Variety (Nov 1944)

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FILM REVIEWS Mi'H >l«' In St. (.onto (TK( HMCOl.OK; SONGS) \itliiii- I'l'/'.rf |.- " . .M : . II •fev ill I, ,1l ■MliHl ..ll.ll> ;-.i„ ii i ill,', t! T,,,tn "iirinf.V i'.(„ f ],5 „vi;,lij i .■ iiir'Aiui.?' - r.;i.v-ijimr}; ,,. l.;n,.l,li:)H |l. . iclS.v.lV. , . ..iiuiii'lVU'H' ■ idmii. .-M.,|..i;..,'WH ; . . laVi'i-if :Sn'IIv •.;iAiiir,,« Hbt ,..111) ii; ► . ,\ml Me HI SI, Lou s !> tiicilli- MVt'l U) HIIV eNblhtlOrS pi .l.Vt'l !'< l- haps accented meal, •escapist film me. s,ne-, fire in aiiy period.-; It. holds every-, fhmg tor the film Ian.. Ii. is wholesome in story, colorful both in tiiitk^roiiivd and it.* literal. Technicolor; American as,the World"- Snifs Its tlieroe sS a; nat- ural io. ti t: hinterland: it's thai gel- ting ahead and go ng to, New York isn't eveiylhing. • As Leon. Ames plays, the head- of the Aloitzo ' elan it's a 19(Ki life-vvith-'fathei, Mary Astor. is the lindc isl.Hiding and, incidentally, quite handsome .mother as they worrv about Judy Garland and Lu- title Bremer., playing their daugh-. tors. .Henry. II: Daniels. Jr., is ..the Mlf-snft'icifnt brother, off to Prince- ton, but the Yonianlie travail of the two" older, girls -is the fundamental. Backgrounded are. Marjorie Main, capital as the maid who: almost bosses the household, and the stiU-. gallant Harry Davenport,, vvho is Grandpa. ..It's the time of the St. Louis. Fair, hence ihe.title song', and everything that makes for the happy, existence of a typical American family is skill- fully paiioramaed. v ■: ■ From Sally Benson> New Yorker, stories ' land later a book I. 'Metro's sciiplcis I.v trig' Hveeher and Fred FinkU'hofte, have i ontriv ed a tiptop screenplay. Seasonal', pastorals, from summer into, the next spring; take the Smith elan through their appealing little problems.- Juriv Garland's plaint about -The-Boy Next Door" iplayed by Tom Drake>.; the Paul Jones dance routine to the time .of "Skip to My Lou"; the Yulelide,-thematic, "Have' Yourself a-Merry Christmas"; and the already popular. "Trolley Song.'' en route to the Fairgrounds, are four socko musical highlights. They have been intelligently high- lighted and well-paced by director Vincente, MihneHr. Then there is .winsome. Margaret O'Brien as the prevaricating.and im- pressionable 'Toofie" Smith, the youngest of the brood, . .. Miss Garland achieves true stature with her deeply understanding -per r formance. vvhilo her sisterly running- mate, Lucille Bremer, a looker and a redhead out of the N. Y. .littery cho- ruses, likewise' makes .excellent im- pact with a well-balanced porfbrivv- mice. . . ' ■ .Right.down the line the casting is smooth. The . people all. seem veal, Joan Carroll, another moppet, slighl- 'ly older than Margaret. Q Brien. is likevv ise a prankster. . ..JUhe, Lockhai t makes her role believable when she saves the evening at. the Christmas ball by propei'ly 'pairing oil the love- sick Couples., turning the impyession. that .she .was a N. Y. vamp. 'Domi- nant' is Ike. warm, family spirit, whether ii's'the ipild skullduggery: to make papa 'Smith ..rwell played by tcon Ames) (line,earlier, tltati iisua!., or the climactic situation when there •is enjislernntioii at the thought of brci'knig up. tlieir St to li,i!ispkmt themselves to ..New. Ydvk. ..just because of the bigger .op- . portunily with papa s law firm • When .' it. suddenly, dawns oil ' him that St. Loins ,s\. here .li s heart also: lies, it s i» rousing finish, to a tiiorouinlv en- loyablk' uiifoldiiic of a film whose footage is rcploti with . natjia.l v, iU'm'th i-iid gootl iium.oi Abci hits, the well-staged ti.tttee l umbers and the good pat( eMboraU proiiuelional. backgi oiuuls ' and'.supe- rior color photogiapiw , g.) ,i etiit>..irf- erable distance in o.flseUing '.v«i hesses of other :elemelas'. in Hie pa- lure. *.••'': •-•.,.".'."• >. : -: .Screen adaptation «i ike nnn-icil pktv, do'ne b\ Robert. Ellis. lleKn Logan and -Frank- G.m, .olson in- t: I tides various amusing Miual.ioitv but. taken as a whole, the. Moiy rioes not have parfciular piinc.h in dialog or . oHierwise. Also, the: coiiuh y values are soniewhat .spotty:, ihougn, here and-there, including among, the slapstick stuff,., some ■ lamv goo.i laughs are registered .Silvw s- woiks hard on the eoime end and, m one clb.wnin? niiinbei . provides s t v -. oral niiniites. o! .-Uretire nature Though "Boys" on stage concerned a Teyas iancli inherited bv three dis- tant cousins, 20th-Fox - has changed tiie'locale to a broken-down planta- tion at Thomasville, .Ga As le.-ulti »ohie odd and- theatrical Dixie „ac-. cents which v-ill kilt em ui the South..have been introduced. Least authentic-sounding among cast mem; be i s is the. .affected voice of Glenn Langa-n. who. plays an Army lieuten- ant-- Cara Williams ca .secret.n\ ) rating as the next: .worst Of ( ■'<>>< with Silvers,, Who's from . the, North but wants to act the Southern gentle* man it s a matter of travesty. . Carmen Miranda, Vivian Blame and Silvers are the three cousins who fall heir to the. old .plantation, only, to learn that they'are poorer .by ; haying acquired - the debt-ladei) property. They gel aii idea, with cooperation' of a nearby. Army-camp, to make it .a home for Army wives, and raise, mohev through pulting on .shows and' otherwise to repair and maintain it. This opens the way for the various song and dance numbers.',: ; ::'' :' Perry' Como; sir.ger from the radio- nitery-theatre field, makes his debut in- the musical, He has two numbers, but figures m the action in only a very minor way. Making a. good appeal ance before., the .camera, he does :'.T Wish: We Didn.'t Have to Say Goodnight" and "In the: Middle of ■ Nowhere," both of which are quite listeiiable and .well . sold, These, among others; were written by Jim- my McHugh and Harold Adamson to supplement the small amount .of Cole Porter music from the stageplay which was utilized. '•Wouldn't It Be Nice.",originally a double for Michael O Shea and Miss Blaine, reprised later ;oh," ■ a prob- ablehit. Another that stacks up very Miniature Reviews "Meet Me In St. Louis" iSongs; Color). iM-G). Socko: ail the wav, from cast : .k> story; a cinch fiu' big grosses. : " VSomethin^ For The Ho>«" . i Musical; Color.) »30i(U, Should prove satisfactory at fh* bd "Dark Wale is" lUA), Ooeion, Tone in a nieiodrama v tucji should do OK , • "fiver Since Venus" i.Songs I iCol). Eiitertauung limited budgeler gro-n-ed , for .anybody> dual bill, ...'"• . "Muvder in the Blue Boom'' 'Song's) .U i Lightwe.gnt w I'.o- ct ri ii it: duals . "Cos Miserables" • Aztu..t Mexiefin-made veision ol \ icto) Hugos story is tup-bracket fare; strong for foreign spots, . •The Rainbow'" (ArtkinoV; Stark filmi/.ation of Russian re- sistance to Na/.is, Too gr.nn for more than indifferent b.o., from' Milchell.'s double-dealing ., tac- tics, is forthright, but never top weighty. . . Producer Benedict Bogeaus. hasn't stepped off the ■ deep, end 'in giving this one fancy.values that are mean- ingless. On .the 'Other hand. he .has gathered, togglher a -strong.: east, knowing full well that ■ they , would have lo do the job at haiid .capabl.v. in order to. give 'this film, meaning and box-office: .. .Slew Kv«»r SiiH-i* V«'Mii>* .(SONGS) ":■"'.. "";.;,' ' i , ..l,iinl,|a r,*),'* til' (iro.lm ri.i in: AlihVU' Dreii'lijisv -11(14*4 '„ .svi-HHiuhty liy IliillScir..:! nil. .McKll I . KlIMi s | m , ItHV IllllllHI 11 lli-.ll llVrlinj .■Viiii,s,IV,m,., aifiHlfi I ■ i'!', u tifpx- 11 .i.i.i,, e i Hill) Hillifli't. Cnnpi'-ii-, , l!i iij.tiiuii. 'Mine V.liHii'.: (tin,- .vleyVr; s,m,hs ' li,'h IliilPifth, l^klVr' l.t-^ .VI lr'«,v. J.!t i>okl> ii, *.s»k i >, l unit;, lilnr It JUNS. Mi. t?etni«! VV.iync ll.ii i .v I In, I iN'. ' 1V. Mud, ,,|... ,11,' ivig to American standards, the Kim is. glaringly weak. •'-;•'-:,'■':' Natasha Uzhvey, people's artist of the Ukraine, gives a powerful per* loi'inanee as the courageous partisan, , [daying '.'with - .restraint. and .simple, eloquence. Part, could have been ITamiDedi Elena Tinpkina; as the nijslress' maid, also does a capital l iob,..elosiiig the film with a stirring: plea against imniediato .slaughter, oi ' tin: Germans. Her theory is that they should be made to lace the fn- ture to realize the crinies they've committed and to face, ultimately, & people's court. ■ "■;'•', ':' ":■ AI!!y)iigJi_the camera and sounij are weak, there are several sock - scenes. Mainly they involve the fori son when latter-got too win- ' lui e mfficted on Olcna, who is foued "to. Vails barefoot ill the snow as she approaches labor, and, shortly alter, tin; birth itself, which tidies place in . a bleiik and barren barn. Another, .superb bit is done by one of Maliu- chikha's kids as he and his brothers anri sisters are. threatened by a Ger- mi! n soldier.. The terror which shines through the kid's eyes is so ; realistic it seems: to. be proof, that lie's been .through a si mi'.fei v 'experi- ence in;veal life, •.'•••.•>• ,'.:...•*'.'. Other performances, in the,' main, are good, especially in the lesser, un- billed roles portraying typical vil- lage peasants. Natalia Alisova, as the .mistress; G. Klering. as the com- mand'ant. and Nokolai Brafersky. iis the quisling, are all slock. Miss Alisova. is. a Stalin prize winner,; but' in this picture gives a heavy and completely unsubtle performance... FjIm has some;exploitation angles, ; primarily its production under war fonditiotis:. Its prominent. Russian east and its stark realism. Full ad- vantage will have to be. taken of them to get the business in. A'!err. ... tinglv involved romantically with Bill MaeWilliams, son- of lj«r l#H father,by previous marriage, known oi11y to Andrew Toonibes, the laniily medico It's alter this the spook hunt, begins, with Betty Kean ami iiiterv pals furiushuig nio>l or the laii'giis and a couple of vocals to space proceedings. . . MaeWilliams elects to sleep in the murder room ilii'd, ofcoiuse. it polished off, There> a spook, supposedly: the .spirit of the dccea.scd, walking, about on occasion. Donald Cook, writer of mystery viii ns; also' etects to. sleep nv the murder room and tracks. down the lainilv'-"medico as perpetrator of the double homicide, lie had beeii black- mailing the elder .v ictiln and polished off-: the mis. . . •".•■ ■'■ ... - . ..- , Stow is thin ana iaughs.aiid siiua- lions too widely spaced to amount On sock comedy score. .Direction and cast do we'd by the thin story. Cameia work is up to par, £<(6<i. >liwi>r«bl«'N ("Les Miserables") I MEXICAN-MADE) ; r ':.' : sm.iKi.s |.,>i,':i^e, Iitsr*,"e HilK jiuniiVilun .si ns IVlUlllKIl MllM >)M'.Mt~'.I.W.VM Silv:, .Vlaiti.lHIl, .Sfivii.l, ..Ail.l(|.f. >, Im: I HlHi I Jtiilil.lll I>lll'i Icl iij' - l'l ni,,ll,:,i lllilld s.,.|,imil.,, „, HnllKil 1 lsl<, i, JCi • iiiD'ii tvi-ts*. I'ein i lulu. v. H .no, li.iin navel lis Vimi, II»k» >'iinfi,i lliiss l i.sli.i .-AI h. iiiinui.. s. \ hi inn im :k. Itumiliifcilinip; ill* AU>H '.IV. li V.i'j-iui Wile: .:,l>iiiniHlli;ii S,,l,.| ..Idiniiliui Sp,\ >. .,. , VlijIlt'K S,,l*-i .'.......'.i-Kiiuiiii Cii.iii i,.'i>'.>. Ian.. ...:. ..... .*..■ .I'l.i V.I.! sin, ..Vim *..U;. ( .''"i:i'- no Ki-olis/i Titles) Ever Since Venus" is an enter- favorably .is "80: Miles from Altanta.'^aining low-budgeter tltaffwill serve featured bV .the attractive Mi^ Blaine as part of a production nunv ber. Two others, exceptionally well done by Miss '-Miranda', are ."Boom Brachee" .and "Samba Boogie,"-ad- ditional worthy contributions:by Mc- Hugh and Adamson, They; are also given production background.: The dances are effective; staged by Nick Castle O'Shea. playing an Army sergeant and giving a good account of himself is paired romantically with Miss Blaine, Miss Miranda, aside from her songs, .ably assists' Silvers and others in a comedy way; Others' in the cast; but not in .much of the foot- age, include Sheila- Ryan.' Roger Clark. Thurston Hall. Clarence Kolb Paul Hurst and Andrew Tom bos, "All acquit themselves acceptably. , . :■-•"' ... 1 :■..'..•' ' '.V' ■ Char. liny mitton. :'.. (U'hiiliteV.j. ft > VVrMiiu.... r.< .■.'..',. .11. .llC.ll II, .s.'i r I., ri rim Hiil,.' i.l|..,v Millr VV..|,sl..v li VI in.) llii, |.., i l-Msitr IV.tii.'.l' U ,'UHo -','...' hn-piu'c ;v::.. -in ,..Uill.V llillMll ili-l;l.l!l I",, I I t il , . II.ihs 11 inil^i' .1 in n VI,,., I., i,y :'|,>ri*'. Cat.'soil .,: t'liiz i-'.:irt Duillfv ).l. : l«'l'Miii •I'll, •I'll. .Kivfyl,.; ;■ ,.'i.. Hindu AliiiiUs....... Kp.'.lihiM.:..'........ ;. if Ii. Spfliiish: ; This Mexican vorsipn of Victor ; Hugo's •■ Les Misera'.iles" is surpring- • ly strong,, possessing, more than the ! usual aiiiount of actioii and .dramatics for ,a .Spanish-language prpdnclion.. It stacks up as buff b.o. for, [or.eign- iongue houses and plenty of dineriv... for.its distributors in the world mar- ket. Film's boxbftice chances in U.S. 1 . " - • " ■;;','-'• ';,':". '.''.'. "•'•'.,.* , market depend largely on whether, it ; sponsored; by any of the agency s is giveii English, titles before set uri' ai coimts. Ad agency involved is general distribution. >niee it nO' has 1 Charles ,M. Storm Co.. with ; Ray no superimposed titles, 3 Nelson, outftfs radio, head, handling Long lamiiiar story of Jean Yal- hl , in e tele production .'lean's struggle to evade the relontU" ■ Precedent Set Continued from |WBe I ;.U: as strong support:,on dual bills . Obviously the members of- the casf, from featured players to extra's-had a good time making- this him. and that clieermess percolates to the audience^ Ina Ray Huttbn, Ann Sav- age and Glencia Farrell-divide the feminine. Chores, and do a good job, but the-buffoonery of Hugh. Herbert, in the role of. an eccentric factory ownei, and Billy Gilbert, as a song- w;i'iting member of a. trio of "lipstick, manufacturers who have trouble get- ting started, is especially commend- able., The latter duo carry the film in topflight fashion, 'i- ' Yarn, has to do with the trials and tribulations faced by three men who concocted a new lipstick .iormula, but are' unable to merchandise the I article. How. they, gain production . facilities, with the aid of funds gar- . ilere.d by Billy Gilbert., who-wins' a ': prize ! lor writing a song, proves to be fairly inieresting.'. . To Arthur Dreifuss, who directed and also wrote ihe oi'&inai~SCT6en* play, teamed with McElbert Moore; goes a bow for turning but a winner on lihiiterl funds. Songs, played by Iha Ray Huttoii and her band aiid shng by the Misses Savage, Farvell, el al., are above par. i'teii. Murder In The 111 mm Itwom - (SONGS) v.". I-'l-lPl! sy' Itf./' Frjl li,k'. (1: I'. n.ll I' 's- .; ,U..|> ....Mill Vki»';t With Merle Oberon:. Fi anchol Tone, j i; a ii d. T.hoiiias '.Mitchell for the: mai'-.; '<'," . quee, •.■Dark: Waters." a' melodrama J", . '• ... | that has its spine-chilling ■ moments , * w»i....>I.:.... alii- n„, ll»y<i should laie above aveiage at the . r, StMIM'llllM^ I or (III' ll«>« i boxoliice in ail'situaliohs. - - . V- "::- '!'.' tMl SIt VI-: COI OIM : j A strong east that handles itself !' i.,,,i, ; .i',,,,,u,,:.,,i ; ',,\..r,'i,' i ,.s,; ,,f J'.,f'ls.>'V'i,V' .;..'superbly . throughout, aided by the 7,..(.|.,n, Sl,'i-I^ I.u.t'liM'ri ...\lli.a), .11l, )ilif.|. ; . :,l,i )'„.,li, AM l.'r,.|«s,..|., I'...lly Is ••• I>,| In I!, she .1 'I.;. A:. Vl. Ilisililon.l, iSliililiy. Kin Miii'.v l,t -Ri n il .1.-1.. (:,.*..! , ,li.t„. ■ .\l:i>n:iV<lr , iil)ii>l.'n, '.;i,,llii . n; ili«'...".\".-' V... «sik .if ), it, lllll.. I...I1- .•l,-'stilll« • y. *, lii- inliiy-hy k: ri'.mi ,Cfui'J.'frs' ;i''.ift.,ii. ' .sA'r M, IllliiiuitK, Javert, French police; iiispecldi done with marked skill by a capable cast' headed by Dqniihg'o-Soler ' as ValjeaiY. Direction of' Fernaiido''Ri- vero. who emerges as one of Me.v.ii o's top directors as,a result of this, goes far towards :making the produelion jell. Story of this cpitflict between two men and the .-clash of rev dl.utiou- a-ries with the gendaimes.and Pal is soldiers is given adequate produc- tion-' and sufficient clarity ' by pro- ducer Jose Luis Galdei'on. in fact, his' handling of. '.niass scenes, new I rick Shots and brighi: closelips marks an advance tor Mexico Him produc- tion. While thing represents a bun- dle of cash, •'., ... ' . Main complaint is inability of the studio staff to get away from the usual tedious opening..sequences. But. this can be overlooked- in view of the spread of action, in subsequent: reels. Even the chase through the Paris sewers is done with Utmost fidelity as to detail. Domingo Soler is'brilliant as the. stalwart Jean Valjeah. the man. who attempted to live.down his past, de- spite a tendency, lo substitute deep sighing lor acting in earlier passages Manolia Saval. as his daughter. Co- sette, not only is one of the most at- tractive fe.mm6.s from the Mexico studios', but okay as a light actress Antonio Bravo makes- his 'Javert deep-dyed villain, but an eflee'ive one. . David Silva,, is.:.the .courageous Baron Marliis. who..joins, the revelu- tionai'ies and nearly loses his life. Margarita Cortes, a's.'t'he other .girl, is strong in a lesser role:. Andrc- Soler is an undei world crook, and Emma Rolclan his wife, and partner in ,cume. She s okay, but he ft'ifs to make too much of a.lesser character. . The screenplay by Roberto Tasker. Fernando Riyero and Ramon Perez is Wluie ' Something-(o)' the Boys ' bi'sii! uuon (lie Bi'oaclvv.iv hit of (he Si-"ie iiiune. la:1s to reach (he sfBliire f/ outstanding musical cnterfain- miiil, tl is sufficiently div ( l nig and iimeful. In -warrii'nl '-iubre Cliifn mod- < i.'ic micccss at Hie boxolfict- Se\- ■ i r«] nf ric,'w soiigs which - look .• like is'i cspon.sitalc for Whatever'e.iHert&irt-; meiit yaiue' this picture mi^ht have Obv ioiislv, the him scr out to-be-, a -tuciy in Chaiactei v.jSlni's:'ncd (o make (i:e siory i-el: scconoarv to; the 'characters porii,,y5d. I has aiving it a. lift ovit of the ordmarv. But somewhere, along the line tins idea •a as sidetiackecl, ana the him • intls up in the usual' (ienouemenl of the gal getting her man.ti.ji.d the disiartl getting his nisi deserts. . Meile Oberon gives one of the ocst porti.iyals ol hcr carcei in the. role of a-young heiress beset by psycho-, logical neuroses due to Ihe losS of her parents when a ship, on' whic h fhtvv were ieliiruing iroin Balavi<, to America is sunk: she : being , one ol jour siirvivor.s, Tliomas Mrtchell the. coiimver . intent on • xlrivin .heiress into an asylum and her'" riches toss away lillh'Mi. •■■ii'....' ... AiiM... rr.vyiHi..' ..", . Kuniitd' i'....U. ,:::.'. ( .f,illil' l.ilcl' .111';...,. ,VI.'1).,|l.'ilil ;..v.'h.'ily . K.'.ili< ;, ...iiiii.c i'1-.-iss..Y . .'. lU-ki.s' 'I'.K'liVe'y ,.. - -S, ll',i W ill,,,, . A-llilj'.-.v- 'I'ni.llilir.s ...'. .n,,i vv„ii,. ", . Kiiinii'ir -Vcsh'ii lllll Vl.u-V\ til,.ins •. ..Vritn'k'-.xhulohV.. Daily News and WNEW'. have .» standing news lietip, . but this has been extended by the tab m allow lis,returns to be fed additionally to WABD Trade regards. the-,ti'»ns«c- lions. as execeptional in view of the highlv competitive ,dailyneleyision angle In order, (o speed operations,- a. large staff of runneis has been hired to lope, from the daily to WNEW. and WABD, tlvs a ignient- ing special phone imes./instailed be- tween - WNEW and the News, Ele- vatois in the three office, building* . involved are also being, set ..sside to. accommodate the. runnels only, ' Television features Nelson is plan- ning for Election Niglit include' an- alysis by Cesar Searchinger. WN EW sfaff analyst: a panel of»politicps represenling .the major parties, who'll ■ be quizzed by Searchingei as vary- ing returns come in; recording* ol speeches made by past ;piesidfnts and vocalists . to warole campaign song's. Video transmission. .-will-Mart' at 8:lfi and run indefinitely. In ad- diuon WABD and WNEW wilUwap announcers and commentators, .two stations being near . each . ovhtr, WNEW at Madison and 52nd St. and WABD at Madison and 53rd St Nelson and the; Storm agency ar« handling the production because ol expeiimental interest (n election coverage by television for the fulure. killful.. Camera topflight by Ross Fisher iV.i "'. Wear. Tlir llaiiilMtw •llitS; Comedv treatment, of this who— dun t yarn,', pltis Mings •ithd- capable cast, with scy«)al names foi the marquee, won t lilt il beyond run-, of-miM dualcrs, , Yarn has John Liicl (heat.e mag- nate niarricd to Neila . Walker,,, his cu.ti. sen pal s iv itlow, reopen tire .house in iv inch her loi iier .spouse v\«is mlirdcred. After acquiescing. there's 1 a reception, and. when a v» iiaCky di ivcr of gnosis 10 die pavty icts. out that the place' is. hatinled. he uilrigiies (hem to. iiivostigaie Anno Guynnc, daughter; of the de- <'e;:.sod. who had a previous fling as a iiiterv chirpcr, invites her, (ormer pals. Belly Koan. June Preisser Sinatra's 50% ^ mmm lonl i it ii e d from |la|!c I SSB&I the same as the $7,500 he drew for his. first two weeks!, which, vrilh his salary; gave him a (otai.vof $12,000 weekly for his run. He il spend ihe week between. now. and election stumping and making radio talks m behalf of : FDR. During the' Waldorf run., which is for three weeks. Vhe singer will play, "concert' dates, on his Sundays , off. No bookings have been set yet. , The Lost, and Found Dept. of ihe Paramount was taxed to capacity during his engagement A. record number of items lassorted to an es- pecial degreel-was- handled by it. Iii. addition to handbags, .hats, um- brellas and other things, L, «V F. got several pair of the bedi'.oom-.type of .shoe's worn by the bobby dockers vv ho,, apparently in their hurry 1o get to seats, stepped out of them and eoudn't wait lo pick the shoes lip. '"• ■..'.'''■;.:'" . "« ■:.;/ ':'"';'- On Saturday 121. K when President Roosevelt rode through Times lour, some of md has some poor lines lo.,-GraCe McDonald, to come out .,nd befoi'.e coming through ' entertain Willi a view of impressing: w-it'll a..-: meiity,"performance.-.:' Fran- jter stepdad to.contract them lor his clidt Tone s portrayal of a payon .hcrtso, chiiin, . coundy doctor who talis for iAfct ' ,' Usii;:l rolnanlic angle,ooesn t conic Oberon and, in the end, '.s«v«*• her oft because. Miss. Gwynne is uuu it- ^ Produced ' uiicior wartime. ' condi- lions in Russia. 'iTiie Rainbow',' is a gi im' rilmizaVioir of. the brutality of tiio Nazis, and the., courage of the Russian peasants in resisting them, no, 'natter what. Its. mediocre; pro- duction, values, however. ■ couplen ' fc\ m are"on his N, V with its lack of.marquee dravv,: spell - •' 1 ;ndiffcrciit:boxofTice for the 0, S. Story, centers niaiiily about Oleiia. who. leaves j. partisan group turn, to her haiiv.e: village to. have her child," Seized by the Germans, upon her return, she is mercilessly tort urod, even on .the .eve of delivery' the Sinatra fans spied The Voice looking out of the vvmdow of a 13th 'floor office in, the Paramount build- ing. They rushed for the ..building, . entrance lo the general .offices of Paramount and other companies, ami , when refused admittance into the ami ultimately shq .and the child m ; ( | Cvalo i. started making (heir .way killed. Lesser story 'angels involve, ,„, ,., „,„,,,,. ,.„,. e « nSl n' v a »|iiisling. mayor, and the traitoroii»-*» ' ;" ' , gn ,"„ , y Ri.ssian mistress ofthe Gevm^n Cm- i •<'<'" "« t ,le U'.li iand:.ig, «ou- immdant, In its trausitjo.ns, acioni-. -tytr.■ - ,