Variety (Dec 1944)

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Wednesday, December 18, 1944 VAUDEVILLE 41 Mpls. Nitery Held Liable For Patron's Shooting Of Soldier; Must Pay 50G Minneapolis, Dec. 12. A district, court jury here has . awarded Army Sgt. Harold Bar- tholomew $50,000 damages againisl ■ tJie Happy Hour, local niKhtchib,: in luit lie brought the estab- lishment after being shot in the head during a brawl in its wash- room. It was the full amount a.'<kccl by the .soldier and the l;u-.!,'est vcr-; • diet ever returned in a Hennepin county district, court civil action. Bartholomew was .shot by, Larry Dugan, gunman gangster, hiter exe- cuted in Texas for a killing ihcie, and he alleged that the Happy Hour was re.spoiisible it served ■ Dug£n liquor until latter became intoxicated, quurrel.^omeand vicious. The nifihlclub's was that Dugan was .sober and that an argu-. ment ehsueci between tlie two men when the gangster, a casual-patron, made a derogatory remark (to Bar: tholomow. As a re.sult of the wound: Bar- tholomew claihis one , side of his head is poi'nianently paia|yzcd. his right eyelid twitches, he is deaf in the right cai- and oiily can open his niouth one-third the normal dis- tance. ■ . The nitery'.s attorneys, announced they'd file a motion for a jiew trial and if that's denied they'll appeal to the state supreme court on the grourfds the trial judge failed to bring in the element of contributory negligence in hi? charge to the jury. FRIARS FROLIC SUNDAY AS COHAN MEMORIAL Annual Friars Frolic, this one as a mehiorial to George M. Cohan, Abbot from 1912-30 excapt for two years, will be held thi.? Sunday night (17) at the Imperial theatre, N. Y. Mike Todd is the current Abbot. Milton Berle will emcee. Icecapades/ Ice Follies' Contracted by AGVA "leecapades" and . "Ice Follieis," whose contracts with American Guild of Variety Artists had matured some weeks ago but. were given green light to continue' operations pending new pact, were inked last week. Matt Shelvey, national administra- tor of AGVA, hopped io Montreal over the weekend for signing of the "leecapades" pact, wliile Dave Fox, director of N. Y. local, set "Ice Fol- lies" in New Haven. New contracts for both run for two years as of Dec. 7. Youngman Airer to Chi During Theatre Date Ilenny "Youngmaii, comedian, goes into the Chicago, Chicaso, Jan. 12, for two we^ks with an option for a tliird.' Necessitates moving of his radio show for Raleigh to the Windy City for length of run there. . momce KLiiG chip! TOY BREAKER OP RECORDS EVERYWHERE! -i - s'?'<^™~?f-Wfffit--. ^ Lovely OlilnM* Stor of Alamer Daneci Which Aftract llgqtr and ■•>t«r A«idl«ne«i "Noel Toy has broken all attendance and gross records since Club Savoy opened Its doors!" ' (Signed) Eddie Fox, Owner. NOW SETTING RECORD FOR CROSSES AT SAN PRANCISCb'S SOPHISTICATED CLUB SAVOY Perianal MoMgMienr: HCRSHIY MARTIN. Locw't Worficld BIdg., S. F., THE HOT SOPHfSTfC>(rE TIMMIE ROGERS 0iicm1"O Iff. 1*itlrtrp, ('Icveliind {Return Knicnv^'nient) TJiiinhii lo lllll llowunl From Vtrlely. Nov. 32 '"^jumlA tloRor.f li Iiitracd and Irimi tlio ntliiiite he fomtf tut utitjl ))« dlwtnjKiArs Into tlt« wIiibi. ht Ut-r. tlie liepi'«is wlUi hlu til'the »«y, ami llicj (ova It," MmmM by SID KUUIR M«t.i WM. HoarBifl aarncy Joe Laurie, Jr. Remtnlicei In Hit Uiual Sag* and IntercMing Manner In a Special Piece for 39lh Aniiiversnry Issue 4th Negro Unit Set For Overseas Tour by USO; Snub Moseley Troupe ■With Snub Mo.scley's orchestra, .<;evon-piece singing and playing coinbo. set to go overseas shortly as Negro band to do so, USO-Camp .Sliows will have four sepia units abroad. Others arc the Alberta Hunter variety unit of six. now in India; Chauncey Lee variety unit of si.N, now in North Africa, and the ','Por,Hy and Bess'' legit troupe of 17, now en route to the South Pacific. On domestic circuits. Camp Shows has three Negro 'Victory unii.s, head- ed respectively by Glenn and .len- kin.s Spider Bruce, and Geoigo Wil- liahis, with 12 to 20 people in each unit, two of the units having a cho- rus line of six girls each. There are also seven lab troupes of five.per- sons each on the Blue circuil, with two more set to go by Jan. 1.5. Also on Jan. 15 Camp Shows will send its Negro unit oiit on the [ hospital circuit, unit lo include -Mil- ler and Lee, John B. Gardiner. \ Felaque Sanders, and others. Pay Gripe By Earl Carroll Chorines Submitted to N. Y. AGVA Office DelroiC Dec. 12. . The problem on an upward ad- justment on chorus girl contracts in Earl Carroll's "Vanities" has been referred to the New Ifork office f .\merican Guild of Variety .Artist.s after the .20 members of Ihe line threatened a walkout during the show's appearance at the Downtown theatre here. It is understood that siniilar trouble had Ihreatciiod in Chicago, where Jack Irving, .^GVA representative there, held a meet- ing with the chorines but*made ho adjustment in the. case. Willi the girls lliroalening to- clo.s'c the, show liere. Billy Griibbs, na- tional ropreseiilalive of AG'VA, re- lerred tiie , girl's complaints to tlie N. Y, oflice for a full check of th.e contract and llie possibility of ob- taining an increase in pay. An early reply . was sought since Ihe chorines, after last week's stall, are threatening to walk iuil on tlic pres- cnl contract which, tlicy claiiiv. puts them-farther in debt OiU'h v.-c-ek. The girls' beef is th:u they arc; rp- ceiviiig $40 a week vuider live con- Iracl, plus $10 on the road, and it is below the $60 miivimum i-ccognizcd aN ''necessary" .tinder; today's high- living costs. Choru.s says (Is mem- bers are perpetually . broke: "and luingry." .Shelvey Sustains Cari'ull Malt Shelvey, national admini.stra- tqr of AGVA, staled yesterday ("Tuesday) that' summary action" would be taken against the choristers if they walked out on their coMlracts> with Carroll. He added that they had signed with Carroll in Lo» .\ngeles at salaries of S40 weekly on location and $50 weekly when on tour. "Since Carroll is paying that ligurc," he said, ''AGVA cannot do anything about the $60 weekly scale they'd like to have unle.-:s Carroll would voluntarily make the tilt. As far as contracts stand he's paying the Scale," INKSPOTS' INTRAMURAL TRIAL GOES TODAY (13) Lc.i;al iiciions by Ivory •Ookc) Walsoii and Charles Fucjua; fnrnii'r mciiibcrs oi' the Inkspols, and an- other by e.\-manager M09 Gate, ;i(<ainsl Bill.v Kenny, go to trail lo- • day I Wednesday) before .Iiistice , C'.;rrull (•. Wallci' in N. Y. supreme' ] coiii l, Wal.son :in(l Fuq»i;) ;isk : S'i.'jO.OOi) (hiiiiages and seek- to bo de- clared pijrtiiers with Kenny in the 1 IiiUspols act. They also want tn eii- i join Ki .'iivv from represent!iig him- ;] :-elr as the .Solo owiier of the act. C;ile's suit )-•; similar, • Kenny himself., how, working with three new members a.s the Ink: pots ! (luarlet, has a suit ai;aii'St ^lale seeking an accounting of the earn- ings oi the group since its incoplion. All lliree suits go to bat at the .^aM)e time. Trials had been delayed since Dec. 4 because of a lack of a presifl- ing justice. NAT'L AGVA REOPENS CASE ON AGENT'S FINE Joe Bardo, Philly agent, who was fined $300 by the Philadelphia local of American Guild,of Variety Artists for "conduct unbecoming a fran- chi.sed agent," has asked the national office of,AGVA for a rehearing upon grounds he was unjustly penalized. Onse will -be reopened and hearing win be held In N. Y. headquarters of talent union lattei" part of the week. Fine was leveled againsi Bardo after agent. allegedly tipped off a performer, Tomniy Keyes, that-there was an opening for him in the Gorr don Kibbler unit, '"Cover Girl."- Keyes inquired about Kibbler's standing! at the Philly office of AGVA, and after being apprised thai Kibbler had been declared imfair through reputed failure to pay off an old salary claim, he was inter- rogated further . and signed .state- ment that Bardo had told'him about the job. Agent denied it at subse- quent hearing but the Philly local found him guilty and assessed the $300 line, later approved by the na- tional office of AGVA. j Bardo now claims that Keyes ,de- • nies he had been offered employ- I ineiit with Kibbler but had been 1 pres.sured into signing such a slate-" ment. AGVA has summoned boili I Bardo and Keyes to attend hearing I in N. Y. ■ i LAURETTE and CLYMAS Pantomime Satirists of the Dance lltgliinlng: Of. 11 A lid urn KiiKiiKcmi'iit nVltliln B U'rekH) TKKBACE KOO.M , Bolvl .Mnyllnwcr, Akrnii, Olilo i'lmnhii to' I.o>iIn JniiiMi Hnillli, Mgr. Wayne and merlin ftOXriHEfflE New York ^tUi clo4e^ct at N<:w York .Jl iMILDRGD BillLEY illRSHOW Vr^menlinq iitii»iniitlinq Talvnt in FJrlilay, 1 l:.'IO-1 tl |».m., Personal Mtuiageinenl. CHAUNCEY OLMAN