Variety (Dec 1944)

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Wednesday, December 20, 19i4 RADIO 8S * ' From the Production Centres ; ;4» M »♦♦♦♦♦♦««♦♦♦♦♦«♦ ♦♦ ; IJV mW YORK CITY . . . Fiank Stanton, CBS veepee, returned yesterday (Tiies.) from Dayton after attending the funeral of his father, Frank Cooper Stanton, 66, re- tired director of jndusliial arts for the Dayton public school system Dick Gilbert, WHN record stanza m.c. Ukcs two-week hiatus from his pi'Ogram beginning Saturday <23) to make an Army camp tour. Will teach soldiers how to become disc-jockeys. Jock Hourke, producer of the Horace Heidt Blue network Monday niglit- er for Hires bowed in as a songwriter this week (18) when the Musical Knights introed his initial effort, "A Rolling Stone Gathers No Love."- Addy Richton, back from visiting mother in London, Ontario, during lalter's operation, has resumed collaboration with Lynn Stone on "This Life Is Mine";.. :Mrs. George Fielding Eliot (June Hyde) Ls N.Y. chairman this year for Pcabody A*ards Arthur L. Bright, of KFPY, Spokane, made his N.Y. friends bright again with these super-whopper apples from his backyard Harry Hoff and Albert Barker are offering a radio serial verjiion of Bellamans "Kings Row' novel Elizabeth Leonard, one of the sees in CBS program divi.sion, leaving to join family in Washington Harry Rauch, of the Y&R radio press dept., has bowed out as N.Y. cor- respondent of St. Louis Star-Times, pre.s.sure of agency duties cueing the exit Sgt. Ezra Stone's book, "Ctiming Major," being dramatized for presentation on WNEW as part of station s "Show Biz At Wat" series Appleton is publishing ihc Avery Hopwood prize-winning novel, "34 Charl- ton,"'written by Rcna Kuhn, daughter of NBC's Irene Kuhn. Leonard Scherer, radio actor, is a chiropodist. Used to practice upstate before turning Ihcsp Bob King, p.a. for Doherty, Clifford 4c Shenfleld, teaches Sunday school in Westchester..'. .Cal Tinncy, former radio oracle, flew in from India last wk. He's a pvt Danny Kaye showed off that new Hollywood head of yaller hair last week at a CBS cocktail thing. Commander Ed Schieberling, of the American Legion, saluting Eddie Cantor and Bristol-Myers on "Time to Smile" show tonight (Wed.) for that campaign channeling Xmas packages to GI convalescents... .Nick Keesely, CBS, planed to Boston Friday (15) for several days..;.Mary Dwyer shifts from' Pedlar & Ryan to Kenyon Si Eckh'ardt as traffic man- ager in the radio department... .Radio Execulives Club tos.sing a party today ■ (Wed.I at the Roosevelt, benefit proceeds going to hospitalized GI fund. Dick Sanville, CBS director, is going to be a' busy boy during Xmas week. He'll do the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday shows for "School of the Air,"in addition to his own regular programs, "Wilderness Road'' (daily) and "Matinee Theatre" (Sunday). All of these require casting, rehearsing, broadcasting and sometimes repeating. Rosemary Roth, WABC woman's program .scripter, has re-signed to devote full time to freelance writing assignments. Her WABC stints included scripts for Margaret Arlen and Adelaide Hawley Staats Cotsworth signed by Tony Leader, director, as permanent narrator on Parker Watch NBC show, '"These Are Our Men." Rocco Fadulo quit the CBS photog staff last week to go with the Chicago Herald-Examiner of which Louis Ruppel is exec editor. Padulo came east from the Chi Times when Riippel was CBS press head... .Jean Baer scram- ming the MBS flackery to do .similar work with Air Featutes... .Tenor Jimmy Carroll, who pinch-hit for James Melton when latter had laryn- gitis, 'gets another break, subbing for Morton Downey, Coca-Cola show next week....Sylvan Taplinger, formerly with CBS and Kate Smith, out of the Army Qwnt Reynolds in from the tomorrow (Thur.s.) and starts his mcship on "Radio Reader's Digest" New Year's eve... .Tidewater Oil has bought WCOP, Boston, and WIBG, Philadelphia, for a tri-city chain on Madison Sq. Garden collegiate basketball games. N.Y. outlet is WINS, with out-of-town pickup.s to go on when the Garden has other attractions ....Casting: LouLse Lorrimer for "Amanda of Honeymoon Hill"; Mary Rolfe for "David, Harum"; Anita Phillips, "Helen .Trent" Stuart Mctz, with the Navy for a year as civilian employee, back to radio this week on "Lorenzo Jones" and "Widder Brown." IN CHICAGO . . . Jimmy Durante, whose life story will be proAled on WGN's "Freedom of Opportimity," was Chicagoing last week....Roy McLaughlin, new man- ager of WENR. will continue to .serve as spot sales manager of Blue's Central Division and sales 'manager of WENR... .Stanton Kramer, of WGN's publicity and special events staff, leaves Dec. 30 to join Chicago publicity office of Warner Bros ...New WJJD "Chicago Speaks" Forum, began Saturday il6). Series with round table setup will deal with "topics of civic or public, information and interest"... .The first of two successive guest appearances by Eugene Goosscns, conductor and compo.ser, with the Cleveland orch was heard Sunday (17) over WGN. "Carton of Cheers" big thrpe. Hcfnny Youngman. Eddy Howard and Carol Bruce, are all booked for Chi nitc club or theatre appearances dur- ing the radio show'.*! four broadcasts from here....Alex Drier and Clifton Utley, NBC commentator*, were initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, profes- sional fraternity, Dec. 15....The 15th edition of the WLS "Family Album" is fresh off the presses... .The Blu6's "Breakfast Club" will originate in part from the home of Don McNeill, m.c, on Christmas Day ludlth Waller, public service director of NBC's central divi.sion, conferred last week with officials of U. of Texas regarding establi.shing radio courses. .. .Quentin E. Morrill, former sales manager of, Gcn'l Out- door Adv., joins KCMO as .sales manager. The Kay Ashton-Stevens show left .the air Sunday (17) after eight weeks ... .Bernard Roche, formerly with WCBS, Springfield, has joined the WJJD sales staff... .Jo Wetzler, commentator, conducts new 15-minute women's program over WLS....Sgt. Glenn Ransom, former WGN staff producer, spending his Xmas furlough gabbing with former cronies... .Ray Hutchi- son, former NBC press writer, has joined Nebleit Radio Productions to set up press dept. IIS HOLLYWOOD . . . Mel Williamson turned back the Harold Lloyd show to- Jim Andrews and betook himself from the shelter of Lennen & Mitchell. Thomas Con- rad Sawyer, who flips the cues on "Which Is Which?", the other L & M Old . Colder, doubles in glass imtil flrst of the year when,Lloyd' is taken east for three or four shows with stage people. While on yonder seaboard Andrews presides at the controls... .Lionel Slander will be a regular with Danny Kaye on the new Pabst show, which can't air in Utah or Oregon of a state law prohibiting air commercials on the amber stuff Hugh Daniel handling the' Frank Sinatra Luckies cutins and exploitation for David Sclznick pictures as part of his duties at Foote, Cone St Belding ....Stu Daw.son being shifted here from Chicago by Young & Rubicam to produce Art Linkletter's "GE Hoiuse Party" for Young & Rubicam Charles Boycr will help Burns and Allen raise the° curtain on their new Monday night time Jan. l....Sid Strotz put the skids under rumors that he's going cast for a top executive berth with NBC. Carlton "Andy'' ALsop brightening up the local scene with his pictur- esque chatter while setting the scene for the new Judy Canova show for Palmolive-Halo shampoo. He'll have his old writers back, Fred Fox and Henry Hoople... .Bing Crosby will help the Andrews Sisters launch their Nash-Kelvinator program as a gesture to his recording pals Rick Vol- laerts, head writer for Frank Sinatra, moves over to the Chase Si Sanborn show to calk the void created by departure of Vic McLeod for the Bob Burns session. Old Blues Get Brush as Web Adds New Ones Blue has accomplished what som* regard as an important fen.ce-mend> ing feat in improving its coverage by adding six new stations, effcctiv* next June. Three of the stations, as reported in last week's "Variety," ar« owned by the Cowles Brothers and one by George Storer. Three are now CBS affiliates and Iwa, Mutual. Cowlcs outlets are WNAX. Yank- ton, N. D. I CBS): KRNT. Des Moines. la., (CBS) and WCOP, Bos- ton, unaffiliated. Slorer's outlet is WFTL, Miami, now with MBS. Storer's other stations, WRVA, Rich- mond, Va., and WAGA, Atlanta, both are now Blue affiliates. Other .sta- tions picked up by the Blue arc WPDQ, Jack.sonville, Fla., now MBS and WLAW, Lawrence, Mas.s.. now CBS. However, the question has also been raised whether the Blue, at a time when long-range vision and establishment of goodwill are re- garded~asi essential in view of the conviction that wholesale changes loom on the four-network postwar horizon, isn't courting ill favor in some quarters. For one thing, the question has been raised: What about Col. Frank Katzentine and. the arbitrary'kicking off i of his WKAT in Miami? Critics contend that Katzentine was one of the boys who helped develop the Blue, played an important role in the sales dept Similarly, it's being asked, can the Blue afford to give Ralph G. Mathe- son the go-by up in Boston and, if the Cowles get their station in Min- neapolis, what about WCTN and Joseph Bidder? These are men, it's pointed out, who play a dominant role in radio. Nevertheless it's con- ceded that the Blue is exercislnf soundness in developing its station structure. advertisers! agencies!, radio station owners! iggh' television licensees and applicants! writers, producers, performers! A.i'e you determined to lead your field in Television's 'Tour Dimensional" selling and entertainment? Then it is none too early for you ... Advertisers aai ageicies to... Assay the visual values of your radio program properties and **screcn test** your product for demonstration commercials. Evaluate your Television program idea. TelevisiM statiei plaaners to... Help develop material for programming—and pre-empt local rights to syndicate features on a share-the-cost basis. o There is'iniich lo be learned about Television. Ten years ago we slartcd thinking about the manifold problems of produc iBf effective Television at • moderate cost. Today we believ« wc have some of the answers. And we have assembled « staff and set up, facilities to develop tlic others. We propose to do Ihis in collaboration with, those who believe, as we do, ihtt Television on film will be ■ necessary and prolific source of material; to develop the short-cut techniques which arc essential if "livc-talenl" Television costs are to be held with- in reason. " Our staff combines experience in advertising, public rela- tions and show business; creative, sales and executive posts with major advertising •gendes and'media — radio, outdoor, publications; service with major iheaire units, Hollywood film studios and commercial film production. Our oilenlatlM in these fields miikes for « quick grasp of your •bjectivw and ■ sure>footed execution of assignmcnlt. #ur (acllities include Television's fint laboratory for ff- itvn experimentation. In mld-Manhatlan. it is now beiag equipped to serve you. Write or telephone, staling your spa- cific interest — or invite us lo call. Cine-Television Studios , Production Supervisors in the Visual-Action Media (Distribution via The Motion Picture Networks) 100 E. 42nd STREET • NEW YORK 17, N, Y. • MUrray HUl 5 2874