Variety (Aug 1944)

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FII.M KEVIEiri ^ednrsjiay, Aiigast 1.6, 1944* ■,v:;v-:, 'ilffnirv.:'.. ' :■, 'Hollywoioa. ;:Atig; i5i:' v Wcl!,(; 'i-fiI.(?MsR uf.K'filW.L'l- Vi,-,-j,eMfifir(l,.jirrt- • flirdi.h:.. -.suu." ■l.aiiH:-. 'i"uriiw;;i'fBUl'iipS iiunfcjs' I'l-iilw,'. Jiilin .'IliiOialc .I''taiiVi'a Uif- . fiml, ', ■MilBlv M'tii-!ii.v\ XaiiiHi ■Si'liafisr. :K*f'Uiih V'vX". ;"ll»''Hi''i'f '.UuiUfly, »iletif(l Ail l.*iiiviii'<l, Pfiiiliiot-it I*" PaflUro S, Ber-- Miin-i. Si iPciVpl!(.>■, TiitN'-iit irpi'tz -and Lponove' .r.ifrVi'; lidtieil:till nini-l. Iiy ; .(jiitJHv /Kf lh-': ■<-iiin'-i:i, ftiVy ■■.lii.iie;' f.i'liuir* '■Gfm&e ■^'. 'l-iiiOfslnnvrr ,in h:. A:-Stils: M< -iiHii '.'K|i«- fnit-i) ANVsi.. ■.' < "h tiui i h i\ i !tv' ,l,.uM''iliM' jnsA|il> ,■(, .sftinl.ivlv.-.. Sir*. spiw'oVui..:.■; ifni. Huh AV.i.lliiii. . .VIovHuie,i:,vj'. •■.*«-.:,si»i^v((vi-fiv. ■ ail-;:, rii'iillrt.l-. ■ "Miij'Uln'.\ . ■Milt.'Hi.*;;'. ^ .Miuy- .Suuinli'.ix., ■■.,v; : >;iu>:>^ .. . .;. . . , . . '. . ►s«^n.(Vi ;)■ ,<:,ni.»ii.K! ii . ..; • >1i s. j 'oiirtliiiiii. vrt^st..' •.•<;)v/it.\>iwpi,.'. .;.. .j.'.t.iina- ■yiwiiei:-. i'.-..,. Jiliues''(,'t!iuS JtHiH .Hn(lml.v ., fc'rii m'es c4jn;«i.'(l. ..iKiilalle. Si'linWf; i .■."..'■tveenan' AVvhh, ..I'lfrlipi't .Jtuillpr .■v 1 f'liiil- <;'a'ynnai,'ii; M'*M*i'if<'* .Vnkruui-- /..'i'Qm ,'OrakV' ;;Sfyiclpy ' Pa-t'i*^r.^(.>i ,. . iiev.; Seal ■ Upilii., :.y. Xiina-.l^vyunt .'.■.(■'i?c,in!i. ■railPiii- ■.v\'ii':Bintal^*^n.i;'' .Hy i'im'' FiiBiKi'i' ■.Atidisrtn .•Bif lfardB ' ■ : "Marriage' Is' Prirale; Affaij' •■; ,dr«!ma|;i:2es:' .thei. fu-gt-, two- ■ yejirs.; of, ■ marriagelof 'a yOiinfe cDUplerwitlvlhe ■, .jseJftjih, and, .:adwl'ation-10\4i}g^ yoiing: . ■^vl^t'e in c'oiistaiit StaVe.'ot ;qonfusioh; - .oyer the .■.re.str.icMons. of ■ Nv.etJloek. i' ■Basipally,'Jt's a-■timely tale,' biit-dts-: .-iplajriBA -in: overlong.^ ite. ;■'coi'pai'ates. minor'.inoiyents for' higny.' .■!d((ir'iTiin,iites,:t tp balanfce ./seVerarsparklingsequences. Marg'tiee voltage .of Laria Turner. wiU.' b.e .iiee- ■. essary Ito jolt bojis^ ' ihan' ii.ominai bia;- jn; "the ;*6!gt4'ar; i'Uiis, ,. Stoi'yis .over.-burdened With miJoh ■ ., extraneous. inaiei:ial,. anfl-. scrip.t.; is : :■: . not. ,a ;. eU&t, 4 isftlay. ■ of' ..plot. .;■ Miss' da.uelitfet;ol a niuctematried iriotlier, is surtouiided biy; suitors, but march-. '■. es . to ■ the altar with John Hodiak. Latter sihjeere ..fn ma.kipg success pf marriage, biit.' wife feels Be's Meg- lectjrig her when his father dies and.:Hbdiak is released from .neuteni fancy in Air Force to take over!par- ent's post. asa; .lens .expei't,. for .the ':; '■•War effort. ■ ■ ..Baby.;arriy.fis, in .first, year,-'.there ere the usuii rnarital bitfe.erings and poiitiftg. Of newly weds,' walfcin* oill to make, . of husoand for brief and inrioeent . ni.eetings: with' former. . .pUr.suer, 4at*tes Graigj There's the ine.vitable sepairMio^ti: hefc, plaiis,' fOr ; a B*rio . ■'■.divorcie*'and' , sudden-i reallz&;ti Of loy'i" pl husband. foi'. happy reunion.... .. .' Miss Turner capably carries...'the : lead spot, .'getting sterling supti.arf fijam Hodiak, whOi-?despite inade^ ■ ttuacies;. of the., script t— should - ib- , crease hLs audience: popularity. . . Frances. Giflord malces the rnost of her. role-of a socialite who qarrie.s on:,, secret- affair.With childhood; , ' ^weeth^art, ■ though mari:ied,.,., Craig. ..ttuglii Marlowe,. Natalie , Sehafe'r;. and , , MOkWs Xilkrura are most' prominent in .support; with Keenan 'W'yr.n.get- , ting spotlight at, the finish as a relay ■ radio operator for reconciliation. . , garnering hefty laughs. :...;-';' Robert Z. Leonard injected many Intimacies of . first-year marriage . along'the way'; but was burdened .by. script to prevent telling of direct- . Jine. story. Production mounting and 'teehhicai^ ■ .H^^ fop- grade. . . ... . .Walt. from Sophie Tucker to Jolson to Lauder;, .Tlie'y,.,pJ'3y ..the, .co'r.ny ■vau'd.e; scenes.::.with ' gxithm^ . '..cheeki'-.-;;.:' :; ''.:'■' '' v:..: ■■...,'; '■ :' They repvise a yesteryear Hit Pa-, rade such :a.s "I Hate to Lose You," '"ROekabye .Your Baby With a Dixie Melody." ■'Mis.souri Wailz." ' In My. Merry Oldsmobile," t'Jsle D'Ahjour,''. "What. Do, ■you WaJnt tO Make THose Eyes ill Me For?". "Some of Ti' Days." "ROse. Room" and "W!-.on You Wore a Tulip: ar.d I Wore a . Big Red Rose." And there are good original, fi) by Ir.Viivg:Bibo arid Don George such'as:, !'IjOvely,'V'"B'ea[ftiful ,td^^ At'' and "We're iHavjn'. a' Won'clevfui ;Time.:' ■■ ' '-;':-':-5i;.'.':-.'';'; .•-.,- *. ''' Thej?■■ do.-, standard .V.atiirle'.«111ff - ^ ^ 1 a., .the';'Swiss■■''bellrihg#s-> and . '.^^^^^ coi'ned'LVp sbng-.and-danceolOgy that's right ,out' of the: flies.. B.ut itts at- -Way'i- the.:'-McCoy; '..ahd--by- ilK,-:verx^ :f'ii'1vp,l'iCity-;.arid: aut'tior-i^^^^ .it- i-'om'pels.. aLfdlence.l.hter'est,:;.-^, ' .■.' --':'■- ,: ■.■. - -The under lying, theme ,■.o^t,hfcV.great.' . lo\-e .'of.' llie ■ki.ds: .for :the.:i.r .e,l-rant'p .parallels , .hi-s / un:reg,ui,t,ed,.',love '■. anfi. :tiie. aiiTouf ', between '.S.^CltfrmOf... 'and: the nice''Ringiiig ii.igen'U'e;:'WcH,done' b-y. '. Ann ■ Blyth'.:, .'Peggy- Ryaii vis: a: match .for ,'yoiing O'Connor, .as . the. V,aud.e:vij:han :Bc.i6nR,; of . .the, yeteran: Oaki(;,.. ahd JohiliMilaah i.s cap the lammisler from Swift and Ar- ir)0..r—the ham'no! a with an .Equity- card. Rosemary:-: DeC.amp:, incident-.l :a:lly; is likewise cisiiviiieiiig.■ a,s, the f00—trusting fh.otlier^ of---:Miss,'-PiXt|i.' The yeslery.eai" p.op'syhjei.fhedley-i^ an.. ihs,viira:tioh - in: ■selecfiv<ity,',- skill- fi;iflv piinCUiatirig.the entire:pr:oceed-' itigs.", Even- :'fhe iusage .bt ,."V'ar,'jety" in.- the. script is ..more ' than.-the ■ uisilial atmosphere-' proi>';''be-re- .tt's.,.a;. 1'^ tic. bi t ' whereby the: kids trace ttjeir ; iiaughty^'pOp. ..just out of fhe- clitifc^. for a stew-stuff e.<capade. ';; '.;;'. . < ," ProdUcers-scripters •Micti^el'bFp.s-: sier:: an4 Efrrest Pagaiio ; establi'sh. a corivinoitig pattern for: authOr-infi-: jpresarioS with:;tHelr handling Of ''The Merry Monahans," They know their - vaudeville, and they .get over the impact' of WHaft'-i£ - meant" i'ti . the- yes- teryear vaudevillian when he played, the Keith circuit. ■■-:^ ; ■ :",.■■.'.:'-■- .:'' Withal a fetching 90-tnin. filmu.s- icai for hot br :cOld''Wi^ath.fei« ci'fstorti: ers. ■-■■-;'- -,1 :.'~'Abel;:, :'' Sing, Xnighlior, Sing ;':.-:;;':..:\:\';//:.--';y(^fl>iiicijs)i-- '•:-'v;::: ■;;:•-''. Ri-i)iiblin- 'rtl'ease -vol.■ Bci.T)WA ..H*" Bi-own iwttc.fiii':uon--- ■ Siisrf ' - B)** ■' ?rn.>:lui'i/-'' m l" '.I'ervy;:- featliren .V frelJI fji-. BiriBSHC,-. "Bev evfSV' 1.o:vd^' Hriv'.'Aff.un.■ ttttcl' Iils'-SSiirrvkJ'.'. ■Moiinialn Hu.vs . vyi.i,h.-;^Kai-hel.;:"r.utVrbel.l6 - 'a-iid-.- Si'il'l,t.y, Harry; .-'^'Rapp.y" - - .OheHliire, .: Mi.lo' : 'i'w:infiv V':iJroftna -;('r)Uon, . -Dir6t:L,»"*l.. 'liy -■.(''rai'l-fo Doniiki.::. Sfreijnpla>',; .'IJorf^Il anii: Smart Mf.G:owa.ii : :.(!ainf*l'a,.. .FlPug,!? .r.aiiiiins ; ,lof:- H^tlpU -IJixon; sons-s,. :Fi'eil Kosf ; Mllo .Rros.., .lolm . MavvlH; ■ Krilll-.i-L : KucUs, ycnu- Wtisaiiani'. .J. '.T31ilQie;..*'- '.I3i ; ^ufls.' .:,r-'Te,vi.e»-(itl in. S.-y.i -Xag.- iii- :ltnnn]!ng ■ iime, ■ny.'MiSfi.' ■: ■ y-\ R(il)-,.P,rw(l-... .-Bra,l tayVbr ..'Vii-Kiiiia ,:Bra!<(>„.;:..,....'..., P.ui'h ■ 'refvy .'l'-'urti.(.Uia-:B!ake'.,.... \:n,:jiui,i'ii ,6riHSa(: :tWvp:riy ..;:,;..:.,. .,.:■:,; . .\.'t \ .;. :;R*',v,ei''i:y. i.dytl. :*t>pr /<"artwrlklvt.'...:; ■.OhaVlt^s. Irwin' .Ine, -Uie .,Ra,ri)Pi'.'.:i-::..:,.'.:.;.-;:..:onfi. ji;iiw).in :.M:ii\-itie.;..... ;•. .■■. .:;;'. . Mii.vine'- Doyle it.ui-h-.',. ..::'.■■■■';:.....-, -...-.:, . ...vtai'y Kenyoh .-iioy :vVwiR: jirid hip* '-Sntftl^.y .\lo.un('{ Boys, .<vU.h ■ ftaoheli' liiijubHle^: »ViVtty-, - lljirvy . vS8pn^.v:': 'irhes)ilc«/ ::tH6-, -jl-ilb. 'lSvlns,-,"<3at6r 'niia-:c6tit(m-' . ..:';..^.v.-..:-■.. -'■-•.':: :'a:/v "Miirriage is a Private :i*(lfa1r'':'.; <M-G). Drama needs full mar- quee vOltage of Lana Turnei' as. ,: star to ride through 'regular r utis. . ■ •'.. ''Merry. Mfanahah'S^; f,('Mu!iii'i'al-y\< (IJ);-;:; Tiptop filmusieal with Donald O'Connor, Peggy :Ryan■,': ■jack - Oakic. .. -'; "■"'::-'' "Sins, N' e i K h b 0 r, , Sins" . 'Songs) iRep i. ' Ilijlbilly: ka^to';, .persohalifies iri double-bill'rt,. for the corn belt. '[:'/'-.[;':';}:" :- ji. /;', '■■ '''IVlaisi.<i .Goes to Reno" iSohgiV ': (M-G).. A'.lc.s.sor. olVort in' -the'- profitable ".Mai.sie" scries .slai;-' •■ ring Ann Sollicrn: good du.;;lcr. ..' 'V: "<;ry of the Werewolf' tCol). - Gcculi mystery - :^s. .a moderate ■' b.o. duaier. ;::■.:'■ ■" "..\ ■ ; "A WAVE, a WAC and a Ma- rine" (Son,gs ) : 1 Mono >: Mii'dly '; a'mu;'>iri'g,', 'c'omed.y.'. that:, r?^^ pi-ove profitable. .,;■•;■"-:;::■■':.■:';- •-' -:'':: - ■ "Block Busters" iMor.ol., ,One : of tile pool er East Side Kids pic- tures; iOwcr dueler.. ■ ;„' ■.- "English : Without Tears" ' ■ OFD). F.lcmenlal love ...<!or.y: 'UHis 'B,r-itis;h-.-:pr:d'd'acii^^ chahce in U..S: /■:■:■■■.■ -- " "V'-Boat Frisoner;' fCOi'>. Oveiv ■drawn. filHi'Vv'e'Ksj^i^^^^^ 'i5,f,,'sitpp6s6ci:", autobiographical story; dualer. . .. ■.-. '.■ "Range Law" (Songs ) aMoiio). ■ Above-par dual western. ■:', ■■;■ "Sombrero I)cs Tres Picos" . iFilmex i. Spicy ■ Mexican yarn, ;: '::Qfe'ay-forSp'ahi'sh-'lahgijage::hou'ses^ "oftJ;:S.^'-'r'::.•' .;'.,;:'-N-'V^:c':^^'.-';'-'.':'■ A WAVK. A WAC And A >lnriii«» ■;:■':■'; '"/■:'■■ ^■■'^,"'';:v;(^ ■ . iro.nO(!;r:!irtV :'rp,loil«u^ .6r:.:'S»*ha.slian ■.("'rfsiiilo,: prtf.lJiftltyn; :: t'.rl,sl,i.lIo.', ,ex»'t!U!,ixe:. (vrnilut-"'!--, FJiJwar^' . ..Sherman. : pi'fKlucf r:.: . Kcatin-*'!^ .itervjjy T^unKina."..: .'^aliy : ,Ki)*^r«, Kry.'4e -K-hojt,-: ■:RiintHa.y. -Vtrie^*,: Ann . .OilUw, -^ian Dlnehart. Mar.Ii>vie ■ :--V^'ofMlwo»:ih, Cliarlf's ■"H^[i" - Marshall, f'onrittt .lliilriea, Ailc.i'ri ■ I'rinjflev -Cy. K^tiilaiU, Ji'reiUltt.; Kicli .an..i: ■■(iri'li, .-' ■:rilri'('.lf<)' 'Fi.y :. ).'.hr|.:':j<ai'l!<.r.f>iH. ^ '■ ^U)\% :.l.,i'IHaii;:^l?l».rii'r atiiii'JJi.cK. ris^itinil; ,a.fa|)iH.i ■i:Hir:i,"':iia.r-itHintj.*i»x'; :iii:UMi.Lv':^ ir.i^ffiiiit^' Hii.-h'i: ::lyi.'ifs, ' Kililie-'. '!-'K.C!.>u:iiP(if. '..'■'itiriii',-.- ''U'-llHa:!!! .AuS'Urt,; -'t^'l-V«ftt■a,--..^.^hvui'y: UPi'r.-^hiaM. . - -,vi yii?t-oi'i,M.,.' .>':. :-V...: .\y('i'li:;.'A:ug; fi,' IHifi' 'l/EtiK :t.'in*^. 'TO.. >ll'>':S;^ .;: .:■. '. . : .\raria:h .Marwai-i't.:. Ainu." Bpity.,.,... ■:;.■,.'.■.; ,iui:iy.i ;,,'...■...■ ■UrotliVct-i'^-!{'. -tiMl'ei^.n,,:,-:.,,■,,,-■,-,:.';;' Itenn.y ,.,,.,.:.. fteti;:,.'.;, ,v.:v,V •Sin.Ei».r:..■:.■■;, .':■;.. iVliii't-.v;: A' .S'.^'\vn\\^)^)y,\ h',1,.',,■.■.■ - ■' . , .:■. ;., :l'.'.r;e'iltilti llt-ii.: .■■.... , ■.,.'. ■.'■,.; I'llyse.. Knox .;.i,i-,,;.i:../::;»..silf.liy' 'foiv-rs ..■■>■,■♦;.. ,-'.',:>.;-:;:U'a'Hl»<f!:y ---Ai.ui*.'-' ..... ,'rV'i;.■-,■ ."■^-■,.« '■ Ai>n' ■ <.Ji'tU-H ■•,.;;.',■..'■;;..-; ■:,.;'.-y!*i'-ii ,i')i.ri.<'ii-;iiM-. viariVi'i'it;::: :\yvnaUyorlrt ,V:-, Vt:iVi(iry,:-'Tfa,uhKnia-TV ,.*-'.Mr,l»^!?, .'-'ni^d'.' .AIarshaH., , .■-.-'*.-VV'-iMirite- 'I la l-iv'S- ;;,:. .-'IUl-hat.-.«l.^:f,.a-hf'- ■.'..,'.-.".', . ■... ...:■,'■;■. i'y' .'WKQitU'fi ii- :;;.;.;..",;:?.:Al-in*'"-, -JM-IiKtii' ■.ni;-ii ail.! oivh. r::.':'.'"': Guy," charmingly sold by Connie Hawi4'(;-.:t'Uqks-.vefj!--.5vell,: While at th6^-: finish "Garry On" figuro.s a.s a group HUmbeK. .It's also a'pretty gobd.:iuiie, . Though there are some le.sseisi contributing to the comic side Of: the picture; ^chief laugh'-.supB.oi't'ris from-- Charles t'Red" ::Ma'fShal.l. btrt as iii the of Youngman some of his lines are also muffled. Ann Gillis and .Eiys? Knox play the two Broad- way under.studios landing hv piotUres; The two girls they are at first iriis- taken for are Ramsny Ames, arid'- Marjorje . Woodwbrth. All do well al'aeil :u)t outstandingly. Among others'' are Ailecn PriiigleVas a iV.m colony iiewshound and looking :the:. type; Sally Eilcrs. excellent as a' .stu'sJiO..- exepHtiye; '.Cy:' Kendall, "good:, as ' a:. 'ii:ilery. op'erittBr; .,ana '.-Richard 'Eane^ who; does ?jicely as an agent.:.. :.-;- ■-.■.■■ ':,'. :.:-^'C;. :"■■:■.-■: ■■■■'.:."■- ' Chor. ■■: :' The Merry -'MonAh^ns,; ■ ■^.iJ'^''^-,r''':(M^jsicA^,L',.. ''!■":.' -: tl:n'ive'r«til ■'reiea-se : 'bt" : ^vFicila'el ■Fp.s.wifi', Ernest PaKann -, r-elpiise,. , written, by . saviip. Ktai'M Donaiti (,)',:<'unnm'.:*Pegsy Ryah.- .l.itrk: Oaiiie; features .Ann, Blytb; ,Rosemal'y Der Camp. - John : i!i!.i;in,: ' -pirectefi: :by . Ctias. ,J,<annint..-. Camora,- Chti.s.- YEin fencer.. John. P.. Kullon; :tia nct\^, - IaQQ,ls :-lJaI?ron.'farloa :Roni<*i-o; : eOitor. *'hai*v,'--1ilay'nnfci; :asst. - (li- rp--lur. Maelv Wright; iiongs, --IrvlnK.' Riba- lion Oiebrg-e..' pln.w interpblat.ionsi: .:ntii:'^U', ■ Han,-?. .I, Salter. ' i:*rovl?wed. Auff. it, '-1-4. H'unnln!; ilnie. »,« .Ml.NS. :; S Ti i nniy - ,\ ri> nab-i i n ■... . . \ . . .T yij i i alt X O'Cnntinr :.rat-'^y.,:iloirabVi n . ;.,.,...... Pe^gy K,\'ari. i?f|e .;\lonahan......;. . ..Jaok t>aii>e SJifffs :JJ«Ro,}'(.'i'.,. i... . .:.-;...; :.Ann RI,Vm :'.M.ll,ii>it .Delfeiyi'f:. •:...Rosiertatsn TJe .(>niB . 'Welildn ■ Ijiyrjoit, ■ Rose,.'. .,-; . OI('i-k,.-;..\-,..--iV.;-.-,,,-i . l*OIIj(?P»tfi n'..-.;.. ■'Siniiln'et:!*':... JB'lKe :-... John; jM-iljim ..:..;.:. Gavin iVltju" ...,.,. taabe-t ,te.\y('M ; . . .. AValtc .'.. Robert '.HomanM i..Marlon :aiaiU!n, . .. . Eldj'd. lnKraliiun "Sing, Neighbor.' Sing" is one of cohglorrieiFations. of hillbilly radio talent that .should be popular in the Corn belt, for,;wh<ch.'iVs almea. For the duals. ::- ' .-■ Yarn involves a young lothario posing as a distinguished; elderly English psychologist in a small col- lege : town. He hawks psych pam- phlets that townsfolk find helpful and makes love -to the: varsity; :^irl between' disgiiise^;. Of course, the real psychologist turns up, but every- tljiiig is ironed out when the imper- sonator develops a conscience, thanks to the influenc e of a "good woman." itS-.:preHecfes.soi's, is Onjoyable: and will provide ; .stro'i<4 s-ipport. in the duals;'.■'■:'::''."..■ ' : -.■,-.,:."■. ■;: . ;•'.'.. "Maisie Goes to Reno," but pot for the usual reason. Quite the contrary. On: ber way to" the 'diyotce. 'spa.-for a rest ...becauseher ?" nerves \' are shot from -working .overtime In a war plant. Maisie meets up with a soldier: who begs her to deliver a note to his wife, in Reno for a divorce. She en- It rtai::s at a nightclub,, delivers the note to a woman vvlio claims to. tile .soon-to-be-unsplic.ed. wife of the .soldier,, btit who is actually one of three people '.Working in, 'cahoots to get the gal's dough. :: Maisie. mean- while, falls hard for one of the card dealers ,i:rt the hotel, where; she works, and before he knows w!'.;!! is hap- pening, he is mixed tip i:i her domes- tic-battle settling ■ .It 'air comes out okay, however. Miss Sot hern's dunib-'Dtit-.«mart, lovable-but-r;loai)le. iiosy-but-pen- ,$iye cliaracterizatiOn';ot a fair-.Se-x: riveter, who gets, in ali sorts of mix- ups, is thorgughly likeable. ' John Hodiak. as the card dealer who is in love with Mai.sie despite her trbuble- sbme antics, is not,:a little, miscast.: He portrays his role as it he, is. angry at ■ Sditieone, posslbly.'Jtis ' a;g6ttt: fpr getting him the part. ■: Perfofmance.s Of stipporting, cast are just fair. Director , George . Haight, : ..could, easily have cut corners to mold a more compact picture. Screenplay by Mary C. McCall. Jr., from an orig- inal by Harry Ruby 'and James O'Hanlon, rambles at fiiTie.s. but in the main is sufficiently meaty. This film, like so many being released to- day, is too long. It needs editing before it is distributed. Steh. De.spite the corny title. '"The Merry: Monahans " is a merry musical which : .will' ring up a tuneful b.o. in any- body's theatre.; '■; ;,;"\-;''l-.''..;^' ; '■; ,:'-':.;: ■ :. The!HitIe';i? 'Strtctl.y''Cius;'Suij .and it .■starts' that way, a homely, appealing, nostalgic .vaudeville, saga of another ■ era. With Jack Oakie in the cast, and with such artisans as Cliff Work and Natl) Bltimberg. . production ■ heads of . the . Universal .studio, themselves so stepped in vaudeville, ;it,,fibi»ldp't.:he']p: biit ring true. There's authority and authenticity in almost every detail; The vaudeville diehards : -will love it and the new generation will delight in -it. , ; , :;■-;■■ Oakie as the vet vaudcr,- some-, limes given to drink, is right out of ■ the N'VA and, for that matter, so are Donald O'Connor and Peggy Ryan.,: ' as his offspring. Young O'Connor, like Mickey Rooney. is now a GI but both are in the same groove- as precocious youngsters who can do about every- thinjg—and they .show it in 'every-: thing they do. '- :,-:, ■'.;,_; \ ■' '," ' The action runs the gamut from . IflOl into the Vol.stead era., There's 'ari :appea:liiig::saga:of :U,hretiuited love between Oakie and Rosemary De Cam.p; and the yotmgsters, O'Connor and Ryan, throw everything out of the talent directory right at ' . the :cu.it6mijrs, : They -dO :lit»itatiOris Plot is: .so n-.uch to cover the injection of a group of w.k. hillbilly .radlp ;per.sbhaliti^s such as Roy Acuir, of the "Grand Ole Opry," liUliibelle and Scotty. on the "Na tional Barn Dance" show; the Milo Twins, etc. ACuft is.; unimpressive, with: the other radio stars ; having more appeal on: :the airIanes thaft M this film.. :, :'':;'"":-.,: ;■ ^ , .: ,.;: . ,:- None, of the nine tunes: in. the pic- _ ture, is particularly meritpr-iOus, but might score on the "Corn Parade." Brad Taylor and Rufh Terry, carry their share of the load with a do-or- -die.attilu'de.; The others just die!- :■■>:,;■ ■;.!:' :■.';'':.'; ■. Kamp ;:.:'^A wave, a WAC and:''a IXiarihe .i.s a ,wildly;'amusihg' Come.dy.. wit ; couple songs that listen vveII.. It■ , troduces.. Henny ■ Youngman,.:t:a';: the feature field," while at the sa m e ' ti hi is': marki.'ig !he producins; bow of Lou. CAbboft Sf i Costcilo. Cslello -does ■ not take ■ hilling,; however.'.bei:ng^ :;§etfa'stiah^G,,.(,0os^^^^ ; as,,- exeC'utiye '.pr,6du'e0 .Sherman. ;A, & C.'s personal iiiai'.a- gcr,: 4s: producer. ; While only fair- to-middlin- as entertainment, picture provides the type of light fare ntiw in,'(Jerhahd- and should lie a pro.'it-' ;maker..:,.. It stacks as quite Sui'tahle material fOr double, bills,: especially, as the No.: 2 feature; in which slot it ought to offer; oke support. . .■ ■ '■',;■.'. ■ ' , Youngman, who has ahvays'been- faston;: his : chatter,''. on the ,!slage. ;s.peakS';.to6 : ra'pidljf-.vWitH' the result, much of his dialog is unclear. .; .\, generally speaking Youhgman's voice does ' not seem to record too welI although ,it appears the soundmen on. the picture didn't do such a good job on the whole, Youngman plays' a Hollywood talent agent who's eaSt to grab off a couple gals who arc about to close in a legit show;;.called "A W.AVE, a W.AC and a Marine." By mistake he signs up the two inVder- studies for the top roles' in the siiow instead of the leads themselves, "a rival agent getting east in time to land the latter. However,' the two girls under YoUngj-nah's wing make a terrific hit on an elinergeney hitery asSiighhient doing .a,:drarnatic sketch and are immediately signed for pic- tures. The other two actresses, al- ready under contract to the same company to play a WAVE and a WAC, are mollified when (the late) .Alan Dinehart. film.' (;ompan,y head, agrees to toss t!:c;!i into- a diflerout type picture. There are three song numbers. The Music Maids, of radio, sing .."Time Will '"Tell.," .'nic'e little' hu'mBer ill front of the Fr6ddie;Eieh band in a nightclub sequence. "My G.l. -'M<,inoftr-!i-n:i rf'lea'y'e -',al' 'Kiint Kittiir-iuirl-.Fiii-lf '": J )ii<l-■/.:,: p'r'diltl'ction.^ .(:i,i.Sf<i)(-,i;ite Jt!'()dla'e-l';:".|.{a v-^'-'^- l'ify'.Wa-rei-ky).,.., S'tarn- I.e'o 't!ori'p,\-;.'l-(.;|jiir'ef; .'" Uuiil-i-.. Hall;: (•la'h.nBl.':l.).cfl, 'l«'ll\^- .nenViIi.M"..; ' !' I lirm.-leaMi.v- Wa.rlai,-e;^ ■l-'iw. , DriuiiKrI sliit'y,:''- !. i iMli.siiiii. . 'Ht,-aa'c.liv. - fainer.ji, - ..\<'e'l l,e -t'i.('a-.i-(l; ..■Wl.'auni.'-;<!'.:arr Pipi^ain'i'. Af X: y': ' 'll|fitj,r<;,':..s;. y.-.- 'iy'«'k-'oi;"-Au.A.:.fl,-''.-H. ■.■: I.tivn-^'.. 'iJltiji^ ■trO)*^;' .-.\( ifl{«fi. ',.',..- ,i,.;'lijiT!>.y..,"^, -;|<iiiny l;-.i.-b.. iwnii'y.;..;.' 'I'dtir,*,,.;-., .>.- .■\ il.ti-lia- .n'lix.;. j:tuiKe. Ili:.4*^lri.'^. .. ; ;ip':ni.'...;■.:;.; |{«"i'i.i>)-;-;^,-. rti-ii.'i ,.■.';...:,': 't.'injvi i-f:,., >. ; ...'.;. I.e'o. ftdi-l-ey . - ..'i...-,..-i'.'lliint'i',..Jlan ; ■;■;.. .■;..,; .Clalirii^'-.ttcll ' ,,-,.; ;';:,....-I.tijly :Weii(>iii,A;: .:,'....,..,,';.-.,Ir'n.rfiiy ^'wirai'id. .,.:(•.,.;.■: .-..■tiiii.:;i'biin<iy .■'■..; ..<r(-;t: , Vrei-.-'il .-.';-,..-;;:.:'.H)>bpi;la S:i,iTU'h ' .... ..V'tVali;,,.tte*.ry.- .si-, ...;..'.,.; i:ia,r.ry -l,aiigUo:a, .. ;■■; ;'■;:-.■.".■-;'K,r'eii..;' prp,s.M*;L .,■. ,■■;'. .■,;■;,.;.3j;irt;, (iii'niitn' . . ;';-.■..;,.!.. .'Jva-jr" . .. ; ;< !lia rle«'.;vlul'-i;a.yi ^ Jr.. This, one spreads democracy thick on a thin plot. Another in the East:: Side Kids series, "Block Busters" is '.' foi' lower haff of duahs. Film deals with antics cf jiung led by'.'LeO .Gorcey in taking into fhejr ifhiist. a. :rich kid so .he .can learn the . .American way of life by associating;: with ;other:-boys' After .making it al- nio.'it unbearable foi: him. the East' .Side Kids realize the lad can slaiul up; uii'der: their torments, and so he becomes one of them. Acting, direction and production Values are lacking.:;.;:;- Steii. : Cry of the Werewolf Ooliltnbia release of .Wallace :MacI>omild ,in-*biliiet,ion,:.; FeainrM NMiur; .SItpheri .(:Trati<', 0H«'ila.ssen. -felaiii-he- yn'rka;- 'Barton. Mar r*an^.. - Dii-et^tttl.'; l>>-' ■; I lerir.-/' ■. .T^evih., St'vefriplay ii.v. ' ijrlffln-. Ja'y,: .'ami, ..<,',ha*r,teit .i;5'N(ial:. ■t>ai:H»jra.".. ■r*. W'; O'ColViiell:^ etlilor,' ReK B'iwwne;' At. .RiaUo;^ X. t.. :week: of A«B. .fl....'KunnrnK lSme^ SH MIJiiS. :' :Oelei{te.-'... '; ;.;■. .; . .':..■.■.■.". .■.'■. ■.,..N;ii.i Pooh Rjib Mt>ri-i.a' ... .' . ,': ' ,. mephen'.C'ranp Ktsa Chauvet..>.-;. :Biani>a;...;:.-.. .;..i' ),t;. Riirry - t,ane, ;. Yan ,Spa ver<*...;,.;. .freter.; A ll h iu.» 'Pinki*..:;--.-..-,,..'....; .Mae.;',.-.':,.;-;';;,;; jVhiit.-..::';.;-,'.', pv.. r'.h'arlp^ .vittrji 'A Ua'i|j>;.-.'.. . '.-; ,, ;;()j'a. yiassen ....Hlanthe yurUa . . Ha,i i (»n : .\Uietiane . ;lvaii Trie.sault .,. ; ; . . . .Iiihn Abbott .;;;:;... . Krcil -Graff ;.;.. ..: ;.lbhn Tyrrell .. 1 Williams ,;., .;..-;.^ irrit-/ T.pibor ., ..-.. Ai.iUoii ' £^ai-.^ons >lai«)i<e filflMi's <o Reno (ONE SONG) '. .Mti.i:rn. 1'el.^ase o.t. 'O^^orK'e ifaistif prfttlnc;-» tiitn;.'.. '■: '.S'tfi ra -A rin: .iSo'therii; - teat-iirea; John llt«]i:ilt. ■ ■.'ronv pi-ake," .\tat-:la. .-.l.lntleh,, Pi^lil ;t'HV'a;jltifjh. ■ .IJir^ete'd bLv 'Huri-y ;.Bi?aumont.. ..^creeM|»Ia:y,; .Vary - O;: .Met^all. .Ir.,-.'frfim' o'ri,i,'.|.iii}'l liy tlai-i-y Riihy:an(l .lartie.-i .O'lfarir. ..l<>it,...bii.;!eil. iiMon.-cliaraeters' Ijy- Wilson eltil.-- . ii.s'on ;. ■.'i-atnerai . rtdbet'-t: ' ■f'laiieli:;;, .e'riltor. ..Krank K. l-iull; Rotig-, '.Sa..fviniy';i'*a-|n',' ^{i^l^ih -Kr.eetl. Tt-a'iesba\vn. .NT. .. V.,:. Jii}y\ -i,**;'.*.!^. Hunni.ivi;--i-ime, !)ll;.Ml.\S, ' Alifisie-'liln :.; i--l:ii>'-'' l Icnhahaii...,, .'Rill .ii^i,iiei.-irai;; .:,...■.'.;. ;\y.i ii.i.'fi-efI .'Ab Imhu'i Ie •■ iio,tii'.r- jviiiarti,.:;.. '(iliir ia.' ■Ktlllel-l<ni>; ... it, , B;-: t'laVe.; . , .-...,;. :i«i:y,.,:,.;,-. ; ..,.;. ..-;.;. .'I'Liiivniy ,'.:t'iili;er.;. .■...:. li>la;iiie;,.,.■.'...,. I:^ar^ibl)s ;: . v. ..;..:,. ; ■; ..:;;. A '■;■!' aotivei'n. b-l-.-i ;ir6ii,ia:H, ,.,..:.; .■';'rbiii Drake . . ;.Marta; tjintleii; ,l'aiit,Gayii;na(;b: ... ..Vva ,Gai'(lnpr , Bernard, N'eitetl . . Rolantt .t'birk ,Ch.1li<lle.r ■;; t^tiiVn.v War'cii'.s. ..<■.:, DoiiaUl.AIeek. ;. The ;',ir(f,e,ctiou.s ; p.efs6npltty.: of,: Aim Sbthern H'as'caught the fancy ■Of'the film public to vsuch an extent, that the..-"Ma''' serie.s: in which .«.ho is starred ::by . Metro, has proved: to be profitable for the hat-ion's exhibitors. :This ':Off,ering,'..wWle .-riot' as '':gb(5d--as :, "Cry; of the -Werewolf'' is ah aver- age h'ori'o.r-film. Hardly a distin- guished addition to - the ,,."series,: its stodgy'story:' and: lack of originality or excitement, is barely offset by a fair o;titlakin '^Udgef and produttiorii: A pa.ssable dualer. -,■- '-',,:--': ,■,■.''-" "The story is another occult yarn about a fair damsel .changihg into a werewolf and harassing tiie coun- ti'yside. In . this case she's queen of a tribe oil gypsies, daughter: of a mysterious figure who lived tor a time as a New Orleans belle but who disappeared strangely after the death of her scientist-husband; ':; Daughter guards the secret of her mother's tomb, hidden away in ii New Orleans miiseiim, even to;killing the '■miiseum;. head as well, as one of her tribesmen, when the secret is abov't to leak out. The killings,:as ope cafi guess.. come, a'oput alter the gypsy queen has changed to woU, her vic- tims being torn to shreds. ..;-;"" ;:-' .. ■ Nina Foch makes an attractive fig- ure as the gypsy,'''everi'; to:; ,making part of iier story almost credible. Stephen Crane and Massen are a plausible pair of lovers, intent on .cieai'ing up a mystery, that' involves Crane's father;. Blanche Yurka ■ as a g.vpsy. John Abbott, museupi guide, ah4: Bartoh,::lVla.cLahe,.'police. lieuten- ant; are eftee-tive in .suppOrtiug r'Oles: ' ■■ '; '"■'<■:'.,'.:;.;'.;'': "'v :.^ ...'..-Bran; . I'lnglij^h Wiilioiil T«'«r» (BRITISH-MADE) ■•' -"; " '■: :,'■;-■.■' London, July 29. -(general .l^'ilm -Bl.stribirlors' rel^aap of T%yo:', t'ii ir.'^; -.riliu.'; ■ Kestlire'a I.illi Palinet'V '-^*'*'-:- . iieliiii!',- .'.tVa.r)t; ' ■ Jili-.liaei w i Id'inR,: . -i^la li'd*-., I.»;-i tlli;iliti:, ; ■ Difeeted; : by , H-;ii^iil*f ';'iFve:n'vb-. ■ '■ S<:;i:e6i'ii),iiiy', -:b.v-, 'I'ei-e'tK'e.: TtaIliKlin,: :Aliiifcvle , iie ;l-ii;irnw.a:itl,,.. ■ .Culiiera,. iteniar'b Kintvw.U'.Hi'. W.'' ili'iel.eod.'; ':At Otieun, l,ontlon. .luU * :;s. Itui.niiiK lime, K9 .MINS. :;,; 'ri)iii,',:t:,itbey;,.:.'.:;.;;... .,;■. ..i .M.irhaet "Wililili'p'; .loan Haseuine;..:.. ..'.:.; .-.--Pe.i.iHiipi' \Vai'.iii; n r I'Kiii- kivnuseii;..';...' ■ v •.;....;., .1 »iili: Palitier';. ..lKjii)'. (ie. i<^re.y('ine't, .■;;..:.,'; .vi'ti'l'aoye ■Uaiiitliirt - Ke li:;: i;),oi,nbo wrtkr.';:;,.',.;:.;..; ...A Iberi'. J ileYe;n sir :c'(i.Kntn lirUnUu-n-;.:;..,;::,. .';'Holanti;(iul'yer;;: i;a.(Iy -t:brL'*tab.el-'-.'/;;,■■.'*ia't'garet .Ruliiei:for'<l ;/.';;,-;.'-rVK:Ky' (.'umrnina-;; :;i;.;;:-."V<.i;.,Mai^i-iii: jiilier l--el'iv- .^yllnef-^ ;,,; ..iiai.itii. :t''tii'se ; V. l\.or Bai-na.i'tt: Hobby. Hasel'tine.: s.*';.....'..'/ii.:;;; sjiaftnit..:-,. ,■;;,,,;,...',;.,: icii.-^t.'^ HiiufM--.lrtne.H'.-. ,Hrf;cji'in:i',-;-.-;.-.<'.-.;.-.- 11-Minule Prolog To 'Sign of Cross' Reissue Preceded by an ll-minufe prolog whiEh is reported to have cost to $100,000, "Tlie Sign of the" is being reissued. bV .Paramount- in total length of 118 :miniites for early release. Prior to dating it gerier-' ally. Par is planning to .spot the film in a number of. te.»t engagements. The sales policy has nOt as yet been determined, except tuiU '■Cross" will go out singly. '; While it has religious. sighifiCance, the picture is not being reissued be- of the cycle of that flavor now in vogue. It was Cecil B. DeMilles ^idea-tO resurrect "CrOsS" in; the. face of the Allied: campaign irj Italy. He made this recommendation before Rome was taken, and, in view of the fact that the Eternal,City sirice fell. Par has been .rushing- the ,)pictUre for early marketing. -::,' The II-minute prolog, also made by DeMille, was written by Dudley- Nichols, enacted by Arthur Shields. Stanley Ridges, • James Millican,;Tom Tully, Oliver Thorndike. William Forrest, .John James and Joel; Allen.. Action is of the present, and.takes place on a flj-ing fortress' whose-m'is- sion is to drop leaflets over Rome; Aboard, in addition - to crew mem- bers, are a Protestant A'rnSy chaplain (Ridges), and a Catholic chaplain (Shields). They rerhinisce about the of Rome and its carly rulers, finally leading up to .\'fio. when the action slides rigiit into "Sign of the Cross," with Charles Laughton as Nero. Other.s in the cast include Fredric March, Elissa Landi, Claudotte Colbert, Ian Keith. Vivian Tobin, Harry Beresford, Ferdinand Gottschalk and others, plus many extras. ;':';" '.■••-.,,''■■.' ::,,:''■'■;■.;';-'■■■;:..:.■■;'•■.-. Originally, When released late in 1932, "Cross" ran 124 minutes. In re- isisuing the picture, DeMille the footage here" and there, among cuts being a Bacchanalian dance, about which th'e Legion of Decency had expressed disapproval: when the film was first shotv.n. -'. ' :. .' "'Variety,"' reviewing ''GrO.s.s": Dec: 6, 1932, said it "will .c'aiise talk and , d:ra,w business."' ,Addifionklly. 'it;-was observed that the picture "finally makes victorious the .straight; i-elig- ious prpcept" and. that "rMigioh tri-. umphs over -paganism." Story;dealt entirely . with -; the''' rule of ■,Ne,r.O; Oyer-.the -Chi^S»tiafl.s'.." ';.iCl"i^; ; Most distinctive thing about "Eng- lish Without Tears" is the conti'r;, (leiitial/atmDsphere.i'lThisi?.probably-: becaii.sfi a gfOAip-of 'fbreigh artists is ilsed to augment a cast of celebrities. Despite this, admirable direction and, excellent photography; the story ambles albbg to no definite denouement. Therefore, -it's not ;'* ; strong candidate for the. American market. ;':;;■; V;''':"''-:' '"v :- :■'- .-' ,: Smart dialog and wittici.sms galore are not sufficiftit to sustain so ele- mental a love stor.y.. This affair shows a young lady of an aUstOcratic h) mily. who falls in love wilh ■.the. cold and indifferent butler. : As a demonstration Of British ver- sus continental types, the picture malse'i interesting;entertaiiiment. A tot of prelirhinary' care .Was Und'oubt-^; cdly spent to assemble sucii a large; array of players. Result is a';series: of cameo scenes which, bear little-or no relation to the story. Jolo. IJ-ll»ai PrisoiK'r,;:■'-:■ ; fiiliimbia release ot .Wallat-e M.-u-llooi.i.l i) i-,iiiliiiMiiin..- ->'falui-es',Briii'-e ..Jietirtet-t. -iOrjk:' lt!ili';;:;.':l)iyei:,'fe<J,..l)y ;'3.'.ew. ■l„'er.>!". -.'.«ereei'(«- |ilii;v. ...\ u1ii-ey: \Vf«lwv'lf,. l'ptiii'i -aiol'.y- by Avcflite (i i lr,ii.«: i-a.Tiiera, .'RiirnW t. ',t*u.ff.i*y;-- A I, Rrbbli-: l.\ II . St I'aii)!,: ;^v«;.^^, 6t .A'.ugi.-'U, '-i-l.; 'Miiiiii-iiiK iiur'. ■H.^^MI'NS,. ■;%'>.■ .;■;.■..■■ .*Vrf-li:i.;,:i;'.. ■.Kiipit.^ur (j;l'n'».; .-.;. ,-;.: .Vn;ii.n«e'...l,am'ijh.t.';.:-;; ,.rti,i'i!t-lH'i-.iT.:...;'.-;.,,;'-.;. ..i'ii)i't:injn'thle!;--BriKt'ol-. .l,'.lyi1i--i-lii:in;iUoi)....;-, Bienea\yii';:i-. ,'; .' Va.ri ,l>^r - Br«k.. :.,'.. IBviM-.e- Tii-niiolt , . ..;Hril.< Riilt ;-.;;■, .:';,•.^^^bBlt .. . .. ;;.|ii*in. ■WenRlr'af; , ;'...'.;i.i,i>iiPr.l:. -\V.II|.i,aiiis K-e n ii-eth; M'a t'; I loriaiil; ■j , ;'; -; .-Krwltv-.'Kal'.ser Kjl;on ■ Brecber ,l';ii.-<t-- Offle^c ,-Ke'rt;k;'. .VF.ced^'rtf'k- ,(4iif'rnian:n . r. .;-;,-.;;;,...;....■. Ariu>.';i;'i:p.y ...,.; i'.; .V.; Sve'n^ Itafco ,-'Bi)r»i: . ....; ;-.'.. i. ,.■...,.. ;NVls<in 'l-ei^ b .;. ;.■.... ;;:.-. ;;,„-;ii'r(>(l .lii-itft Pveni is*!?;..,;,;; .'■.■■I'l-t^y^n- ;Barfteli e, .-.-.";'.;.'■,;-..-.Pa:u.i- ''i'i>i.t('a|I' ■v., .■,..:.■'. . ,, ;■.';;,:;.; . .Brm'li'.elOa'ry It'aKfcMn-.inn; t>til',ner;;'. . . I.t., IfuKen'.: ■l.t. HlHiiC. ,■ ■I :'.MinhaTi(ler'' l-.t^.-.iVolari,,. '^Bvau.sti^..;'.; "U-Boat : Prisoner" is.; a marine nit-Kcr replete with stock"' Situations. osteilSilDljr, based on the exploits of Archie..' Gi'obs; a merchant seaman. Film, which is completely lacking ih- verisimilitude despite its background, i.s.dcst.ined for the.''lowel:'''half"of ..dual bill.s. -;::/'.; ::- ;,:. ':.;; '- •,,.•■':-;■- -;:,' Unfortunate angle in 'U-Boat .Prisorier"'is that-its American pro-' lagonist is depicted as a not-too- bi'ight :3iHg6istic superman who out- thinks and oiitfights an entire cordon of'Nazis. Pip is a prime; exam.fcil.e of chauvinism at it§; WOEst.; re-* vcaling the. eriemy as .a: setup- for a left: hook, followed by a right erOf.<i. Impression;: is heighteited by ;flag? Win ing cliches and :a dragged-'in'sit* iiation involving the Star-Spangled ■;;;, .■■;', (Continued on page '26) \