Variety (May 1946)

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Wednesday, May 1, 1946 P^QSF Bff is our business... The other day the School of Business and Civic Administration of The City College of New York announced the winners of its second annual National Radio Awards for program creation and promotion. And again, as in Variety's recent "Showmanagement" awards, CBS clearly demonstrated that leadership is no accident For the outstanding entry in each of five classifications, an impartial and professional jury conferred a major plaque award. Three went to CBS: one to a Columbia-owned station, another to an affiliate, the third to the Columbia Pacific Network. The jury then presented 18 Awards of Merit. Columbia broadcasters won six. Only one award was issued for "the most effective public service radio program devel- oped by a national network." It went to CBS, for Assignment Home, the notable series concerning the problems of veteran readjustment. Finally, the judges awarded five certificates of Honorable Mention. Columbia-affiliated stations won three. To our blushing but worthy affiliated and CBS- owned stations we offer our heartiest congratulations. To The City College of New York and its discerning awards committee, go our thanks and our pledge to maintain the standards they encourage. The specific citations: Plaques: WCAU (CBS affiliate in Philadel- : phia) "for its'public .service program, [ Crusade for Better Drinking Water." (Also .an Award of Merit.) WEEI (CBS in Boston) "for its promotion of the public service program, Life to the Fran/." (Also an Award of Merit.) COLUMBIA PACIFIC NETWORK "for its all- over regional-network promotion."' (Also an Award of Merit.) Pit Awards of merit: CBS-"for the most effective pnb- lie service program developed b\ a ^ CJ\ iialioi.ialne.twork.'As*/ftMHie»iJ7/M»»<'.r i \\'( .'AH (CBS affiliate in Cleveland) "for the most «ffective direct-selling sponsored program devel- oped bv a clear channel station. Serenade for Sinootlties." KMBC (CBS affiliate in Kansas City) "for the most effective all-over station promotion by a regional- station." Honorable mentions: KFI1 (CBS affiliate in Wichita) "for an unusually effective public service program developed by a regional station, Citizens of Tomorrow." KLZ(CBS affiliate in Denver) "for an unusually effective public service program developed by a regional station. Welcome House." KSL (CBS affiliate in Salt Lake City) "for an unusually effective public service program devel- oped by a clear channel station, This Business of Farming." this is CBS...THE COLUMBIA BROABCASTINB SYSTEM