Variety (Sep 1945)

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10 PICTURE GROSSES WeiliKistlay, September 5, lO'lS LA. Firm; 'Jones,' Sole New Pix, Bolfo 67G, 2 Spots, Xapt. Eddie' Okay 44^26, 'Marines' Big 50G, Both 3 Houses, 2d ■ - . IjOS Augeles, Sept,'4... Picture thealres competed with Ctitdooi' competition over a tori'id weekend lici'e and came out fairly well; oonsideririg that there's ■ only i)ne i.iew . bill among 2,4 tirst-nins. The mercury .Soared to a ne\v ri-cord and Ihous.inds went to nearby beaches and lesorfs. The jilow^down started as usual -yeslerday (Moii.) after big trade on Friday,: Saturday, • and: Suiiriavi , .. . .. Sole- new. entry, ''Along Cime Jon,es," is sonrms to a bofl'o StiT.OOO ■in two spots to peace the -cily, "An- ■chorS .AweiKh''. still, is taking, the •play, from others with smash $49,000 lii.ttafee/thealrps , fbr .the fiftli weelc,' and holds al least another. "Pride of the Maiii'cs" looks great $00,000 in three houses on its second l^rame, "Caot. :Eddie'',IS lieadiog lor an okay $44,500 ' in. three spots' on second K(auy.a and: uiitial week in a fourth. "Incendiary Blonae,"'in third' session :!it..t\, is nice: 3!30,i500. ■ E.sliinates for TliisWeek Beverly IlillN Alusichall (BUimen- leld-G&S) (824; 50-85)—-'G. I. Joe" (UA) (4ih wk>. Okay 'Si..->00 in 8 •■days<. Last \veek, steady .'S5-,000. Carthav Ciccif H'WC) (1.518;'50- *H — -Capl. _Eddi£uL_j2flih.) aud "Shani,li.ii Cobra" (Mono). Neat .$7,000 o.- near. Last week. "Junior Miss" 120(h) and "C.'v Scnorita" (Col) (2d wk), good $4,900. Chinese .(GrauinHn-WC) (2,0')8; .50- $1) "Cap). Kddio" i20tli) audi "Cobra" iMono) i2d wk) Cr.uid I $11,000. La.<l week, good $14,900.1/1 UouiiloMii iWB) (l.aOO: 50-$])— "Pride Mai'ines": ':(WB) '.('2(1 %k).'h ,B;rpng $22,000. Lh;.!:, \;^B?k.:^ $2r),()00*f Dowiilo\ui .AfiiMc null iBlunien- ield) 1900. i5-<,i)- i. (UA) .(■4th..wk). Bd/r $12,000. .tast week, .smooth .'SlS.OOOi y''' ' •' : . :'Egyp;-;ii? (t\VC) ' tl;338: SO-iHl:)— ■ A.ilchoi's Aweigh." .(iW-G) ifltli .wk) ■ Broadwiiy Grosses Eslimaied Tofiil. Gross . This Wrrk $7til,,'>00 sBased on 15 tliedtrcs) . ■ Total Gross Same Week Last Year. S:41,600 (Ba.s-cd oil 16 tlientrcs) lady' Sockeroo $18,000 in Wask ..Washington; Sept. 4i, ■ "Wiih U. S. and District workers .on a three-day holiday, downtown film houses expect ■ a record-breaking week, "Thrill of Romance, ' .which set ■■Si Thursday recorid. at tlie.. Capitol, is' away out in front,. , Est.males for This Week C'apilor —rLoBWl-- (;!.4S4; 44-72)---- • '•Thriil. £>f: Romance'■ . (.M-G) with |. vailde. Giant $37,500. ' La.St, wcekj/ "Out of This World'' (Pari, SSl.OOO.^ Columbia (Loew) (1.2;14: 44-72)—U ■"Jiinlov. Miss". l26th,.).' Neat $9,000y Last week; "Wilson'! (20tb ), $8..500. *v Eai-ic (WB) (2.240: 60-80)--"Pride of M,irino.s" (WB). Solid $26.,500 Last week.. "Ghristrhas ih :"(jonn:'''' .(WB)' (2id: \vk1, sock $23,700. Kritli's iRKO) a.800: 44-Gf))-- ■"Lady on Train'- lU), Rousing $18.- 000. Last week, "Uncle Harry" (U) 12rt wks 1 jfash. % 13,000, , dcs ai te cri^- Melr o|t ol i:ta:n (1,800; 44-72') MOLLY PICON Held Over Four Weeks at th« 5100 Club; Chlcaqo . : Thanlv :Von.. Air. .IN'iurt* .lani(\s, of. thp < Miicago .N'i'w.s. .r(ir; .sii.viivn' "Tliere i.s nty limit lo Ihc iiimnim. nf^rriter- uiiiiiDOiH ,sliG .ca:ii ,pr'fiduc'e . .■:. Aii actress of, grOiVt: iiiiiliiy.'' William Morris Agency Personal Representative JACOB KALICH One University Place, New York 'Over 21' Lofty 52G, 'Eddie Boif m. Both 2 Spots, Hub; 'Blonde' Big 306 Key City Grosses F.slimated Total Gross This' Week $:t,l«9,200 (Based on 20 cidci, 173 liica" tres, chietly.ftrH runs, vicluding N. Y.) Total Gross Sam* .Week Last Year $»,S66,00» (Bused OH 2;j cilifs, 188 t(iert(res) ■ (1,800; Big $1.4;3Q0. ■LaTst we^lCn'cai'lv'K^^ » §.onn-" < WB) .'.iD^ Q.).; GiiiU! iF-WC) 1908- ')0-<,"l )• - Strong SlO.OOO.yLasl \vC(,>k. "G. I. Joe'' "Naughty Nmoticj-" (U) and "That's "UA$8,000. V Spirit" (U) (2d wlO Only $3 500 Talace (Loew) (2,7're; 44r-72)—"In- Last werk. $4,900. t^' •>■ f ■■ ■ cendial'y Blonde" (Par) (2d wk). Hanaii (Gf,.S) (9.5fi- 50-sl- "G I Stout ,$12,000./ Opening week v'vas Joe" (UA) 4lh wk). About .$4,500' | ^reat $22.000.w Lastiweek. trim S6;10f0;,i«^ ■ ^'■ !■ ■■ ''';■ — —^^ . Ilolljwoud (WB) (2,75i5: 50-.S1)— "Pririo Marines" (WB) (2d wk)^ Sturdy $15,000. week, $18,000. Holl.vwooil Music Hall (Blumon- ■ feld):(475: 55-t!5)-"G. I. Joe' (UA) •. (,4.tli ,..,w;k). Nice $3,000. Last :\veelc $4,900. Loe^v's State (Locu's-WC) (2.404; ~^50>:$l)-^••C;!pt. Eddie", (20th) and —"Gnbra'' iMdno) (2dwk). Okay $19-i COO \\0(k. good 'S28 000. 1 , Ijos Anodes (D'tOwii-WC) ('2.097;: ,50.*$1 )""Anchor.s ; Awc.i'rti" iM-G) (5th wk)- Eu^sed $23,000. La.-,l :great S2t).500. : Orpheum (D'lown) (2.200' (15-85) ^"Hollywood Viue" (PRC) with Ar- nold's,Ice, Rtw'ue and ftingSi.sters on stage. Kxccllcnt .S25.000 or near. week. • Sporting Cliance" (Rep) with Phil Rogaii. Louis Jordan orth oh stage, great .1-32.800. i' . .Paiitases (Pan) (■2.812: 50-$l)—■ "Along Came Jones" (RKO) and " Look At" (U). Smash S32..5O0 week. "Over 21" (Col) and ''Fighting Guardsman'' (Col) (3d wk). closed whh $12,600. I'arainount (V&M) (3.389v50-$l) .■■"Incendiary Blonde'' (Par) and "Midniaht, Manlrunl" (;Prtr ( CJd wk). Nice $19 .500. l,a.^,l week. $21,800. „ I'arumoiinl Hollywood (FfrlVD'H.- 451: ,50-11,1)"Incendiary Blonde" (Par) i3d wk). Niley $11,000. Lajjt week, good .SI 1.700. .w'' KKO Hillstreet (RKO) (2.890: SO- SO)— Along Came Jones" (RKO) and "Eri'.v Look (U). Colof.s'il $34 500 LasI week. "Over 2)" (Col) ' and "Fighting Guardsman'' (Col) (3d wk). $13,700. KUz <F-WC) (l.:{70: .50-$!)—"An- Chor.s Avyeigh" (M-G) latli Wk ). Nice $11,700. Last wcrk, .iboiit same.'^ iriiitcd Artists (UA-WC) (2.100- 50-$l )~"Nauclitv Nineties" (U) and "Tliaf.s Spirit" (U) CM «k). Faii-ish 5M0,000:-Li>sl week. $];i 400.V Uplonn (F-WC) (1,790: .50-Sl)— "C-Apt. Eddie" (20tli);'and "Cobra" fMong) (2d «k). Go/d $7..500. Las! week, stout .Sll.400. >/ ^!Kffifcue . tF-WC_l ._lS85; ,50-8.^)— ■..' '■'Naught.y. Ninetie.s": (U), and ."That's Sp.rit (tj) (2d wk). Okay ,$3,200. '' .week, .,$4,400. / ' ' :■; Wilshire (F-WC) f2.296: .50-.$l)— : ; ''Nauehty .Ninofi'es" (tJ) ahd.'*'Th!it's ' ■Spirit" ifj.) r2d wk). Mild .S'4,000 or near. Last wtvk. $6.;{00. / Willern (WB) (2,;j00: .50-$!)— "Pride Marines"-(WB) 2d wW, Hefty $13,000. Last week. $t(!,500. v Berohard Readies WB Film Hollywood, .Sept. 4. . Joseph : Bcridiki-d. head of Warner Bro.s. theatre operatioii!5,' is here get- ting things set lor his initial pro- rtiietion with Capt. IVIiUon Spci'ling for Warner i-^ Spc rJinjj-BernbRrrf unit will be set MP on the Wwrner lot as .soon as Sperling geli out ol Hie Mari))esi this month. 'SCANDALS' FINE 15G, CINCY; 'ANCHORS' 20G Cincinnati, Sept. 4. Three firstruns are racking up lush totals jrod rfjpcats liave other down- tow-n houses, in holiday tempo. ,:"An' ■(.'hoi's Aweigh," at the' CaiJitdl: i.s lop- ping-"Pride ot ,Marine.s" aivd"George White's Scandals" in Albee and Pal- ace, respeiitively. * ' : ' Estimaleii for This Week Albec (RKO) (3.100:44-70)-r"Pride ot Mauiie-s' (WB-). Robust SlSOOO.t-' Last week, "Ladv On Train'.' lU),: ditto.,., :':':' .;„. Capitol (RKO) (2.000; 44-70)—"An-' cliors Aweigh" (M-G K Titanic $20.- COO. week, "G. I. Joe" (UA) (:2d wk), $10,500, (iranil (RKO). (1.430: 44-70 )— '■Lady On Traill" (TJ), (ni.o.).- Great ;.8.006. LaM ucok, "Ovei 21' (CoD (2d'i'iiii): same. .Keith's '(United) (1.500: 44-70)-r- ''O.ver. 21"; (Col).: .Second transl'er for third downtown ^e.^Il. Stout !l;7.00(). Last week. "Northwest Mounted"; (Par) and "Gun lor Hire" (Par; (re- i.'-sues) Cid wk), dull $3.,500. ^ ■ l.vric (RKO) (1.400; 44-70)—"G. I. .Joe" (UA). Moveover tor third round on'main stenii Dand,y $7,50,0, Lafit weeli. "Frozen'' (U)j*!lnd "Jungle Captive" (U). S7.000. Palace (RKO) (2,(;00: 44-70)— George While's Scimdals" (RKO). S.disfactorv $15,000. La it week, "Out Tins World" (Pari, teriific $19..500.V' Shubert (RKO) Ci.lOO:- 44-70>— "Out This World" (Pai ) i m.o.). Good .$0,500. LasI week. ''Wonder Man (RKO) (2d wki,-$C.OO0. 'V Rochester Theatres In —^ -Uinion- A^reertients- Roche-,ter. N; y,. Sept. 4. Main stem, theatres have signed ne\v contracts ,U'itli tne stagehands, proicctionist and: en!.dnccrs unions: with nfinor chahge.1, but deniiuids ot the musicians unipn ;for a I'lill O.r^ chestra, ' in.stead of the previous .''stcindby" agreeraent when tiiedtriss play name baiid.s, is reported-laictor' in stymied parle.ys with thi.s union. The RKO Temple and Loews, which norijiall.y: Would be'■jaotjking.-; ocear. sional .-lagc show*,, arc delaying ac- tion in this licld until a new; pa,ct is initialed. ■ ' The union is reported confronted witli: musicians returning i'rom the .armed forces : seeking .jobs at 'tlie .-'i,me time that somt', local hotels are dropping their baiid.Si and nightclubs using live talsiit, tlius •ctiitidjj dowji the Dumber of bandmen. . 'Anchors' Wham $27,000, Prov.;'Angel'.Highl7G, 'Christmas' Solid 16G Providence. Sept; 4, ''Anchors Aweigh'' at Locw's Slate IS leading town this week. Al-so big are Maiestie's'"Chn.stinasm Con- necticut;'- and RKQ Albec's "Johnny . Angel.'^ , ';. ■ ■;■■."'/ ■ ■ ;:■■;; '■■ , '",' ■.<■; iDslimatr.s for This M'eek Albec (RKO) (2.200 44-001— "Johni-iy Angel". (RKO).and ''I'lt Tell the World" lU). Vcrv nice l«17.0l)0. Last .week. ''<ji;oat .John L." (UA) and ■ Stcppin'! in/Sociotv" (RKO), siiappv :'$l(i;000.. t*^' .•■ : . . : - <,',n-llcn iFa>-Loew) (1 400' 40-i50) -•"Capt. Eddie'' .(20lh) and "Carib-; bean .Mv.-,tciy' ^20th) (2d run). Good .S3.000. Last week. "Boll tor Ad»iio" (20th) (2d iiin). Okc S2.500. Fa>'s *(Fay) (1.400: 40-50)—"Okla- homa" (Rep) and vaude on .stage. Strong S7.500. Last week, "Wonian m Green'' (U) and wonder ho)'.se.' "Coley Bav.!' heading'return ot .stage- snows. .S7.200. W " ■ ■ . Ma.icsli<! (Fav) (2.200: 43-(>0)— ''Christmas iii-Conn." (WB). ;Solid ■iilfi.OOO. Last week. "Capt, Eddie" i20th,) and "Caribbean' Mystery" i20th), .swell $15,000. MetrrpoUivii (Snider) (3.200; 44- 85)—"G. 1. Hono.ymooil" (Jiono) and Gene Ki-upa orch on stage. Reopen-- ing after summer closing. SbiSlc ,$-20,-.; 0(10 lor lull week in -sight. , :■ .' .Slate (Loew) (3.200; 43-fiO)—"An- chors Aweigh" (M-G ». Packiiie Ihein 111 tor -wham .S'27.000. Last'" vvcek, ■Thi.ll ol Roinyn(.e'>(M-G) <3d wk), ^n.ippy ■ 12.000. t,-''^ Strand (Silveiman) (2 200; 44-fiO) —'•Iiic<>ndiary Blonde'' ( Par). Opened Monday (3). Last.'weelc. ''Ovei' 21'' (Col) and "Ten Cents Dajjce" tCol)-. i2d \y:k ):,. nifty $10,500.- t/ ^ 'Blonde' Good 12G In Mpls.; 'Blood' Oke lOG MiniKSapolis. Sept. 4. .: There are. only two impol-taiit new- comers this week, "Incendiary ■Blonde" and. "Blood on tlie Sun," but both have what il takes to make Radio City and State inanagei.s happy. Two sen.satibnal lirsl-weok performers. ''Christmas in Coiinccti-' cut" and "Wond(?r Man;" , conti ii uc; to show vitality. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900- 15-25)— "I'll Tell World" (U) ..nd "Ar--,on Squad" .(PRC). Good ,S2.10fl in ti days. week.^ "Midnight Man.. Ifuui" (Par) aiifl "Hollywood, A'inc" (PRC) .split with "Can't Do With<iut Love" (Col) and "CiscoJKid Retuin.s" J.Mono )j_okax_$2,000. Century (P-'S) (1.60(): 44-"(lfl)— ''Cliristinas in: Conn.": (WB) (m.o,). Slill powcrtul al S(i.!)00. Last week. ".Jiinioi' 'te's'' •.;(20th) , (m,o'..V;, Ji>5,500. _ _ GophiTr (P-S) n.OOO: 40)—"Mount- ed Police" (Par) (rcj-sue). Brj S5.- 000. Last week, ' D(^lighl liilly jDaii- ge.rous'' (UA). only $2:800. Lvric (P-S) (1.100; 44-fiO)—'"You Came Along" (Par) (m.o,). Tliird downtown slop for Ihi.s liigh grosser. Loolis mildish.;week. "Bad? to Balaam"' (RKO) (mo.), good $4,- 500. y Orpheum (P-S) (2 800; 44-6fi)- "Wondor Man" (RKO) (2d wk), Suitable $7^0 after smash $10,000 opoijcr,' v/' ; ■ « Kadio City 'P-S) (4:000; 44-fiO)— "Incendiary Blonde" iP,n) Good $12,000. wee';. "(>lrtnin.s jii Conn.". fWB), ;Sl.'),()OO. V^ Slate (P-S) (2,300; 44-80)—"Blood on Sun" fUA). Fairly nice $10,00(1 Ol- close. Last week, "You Cam(j, Along" (Par) (2d wk). Okav $8,500:1 Uptuivn (Par) ; (J,10(l: 44.,-i(|)_ ''Along Came Jones'' iHKO). Fir.'l nabfi .showing. CJnod .$< :»0l). l,;i,,t week, "Corn Is Giccn'' (WB), $3,S0J> ■Wonder'-Vaude Wham 21G, Balto Ballimore, Sept. 4. Strong product lineup i.s helping to od'sel the nick into current grosses resultiiig from lioldiay weekend exodus. Hangup trade is reported for "Anchors Aweigh." at T.,oew's Cen- tury; and .•'W'cinder. ■:Ma'n" is ' faring exceptionally well at the' combo Hipp. "Iiiccndiivry Blonde," at Keith's, also is,sturdy. '';!,:T ' ' Estimates_(ox.'Th's_Werk . Ceiiturv (L(iew's-UA) (3.000; 20- 60)—"Anchors .\v\eigh" (M-G). Top- ping town with faost-iii-weeks esti- mafe of $20,000. Last week, ".Soutli- ernei" (liA)*Jlivo.n ample newspaper space lo land'^ $16,200, solid, Hippodrome (Raooaport) (2.240: 25-74)—"Wonder Man". iRKO) plus vaude. Strong .S21.000. Last week, "Scandals" (RKO) sturdy $t9,300.iy Keith's (Schanbergei ) (2 460: 21)- 60)—"Incendiary Blonde" (Par). Robust' $17,000. Last weel«,' "On Stage Everybody" i U). (ine ,S9,100.t«'' Mayfair (Hick.i) cOSO; 2,5-,55)— "Gun for Hire'' (t^'ar); (reissue). Average $4,00»-' Last week. "North- \\e--t Mouiltcd" (P.u) irefssue), $5,200. V^" .New (Mechanic) (1.680: 20-60)- "Junior Miss"' (20th) (2d wk). Hold- ing well at $7,000 after okay initial sc>,h at $9,400. ^ Stanley (WB) (:!.2«0: 25-65)— "Cliristmas iiv CQimecticut" (WB) (2d wk). Still .,,U-ong at ,SI6,000 afier u> mopping up on first round at $2:5,200 (T Valencia iLoew's-U.M (1:840; '20- 60) — "Southerner" iVA) (mo) Modest $4,500, week."Thrill of Bomance" (M-G) (in.o.). .$5,200. v-^ - Boston, Sept. 4 ; Labor Day weekend and Americiut Legion convention are kecoiiig many in town and drawing oUvirs to Bo.s- ton and helping biz everywhere "Ovet-21" is tops in two spots, "t'apl tain Eddie" at Paramount and Fen- way,.and "Incendiary Blonde" at Met had wow openings; ."Lady .onTi ahi" still IS .smash on seqond week al the Memorial. ■ v ' ■ Estimates tor This Wrfk Rost'on (RKO) (3,200; ,50-$). 10)-- ■'On Stage Everybody" (U) with Fred Lowery, Ray English. Rorolhy - Rae. Stan Kenton orcli, others, on .stage. Nice $28,000. Last wei-k. "East Side Heaven" (U) and "Imit.ilion of Life'' tU)/ freis.sues). with .lory ■ .\danis, Xiarjorie Knapp, otlier';. .>;«^ I'rnway (M-P) (1,.'?75; 40-74 1— •'Captain.; Eddie" (20th) and -Di- vorce" (Mono), Fine $10,000. L.isl week, <G. I, Joe" (UA)-and "Tell It to Star':' tRep) .(m.o.) v2d wk ), big ' $8,000. y/' > Metropolitan (M-P) .(4,367: 40-74) —'Incendiary . Blonde"; (Pa r) and "Ciiribbean Mystery" (20tli). Gi.nid $:J0.()()(). week, "Cliri,-ini„^ in Conn." (WB) (2d wk), great $22 000.'' Memorial (RKO) (2,900: 40-741— "Lady on Train" (U) and "I\l;;i)ia Lrtves Papa" (RKO) (2d wk). Si img/ S22,000. Last week, terrific !«:«).00(i £/ . Orpheum (Loew) (2,900: ;i5-75 1— "(Dver 21" (Col) and "Love a Band- leader" (Col). Wham: $:)2.0()0. \ cek. "Guest Wife" (UA) and "Gay ' Sdioiila" (Col) (2d wk), stronK M7.,50(). I'ar»r«f,nnt (M-P) (1,700. 40-741- "CapUnn .Eddie" (20lh) and Di- vorce'' '(Mono), E-xcellcnt .'Klo.odO. Last week, "G. I. .loc" ilIAi and "Tell It lo Star" (Rep) mio 1 i2d wk). $11,000. «. Slate (Loew) (3,200; ,'>5-75) - "Ov< r 21" (Col) and "Love a BauriltadLi " (Col). Bangup $20,000. ucok, "Guest Wife'-' (UA) and 'G,iv Se- nouta" (Col) (2d wk), Sl)..500^' Traiislu.x (Tran.slux) i9D«: 20-74) ■—"Wliite Congo": (PRC) and ''.SomI of Monster" (Col). Good .S6.l)()n- Last 7 weik. "Bat Whisper.s" ilnoiei ..iul/- "Spell Amy Nugent" (PKCi V5 ■VIO.'^ 'Blonde' Sizzling 14G, Indpls.; 'Anchors' Ig^G Indianapolis. Sepl. 4. Biz is far from, olienomeiuil. too many people apparently not atl:en(l- iiig; film tlwalres on holiday week- end. Bi;;, still remains at recent high level; ;"Aiiehors Aweigh," at Ldow's. IS torrid, with holdover .sure' "Incendiary Blonde" is hot at the Indiana'. Estimates for This ■Work Circle (Kalv.-Doile 1 (2.800- n2-55) -^"Endearing ,Young Charms".i RKO )■ and "Strangers Marry" (.Mono). Oke $11,000. Last week. "'Patrick tlie Great" (U) an/ "See My Lawyer" (U), $11,500. Indiana (Kat/:-Dolle) O.llOO; 32-.55) —"Inceiidiary Blonde'' (Par), 'Hefty I^H.OOtl. La^l week, "Bell for Adaiio" (20th) and "CKicago Kid" (Rop). ditto $13,500. V ' Keith's (Indie) (1,200; 32-55)—"A .Bo.y, a Girl" dndie) and "Melody Rinch" (Hop.) (reissue). Slow $.5|- ,000 tor reopener after sunime)- lay- oIL < .■.,_■■ ■.-■ Loeiv's (Locw's) (2.4.50; 35-551— "Anchor.s Aweigh" iM-G). Teirific S1K,,500 with running-tinie blamed lor . .slow turn-over. Last w-eek "Twice Blessed' (M-G) /iid "Be- witched" (M-G). $12,600.V l.vric (K;il-/.-Dollo) (1 600; 32s)5J— "BcU lor Adand" (20tli) .md "ChT- ,cagQ :Kid': ',(Rcti).. :,Okc ■$,5,500 mcivc- over. week. "Oul This Worid" (Par) and "MiduighlManhunt" (Par-) I m.o._)._$:5,0go._/ 'Eddie' Hiffh-Flying Ace In Seattle, Great ViG : ■■ ■ ■ ' 'Sealtlfiv. Shot. :4. Cold, rainy Labor D.!^ helped b/ over the weekend, "Capt. Eddie" lo'-Ks Ion newcomer, Estimates for This Weelc Blue I\lon«e (TI-K) (800- 45.rO)— "Murder. He Sa.y.,'' iPar) and "Wom- an in Gieen" (U) (3d \\k». From Paramount. Stout $6,500. L:wl week "BolJ fm.-.-Adano" CiOlh) c:id wk) f;.5.,500,^.—-", ■ ■ I-'iCth .Avenue (H-E) (2..'149; 45-801 —"Thrill of Romance'' (l\1-G) i2(i' .'t>18.800 opciKir; y I.iberlv (.1 & vH) (l.fiijO; 4.5-80)— "1,001 Kifhts" (Cot) and "Escape in Fog" (Col) dtli wk). BriglH .■88,500. Ls-,1 week, big no.ono.*^ Afuslc Kox; (JI-E) (8.50; 45-80)— ''Endearins Charms.' iRKO) (3d 'Wonder'Terrifl7G,K.C.; Tapt. Eddie'Brisk 17% 'Anchors' Socko at 20G Kansas City. Set)l. 4. First-run biz here continues in a Jiigh .siiitimcr level. ;' .'-Anclioi-.s ■ Aweigh," soloing at the MirilaiwK. is ,•'. (lie pacer. . "Wonder "Man ' is .socko. .. til the Orpheum.. :givin.g the li(iu.-!e;' tlie biggest opening day in. .iIs. hi."-'-. ■. toi'.v. "You Came Along" ■ i.s. heIty : ; in its second stanza at Newman alter ■' a torrid initialer. Ii;i.tihialcs for Thi-s Week ilstiniret Uptown' and rairtvay (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2.043 a'id 700; 40-60)—'-Capt. Eddie" i201hl w,irl $17,500. Last week. - Don .lu.-n Quilligan" (20th), only $11,000, j^d under hopes. t/ IMIilland (Loew'.s) (3..500; 45-65) — "Anchors Aweigh" (M-G). Big $L'0.- 000. Last week, "l.OOl Nights' (Col) and "Blackie's Rendezvous'.' iColi, big $17,.500, but below expeclaiic.v .V Newman (Pai'amount) (1.900;: 46- 05)—"You Came Along'' (Par) (2d wk ). Potent $12,000. Fii ^t w-a.s U r- ridc $19,000. y' Orpheum (RKO) (1,500: 46-651 — "Wonder Man" (RKO). Wham $17.- 000 on heels of biggest opening ri;iy in's hi.story." Last week. "'K st ■ Side ol' Heaven" (U) and "Imiialion V (if Life" (U) (reis.sucs), boff $15,000.'' Tower (Fox-Joltee) (2,100: 39-60i —"Man from Olclahoina" (Rep) icvl ' High-Powered'' (Par) pUis vaude. Stout $11,000. i.veek, "Crime, Inc." (PRC) and "Within Walls' i20th), with .stag**" show, $10,500. , wk). Good $5,000 after oke S,5 800 last sj.anza. Music IlaH-(H-E) (2,200; 45-KO)— "Ciiol. Eddie" (20th) and "FaU-m" (RKO). Great $13,000, weik. "Wulhtring Heiglits" IFC) ;uid "Vloliday Inn" (Par) ('reisiue.'jT,"miVI HfrMO.- , —— — OrphKum (H-E) (2.600; 45-801- "Chi.-istnia.s in Cona." (WB) and "Eeaulil'ul Cheat" (U) (2d wk). $16,000. Last week, big $18,400. Palomar (Sterling) (1 ,,3.50- 2,5-,50) —"Rhythin Rounduii" (Col) ..nd "Gangs oC Waterfront" (Rep). F; m v $8,500. Last week. "VamDiros Gh' --i ' (Ren) and -'phanlom. Speaks" (!-;■ n K $7,600. V*' Paramount (II-E) (3.039: 45-l!())— "Incendiary Blonde" (Par). Sni -h $18,000. La,st week, "Murder. H" Savs" (Par) and "Woman in Grci -" (U) (2d wk), good $8,400 in 6 d- • s.v Konscvelt (.Sterling) (800: 45-8(1 - ''Wulhtringlloight.s" (FC) and "lid' - (lay Inn" (Par.) (roi.s.siies) (m.i'. 1. Trim $.5,000. Last Week. "That",- S'" - it" (U) and "Sec My Lawyer" 'V >. $4,600. Winter Garden (Sterling) (800: 25- .50)—"Su-san" (Par) and '-Painck. Great" (U) (3d run). Big $.5 000. LasI wtflr. "Ood J.S Co-Pilot" (WB) and "Ifi- in Bag" (tJA) t3d run), $4,600.