Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, My 1, 1946 PICTURE GROSSES IS Chi Stiffl Kg Despite Mb; Torever $30,01)0, Toffies' 25G, Dragonwyck' ffi 20G in 2d;' Journey 22G Chicago, April 30. •Easter momentum is carrying Chi's Loop houses to fine returns this week. Comparatively- the strongest showing is being made by '•Baivdil of Sherwood Forest" at the Garrick. It equalled house record last week and continues sock at $20,000 this week. "Tomorrow Is Forever" climbed to $30,000 at the Woods, which is smash. • Oriental, where "Outlaw" "with Jane Russell on stage, is in seventh week, will be off a bit at $42,000 but not surprising for such a long run. "Ziegfeld Follies" looks rich $25,000 at the United Artists and "Saratoga Trunk." is grand $28,000 on third frame at the State-Lake. "Blue Dtihlin" and vaude looks, fat $30,000 at the Chicago for second stanza. "DraBonwyck" is big $21,000 oh second frame at the Apollo. Despite crix pans. "Sentimental Journey" shapes ;is trim $22,000 at, the Roose- velt. Estimate fer This Week Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 55-65-95)—- "Dragonwyck" (20th> (2d wk.). Big (21.000 after last week's sock $22.- 000. Chicago (B&K ) (3,900: 55-65-95)— "Blue Dahlia" (Par) with Digitanos and Peter Lind Hayes heading vaude (2d wk). Fat $50,000. Last week. $52,000. Garrick (B&K) (900; 55-65-95)- "Biinclit of SherNvood Forest" (Col) (2d wk.). Terrific $20,000. Last week, record $22,000. Grand (RKO) (1.150: 55-95)— "Wile of Monte Cristo" (PRC) and "Murder My Business" (PRC) (2d wk.). Midnite show pushing this to solid $9,000. Last week, big $11.- 000. Oriental (Essaness) ■ (3.240: 95)— "Outlaw" (UA) with Jane Russell. Beatrice Kay on stage (7th wk). Kay opened last week. Okay $42.- 000. Last week, healthy $48,000. Palace (RKO) (2;5O0; 55-95)— "This Day Forward" (RKO) and "Blonde Alibi" (U) (3d wk.). Stout $24,000. with late shows helping. Last week, big $26,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500: 55-05-95^ —■•Sentimental . Journey" (20th). Good $22,000. Last week. "My Repu- tation" (WB) (4th wk). good $17,- 000. Stale-Lake (B&K) (2.700: 55-65- •5)—"Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (3d wk.i Thumping $28,000. Last week, grand $30,000. United Artist* (B&K) (1.700: 55- •5-95)— "Ziegfeld Follies" (M-Gi (2d wk.) Still rich at $25,000. Last week, nice $24,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,200: 55-95)— •Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKOi (2d wk.) Up to great $30,000. Last week, strong $25,000. Dakota' $5,300, Lincoln Ion coin, April 30. As usual alter Holy Week, theatre biz picked up a little here. On. top will be "Road to Utopia." in second week at the Lincoln. Varsity's "Da- kota ".and Stuart's "Hoodlum Saint" both look okay. Estimates for This Week - Lincoln (LTC) (1,500; 44 55)— "Road to Utopia" (Par) (2d wk). Looks to hit neat $3,500. Last week, big $5,700. Varsity (NTC) (1.100; 35-50)— "Dakota" (Rep). Stout $5,300. Last week. "Breakfast in Hoilywood" (UA). less than expected at $5,100. Stuart (LTC) (1.800; 9-55)—"Hood- lum Saint" (M-G). Only $5,000. Last week..."Bad Bascdmb" (M-G). about same. Nebraska (LTC) (1.226; 9-43)— • Effingham's Raid" (20th) and "Yank in London" (20th). First-runs look lo hit $3,000 or near. Last week. "Arsenic Old Lace" (WB) end "Prac- tically Yours" (Par) (repeats), $2,000. Grosses Are Net Film gross estimates, a.<^ re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., with- out the 20% tax. Distributors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net income. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, in- clude the U. S. amusement tax. N Y, StiD Solid; 'Glda'-Bordoni Big 456, 'Sacramento' Fine 18G; Kid' 63G, 'Musk' 45G, Sock Ms Trunk' Lofty 32G, Tops in MiM Pitt Pittsburgh. April 30. "Saratoga Trunk," at the Penn, isi the big noise this week, but biz gen- erally is a bit off. "Breakfast in Hollywood" is pulling strong in the daytime and will wind up okay at Warner, while best of the holdovers is "Dragonwyck." at Fulton, where it'll hold over again. Estimates fer This Week Fullon (Shea) (1.700; 40-70)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d wk). Hold- j ing up well at $11,000, on lop of I socko $17,000 last week. ! Harris (Harris) (2.200: 40-70)— "Sentimental Journey" (20th) (2d wk). Sticking only. 4 days on abbre- viated session for $6,000 or near. Last week, stout $14,500. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 40-70)— Saratoga Trunk" (WB). Looks great $52,000 or over. Naturally slays. Last week, "Whistle Stop" (UA). $17,000. ■ »Ui (WB) (800; 40-701—"Road to Utopia" (Par) (m.o.V. Fourth week downtown, very good $4,000. Last week. "Susie Slaglc's" (Par) (m.o.). sad $1,700. ^Senator (Harris) (1.750: 40-70)— Seventh Veil" (U) (3d wk). Stavs only 4 days this session. Fine $3,000 or near. Last week, big $5,200. Stanley (WB) (3.800; 40-70)— "Vir- ginian'.' (Par). Doing well, but not as big as expected at near $21,000. Likely won't hold. Last week. "Up Goes Maisie" (M-G), sad $11,000 on holiday, session. Wnrner (WB) (2.000; 40-70)— Breakfast in Hollywood" (UA), Getting big daytime play from radio show s following, and will come up *Mlh swell $12,000, big dough here for single first-run feature. Last Week, "Heart to Utopia" (Par) (fh.o.), uillu. L'viile Lusty,'Forever' Fancy $18,000, Tollies' Tall 19G, Tarzan' 8G Louisville. April 30. Town's boxofflce is torrid this week Getting hefty attention arc "Ziegfeld Follies," at Loews State and "Tomorrow Is Forever,' at Rialto. both socko. H.o.'s are strong. Opening of 19-day Spring meet at Churchill Downs. Saturday (27). with the Kentucky Derby oh May. 4, should perk biz. Estimates for This Week Brown (4th Ave.-Loew's) (40-60) —"Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Just Before Dawn" (Col) (m.o.). Keep- ing steady pace at $4,000. Last week. "Susie Slagle's" (Par) and "Divorce" (Mono) (m,o..), ditto Kentucky (Switow) (1.200: 30-40) —•Dakota" (Rep) and "Masquerade Mexico" (Par). Okay $1,700. Las week "Sailor Takes Wife (M-G) and "Snafu" (Col). $1,600. o -' ft Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300: 40- 60>—"Ziegreld Follies" (M-G). Fancy $19,000 or over. Last week. 'Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Just Before Dawn" (Col), sturdy $17,000. Marv Anderson (Peoples) (1.000: 40-60)—' Saratoga Trunk" (WB) (5th wk). Winding up nice run at satis- factory $3,500. Last week (4th), fine * 4 Rliito (Fourth Avenue) (3.400: 40- 60(—"Tomorrow Is Forever" (RKO). Likely big $18,000 or close. Last week "Little Giant" (U) and 'Ter- ror by Night" (U).. $16,000. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1.400: 40- 60) — "Tarzan Leopard Woman (RKO) and "River Boat Rhythm (RKO) (10 days). Strong $8,000. Last week. "Jesse James" (20lh) and "Return Frank James" (20th) (re- issues) loflv $9,000 in 10 days. 'Gilda' Brightens Cincy, Wham 23G Cincinnati, April 30. All major stands are velvety, the Albee fronting by a mile with ter- rific draw of "Gilda." "Dragon- wyck," "Ziegfeld Follies." on third frame, and "Wife of Monte Cristo" are leading holdovers. . Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) "(3,100; 44-70)— "Gilda" (Col). Terrific $23,000. Last week. "Little Giant" (U), mod- est $12,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 44-70)- l'. Ziee . f fl < i n Fo }! ies 'u (M ;S ) n nn 3d wk) ; ! i"P less" potently albeit extremely fine Hot $8,500 after big $14,000 second ; a i $45,000 or better. The Broadway total'is down this week due mainly to the fact that only two new shows entered upon the scene since Easter. But the tone of trade which sharpened with arrival of that holiday remains very res- onant. Street was particularly strong over the past: weekend, with the Sunday (28) take in some rases ex- ceeding that of Saturday (27) when chilly, drizzly weather interfered. Stale and Gotham were the . only houses to' change bills during past week. Former, on second run with "Gilda" and with: Irene Bordoni plus Block and Sully in person, is selling a terrific pace and should hit $45.- 000 or over. Though rare here, show holds over: Little Gotham, playing "Iii Old Sacramento." is" pulling very heavily, indications pointing to $18.- 000 or near. . In second weeks are two . sock draws in straight-film houses. "Kid From Brooklyn'' at the AsloV and "Make Mine Music" at the Globe. Former, much stronger of the two, is on the way to $63,000. excep- tionally big. while "Music" 'is holding round Grand (RKO) (1,430; 44-70)— "Wife of Monte Cristo" (PRC) (2d wk). Swell $5,000 in wake of hefty $9,000 opener. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 44-70)—"Lit- tle Giant" (U) (m.o.), 4 days, plus "Journey Together" • (Indie) and "Game of Death". (RKO). Okay $4,500. Last week. "Joe Palooka, Champ" (Mono) and "Blondie's Lucky Day" (Col). $3,800. Keith's (United) (1.500: 44-70)— "Effingham's Raid" (20th) and "People. Are Funny" (Par). All right $6,000. Last week. "Road to Utopia" (Par), fifth downtown sesh,. swell $5,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600: 44-70)— "Dragonwyck" (20th) (2d wk); Stout $12,000 after great $19,000 opener. Shubert (RKO) (2.100: 44-70)— "Waltz Time" (Indie). Good $5,000. Last week. "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) (2d run), dandy $0,000. - 'Follies' 25G, This Day' 17G, 'Bascomb' 18G, Buff.j Buffaio. April 30. "Ziegfeld Follies" is smash winner | this week. "Bad Bascomb" and 'This '• Day Forward" are also strong, as is I •Gilda" on second frame., "Whistle 1 Stop" looks unusually big at the | small Teck. I Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500: 40-70)— "Bad Bascomb" (M-G) and "Johnny. | Flying Home" (20th >. Dandy $18.- 000 Last week. "Cinderella Jones (WB) and "Breakfast In Hollywood (UA). $17,000. Great Lake» (Shea) (3.000: 40-70) —"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G). Terrific $25,000. Last week. "Susie Slagle s (Pari and "Made Me Killer" (Par), rugged $15,000. Hipp (Shea 1 (2.100: 40-70)—"Cin derella Jones" IWB) and in Hollywood" (UA) 'im.o.v $7,500. Last week. "Walk 'Bells'Loud 21G, Mont'l Montreal. April 30. It's neck ?nd neck between "Bells of St. Mary's" and ''Scarlet Street." Biz picking Up at most spots. . Estimates for Th ! s Week Palace (CT) (2.700: 35-62)—"Scar- let Street" (U). Socko $16.000.. Last week.' "Masquerade in Mexico"' (Par), okay $11,000. Capitol (CT) (2.700: 35-62)—"San Antonio" (WB) (2d wk). Solid $10,- 000 after nice $13,500 opener. Loew's (CT) (2.300: 35-67 )^-'Bells of St. Mary's" (RKO). Terrific $21,- 000. Last week. "Kitty" (Par), solid $12,200 for third week. Princess (CT) (2.300: 35-53)— 'Three Strangers" (WB) and "Life With Blondie" (Col). Okay $7,000. Last week. "Cornered" (RKO) and "Riverboat Rhythm" (RKO), fine $7,600. Imperial (CT) (1.850: 25-45)— "Jesse James" (20th) and "'Return of Frank James" (20th) (reissues). Hot $6,500. Last week. "Tars and Spars" (Col) and "Notorious Lone Wolf (Col). $4,400. Music Hall, which has had lines stretching to Fifth avenue, a long block away, is now in its-'.fourth round with "Green Years." Show-is off the Easter pace of $146,000 so little that it's amazing, current week pointing to' as much as $143,000. G. S. Eyssell, managing director of the Hall, did not know yesterday (Tues.) how' much longer "Years" would remain! 1 Also only slightly off the Easier stride is Roxy's "Dragonwyck" and stagebill of Jackie Miles and Con- nee Boswell. On third semester ended last night (Tues:) .house hit a smash $102,000. near previous frame's $113.000.. Goes a fourth and possibly a filth week. Paramount remains in high gear with "Virginian" and. on stage. Ed- die Bracken. Johnny Long l>and and Bob Eberlv. Second rubber ended last night '(Tues.) at a big $83,000. Various other holdovers also are romping along. gingerly. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1.300: 95-$1.40) —"Kid From Brooklyn" (RKO) (2d wki." Haying slugged ils way like an "Murder in Music Hall" (Repj (2d wk), fairish at $7,500. Hollywood (WB) (1,499; 80-S1.10) —"Stolen Life" (WB) moves in her* today (Wed.) after highly profitable 23-week run with "Saratoga Trunk" (WB), windup being $15,000, 22d week $17,400. PaUee (RKO> (1.700; 60-$1.20> — "This Day Forward" (RKO 1 (2d wk). Doing satisfactorily at probable $30,000 and holds again. Teeoff was good $38,000. Paramount (Par) (3,664: 70-$ 1.20> —"Virginian" (Par), with Eddie Bracken, Johnny Long orch. Bob Eberly on stage (3d-flnal wk). Wound up second week last night (Tues.) at big $83,000. Goes' one more. Ini- tial seven days over Easter .went lo $96,000. sockful. Badio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 70-$1.20) —"Green Years" (M-G). and stageshow Hlh wk). It's exceptionally steady and smashy. this week being in wav to $143,000, near third's $146,000. Ef- fective Monday (29) house went back to four stageshow)? daily. Rlalte (Mayer) (594; 35-&i>— "Bedlam" (RKO) (2d wk). Pulling sweetly for this small-seater. cur- rently being headed for $9,000. and holds. Last week was very big $13,900. Rlvoll (UA-Par) (2,092: 60-S1.25) —"Kitty" (Par) (5th wk); Retains great strength,, this week appearing probable $50,000. Last week, over Easter, biz jumped to $58,000. Run indefinite. Roxy (20th) (5.886: 90-S1.20"—. "Dragonwyck" (20th), with Jackie Miles and Connee BosWell on stage (4th wk). Very consistent with" im- mense $102,000 registered on third week ended last night (Tues.). which compares very favorably with huse $113,000 for prior frame. State (Loew's) (3.450; 43-$l.l0<— "Gilda" (Col) (2d run), with Irene Bordoni, Block and Sully, others, oh stage. This show has terrific draught, with sock $45,000 or over sighted. Holds.: Last week. "Susie Slaglc's" (Par) (2d run), with Herbie Fields orch in person, mild.$23,000. Strand (WB) (2.756: 75-$1.20j — "Devotion" (WB) and Louis Prima orch (4th-flnal wk>. Will exit with nice $51,000, while last week, was indomitable Dodger to $68,200 last virile $62 000. "Her Kind of Man' week .to establish a record high for house, on initial holdover session looks lo bat out a terrific $63,000. Long run presaged. Capitol (Loew's) (4.820: 60-$1.13> —"Ziegfeld Follies" (M-G), Xavier Cugat orch. Harvey Stone (6th- final wk). On concluding 6 days will be strong $67,000, while-last week ended at $77,700. "Postman Always Rings Twice" (M-G) and Guy Lom- bardo orch open tomorrow (Thurs.)-. Criterion (Loew's) (1,700: 60- $1.25)—"Bandit. Sherwood Forest" (Col) (6th wk). Holding up stoutly, (his week looking $28,000. right be- hind fifth's $32,000. Remains another. Globe (Brandt) (1,416: $1-$1.50— "Make Mine Music" (RKO) (2d wk). Off considerably from sock opening pace but still big at $45,000 or better. Initial seven days rounded to $65,000. alltime high for this'operation. Gotham (Brandt) (900: 80-$1.20>— "In Old Sacramento" (Rep). Got away strongly, initial week looking $18,000. and holds. Lasl. week. (WB) and Carmen Cavallaro orch Open Friday (3). . Victoria (Maurer) (720: 70-S1.20) —'•Yank in London" (20th) (2d wk). On lighter side at only $9,000 but holds. Inaugural week was $14,000-.'. "Well Groomed Bride" (Par) opens Friday (10). Winter Garden (UA) (1,312: 60- $1.50)—"So Goes My Love" (U) opens here today (Wed.). Conclud- ing six days' holdover of 'Tomorrow is Forever" (RKO) was okay $16,000, ninth week $21,000. good. Toffies' Terrif $30,000 in Qeve. in (20th) and "Shock" (20lli) (m.o.), $8,000. . Teck (Shea) (1,400: 40-.0)— ' Whistle Stop" (UA)' and 'Strange Impersonation" (Rep). Great $10.- 000. and surprisingly good for house. Last week. "Saratoga Trunk" (m.o. 1 (41h wk). staunch $6,500. Lafavetle (Basil) (3.300: 40-701— •Gilda" (Col) (2d Wk) and "Just Berore Dawn" (Col 1. Mighty $20.- 000. Lasl week. "Gilda" (CoM and "Close-Call Boston Blackic" 'Colt, torrid $23,000: ■ . .- 20th Century (20th Cent 1 (3.000: 40-70i—'This Dav Forward" (RKO' and "Ding Dong Williams" (RKO). Bullish $17,000. Last week. "Tarzan Leopard Woman" (RKO) and "Dick Tracy" (RKO>, $15,000. Boston. April 30. Business is holding up stonily all over town this week. "Saratoga Trunk" is catching terrif biz at tlK Metropolitan aiid should be set to go three weeks. ' "Ziegfeld',; Follies" shapes as strong at the State and Or- ] phenni. with holdovers, notably! i "Diary, of Chambermaid" and "This : Dav Forward" looming 'lar.°e. Estimates for This Week n,«=Wfi<i Boston 1RKO1 (3,200: 50-S1.10)— Fair • "Deadline at Dawn" • (RKO 1 plus Sun" ' Charlie Burnet orch. others :m stage. 1 Socko $38,000. with •County Fair" radio show helping. La~( week. "Spiral Staircase" (RKO) -villi Cab Callowav orcli. others (3d wk >. huge S36.(I00. " Esquire (M-Pi (1.200: $2.40 >- "Henrv V" (UA ) (4tli wk 1. Remains staunch al $16,000 after fine 'S 18.000 lasl week. Fenway (M-P ) (1.373: 40-74 >—" Vir- ginian" (Par) and VParlneis in Time" 1 RKO' I2d' wk 1, ' Excellent $7.1)00.. after smash-$9,000. first. 'Majestic. (Bland-Mage 1 (-1.500: 40- 85)—"Diarv or Chambermaid" (UA) and "Song'Old Wyoming" 1PRC1 (2d wk i; Powerful $20,000 alter big $24.- 000 last .week. Memorial (RKO 1 (2.900: 40-74>— •This Day Forward" (RKO 1 and Cleveland, April 30. Key houses are almosl being swamped by boom crowds this week mainly because of standout attrac- tions. Leader is "Ziegfeld Follies." which set a new weekend high for the State, and sel for terrific Session. "Dragonwyck" bringing out the rare sight of ticket-buyers waiting in long lines even before Hipp opened boxr office. Palace is disappoint 11;; with "Devotion," way off from recent biz. . Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3.000: 44-65)—"This Day Forward" (RKO) (m.o.1. Lively Metropolitan (M-P) (4.367: .40-74) i $9,000,' Xast week. '"Tonv»rrow Is :-"Saratoga Trunk" (WB).-Anticipate S£T evCI '' (I,KO ' ' m0 -'- « lc;,t s11 -- I enormous $40,000, with holdover sure. ! 5 „. „„ ^ ,.,„„„ ..„. (Lasl week. "Sentimental Joii.ncv" 1 "'l»P 'Warners) (.j,700: 44.-6.ii~ ! (20th 1 and "Johnny Flying Home"" ' Dragonwyck (20lh ). Smash S2U.- Trunk' Lifts Hub Lid at 40G; Tollies Loud 45G, I Spots; Diary' Hot 38G, 2d Blonde Alibi" (Ui i2d wk). Huge S2G.000 after wow $31,000. first (20lhi (2d .wk). $22,000. Orpheum Hxiewi < 2.900: 35-741 — "Ziegreld Follies" (M-G). Excellent S28.500. Last week. "Sailor Takes Wife" 1 M-G > and • Notorious Lone Wolf <Col 1. $25,000. Paramount (M-Pi (1.700: 40-741— '"Virsinian" (Pari and "Partners in Time" 1 RKO 1. Holdover unusual here but doint; well at $10,000 arti-i hiK S18.50U. lir.-t. Stale lLocw 1 i3.200: 35-74 1—"Zieg- feld • Follies" 1 M-G 1. Good SIC.SOO 01 over. Lasl week. "Saiior Takes' Wi/r" (M-G) and "Notorious Lone Woll" (Col 1. $15,000. Translux iTianslux) (900: 30-74 ) —"House of Horrors" 1 CI» anil "Mur- der Mv Business" (PRC), ^ice $G;- 000, Last'.Week. "Devil Bat's Daugh- ter" iPHC) and "Clancy Street Bo>s" .•Mono 1-(reissue). S4.500. Tremout (Brand-Mage) 11,500: 40- 85)—"Diary of Chambermaid" (UA) and "Old Wyoming" (PRC). (2d wk 1. St.-'Uiu h $18,000 af(er biu $23,000. lirsl. 000. Last week. "This Dav Forward" • RKOi. sturdy $19,500. Lake (Warners). (800: 44-651 — "Saratoga Trunk" (WB) dn.o.V Grand $5,000 on (irth wc.-k down- town with $6,000 lo credit lasl slarr/.a. Ohio (Loew's) 11.200: 4J-ii."i"~ "Road to Utopia" (Pan (n'1.0. •. Ex- ••eHen( $8,000 on fifth round (Imvu- lov.n. Last week. "Hoodlum Sa'ni" 1 M-G 1 (m.o.;. fine SK.000. Palace (RKO) .(3.700: 44-115 1- 1>- yolion" (WB). Opened verv slowly, and looks disappointini: $l'2.(<0() Last week. "Little Giant" • U 1. much !>••!- ler al $16,000. Stale (Loew'si f.'i,4.Vl: 44-(i.V>— "Ziegfeld Follies"'-' (M-G •: Nolhinc like ils pulling power sceii >w.'- this ■>cason. Set for sizzling S30 000. :."d likely long run. Last w.;e-k.\ "B:«* Bascomb" (M-G). s,trong al $21,000, Stlllman (Loew's• .-"2.700: 44 ti5'-- "Bad Bascomb" (M-G". Moveover still specdv at $10,000. L:isi week. "Road to Ulopia" tPar) '3d wk), jsrcal $13,000