Variety (May 1946)

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12 PICTURE GROSSES P458ffFr_ Wednesday, May 1, 1944 2 Femmes Pace! A.'GiHa at Smash ^Sfizc 70G, TGtty Torrid 59G, Both 2 Spots; Oathw' Still Huge at 50G in 4th Wk. Los Angeles, April 30. ♦ Majority of flrstruns arc catering to the femme trade this week and the dra\v is forte, even in the hold- overs. The big femme combo is "Gilda" and "Kitty." Former looks great $70,000 in two spots after ter- rific getaway. "Kitty" also is torrid at $59,000 in the two Parmouril the- . atres. Feminine draw of Jane Rus- sell is credited with the huge biz still being done by "The Outlaw," which looks giant $50,000 on fourth frame in four siriall-scators. Third frame of "Ziegfcld Follies" is sturdy $45,000. in three spots. •■Dragonwyck" shapes smooth.$46,000 in three spots, second stanza. "Tan- gier" and "Man in Grey" ii rated above average $35,500 in three situ- ations. "Devotion" is okay $41,000 on its second week in three houses. Estimates for This Week Beverlv HIHs Music Hall (B'umen- feld-G&S) (824; 85-$l)—"Outlaw" (UA) (4th wk). Sturdy $7,500- LasF ■week, powerful $8,500. Carlhay C'rcle (FWC) (1,518: 50- $1)—"Seventh Veil" (U) (7th wk). Fine R5.500. Last week. $6,i00.. : Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,046; 50- $1)—"Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d wk). Smooth $14,000. Last -week, socko $2fl 100. Downtown (WB) (1,800: 50-$l)— "Devotion" (WB) (2d wk). Neat $17,000. Last week, good S23.000. Downtown Music Hall (Blumcn- fold) (872; 85-$1.20)—"Outlaw" (UA) <4tli wk). Ginnt $24,500. Last week, great S27.500 and well above esti- mate. Egyptian (FWC) (1,536; S0-$1)— "Zie-'fcld Follies" (M-G) (3d wk). Good $12,000. Last week, smooth $17,500. Four Star (UA-WC) (900: 50-$l)— "'Sentimental Journey" (20th) (2d vltl and "Enchanted Forest" (PRC)'. Handsome $3,500. Last week, with ' Went to Races" (M-G), good $4,- 100. Guild (FWC) (908; 50-SD—"Tan- pier" iU) and "Man in Grey" (U). Above average $8,000. Last week. "Enchanted Forest" (PRC) and "Johnny Comes Home" (20th) (2d v.k-3 days), closed at $2,50n.' Hawaii (G&S-Blumenfeld) (956: 65-SD—"Outlaw" (UA) (4th wk). Sock $11,000. Last week, hefty $12,- 400. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 50-S1)— 'Devotion" (WB) (2d wk). 'Okay $12,000. Last week, average $18,000.. Hollywood Music Hall (Blumen- felcl) (475; 85)—"Outlaw" (UA) (4th v.k). Robust $7,000. Last week, held firm at $7,800. Lo»w's State (Loew-WO (2,404: E0-S1)—"Drcgonwyck" (20th) (2d wk). Good $22,000. Last week, husky $32,500. f.ns Angele* (D'town-WC) (2,097: 50-S1 )"Ziegfeld Folpies" (M-G) (3d wk). Strong $21,500. Last week, $32,000. Orpheora (D'town) (2,000; 65-85)— "Live Wires" (Mono) with Earl Hines orch. Harrv "Hipster" Gibson on stage. Lusty $28,500. Last week. "Don't Fence In" (Rep) and "Junior P niTi" (Mono) with Jack Gwvnne mcvic show on stage, oke $20 300. rmtogtK (Pan) (2 81?: 50-K1)— "C.ida" (Col) and "Nl"ht Editor" (Col). Bis $33,000. Lrst week, "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) (3d ■wk) and "Tdca Girl" (U) (1st wk). nice $12,400. Paramount (F&M) (3,398; 50-S1 )— "Kitty" (Par), Rousing $38,000. Lost week. "Utopia" (Par) (5th wk) and "Made Me Killer" (Par) (1st wk). solid $17,600. Parcmnnnt Hollywood (F&M (1 451- 50-$l)-"Kittv» (Par). Solid $21,000. Last week "Utopia" (Par) <5t ! ' He), neat $12,900. RKO Hillst-eet (RKO) C.890: 50 80)—"Oilda" (Col) and "Night Edi- tor" (Col). Socko $37,000 or close. Last week. 'Tomorrow Is Forever' (RKO) (3d wk) prH "Idea Girl" (Ui d w'-l. sm-rt «16.600. . Fit* (FWC) (1.370: 50-$l)—"Ziec fcl" Follies" (M-G) (3d wk). Steady $11 "no. L-st week, brisir $15,100, United Artist-; (TTA-WC) (2.100- 50-sn—"Tangier" (U) ?nd "Men in Grev (IT). Sturdy $15 500. Last wer>k. "Enchanted Forest" (PRC) s>nt\ ".Tohnnv C^mes Hnme" (20th) (Zt>. wlt-3 dov«V rifle 45.700. Untown /nVC* (1.790: 50-$l)— "Dra>ronwvrk" (20th) (2d wk): Strong $10,000. Last week, big $15,- 000. Wllchlris (FWC) (2.290; 50-M)— "Tpnyir--" (U): and "Man. in Gre"" (TO. Hr-nr'sotne $1'.'000.. r.rst week "F->rhfntcd Forp't" (PRD and ".Tohnnv Comes Homo" (20th) (2d wl--' davs), trim $2,snn. Willrrn (W^l (2 300: 50-«D— "D—^'ion" (WB) (»d '"•-). Good $l?.nnn. Last week. $17,000. Million Dollar (D'town) C.300: 40- 651—"Hon*e Horrors" (U) "Snider Woman" (U).' Oke ifi.OOO. Last week. "Black Market Babies" 'Mono) and "Fear" (Mono), nice Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Grass This Week ...........$774,5o* (Based on 10 theatres) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear .. .$587.5tt (Based on 15 theatres) $29,000 in Ph Uy Philadelphia, April 30. Lionel... Hampton's . band teamed with' "They Made Me a Killer" at the Earle, is setting pace for down- town deluxers this week. Most pic- ture spots generally are stout. Earle goes back to a straight film policy next Friday under the new Warner Bros, plan to give stage shows only When vaude attraction is top-flight. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1.300; 40-85)—"To- morrow Is Forever" (RKO) (2d wk). Big $18,500. Opener was.fancy $22,- 500. Arcadia (Sablosky) (700; 40-85)r- "Sailor Takes Wife" (M-G). Looks like tine $7,500. Last week, "Effing- ham's Raid" (20th), yanked after pallid $2,000 in 3 days of second run. Boyd (WB) (2,350; 40-85)—"Gilda" (Col) (4th wk).' Sturdy $17,000. Last week, $25,000. Earle (WB) (2,760; 50-95)—"Made Me a Killer" (Par) \vith Lionel Hampton orch. Band is packing them at great $40,000: Last week, "Swing Parade '46" (Mono) with Benny Goodman orch. big $34,500. Fox (20th) (2,250; 40-85)—"Dragon- wyck" (20th) (2d wk). Swell $25,000. Initialer was sock.$35,000. Karlton (Goldman) (1,000; 40-85) —"Spellbound" (UA) (2d run) (2d wk).. Trim $8,000. Last week, husky $10,000. Keith's (Goldman) (2.200; 40-85)— "Walk in Sun" (20th) (2d run). Only $5,000. Last week, "Scarlet Street" (U). $6,500 second run. Mastbaum (WB) (4.387; 40-85)— "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (2d wk). Robust $35,500. Opener was sock S45.500 . plus fine $5,500 for Sunday stand at Earle: Stanley (WB) (2.950; 40-85)-- Vireiniari" (Par). Nice $25,000 in addition to good $4,000 for Earle Sabbath showine. Last week, "Zieg- feld Follies" (M-G) (3d wk), neat $16,500. Stanton (WB) (1.470; 40-85)— "Tars and Spars" (Col). Modest $9,500. Last week, "Cornered" (RKO), oke $10,000 for second week. Omaha, April 30. "Blue Dahlia," only major first-run in town, looks smash at the Para- mount. But "Rebecca" at the Or- pheum Is amazing the town with long lines. Estimates for Ibis Week Paramount (Tristates) (3,000; 16- 65)—"Blue Dahlia" (Par). Smash $13,000. Last week, "Ziegfeid FoN lies" (M-G), big $11,800. Orphean (Tristates) (3,000; 16-65) -^"Rebecca" (UA) (reissue). Some- thing unusual for Orpheum, but tlo3*g great $12,000. Last^ week, "Abilene Town" (UA) and "Murder in Music Hall" (Rep), $10,300, Brandels (RKO) (1.500; 16-65)— "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO) and "Sing Way Home" (RKO) (2d Wk.). Fine $6,000,. Last week, big $7,600. Omaha. (Tristates) (865: 16-65)— "Ziegfeid Follies" (M-G) (m.o.) and "Detour" (PRC) (1st wk.). Nice $9,- 500.. Last week. "Virginian" (Par) (m.o.) and "Call Boston Blackie" (Col), $8,800. K.C. Rousing; Tollies' Smash at 20G,'Spiral' Bigl6G,'Raad'15G 9 2d Kansas City, April 30. Film row is solid this week. "Zieg- feid Follies," solo at the Midland, is the strong topper, ably followed by "Spiral Staircase" at the Orpheum. Newman holds "Road to Utopia," which shows definite strength. - Estimates for This Week Esquire, Uptown and Fairway (Fox-Midwest) (820; 2,043 and 700: 40-60)—"Dragon wyck" (20th) (2d wk). Okay $9,000. Last week, strong $16,000. Midland (Loewvs) (3,500; 45-65)— Ziegfeid Follies" (M-G). Terrific $20,000. and cinch holdover. Last week. "Sailor Takes a Wife" (M-G) and "Portrait of Maria" (M-G), mod- erate $12,500. Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 46- 65)—"Road to Utopia" (Par) (2d wk). Solid $15,000. Smash $22,000 last week. Orpheum (RKO) (1.900; 46-65)— Spiral Staircase" (RKO) and "River- boat Rhvthm" (RKO). Sturdy $16,- 000, and holdover. Last week, "Pinoc- chio" (RKO) (reissue) and "Tarzan Leopard Woman" (RKO). $10,000. Tower (Fox-Joffce) (2,100: 39-60) ^"Strangler of Swamp" (PRC) and "Murder in Music Hall" (Rep) with stage show. Mild $9,000. Last week. "Son? of Arizona" (Rep) and "Roar- ine Rangers" (Col) with vaude, $9";500. Tollies' Talk of Mpls., Big 18G; 'This Day' 12G DeL Socko; ^Bandit' Wow 45& DiaryV Great 25(1 fonU 31G Key City Grosses Estimate* Total Grou This Weok ..... .. .$3,JM.7S» (Based on 23 cities, HO thea- fres, chie/ly first runt, tncIwKnff Total Gross Sbojo Week Last te»r .WW (Based on 23 cities, 182 theatres) Tollies'Grabs Top Coin In Prov., Great $27,000; 'This Day'Strong 17iG Providence, Aoril 30. Locw's State's "Ziegfeid Follies" Is the town's topper this week with al- most a sure bet for holdover biz. Nearly as strong is "From This Day Forward" at the smaller Albee. Ma- .iestic's "Sentimental Journey" and Strand's "Virginian" are hefty hold' overs. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 45-65)—"This Day Forward" (RKO) and "Dick Tracy" (RKO). Strong $17,500. Last week, "Tar2an Leopard Woman' (RKO) and "Idea Girl" (U), $14,500. Carlton (Fay-Locw) (1,400; 44-65) —"No Time for Comedy" (WB) and "City for Conquest" (WB.) (reissues). Good $4,500. Last week. "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (4th downtown wk), $5,000. Fay's (Fay) (1,400: 44-65)—"Salty O'Rourke" (Par) (reissue), vaude on stage. Fairly steady $6,500.. Last week, "Double Indemnity" (Par) and vaude on stage $6,800. Majestic (Fay) (2.200: 44-65)— "Sentimental- Journey" t20th) and "Johnny Flying Home" 120th) <2d wk). Solid $13,000. First sesh was swell $16,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100: 44 65)—"Desert Song" (WB) and "Made Me Criminal" (WB) (reissues). Switch from stage show policy to double feature for this week hurt. Only $1,800 fnr throc-day. stand. Last week, "Gay Blades" .(Rep) and Inn Ray Hutton orch, so-so $6,000 in three days. State (Loew) (3.200: 44-65)—"Zieg- feid Follies" (M-G). Great $27,000. Last. week. "Urid Bascomb" and "Mysterious Intruder" very nice $17,500. Strand (Silverman) f2.2(.0: 44-6R) —"Viri?inlan" (Par) and "Niuht Edi- tor" (Col) (2d wk). Big $10,000 after Minneapolis, April 30. "Ziegfeid/■.Follies'" is the current pace setter with "From This Day Forward" nearly as great at the Orpheum oh comparative basis. There was a highly effective cam- paign for "Follies" and it is helping. Best of holdovers is "Gilda" at the reopened RKO-Pan. Estimates for This Week " Aster (Par) (900; 25-35)—"Pursuit to Algiers" (U) and "Blondie's Lucky Day" (Col). On 5 days, okay $2,000. "Hotel Reserve" (RKO) and "Gay Cavalier" (Mono) opened today (30). Last week, "Smooth As Silk" (U) and "Just Before Dawn" (Col) fair $1,800 in 5 days. Centurv (Par) (1,000: 44-60)— "Three Strangers" (WB). Only moderate $7,000. Last week. "Road to Utopia" (Par), light $3,000 in 5 days, but huge $50,000 for downtown run. , Gopher (Par). (1,000; 44)—"Mur- der in Music Hall" (Rep). Slender $2,200 for five davs. Last week. "Nipht With You" (U), light $2,000 in 6 days. Lyric (Par) (1.100: 44-60)—!'DoIl Face" (20th) (m.o.). Moderate $4,000. Last week, "Sailor Takes Wife" (M-G) (3d wk). good $4,500. Orpbeum (RKO) (2,800: 44-60)— "This Day Forward" (RKO). Has crlx approval. Heading for fancy $12,000. Last week, "Little Giant" (U). mild $7,000. Radio City (Par) (4.000; 44-60)— "Ziegfeid Follies" (M-G). Big sell- ing cpmpn'pn helping this to big $18,000. Last week. "Doll Face" (20th) and Woodv Herman band, etc.. on stale (44-70), strong $29,500. RKO-Pan (RKO) U.600: 44-60)— "Gilda" (Col) (2d wk). Has given reopened house a fine start. Still strong at $11,000 after sock $14,000 first week. . , . Stale (Par) (2.300: 44-60)—"Vir- sinian" iPar) (2d wk). Reaching for suitable $8,000 after terrific $15,- 000 first wcrk. Uptown (Par) (1.100: 44-50)— "Sentimentrl Journey" <20th). First (M-G)|nabe showing. Fair $3,500. Laist (Col). ■ ...cek. "Harvey Girls" iM-G), neat S4.500. Wo-ld (Pr>r-.Stcffcs) '350: 44-801— "Tomorrow Is Forcvor" iRKO) i4th ists 'Game'30G, Frisco San Francisco, April 30, Pace is slower this week, the number of holdovers being blamed. • Earl Carroll Vanities" is boosting "A Game ot Death" to a bright fig- ure at the Golden Gate. Otherwise, city's full of holdovers and move- overs. . After cracking the opening day mark~ at the United Artists, "The Outlaw" was yanked by the cops. "Seventh Veil" was brought over from the Esquire to do well for third week downtown. Estimates for This Week Fox (FWC) (4,651; 55-85)—"Road to Utopia" (Par) (3d wk). Strong. $20,000. Last week, nice $26,000. Golden Gate (RKO) (2.44B: 60-95) —"Game of Death" (RKO) plus "Earl Carroll Vanities", on .stage. Vanities" boosting picture lo nice $30,000 or over. Last week. "Tarzan Leopard Woman" (RKO) with vaude headed by Peggy Ryan, husky $36,000. . Orpheum (Blum) (2,448: 55-85).— "Gilda" (Col) (2d wk). Lusty $24,- 000. Last week, torrid $30,000. Faramount <FWC) (2,646: 55-85)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d wk). Slipped to $19,000. Last week, solid $27,000. State (FWC) (2,133; 55-85)—"Ad- venture" (M-G) <5th : wk) (m.o.). Holding up to nice $8,000. Last week, good $10,500. St. Francis (FWC) (1,400: 55-85)— "Virginian" (Par) (4th wk) (m.o.). Just $5,500 in 4 days. Last week, mediocre $9,500. United Artists (Blum) (1,207: 55- 85)—"Seventh Veil" (U) (m.o.).' Fine $12:000 in 6 days on third week downtown. "The Outlaw" (UA), which broke opening day record berc at big $4,500. was pulled by the Dolice after the first day. "Veil" brought back then from Esciuire. Last week. "Whistle Stop" lUA) (4th wk). okav $10,000. Warfleld (FWC) (2.656: 55-85)— "Devotion" (WB) (2d wk). Fairish $18,000 or close. Last week, brisk $25,000. Detroit, Apr.l 30. Top new entries this week are "Bandit of Sherwood Forest" and "Diary of Chambermaid." "Adven- ture" still is strong even <..i fifth week. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Michigan) (9,049; 60-85) —"Bandit of Sherwood Forest" •(Col). Wow $45,000. Lost week, "Sentimental Journey," (20th), big $34,000. Mlehlgan (United Detroit) (4,034;' 60-85)—"Blue Dahlia" (Par) arid "Allotment Wives" (Mono). Strong , $25,000 second week. Last week, loud $30,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (1,841; . 60-85)—"Adventure" (M-G) (5th wk). Still going big at $15,000. Last week, big $18,000. Palms - State (United Detroit) (2,976; 60-85)—"Diary of a Chamber- maid" (UA) and "Dark Alibi" (Mono). Sock $25,000. Last week. "Dakota" (Rep) and "Junior 'p-.-om" (Mono) (2d wk). strong 416.000. Broadway-Capitol (United*Detrnit) (3,000; 60-85)—"Pinocchio" (RKO) (reissue) and "Tarzan Leopard. Woman" (RKO) (2d wk). Fine $13,000. Last week, $16,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1.858; 40-55)—"Pride of Marines" (WB) and "Love, of Ours" (U). Okay $4,000 in S days. Last week. "Capt. Kidd" (UA) and "Yoianda and Thief" (M-G). $8,000 for same run. Adams (Balaban) (2,863: 60-85)— "Sentimental Journey" (20th) and "Talk About Lady" (Col). Stout $22,000 on m.o. Last week. "Little Giant" (U) (m.o.) and "Romance of West" (PRC), fine $20,000. Downtown (Balaban) (2.683: 70- 90)—"Gentleman Misbehave"" >Col) with Carmen Cavallaro orch. .lack Cartr>-. the Colstons on str>"c. Robust S31 000. T/ist week, "I Ft in™ Door- bells" . (PRC) with Frfri T.owiey, others, on strge, good $20 000. Trunk' Sockeroo 24G, Seattle; Torever' 14G Seattle, April 30. Currently '.'Saratoga Trunk" is the smash winner at the Orpheum, with "Tomorrow Is Forever" also having a smash session at the Paramount. Music Hall, holding "Whi.nle Stop" for four days, also is strong. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (H-E) (800; 45-80)— "Road to Utopia" (Par) (m.o;). From Paramount. Big $7,500. Last week, "Dark Corner" (20th) (2d wk), mild $4,100 in 5 days. Flftfe Avenue (H-E) (2,349: 45-80) —"Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d, wk). Okay $8,000 in 5 days. Last'week, nifty $17,000. Liberty (J-vH> (1.650: 45-80)— "Bandit of Sherwood Forest" (Col) (3d wk). Rousing $40,000. Last week, great $15,100. Music Box (H-E) (850; 45-80)— "Sailor Takes Wife" (M-G) (4th wk). Fair $3,500 in J days. Last week, good $5,600. Music Hall (H-E> (2.200: 45-80)— "Whistle Slop" (UA) and "Made Me a Killer" (Par) (2d wk). Big $7,000 in 4 days. Last week, big $11,600. Orpheum (H-E) (2.600; 45-80)— "Saratoga Trunk" (WB). Colossal $24,000 or near. Last week. "Little Giant" (U) and "Blonde Alibi" lU), $12,000. Paloraar (Sterling) (1.350: 45-80) —Dark this week for remodeling. Last week. "Song of Mexico" (Rep) and "Fear" (Mono) plus stage, strong $11,500. Paramount (H-E) (3,039; 45-80)— "Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO). Strong $14,000. Last week. "Road to Utopia" (Par) (3d wk\ heny $19,600. Itoosev'elt (Sterling) (800; 45-fiO)— "Little Gianiv ( u) (2d wk). From Ornheuin. Big $G.000. Last week. "Vivacious Lady" (RKO) and' "Buf- falo Bill" (201IO (reissues), nice $5,100. Winter Garden (Sterline) (800; 25- 50)—"Spanish Main" (RKO) and "Snpfu" (Col) Cld run). Great. $5 000. I,?sl. week. "Expendable' Tollies' Torrid $30,000 In St Louis; Kitty' Big 32G, 'SlagleV Neat 11G St. Louis,- April .10. "Kitty" and "Ziegfeid Follies." both running solo, are flffhtinv it out lor first place here, with "Follies' doing comparatively better. Both are big. Biz is on slight upgrade all over town. Estimates for This Week . Loew's (Loew) (3.172; 44-6. r i> — "Ziegfeid Follies" (M-G). Big -Kill.. 000. Last week. "Bad Bascomb" iM-G) and "Meet On Broadway" (Col), $10,000, not bad for pie- Easter. Orpheum (Loew) (2,000: 44-051 — "Bad BaKcomb" (M-G) and 'Meet Me On Broadway" (Col). Stout $6,500. Last week, "Hoodlum Saint" (M-G) and "Up Goes Maisie" (M-G), $5,700. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 44-05) —"Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d' wk). Fine $13,000 after sock $1«.000 first stanza. Fox (F«cM) (5,000; 44-65)—"Kitty" (Par). Big $32,000. Last week, "Road to Utopia" (Par) and "Tokyo Rose" (Par) (2d wk), creat $24,000. Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 44-65) — "Susie Slagc's" (Par) arid "Woman Who Came Back" (Rep). Neat $11.- 000. Last week, "This Day Forward" (RKO), $11,200. St. Louis (F&M) (4.000: 50-60) — "Isle Dead" (RKO) and "SIrange. Impersonation". (Rep). Fine .«6,0(Hl. Last week, "Cornered" (20t.h> and 'Sentimental Journey" (20lh), $5,500. wit). Profitable $2,000 after big I (MrG) and "Hold Blonde" (PhN '3d I M nnn In.ct wofk. . . 1 runt, $4,500. This Day' Sofid at 16G, Denver, Dragonwyck' 29G Denver, April 30. "Dragonwyck" with "Gr.y Blades" looks great at three spots this stanza, getting, top coin, easily. "From This Day Forward", is strongest single entry at the Orpheum and would have been held except for the big backlog at this spot. ' *" Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 35-74)— "Seventh Veil" (U) and "Gods Country" (FC). after week at Den- ver, Esquire, Webber. Big $4,500. Last week, "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (m.o;),' fine $4,000. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750: 35-74.)—. "Virginian" (Par) (2d wk). Great $15,000. and holds again. Last week, smash $16,000. Denver (Fox) (2.525: 35-74)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) and "Gay Blades" (Rep), day-dale with Esquire, Webber. Socko $20,000. Last week, "Seventh Veil" "Ul and "God's Country" (FC), also Esquire, Webber, fine $17,000. Esquire (Fox) (742; 36-74)— "Dracoiiwvck" (20th) and . "Gay*" (Rod), also Denver. Web- ber. Big $5,000. Last week, "Seventh Veil" (U) and "God's Country" (FO. also Denver, Webber, good $4 000. Orpheum (RKO) (2.CO0- 35-74)— "This Pay Forward" (fl"Oj und (Continued on page 27)