Variety (Jun 1945)

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Wednesday, June 6, 1945 500 experts .. .and it One oi the tilings we'd like to dp at the Blue is give our listening audience the best thai there is' in every field of radio entertainment. This is a great policy if—and only if—Ave successfully put it into practice. That's why the result of Musical America's recent radio poll was music to our ears. Over 500 of the leading music editors and critics from coast to coast and Canada picked five of our musical programs and people as outstanding in their fields. They said: BRUNO WALTER, conductor oj the Metropolitan Opera Association, was the best of allopera conductors. THE BOSTON SYMPHONY, under the direction of Dr. Serge Koussevitsky, was tied for first place as the finest symphony orchestra. "DIE MEISTERSINGER," presented by the Metropolitan Opera, was the best performance of opera. MILTON CROSS was the outstanding announcer-commentator. METROPOLITAN OPERA, U.S.A., presented by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, was the best program of operatic character. We have always been deeply conscious ol the importance of music in the" lives of all people as a means of entertainment and relaxation. That is why we have been trying to do a complete job in bringing our listeners the best in music: everything from the rich classical to jive—everything from "Die Meistersinger" to our Saturday Senior Swi7ig. We are proud that it was a Blue Network program that gave a host of talented singers the opportunity to compete for the highest goal in grand opera: the Metropolitan. A large number of the most brilliant stars in the "Met" today were "discovered" on Metropolitan Opera Presents (formerly Metropolitan Auditions of the Air). We also know that there are radio listeners who; while not, regular opera followers, do enjoy many of the beautiful arias as sung by opera stars. So in addition to the broadcasts direct from the Metropolitan stage on Saturday afternoons, we have been giving our listeners the chance to hear their favorite singers on a special weekly evening program —Metropolitan Opera, V. S. A. Saludos Amigos is a program presented in coopera- tion with the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs and features outstanding guest conductors of both continents. It regularly gives Blue listeners a better appreciation of Latin-American music and a better understanding of the Latin-American way of life. One of the four greatest conductors—Sir Thomas Beecham—was presented to Blue listeners through our new Saturday Symphony, a series that make" it possible for many to enjoy the outstanding— but lesser known—works in'the field of Finale of "Die Meistersinger," chosen by music critics as the finest Metro- politan Opera broadcast this season. • -. ■ *