Variety (Dec 1944)

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Aussie News Show Will Be Sponsor Bait Through NovelTieup With WNEWj A ratlici iirccctiom will bo .sot: sliorlly wlicii i\n>li'i;ili;iii l)i-(i:ul-| c.islini. Ciiiiin'ii.ssioii iABC|i [■irduiiini; biTuinos avail-ibie fov s|U>iisoi>li.|) iii; llK- U. S. ABC il^olf, a^ ill llU' c.isc : of Ihc BBC", has iiu riirii'iicii.i.ils. bciiiK siip|)fivlc(l by icieivi'i licivisc,' fees. Only .sponsored sluiu s ii: .Aos- : liiilia are on icIopPiKleiilly oi-n-iniod' slalioiiN. Pro,i;rain in miLSlipn is a ni'us show slai liiin toiii.ulu (27 i on WN'KW. N. Y., 1(1 b(! caliod "Parillc Ncw.- Reel." ar;d icportinR on lalpst v\ar de\cloprnonl.s, etc. in tlio Caciiii- tlicalii'. It's bciiin spccialiy pii'Pinod for WiN'EW by the Aussie broad- caslinc oulfil. scvipl to bo caUlfd and handled on this end by \VNP:W slalTer.~, Durante Cutting Out Guestar Appearances With iho e.xteption (iC one "Hall of Kanie" spot .shortly after the New Year. Jinniiy nnraiile will not ninla- any mure Koesi nppoaranee.-. Ile'.- maile about sis sinee llie present season started. Sehnov.'.- eontract with Caniels al- lou.- him two iijneslers per reason, bnt beeanse of extra e.xpense iii- \olvO(i in lii.- reeenl trip east, the K.-.l> agency allowed hinv to niaka more. Oiiraiite paid wive charRes, ele.. on his N. Y. .iniiUol, whole bi;! runnin.n up a sizoiiblo. total. Guest- in;; helped him ^el oft" the liul. Diirantes ynest (ee ha.<i veecntly lino, from S:).!iOO to $0,000. I.ynchbure—Newcomer to WLVA flair here is Joe B. Roberts as pro- duction director. HOGAN MGR. OF KWBU Corpus Christi, Dec. 26. Homar Ho.Kan has been appointed mana.uoV of KWBU, the 50.00b-walt Blue atflliate here, effective Jan. 1. llogan. a former newspaper man, has held executive posls in the broadcasting field. WORLD-TELLY GIVES IN; BUYS TIME ON WOR N. Y. World-Telegram, one ot the last N. V. duilics to hold out against u.-e of radio as a circulation builder, has (i'ven in finally, buying time on Iho Ed and Pcfieen FitzRerald show cm WOH. slnrtiug yesterday (Tucs.). Circuhilion drive .will come through Iho Fitzgeralds" comments aneiit features to be published ths same day in the paper. Sheet will buy- three more days on the prograni if time -opens, through the Leo Mc- Givena agency. ' This leaves only the Sim, PM and Eagle without radio con- nections in N. Y. City. WJW'3 SCHOOL SERIES Cleeeland. Dec. 28. In cooperation with the Cleveland and suburban Boards of Education, WJW Is presenting • panel discus- sion from high schooU batween two outstanding educators and stiidents, with Dorothy Fuldhetm, WJW news analyst, as moderator. Midwest 'Omar' Program All Set to Branch Out Chicago, Dec, 26. Contract was signed here last week between McFarland, Aveyard & Co. and Charles Michelson o( New York for syndication of "Adventures of Omar," 30-minute Juve adventure mystery thriller, Show beamed primarily at kid audience, but with strong mama and papa appeal, is currently aired over 21 midweatern stations for Omar, Inc, Omaha mill- ers and bakers. Now in its second year, program has picked up helly ratings as high as 23.2 on coinci- denlal door-to-door siirveys. Michelson; who also syndlcales the "Shadow" and "Nick Carter," is dickering with regional advertisers in Canada and west coast for Omar series, which Is witten. and produced by Herb Futran. Corpus Christl—C^rr P. Collins prez of the Century Broadcasting Co., owners and operators of KWBU, announces the appointment of Homer Hagan as manager of the station. • AD V E RTI SI N Q M U ST PACK P R 0 G R ESS of Salesmen to WorkI TlA]trl T|r7"HEN Little Orphan Annie first went on - iheairforOvallinoihl931 (via: Blackett- Sample-Hummert), she brought "tviih her a sales technique new to thw networks. She ■ offered premiums for box tops and dimes, and thus overnight put milUons of children to work as salesmen for Ovaltine. Little Orphan Annie materially shortened the gcs- latiou period of advertising results. Her idea was- Tops! ^3»^ain speed in the ^CTION will be tlie kcynole of the Distribution Decade — after Victory. Products will have to move fast between factory and consumer to keep life-giving dollars flowing througli the Nation's bloodslreani. And on Advertising and the men who adniinisler il will rest much of the burden of increasing the commercial tempo! For when Peace comes, tlicre will be an abundance of productive facilities, of manpower, of money for buying machinery and materials. Tlie problem will be to distribute merchandise in quantities great enough to keep this vast industrial system operating. Experts estimate that this will require an increase of at least 40% in consumption over pre-War levels! Agency men everywhere arc applying tlicmselyes to the responsibilities and opportunities that will bs theirs In the Distribution Decade. So is the Nation's Station. When the time comes, w« will be ready to help you do a belter post-war job for your clients in the vast four-State market that is WLW-land. DIVISIOH Of JHt CDOItnr COIfOt«TION THE NATION'S M~OST A^ERCHANDISE-ABLE STATION Despite 'Apley' B Continued from page 24 —. I tions also participate, speaking at women's clubs. Rotary, Kiwanis, and at special school assemblies, as well as talking with convalescing serv- icemen as part of the rehabilitalion program at Lovell General Hospital, Fort Devens, aiid Cushing General Hospital, Framingham. Return broadcasts from overseas- have included the first program beamed to an individual station by the Belgian Congo outlet; pickups from Australia, BBC, and Chung- king. Speakers included the Lord Mayor of Melbourne; wlw spoke with Worcester Mayor William A. Bennett; the Mayor of Leopoldville, capital of the Belgiaii Coniio; and Piierre Rijckmans, its gov. gen. Dur- ing British week. Nov. 19-25, BBC beamed 27 programs . direct to WTAG. which in turn devoted 27 hours of its local schedule (o pro- grams on Great Britain. There has been a lerrif press re- action, both here and abroad, to the series!: Top U. S. papers, the N. Y. Times, and Christian Science Moni- tor, as well as the Worcester- Tele-' gram and Gazette, which own the. statioii, have both covered and edi- torialized on the undertaking. "Ber- row's Journal" in England, oldest newspaper in the English-.speaking world, broke a precedent of 2S4 years by running a story .about the' project on Page 1. Paper, tradi- tionally, carries only advertising on Us front page. David H. Harris, WTAG progranir production mgr., originated the series, working on its development ■w:lth John Macdoncll, mgr. of the broadcast division of Uie United Na- tions Information Office. G NBC 'Renewal □ Contioiied from pa^c 21 serious threat to radio's future; that any such concentration of control ot radio time may, with the return ot the era of keener conipetilion ainong the various advertising media, pave the way ftr a general network down- grading. Hence the opinion is ex- pressed that 'any such procedure must inevitably cue ageiicy-sponsor response that "Aiiother day is com- ing: radio is not our only outlet." It's all blamed on the current fiush pe- riod of network prosperity, with the! SRO time, some feci, blinding the nets to the future when-the picklnp may not be so eas^ As it"s understood, part of the strategy behind the bargain pitch to Levers would entail the shifting of "Mollc Mystery Theatre" out of its present 9-9:30 Tuesday, night slot into an earlier lime period, perhaps a 7:30-8 segment, or elsewhere. Into the 9-9:30 niche would go "Fibber McGce & Molly." leaving the "Fibber" 30- minute stretch available for the switchover of Bob Burns from his present Thursday night slot ,Thu», the 9 to 10 Bob Burns-Bob Hope full hour would pave the way tor i Levers rate-cut. The proposed Molle switchover is reported as fairl.v Imminent. " ED WOOD TO HACKETT AGCS; Ed Wood, who resigned as sales manager of Mutual .several months ago, joins the M. H. Hackett agency as a partner. He moves in Jan. 1. WHITE SO.X BASEBALL W-l-N-D CHICAGO