jvinda -Moody Aila TrfijiiM rt\ Ore .1 une I'r^issei' Kae & Wjitcr'fiin Hose Murphy ■M<MI«sa Mason ■■".- Evelyn ICnight Stuart Rosa = Cafe Soclfly (Uptown) Burl lvt^ Hazet Scott' Jitnm-y Savq ■• Eddie-Heywood Ore Cnfe Society (Downtown) ■Ida James Josh White ' Eflmohd; Hall Ore I-Vetor Rabl>it'8 3. Cflfiino Kuhho N!ha Tarasova Dmitri Matvieniio Nicholas K^hadarik N Vera He Ballet Vladimir Lazarcv C. Codolban Oro : Eddie Steele- - garland ^Vilson ■ - cum is Roy Seil ley Vln'.e Ourra.* ' Jerry Blanchard Ann Paige Eddie Lord .Ruth AVynn ' Marsha Kent ■ '■ Oordon Andrews O 1'ranlcie Froeba Ore Coiiftcabuna Rert Wheeler I'aul Douglna Dolores O.rcy Eunice Healey Don Dennis/ •'' '• Dana Hari - J.iee.Turnell ■'■ ' riliep-Fields Ore Fraqtf Marti Bd Coo Rouro Diclt Wilson Orch B Bizony Ensemble Diamond IlorHtrfiline Bob Hall l.a. Pierre . ' -,■ Fi'anlc ■ Ross ' Herman Hyde & Co Hazel Man^ean 4 Marcia Dale l Cecil Lewln- Gloria LeRoy Billy Banks -. . Four Rose Buds Bill Quentmeyer Mitchell Brother Michael Edwnrds Milt Herth 3 Vincent Tr.nvera Ore O'wicli VilliiKe Inn Ryan Twins Fred Koval . The Harlequin Dean Martin Bunty Pendleton Tony Pastor Ore Mary Jano Yeo Mary Jane l.awson Pepgy WhiRht ■"" Bob Ballard Arnold .ShodaV. • Hotel fennsylvaiifii Les Brown Ore llote* rierre Miyrus ' . Ellsworth F'rhild- Sta-riley Melba Oro Hotel Konicvrlt Johnny Cook Ore Hotel Savny t'imm Narita .' Bob .simone Ore - : Hotel St. Hegln Freddy M^iH-er Or« ('apell.i & Pati it^a 'Burton's Birds T Brooks ore ;.• Hotel Tnft Vincent T.bpez Oro Hotel WahlorNA Xa\M/u- Cugat Ore Marina- . .Uppnahos W'ms I The (Jan-ins • ' Misrha Borr Ore Jimmy Kelly's Glenda Hope >' - Jeanne; Lynhe Jo Ann Collier. \ Moya Gifford Roberto &, Affla John Rock-wood : Rence Rosita 1 . Margaret Gray Virginia' Fai t* : ; ; ' Carter & Ross Joe Capcllo Ore •>. Ln Conica Chela. Campos B Reilly '• !. "■ - V Marilee Echoln Horaoio A Hilda Mach.ito Rhumba Bd- l.atln Ounnet Diosa Cosfelto Cross & Dunn '• : "Raye fc ^aldi. . Wini Walsh , r.athrop■& T-ee -Mazzone & Abhott D Kytvan Rexteite Carol KiiiR Beau Brum Hi el a Kol.le Miller . Don ^U Grane Ore. Jose Rerf* Ore Lit Vie Pnrislenn* T.uba-Malina - Reva: Rp>-esl ■ '.. Harold Fonville Bill Good in Unn Jt E<1dle't Wendy Bishop Eddie Davis he contribs"Umbriago," which he latest safety song. Always _HolcJ j for a breezy tap routine . Next< Earle Warren lays down his sax to Mother's Hand." Combo sends him away to good hand. |. sock across "I'll Be Seeing You,""for Apollon and his trio of Fi^phio. a good handi ■ boys have their inning in closing Following smooth arrangement of spot and duplicate previous week s "920 Special," Thelma Carpenter, click with their fine instrumentation [ nifty sepia warbler, scores with and foolery. Tall lad's vocalling i.s j vocals of "Do Nothin' 'Til You Hear also very okay. Biz very good. , From Me" and "Embraceable You. Edba. | Band then goes all out with "Basie Boogie." James Rushing just about ties things up with *T Never Knew" and "Rusty Dusty Bluec." ■ - ' Jo Jones registers solidly with a Ivarlo. Wash. 'Washington, July 21. Hal Le Roy, Moro &' yocpne'llj. Roxyettes, Jo Lombardis house or- drum specialty, starting only with a BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY NEW YORK PARAMOUNT BUILDIN3 BEVERLY HELLS. CAL. CALIFORNIA BANK BLOC. On Hal Slrci-i'naii ' (21 ► ViiicoiiL l.upea The KltrKin^n Mnda .Mootly , 11 a I ShfriiiMii 1'HII.AUKI.I'HIA Karl«" C4K) Kianliift Curie Ore lien ny You mil M JVoliei t Sis *. Whilt WASHINGTON Karle CJH) , Hox vetreii C '.■ v : , Hal l.el'.oy .,'.' Moro Hi. YaOonelli Kileeii RHler Ml) RnnyeTTPS • . .■ . . Hal l.eKoy Mori) *• yiieoiieKI Eileen il'tWer chestra; "Adventures Marfc .Tiuaiu"•' .*«* brush and warming up until (WB). . he crashes through with everything •;<-»—•:—- ,'• [at his command. Patterson & Jack- Long film holds ' Harry Anger's I « on - terp duo, contrib some fast stage diversion to 35 minutes. He calls it Mexican Fiesta with orch on stage, dressed accord- ingly. Roxyettes open with a fast moving routine in south of the border costumes. Moro & Yaconelli. character musicians, score with foolery and in strumentation on mandolins, accor hoofing mixed with comedy. Finale is "One O'clock Jump." House jammed when caught. ''•-.' ■'.'■ Earl. Earle, Philly Philadelphia, July 21. Ada Leonard orch (16) loith Frmrces Griffin, Rita Kelly, Frances dions and violin. Their Alexandria [Shirley. Dez Thompson, June Preis- hillbilly, given as encore is a wow. her, Lois Andrews, Nan Rae & Mrs Hal Le Roy stops the show with his Waterfall; "Song of the Open Road" blistery stepping. His rhythmic com- bination brings out some red hot tap dancing. Encore is a sit-down dance which lets him catch his (UA). Its 99.44 per cent femme bill at the S-Vy vaudefilmer this week with breath. Roxyettes close with.a fast lone male present an unbilled pianist Hipp, Hallo Baltimore, July 23. Lee Dnnis, 6 Willys, Harry Steffen, Rochelle & Beebe, Mage & Karr, Felice lula and. house bich. 012); "Step Lively" (RKO). stepping routine led by Eileen Ritter Fast show with plenty of action. ;'- '.'. ..... Arke. . 4'apilol. Wa»>li. Washington-. July. 20. Bill Herson. Ollie O Toole, Boyd & Jigsaws, Three Jacks & Joker, Gene Archer, Joyce Hopkins. Milt Sloster. Sam Jack Kaufman's house orch; "Bathing Beauty" (M-G), - . accompanying Lois Andrews in the closing spot on the bill. Music is provided by Ada Leon- ard's-all-gal band, which is refuting the popular idea that femme units ran'.t play jump rhythms as well as the male species of tooters. Ada's gals . (incidentally there's, many a looker in .the lot) do a nice job abetted, by some excellent arrange- ments. -Miss Leonard, clad.in a tight- fitting gown which displays her This is a standard layout that plays well enough. There's an emCee in- the person of Lee Davis, a nice ap- pearing lad. who uses familiar mate- rial, and handles some parodies in-.,a spot of his' own. He keeps pace moving along at good clip following a fast and appealing getaway via the highly legit lappery of. Mage & Karr, mixed duo of hoofers who sell-surely and. skillfully. '.■'. '■'. ". '. ''-"/ Novel turn next is supplied by Harry Steffen playing a Jn-string electric guitar mounted on a stand and- capable of making good music. Gives out with some sound impres- Milt Slosser opens revue with an curves, leads mainly by twisting her organalogue. picking up. Joyce Hop- : , c hapely hms. It doesn't hurt with kins from the audience where Bill I the boys down front either. She Herson leads her up to. the stage. ! also throws m a hunk of dahce as Herson is an early morning chatter-. as .a mike job on "Mad About er over WRC and emcees the --how, i Him, coming on finally for an-interlude-in 1 Ncw vocalist with band is blonde NJ5W YORK CITY .VluHie Hull (37) .1 une l-'oiresl- Kui»<eil ft Keiiea Bell ilia ftoxay KuUlJlpJl K roller . Rosy (J«) UnUe Kllmmoii Ore Klla ],OK.ar( Na,line line' Raj,- Jeri-v Lesler •. . Apollo 1-iH) 3 KoiihlHtli-alei) (, I.OVd ISI.ANK Jamuien (3T-SO) '('imiiiiy Taylor tiiB KrWeiia Viola l.ayiie . Vouiik & Kaye S Will in ins ft Da.l ciir-m . . ' Henri. Ttteri-ien ' Kli/.abel .1.1 (Vliltlea .2 'I'exanii • Ha i lia ra Hn .i ry '- . Cy iieeA-eii ■ AKHON' I'HllK'v' IJN-Sl) 0/.nie -N'elMMl : Ore ■ llarri.-l. illliiaf.I : llarrla. ft. Shorfr . We«l ft l.exoili ' . l ilnfMH . I. * B ATLANTIC CITV Hamiil'x 1'ier (23)' -Fi'a nU-s ft . '.Ill n ia .- Will". Howar.l liattl Sim- 'i oil l.f (I • juMElitIK lew. It»- !St(•<■!. V'l-r l'!l»-»0'):: ('alia I>»iia < >re i In'irilsnill ii Hro.i i'llfi i.,,l,i,i! tint- SnmlK Cirlii I al ft Silvia Hobby May 'Y.nsra..A''kijiK.« .. Harold ft. I.ola. l.au'ii Quarle'r .(lev KAl.TIMOItK Hippodrome (-8) Kllet-t Sia Kleanor Hovvern- Dii-U ft IJot Hemy KiJi lie' While Saul liraunian Co Slale (27-29) Al Heilell ,. . Tl-einaine 2 Ilnnley 'jli \ e -ililea Co (»ll-2) The luiva lix '.Maie.'lnl Uolten 'l>,l l^»a ry & Deniarei) S.iS ■ ■;' CA.MOKN ' Toner* (28-30) '('alhei'iiie llaniH HarriH -ft, AiMler« .tiick Kil «ai-di) ilex Ayeber younK V HARTIORO Sliile (28-3II) I, llainlilon ore rlfH.ADKI.I'HlA t ;ii -man (28) rhiti>unite * llartiion i-.ay ft ilarrlHon .Marly HraVe. . : ;i I'MWariiH- Hroa. , SI'.KINCI'IHIO Courl S<r. Cit-Sdl Iliv Marn-)|. I lv<.i'- HiCi'-li-lf : Hill .-!.» II. .U.inn tlurirem ; li.i'niiti ft Wilson I jsomu i ori'-.4i WASHINGTON • Hou-.u-ll (28) Milliinler One . I !„< if-t n Mu-le-liitiHun I •.'.(••<>..'S'leVO ft Kiiiiy I Still] A 8\v> "t Ma lira . -' Fisher & White Ramon's Orch Havnna-Madrld Aniaya Sis Berdca. Serrano . . Hal Winters . . /' Los .Rancheros 3 Sacasas Ore J SanAbrla Ore L«OIl tl Bridie'* .Iney Adams ' , : Sherry Brltlon ' Tony Ca'nzoneii 4 WWrlwinils (3a 11 McDonii.Id Adeline Neire Horscio & Renee Hotel Astor Tommy Tuc'Her Ore Louis Prima Ore Hotel Belmoot ■■ Plaza ; r.eo Mortimer Oarron & Bennett Whitey Roberts The Gaynes Dorothy Shay Otamour Girls t*ay«on Re Ore Hotel Commodore Boyd Raeburn Hotel Dixie rjedrkio Lopez Orb Hotel EdlKOD Chris Cross Ore Hotel Kasei Honte Harold Stern Ore Hotel Lexinflop t,ani McTntire Oro M,,nil Kal r.eilani Moklhana Al llclntire Harold Aloma Hotel- Lincoln Dean Hudson- Hotel McAlpin niadys Tell Ernest Hamory Eric Correa Ore • Hotel: New Yorker Sherry?Brltton' Cordova Trio - De Mnye & Moors Joan Summer Johnny .Thompson Lou Martin Oro Monte Curio Dick Casbarre Ore Klayne Hume Ralph Rotgers Bd Nina Orla Old noumeaiaai Ralph Fielder ' "' Harriet .-'■'.:" Vera N(va Murray White Sadie Banks Joe LaPorte Oro / Roicrrs Corner narry Lefcourt Ore Clartt's ilawalians Itolllnt Harold Green Harry Reaer 4 N'ovelarJes . Sig Schalz Ore SpitJ's Root spivy . Walter Ltberace Fred KeatinK Stork Mob Daoita Orr-h Russ Smith Oreh Ta vern-on-Oreen It Tja'rr.aga'nit Ore Victory Boj*. , ; , Lysa Versa Hire Robert Fields r.eHrun & Ca.mpbeH Florence Lesnin(r . Betty Jane Smith .TeW Suifavan- Caul Duke Ray Sinatra Oro Zanzibar Afarva Louta Berry Bros Tina Tlixon Bill Bail»y li v Carroll PeeSv-ee MarfluetU Which he illustrates his broadcast Ollie O'Toole caps top honors with Frances Griffin who scores nicely with "Milkman Keep.Those Bottles his impersonation's., running, thef.j:Qui«HV and a modern arrangement gamut from Fred Allen to FDR Gene 1 Archer's baritone; is. .another solid click with nifty song repertoire. Byrnes sisters score an singers and agile dancers. Harold Boyd .and .Jig- saws get over nicely with .rough'and tumble nonsense. Three .Tacks. & Joker provide more . fun and come back for a jam session, Her- son then brings on his instrumental- ists to show how his ea ' air', programs are set up. of "St.- Louis Blues," Dez Thoaipson gets quite a hand for. a man-sized solo . in the drum department,. with Fi ances . Shirley dittoing, on ' her trumpet .as welt:.', as.- yodeling. "Straighten Up and Fly Right." Rita Kelly is. likewise" major-league in a. medley., of tunes from "Porgy and Bess - ' on the Steinwayv ■■' ''■ ';'.- ; June Preisser. a great little trouper, y iriiViVi'n'g ' gives, her usual high-class perforrn- Arke. I ■ . "Continued on page 39) . Cabaret Bills NEW YOKK CITY :A<|ii:iriuir* Rr»l. ItiMnit'ta Willifliins llniiry V.iy '! KiiVCle Fra.i)lUin -.iimJv Sil:i(lf':i' Oil John Kirbv. Ore Bill's Cny VU> Elbe! Gilbert Joan P.^lly Charles K-.'off Bernle-Grnuer. '■: ffiiroh) Wiliard - ...i it Ryan - - 'ih.rrles hu i'-kland jniitny Burns Bill Kelwey C»ay riu'.q Qua rletts Blue Ancel fif.IiHe Vl.-iyfliofr H"inittn I'hilti^on II Cantinflas' Brother Arid Ramon Form Agcy. Edouardo Moreno, brother of Can- tinflas (Mario Moreno), the Mexican tramp, comic; C. E. Milone, an Amer- ican plumbing, supply man, and Ra- mon. Reachi, Mexico's top talent agent, are forming a new combine as bookers and talent agents. Reachi is ex-Ramon & Reiiita,.standard ball- roomers, y :'- • ■ New triumvirate .viill,shorliy open offices,in Hollywood, and 1 will iliak*i a pitch for booking of .-U. S. acts and productions; Trio are reported ea having deals on with Earl Carroll and George White for booking of new editions of "Vanities" and "Scandals" in'Mex territory.