Variety (October 1909)

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TEN CENTS # • VOL. XVI., NO. 4. OCTOBER 2, 1909. PRICE TEN CENTS. BECK RETICENT ABOUT NEW TIMES SQUARE MUSIC HALL But Displays Intimate Knowledge of Project by Denial that the House is to be Leased by Henry B. Harris Martin Hoik, wmilil not answer any questions put to him this week by a Vahiety representative referring to the new theatre proposed for the southeast corner of 4.Sd Street and Broadway. Mr. Heck was asked if he knew aught of the report that Henry H. Harris had the new house. To this Heck replied somewhat jwsitively that it was not so. There are many rumors and much gossip al»out the theatre Frank Tate is said to have secured a lease for. One storv is that Felix Isman offered to wager Tate could not produce the lease for the corner site. Another runs tuat Mr. Heck holds a emit rolling rein, and is de- ciding whether the present capacity planned, about 1.400, would admit of the Orphcum Circuit having the sized New York house it would be satisfied with. SOME MORRIS ACTS LAYING OFF. An abundance of higher priced acts have been engaged for the Morris Circuit. Several have noised around that thev are disgruntled through having been "laved off" since the opening of the season. Sev- eral have Morris contracts calling for *'20 weeks in 25" or some such condition in the agreement, leaving a margin of rest during the tour. Others have contracts calling for consecutive time. No derided objection to the "lay off" has been heard so far, but murmurings of discontent tind expression. St. Louis, Sept. 30. Hut little is to be gleaned here of the proposed Times Square music hall in New York. Local reports are that Frank Tate. .Miim's deenwood, dr., and C. L. Cray are members of the syndicate interested. C. L. Cray, who is president of a large construction and contracting company, says he has no interest in the venture more than seeking a contract to erect the otlice and theatre building. For this pur- pose the company has a representative in New York. Moses Orceiiwood. dr.. is a real estate operator, not in St. Louis now, and is said by a mcml>cr of his family to l>c prepar- ing to remove east, probably to New York, lie owns, or formerly owned, part <»f the site of Delmar Oarden. but other- wise is not identified with nnv amusement enterprises so far as can be learned here. Neither has Frank Tate returned to St. I oiiis, though one local paper in an un- dated interview says he is planning a #2 V*i<h'ville house with unprecedented hend- liiiers. WATERY WAY IN BGoTON. Boston, Sept. 'M). The original and "the copy" will make a watery vaudeville way for Host on next week. Annette Kellermanu. the first, will appear at Keith's. "The Devinc Myrina." a Morris "production." is to assist dim Morton in headlining tin* show at the American. Moth girls dive into water. There is some trepidation from reports received that unless "The Devine" hurries up a finished execution of Miss Kellermaun's "sitting-standing dive." she will receive a splash at some performance which may in capacitate her for further exhibition until the doctors mend the young woman up. $2,000 RUSSIAN TROUPE. London. Sept. 22. At the Coliseum will appear the Russian I'alahka. a musical act containing forty players, imported by Oswftld St oil, who signed the act while on his recent visit to Russia with IT. H. Marinelli. The engagement is for four weeks at $2,000 weekly. Only string instruments are played. The strings have some kind of peculiar arrangement, giving, accord- ing to understanding, the effect of one big instrument. TWO PROPOSED. San Francisco, Sept. 30. There is a rumor that plans have l>een completed and bond posted for a "Class A" theatre, with a capacity of 2,000, for Alex. l'antagcs. to Ik* located on Market Street, between Fifth and Sixth, and to be finished within a year. Also that a theatre to open the first of the year has been secured in Oakland, which will play in conjunction with Haulages' new house in Los Angeles is reported. A later report is that the (Jraunians did not make the deposit of $25,000 to the Emma Spreckles estate last week to bind the lease for what ha* been supposed to be the "new Crauman house," now building, and Pant ages may be close to that theatre now. CARRIE NATION ON SMALL TIME. Chicago, Sept. do. Paul Coudron of the Sullivan-Cousidine offices has corralled Carrie Nation, "the booze fighter." to play over the smaller time hereabouts. Carrie has been tidying up the house of late, leaving the booze alone, though re- ports -.till come in from Kansas of a souse seen here and there. OFFERING LIEUT. SHAKLET0N. Let the discu-oion between the discov- erers of the North Pole 1:0 on. The Mari- nelli New York office is offering for vaude- ville over here Lieut. Hiaklcton. of the Kritish Antarctic Kxpcdit ion. of course. the Kngli-dimau did not reach the -mitli pole, but lie got further >oiM )i tli;iii any- one else. "PAPER" FOR 10-CENT SHOW. At Perth Amhov. N. d.. where Proc- tor's Theatre opposes the liijoll. of I'eiber. Shea <\ Coutant. the Proctor man ageinent is distributing free p}i»-es for t he mat inecs. The "j)aper" is gi\en lo women. Each pass admits one. The admission at Proc tor's i> 10-1 .">; at the liijoii it is 111 JO. ALDERMANIC M0N0L0GIST. Chicago. Sept. .»o. • lake Sternad has induced Alderman I'ramis nf the .{Nt Ward to take a tlyer into vaudeville, opening at 1 lie Majestic ()< t. II in a iuoiiido<>. LONDON'S SOCIAL FAVORITE HIT. (Special Cable to Varikty.) London, Sept. 20. At the Palace on Monday, Ben Davis, a social favorite in London, making his first appearance in vaudeville, did very big. lie is the result of the recent craze for recruits from society for the halls. Hice and Prcvost ojiened, also at the Palace doin»r verv well. Maggie May, a former - musical comedy star over here, made her first Loudon ap- pearance in four years at the Palace Mon- day, going big. Though the directors of the Hippodrome, a Stoll house, voted down the ambition of Ida Rubinstein, the dancer, to appear in that hall last week. Mr. Stoll gave her a showing at the Coliseum on Monday. She just passed. MUNICIPAL CIRCUS DESTROYED. (Special Cable to Varikty.) Paris. Sept. 2t>. The Municipal Circus at Limoges was totally destroved bv lire Sept. 27. * An explosion in the cinenitagraph ma- chine during a rehearsal caused the fire. No casualties. TRIO IN FOR A RUN. London. Sept. 2... \ anion. Perry and Wilbur, the three American liovs who have scored strongly in the pro\ inccs. have been booked to open at the Empire, London, during October for a run of three months there. I'aul Murray, the Morris represcntat i\ e here, arranged the time for the act before leaving for New York. Murray brought t he 11 io o\ el . PARISIAN GARDEN AT SEASHORE. My the opening of next season the ground at Itrightou Jieaili where the Kemp Sisters held forth some time ago in liieii Wild Wr«l exhibition, will be converted into a Parisian garden and operated under t lie management of David Pohiiisou. inan- agei of the New Prigliloll Theatle 1 Ncc by. The place will serve I < ■ I I«'~ 1111:«■ 111 - and will be made as close as jn■— iI■ I<■ to i co|i\ of t lie |'| elich i;| |'e ehaill a III .