Variety (October 1909)

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VARIETY 37 • desiring time in the SOUTH and WES your, open time and route ahead ILVIiVIEDIA i tLY to send WILLIAM MORRIS, Inc. 733 Maison Blanche Building Canal and Duphine Street New Orleans, La. WILLIAM MORRIS, Inc. 167 Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. Percy O. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALHAMBRA Harlem The ORPHEUM Brooklyn The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsborg The GOTHAM East New York The CBE ENPOINT Br ooklyn The New Bronx Opens Nov. ist. Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, Long Acre Bldg., 1505 Broadway, New York THE AUTHOR WITH THE GENUINE SUCCESSES Ask Mark Murphy. Fred Bowers, Grade Em- met t A Co., Harry First A Co., Coombs A Stone, Charles Bonnell and Mabel Craig, Dare St Percle Martin, The Cbadwlck Trio, Sommers and Storke, and over One Hundred and Fifty others. Order your new material from the Author who has the resl successes to his credit. CHARLES HOR- WTTZ. Knickerbocker Theatre Bid*., 1408 Broad' way, H. T, Boom 815. HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE. Open the Year Around VAUDEVILLE JJUDuWS «• GOOD STANDARD ACTS If you hare an open week you want to fill at abort notice, write to W. L. DOOKSTADKB, GarricK Theatre. Wilmington. Del. Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. ERNEST EDELSTEN VABIETT AND DRAMATIC AGENT. 1 7 Green St., Lolooator Square, LONDON Sole Representative, John Tiller's Companies. Walter C. Kelly. Little Tlch. Fragson. Always Vacancies for Good Acta HYDE & BEHMAN 1877 AMUSEMENT COM PAN Y 1909 TEMPLE BAR BUILDING BROOKLYN. Ne Y. ITALY'S LEADING PAPER FORTHB MmM Pktire aid PbMgrap- Bisiiess PUBLISHED rOBTNIGNTLY. 82-80 large pages. Bight shillings per annum (•ISO). Editor-Proprietor: Prof. QUALTXEBO L FABBBI, la Via Arolresoorado, Torino, Italy. Martin O. Breaaan Chae. F. Janaa Australian Vaudeville Bureau We are prepared to deal with acts that hare too muoh spare time on their hands, providing they hare transportation fees to this country. Anything up to 8800 will be considered, but must be specialty aots; talking aots no use. Lithos, press notioes and descriptive matter to be ad- dressed to MARTIN C. BRENNAN 104 OZFOBD ST.. PADDINOTON, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. Immediate attention ta all communications '"CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER" Written by Charley Case, comedian. Send P. O. order for 25c. to Case Publishing Co., Lockport. N. Y. A. E. MEYERS 167 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. CAN HANDLE ANYTHING from a Single to a Oirons. Write or wire open time. SIG. ABRAMOFF OULTIVATE9 VOICES FOR SMBIRO AMD TALKIMQ Expert in teaching effective olimaxee In singing. Prepares for Grand Opera, Vaudeville and Musical Comedy. 886 Lexington Ave., New York City. NOTICE The New Alpha Theatre, ERIE, PA. Is booked through the UNITED BOOKING OFFICES W. STANLEY OCTAVIA JAMES, ELLIS and Go. Presenting "LOVE AND WAR." By Edmund Dav. EDNA/. J. F-IS VAUDEVILLE AGENT, begs to announce that a branoh offloe has been opened with Arthur Tonn in charge at 807 Bykes Building, Minneapolis. MANAGERS in WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, The DAKOTAS and CANADA, wishing VAUDEVILLE TALENT please write or wire. N. B.—Artists East of Chicago write to EDWIN R. LANG, Dexter Building, Chicago, for open time. WANTED, Big Comedy and Novelty Feature Acts to write or wire open time. Booking Thalia, Chicago; Jollet, Bloomington, Elgin, Aurora and other bouses In Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. DOUTRICK'S BOOKINQ EXCHAN6E ^££££g£^g HAVE YOUR OWN REPRESENTATIVE! AOTS going CAST, SOUTH, or coming WEST of New York, write or wire for time. Acts to write or wire open time. OOHEY HOUSES, Manager, Booking Department, No. 928 REPUBLIC BUILDING, CHICAGO. ■ It rXaVI^ T READ THIS Unless you are still willing to accept a little gratis knowledge that has been bought by experience, and which we are giving away in the form of an artistic and original BOOKLET of IF. FASHIONS FOR LADIE8. Every one we give away means a life-long friend, and we want your friendship. WOLFF, FORDING & CO., 61-65 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. THE ENGLISH PROPB8SIONAL JOURNAL, Circulation guaranteed to be larger than that of any English journal devoted to the Vaudeville Professions. Foreign subscription, 17s. 4d. per annum. .«% ■ BPSBjai vn|l Get your RAILROAD TICKETS on the LEHIGH VALLEY A W HIi "UU LACKAWANNA A WESTERN R. R. at the VAUDEVILLE 8 |J|| Q CAN agent - Write, call or telephone. My representative will deliver ^^ ^srsieiBaas UHPJ t 0 you j DaTe always terved you well. Going to Europe 1 Tickets on all Steamship Lines. Lowest rates. PAUL TAU8IO, 104 1 New York, Savings Bank Building. Telephone 8099 Stuyvesaat. i*t* at. . NEW YORK AGENTS—Paul Tausig, 104 East 14th St., and Samuel Prenoh A Sons, 844 22nd Street Artists visiting England are invited to send particulars of their aot and data of opening. 8TAGE Letter Box is open for the reception of their mail. 16 YORK STREET, OOVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W. a Booking the longest chain of Vaudeville Theatres west of Chicago. Playing too best aots in va BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE 144-150 POWELL ST., SAN FRANCTSOO, «M- Archie Levy Amusement Association 1643 Filmore St., San Francisco, Cal. ARCHIE LEVY, Manager. NOW BOOKING SOUTHERN TIME. Artists, wire or write your open time. O. E. ELLIS, Asst INDEPENDENT BOOKING AGENCY, Inc. Suite 101, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 1402 Broadway, New York Exclusively representing 73 VAUDEVILLE THEATRES, enbracing Bruggman. Keeney. Sheedy, Mozart, Quigley and Bijou Circuits 40 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS, with very short and convenient Jumps CORRESPONDENCE solicited from managers and artists EUROPEAN OFFICE BERLIN, GERMANY RICHARD PITROT Representative PANICS CIRCUIT or VAUDEVILLE THEATRES, Inc. ALEXANDER PANTAGE8, President Manager, OFFICES NEW YORK, CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO. SEATTLE, DENVER. "THE CIRCUIT OF THE SOUTH" KARL HOBLIZELLE, Pros. B. S. MUCKENFU88, Booking INTERSTATE OPERATING MAJESTIC THEATRES in MONTGOMERY. LITTLE ROCK. FORT WORTH. DALLAS. HOUSTON. GALVESTON. BIRMINGHAM. SAN ANTONIO. NASHVILLE EAST ST. LOUIS BOOKING HOUSES in OKLAHOMA CITY. LEXINGTON. CHATTANOOGA. PINE BLUFF. JACKSONVILLE. SAVANNAH. 8HREVEPORT. TAMPA. BOOKING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE W. V. MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION OF CHIOABO AND U. B. O. OF NEW YORK. Offices: 11th Floor, Majestic Theatre Building, CHICAGO Acts Desiring Immediate Time COMMUNICATE WITH JAMES CLANCY 1431 BROADWAY NEW YORK (Care WEBER C*> ALLENi WHO OAN PLAOE YOU FOR SEVERAL WEEKS Mr. Clancy will alto be pleased to look over your act if you are playing in New York or vicinity. CALL OR WRITE. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.