Variety (Sep 1945)

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46 PSGSOBff Weda«ciaj, SeptemlNrr 5, 1945 Broadway Howjid Btij to do the iCtsj foi ie^ M\,)l oE Show Boat" :i;jeut>.Colv W.UHam . fihri director, in Mew York. Ja\ BjPiman split fiom his ne« 15dilnei, goes into "Spiing m Bui/il' TicKet broker Phi) Fur*t at Polj- Chtiic hoipital for Kidney tredtinenl MUidock Pemboitoil's son lacking thioe months oC being 25,-xnlo the Army this week. ■ ,: LifI.iah;M foriher secretary; to Jed Harris, now dittoms tor Al Sth\vdlbei& al Inteuutioniil Pr- tuies -■. ■JohiV'Yorke!, recent cbiiipahy iiiaii^ ai;ei of Oklahoma' (N Y ) )oinini> ./toiirirug troupe of '■'Tempesl" ilf siimi? . capacity. Bilb Bi\ant the show B.ii- num now on the lectine plattoun telling ol hii 40 yeais as. a bhowboal . showman. ; liena Mbrhe arrived Satiirday (1* fiom Coast to begin leheaisuii, tui Broadway musical. "tSt. Loin.'; Wom^ an' ih which she will be >taiied Call Lcierman United Arti'-t'- gcneidl iales manaRi i letuined to N Y> last week Iiom HoUjwood wheic hed been looking at new product Richaid Batavalle batoning 'Okla- homa' ' in N Y for the past thiee weeks Owen Maitin plaving ll e pcddlei jn show fox two weeks din- ing \ dcations Billy Wilder returning to Holly- wood from Pans this week to do a Paramount picture with a Berlin background concen'iing Get many postwar future. luing Engel and Lestei Scsai to Century boxoftice, where ' Mr. Struiis.-J Gocis to Boston" open.s tomorrow. (bi. Lep Solomon now treasurer ot the Wintei Garden ("Marinka ). La Conga, being readied for a changeover to theClub London by Jack Hams, is having renovation.s and deeoiations done by Betty Mind- ■ lin. who did the decor for Giro s in London. ■ ^ B. G: De Sylva is en route to New York for huddles with Paramount . homeoft ice exees on special releas- ing and exploitation plans lor his initial mdie production "Stork Club." producer accompanied by his, wite. Burgess Meredith, star ot Ernie Pyle's 'Story of G. I. Joe.' arrives in New York Friday. (7) to partici- , patem United Artists advance build- up for the Broadway; preem at the Gotham and Globe latei thi.s month Maior Daniel Jenkins, .son of Fehx Jer.ikin.s. 20lh-Fox .secretary and one —gf veteran counsel<L_Iai—camp iny,_ wa* among the fiist leu hiindied U, S tioops to fly to Japan in 'id- va"nce ot the big Army force ■ week. ■ . Belle . Baker s : belated ' Broadway nitery reaopcarance due for Sept; H at the Latin Quarter. It will make her hrst Broadway niEjhtcliib apiieai - 'ance in five years. Wa.s previou,-ly . scheduled for L. Q.., but was downed , by pneumonia. ■ To avoid billing conflict with an- other Harvey Stone, llarvev (Bliiei Stone, who: had been cmceeiny at the Swing Club on 52d street, will hereafter work as Blue Stone. For- mer, still 111 the Army. IS handled by Music Corn of America. "Garv Cooper. toUowinir a Ki.\-weck vacatiojv on Long Island, shoves oil to<lav (Wednesday) for Chit is?) and then will return to the Coast w hci t he IS due to. arrive Sunday l9i. Cooper hosts c\hibitois wc\ tiadc press reps in the Ghi territory at a luncheon tomorrow (6). participated in a belween-halves MBS aiiei at All Stai-.-Gieen Bav PatKei s pigsktn .bout at Soldiei a Field ' ' ' ■ I Needv youngsleis mentioned m the doubhns! between KQV choirs Jules SwartZ; nitery owner, home trom Europe. Sgt, Alex ICahn, who writes ''This I.s Halloran," home on a brief pass to see his folks. Mane Carroll. cx-Maiirice Spi- talnv vocalist, back in town with Bob Stioiigs orch Nick Stanley, local lad, signed for "Assassin" He was in "Hauiet" with Helen Hayes. .M Nobel. Hal McTntvre's ex^vocal "I Want a Home ' a ti er oiv VVCFL, sciipted by J Ray Hunt, niteiv and Sunday ed ot the Dailv Time.-, have been ofteied homes bj 75 Chi fami- lies so fai. ■• Frances Knight, who Jormerlv plajcd stiipleuse lole duiiiig letoid I un of Good Night. Ladies, here, mtioduced her new bridegioom-Lt Col. John Breckenridge. to menibeis ot the lately overhauled cast.: ■ Aufhori ot articles in The Chicagoer, diie to hit. the newii- slands soon aie Tcnnesi.ce WiUi.mis, Ben Hecht Lloyd Lewis Mis Rob- eit Maynaid Hutchins, Ralph Kettei- ing and Howard .Vincent O'Brien. I Hollywood ! Jc? Yovingorman back at Pai'a- Imount from, Gotham. ; • . 1 Esther Dale back tiom 'Smoky" location 111 Kanab. Utah. . • /Claire Armstrong joined the mo- tion; picture department of Robert "Light agency .. Bmg Crosby, took two dav.s-'bCt last , week from woik in 'Blue Skies' lor ;hospital eheckiip. ■■ S Albert, ;Mpi-in ..l3ack a at, Metro m ' Holiday in Me.\ico alter .J3 months overseas diitv.-■■ . Arch Obolerljas completed screen- pldv ot "111 Tell My Husband at Metro and starts directing in about ■two month.S: ■ . Jack Sonenshine. son of Jack W. Sonenshine of Pitture.s. back afteer 32 months Arinv service m the Pacific. ; Mane Wilson of Ken Murrav s Blackouts' suing for divorce from hut. .Allan Nixon. Vhom .^he married three years a£;o. Liiis Cae.sar Amadori. Argentine film director, en route, home after and spot in floor show at Don Met/ Lt. Dave Hadburg, who used to manage a Iheatio foi his tathei-in- law. Mike Shapiro, en rout« to India. Plaj house actiess Baibaia Bums husband Captain Jame.s W Mcln- tyie, of the tank coiDs, m from ETC Variety Gills WEEK OF SEFT. « Kmctal* ll MmMaliwi with bllla batow Imncal* •ik«I«c 4ay •! (hair, ".'Wlialtiar' full' .ar' .a*Ut" waak.'.', Minneapolis Bv Les Rerii Bill Soais Oipheiim niaiumei, calioniiig in Canadian Rockies: Al Stern. RKO office manager, va- cationing at Lake Vermillion. Minn; Hotel NiioUel has Sammy Walsh, Heleiie & Hayes and Paul Williams' :orch.' . M A Lp\v 20th-Fox distuct man- ager., to Des Moines for ' Stato Fair" woild pieniiere, Capt. Sidney VplU ot Army . Air Corps, local independent circuit owner, here on leave. Viola Lane into Hotel Radis.son Flame Room with RoU Passei & De& Gostello and Gordie Bovven's orch. , Jack Connor.' who quit Times edi- torial : stall to become M-G-M ex- ploiteer out of' Omaha, back as Star Journal outdoor editor. Corp. Bill Soper. Paramount book- er: home on 3,'5-dav turlough after serving with Army, during Nor^ maiidy and other campaign-s. Ben Kalmenson. Roy Haines and Harry Seed, Warner Bros, general sales manager and diyision and dis-^ trict managers, lespeclively, heie to conCei with Minnesota Amus Co on "Rhapsody m Rhythm" and "Piide I ot Mamies' cuLUit deals Loew I./nni't - Kji.V**, ,■ .1 o)i 11II ie'.) (til itMt 0fi ' H \ t Muoii A\ in B Keiviiv ,KO\Vt*l'H Sim -jlA'aii .Cai-ln'.V" — « \SIIIN<. I4>N --: 4'n|»Hol («) "".viavjuvljii.' i'o-fius^. |jemi.v.tttile' ■ ■ .■ ParamoiBt \K»' .\(>KK ■:■ l*iininHMiii4 Itiiiei-M; P'pl ; 'riVn 1 U^rbfrf ■. <'IIH \(.(> < I'll .liu-Uit' ({j'otMi . " ('a I'M.l . .Iviiis ■ Ut'uiie .* .l!iisst>II Oltin|>lti (A) . (l^ftletiH A' .Ilowai'il Siir/i .AiiK .M'4^("itUo J.;uii(l' i-iVon. <,:t> ■ ' Cabaret BiOs NEW TOltK CITY RKO Hutilun CW) II IlIMP I ,t> tl*' l.iH'nN i^irft^ hl.(5-(l *■ Willi.s W'lll!<-. Shorn Ivi hi; (,^o:lf ,;l ,AivtV> >Kiil; Ore III ,M<-ii or ithvMlm I Rm-ei l.i- Wliii.p , Rill'« nn.<r »•■* Kllial Gilbert , , C:liavlus ,bU'lcK1and 111,1, I{Min~ llaiold wniard Jhuiny Btit'Ua mil Ival.iey «Hy VO'a Qiinrtett* ,BI'up ■, Ai»i?»*t ■ Kv.plytV KiiiKl't I rwiii. .1 'orfii-. . . Itosn Al iii'itlvv -■ ■ llrleii . jlowe ... ^'hilllaoil Tfio OHtc EHoclclir . '.(.VowiitonM) Sua;ui Jloetl ■ >ltu V-1 nil W illi.iiiia lrniKi|'ii« Ciii-ii , llMii U.V -Miir'loii ore. : nubiit-r ,lViu\ , lllfo So<'i*»(y ■■■ (I IttWU'll) ■ I'uula l.Hifrt*in*e' ■ .1 lllil' <iil>.1(itl „ . ,Ki'»inp,ll! .SpVnopi* Sfi 11.1 Sitllrl Jl;iui'iM'H' h;iliiiuii{l ,,lluli C>re tle'iie l*'wiiV^ Nun IllitliHions. : f oiiHCiibitna ' ' ,llilv.i Ciret'ir Mil no A', li'loria ■ Miin -Bemila, '~r-^ , .! 0*'! llerron, Oi'C l''t"t'il;li!' "Alnyiv Irwii) roll; Oi'o I'lill Roimiln. ^t)l lulltUlllu Ainiola Sliodii * TTrnTK I'oHli-V ,o,re-- yunny JtJiyii ' llolnl I'KiitiHtivniila AVootl.v llortnnn o ■ • lo(»l )>i)>rr<i'u.v: , :,, JiBuiiin'ii, ,& ciiiiiont ■ KtunlB.v SIfilba O,,* . Hiifcl Plnxai J.iberat'c, ; I'.s,iojIe & I.rroi- <;i|i'lVoo(l,,Vnn Ord Sink Moiuc Oic llnt«l KiHMOi'cli Bddio bl-oitcS'Gi'i! -. llulvl Tilft Vincent Lodck On Hold IVulilort-A .laiio If'ichnns • i J"iul| WiiiuliMl. , ■■ - }li!i'miiiioH Wms S Hob 1 Mil'oiit; '. K»ll»'s sinMm r>oti\ jtpui ItilK f,l\Ii « , ;Vivi(in tiany Trio A.ula''.'" ■■ IjII Msirllnlqiw .Taiie Billon . - I'inj-ico &; Niivello : •Socasaea Oro liii'ine-.SI.-ewiii't-Oro^—' latin .Quiirtai Pat Itoonf^v. Ha ve Ai Ntilill > ]JilK HiicI.Ic} Upbeat Continued from pas'^2 Statler hotel. Boston. Sept. lb. for .si.\ vveelvs as guest consultant on RKO s * Cornereo:' Lieut. Margaret Waite, getting her dischaige trom Wa\es aftei thiee years service, will resume former job in Reptiblic flackerv. v Lt. Bob Crosby, stationerim the Pacihc with the Marines, doing pub- lic lelalions work is back for a few weeks on ofHciat buj.incs-s Jack Donohiie. Metro dance direc- tor, on leave ot ab.sence to go east to stage musical numbei= Joi Rich- aid Kollmai s Slightly Pei/ect' Sen. George McLeay, member of i a , Au'-tiahan delegation to San Fian-1 ^ ^ ei-seo Conlerence. and Clvde and i - ~. Ewen Watterinah of Adelaide Aiis-I Ben Allison has been appointed. ti iha hiads ot an Aii->tialiaii theatie i geneial managel, with Leon Rene as si.i{ weeks when Shop Fields takes over at the N.. \. hosteli v. Smiley Burwett^'s tune's "Ring the Bell" and-."He Was An Amateur Once,'.' sold, to Columbia for his next mm Rud Freeman, former sax with various top bands, back in N. Y: I aftei iwo years in Alaska with the A'.C' C .N c y Beohinq far rim Mott DitcriMimiriiit of. ladvpaiMlaiit Tbeatr* OwMr* 1S0I Broodway-ParoaiOHiif tida. N«w Yerfc UtftM 9>4352-3-4 ciicuit vveie guests of Loui.-, M,a^v-e 1-0 n-Met Hi-sturfto-tou i- B London Chicago Moiton Downej and his two son- ■ *topping over at the Ambas.sadoi- iEast Patiicia Dollahan back i'- -iles ■ promotion manager tor Irving Mack at Filmack, ■ , , Martha Raye celebrated her bnlh- day at Gibby's while a stopovei en loute to N Y to itart leheaisaK m "Belle Biodie Recovered fiom ihcumalic fevei crooner Jack, Owens returning 1o his two an show. "Breakla^t Club and "Tin Pan AUej," Sepl Ij .lElisabeth Bei-gner makes her Chi p a at the Great iVoithem the- atre Oct. ■ 1 m "Two Mrs. C:inoils ' ■. with Joel Ashley in the Victor Jory role.;,','' Lou No\.i nnt' Mn Gcoige Jo^c ili oC East Centi ll Luzon Ouiiil'i ■ Arhiy ho.sled at Variety: Club dinner i Jasl \^eek bv W C DcVi\ ol IJi Vi v , Pftv Diinn,y:S,e\\'man. recently ,i'ctj- | V orniiicnded for a,Silver. Star for c:ipr,j . .'turing-13 Nazi.s' aingle-hantletlly.' ex- | pceted back at his old joli '.oon as pi CSS bhief at Oriental th'-alio I Noiman Bel Gedlles lunching v ith I . Erine: B^ ficld and John Gunlher, acl-j „,vised he's received an , appDintment,] froni^ tlie; Ciiincse govt, to' do a I i'l t Ic ' ti'^riaine facc-liftiiig foi then couii-1 tM ■ I Beit Wheeler, doing his legulai net btint fram the Opcia House, also Arnold Grant to Pans, . Ra\ Ventma is back m Fiance and .lor.miag new band- ' ■ Cyril Fletcher to play lead in Wim-. bledon theatre oft pantomime this year,,'. - . Herbeil Farieon. dramatic critic and revue writer, who died recently, left $9 396 Frank Lawton. out of the Arftiy • touiing with his wife Evelyn Laye in The Thiee Waltzes Maigery Weinei foimeily in icharge of MCA Office In London now secretary to Robert Kane. Title of Cicely Courtneidtjp'.s new musical changed fiom Den iVadam ' to ' Under the Counter.' Gillian Liiid added to cast ^ Dwmht Deeio Wiman expected, hei-e li'oin Pari.s ui two vveclts, tiv wind up American Red'Cross tMiter- .tainment activitie's.' ,,' , ,; Jimmj Phillips Petei M,uiiicc-i geneial mananei back fiDm P n s and BiLissels wheie he had boi ri ;bpcnin,g branch Offices. , "Haying given up the Criteribn thor alio vvniLh it used foi bio.dcast- ms; dui mg the wai the BBC h. s ac- rniiitd the Giaflon hotel as leplacci, Michelle dt Ly- has been sit,in J bv ,Tortvrpv Handel .for, new series of "ftina." , wh^ch ;.sl,arts airing. agaiJi foi the Biili'-li Bioidc st ng Con,' Sent 20 Lc.s-lic Macdonnell out of the Air- Foice aftci fi\e and a h<i| m. ij : LikevMse John P Mveis v [i,, (i is: taken no publicity lob Wjth J Ai- thiir Rank. ,'•;',, :•,', ■ ,;. . .'■ piexy, o[ Exclusive Recoids Fiim IS moving la—new—treadqtiarrteis—in Hollywood. Del Courtney band moves into the Palace hotel, San Francisco. Sept. 6,,i1idefimte stay. 1 ('l,KVK1..<\M|i . I'lilace .(?>! " l'^lait>i?.H ' Mn':i .lln.vinoiul .loltii, itoU'tf. ■ ,; 1)11 hlu'ffw \V'irr». liolitrn (^iilr <Ii> Kobb.v Kirci-\vooa o MillH .Mi'Ilq MarlBll ..2- Dob Willi.MIS Warner M t« ^OKK f riv S»r,in,l (J) ♦ biirln* -liHrni't. Ore O'il Miii'Moii^T^v^^ i'iuii,<ki>|i.i rui\ fMrlr (7) : l.'h;lrlotet*»v . , ; Ttiib ( h( uiHi Ori' Itfnllil A ll iiili THiXyTiTi 11,1 II Herbert Slothart composing an oii'<inal score foi ' Thej Weie Ex- pendable' at Metro. Independent Tonu El N«£ro, known as the ''Cab Calloway of Mexico.' inked to open Sept. 18 at Club Brazil. Los Angeles. First Pittsburgh dance band to go in foi a personal managei is that of Malty Gregor vho has hiied Da\e Rosen leceniK dischaigod from Army, to handle his' as well as his publicity. . Ralph Obenauf, known as Obie Osborne when he plaved bass foi Skippy Strahl band in Pittsbuigh is leader of Thud Infantiy Band sta'- tioned at Weisbaden, Gqimanv Pittsburgh Bv IIul L'olicn :.Toc^ TijCK-er.s :cclcbi;ate4 .thiiiil-' lOlh, wiiddiri.g:-«tii'i-,lai>t'Aveol>/'■ ' ■ • Benni Rubin to the Torch Ck b ii Youh'4.'*ti3wn, G:, after week at Villa ■Rtudrid.', ',, ^: ..■:,':; ■' F 3 St<inbjch flew up to Ahiinv to SDond laboi Day wctkeiid with her'.'ibUvS. ^: ■ '.'"..■'.\-'": T.d G. Ibitalh ,Ii ex-KOV an- n:)Uiicer. awarded his fourth Bronze Star medal, , „ ' ^'^:,;;:'■'■', . '■. /: :; Dil Feiiis 'Yank coircspondcnl and toimer actoi, back tiom Ih' South Pacific. Piess columnist Floicixc PKiif Pi:iry. on her way to Hollywood lor a Ic , weeks, Lt. Elliott Swartz, pilot-son o: Tony l,omlKird«, veteran Pitt mu- sician and a pioneer in radio broads casting heio, is giMng up his own cocktail unit ciiiientU placing at Still :,eon Ba^ Wi-, to eome home and join Dick Averre foursome at the Hotel Roosevelt s Fiesta Room Louis Jordan and Mills Bros com- pleted a gioun ot Dscta disc, m.ide togctliei on the coast NKW YOKK «'1TV Mimir lliill (ti) . 'I'il't 'I'll n A- Toe . 3 H um I' l H ■ Hein.Tril Primn: ,laiut'a .Ben,i I onnef .Bo.*ivvi-ri:. ; ■■ ;I,'arl lluva?;;'a' r fStntlos ,Kr(>.i ocni' „ sbelilon \|>»lli> (i) 'rilR ,.,ljlO'IV,il.S' ■ l(IV<. ISI.XM) ■liuniilt'a .r,iii-k, VValilroii ,, ' (Ilo'rja.l.^ifriy *; fare i>r.v:MilivI^ lliir|-i.i *, Alli'.n. : , ,<r!-3» Fi'f'lilie 'iloi'H-ah :', ,(T,bryK In 'rrHj'; IlilTIMOKI'. tlllMMWlllllne' (tt)'. l>a w All(>(lon,,Co, , .■V Ml,bony A;* TioK**t*« l.obpil-i f, « Willie «H.Vh'>:,.' I'anl A. ,Smuli Aili;ii*(>iuvf'«ru.*ir ■ IMH »\ VV€U Ih i ■ .Srnv'll1i... Orc ,SibyI Bovva n i-'oi i. .Stuvo it. Kililie I..V11, Stii'ii'ey ,' : , K\NS\>. I I1\ ■ 'lovvrf («> Vi II, lliin .litv Arnolil Oulic rioivll. iTwo- fir ini,) MII.tVAI'KKI': .l!lVl>l'Hi||p («) l''r,ilnlvie C"Hrlt> (ire «'iiiik Xr Mac AW nil '.t i.iii'ili... '. .NK»V.*IIK : .AlllltllH' (fl), l.n'!;... ,KI>ol!*■ (:i^o^ ii* AVi Ilia 111 B 'Oi'C I'llla li'iizKrralU :' I ol.c ,( r'ol.r Kali>h Brow:fi .. Iifeds Music h,is signed Lou Singei wiJlei of 'One Meal Ball," to an e\clusive uiitip^j contijct .■.All-State: l>)St, :,(;o, has tJikeiv: over distribUjfiijiT ^of Deliixe Records in Now .Jersey. WANTED TOP STANDARD ACTS :.i Psf Eiirapt and EiK|lMid EDDIE SMITH A6ENCY Pwammwt ■Idq., N«w Yarh : Billy. JViay.'j»!i"it';:ri^; origbftil. nttisic hit-- ;;the ;'"Ailvenl,urcs:. of ' 0/,?,li;; ' and Hal net auslH) v Sandy Sa.n(l«rs Icaicri Union Hall, North flollywood, and vvill ,ii:hiU his own band, the Rough Rideis, two nights a vceU S(utr .VI,f,i'|'i,n,ibM,lr*ss : | l.|,^^ .,Sont;-|iat*.llH ... .lin>: l'IllHll»l. ('(>■ ■ 1 .t'Mn . Ht'IIni,if.s ,t"o <» Ii) .1 liTini.v l.rcVl.^ , i Tliiv.,' 10 nil I '. cvviiinv ... i.lMvrr*. 1 iv'lii'ilo, ,t ..Mii rr : Irvinff Berlin compTeled a novelty numbei, "Have You Evei Tiied Di inking Waiei"' loi "Blue S'lies' at Paramount. ,Jiii-k 1.0(11 I Ki (J (!a« 1' *:,'l'|irfy \'o,g'pI . ■ <'iiH'.\«:4>. .. Oricntiil l(i) l,*aIwrr \|:»},.|,.,..Shov IfllinioH, Wia, , , :) jl't'opj 't'r ■ -,, li.\in'i''oiiii ''iiiii' «•) lljill .loritiiii ■ :'r,I»»' riarlni'liK, r-- lir-llOri' llolH,!'!.* , I'lirn-r:*, ,viiii-t>(,iii,i /ll) 1 ■ I ^ imiiiohi', I'lnr ItiMinl («-•>) riUi.Ai>Ki.riii.t -. riirtiiiiil (1). . SiiiiliiHiK J, < Ihii 3'Iori»nj! ' .' Dawn Kvoa Bi-ii VVaiiiMi Cu CHIi Oiil,>) ■.U;iriiuliair(i,H : ,: ' 'j'lrp- .Sinti'ijiirrn'si",. ■ '■:,': .loi? I'iijUiliH' ('o;,:, :„•■ -, 1 Ii'tir: Kenitigra ri) I'KOVIIIK.VCK, ■ .vll'tmimlnMil f(>-7) Vfi ujihu' Moiir(»e pro' .Norioii Jilirt . >''ik^s.\'.'l'iiii'.iit litiy .Kilylii'e , ^li'lrtviif BIaiiolii'5i K(t('KI'Olil> I'alura (1-!)) .Vnrii- Harlmjiii: , ftay .Vlav,tell I>V*ii^ Itaki'ori Criir-fi* io :i)il) ■ ■ SI-ltlNt.l II I II t nUTt hoimrr (<i) .Mnillly IhiiL^oli ' hiii'lv-.v (.llria, , ', , Judv i:iii,> I'liimoiiit noni»(hm loi *. Ilnvv.iid Witljioiv Sis, , i''r:it>.ii> Kciipif,.',',:; ■ Ann ,:WimjnKi<>'n , ,' ■ Williii holav : iVIr l-sallalii'riia .S.VTlT-iiTTr-rf, "—""ri- .l,aof)iiif)iiip Hurlov , .Vlichiiel' l-idivaril liiH-AeoiMi: Kiiioia Vraru'lii .Vli'll-lioll Uro.s . .Iiniiii.i -Allt!^on- Kill jVlitoro: ■ our JuisoltiMH V tiH ciit. I i-ay('r;.«( 'Or ,Moriy ,H(.iit, ciro . <! >" Ki-stmnHii) 'rotoTtiy .iHU'.Sf.^' (Ire .Slioirl l'"ostcr llltvana-Muilrid ' J>lla?1:0.s l.ii l''i HiiconI: l-alKJU-y ■ Bros Ifulorps Del Carmen ,1 alalfiio Uri! Harlolo 0,ri-h MiKi'I AntbasMiilAr l.oiiiis liutanco'urt O Jille.-^ l.a,li(lo Oro Mn(l*l AKtOr Saimity Kay*- m-v. Ilulel II<-1ill<)Ut Plimii . .Bnl(b\- llaxU'r ' i''a y i,'a rr(>l I Kalln'.ypi IHilTv Dcr« JSirM> Alorale^i Ore ra,\HOn, I:o Ore IliVli'l llillninr* l,titl» lii-aiu (O'l; ■. .i-ilhan I'oi'ni'.ir'': ,ltu.MMoll S'vvaiii) Hotel; Coanntonor* iMiMltf'1 Ciorncr .Ore iioioi nisic loilily JviiiR Ore . Ijob'Aliv.vJiiL- Gates ■Inlrl Gillmn Jo.stv l::onrr'. Ore EjiiNex lliMine .'!lan Kcllpr Oro Until Cleary Ilulel li«iiB(lo* Motiir l\al ,: 'I ai>u Kau» 'I'.'iIiTTia:. '. Maili! :■■•■'.: ■ , Wokihana llarolil Aloma Ore Motel l.lnrolH I.P.I Kijsan on- Motel A4>i* Vorfcn loni Il^^lilnft idiy BieJit Noel to\ » liliis- •Hoo, Slim Ml 10 la Jioiid ■ 11 Vella 4 lajj Ala4Mannc,v VVanijrr. fiiri,, _ \Vnjsli ilarly Bed; Oro l.eoii & Kiliiic-f Kililie JiaA-)-*! Sfiorry ,>trtlltni Kmii Trii :,, l>o IVIn>. Aloorrt . Kay .*, AlUrii'-ii, ;■: ,'., i,ii{|aiic< ,v <.,(icla An Wnner Oio .Monte riirlti .nick C^aspnrrn Or^ iNin f Win'iiiy , Lady Atlno Alboi'tp Or'C ,, ": Itwcn'H I'orner Rari-y 'X^ercniiil Oro. Clark's lla waiiana . '. Harold Cireen . li'i'esljjTieir . - V , ..' \ ^l.'ira'-'l'rib ': , l(i,qrn Koliblera' Sig Sohatz Ore Splvj' t Itoof Carl£ir:i^ nowte Jaj.iio .^j.itiiieirs; ,' filoiii ciiib: Mpralci Ore ,,' Ii^rnioMolal Or* Vermllln .llnini.v- ('amiU ,' ,ii"rr.y C ooper . liarliKe Xilo I 11 U 11 11 iiood (»lo)-,ia .liavjii, . Ki lid ill Kelt" .VliVIaui ^eiibolii «'' Miiiiy f'ai'roll .loe Itlrardel Ore l llluiro . Unra Wallv ItosS . 1 loiitinetH ills .Monro Sis 'I iny Clark KdiKo :A sliTnan Ore VilUke VnuKimnl mil (till /innzllmr Cab Calloway Ore -. ( onivt 1,0 irov Day. Dawn &, Dusk .Borrv IJro.s ■ — i'eavl KaiU;y' ■ Bill Uttile> J'ceweo BliironcTie' r<io)> K Wr ov II Oorolh-V. tirniUcrs. ..' Cliiiltin Iloiikliis Ura Hotel Mgr. Snags Nazi POW in Memphis Street Memphis, Sept. 4. ,■ Henry Balbridge, manager of the Skyway and Plantation Roof at the Peabody hotel, is taking bows on the capluie of an escaijcd Cciman piihonei pf war right on Maui slieetr in Memphis The POW, Seigt iHeintz Ilcim- man, walked oil a- job to which he had been assigned from a camii at Crav\'.Cordville, Ark. He came to Memphis and wandeied foi houis betoie Baldridge spotted him and called police Baldridge. who has throe soas in bei vice thinks, he's the onl.v meinbet 01 the fiupily^ to actually captuie a German..,,, ^ .■?■: ,. ., ,.