Variety (Dec 1944)

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t4 WedncBday, December 27, 10 ll Variety Bills WEKK OF OKC'EMBER ?9 Nanicriilii In eonnectloD vrljli bllN hclim Imlknlo oppnliis ilny of tli^w. whetlirr riili or iiplll week MKW YOlIK CITY ' <'iii>nt>i <'M) iHiiniy VUn'.-e'v Ore III HhIIpv ' d: « HiTii.inl . SUtr C'H) yiiiEy Mnrinin. Ore Bob Jf(i%\j(nl Oroniny liinninn.l CorJyii S:i\\ > it WASHINGTON CttpUol ("i**) •Tuck I'owPi: Mlnp r.lni: Hoo Sltefi ' nuLOli's I>Of|il Paramomit NKiV V4>ltK riTV iSinttitMiiiit TVotfili' rirn)i:in 110 lirop \- l.r.-^ BuUdy r,i»su-i- MIAMI 01yiii|iln <tl> Doii 'rraiicor Oi-acle HarrI** .Prof BAcIuvni'ls .loyli VVIillo I't'ff .l:iv'.M>n I>li« J:inii-s .iniif llai\cy liil .MiMM0 ('rr rHfllno hiiN«t f;\ iis\ Chili 18 ITny Soilloy \*iir (» t'lirrari Aiiji DC)ii« .Imi iv ItciKeri . Ni\pii n<>r«Iiin Aiii1r«iT«, O (ii|MinilMiij)i Knur .Mill' llorlli <3) \ S:)iltli;t ' CIhIs l':itt'i(' MadrliftK^rn ,lof?l rion'ou Ore ' . Con B**ueb t>l( lE WllBOri Orch >• lilzony f'InsembrQ Uliiiiinhil nnrH^BliA*. l.a IMi-ne CJinPi'ello St lUnnOD 4 Whirlwinds Kvrlyi\ Mftinilon OU 'iVd KUdy Ore Aiiijplo. Bd .llinmT R«ny'* Joan Colvlna itiidyA. I<>)iit ■In Ann Collytr Alonwi :.'lo St, Alda John UttrUwood l)nnn> lll^icliia Ucnf-o KoHltn ]>lniiii i^AKO Nlai'Kai'i't Ciny- t'RTlor Si. Hoaa Joo X'npello Ore . 1,11 Cniirn MlRuelllo Valdes I.HMHrr tg. Mnrtin . Machllo Bd ■ Lti .^liirfliilque TiOiilyp' Cnrlylo Zero -MoHiol Ubfifniarlb Sylvlft Ojiort Wnlly Kibbler Nanry llnnt BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY NEW YORK' PARAUOUNT 8UIL0INS BEVERLY HILLS. CAL CALIFORNIA BANK BLOS:; ClikiiKo {.".-A Johnny ICil Hob Kvniifi Tlio ClKinls illNXK.M'OMS ' Orplieiiin \ Ki-nnktc t'nric Uil Pnt IlrintlriK Bull I'ni rill Al.ilAXV RKO (ill) lIipp'Kiolils iji-c ^ui'MM 2 l''.vf-Iyn WliUoy rciil»Ti!< H()S-|ON Charlie sjiiviiU Ore Charlo A- f>in>rrf' At Clordon'}« iiti|;4 Cllfr NilWirrn CI.KVKl.AND rnlnrc (•!!)) 11 C.irrnllK \'nliUlcs COI.i MHl'S Will Osborn." Ore JghIi IMrUrr ■\Vally W Rr.l RliHK Mlllt r ROCIIKSTKIt Ti'iiililr ("II-1 > Will>rini",(.iri- Jean rarlier Wully Wnr.l Rup:* Mill«T ~rnBnrN-i'it'VN<-is<'<i Golden tl:iU' ('!'•; Ray noycf The llnrlin-lls OlUe O'Ti.ol^ Marlon luitton - 3 Stobgeu MKW .YORK OITV Strand CO Lionel llami'ion Ore ^l»e Zei>h> i'K (i'J) Lionel ll.-ini|iUiii' Ore tbo y.o|ili^"rs ■ rjiii.AiiKi.rtiiA Kiirl* (.".1 Jan S«\'H <'i> B:iinniy K:i..>; ftic Paul WJnrli»ll 3 Wellii .WASIIIN<;T(tN Karie (ri/ R(>irr(t<'K I<OV', Jlitu & Sluitl Rons Sin (■!U; RoTvem-H I,ow. lilt'.- -.t ^i;inl l-'tniiK' i:oB9 Lionel .Kaye li^niiiia I-Vuncls. . Iln'/.cl Mancean 4 Man ia Uala tVi-il liCWin Gloria LeRoy : Hilly Ranks ' - Bill Quenlmeyer Mliehell yirother .Michael r*M\vnrdB II Barren Ore Vln<-ont Travara Ore llnviinaOIndrld Haul & Reyei noriin Valero .Mario (iil harltiira I'erry. ; l.a'/iivji, yor-.irisi»s Ore .1 ■ i^anabrla Ore • I llnlrl . AnibusandOT I.oiiis Bol'aneourl O 1 .Milo.H Ijinile Ore.' '! Hotel .Aftor .If!."!'.-..Moran.d Ore , ! U"*! IVrry Ore I Hotel Belmont ! rlazn * r.rtrliar.i Jtl:rm<« . I 'l.iv Kliiile.x (3 I i S(;iiil<-y lluriis ; l-. l- :,ir. lli,l>„ Mar.ioric Knaiin ; Ciih (ioll ; r:i.<j>on Oi'C . ■ MornW'H llrt ■ llolrl.lllllinnre . .I< :ii. Ilyldofl , OfOipo Va\*-x\ MkijacI Wara 1 lio-liera (<) I .>liirsii'Tlte .Tamea , 'If nevi^rve -N'orrla I .lanii Tctrlo y I IJarbnra I'raaer lliioi h LiKhc Or.o Hotel Cnanmodore n.-il .Mnlnlvra .■J Mli C.aylor .laeU. Blair Carl'Ravazza Oro ' tjitin- Ounrtef . Billy Vino Maxzone-Abbott D Ulnrla ClllberC KUlo Ardelly Kroner & Menrborn Paddy cure Harold l.ola Ben Dova I^eja Moore WIni Walsh Don McGrane Ore I4 Ruimn Bles Jaek Snirih . Thelina t'arpenler Imogens Coca Day. Dawn & Du.fl( Cedric Wallniea • f«in .£ Kddla'a.' Joey Adatna- Mark Plunl ' .Apph'tons Tony Cunzonerl Ballard Itae Sherry P.rltlon . .I;j*n .V .Marllii Art Waner Oro. .Mnnte Curio DICIt t'.nsparro Ore Klayne Iluma ■.\lrredo Ore OetJeiiV (Hrnoklyn). I'al Ituoney. Br. J.urraine &, Ddnnielly .loan Kellly Jimmy O'Hilen Hilly Grimlhs Will Ward Mariflol Rock Herman A Or Old niiumoDlaB Clalro Sla Jan Bart OlKa Waylova Anton flhirley. fiaron Ore .^nille' Banks KKW V<»RK C'ITT .Mu>ir llnll ('.!H) GauLU'i''s Sii'.M'lechs Judy (hi- r.l.|.lin«l lilppl'/.aner llnrsea fieinm Kaye Brayton I.i-wIh Rosy (■.:■;) NlcholaH l^ro^ Jlininy Sheridan - Erneatlne .Meni r Gil Mtilaon Co' Jack Uuriini nAT.TlMORK HI|>IHi<lrnniF (311) Bobby T.oiiK • 3 Muri)hy Sii* Ken Whiinier . • Kealon Ik .Arnideld B Wella ii- < Royol CIH) Earl nines (>rc \ Mclotolics Ford. Harris X: J Salt & I'epiii r stale CjH-ao) Plordolina" V * (i >lill.-r Bobbv Koiliiis (l-;t) Carl .\rlino. < (ill) , l-A.MItHX Towers (•il)-;tI) BIrilliMi.l , ■ ■ B & 11 Kuwiand QeorKe Uc:i 11 y \ Pill ri> (Ms Areo A I.i'i' t'llK'Ati'O ' Dowiitnwn. CiK) Ray Kiiiiw-y Ore 5 Aloha Maids Klla l-'lt-xKCiahl Roas & .Mcljaiit Buck St i!lllil>I..H H.^HTrORI) Ui«te CJII-HI) Havvaiiiin rarudtse Joo IjOjinr Don Davis IM 10 <ila 6 Vocalisis A & M IhiM.'l . JIarrlH ^: .\iid<^rs (ilaeii & .loy NKIVARK AdaniH (r!lt) Jlnnny llor.Moy Ore Wllflon I'j-.enrliy Ladd I.yon ■ NOKI''0I.K Oeliler C'Kr Harris, ("la ire .« West ^- I.exinK . Jorl Sullavan Dick Mnoliley . r.ATKKStIN Mujentir (:!»-:<I) Al Llbliy .« lii-ii> Betty l*e Warner Cole Eddie Mills (l-:t) . FlordelHin A 4i E Howard The Donnettch Ancer X- Ui-ck ■ Honey He.lirs riiii.AOKi.riii \ Ciirmiin ('!8l ' Tlie HwiKlils Mary- MeChinnhaii niclivj'.eslii- Moilleli n tira Ci> America'! Ltadln^ Indcp^ndtat EDDIE SMITH 150 V Broadway '■ .N«w York Cabaret Bills NEW TOBK CITY Biir* nii> «o'* ■tbal Gllbcri- Barnie Grauei , Harold Wlllard Jack Ryan - Cliarlea fjirlehland Jlminy Burna Bill Eclaoy 0*7 lO's Qtinrlott* Blua Ansel Mtxlna Siillivnn Vine. AI-' • Bernard* Pearl Ualley PeKgy WalHun Care S<H-T|.|> (Dpltiiin > Rl<\'00d yniiili Hazol Scoii Gene field (3) Jimmy Snvo Bd Ball Ore .Cnfi-, •»»M-lef» . Hotel Dixie Al ^'ruce Ore iloli-l KlIlHOD Ray lI('i-oeck K>>ii*.v llniiso Harold yiei n Ore Bunly l>cildli.>(on Hotel l.4<xlngtan .Monii Kal Tapu Kaiia Tall ma .NIalin .VIc.klhana Harold .-Mama Ore . Hotel f.lncoln Count l!af<lo Ore ■ Unlet Neiv Yorker .Mai'.v Jane Lawaon -I'-rj-j Maitcs - liiily I'eieraon. .Mary Jqiio Yeo . .li'i-i-y Wnid Ore Hnlei rennayivanlr IjOS I'.rown Ore Hotel rierre -MyrOH -Vrl4 vt- Penijis xiaiilcy .Meibo. Ore Hotel RnoBeveU Guy l.ohibardo 'Ore ilocel- Mvoy riaiii Nina Oi-ia Cie'inrnlfr Rd l)-«lii l leldliie Ore ■ li-'oiiilniia Uannlslei I -Hotel Sit. KegU ..Mjirin Jt Kloria I .Marlhe Krrolhi l-'rod illller Ore T Urnoka OrKon Hotel Tail Vlhroiii Lonez. Ori" ilolel «Vnli1orr-A .Vinmtiinry Dickey \'idl,o(r * .Mllada Itoitonan Ore ' .MIselia llorr Oro' Iceland [•'ord rrade Itiiy Itncera Joe' tdPorte Oro Rocera coraar Harry Lercourt Or< Clark's Hawallana Krank V'letor (Jhaa Carter Harold Greeta Kreshmen Mara Tilo JCoriy Kobblera SIg Schatz Ore Romnnlan Vlllnge Jennie Coldateln Vera.Nlva Henry Bcrman n Walton Danecre H Jnfcobson Ore . Htorb Clob: .Moralea. Ore lOrnle Holat Ore Stan Keller Ore Tony Paator'i t'ploirn Stove Jlnrray Johnny 4: (icorgo Jerry Baker Koss Lconiird Theimn Nevlna Bolty. Green Kioretle Gilbert Mara Kim Joe Do; Carlo Ore Veraulllea rail Hrlaaon Dliinn ('our(noy Sunny Skylac Canlu Kllaworih A Fcirild Polar Dircli Bob Douglaa Betty Luatre M Bergere Oro Monchlto Bd Xaiizlbar ' Bill. Robinson Loula Armatrong Maurice Rorco - NIeholaa Bros Delta Rhythm Boys Peters Sla - Claude Hopkins Ore I Cafe Biz 11 Conllmied from paca l assal cusloniers will evar .com* in with ■ liinchbox, tlioiigh Heavy for L. A.' Spolt Los Atificlcs, Dec. 26. Wlth.approxiinalely G5^i or avail- able. space already reserved for New Year's Eve, nilery owners are looking forwarii In same smash business oyer the liolidny as when 1944 bowed oh.slagc. Top asking price lor most 6t the bistros hils arpiilid $15 per copy, \yilh coyer and dinner and favors included. Tup ia exclusive of drmks and tax, which tariff to,well over $20. ■ Some of the spots,, such as the hotels and .Strip niteries, are addin.ii supper, or early breakfast to the, meiui, and throwing it all in' for the price of one meal. Cocoanut's Grove's $18.33 bite take- in tlie two feeds, cover and lax, and most ot the other spots'will. add up to the same. " Reservations aiid ' expetiled coin are. on a par with last year and, in most cases, the- liquor supply is much better. One ex(:eptioii to the alcohol dispfay is. scotch, \vhich is being nursed along by the boiiifaccs, who feel the pinch^ In addition- to Hollywood and Los Angeles night spots:' two other rooms will function this, year; Giro's, which was burneci out (Jver the '44 entry date, and Town Hodse's Gardeit Room make Ihefir bows in the New Year's business. Giro's is asking and getting $15 per plate, while Garden Room was kept at $12.50 by the OPA. . Lowest prices are put up by tlie Palladium danceryi which is ask- ing $2 for general admission, and $5 and $7.50 for dinner, but floor show has been .adde(] to the evening's amusement, --- Main amusement centers, in addi- tion to those mcnlioned. which will take in the carriage trade cash that night are Billmore Bowl, Mocambo, Clover Club. Trocadero, E-arl Cnr- roU'g, -Slapsy Maxie's and Charley Foy'a. N^t Qub Reviews Deh'oil's Sabbatli Curb Detroit, Dec. 26. With a Sabbath Nciw Year's Eve coming up In Michigan, where strong waters are forbidden until after Sunday midnight, major hotels, private clubs and one downtov.'n nitery, The London Chop Ilbiiso, arc giving up ' the idea ot New Year's Eve. parties, However, plenty of .spots will car- ry on the party tradition since the State probably will be liberal on the 2:30 a.lTi. close and let the niteries meet the Monday dawn Wilh the higher potency beverages after mid- night. New fng. AGVA Contlniied from page 33 Iryliif. Goodman, trtimpel-playlng brother o( B:G., «ut of Army after. ■•'■>niit two years .of service. less than formerly are now. working .here. Had the difTiculties continucij, 4t Js-helie.v.p/i.j3£.re. .that plenty of others would have followed suit to seriously undermine variety artists in this section. The nitery proprietors feel now they made a mistake in not being better organized to include all the key Hub spots as well as the out- lying spots before they sought to cross swords with AGVA, but the settlement this week of the main Issue btitween them has proved the value of the organization ■ to the members. As it staniJs now, m the case of a dispute between a nitery man and an act. the case is first brought be- fore the Boston board, of which Nerrett js chairman. If the proprie- tor stili-feels the case has bccn itii- fairly settled, he. may take the dis- pute, to the national AOVa board In. New York, of whiTJ:!- Malt ShcVvy is chairman.: If he dcmuis on its VernailleN, N. V. Corl Brissou, D<an« -CotiVtiisv, BlIsujoTfh & foiTchild, Contii, Bob Doiifflas, Peter Birch, Bettv lAisiet; 7 Ver-Siflhg (Alinito Oriiga, Glofio Giirliii, Eneli/n Lfuiis, Ciaxre Haines, Helen Klerfc, Marion ScoH; Betty Lee Carver); Sunny Skylar, dinner oiil]/; Ma.riimlian Bergere and Mon- cUUq Orchs: produced and staged by Boots McKctma; costwnes, Billy LiiiiiiBsfoii: .'iones, Bticlc Rnm-Hat KniiHcr; $2.50 and $3.50 cowert. The Versailles is in high again Cai-I Brissoii is back. And killing the kiddies. Originally dubbed by the undersigned as "the older girls' Sinatra," the great Dane is appar- ently a songailoging smorgasbord for the boys and girls of all agcs. It's noticeable that certain stars halve great influence on their clientele. Dwight Fiske, just pieceding,, drew oiie .sdt of customers, and Brisson has another, segment swooning—to vintage wine accompaniment—with his romance songs. The kid from Copenhagen, via London, and later. Holly wood (Para- mount starred hiiri in the mid-'30s) is an amazing cafe floor personality with his chansops. and an aciknowl- edgcd nitery star. He has .stature, virilit.v, auUiority, and when Bri.sson croons 'em that's really something for . the non-adolescent boys and girls. The grownups are out of the ruin-and-copa-cola or 7-Up class, and their adult behaviorism spells proportionate boxofllce for the hos- telries and clubs that Brisson plays. A seasoned showman, this marks Brissoii's third, return to the spot' where Jie firsfmade his socko come- back.VHis slurt is highlighted by a better usage of lights, an even more charming informality, and a splendid knowledge of how to pick his songs. Thus, the "Song of Norway" (Grieg) medley is a natural for him, as is '•I'm a Son of . a. "Viking," special; " AHt> —^Well, —Mademoiselle,'^ med- leyed with "Last Time I Saw Paris'"; "My Heart Sings," "My Friend, Elizabeth." "Pink Cocktail for Blue LadVi". 'Lili Marlene," and the sea- sonal "Silent Night" .(in Danish) mlro to "While Christmas." includ- ing "Dolly with Hole in Stocking." Proving^, of course, he can chirp al- most anythiiig and make 'em like It. ' Nick & Arnold have -surrounded him with a tiptop show as Boots McKcnna has .staged it. Diane Courtney, the Blue Network sorig- slres.s. does "Just One of Those Things." "Habanera" from Bizet's • Carmen,' and Oscar Hammerstein's newer version from "Carmen Jones."'' Ellsworth & Fairchild are an in- telligent dancing pair Indeed, with their emphasis on.Gershwin, terping the "Porgy and Bess" score. They have cleverly thought out their cos- tiime.s to match "Bess. You Is My WDTTian.^' -"There's Boat Soon Leav- ing for New York," etc. Peter Birch, too, has improved by doing Icgmania apart from' the straight ballet stuff In -which he formerly specialized. His' "three .sailors" specialty is good, and later he goes in more for . the plastic toe stuff. Betty Luster is his ballerina vis-a-vis. Bob Douglas emcees fairly wen. but makes the listener nervous when he hazards those high ones in "Beguine." Cantu, with his doves and Mexican legerdcrmain, is a very .pleasing interliide, surefire in any cafe. Billy Livingston's costumes, per usual, are distinctive, but somehow the. 7 Ver-Sighs aren't the breath- taking lookers one expects in boites like the Versailles, Copacabana, etc., although they're no chasers either. Work hard and parade their stult Abel. roar, bomber and Hilioc liuitU-rln.. to himself, to reap fish aiid plenty ■^i,,. plause. . - ' erately with rhumba, Vicnnc^A waltzes and .some ralhi^i- ofdiimiL- '>?"''ooi" twirls in middle uuinbi-i" although one-arm lift here is a doH- mte act-saver. Clas.Sier costume for femme, who wears old-fasliioncd b()urtant affDir, would help a lot Rosemary Deering isn't given nuicli °uu slice 0* the 45-miniite slaiiza althijugh she docs okay with ballet to Licbcstraum." Three Imaginaloi.s have been, seen to bettor advantiigt- this time their record-mimic sliiti consists of Crosby-Martln-Toagardeiv Wa d,' Merry Macs, "Pass the Bis- quits, Mirandy," and Andrew Sistccs'- •Boogi(5 Woogie Bugle Bov." :. _Emil Vandas' orch and Adola Uaiiscn.s organistits arc pat for lite big room. , jvji/,.,. PaflM (|'hani<>. >. V. Etie : Hfirdi/. Bittiy Lyini, Bci(.i Jt^voiiie. Wdndd llarrin, Javkir Smvtl Ava Willioiiis, Louis .Gciiliff Ordt (5); Sfditrdoi/iMiiiiiuHiii This itiidtown boite.. appurently sutTertng from pre-holidav dol- drums, has pruned its talent biidgel Greater portion of (he current talent is below standard, and prescnlatidn ' of . same -is artless and lacking' in showmanship. However; Belly Lynn, ,wilti a pert style of taps and picasing. lie- meanor, gives the show its icdecin- ing feature. Her two numbers ai-.e" well conceived and nicely executed. Rated and-got a lengthy milt. _Jiist faiiliiig to; make the giade is Eve Haa'dy. a pleasing looker wilh s colaratura that isn't ready for major assignments. -Her magnum tipu.s,. "The Blue Damibo," is w.ritteii with runs that are too ambitious for her to-handle. , She gets better, rc- sulls with "I Love. You" and -Irisli Lullaby." OtheV singing turns are by Betty Jerome, a tallish blonde, and Jackia' Small. . Miss Jerome gives a stand- offish appearance in an attempt to look sexy. Gimmick of working witli her nearly closed eves falls to fiivc her the warnitii she might otherwise attain. SnialVs tenor falls short of its intended mark with his Iwb. number.s. "It Could Happeii to You" and " Trolley Song." by at- tempting to inject volume In a coinr parativcly thin voice at the saciiiice of melody. Completing the show is Wanda Hai'ris, who docs an unsubtle striy, peeling down 16 the barest essen- tials. Act doesn't fit into the sixit. Ava Williams does song and piano work during lulls acceptably. Jose. , GiiibasNv, ■•liilly . ' - . P/iiladeipIii((. Dec. 26. Jmie Walls, Jane Arden, Hula'ite Jarow, Esther Parker, George Ct'!- iord, Joe (Siviitgy) Siiif/er; f.'mOns- sylphs (6), Pat Sliculiii. Orcli. iio ' coi'C)-, $2.50 mtiiitiitiiii. }ifarinf% lloom. I^hl (EOGEWATER BEACH IIOTEI,) _ CIticaflo,- DeCi 21.- Pemnr & Dcn.ise, 3 Jmagitiotors, Rosemary Deering, Sharkey the Seal, DoTolliu Hild Dancers (10). Adela Claui'eii, £inil Vntidos Orch (16) with Trudy Marsh, George Devron and Marshall Gill: .S3-$3.50 iniiiiiniMii. ,. ^-fl'-^'K^y Seal and Dorothy Hilds Dancers vie for bellringing honors in -Edgcwater's Christmas finding he may seek a third and linnl In'^K^.^^^l!'-V'^""^^^^^ out by, hearinir oroviderl Hp>: th. I.'J...'^^ P"?.«i^=-,'?-"<i'<:tly.. nine, bells. hearing provided he obtains the services of another nitery owner. Thus, the final decision is'handed down by two nitery ops, two AGVA men-and a flflh impartial arbiter agreoii iipon by the other four. This decision Is final. Meantime, how- ever, no action taken by AGVA against the owner in . the matter under dispute until (he case is settled.: -This is all the nifery men wanted, thisy say, and the situation appears to be okay all around. - Walter Hyde, of the cocktail de- partment of the William Morris Agency, transfers to Chicago office, Jan, 15 to head the department there. • V.^l"Vi.ijr imic. DUNS. plus sock "Troirey Sopg" production nuniber complcti; with tvolloy. pccke<l with holly and tmg iicts, Marine Room holiday show should keep payees happy. "Trolley" number is clever routine ^?.u'"„'v;.S""ls as Bowery characters of the 90s. Vpcalled by Trudy Marsh; it gets chorus, off in a prop 'trolloy to tern t returns. Abovemcntioned bcllringmg. turn is Iceofl in which trio consisting of Miss Marsh, George Devron and Marshall Gill do "White Christmas," following with skating- wslunied chorus ringing tjut "Winter Wonderland" with bells around their waLSts. giving standard act a twist by highki(:klng "Jingle Bells" with ankle tinklers. Sharkey also rings bells ("Where the River Shannon. Flows" is his piece dc resistance), juggles, takes George. Clifford, longtime lixliire at the Embassy, is back at the old stand as ni.c. and host after an ab- sence of several months, and the joint i.s juinpin'a.gain; The guy packi' as many kernels as a corncorb pipe, but he's alwnv.-; a fave with the Eniba.»:sy's lioislcr.s-. For the hofiday s'ca'soii he s^'cTjiifcoi-tod a finale in which all the corny Yan- qni tunes up to and including singing commercials are wrapped aroiiiid a Brazilian samba, and it's good fun. In this routine he gets able a.ssislance from Esther Parker, a shapely blonde recently graduated from the line, and Joe (Swingy) Singer, a reformed trumpet player who has an excellent flair for comedy. Rest o{ the bill is in the usual Em- bassy style. A red-headed looker, June Walls, who sells her songs ex- pertly, rurfning the gamut, fronv in- digo'to sweet stuff; Jane Arden. bal- let danseuses, who clicks well despite the small dance space, and Helaiiie Jarow, tap-terper with a really origi- nal routine. The Einbassylph!!. house line, has a (iouple of new face.*-', and the gal.s' are well-costumed and rouliued. Miisic'~ is peddled by Pat Shevlin'.s expert crew who:can play everything from waltzes to rhumbu.i- v. ilh cqtiail dex- terity. Room was janipacked when caiiiiht, with overflow in the Monkey :ronm; and dowristairs bar. .Slinl. •1 nap. t.ilks back, and imilites lion's ps of Dec. 30. Orph, Reading, Drops Burley for- Vaudfdm • .Reading Pa., bee. 2i>. ■Vaudeville ' ill be revived hcc« by the Orpheum theatre on Jan. ti, when .house goes on a Tluir.sday, Friday and Saturday vaudfilm sched- ule of flye acts and a picture. One afternoon and two night shows lor Thursdays and Fridays, ai-e slated, with continuous perforiiiaDCPS Sat-' urdays. the forepart of t'aciv week will be devoted to straight pictui;c.i. Orph ■ has had (jurlesquc for some years, biit that's, being di.sfonliir.icd