Variety (Oct 1945)

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Wednesday, October 31, 1945 Variety Bills WEEK OF NOV. 2 Humeral* In connection with bill* below Indicate opening day or allow whether full or ipllt week. Loew JIISW YOKK CITV tapltnl (I) I,os Blown Heimy Youngm"" OaUdsniltH Bn* . Slate (I) The■ W'oi Umf n yi Pure Watil .MlSuV'llln VhIiIch .lutiii t'tilverl WANHINti'TON « 'uphill (I) RecliUngtoiiH • 11 orb Klllricr MlMrril Hiifley . Milium ltuir<ni(il».H Paramount MR# YORK rjTY l*urnmount (31) .Andrews Slalom Vfc ShO.PU lid Tiru Herbert ••,'.< rhns Ijellfhlon Curt Wtwey rik'nipiiL Mnrltham <IIIOA<iO Chit•«({« I!*-' > Thk Ork Hofrhi«n Berry Rro.s A Intl. Drew Uracil Sniiili l.oelt-'Juw Jacltson MIAMI Oljmpiit CU} AriiI In i t man LOU Su Ifoh .lean. Parker 4 rSYH i>« The Armstrongs Co ilo Twins Fiddling LinvMls : I'ATKKSON Majestic <l-4) Crazy Show Lament Four Hilly Baitk RUNf&lt S(st(T8' Kdtlle Lambert ■t K;<> s ■ (.'.-V) P * W Lavolo Siistia Leoiioff Wtm'iej* .Sisters .1 i mmy 1 lus.son lid wards Bros PIIILADFLPlllA ('a mm it U> Pet?ffy Taylor a Hobby Pinkus Trtfivmy Wonder (One. lo nn> rKOVIDKM i; Metropolitan Lee Castle Ore The Oraysons Lenny Gale . KOI kl OKI* Pniac* «!-t> '•fthyth hi" Unit SI'IONO! Ihl.D Court Mn, U-4) Kdna Kf fiyon ■ 1) <fc t, Raymond Co).-y Worth I ins-sell l-'ariiir ' WORf KSTKK Plymouth (3IM) Fdna Kenyan UoliertnK cirrus D '& L nayimmfl - Sii (MUt-'iM , M l,s« A mr-rir-a *: < VI ey ' Cabaret Bills NEW CITY urn'* nnj »o« Ethel Gilbert Hotel New Yorker .loan Hyliloft AGENCY "The Oi{tstandiiiy Agency" looking for lb* Moir Discriminating of Independent Theatre Ownen • 1501 ■roadway-Paramount Bldg. New York . BRyant •-6352-3-4 pitchmen Paul KeintM fo .lettit Wllliiinifl Reicul CI 11 I.uclty AfH.Uiul*' TOI.KIIO I'll I'll mount (2--I) Saltittry Kaye Jltl •i'y }lffv*>* I.jiik.' * t'inlre RKO BOSTON Host an <1) Woody Meiniiiii On' Steve Comics Don CuinmiiiKfl Rons & La Pierre COLPMIU S I'nlnce (fi-i) Sammy Kaye Ore i'y Iteeves Lmm * Claire SAN FKAM'ISCO (.olden loilf CU) Hn.Mt Kflenuin Ore Hnl h Davis Nora Alii rt i n Hi. 11 * Jordan Warner NBW VOKK t'lTV Strand (•!> VailKhn Minimi. On- &oniir» Htirre-tt Fred Sari'born I IIIIMll-l I'M!A Karle («) line*) MovRau t)l'0 HmI Stone Danny Drayson MOW \'OKK t'lTY Music Hull (I) Patricia lluwnuin Rudolf Krocllcr Lu'ey Brown Kob Kvan« F & S MlHtllKtl Kdwartl Ueit-hert Waller lirar Kflxv dl) Carl Kavaxxa .lay JoyHlyn Nicholas Bros J)ave Aiiollon Apollo (2) Coeo Sieve At LONG ISLAND » .Inmaieii (1-4) 2 Satmiel.s ' I.ou I'K/Kibbona . Harry l(,ise. Lynn .Mayberry (One lo lllll <!-*) Kko Ularthiolll criHee to 1111) IIROOKLVN t'latbush c<-4) llownll * lloww I'Kouf to fill) :t K«)war<l« Bron (Hlt'AtiO Orirntlll (I) AMati .InheM No'rt-i'hii In ntn llil MaiMoil o Willys Oonsolo A- Melba Kl.'/A II K i ll liberty (1-4) Paul Brilliant 'Tit nil IHiio '1 Si a nteyn ■" Irene Wiley Barry .V Sullivan ;. IIAKTI'()KI> Slate (4-4) Monroe ,v- tlrant Bl'liee Haves Slnbliy. Kiiye 5 11 rays Sully .t 'rliomaH Cauline Albert HOI.VOKK Valley Arena (4) Vineeld' l.oper. ore iKour lo Mil) ~ INDIANAPOLIS < irele (2) lla) Melnlyrn Ore 2 IN 1 WALTER NILSSON GAUDSMITH BROS. CAPITOL. NEW YORK THIS WEEK IVi-K'tiliii M iimi k fiiirnt rlHUI-: SMITH A4.K\rY BAl/riMORK t "iniMMirome (I) < Ma<-kH -■ J J olly .lenUliiM Co. Hud Sweciiev Radio Avtn - Royal <3) ' nb Calirtway Ore p ear| Uail fc y * Poina .StHt«* £ & VV La vain rayne P6«tct' J nailes Pii^e ' J 'he FaUalvs : (4-7) : "imparl- .V- liniUX gi/rtcy Ctu-sun - .Robby -Ilyj-on, ill APi'lclfinp BOt;yn urook \, K«H»k (:t-4) J«'-1ell Uros Wallers ^ Diane t^nree lo mil n r.VMUKN RVnics & )>oalr-y Dodsoii ,V'e Maxlnew »">mer & Uarrou Man'y Mo<Julre l.ou \y K- Hue Joe Teriuint - Ktllh'H V>.-i) .I ^la.velloi? |.i»rii' I>e Kic.r.llt' SlViU. .Toy Siwli'i'M .11 Hill's Hums '' kansas rrrv TlUVIT <*> tioi<ten Piifv- (.'liarlntie Ainrsli i.orisvn.i.K NiMlmiHl (1) Hill lNibinson :t K lo^t* i 'ooii**r sisters" MarliiiM. Criiw Saniiiels ,V* l.cia NKHAim . AiIhiiih < ) KInn 1 Cole Trio Andy K'h'l< OVe .Men of It1)> 1 li in 'VUn Itufcerft NKW OKhKANS Si. ( harles (1(1) Tex RlllPl- hub Taylor SI.'in Andrews (Miarlos Slrtcklano luck Itvan Harold Witlard Jimmy Burna Bill Kelpey (lay 9l!'a Oiinriett* * Klite Angrl Kvelyn Knfglit Irwiu Ooiey Rose Murphy Helen Howe Chlttlson Trio rnr« ftowvry (DoniKo'.Tii) .losli White Dolores Martin I mopono Coca Benny Morton oro ' ■Cttfo S«rl«*ly (I ntown) : Paula Laurence Miiuive l>o Ulvel Su«iin RooO Mary Lou Williams Beatrice. Kraft Kdmund Hall Ore Gene Field Carousel Nan HlakKi one Ted Unnlor Fred Keating Diana Dale .lohnny Easlninn Patricia Itre.iit I'lllb London Con nee Boswell Alan <!ale - ' Kilo Victov. Leonurda iV: Galante choo ciioo .luhnson Jack Harris Ore roiuirubanii Joe K Lewis Dorothy tMaire Kirk Wood Miriam Lavalle DeAngelo X- V:mya Kiihko Do Pandciro .Vickee Rfellards .loel -Uerron Ore Noro Morales Ore King Cole Trio Diamond llorsohoe ■toe E Howard Wittson sis Kritizi Scheff Ann Ponniiijjton Willie Solar Mr Ballantine .lacn,uelin« Hurley Michael Hflward Bill Atom Kij'i>' , n Fninclp Mitchell Hrother Jimmy Allison Dill Mooro Four Uosebudn Vhteeilt Travel's Morty Keid Ore 4(10 R«>st:iiiriinC Totmnv iJmsey Or«' I. wit h Villuic« Inn Suminy Walsh A nn i'afpe Johnny Genrjje , (jlfloi'Se Barr .4 ' Huvaiiu-Mntlrid Di< **f«>stello . Cliito Kzar Panoho & PlAne Vavelii fid Hotel AmbiiRNndnr l.ouin Relnnroint ( % lolea LanUe Ore Hotel AKfor l!o«e Sloraiid :Orc Hotel Krlmoni ■ Plit».« ffan MarjIn Bobby Baxter, Kav Carroll Kii'lhryn DuTfy D.-rs Nino Morales Ore Lew Fields Bert Stanley Parson lie Ore Hotel Hilttnnrr. Roh lira nt Oro .Lillian Cornell Hiissnli Swann <'nrdlnl K St 10 Barry ,Ta S»'»lv Oreli II iel i'oimnodiire Cliar'ie Sjiivak Ore Hotel nixie Teddy King Ore Kluu Williams Unlet nioriiL Pinker Ore K*.*•»'%* I^iMifie Slan Keller Ore Joan Ti^he Hotel l.exintrton Mom I k»i To nil Kfiua Tn lima Maile .' . " ''■ Moklhana Harold Aloma fir* Hotel UncMii Art Mooivy Ore Or Terry Brent Phil Roniayne Neil Fontaine. Arnold Shotla Sunny Itaye Johnny Long OrO lintel IViiiisvtviiiii: Frankie. Carle Ore Hotel Pierre Gali-Caii ■ DiOaiauo X- Adam Stanley Mclhu Ore Hotel IMn/.a llildeKHide Hotel Rnnnevelt Ouy Loinbartio Ore Hotel St. Regis Dorol liy Shay tieorffe Koch La - 1 io Ore . C.eorfi'e A mold Jeanne Suok Bi'inkman Sis .Woody Spears Paul Sparoo Theodora . Brooks Hotrl Tall Vincent Loptrz Or< Hotel lVnldorrA Joan 13d\vards Mp rlo .v- Florta 13mlI Coleman Ore Mlsciia Rorr R<1 Iceland Boyd Heat hen Betty Jane Moore LoBron tt* Camphejl Orecne &. Dooley' Jim Wnnu Troupe . Lou Martin Ore Kelly**. Sluhlep Marcia Rave Dotl„v Reid Noma .Mali J la Betty Maxwell Jerry tiieen Allan JacUson Ore l.ii Miirllii1<|ii« Sophie Tucker iS&ene Baylos Jiicltte FoniHine Kntie Stewa rt Ore l.iilfn Oitnrlet Belle Baker Pat Rooney Dick Buckley Noel Toy M^ing Ling lloo Sherj Shiela Bond B Wells 4 Fny» .\Ta rianue Wanger Oirls Win) Walsh Marty Deck Ore I.eon A Rdille'i Rddit! Dii vis * Jo Ann Sommers Paul Drayltn Martingjijt'H The < 'lay tuns Arlyne Chiiodler Siterr>-' Button A rt 'Waiter Ore. MadfMin Cafe Diane ('uiutney Ace dntidrleh .1 udii h A i leu • Montr Carlo DlDli riiisparre Orr Jean F Murray La'dv Anne Ki- .-.< • ' n-hiln O Old Komii nlii n Jackie. Pliilips ShLc Banks AI 'ml KeiN'ttnan Claire Sfs Helen Bower' Joe I.a Porte;.Ore Roger* Cotfin'i- ll.'i i-r'y' Lercoirr) iH Clarli'n Hawallaiif; ilarold Green [''realnnen , " < Mars 'I'rjo iCoin Kolihlcra Sig S.'hiitx .Ore Rulian Bleu Monica Boyar Jitek ■Smit h Ma.xihe Sullivan J.ise Ah Ms -M*>rv> ii ,V#d'soh t 'edric Wa I In co Trio HarJapd VVi.lson ICnss Kretelm Blah'.a •BifKM l-'eiii' en . Sari (inihl M is.-Jia Czdji nofT I rr>n« I'cihIoi a nark Bii-s«, Kari'Taerf • S|il»,v> Roof Splvy- . I'ai'fer & Rowle Jayne Manners stoiK mil' Morales Ore Frnle Hoist Ore VAUDEVILLE 55 VerRalllet Carl Brisson Jimmy Carroll Darlene Zito lack Harwood Gloria Davis Kendall Kelly -Miriam Seabold Joe Hicardel Oro Village Burn Bert Sroue . Patsy Lane Al iriym tiwinn Zeb Carver Village Vanguard Big Bill Paul Villard Bibl Osierwald Schiriner Trio Hlvfl Lee Ross •.• •Sbi'Ja Reynold! T; e Carroll? l\n'>rar ' Ha.'y Hortun Ore Znnxlliur Duke. Kilington Ore Loafs Jordan Ore Golden Gate 4 Jesse & James . Carter & Moreland Claune tlopiiins Or< /iiumcriiiiiu'H W & J Brown Wayne Thompson Adrienne Parker Bela; Zsiga. Gene Kardos Ore Exchanges Continued from page 21 Chi alter several years at Saranac Lake, N. Y. Jack Rose, Indiana-Illinois Thea- tre's prexy, is chairman o'f the amusement and sports division of the Community and War Fund. ■■ ■■■■ ■ Lieut. John Fett is out of the AAF and back at his old job in Warners' circuit purchasing dept. •' " Carroll Morton, former owner of Skokie theatre, Skokie; 111., just re- leased from the Army. He's cover- ing western and northern Illinois as salesman for Monogram. John T. Ford, head of Warners' Theatres mailing dept. for the past 12 years, retired last week. He's 74 years old, and prior to going to work tor WB held a similar job for 36 years with Marshall Field's depart- ment store here. Milton C Officer, manager of Bala- ban & Katz' Will Rogers theatre, is | new prez of the B&K employees' j club. Other officers are: Dorothy F I Delre, Ted L. Regelin and Jimmy Savage, veepees; Sam E. Stott, treas- urer; Miriam Shayne, secretary; and the following directors: Leo N. Bonn, Charles Davidson, Anne Flaherty, Myron J. Landry, and Laurence Wi't- tiker. . : Booze License of Det. Club Lifted Pending Ownership Investigation Bldg. Materials Shortages Delays New Yacht Club " Pittsburgh, Oct. 30. Long delay in getting needed building materials will postpone opening of Little Jackie Heller's new nitery here for several months. Vaude and nitery .singer, who bought a big building on. Liberty avenue with his brothers, Sol and Bill Heller, had hoped to be going by holidays, but Feb; 1 looks like the earliestVguesS now. Hellers, who have been scouting around for a spot ever since their Yacht Club sank three years ago, will use only two floors of their six- story building, the first as a music bar and steak house and the second as a supper club; : . '.:.« •, . .. Jack Rose Heads Chi Variety Chicago, Oct. 30. Jack Rose, of Manta-Rose Circuit, elected chief barker of Variety Club of Illinois, Tent No. 26, at the Black- *tone hotel hq last Saturday (27). John Balaban reelected doughguy. Other new officers: Eddie Brunncil, 1st chief barker; Henry Elman, 2d chief barker, and Harold Stevens, property master. Irving Mack had been elected to the latter position but resigned to give another a chance insomuch as he is national represen- tative. New board of directors comprises Will Baker. James E. Costpn, Tom R, Gilliam. Bill Hunt, Jack Irving and Lester Simansky, National canvas- man is Jack Kirsch, past chief barker, with Rose and Brunnell as delegates and Will Baker and Lester Simansky, alternates. Chaplains are Louis L. Mann, Father Frederick Mariipn and Rev. Stanley Croslahd. • Reading; Exhib's Son Ex-Navy Reading, Pa., Oct. 30. Lieut. Commdr. John C Glase, son of manager Paul E. Glase, of the Em- bassy and other Fabian and Wilmer & Vincent theatres in Reading and vicinity, has returned to civilian life alter more than three.years' service in the Navy He will resume the practice of law with a Reading firm later this month. Mutual Airer Pushed By MCA for Vaude "Queen For a Day." Mutual's day- time audience participation show, is being submitted for vaude. Show m.c.d by Jack Bailey, is sponsored jointly by Alka-Seltzer and Procter & Gamble, whiph star ted ba nkroll- ing it Monday (29). ~ On Mutual five times weekly in the afternoon, "'Queen" ran for some time as a sustainer. It is being handled for vaude by Music Corp of America. Ruth Barr Sets Up Org. To Expand Club Bookings Albany, Oct. 30. Ruth Barr, booker of Lou Walters' Latin Quarter, N. Y., has chartered Ruth Barr, Inc. to conduct a thea- trical booking agency in N. Y. While she was put into business mainly to book LQ shows for Walters, the above action is a prelude to expan- sion plans. She anticipates booking shows into other cafes. Directors beside Miss Barr in the corporation are Sam Carlton, and Bertha Friedman. Martin J. Desmoni was filing attorney. Nora Martin Dated Nora Martin, former singer on the Eddie Cantor show, starts a vaude tour at the Golden Gate theatre, Sun Francisco, Thursday (31V, and will head to Loew's State, N. Y., Nov. 22. Reported getting $1,250. St. Louis Jottings St. Louis, Oct. 30. Lester Levy, former Monogram salesman in. St. Louis, has been dis- charged from the Army and will re- join the slaff after a vacation. A new 1.000 deluxe nabe for St. Louis County is being planned by Edward Dubinsky and associates. Harry C. Arthur, Jr., for Fanchon & Marco, has purchased the first-run rights of "Divorce" for showing in the 5.000-seat Fox. Bob Gibbons, Dayton, O., has re- turned to his stint after relieving Milton Kauffman, manager of the Orpheum, who was on vacation. A short circuit in the lighting sys- tem on the marquee of the Fox thea- tre caused $50 damage. 2 I t. Wayne Deals Fort Wayne, Ind.. Oct. 30. Leases on two theatre.buildings in Fort Wayne have been recorded. KMK Realty Co. has given a 10-year lease to the Harrison Theatre & Realty'Co.. .Mrs. Helen M. Quimby president and treasurer, at $1,500 per month-until May 31, 1955, at which time a five-year option Js provided for at $1,666.67 per month. A second fivcryear option may be taken after April 30. 1960. The other lease was taken by Har- rison Co. on the Palace, Fort Wayne. The -15-year lease provides that, as partial rent, Harrison shall pay $4 per quarter to the holders of com- mon stock in the Palace theatre from Jan. 1, 1946. to Dec. 31, 1951. alter which period the lessee will pay $5.35 per share quarterly to suid stockholders. Harrison Co. further agrees to pav $4.00,1 on the mortgage | balance of $24,000 due on the builcl- ng. ■; -, v "• ■'. Of Pittsburgh Switches Pittsburgh, Oct: 30. Pete DeFazio, recently disc'virged from the Army, has joined Wii s; les stiiff here, replacing Howard Minsky, who resigned. He was with same company, in New Haven exchange, before going into the service. DcFa- 100G la. Vacation Center Cedar Rapids, la., Oct. 30. H, A. Ross of Des Moines plans to construct, soon . as materials are available, a modern "family vaca- tion center, with playground and 100 cottages at West Okoboji lake in northwestern Iowa. It will be the the first amusement center of the kind in the Iowa area and will cost about $100,000. Ross has bought 68 acres on which to build his project. Detroit, Oct. 30. Liquor license for Lee V Eddie's Supper Club was suspended last week (26) while Michigan Liquor Control Commission looked into the spot's ownership. Suspension, how- ever, did not close out Ted Lewis' band and show, which runs through this week. ' . Background'of the case is police suspicion of who is running what bars and clubs in Detroit, one of the nation's roughest towns in prohibi- tion days. Lee 'n' Eddie's licenses are in the name of Edward Casmer, and a temporary, telegraphic per- mit was issued recently to Phillip Flax. According to Commish rec- ords, Flax bought the spot from Casmer on Aug. 8 for $40,000 in cash and $20,000 in notes. .-.'• 'But behind the two men, the Liquor Board sees the hand of Sain Bernstein, part-owner of Turk's Bar, show crowd hangout. Turk's Bar, however, is listed as owned by Herman Prujanski. The spot has been in the police news recently for alleged gun-drawing by customers in disputes. Another angle to the situation, which makes police and Commission investigators wonder if tough boys are moving back into the field, is the recent , death, of Jerome A'. Rothen- berg in an automobile accident. Police are not satisfied with the "ac- cident" explanation. Rothernberg was attorney for Bernstein and Prujanski. ■ Explosion against Lee 'n' Eddie's came after Ted Lewis introduced Bernstein as club owner. Lewis has denied several times since the faux pas. Klotz Back to Glaser Jack Klotz, who booked acts for Joe Glaser before the war, was dis- charged from the Army recently and is back at Glaser'* Associated Booking Corp. at his old routine. Klotz will , work as assistant, to Charlie Yates, head of the ABC the- atre department. Former Owners of LQ, Det., Bounced Again By WLB, Penalized 25G Detroit, Oct. 30. Former management of the Latin Quarter last week was penalized $25,000 in income tax allowance. several weeks ago the former man- agement was ordered' to cough up $38,000 for OPA overcharges. Latest penalty stems from a probe of labor "pirating." Penalty was imposed by the Re- gional War Labor Board, which received complaints from other res- taurants of Quarter pirating shortly after the Club opened in March, 1943. Before WLB could crack down, the club changed hands. A WLB panel reported that an excess of $300,000 in wages was paid in 1944 and 1945 and recommended deduc- tion of $25,000 from the income tax exemptions of the former operators —Lou Walters, et al.—for the year ending Dec. 31, 1944. Present management comprises Tom Saffady and Lou Morelli. TISHMAN CORRALLING MIDGETS FOR METRO Irving Tishman, manager of Bus- ter Shaver and Olive & George,, will be up to his hips in Lilliputian per- formers from here on in. He's been commissioned by Metro to procure 75 midgets for their forthcoming production "Three Wise Fools." MET OPERA BOOKS MEMPHIS Memphis, Oct. 30. Arts Appreciation of .Memphis, angelled by I. L. Myers, has booked the Metropolitan Opera Company for a two-day stand here in May. Will mark the first time the Met has ever played Memphis. zio is a brother of Sam DeFazio, who manages J. P. Harris theatre. Doug Beck, RKO exploiteer in this territory for the last year, is being transferred to Washington district. He'll switch jobs with Lou Carroll, who's coming on to Pittsburgh. McClui-e theatre, closed for several years, has reopened under the man- agement of Paul Brotlner. who oper- ates the Avenue at uptown Fifth avenue. Last proprietor of the McClure was E. J. (Manny) Golden. Cpl. Matthew Ray, in the service for three years, has returned to his old civilian pob in the. Par shipping department. Mark Goldman, former manager of Monogram exchange here and be- fore that with Gaumonl-British, has gone with PRC in Boston in a spe- cial sales capacity. Most recently he- was with PRC in Cleveland. Fay's, Philly, Renamed, To Use Negro Vaude Izzy Hirst, burlesque circuit'oper- ator, has taken over Fry's, Phila- | delphia, from the Morris Wax inter-/. I csts, arid will rechristen it Fan's theatre and reopen Friday (2) with colored vaude bills. Iriitialer is "Harlem's-a-Poppin'," featuring Lillian Fitzgerald, > Lowry a Show Doc Pittsburgh, Oct. 30. Ed Lowry. veteran vaudevillian and m.C.i has been signed by John H. Harris for Arena Managers Assn., to do a special job for "Icecapades." Lowry's assignment will be to sit in as an observer on show for sev- eral weeks and suggest added bits of comedy, mostly of a visual nature, fo '.the comics. No specified time set for the chore. Lowry, who was once m.c. for Stanley here, has been living on coast for last decade, and for two years, until several months ago, j headed the western office of USO ' Hollywood Victory Committee.